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New member
Aug 10, 2022
I'm Asriel, and I'm very new to this community!

Honestly, I'm new to spirituality as a whole.
I believed everything I was told when I was a child, and to be honest, I'm still pretty gullible now. I can't really tell when people are lying or telling the truth from the vibes I get from them.
I've lived a pretty normal life so far, but there was always something off in the air. As a child, I wanted adventure, I wanted to accomplish things that no one else could. I would always be daydreaming in school and would make up crazy stories in my mind, and I would love feeling the emotions of all the characters I created, all the experiences I lived inside that dreamworld. I'm self-aware enough to say that I loved playing God. I'm arrogant, conceited and think way too highly of myself for my lack of achievements.
And because I'm arrogant, I always wanted to be superior to my peers in some form or another. The first way I tried to do this, was by learning martial arts...without going to a dojo. Safe to say, I learnt about nothing. (I did eventually go to a taekwondo dojo years later, but I stopped going because my parents moved houses)
But that was important because the path to physical strength and fitness opened up to me. I'd love to say I obsessed over fitness and strength, became some amazing fighter, and can do 1000 pushups in a single sitting. But unfortunately, I'm lazy as well. I put a mediocre amount of effort into it for a while, and then came across the whole "Self-improvement" wave that's been sweeping across social media, and put my efforts into that.
Self-improvement introduced me to one thing, which was meditation, obviously incredibly important, and started my slope down into spirituality.
Gradually, as time went on, I discovered more and more about the power of the mind while working on myself, building discipline, tenacity and mental strength as I wandered down this path.
And on one such night, while I was meditating, I slipped down and down into a different mental state, and found myself feeling completely blissful and content, in such a way that I've never felt in my waking life. I felt like I could do anything, not in the way you get when you're watching some motivational video on YouTube, but in the calm, still sort of silence of my mind. In those moments, it made complete sense to me that I could do anything. It was just a fact. It was like the culmination of all the arrogance in my life pooled together and turned into bliss. I've never felt an emotion like it, and I really can't describe it in words. The feeling of omnipotence, silence, and absolutely still calm. So I made my own word for it, Lendam. It was the first word that popped to mind when I was thinking of what to call it.
Is this an emotion anyone else here has felt? Most of you would be far better at meditating than I am, and I'd love to hear your opinions on it.

These experiences all fuelled my drive to find more about the mind, and this eventually led me into the "conspiracy theories" that I'd often mocked and made fun of with my friends. Hollow Earth, moon being made by aliens, pyramids. I've still a lot to learn, but, honestly, there's one thing that shocks me about all of this.

The consistency.

There are very rarely any contradictions in these stories and theories. What one person on one side of the internet says, so does the person on the other side. What one ancient civilisation believed, so did this other one.
Coming from a boy raised in a Catholic, Christian family, I was excited and pleased at the lack of confusion and clarity that these stories offered.

I have so many questions that I'd love to find answers to with this community. I've had my own share of encounters with demons, specifically in sleep paralysis. A man who I could not see, with a dark, booming voice, with fingers sharp like razors, scraping away at the skin on my neck, saying that I created him. "I am the demon that you made."

Back then, I came to the conclusion that these were metaphorical demons in my mind. Voices in my head. Created by my brain to cope. And that satisfied me, because I haven't had such an encounter for nearly two years now.

But now, I've been thrust in a new world where new answers and knowledge is suddenly available. There's an infinite amount of room for me to grow, strengthen myself, and feed my arrogance by having something to actually be proud of.

I've heard that there are wish-granting beings that we can summon. I don't know how to summon them, or what the price will be, or the ritual, but frankly, I don't see why anyone would want any wishes granted. I relish in the toil and the hard-work that it takes to get stronger. In the fears of the unknown, jumping into the deep end of the pool. I don't understand why people would want to wish all of that value away. No disrespect to anyone, but it seems very lazy and ignorant (coming from a very lazy and ignorant person) I want to spread this attitude in this community (I have no idea whether this is a thing or not, so forgive me if I'm being conceited) and I want to grow and become stronger with everyone here!

