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Hierarchy In Life And In Satanism

Shael said:
Azoun said:
To be fair that comment coming from anyone is ridiculous. It's impossible to know what other members on here are truly capable of especially when it can be difficult to know ourselves.
To give you some context, this guy specifically has shown on many accounts that he is mentally unstable and insane. He made himself believe that HPS Shannon was an enemy and openly tried to slander her here after harassing her continuously on her email.

I know the details of this whole situation, and this is why I wrote what I did. I wouldn't write something like this to someone if I didn't know for certain they are delusional and writing garbage on here to deceive themselves.

And I did actually bust out laughing. This wasnt some figure of speech to insult him.
One of the shameful problems of this path is that in this world with the enemy programs being dominant and molding the beliefs of the masses, in order for someone to believe Satan is our creator and the jews are our enemy often it’s either really wise people who see this or really crazy people.

I believe many of the longterm members who ended up going bats really meant/mean well for the most part. Even GITM. It takes something in everyone of us here to believe completely against the entire mass population and accept that Satan is our creator god. And as said, that same thing that allows us to believe something so far against what the majority of people believe, also can allow many SS to believe other things so far against accepted truth. It’s just a part of this path and it’s why so many people struggle with mental illness and drugs and alcohol and other things here. Those are the people who can easily believe Satan is god. But I should be sure to contrast that with, also people who are on a higher vibration and who have been on this path in past lives and very wise souls also can easily make their way to us. So we’re dealing with two extremes. The best of the best. And also crazy people.

We’ve had High priests in the past who lost their way. We’ve had members who lost their way and got banned. Many members have been banned. And the thing is, some have come back. And that’s awesome. Because that’s what this path brings. Opportunity to overcome. With GITM, he isn’t a lost cause. He’s acknowledged his errors before. And that’s the first step. A person can fail, and then they can fail and they can keep on failing and that’s fine as long as they keep trying. Because you only truly fail once you stop trying.

GITM, has been making cringe laden posts lately. He acknowledged that actually on this thread. And revealed even again some delusions, when he posted trying to help you, when it was obvious he was the one needing help. But that’s just the point. He needs help. Not putting down and dismissal.

He’s an intense person. Intensity used unwisely is self destruction. Plain and simple. That’s the lesson he needs to learn. He’s destroying himself instead of building up. But it's not an impossible lesson to learn and he can easily once again join are ranks with honor and good distinction. The best way is through support.
Shael said:
Azoun said:
To be fair that comment coming from anyone is ridiculous. It's impossible to know what other members on here are truly capable of especially when it can be difficult to know ourselves.
To give you some context, this guy specifically has shown on many accounts that he is mentally unstable and insane. He made himself believe that HPS Shannon was an enemy and openly tried to slander her here after harassing her continuously on her email.

I know the details of this whole situation, and this is why I wrote what I did. I wouldn't write something like this to someone if I didn't know for certain they are delusional and writing garbage on here to deceive themselves.

And I did actually bust out laughing. This wasnt some figure of speech to insult him.
I’ll say one more thing on this. It’s easy to get upset when you care so much on this path and rip into someone or dismiss and dismantle a person. Especially if you’re frustrated. I’ve done it myself and have learned the hard way. And I’ve seen multiple Hps do it over the years too. That’s even more shameful though, because our HPs are our leaders and not the people to be bringing us down. And I’m not singling any hp out. I’ve seen several do this in the many years I’ve been here. And it’s not whats needed most times. Belittling and dismantling a fellow SS doesn’t help our cause. Especially when what that person really needs is guidance. This is the way we need to conduct ourselves no matter our rank. Lowly new member, long time member, Hps, who cares? We are a team with a much higher goal than to be beaten by ourselves. If GITM is truly sabotaging our forums and is a threat and there’s evidence, he’ll be banned. Otherwise he’s one of us.
Shael said:
Azoun said:
To be fair that comment coming from anyone is ridiculous. It's impossible to know what other members on here are truly capable of especially when it can be difficult to know ourselves.
To give you some context, this guy specifically has shown on many accounts that he is mentally unstable and insane. He made himself believe that HPS Shannon was an enemy and openly tried to slander her here after harassing her continuously on her email.

I know the details of this whole situation, and this is why I wrote what I did. I wouldn't write something like this to someone if I didn't know for certain they are delusional and writing garbage on here to deceive themselves.

