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Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gear88 said:
Shael said:

Oh okay I will readily admit just to put it on public in case HP Cobra reads this and is scratching his head at me, hopefully not enough to get banned for being a trouble maker...

The JoS in general as a mindset, is not to ban people because they are weird or because whatever, they are a bit trouble makers, or behave in let's say in a not 'uniform' way right of the bat. People have their own pace and how they think things through, different backgrounds, etc.

This is from Satan, its a command, and people have to be able to question even the dumbest 'questions'. Changes had to happen because "its a troll" was used as an excuse to just disappear people out of questioning. Now, the same people who were just "censored", they are allowed to question more, except of the blatant ones who are totally trolling with blatant aggression. Satan wants to be heard. It's normal to be against closing the door on people based on this perception.

The "troll" who comes first day and asks weird or stupid questions is actually the beginning stage of many advanced members who nowadays are in these forums or groups. If they were banned and scolded or never had the ability to receive an answer (albeit it may be hard to them) they may not have been there nor they may have advanced. Legitimate people are also harmed when they are banned, as it's exclusion from the community.

Anyone who enters a school runs the risk of sounding an idiot but that is past the point, the point is willingness to learn. Satan wants people to speak out. You can't be top dog in the first day, but eventually, if this is what you want then you will do your end of the deal and start advancing. This will be commendable and observed. It may take years, even decades - that is absolutely fine. What's important is to move forward. Each on their own pace.

Also, think to yourself if you are a Satanist. You have a question. In many ways, the Gods will guide you to where you will receive an answer. This can be in some material, some post, somewhere. They know the ways to guide people in accordance to their own level of understanding. The more we answer/help others, this lessens the burden the Demons have (as they can be really busy) and this also shows people their answers that they seek, giving double good reputation to the Gods. It's important then to help and also do this in a mode of quality, and by providing quality.

Now steps are being taken to ensure the availability of this information. I have worked (and still am) on around 700+ pages of the JoS related sites. The situation is, this is a treasure in our possession, but also an inheritence for the literal planet.

The basis for answering life's questions and gaining insights is there, and this database of knowledge is also expanding. People for centuries and centuries have went without help, without answers, without any guidance, and to add saucing on top of it, with endless remorseless attacks by jews. This is not to excuse anyone, this is the reality of the situation. Jews until recently and even now own 96% of all sources of information of the planet. It becomes hard and requires all sorts of defensive measures to even keep a normal website running with contrary opinions.

As for the age of the press, and of television, it's better to leave it unstated how difficult it is to have any flow of information there. Without flow of information, there are no schools, no educators, no knowledge, no advancement, nothing. People sink into ignorance and our minds remain totally dull. We become bestial and retarded, or we just turn into total NPC's.

This is changing for the better with the WWW (666), the same internet that jews are trying to destroy, and the jews will be disappointed to find out it's an impossibility to deal with that. The age of jew control is going to soon be over, to the detriment and whiny tears of the jewish tribe.

Truly, some people are on the absolute border of abomination behavior, so I understand why some people flip out, but even if some people have really bad manners, or are really brainwashed, not answering them or blocking them and kicking them out isn't always going to solve everything. We live in a world where people do mass mistakes, do heavy drugs, are severely deluded, and let's be honest, Satanism is in an 'avenue' filled with people who believe about aliens etc, who are for the most part, not the most uniform type of people. Satanism helps bring things back into proper balance. At least for those who put themselves on the path seriously that is.

Many people to reach there have went through a lot of very weird thinking, studying and reading, if they came from a less 'direct' pathway. This creates a situation where some people may be extremely deluded. What is important that these people are at our door, so they can enter the 'school' and see what it is about. Students who want to learn, will try, regardless of grades, and they will learn. 99% of occult literature or teachings are filled with total abominations in general. People are severely deluded.

I can't blame a person who opened a couple books and went flip-out, but they will be driven out like rats if, after they learn the truth, instead continue to act like total trash. People are helping them here, even the stern ones. This is to help them out of this senseless rut and to propel people to advance.

However if one assaults or acts as pure garbage towards others, and this reaches a point of toxicity, or attacks in a way, then booting, and without any remorse, will be equally taken as a route of action. This is a like a university so if someone is there only to sell weed, or deceive, or just fuck around, without the slightest idea to advance, even at the slowest pace, or even worse, to take it down, has no place in a university or a place or learning, or a spiritual military unit, or elsewhere.

The troll and the legitimate person both come in the forum in a ranging spectrum of a similar ignorant state, just with different motivations. The troll however maintains this, is aggressive about it, or is doing this on purpose, and seeks to spread it, to the detriment of others. The legitimate person gets out of this rut and understands things as time goes. The troll is unrepentant in his way towards ignorance, and it seeks to spread it here too, screw others, deceive them, and so forth.

Normal students/co-scientists/interested people in Satanism with legitimate interesting in Satan in, for example, when they want to disagree, they won't go as far as to try to rip down a school, attack the teachers, bomb the educators, and set the place on fire. They won't try to pull children on another place to ((('teach' them privately))) as all sorts of kikes and other asshats try to do not that infrequently, nor invite them into a dubious ice cream van for abductions.

These people have everything to fear from this community here and the other advanced Satanists, so they hide in their holes and they lie to small groups which they try to turn innocents into little cults. Many people have come crawling and/or mentally harmed from these, and these events will not be tolerated. These people who cause this damage to others are unwelcome here, and will be confronted mercilessly. If one's intentions are 'good', and they care for Satan, they will understand why the above has a strong meaning.

Lastly, everyone who is here, even for a decade, or some of you way more, remember that one day one entered this place and they were the ignorant in the room, we had no idea. I say "we" because this includes everyone, there are no exceptions here. Everyone grows into Satanism, it's a place of growing.

We all start on ignorance, it can't be other way in the current world, and even if things were better, still the relative level of learning would be ignorant compared to an advanced level. Someone, something, some people, Demons mainly, whatever, helped us advance, others acted only as impediment. Follow in that example and help the legitimate people.

How do Demons help? They help with growth. They don't sit there like slaves to serve someone as the enemy's thoughforms do. This creates a very unhealthy dependency and it keeps a person a cripple, it doesn't emphasize learning and growth so one can lift their own weight. Demons are the opposite of how the enemy 'teaches'. Likewise people should help themselves, so that others can help them, and raise the general level of things higher.

Now as for trolls who want to come assault etc, they'll get it real bad. But it's also an aim to make everything real good and constantly advancing for those learning at all levels. We're doing the things we can to improve everything in that regard, for everyone involved. It's a common task for all of us.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
My concern that I was thinking of the last few days is not about this group at all. Its about the coming new government or system especially the initial stages of it. My problem (and maybe a few others or maybe even a majority here who knows) with this is I kind of come across to people as different or strange at first not fully in a negative way but enough to freak some people out away from getting to fully know me.

