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Hi, i’m Heru Sutek666 I’m a Newbie


New member
Aug 3, 2022
Georgia USA 🇺🇸
I’m 32 years young I was born with cerebral palsy and I’m in a wheelchair I was born a paraplegic which means I can move every part of my body but my handicap limits me of how long I can walk and as of right now I can’t walk at all but with the help of Satan I would love to someday walk again without a walker I went to school for people with disabilities it was a public school of course and I had a lot of fun in those years and yes the alumni do know that I am interested in the dark side even my mom knows lol 😂 but people in my family know that I don’t do conversion and I don’t allow anybody to re-indoctrinate nor reconvert me into their belief system because I’m grown conscious and subconscious enough to think for myself Point blank period I may not be physically independent but I’m sure as the satanic heavens and Hells conscious subconscious and super subconsciously independent mentally and sometimes when I talk I tend to studder hopefully with the help of Satan his angels and the rest of the Black Satanic community y’all can help me stop stuttering I might be handicap in body but not in my mind soul or spirit and yes I am an intellect and I articulate my vocabulary very well so yeah although I have a handicap some college and disability but that word has a negative terminologies and negative connotation to it I prefer the words physically challenged I came into black Satanism i’m the reason why I label it that is because when I became a part of the black conscious community I was taught about black theology and how it was defined for me was if it looks like me walks like me talks like me I Give it honor and respect because it is also and aspect of me and anyone else that represents them furthermore it was also due to the fact that I was tired of being brainwashed not only by Christianity but by the Starseed Christian movement reason why I call them Starseed Christians is because they would give you extra terrestrial knowledge just as long as Jesus was centered around it i’m going to be honest I do have people in my extended family who are Christians and I respect them and they respect me however me as an individual I want nothing to do with Christianity even if it has esoteric and metaphysical principles I came into spirituality with the idea of being free not being freed so that I can go back into celestial slavery again. It doesn’t make no sense at all! I left Christianity because my family pastor who also happens to be one of my best friends not only did he mentor me in becoming a youth pastor and a music minister but he chose to commit suicide and what made me leave exoteric Christianity good was when I found out he was gay even though he was married with four children and so after he killed himself I made a conscious decision to find God for myself and I can honestly say it took me a very long while to do that I was recently interviewed by a man by the name of Brother Panic I told him about my black demonic experience and it is still on his channel today as we speak I also came here because I was paranormally moved by a book called the joy of Satan and at first when I read it I was like oh hell no this is some white people shit but then I heard my Satanic subconscious say to me but Devon what about your perception I thought about it and so I figured if I blackened it up in my mind I want to feel better because not only do I consider myself a Kemitte but also a black spiritual Satanist I know I haven’t started my commitment ritual so the thought of me being here is weird yes I know, I spent my life trying to fit in to have friends trying to find places that I can belong besides the Kemet conscious community my soul has been drawn to Black Satanism that’s why I’m here to better myself I already know how to communicate with the Darkside as well as the satanic light which most people don’t know exist simply because they don’t meditate deep enough to find out lol but anyway I didn’t want to train you guys to death with my dialogue I hope I can learn more understandings a little bit better and hopefully someday become my own Kemetic King &
Black satanic priest, as well as metaphysician and black occultist who also practices magic and I’ve been doing that since 2014 I’m now 32 years young. And I also do music and I teach metaphysics occult science and magic from a black perspective. Thank you for having me and Avé Negreos Satanus!!! (Hail Black Satan) Thank you for having me.
Welcome to the forums, young man. I happen to be 33 years old and also suffer from many physical problems.

Father Satan Lucifer knows exactly HOW and WHEN to wake us up from our problems, and if one does something stupid, as I have many times, he will get IN YOUR FACE with the answer to your problems. You are in the right place. Whenever I have a serious problem, I ask directly and respectfully to Father for help, or I depend on my personal Guardian Demon, Fleruty. Just to clarify: F-L-E-R-U-T-Y. He is one of the Nine Crowned Princes of Hell, liberated along with 72 other Goetic demons who built by force of compulsion the famous "Temple of Solomon" in Israel. I happen to be 90 percent German and about ten percent Congo myself, and I do not apologize for that - but race/ethnicity is NOT the issue here.

Also, Father knows how to give good gifts to his children, and he answers prayers immediately or damn near right away. The power to heal yourself from any ailment is already within you, but it's never a bad thing to ask Father Satan for help. I'll be praying and thinking happy thoughts for you as well, if that's okay.

Stay safe and be healthy,

REVAN // "vaultzero"
I must admit that I stand corrected: FLERUTY is actually one of the six chief gods of hell... I've got a lot more old website archives to read. Have a great day, just the same.

I wish the best for you bro. Let me know if we can help you.
vaultzero said:
Welcome to the forums, young man. I happen to be 33 years old and also suffer from many physical problems.

Father Satan Lucifer knows exactly HOW and WHEN to wake us up from our problems, and if one does something stupid, as I have many times, he will get IN YOUR FACE with the answer to your problems. You are in the right place. Whenever I have a serious problem, I ask directly and respectfully to Father for help, or I depend on my personal Guardian Demon, Fleruty. Just to clarify: F-L-E-R-U-T-Y. He is one of the Nine Crowned Princes of Hell, liberated along with 72 other Goetic demons who built by force of compulsion the famous "Temple of Solomon" in Israel. I happen to be 90 percent German and about ten percent Congo myself, and I do not apologize for that - but race/ethnicity is NOT the issue here.

Also, Father knows how to give good gifts to his children, and he answers prayers immediately or damn near right away. The power to heal yourself from any ailment is already within you, but it's never a bad thing to ask Father Satan for help. I'll be praying and thinking happy thoughts for you as well, if that's okay.

Stay safe and be healthy,

REVAN // "vaultzero"
Thank you I really appreciate that
vaultzero said:
Welcome to the forums, young man. I happen to be 33 years old and also suffer from many physical problems.

Father Satan Lucifer knows exactly HOW and WHEN to wake us up from our problems, and if one does something stupid, as I have many times, he will get IN YOUR FACE with the answer to your problems. You are in the right place. Whenever I have a serious problem, I ask directly and respectfully to Father for help, or I depend on my personal Guardian Demon, Fleruty. Just to clarify: F-L-E-R-U-T-Y. He is one of the Nine Crowned Princes of Hell, liberated along with 72 other Goetic demons who built by force of compulsion the famous "Temple of Solomon" in Israel. I happen to be 90 percent German and about ten percent Congo myself, and I do not apologize for that - but race/ethnicity is NOT the issue here.

Also, Father knows how to give good gifts to his children, and he answers prayers immediately or damn near right away. The power to heal yourself from any ailment is already within you, but it's never a bad thing to ask Father Satan for help. I'll be praying and thinking happy thoughts for you as well, if that's okay.

Stay safe and be healthy,

REVAN // "vaultzero"

Thank you I will thank you for sharing that with me
You are more than welcome and I wish you the very best of success in all your endeavors. Take care of yourself man, and be well!!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