And I did actually bust out laughing. This wasnt some figure of speech to insult him.

If someone is inappropriately passionate or made a mistake in judgement, does that make them insane? Given the context of the entirety of spiritual advancement, wouldn't it be more appropriate to say that they have an imbalance somewhere, which would be temporary, as opposed to insane, which implies a higher degree of permanance?

I thought he said somewhere that he was accidently attacking himself psychically, and earlier somewhere he said his lower chakras were less developed, at least in some point in time. Taken together, this could simply point to a need for more grounding, both emotionally (such as in confrontation with HPS Shannon), and spiritually (as with the psychic attacks).

It seems like he realized this at some point, because he talked about ways to ground, such as sitting in nature. Additionally, he mentioned he is fire-dominant, has a mind for security, combined with this pre-existing imbalance and potential enemy influence, and I think that might explain why he reacted in such a high-strung manner towards HPS Shannon.

While I don't think the way he acted was the best way to go about it, I think he was correct in his statement that Jewish influence cannot be trusted anywhere, even if it makes you discard your information source entirely. In the end, they both calmed down and apologized to one another.

With this in mind, I don't think it is appropriate to just blatantly call someone insane or delusional, or freely fling around names such as Jew or Christian. These are all very damaging labels, which must be applied only when truly justified. To someone unknowing of the true course of events, such labels create a strong negative perception of the individual, as opposed to saying the person was simply wrong. The damage is too severe and hard to undo, especially in the context of an online forum.

The anonymity and virtual environment of an online forum presents an emotional barrier between individuals such that both positive and negative interactions are blunted in their full magnitude. This allows for fights to erupt where they never would in a real-life scenario, but it can also allow for someone to react positively and write very thoughtfully before posting, thus defusing or avoiding conflict.

People are too quick to type "fug u idit!!!" as opposed to going the extra mile and laying out a well-written account of their feelings, arguments, as well as space for the recipient to save face. Both choices are afforded to us in this environment, so we should make full use of the latter.

I am sure you probably know of details that may counter what I said in some way. I do not know the full reality of all interactions here, nor do I claim to. My driving force behind writing this is that I wish to unify us and promote resolution of conflict whenever it can occur. I do not see why we have to cast character-killing judgement upon someone when our entire movement is based around the complete perfection of our being. Can we not instead just point to where improvement is needed?

With all fights, some people will have more blame than others, and while this is not insignificant, the person holding a higher degree of blame should still be allowed an exit strategy that allows them to save face. Slapping them with an insulting label does not do that and does not truly end the conflict, it just saves it for another time.

Between allies, I think it better to have an unequal peaceful resolution than a violent, yet equal resolution. When someone steps on your foot, the situation is resolved when they apologize for their lack of coordination. You do not have to demand that you stamp on their foot in return for resolution, even though this is an "equal" action to theirs. This does not apply between enemies, but it does apply to allies who find themselves within a verbal dispute, where peaceful resolution should be sought.

I think I typed too much.
Immortal said:
Nobody is supposed to be a clone of their parents. You have your qualities which can come from your parents, from your elders or hey they can be unique to you!
I know we don't have to be clones. My mother had a harder life and was often alone and to have a child that upset her more than giving her joy and making her life easier... Why am I like this? :|

Immortal said:
Also do not believe that if you are a satanist you are somehow above other mortals who are not. Everyone has their own path to tread upon.
I didn't even think that if I am a Satanist that means I am above others. :lol:
I do not hate those who are better than me. I admire them, but at the same time I am very disappointed in myself. I know that meditations are the solution.

Immortal said:
Bad thoughts and bad situations are not encountered in life to get over them. This is as the wish from stupid people like hey have an easy day at the office. No, I do not want an easy day I want to grow stronger so that the hardest days seem easy to me because of how much I have grown. Such thoughts are for you to resolve and the issues to solve, not to get over them like hey pretend they did not happen at all.
Yes, that's exactly what I thought. I just didn't express it well. Those thoughts consume my time and energy and they, how to say, they block me.
I was referring to the fact that I don't solve something if I just think excessively about it. I have to continue with the meditations and see how far I can go.
Blitzkreig said:
I definitely agree with your point, but acknowledging a mistake doesn't necessarily mean you're void of any consequences as a result of that. To me, anyone who fucks up this badly and, through their own personal idiocy and arrogance, insults and harasses another person like this and to this degree, deserves every last bit of posts like the one I have made.