So I am afraid me and anyone like me in some ways would be singled out immediately and sent away or something. Cause they are probably going to misdirect anger maybe at first at third sex individuals then at anyone else they see as underminers of Society along with the Jews. They will probably create these catagories of people they think are taking down society. I see it right now and this is because I kind of know how the xtian mindset works and even though I think soon a majority will leave that I dont see people working on deprogramming from this knowing how much work it took even me to deprogram from it having only been brainwashed as a child while questioning it but a part of it for awhile back and forth. I also dont think I was xtian in the past life either cause that doesnt at all fit with my memories of it so and as a kid I sensed energy and even spirits somewhat.

So even being exposed to it consistently is poison like that and I am still working on it. Imagine the person who has no real spiritual inclination and was involved in it for 20 years heavily. Just cause they doubt and leave doesnt mean that they are anywhere near free of it.

I dont think being different or even throwing it in peoples faces is bad. Third sex people for example if everyone thought more like me the Jew trick might not work and people might say some aspects of it cool they are different in the face or normies and then tried to clean up anything that actually crossed the line and rooted out the Jews.

I dont really see much being different as bad in any area of life. I dont really go for a lot of the social rules and all that either. It seems xtian or Jew to me and restricting. I would think by attacking that kind of thing I am attacking the xtians harder than exposing the bible actually cause if they say fuck it with all the social conformity they will get disgusted with it and leave no matter what they believe about Jewsus.

This is exactly how xtianity didnt work as a kid for me even though my dad was a pastor and we went to church often and he tried to instill his values in me.

I am concerned about people that want to be different. Not on here but society in general. I dont even know Satans take on this kind of thing or the Gods but I will ask once I am able to clearly hear them. If i need to change fine but advancing and getting rid of xtian programming didnt get rid of these kind of thoughts it only seemed to increase it and my disdain for a majority of humanity.

Hail Satan
Well said mate.

Without the help of HP mage n HPHC i wouldn't be anywhere near as clued up about our Religion.

Plenty of material I have downloaded on Kindle format 700 page JOS HPHC sermons, are great reads especially if one is feeling down depressed can snap you out it.

Many thanks guys.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The "troll" who comes first day and asks weird or stupid questions is actually the beginning stage of many advanced members who nowadays are in these forums or groups. If they were banned and scolded or never had the ability to receive an answer (albeit it may be hard to them) they may not have been there nor they may have advanced. Legitimate people are also harmed when they are banned, as it's exclusion from the community.
My first 2 or 3 accounts here actually got banned in a few weeks because I said some dumb things that may have sounded like an "infiltrator". But it was an honest mistake and I always wanted to learn more so it never stopped me from making a new account. So I always try to accept that people could just have the wrong idea about something and try to guide them to a better idea, instead of just acting like they're doing it on purpose. Unless it's too obvious to ignore that they are just poison. I hope it can help people.
I would like to add that there have been times it has seemed rather clique-y here, but that is practically guaranteed in an 'in-group'. The place grows its own mini-culture, its own community, and people rub-off on each other to a greater or lesser extent, which reiterates those things and more. As we advance, we may become for example more annoying or less annoying, (depending on innumerate factors); some go through arrogance and conceit once they reach certain heights with their ego extended further than it has any 'right' to, but then once they come back down to Earth, they should apologise and make amends. In a similar - but lesser - way, while we're all trying to build ourselves up, we can get caught-up in silly, trivial, petty squabbles - but at the end of the day we're here to be Elite.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The "troll" who comes first day and asks weird or stupid questions is actually the beginning stage of many advanced members who nowadays are in these forums or groups.
As I said recently - a wise man (Human, person) asks questions.

It may take years, even decades - that is absolutely fine.
With what I am about to say, I don't require any consoling; I am saying it to try and explain to any who are similar to me that they are not the only ones who are like this...and that is - it is quite a shame, a pity that it is taking such a long time for myself to get anywhere. (OK, that's an exaggeration, but the progress is slower than I'd like. Dang impatience!) I know that I can spout the knowledge of some of the Occult which I do, but the application is...I'll speak positively - extremely easy and amaze-balls! Yes...honestly... cough (Positive thinking and affirmations are an absolute must, regardless of the actual, present truth.) I was away for a while and either jokingly or genuinely, I was thought to have become a Himalayan Master. Far from it.

I can speak (type) the knowledge in this relay race (relaying information) but I'm going to see many come and go and surpass me. If there are any who are somewhat similar to me reading this - then we can sort of ride the waves together! (Not actually share life-experiences, of course, but the camaraderie and moral support is here.) For some, it is not easy - trust me, I know... I have questioned Satan in certain things before and being quite blunt and honest, and then I worry that in my bluntness and honesty I disrespected Him...but I also said that I am being honest and that I am not intending to be hateful/disrespectful against Him at all...but then there was one specific answer somewhat recently regarding one of those attitudes I had, without me mentioning it on here (I don't visit the Yahoo! Groups very often). As I said before, there was a thing which was such a big pro-incidence, as opposed to merely a meh-type of coincidence, and more recently another one which I also consider not trivial, but not extremely massive, either, though. Regardless, through it all, I offer Satan energy/remainders of energy regularly, and in a currently-silly way I'd like to be able to offer Him, specifically, a nice steady flow of energy once I am able to; for now, I'll just offer it as I do.

What's important is to move forward. Each on their own pace.
To coin a phrase - if you're not moving forward, then you're moving backward. Some would argue that actually, you're staying still - but that is false; in this degenerated World, you must be moving forward, because if you think "being still" exists, then you're very sorry. Very sorely mistaken. The current ill state of the World degenerates you - the only combat against that is to move forward.

This can be in some material, some post, somewhere.
For some, they might agree with this word I want to use, so I will use it - spookily, I was out once and I was a bit upset and worried about a thing... Minding my own business, a larger-sized person riding a bicycle had a T-shirt on with "Do not stop" or "Don't give up" on it, and they smiled at me as they passed. That was of course an encouragement for them, but a 'coincidence'* for me at that exact passing moment. In x amount of seconds of my entire all-lives' existence, that tiny, little passing event occured in about 5-10 seconds. Even though it didn't seem very big, it was quite significant. Furthermore, in the exact same area, but at a different time, I saw some graffiti of Lord Führer Adolf Hitler (which later was erased/whitewashed) saying, "Next time - no more Mr Nice Guy".

Satanism is in an 'avenue' filled with people who believe about aliens etc, who are for the most part, not the most uniform type of people.
I like to mention the Parable of the King and the Poisoned Well - we partly are the character of the King in this story. While everyone else is poisoned, in Physical and Mental/Psychological terms, and also Metaphysical/Spiritual terms, we are learning to undo that poison in ourselves and each other, and by extension Earth and Her Inhabitants (the jew is not Earth's inhabitant). There are some who decide to do what the King in this story does at the end and become poisoned (...and they all lived ignorantly ever after); however, the strong and the able decide to remain unpoisoned, not drinking of the well, despite being "out of their Minds"according to and in opposition to all of the poisoned subjects of the King. We have the antidotes to this poison, but the ignorant and weak and those who have passed caring call us stupid and say we're idiots, etc.