My biggest question for everyone here would be: How do I access the Akashic records? Through what I've heard, it's not a case where you can just meditate into a particular state of mind and suddenly your eyes are opened, and you have all of the knowledge in the records. I've read and being told by various people that "The quality of your answers depend entirely on the quality of your questions. The better your questions, the better your life." I'm more inclined to thinking that accessing the Akashic record is essentially about asking the right questions about whatever you want to know, but once again, I would love any and all wisdom I could get from you guys!

I do have more questions, but I assume the answers are somewhere in the website, so I'll get to looking there.

If you've read this much, thank you! I hope to get to know as many of you guys as I can, and I will do my best to provide for this community and give back tenfold what I have gained.

The grind never stops.

(Apologises for anything offensive I may have said here. I don't know the proper etiquette and manners, and I hope everyone knows that what I say has no ill-intentions.)
1)Hello brother, even if NOW you can't feel when somebody lies or tell the truth,by spiritual evolution from here, you will, also take in consideration that sometimes people tell lies beliving them to be the truth, so there are different levels of this skill, the maximum is when you feel not just when they say the truth but also WHAT is the actual truth. This as motivation to evolve spiritually, I am at the level where I can feel people emotions, sometimes strong , sometimes not so strong, and if I look in their eyes or the form of their faces I can see what kind of persons they are(if they are sad even if they smile or are happy at the moment etc)

2)Is normal for the ones to search for spirituality to be "anormal" to dream what others can't comprehend or imagine and to want things that for others are inexistent.
I strongly suggest you to learn about LUCID DREAMS, use SEARCH button on this forum https://www.ancient-forums.com/search.php for keywords like : LUCID DREAM,LUCID DREAMING,DREAMING LUCID, etc etc

Lucid dreams are where you can be GOD, having control over your dreams, you can spawn people and have adventures without any kind of physical consequences.

I also suggest you to search LUCID DREAMING or LUCID DREAMS on YOUTUBE,FACEBOOK,GOOGLE, etc , is pretty simple and so damn pleasurable.

You can also meet GODS there , where you can hear and see them clear.
You can also be attacked there by enemyes so BE INFORMED and PROTECT yourself as you advance.

Even if you don't see your progress, you enemyes does.

3)About laziness and MIND in general(fears,obsessions, bad habits, and so on) I suggest you to use the search button on this forum for keywords like : subconscious,subconscious affirmations, etc etc


4)Sleep paralysis is made by enemyes, reptilians and greys, when you sleep and have dreams that you may not even remember but , your mind feel to a full extend, and are full of strong emotions, your brain make a substance that paralyses your body so you don't walk or move bad in your sleep and die, well in that exact moment those enemyes use their powers over your mind to AWAKE YOU at the wrong time and you feel the paralysis and being full of fear and panic make your brain do more stuff ,being already in a trance of sleep(relaxed mind, from the point of as you said slowly walking in your mind being more vulnerable to well your own mind ) and is easier for those fuckers to make "demons" to scare people from the actual DEMONS who NEVER do such stupid silly dirty things.

Usually this happend to people who discover or walk on the right path of spirituality.
IM A CHRISTIAN AND I'VE NEVER BEEN PARALYSED IN MY SLEEP,  ye, because you are no threat for the darkness of this world.

Is a phrase that I like "If the "devi" does come after you, then you know you did something good"

This is how I counterattack the attacks I get,realizing that, they use energy and time for ME, so , I do something great against them, so something great for the war we fight.

From my experience after any GREAT spiritual/mintal(on the path of evolution) evolution, will come such attacks.

Search on the search button on this forum : AOP, Aura of Protection, AC, Aura Cleaning,VM, VOID MEDITATION,Enemies,Enemies attacks,attacks

Here just an example :


And here if you want, through time to help others discover what you did discover


And for more about Christianity hoax



5)"I've heard", READ , please , everything here about DEMONS



6) https://www.ancient-forums.com/search.php?keywords=Akashic&terms=all&author=&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search


7)Welcome and goodluck , and also , try if you can or think is better to put more questions and speak less about other things, like I put my answers 1,2,3 etc, most people here are busy asf and seeing your big stort is not so attracting when what you may need is a link or some words.

And also, don't jump to conclusions, read and experience, ask and try to truly understand.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