After a point, you have to expect atleast a little bit of consequences if you act batshit retarded and cause trouble for other people.
Shael said:
Azoun said:
Eric13 said:
He’s an intense person. Intensity used unwisely is self destruction. Plain and simple. That’s the lesson he needs to learn. He’s destroying himself instead of building up. But it's not an impossible lesson to learn and he can easily once again join are ranks with honor and good distinction. The best way is through support.

I don't always keep up with these threads and have to make up a lot of reading later on. Originally I was interested in this thread because I saw GITM was the last person to post in it. In the past I disliked either the tone, attitude, or content that they posted but learned to appreciate much of it over time similarly with Jack even if I still disagreed with some portion of it.

I can't make an opinion on the situation with him and Shannon with the little information I have but respect this HP highly if also sometimes in disagreement with her posts. What Shael posted was good to hear and shouldn't be a big deal to GITM if it's untrue or resolved.

GITM's post in this thread came off as subtly egotistical even when it kept trying to tell you it wasn't. I mean that sort of message can be demoralizing to some like his comment on people not doing enough RTR's in another thread but I am sure he had good intentions. In my opinion once you finally think you've reached a new level it's always healthy to act like you are at a new square one and keep modesty at the front of your mind.

Maybe everything GITM said is true and it's the translation from the mind to the page that causes the reactions he gets. I know I'll never be seen as the image I try to represent myself as or maybe that's an illusion I created. Regardless I appreciate conflicts like this when they come because then the problem is no longer an invisible one. It reminds me of all the times I've heard new members complain about the "negative" reactions they get when first attempting satanism. I say be happy they've gotten reactions at all because that says something here is real.
Transviking said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
StraitShot47 said:
Another well detailed post Priest. I agree with the hierarchy, but if you can elaborate on the ego


Although this is a rather problematic subject, I think I have to write some information necessary for people to understand some things in regards to the so called "Ego" and therefore each one understands ourselves better. It has been requested before, I'll do it, but it has to happen in parts.

So technically you are saying that the hierarchy has to do with the level of advancement? And another one i have to ask, when some of us SS are butting heads, how do we know which one is more advanced than the other?

People butting heads is not a hierarchical question, it happens all the time. It all depends on the given situation.

There are people more advanced than others, when one has spiritual power they can understand.

Yes, hierarchy has to do with level of advancement and other qualities, in nature. Some people may be strong but they are for example too uncaring to lead or even to concern themselves with a company of others. They still exist in a general natural hierarchy as all beings do.

If people are butting heads over spiritual topics this is another situation than people having senseless arguments. In this case, advancement matters, standing and other things.
Shael said:
Blitzkreig said:
I definitely agree with your point, but acknowledging a mistake doesn't necessarily mean you're void of any consequences as a result of that. To me, anyone who fucks up this badly and, through their own personal idiocy and arrogance, insults and harasses another person like this and to this degree, deserves every last bit of posts like the one I have made.

After a point, you have to expect atleast a little bit of consequences if you act batshit retarded and cause trouble for other people.

I agree. I just don't know of a perfect method for atoning for mistakes in a forum setting. Perhaps ridicule of the mistaken party amends some of the damage, but it can also emotionally isolate them. Successful punishments would allow for the inclusion of a member back into the group afterwards, but I doubt anyone, after casting ridicule, would explicitly make a post re-accepting the punished party.

I think back to how Loki was subject to ridicule, and while I agree that what he posted could be met with laughter, laughter is not the sole solution to the problem, and it only left Loki feeling isolated from JOS. After some discussion, Loki did relinquish his views on urine and other topics and agreed to continue his spiritual pursuits.