How do Demons help? They help with growth. They don't sit there like slaves to serve someone as the enemy's thoughforms do. This creates a very unhealthy dependency and it keeps a person a cripple, it doesn't emphasize learning and growth so one can lift their own weight. Demons are the opposite of how the enemy 'teaches'. Likewise people should help themselves, so that others can help them, and raise the general level of things higher.
In at least one sense, if you want to put yourself in a person or people or a community's good books, then you should offer to help them in something. e.g. you're driving along a road and your car conks-out. You're far from home and need somewhere to sleep for a night or two, but you don't have any money with you. You explain your situation to the owner of a farmhouse, because that's the only person and family around for miles, and you request you sleep in the barn, so as not to impose. You also should offer to attempt some farm work or anything else which could help there, to pay for your stay and the imposition. - I think it is at this point where many fail; they rely on others to fix their car and bathe them and tuck them into the hay at night, with a farmyard bedtime story for sweet dreaming. Being self-reliant, and also helping others in any particular way so that they can try and help you in the way that you need, is a difficult learning curve for a lot of people, unfortunately.

Regarding the attitudes and clique-y-ness of here and the mini-culture of the 'in-group', and the way to be better and less bad-attitude-y; consider it thusly - growing pains. Ouch!

*cor, that word is starting to dry out my mouth (fingertips)!
darkmonkey666 said:
My concern that I was thinking of the last few days is not about this group at all. Its about the coming new government or system especially the initial stages of it. My problem (and maybe a few others or maybe even a majority here who knows) with this is I kind of come across to people as different or strange at first not fully in a negative way but enough to freak some people out away from getting to fully know me.

So I am afraid me and anyone like me in some ways would be singled out immediately and sent away or something. Cause they are probably going to misdirect anger maybe at first at third sex individuals then at anyone else they see as underminers of Society along with the Jews. They will probably create these catagories of people they think are taking down society. I see it right now and this is because I kind of know how the xtian mindset works and even though I think soon a majority will leave that I dont see people working on deprogramming from this knowing how much work it took even me to deprogram from it having only been brainwashed as a child while questioning it but a part of it for awhile back and forth. I also dont think I was xtian in the past life either cause that doesnt at all fit with my memories of it so and as a kid I sensed energy and even spirits somewhat.

So even being exposed to it consistently is poison like that and I am still working on it. Imagine the person who has no real spiritual inclination and was involved in it for 20 years heavily. Just cause they doubt and leave doesnt mean that they are anywhere near free of it.

I dont think being different or even throwing it in peoples faces is bad. Third sex people for example if everyone thought more like me the Jew trick might not work and people might say some aspects of it cool they are different in the face or normies and then tried to clean up anything that actually crossed the line and rooted out the Jews.

I dont really see much being different as bad in any area of life. I dont really go for a lot of the social rules and all that either. It seems xtian or Jew to me and restricting. I would think by attacking that kind of thing I am attacking the xtians harder than exposing the bible actually cause if they say fuck it with all the social conformity they will get disgusted with it and leave no matter what they believe about Jewsus.

This is exactly how xtianity didnt work as a kid for me even though my dad was a pastor and we went to church often and he tried to instill his values in me.

I am concerned about people that want to be different. Not on here but society in general. I dont even know Satans take on this kind of thing or the Gods but I will ask once I am able to clearly hear them. If i need to change fine but advancing and getting rid of xtian programming didnt get rid of these kind of thoughts it only seemed to increase it and my disdain for a majority of humanity.

Hail Satan
By they do you mean Satanists ? Don't worry you don't have any role in spreading degeneracy in the society. Its the Marxists and other mentally ill third sex. HP Jake Carlson talked about item in his post who'll be dealt with. You'll be fine, respectable gays we're always treated with respect in pagan societies and we will always continue to do so.

As for Christianity, Christianity is dead. No one goes to the church in majority and no one actually believes in Christ (due to our efforts) in this current generation, leaving out a minority of people who are severely brainwashed. These people are in the minority like some alt kikists and Chirsto Nationalists. You see in Europe the big cathedrals and churches where no one goes and some 7 boomers from the last century who are near death attend. Due to the inception of the Joyofsatan and our ramming of spiritual warfare this generation have lost complete faith in Christ. The Muslims will collapse their religion as said by Lord Azaezel so I don't think you have to worry about these Christians and Muslims just continue to stay with us and keep doing the RTRs and survive the next coming decades.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
My first 2 or 3 accounts here actually got banned in a few weeks because I said some dumb things that may have sounded like an "infiltrator". But it was an honest mistake and I always wanted to learn more so it never stopped me from making a new account. So I always try to accept that people could just have the wrong idea about something and try to guide them to a better idea, instead of just acting like they're doing it on purpose. Unless it's too obvious to ignore that they are just poison. I hope it can help people.

Can I respectfully ask a question? When you were new, did you fully read the JoS before posting? I ask because it seems like many new members don't bother reading it before posting and asking questions or posting blatant misinformation that is the opposite of what is on the JoS.

When I was new, I didn't even join the groups at all (and there was no forum to read back then). I read the JoS thoroughly, and joined about 5 months later. Never got banned, because all I did was correctly answer and post links to specific pages in the JoS to answer questions, as I had the site pretty much memorized. I'm only mentioning this as an example of how reading the JoS thoroughly can benefit new members.
I am not a degenerate or communist at all. Nor would I promote a lot of that stuff. Yes I was refering to Satanists and some others. I am bisexual kind of feminine in my placements but not stereotypical of anything. I noticed since I meditate I am more in control of who I am and transits sometimes do nothing this is odd. I am really strange in what I am attracted to as in I find people that are the opposite of society cool. I am just a little different and not very well understood by anyone in real life. I am hoping to change that with workings to attract friends and a relationship that will be more understanding. The venus square I kind of see the person I am attracting somehow i know a lot about them their intrests where they live their sexiality IDK how thats possible. I hope i am not somehow setting up a thoughtform cause this individual seems very real in every way even could talk to me I almost hear her voice but am not quite open enough has her own personality etc if this is backfiring on me its just wierd cause she represents some sort of ideal I am looking for hard to explain the working i am doing I will stop and figure out some other way to do a love spell.

Thats good to know about xtianity but what about the older generation. I would know a couple people or more who still really believe in this Jewsus thing that i have to deal with.

Obviously I am ready for a warpath somehow in society I wish I could personally take care of some of these problems and id probably be somewhat brutal in doing this cause I dont harbor much if any mercy towards the xtian types or Jews. In fact id revel in making them suffer. Sad to say anyone who has crossed me in even the slightest way in religious matters somehow i am full warfare mode on but not if they crossed me in some other way im like fuck it I want to focus all my war on the enemies of Satan.

Those people praying for me right or wrong I am cursing them even if they are family btw. I think also I am getting help from somewhere cause in no way do I know where that just straight up Scary energy came from that is around one of them that doesnt match what i sent out.
FancyMancy said:

Regarding the attitudes and clique-y-ness of here and the mini-culture of the 'in-group', and the way to be better and less bad-attitude-y; consider it thusly - growing pains. Ouch!

*cor, that word is starting to dry out my mouth (fingertips)!

People have people they like and people they dislike. This deals with the personality of individuals. It's not 'clique', it's not 'unjust', it is just what it is, welcome to reality, that's normal and natural.

