scorpiorising said:
Is there such a thing to get herxheimer reaction when beginners to SS first start meditation the first few times?
I don't think so.I am not sure if I understood correctly but as far as I have read this reaction is caused by the lypo proteins and endoxins some bacteria releasing after their death caused by antibiotics.Tell me please,do you have syphilis?If so do you take any medication that includes andibiotics/antibacterials such as penicillin or tetracycline?
If I am right and you have syphilis don't worry cause the symptoms of the reaction will stop in some hours.
Usually this reaction is happening after about 2 hours from the first dose of penicillin.
Alsk please ask your doctor to check if you are allergic to penicillin (if he hadn't checked it already)because if you are it can be fatal for you.
Also tell to him/her that you had this reaction because he/she may change your medication.