I guess the best means of fixing these situations is just urging the conflicting parties to admit their faults and address a post apologizing to their opponent/victim. I don't know of a process that a mistaken person can give tangible amends, though.
Hierarchy is something that was known and accepted by the Ancients all the Gentile societies were based on this where they appreciated the natural differences between people based on the gunas(qualities ) as the Hindus call them this is Natural Law (Dharma) you had the most spiritually advanced therefore the most noble at the top the Priesthood,The Warrior class these were also the political administrators of a nation which made sense because running a nation entails discipline which military training would give you the King was of this class but was also of the Priestly class He or even She in some cases could teach you spiritual truths and spirituality like a High Priest but was also capable of leading the army into battle,then the merchant class people who like business these w ere often the farmers and lastly the crafts men people who like to work with their hands,manual labour e.t.c all these classes worked together for the betterment of the entire nation this is Dharma the more we follow natural law the more good fortune the more healthier,happier,wealthier we become all the Ancients understood this and tried to consciously follow this Sri Dharma Pravartaka says that this is in fact the first time in the history of this planet that not even a single nation in the world is consciously trying to following natural law it has never happened things are that JEWED on this planet you see even Jews follow natural law to a certain extent otherwise you would cease to exist if you didn't they know and respect hierarchy among themselves their high priests direct and control the nation of Israel and all Jews across the world they know that equality in nature is total bullshit the last nation Pravartaka says tried to follow natural law recently was Nepal about 20 years ago that King was literally over thrown by communists in my own estimation Nazi Germany was probably the last serious nation that tried to consciously follow natural law in the pre Abrahamic world all gentile nations followed natural law............
Immortal said:
This sir, is a brilliant post. Being on the field as you say, what kills me is this:

- during the day you're at work or meeting regular people and you get confronted with all these normies beliefs that you yourself have sorted out long ago. At first it is amazing they are so far from the truth, but in time it gets very hard and tiresome. You have to both keep your thoughts in check and also you struggle to keep your beliefs because it is only natural to question them when you see so many people think not just otherwise, but totally in opposition with yours

- at evening you get home and relax and read what your brothers have to say and think and you're in the zone again, the spiritual part of your life is real and alive once again

And this back and forth is fuuuuking insane I don't know if you guys feel this, but for me this is the hardest part. I mean in the actual war you try and shoot the damn enemy all day and all night. But today, sometimes you do, sometimes you don't if you know what I mean :roll:

Actual war is more similar to this tiresome dichotomy than you may think: in reality soldiers are usually doing chores around base or patrolling, then suddenly there is the chaos of a firefight, then back to normal like nothing happened. It basically forces the adrenals to kick into 1000% overdrive in a second, then stop. Repeat for a year and that is why PTSD happens.

You have to do your best to basically disconnect from normie stuff as best as possible. You don't have to lie about stuff, just feign disinterest, perhaps using your aversion to outing yourself to fuel this disinterest in talking about these topics. Just sort of play the part as uncaring whenever these topics come up. If directly questioned, just act like a centrist of sorts.

You have to act like the element of air. Don't get too heavily invested in what you hear around you. Just tell yourself, in the moment, that they will be fine and know the truth when it is beneficial for them. Now is not the time, as they will reject it. By letting them come to Satanism when they are ready, they will most readily accept it. You do your part at home through the RTR's and your advancement to secure this for them.

If someone is espousing something counter to you, like you mention, just remind yourself that they are missing the critical details. How many people would be opposed to Hitler's beliefs knowing that souls can only easily incarnate into physical bodies that pertain to their own race? Such a small detail makes all the difference.

If you are truly worried about dealing with normies, perhaps use the Nauthiz rune to give you the endurance to continue.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Transviking said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Although this is a rather problematic subject, I think I have to write some information necessary for people to understand some things in regards to the so called "Ego" and therefore each one understands ourselves better. It has been requested before, I'll do it, but it has to happen in parts.

So technically you are saying that the hierarchy has to do with the level of advancement? And another one i have to ask, when some of us SS are butting heads, how do we know which one is more advanced than the other?

People butting heads is not a hierarchical question, it happens all the time. It all depends on the given situation.

There are people more advanced than others, when one has spiritual power they can understand.

Yes, hierarchy has to do with level of advancement and other qualities, in nature. Some people may be strong but they are for example too uncaring to lead or even to concern themselves with a company of others. They still exist in a general natural hierarchy as all beings do.

If people are butting heads over spiritual topics this is another situation than people having senseless arguments. In this case, advancement matters, standing and other things.