This only becomes a problem when people try to harm others based on that. And I haven't really seen it taken to that extent. Everyone is family here, people aren't all that dumb to do what the enemy says in the bible of "Divide Satan Against Himself".

Infiltrators and kikes who try to create another Bar Khokba revolt using actual SS like useful idiots will just not like that Rome has in store for them. This in 99% of the situations was always created by kikes. Actual SS have the moral decency to e-mail, to inform us, to ask on the forum, to complain, do something meaningful.

If one has a misunderstanding with a coach or another player in their team they go solve it, they don't try to take the team down, this is an abomination.
Lydia said:
Can I respectfully ask a question? When you were new, did you fully read the JoS before posting? I ask because it seems like many new members don't bother reading it before posting and asking questions or posting blatant misinformation that is the opposite of what is on the JoS.

When I was new, I didn't even join the groups at all (and there was no forum to read back then). I read the JoS thoroughly, and joined about 5 months later. Never got banned, because all I did was correctly answer and post links to specific pages in the JoS to answer questions, as I had the site pretty much memorized. I'm only mentioning this as an example of how reading the JoS thoroughly can benefit new members.
Yes I did. I spent several months reading through and practicing everything on the website until I had it all memorized. I don't remember how long after I joined that this new forum was created, but I was never on the old one. I think it was probably like 6-12 months after I joined Satanism that this new forum was made, then I joined this forum I think 2 or 3 months after it was made. I wasn't going to, but my guardian made me join because she said I would learn a lot more and help other people learn. I agree that all new members should definitely read and reread and memorize everything on the Joy of Satan. Then they don't need to ask anyone what they should be doing, because if they read everyone of the meditations they would be so excited to try the meditations that their soul needs most that it would be obvious what to do. Most of them are probably just lazy, but some of them actually might not have much free time to spend reading it, so I still try to help them with the easy questions. But most questions I answer for people really have some of the most obvious answers that anyone who actually reads the whole website would not need to ask.

The dumb thing I said was not incorrect spiritual advice. It was a current (at that time) staged/politicised event that I was trying to compare with previous events as an example of how they are connected, and I accidently took the wrong opinion on one of the events because I didn't really know much about it. Then I told the same story on the next account and that got banned too. Because of that one little detail. I thought in the 2008 economic collapse that people came together in protest against the banks and it was an example of a more unified culture, and how ever since then the media has been trying to turn everybody in society against each other to prevent them from uniting like that again. So they stage events on purpose just so they can try to blame certain demographics (like white people, or men, or women) and make the whole country be divided against each other, instead of being unified against the real problem against the bankers. But I didn't know then that the 2008 "protests" were actually created by the bankers themselves as an attempt to try to start communism in America. So from just one line in a long story using one wrong example, I got banned for being an infiltrator and promoting communism, when that was actually the exact opposite of what I was trying to do. But other than that one wrong example I had, I still think it is an important thing to talk about; how the media tries to turn everyone against each other.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Ah, completely different scenario then.

Back to the OP by HP Hoodedcobra, I stumbled across this paragraph in Nature's Eternal Religion, and it applies perfectly to new members who are misguided and possibly come across as trolls or infiltrators to others:

"It is as if a student starting out in mathematics First had a garbled multiplication table drilled into him — two times three equaled seventeen, three times five equaled nine, etc. Until his mind was again straightened out on such fundamentals, any progress such individual could expect to make in mathematics would be forever hopeless - hopeless until such time as his thinking was again brought back in line with realities."

One must put aside all pre-existing "knowledge" learned from the jews (corrupt spirituality etc), study the JoS, and then success and advancement await them :)
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The "troll" who comes first day and asks weird or stupid questions is actually the beginning stage of many advanced members who nowadays are in these forums or groups. If they were banned and scolded or never had the ability to receive an answer (albeit it may be hard to them) they may not have been there nor they may have advanced. Legitimate people are also harmed when they are banned, as it's exclusion from the community.
My first 2 or 3 accounts here actually got banned in a few weeks because I said some dumb things that may have sounded like an "infiltrator". But it was an honest mistake and I always wanted to learn more so it never stopped me from making a new account. So I always try to accept that people could just have the wrong idea about something and try to guide them to a better idea, instead of just acting like they're doing it on purpose. Unless it's too obvious to ignore that they are just poison. I hope it can help people.
I had a couple of accounts go...shall we say AWOL, as well, lol.

Nikolas said:
I kept reading posts that by coincidence answered by exact thoughts/ questions . So i wondered if it is only a coincidence or actual signs/ responses from the Demons.
I wondered if Gods are paying attention to me. Then I read on a post : they won't be standing right next to you all the time, but they are always aware of your situation.
Then i came here and read this : " In many ways, the Gods will guide
you to where you will receive an answer. This can be in some material, some post, somewhere. "
So I stopped reading and got off the chair, and asked : OK, I see, so what do you think about me ?
I continue reading : "Truly, some people are on the absolute border of abomination behavior "
:D :)
Many members have experienced very similar things.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FancyMancy said:

Regarding the attitudes and clique-y-ness of here and the mini-culture of the 'in-group', and the way to be better and less bad-attitude-y; consider it thusly - growing pains. Ouch!

*cor, that word is starting to dry out my mouth (fingertips)!

People have people they like and people they dislike. This deals with the personality of individuals. It's not 'clique', it's not 'unjust', it is just what it is, welcome to reality, that's normal and natural.

This only becomes a problem when people try to harm others based on that. And I haven't really seen it taken to that extent. Everyone is family here, people aren't all that dumb to do what the enemy says in the bible of "Divide Satan Against Himself".

Infiltrators and kikes who try to create another Bar Khokba revolt using actual SS like useful idiots will just not like that Rome has in store for them. This in 99% of the situations was always created by kikes. Actual SS have the moral decency to e-mail, to inform us, to ask on the forum, to complain, do something meaningful.

If one has a misunderstanding with a coach or another player in their team they go solve it, they don't try to take the team down, this is an abomination.
I suppose it's perspective, but I do think n00bs and others who happen across here might see it as how I said, without realising what it actually is. I have seen comments by people on other sites. Evidently, people just look at the surface and see what they might consider to be in-fighting, rather than realising it is just correction and education, with individuals' personal personalities - so yeah, individuals' opinions about things.
I understand your point here HP. I dedicated when I was 13 but started to follow this small "Spiritual Satanic" group on an app called Kik. The admin started off with simplifying the information on the JoS site for us (myself included) to understand. Then his/her ideology started to shift in the wrong direction. It got to the point where he/she suggested that we all should grind up some wood from a specific tree and place the ashes on our 3rd eye to further empower it and to do energy ripping, without cleaning and/or transforming the energies into positive energy, and store it in our base chakra because it's "energizing". The Kik group became so corrupt that everyone became an admin and often but out bullshit from other "satanic" sites.

I left the small group at 15 and started going about Spiritual Satanism on my own for a few years. I started following the JoS and the forums closely around 17/18 years of age and ever since I've been advancing in the most positive way.

I have taken advice from a few SS, who weren't HPs, that seemed more advanced than me. Their advice was good but I tend to do better with spiritual advancement when it's just myself, the Gods, my GD, and the hard work of the JoS ministries.

Don't get me wrong, when I first started taking the information on the JoS more seriously at 17+ it confused me a bit because I still believed some of the bullshit that was pushed in the small Kik group. Over time, everything that was taught to me in the Kik group back then was debunked by the JoS ministries. Every question that I've had from that point forward was answered either through a forum, a sign on a random website or around my neighborhood, or on a page of the JoS website.

I barely post in the forums but I just felt that this was something to respond to.
NightKiss666 said:
I understand your point here HP. I dedicated when I was 13 but started to follow this small "Spiritual Satanic" group on an app called Kik. The admin started off with simplifying the information on the JoS site for us (myself included) to understand. Then his/her ideology started to shift in the wrong direction. It got to the point where he/she suggested that we all should grind up some wood from a specific tree and place the ashes on our 3rd eye to further empower it and to do energy ripping, without cleaning and/or transforming the energies into positive energy, and store it in our base chakra because it's "energizing". The Kik group became so corrupt that everyone became an admin and often but out bullshit from other "satanic" sites.

I left the small group at 15 and started going about Spiritual Satanism on my own for a few years. I started following the JoS and the forums closely around 17/18 years of age and ever since I've been advancing in the most positive way.

I have taken advice from a few SS, who weren't HPs, that seemed more advanced than me. Their advice was good but I tend to do better with spiritual advancement when it's just myself, the Gods, my GD, and the hard work of the JoS ministries.

Don't get me wrong, when I first started taking the information on the JoS more seriously at 17+ it confused me a bit because I still believed some of the bullshit that was pushed in the small Kik group. Over time, everything that was taught to me in the Kik group back then was debunked by the JoS ministries. Every question that I've had from that point forward was answered either through a forum, a sign on a random website or around my neighborhood, or on a page of the JoS website.

I barely post in the forums but I just felt that this was something to respond to.

Now if you realistically think how much time you wasted (possibly years) around in these places, you will understand why "people like me" are against this sort of drivel.

Regardless, these people are roaming and doing bullshit anyway, sometimes even harming others real bad. These will be punished by the Gods on the grounds that they defile other people only for self gain. The dumb ass who told you to put ashes on your head, isn't doing this to benefit the Gods or any other "Satanist", but to satisfy his bullshit arrogant ego, and pretend whatever.

If they want to help other Satanists, why aren't they here, where thousands need help and they can help thousands with less than 10 minutes per day? Because they don't want to help. They want other things and have other aims.

This creates a situation where us here, or the Gods, have to step in. In many instances in the past, people have came to me either personally or in the forums, completely mentally ruined, or in complete distress. Thanks to these so called 'groups'.

Normally these groups consist of a few fucktards who are too self-important, in which case legitimate or actually advanced SS would laugh or they would confront them with reality. As such they hide into dens and try to sic on new people to pretend they are toothfairy to them.

Their arrogant ego leads them away from everyone else, and gives excuses to itself that it's done to help "Satan" in some cases, too. If they wanted to help Satan why don't they help assist around 30,000 Satansits who are registered in these and the Yahoo Groups and that literally anyone can do that? Because that's besides the point.

These dumb fucks also, since some members are naive, they associate the BS they are told with Satan, in a sense, perceiving the deception they received from these trash individuals a deception from Satan and the Gods. In other instances, these people tell people all sorts of stuff about how supremely advanced they are etc. Of course, they do not come on these forums (and some do even stage coups and workings against the forum here, how pathetic of them) because they are mentally demented.

You boil down the situation and what you find is basically jews, and stupid people, and actual genuine people who are victims there. I have never heard of any said story ending up good over in these things.

However of course - people take their own decisions. Some choose to get self ruined or self fucked. While many will whine here "ThErE r No0 Med1aTuRs in SaTeeNeeSm!" they will also go and be 100% mediated in another place, and get fucked while doing it, until the understand the importance of said term.

The use of this meme is mainly from people who also use memes like "Responsibility to the responsible" but only when these are used as justifications for their downfall or riding the trolley of misery with everyone else into nothingness.
Note the putting the ashes on your forehead is a subliminal that ties into the energy of the enemy ritual's of Ash Wednesday, which carries nothing but negative energy. Its designed to bind the third eye. This is a lesson the enemy and those under the influence of the enemy always ties to put their Jewish trash into Satanism. This is to create the energy connection that allows all their curses to connect.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
NightKiss666 said:

Now if you realistically think how much time you wasted (possibly years) around in these places, you will understand why "people like me" are against this sort of drivel.


The use of this meme is mainly from people who also use memes like "Responsibility to the responsible" but only when these are used as justifications for their downfall or riding the trolley of misery with everyone else into nothingness.

I'm highly against these "groups" also. I've also had negative experiences with people who say that their GD is one of the four crowned princes of hell. My most negative experience was on Twitter with someone who always switched their name from "AstarothMyQueen" and "FreyjaMyQueen". Again, I was new to Spiritual Satanism at the time so anyone who seemed to know what they were doing appealed to me. I would message this person basic questions about magick, meditation, etc. I'd read the JoS and go to him/her for clarification on whatever I read at the time. I guess this person got so frustrated with my questions (I asked something about the Isa rune and it's invisibility effects) to where he/she labeled me as "immature", "Harry Potter influenced individual", "damned", "silly", etc. And just refused to talk to me ever again. So I was left in the dark about the rune until I figured out what it really meant by invisibility a few years later.

I honestly feel that some advanced SS, at that time and in the current, forget that they were also new at one point in time. Some stray into arrogance and see less advanced SS as "not worthy of their time nor energy" so I guess they refuse to help at all. I'm a strong believer in the saying "united we stand, divided we fall" and some individuals, unintentionally or intentionally, decide to divide SS for whatever sick benefit (example: *menacingly rubs hands together* "ThEy'Ll NeVeR rEaCh My SpIrItUaL lEvEl AnD i'Ll MaKe SuRe ThEy NeVeR dO").
HP Mageson666 said:
Note the putting the ashes on your forehead is a subliminal that ties into the energy of the enemy ritual's of Ash Wednesday, which carries nothing but negative energy. Its designed to bind the third eye. This is a lesson the enemy and those under the influence of the enemy always ties to put their Jewish trash into Satanism. This is to create the energy connection that allows all their curses to connect.
Also during "christening", the crossing-out of the Third Eye.
Honestly, I seldom ask questions at all on the forum anymore due to past experiences from members and HPs when I was new. It's had a rather lasting effect of distrust over the years that only built upon me further from other ridiculous uncalled-for behavior I've seen on our forums. I've had to rely on brutal research, experimentation, experiences and our own storage of information for everything as all of my questions would only get answered with insults. I'm now very knowledgeable as a result but I will always come up with a question I can't find the answer for and simply refuse to ask here.

This hasn't stopped me from helping everyone in the slightest obviously, it's just for the past several years whenever I have a question now I just use the search tool on the forums, reread sermons, go through our libraries or ask Satan himself. I'm very thankful too for the many questions he has helped me find the answers for, but not all of my questions can be answered so blatantly.