That sounds about right. I prefer power meditation and not engaging in senseless arguments over when another thinks they are right in reference what you spoke above in the sermon. That's why I thought that was a good sermon.
likman666 said:
Hierarchy is something that was known and accepted by the Ancients all the Gentile societies were based on this where they appreciated the natural differences between people based on the gunas(qualities ) as the Hindus call them this is Natural Law (Dharma) you had the most spiritually advanced therefore the most noble at the top the Priesthood,The Warrior class these were also the political administrators of a nation which made sense because running a nation entails discipline which military training would give you the King was of this class but was also of the Priestly class He or even She in some cases could teach you spiritual truths and spirituality like a High Priest but was also capable of leading the army into battle,then the merchant class people who like business these w ere often the farmers and lastly the crafts men people who like to work with their hands,manual labour e.t.c all these classes worked together for the betterment of the entire nation this is Dharma the more we follow natural law the more good fortune the more healthier,happier,wealthier we become all the Ancients understood this and tried to consciously follow this Sri Dharma Pravartaka says that this is in fact the first time in the history of this planet that not even a single nation in the world is consciously trying to following natural law it has never happened things are that JEWED on this planet you see even Jews follow natural law to a certain extent otherwise you would cease to exist if you didn't they know and respect hierarchy among themselves their high priests direct and control the nation of Israel and all Jews across the world they know that equality in nature is total bullshit the last nation Pravartaka says tried to follow natural law recently was Nepal about 20 years ago that King was literally over thrown by communists in my own estimation Nazi Germany was probably the last serious nation that tried to consciously follow natural law in the pre Abrahamic world all gentile nations followed natural law............

That is a very interesting response and it made sense.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Susi Campos said:
Muito interessante!!
Vou ler e reler!!
Obrigada por postar textos que ajudam a humanidade a crescer e progredir cada vez mais!!
Salve Satan!!
Salve os Deuses Originais!!

Eu sei que isso está fora do tópico, mas estou muito interessado na sua foto de perfil e gostaria de saber se você poderia me dar um link para a imagem completa.

Olá, Saudações
Sim, claro.
Como posso lhe enviar?
Sou iniciante e ainda estou me adaptando para escrever corretamente no Fórum.
Salve Satan!
YellowDragon11 said:
If Satan and the Gods are beyond human comprehension then wouldn't there be a chance of them exploiting us...? I mean, how could we ever know even if they weren't...?

The Gods are the Creators of Gentiles. Unlike Jews who were created by reptilians as disposable pawns, Gentiles were created with the blueprint to become Gods like our (keyword OUR) Creators themselves...

You got the short end of the stick, huh?
YellowDragon11 said:
If Satan and the Gods are beyond human comprehension then wouldn't there be a chance of them exploiting us...? I mean, how could we ever know even if they weren't...?

The gods do not exploit, the gods are the highest form of life. Life. Think of the energy of pure life. Exploitation isn’t part of this. Their energy, synonymous to everlasting life, is pure and their will is to advance us. In cases of “exploitation,” them doing something without our knowledge to manipulate our lives, this is for the betterment of our lives or the world around us. They connect to the highest of our emotions, the best of our emotions, the best of everything. These are the gods. I give the gods full consent to “exploit me” at that. LOL. Not laughing at you. I understand trust issues. Exploit has a negative connotation to it. If you ever don’t want the gods to do something, trust me, the won’t. If they offer you something though, I’d take it. I know it can be hard to trust but trust is also deeply important for happiness and health. If you can’t trust in the gods, you can’t trust in anything. But if you can’t trust in anything, trust in the gods at least. These are fears you are having which have relation to the enemy which is our own negativity and doubt often times. Don’t follow that feeling, energy, or whatever you want to call it.
YellowDragon11 said:
If Satan and the Gods are beyond human comprehension then wouldn't there be a chance of them exploiting us...? I mean, how could we ever know even if they weren't...?

How do you know you're not living in a simulation?
YellowDragon11 said:
If Satan and the Gods are beyond human comprehension then wouldn't there be a chance of them exploiting us...? I mean, how could we ever know even if they weren't...?

If they were ever going to exploit us, why in the hell would they guide us towards becoming as powerful as they are? Why would they give us this program of rituals and meditations in order to advance ourselves spiritually? To enslave us?