I remember one individual getting banned from here many years ago for legitimate questions and I had spent 2 weeks straight emailing them back and forth and educating them myself because the HP(S)s were insulting them instead and all the other members hopped onto the ass-kissing band wagon because 'omg they have HP in their name'. They fully understood and got all their answers realizing their mistake in the end, which only further builds upon Cobra's point here that many of these 'trolls' are legit people just trying to learn more. I believe harsh truth is needed, and if one can survive a blow from it and pick themselves back up, they are on the right path.

So if I seem like I'm coming across as a total asshole to a questioning member with my blunt forwardness and my "fucking cursing" it's not because I'm trying to tear them down, it's because I want them to know the reality and truth in the fastest way possible, and that's hitting them with it hard so they begin to recover and learn from it immediately. I don't have time for weekly therapy sessions, I give it all in one effective shot.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Honestly, I seldom ask questions at all on the forum anymore due to past experiences from members and HPs when I was new. It's had a rather lasting effect of distrust over the years that only built upon me further from other ridiculous uncalled-for behavior I've seen on our forums. I've had to rely on brutal research, experimentation, experiences and our own storage of information for everything as all of my questions would only get answered with insults. I'm now very knowledgeable as a result but I will always come up with a question I can't find the answer for and simply refuse to ask here.

This hasn't stopped me from helping everyone in the slightest obviously, it's just for the past several years whenever I have a question now I just use the search tool on the forums, reread sermons, go through our libraries or ask Satan himself. I'm very thankful too for the many questions he has helped me find the answers for, but not all of my questions can be answered so blatantly.

I remember one individual getting banned from here many years ago for legitimate questions and I had spent 2 weeks straight emailing them back and forth and educating them myself because the HP(S)s were insulting them instead and all the other members hopped onto the ass-kissing band wagon because 'omg they have HP in their name'. They fully understood and got all their answers realizing their mistake in the end, which only further builds upon Cobra's point here that many of these 'trolls' are legit people just trying to learn more. I believe harsh truth is needed, and if one can survive a blow from it and pick themselves back up, they are on the right path.

So if I seem like I'm coming across as a total asshole to a questioning member with my blunt forwardness and my "fucking cursing" it's not because I'm trying to tear them down, it's because I want them to know the reality and truth in the fastest way possible, and that's hitting them with it hard so they begin to recover and learn from it immediately. I don't have time for weekly therapy sessions, I give it all in one effective shot.
It's kind hard to belive that something like that happened. The only time that i have seen other SS saying bad things it's when someone posted really stupid questions.
I don't think you should be scared or anything really...if you look at the answer posted daily it's really rare for others too say bad things.
luis said:
It's kind hard to belive that something like that happened. The only time that i have seen other SS saying bad things it's when someone posted really stupid questions.
I don't think you should be scared or anything really...if you look at the answer posted daily it's really rare for others too say bad things.

This was years ago way back on our old forum, we didn't have as many members as we do now and things were rather up and down back then.
luis said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
It's kind hard to belive that something like that happened. The only time that i have seen other SS saying bad things it's when someone posted really stupid questions.
I don't think you should be scared or anything really...if you look at the answer posted daily it's really rare for others too say bad things.
I've received many rude or insulting replies back in the day when I was new and posting questions on the yahoogroups. It used to happen rather frequently. However, even when it got to a point of the HPs banning someone over it, these people were still allowed to make a new account and go on. Artanis if I remember correctly had been banned ~4 times back in the yahoogroups, but kept making new accounts and sticking around, and the HPs were fine with that.

Also bear in mind there are still some very arrogant people, some infiltrators and some SS on a low level of advancement, who make it their passtime to insult those new members that are posting questions, under the guise of "protecting" others from infiltrators. I will gladly call out user "makesyouperfect" here, who has had a period of time where he/she followed me around and tried to ridicule my every post, both on the yahoogroups and on the forums, which ended up discouraging me from participating in the forums (except for reading) almost completely for over a year. It was never constructive criticism, just ignorance and arrogance, spreading hate and ridicule for no reason except petty self-righteousness.

@Ghost in the Machine
If you had to deal with similar bullshit back in the day, I feel sorry for you. It's a horrible feeling to feel unable to properly be open and a part of our community here. The vast majority of these arrogant asses have thankfully left by now, so I would encourage you to try and post some of the more difficult questions of yours on here, if you feel ready to do so. If nothing else, I can guarantee you that I myself will gladly try to answer all your questions to the best of my ability when I see any, and I'm sure many other members here will do the same. :)
Shael said:
luis said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
It's kind hard to belive that something like that happened. The only time that i have seen other SS saying bad things it's when someone posted really stupid questions.
I don't think you should be scared or anything really...if you look at the answer posted daily it's really rare for others too say bad things.
I've received many rude or insulting replies back in the day when I was new and posting questions on the yahoogroups. It used to happen rather frequently. However, even when it got to a point of the HPs banning someone over it, these people were still allowed to make a new account and go on. Artanis if I remember correctly had been banned ~4 times back in the yahoogroups, but kept making new accounts and sticking around, and the HPs were fine with that.

Also bear in mind there are still some very arrogant people, some infiltrators and some SS on a low level of advancement, who make it their passtime to insult those new members that are posting questions, under the guise of "protecting" others from infiltrators. I will gladly call out user "makesyouperfect" here, who has had a period of time where he/she followed me around and tried to ridicule my every post, both on the yahoogroups and on the forums, which ended up discouraging me from participating in the forums (except for reading) almost completely for over a year. It was never constructive criticism, just ignorance and arrogance, spreading hate and ridicule for no reason except petty self-righteousness.

@Ghost in the Machine
If you had to deal with similar bullshit back in the day, I feel sorry for you. It's a horrible feeling to feel unable to properly be open and a part of our community here. The vast majority of these arrogant asses have thankfully left by now, so I would encourage you to try and post some of the more difficult questions of yours on here, if you feel ready to do so. If nothing else, I can guarantee you that I myself will gladly try to answer all your questions to the best of my ability when I see any, and I'm sure many other members here will do the same. :)
I never posted in the yahoo groups so i don't really know. They are less controlled. And they are not as moderated like the forums as far as i know.

Keep in mind that there are like 2 or 3 HP's that moderate the messages and they are already busy with their lifes.

To be honest i never had bad experiences, even when i was a newbey and i've been in the old forum too.
luis said:
Shael said:
I never posted in the yahoo groups so i don't really know. They are less controlled. And they are not as moderated like the forums as far as i know.

Keep in mind that there are like 2 or 3 HP's that moderate the messages and they are already busy with their lifes.

To be honest i never had bad experiences, even when i was a newbey and i've been in the old forum too.
I was referring to the yahoogroups because there was a time where we didn't have these forums, and I presumed that Ghost's experiences were from back then.
However, these things also happen(ed) on the forums here as well. Over time as our member count grew and some more infiltrators lost their mind and left, this has become a much more open space where you're not (usually) called a troll if you post something that is a little unusual.
There is a problem with just shutting people and everything they say up as was a practice that was the case before, because people did not answer these people. So the result was a disapproved post, a thing that was never answered, that grew and grew and people made dumb stuff around. This caused a lot of problems.

Some questions I have answered 100 times, I'll answer them another 1000. Not all people want to do this type of thing, but this is where a Satanist has to go the extra mile. Despite of how much I may have a bad, extremely busy, or exhausting day, I will go by any means, or literally crawl on the forum to help others.

Everyday, it only takes some minutes. I can be extremely busy, but this doesn't matter, I will come to at least answer something. There are smartphones in this day and age. There is no excuse of absence. One can participate with a 50 dollar smartphone.

For those who have been in the old groups, or you have 10 years around, one can see undeniably how much people have grown. The only people that left are people who are really mentally stuck, and they just are too self important.

Normally, people who are advanced and caring about Satan, and want to somehow pay him back for his help that he gives, his counsel and guidance, will stay to help other people to the best of their ability, and not be an asshole diva which wastes everyone's time.

Many advanced people due to time constraints cannot participate in the boards. The majority of them. However, they all read, are with us, and they study or advance. On certain intervals, they also participate to help. If they had more time, it would be different.

When I came on the groups, it was infested with bad druggies, insanity, and many other things. It was Satan's will and it still is, so that his people are safe, sound, and advancing, that this insanity is controlled. Due to this, and the enemy and jews all over the place, who were bolstering this, people left and some blamed Satan, or had a lot of their time wasted out of their advancement.

I myself have experienced everything people describe here firsthand, both from the mod perspective, and the member perspective a long time ago.

Just know in general, the groups are moderated with great concern and love for the members. There has to be allowance to questions, but not tolerance to trolls.

Unless someone proves or promotes hostile or enemy crap, ie, try to jew us, they will be allowed to talk. Doesn't matter how obscure the subject. However, this will be done on the preface of teaching, and not for people to be talked into shit or damnation.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There is a problem with just shutting people and everything they say up as was a practice that was the case before, because people did not answer these people. So the result was a disapproved post, a thing that was never answered, that grew and grew and people made dumb stuff around. This caused a lot of problems.

Some questions I have answered 100 times, I'll answer them another 1000. Not all people want to do this type of thing, but this is where a Satanist has to go the extra mile. Despite of how much I may have a bad, extremely busy, or exhausting day, I will go by any means, or literally crawl on the forum to help others.

Everyday, it only takes some minutes. I can be extremely busy, but this doesn't matter, I will come to at least answer something. There are smartphones in this day and age. There is no excuse of absence. One can participate with a 50 dollar smartphone.

For those who have been in the old groups, or you have 10 years around, one can see undeniably how much people have grown. The only people that left are people who are really mentally stuck, and they just are too self important.

Normally, people who are advanced and caring about Satan, and want to somehow pay him back for his help that he gives, his counsel and guidance, will stay to help other people to the best of their ability, and not be an asshole diva which wastes everyone's time.

Many advanced people due to time constraints cannot participate in the boards. The majority of them. However, they all read, are with us, and they study or advance. On certain intervals, they also participate to help. If they had more time, it would be different.

When I came on the groups, it was infested with bad druggies, insanity, and many other things. It was Satan's will and it still is, so that his people are safe, sound, and advancing, that this insanity is controlled. Due to this, and the enemy and jews all over the place, who were bolstering this, people left and some blamed Satan, or had a lot of their time wasted out of their advancement.

I myself have experienced everything people describe here firsthand, both from the mod perspective, and the member perspective a long time ago.

Just know in general, the groups are moderated with great concern and love for the members. There has to be allowance to questions, but not tolerance to trolls.

Unless someone proves or promotes hostile or enemy crap, ie, try to jew us, they will be allowed to talk. Doesn't matter how obscure the subject. However, this will be done on the preface of teaching, and not for people to be talked into shit or damnation.

Your response just made me blush in a good way. It's so sweet and selfless of you to still find time out of your busy day, regardless of how you feel to help others (many blessings to you). This is actually the first time I've heard an advanced SS go out of their way to help and still be willing to answer the same questions over and over again (I admire your patience for many would get annoyed by such).

I myself have also been in the yahoogroups back in the day. I definitely see the improvement in a lot of people here. Some users I recognize from the yahoogroups and they've definitely grew themselves <3.

This forum is the safest and most controlled so far.

There are blatant trolls that come on the forums still to try to confuse new members but I love how those few users would come out and identify the obvious trolls and, not necessarily entertain them but answer their "trolling stupid questions or statements" with a "stupid" answer (my choice of words may have confused some). Basically, stupid is what stupid gets (if that's the right saying for this).
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There is a problem with just shutting people and everything they say up as was a practice that was the case before, because people did not answer these people. So the result was a disapproved post, a thing that was never answered, that grew and grew and people made dumb stuff around. This caused a lot of problems.

Some questions I have answered 100 times, I'll answer them another 1000. Not all people want to do this type of thing, but this is where a Satanist has to go the extra mile. Despite of how much I may have a bad, extremely busy, or exhausting day, I will go by any means, or literally crawl on the forum to help others.

Everyday, it only takes some minutes. I can be extremely busy, but this doesn't matter, I will come to at least answer something. There are smartphones in this day and age. There is no excuse of absence. One can participate with a 50 dollar smartphone.

For those who have been in the old groups, or you have 10 years around, one can see undeniably how much people have grown. The only people that left are people who are really mentally stuck, and they just are too self important.

Normally, people who are advanced and caring about Satan, and want to somehow pay him back for his help that he gives, his counsel and guidance, will stay to help other people to the best of their ability, and not be an asshole diva which wastes everyone's time.

Many advanced people due to time constraints cannot participate in the boards. The majority of them. However, they all read, are with us, and they study or advance. On certain intervals, they also participate to help. If they had more time, it would be different.

When I came on the groups, it was infested with bad druggies, insanity, and many other things. It was Satan's will and it still is, so that his people are safe, sound, and advancing, that this insanity is controlled. Due to this, and the enemy and jews all over the place, who were bolstering this, people left and some blamed Satan, or had a lot of their time wasted out of their advancement.

I myself have experienced everything people describe here firsthand, both from the mod perspective, and the member perspective a long time ago.

Just know in general, the groups are moderated with great concern and love for the members. There has to be allowance to questions, but not tolerance to trolls.

Unless someone proves or promotes hostile or enemy crap, ie, try to jew us, they will be allowed to talk. Doesn't matter how obscure the subject. However, this will be done on the preface of teaching, and not for people to be talked into shit or damnation.

Awww, I love you extremely much, honestly. you're too wonderful for this world.
Shael said:
luis said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
I've received many rude or insulting replies back in the day when I was new and posting questions on the yahoogroups. It used to happen rather frequently. However, even when it got to a point of the HPs banning someone over it, these people were still allowed to make a new account and go on. Artanis if I remember correctly had been banned ~4 times back in the yahoogroups, but kept making new accounts and sticking around, and the HPs were fine with that.
It's a similar number with me, as well!

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There is a problem with just shutting people and everything they say up as was a practice that was the case before, because people did not answer these people. So the result was a disapproved post, a thing that was never answered, that grew and grew and people made dumb stuff around. This caused a lot of problems.
I think most people, either new or old, think that the HPs and HPSs are all-knowledgeable and can answer everything immediately like gospel. It's a learning curve being a moderator and while we want and need to have as many on our side as possible, of course, it takes certain sorts to stick around. For some, they don't back down, which provides (the potential for flame-warring, but also) opportunities for more learning, regarding the arguments/debates being broken-down, perhaps meticulously, and learning and understanding after.