That would be like me, going into the deep Amazon jungle to give guns to a primitive tribe, only to enslave them...I'd get shot in the process.
YellowDragon11 said:
If Satan and the Gods are beyond human comprehension then wouldn't there be a chance of them exploiting us...? I mean, how could we ever know even if they weren't...?
Because the Gods have nothing to gain from exploiting us. Anything they may want, they have the means to get it in ways that are a million times more efficient than having to rely on exploiting others. It's a common fallacy nowadays that people think they are worth all that much, and that they could be exploited by higher beings. Truth is, we have nothing to be exploited for except cheap slave labor and energy, which is what the enemy is after. Only the enemy even has a use for these things, because they are weak and dependent on exploiting others for energy. The Gods are inherently powerful and as such don't need this.

There is a reason why the enemy calls us "Goyim", or "animals". At the current state that we are at, there is no value to us aside from exploitation like animals on a farm. All we have is the potential to become worth something more. That is the potential that Satan and the Gods have given us. It's thanks to their unfathomable kindness and love towards us that they are still protecting us and giving us the means to defeat the enemy, and finally move towards a higher level of advancement again collectively. The end goal of the Gods for us is to help us to become Gods as well.
YellowDragon11 said:
If Satan and the Gods are beyond human comprehension then wouldn't there be a chance of them exploiting us...? I mean, how could we ever know even if they weren't...?

Trust in Satan, Never doubt him or the Gods.
YellowDragon11 said:
You should consider going back to licking your Rabbi's shoes instead of trying to subvert people on here, (((YellowDragon11))).
I concur with most statements made, thank you hooded cobra! lets raise each other up as Satanist and be proud of Satan daily. I've been busy lately, lol. responsibilities'.
They are lot more advanced than we are, sure. They do have the power to exploit people. But since they give us knowledge and techniques to empower us and make us like them, the point is made invalid. The only way to exploit someone if you are powerful is to keep them powerless and ignorant, which is what enemy religions and beings do. Satanism isn't about any sort of ignorant blind worship, but empowering and transforming humanity using Satan's teachings like power meditations, yoga, and the Magnum Opus.

YellowDragon11 said:
If Satan and the Gods are beyond human comprehension then wouldn't there be a chance of them exploiting us...? I mean, how could we ever know even if they weren't...?
Bad analogy but his point stands. You're playing with the words "beyond our comprehension". It doesn't mean that they will always be that way, but that they are that way now. As he said, they give us knowledge to empower us and make us like them. That's the purpose of Satanism. If you want to manipulate someone, you keep them ignorant. Humans can become Gods, and will become. Human DNA and IQ isn't at set level, it can be transformed and made into that of the Gods. Read some other posts too instead of just one and taking its meaning out of context to mean what you want it to mean.

I'd like also to point out that a hypothetical "what if" isn't really an argument. What if the earth is really a giant turtle and it appears like a sphere to us because our senses are inaccurate? What if the moon is really made out of cheese? What if I'm an alien hologram and not a human as you assume? I can make up millions of what ifs. This doesn't make them true or even possible.

If you want a serious argument, present some evidence that they're trying to exploit us. As it's been said, you can't prove a negative so it's not our job to prove that they're not trying to exploit us. If you make the claim, you must try to prove it. Positive proof, always. Otherwise we would have to prove many things, for example that there aren't any invisible pink elephants in our homes, or that all the what ifs I wrote about above aren't real.

YellowDragon11 said:
That's not a good analogy... If that primitive tribe were far less intellectual (low IQ) then they can easily be manipulated, despite you giving them guns... According to HoodedCobra, the Gods are beyond our comprehension... So it doesn't matter if they give us guns or not, because they'll be several steps beyond us anyways and how can we reach their same level if they are beyond our comprehension? You can't... Ever. lol.
YellowDragon11 said:
I would debate with you here, if it weren't for the fact that my comments were being kept from approval... I'm not allowed to debate with you. I thought the JoS was about supporting free thought? Not suppressing it, HOODEDCOBRA. :) Or should I say... HoodedJew...?

Appears my initial suspicions about you were right. My Brothers and Sisters gave you the benefit of the doubt, but let's be honest, you were a clear infiltrator from the get-go. You fooled no one.
YellowDragon11 said:
I would debate with you here, if it weren't for the fact that my comments were being kept from approval... I'm not allowed to debate with you. I thought the JoS was about supporting free thought? Not suppressing it, HOODEDCOBRA. :) Or should I say... HoodedJew...?

You literally just joined this forum and every post of yours has been an attempt to discredit our beliefs and our system.