Some questions I have answered 100 times, I'll answer them another 1000.
This is the nature of forums with n00bs coming all the time and the nature of people having to rely on others for a while. Consider the n00b - they are a Baby, not in a derogatory sense but as in that they cannot fend for themselves (at least to a certain degree); Babies are 100% reliant on Parents; n00bs are very, very similar, and I do know how difficult it can be to take the reins off and go and learn to fly yourself.

Despite of how much I may have a bad, extremely busy, or exhausting day, I will go by any means, or literally crawl on the forum to help others.
"Are you 'bucking' for a promotion?" :p

Just know in general, the groups are moderated with great concern and love for the members. There has to be allowance to questions, but not tolerance to trolls.
Also the nature of this is that some would take malicous advantage of that.

Unless someone proves or promotes hostile or enemy crap, ie, try to jew us, they will be allowed to talk. Doesn't matter how obscure the subject. However, this will be done on the preface of teaching, and not for people to be talked into shit or damnation.
When I share links with descriptions, or arguments against a point, I always mention that the forum can be used for questions and debating. Some people need to debate and question, rather than just accept things blindly, so while it might be tiring or exhausting trying to help individuals understand, it is unavoidable and also necessary for some.

NightKiss666 said:
There are blatant trolls that come on the forums still to try to confuse new members but I love how those few users would come out and identify the obvious trolls and, not necessarily entertain them but answer their "trolling stupid questions or statements" with a "stupid" answer (my choice of words may have confused some). Basically, stupid is what stupid gets (if that's the right saying for this).
A saying is "ask a silly/stupid question, get a silly/stupid answer". Some say "there are no stupid questions" and "except for one not asked" but of course there actually are some silly/stupid questions. "If I take my electric heater into the bath with me, will I increase my bioelectricity so I can be proficient in electrokinesis?" Yeah, of course...
FancyMancy said:
Shael said:
luis said:
I've received many rude or insulting replies back in the day when I was new and posting questions on the yahoogroups. It used to happen rather frequently. However, even when it got to a point of the HPs banning someone over it, these people were still allowed to make a new account and go on. Artanis if I remember correctly had been banned ~4 times back in the yahoogroups, but kept making new accounts and sticking around, and the HPs were fine with that.
It's a similar number with me, as well!

You mean you were banned multiple Times as well?? :eek:
Artanis said:
FancyMancy said:
It's a similar number with me, as well!

You mean you were banned multiple Times as well?? :eek:
Hahaha, it's similar because I was referring to you ;)

I was not banned, as I was being rather cautious about what I write and post, but I got a good lecturing by HC once and if I remember correctly, he said he was very close to banning me. I did some stupid stuff though, so it was completely justified :lol:
Shael said:
Artanis said:
It's a similar number with me, as well!

You mean you were banned multiple Times as well?? :eek:
Hahaha, it's similar because I was referring to you ;)

I was not banned, as I was being rather cautious about what I write and post, but I got a good lecturing by HC once and if I remember correctly, he said he was very close to banning me. I did some stupid stuff though, so it was completely justified :lol:

No, i meant FancyMancy. Somehow this didnt quote her :roll: :lol: :lol:
Artanis said:
No, i meant FancyMancy. Somehow this didnt quote her :roll: :lol: :lol:
Oh, nevermind then :lol:
Artanis said:
FancyMancy said:
Shael said:
I've received many rude or insulting replies back in the day when I was new and posting questions on the yahoogroups. It used to happen rather frequently. However, even when it got to a point of the HPs banning someone over it, these people were still allowed to make a new account and go on. Artanis if I remember correctly had been banned ~4 times back in the yahoogroups, but kept making new accounts and sticking around, and the HPs were fine with that.
It's a similar number with me, as well!

You mean you were banned multiple Times as well?? :eek:
Yeah. I reckon the mods know my usernames, but I can remember only 1 or 2 of them.

Shael said:
Artanis said:
It's a similar number with me, as well!

You mean you were banned multiple Times as well?? :eek:
Hahaha, it's similar because I was referring to you ;)

I was not banned, as I was being rather cautious about what I write and post, but I got a good lecturing by HC once and if I remember correctly, he said he was very close to banning me. I did some stupid stuff though, so it was completely justified :lol:
Artanis broke the quote tags, so were you referring to Artanis or to me? As I just said, I've had different usernames, so you must be very Sherlock-y if you realise who I was!

Artanis said:
Shael said:
Artanis said:
It's a similar number with me, as well!

You mean you were banned multiple Times as well?? :eek:
Hahaha, it's similar because I was referring to you ;)

I was not banned, as I was being rather cautious about what I write and post, but I got a good lecturing by HC once and if I remember correctly, he said he was very close to banning me. I did some stupid stuff though, so it was completely justified :lol:

No, i meant FancyMancy. Somehow this didnt quote her :roll: :lol: :lol:
Fancy's a Boy! A-- at least I think he is... checks Yep!
FancyMancy said:
Artanis said:
It's a similar number with me, as well!

You mean you were banned multiple Times as well?? :eek:
Yeah. I reckon the mods know my usernames, but I can remember only 1 or 2 of them.

Shael said:
Artanis said:
It's a similar number with me, as well!

You mean you were banned multiple Times as well?? :eek:
Hahaha, it's similar because I was referring to you ;)

I was not banned, as I was being rather cautious about what I write and post, but I got a good lecturing by HC once and if I remember correctly, he said he was very close to banning me. I did some stupid stuff though, so it was completely justified :lol:
Artanis broke the quote tags, so were you referring to Artanis or to me? As I just said, I've had different usernames, so you must be very Sherlock-y if you realise who I was!

Artanis said:
Shael said:
Hahaha, it's similar because I was referring to you ;)

I was not banned, as I was being rather cautious about what I write and post, but I got a good lecturing by HC once and if I remember correctly, he said he was very close to banning me. I did some stupid stuff though, so it was completely justified :lol:

No, i meant FancyMancy. Somehow this didnt quote her :roll: :lol: :lol:
Fancy's a Boy! A-- at least I think he is... checks Yep!

Oh. I thought that The "Mancy" could have given your sex out.
FancyMancy said:
Artanis broke the quote tags, so were you referring to Artanis or to me? As I just said, I've had different usernames, so you must be very Sherlock-y if you realise who I was!
I was referring to Artanis. Unfortunately I'm not that Sherlock-y :D

FancyMancy said:
Fancy's a Boy! A-- at least I think he is... checks Yep!
Admin, please delete my orion_anubis account because I can't access it effectively and I also tried changing the password. My new user account is wariorSS. I am not jewish, gypsy or infiltrated, I am a member of the Joy of Satan, Romania, dedicated for about 1 year. I want from the American or Italian forum to find news, in Romania forum it is more difficult with translations.I apologize for any inconvenience and if I posted on the wrong topic. It is easy for me to read, not to write looking for keywords, my grammar is not very good. And thank you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