You should leave.
YellowDragon11 said:
I would debate with you here, if it weren't for the fact that my comments were being kept from approval... I'm not allowed to debate with you. I thought the JoS was about supporting free thought? Not suppressing it, HOODEDCOBRA. :) Or should I say... HoodedJew...?

Looks at YellowDragon11, Joined September 10th of this year, 6 posts... *Takes out check list* Hmm.., Rude, check. Combative and argumentative, check. Disrespectful to our Hps, check check. Mmhmm yes, yes, I've seen this before...Looks like another case of a jew troll account....Wonderful. Next please...

Remember everyone, don't feed the trolls. They love starting shit with us members and trying to cause arguments for the sake of making us lose focus. Now if you'll excuse us, we have some very important spiritual warfare to do. Trolls like you will be taken care of in due time ;)
Ah yes, now blame the most tolerant mod who allows every troll's post to come through. Just FYI if I was a mod I wouldn't even allow your first post because it's clearly concern trolling.


Now go back to exposingthejoyofsatan or whatever hole you came from.

YellowDragon11 said:
I would debate with you here, if it weren't for the fact that my comments were being kept from approval... I'm not allowed to debate with you. I thought the JoS was about supporting free thought? Not suppressing it, HOODEDCOBRA. :) Or should I say... HoodedJew...?
Oy vey goyim they need ppl like me cuz im smart. I also have a big nose. I come here to write BS about the Goy Gods and that they are xploiting this rly smart and gr8 species of hueemins.

Believe me goy your priesthood is b4d 4 lyfe and I can argue about what I do not know since Im a kike ok? Now let me do some reflect argument cuz i tink dis forum hates jews so ill call them all jews

Me very sm4rt.

Another jew or someone with mommy issues who thinks they can even remotely slander the Gods which they have never known.

Our Gods are very good, not sure about yours. If you happen to be a Gentile, just consider how worthless you may be especially to advanced being like this, and reconsider if they would ever want to exploit you. This is not a manga this is reality, and nobody really needs you, let alone to exploit you.

Nothing slavish, unnatural, anti life is recommended by the Gods. Only the best things that observably agree with the highest form of life.

YellowDragon11 said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
YellowDragon11 said:
If Satan and the Gods are beyond human comprehension then wouldn't there be a chance of them exploiting us...? I mean, how could we ever know even if they weren't...?

If they were ever going to exploit us, why in the hell would they guide us towards becoming as powerful as they are? Why would they give us this program of rituals and meditations in order to advance ourselves spiritually? To enslave us?

That would be like me, going into the deep Amazon jungle to give guns to a primitive tribe, only to enslave them...I'd get shot in the process.

That's not a good analogy... If that primitive tribe were far less intellectual (low IQ) then they can easily be manipulated, despite you giving them guns... According to HoodedCobra, the Gods are beyond our comprehension... So it doesn't matter if they give us guns or not, because they'll be several steps beyond us anyways and how can we reach their same level if they are beyond our comprehension? You can't... Ever. lol.
Obviously this thread has been hijacked, i would like to think it isnt someone we knew from before.

Personal abuse is nae use keep it clean SSrs
EnkiUK3 said:
Personal abuse is nae use keep it clean SSrs

This sentence just screams how Scottish you are.
ShadowTheRaven said:
YellowDragon11 said:
Victory or Valhalla!
The music is good, but this is Ukraine and the war in Donbass, where whites are killing whites. The jewish vomit started this war. :?
Anu666 said:
The music is good, but this is Ukraine and the war in Donbass, where whites are killing whites. The jewish vomit started this war. :?

That's the first video that comes up. And it depicts the Azov Battalion, which is accused of being full of Nazis. So, close enough I guess.
ShadowTheRaven said:
That's the first video that comes up. And it depicts the Azov Battalion, which is accused of being full of Nazis. So, close enough I guess.
Everything under the control of the jews. There is a "right sector" there and they have Jews. And also come from israel for this war. In general, a complete the "vinaigrette". And the result is that whites kill whites, you know... End I know the jews perverted Nazism.
Sorry, I don't speak english well, but still I understand.
Anu666 said:
Everything under the control of the jews. There is a "right sector" there and they have Jews. And also come from israel for this war. In general, a complete the "vinaigrette". And the result is that whites kill whites, you know... End I know the jews perverted Nazism.
Sorry, I don't speak english well, but still I understand.

Well, what the Blyat isn't under their control at this point?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
