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Help with Munka working


Nov 4, 2017
Is the munka vibrate in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xb6EkqZO4oQ the correct way to vibrate it? Its Aldrick Strickland's video, but its a bit old and I was just wanting to confirm if its the correct way to do Munka.

Also, there will be a full-waning moon in Taurus in a few days, would that be a good start on a Freeing the Soul working?
I was asking because I want to get rid of all the money and sexual hangups that ive got. I don't know what happened to me in a past life, but I can say it was awful.
Im ready to put an end to all of this torment that I go through. Ive been poor all my life without so much as a few dollars, and getting into a sexual relationship with someone is next to impossible because of the condition i'm stuck in. I want to be free from it all.
What kind of affirmation should I use for it? Or how should I use the munka mantra? Do I vibrate into my entire being and say an affirmation like "I am permanently and completely free from poverty and all sexual hang ups"?

Over the years ive really let myself go and given up on a happy life. I have very deep rooted depression and deprivation when it come to money, sex, and any luxury and success.
Ive developed a deep envy and hatred towards people that have all those things, and I need help getting rid of the problems that I have.

Ive pledged myself as a soldier to Satan and I wanted to help out in the War that we are having here on earth. Ive made a lot of promises to him in the past that I would help whenever I could, but as time went on I found myself being lazy and not doing much of anything. I admit that most of the time I worry more about myself and the problems that im having, instead of other people and the condition our world is in. Its because ive lived in sadness my whole life and Im craving to escape it and have wealth and luxury that I, and we as Satanists damn well deserve.

Over the years of being a Satanist, my faith and love for Satan has slowly faded away, because ive never been contacted by any of the gods. Ive tried plenty of times in the past to ask for physical signs. For example: I put an empty plastic bottle at the edge of the table that I use for my altar, and asked if any of the gods could tip it over, or do something with it. Nothing happened. And I did that a few times. I was wondering why they would leave me here without anything and let me suffer through the things I do. Its hard to escape the life I have on my own. I wish they could see that and offer help. Ive nearly lost all hope and I cant stand it anymore. I feel so nonimportant to Satan that ive nearly stopped doing anything for him.

Ive had hardly anything good happen when trying to open my chakras. Ive been a member of JoS for about 5 years now, and ive only started working on my chakras and doing magic for about 3 years. My third eye just doesn't want to open and it seems hopeless to try anymore. Ive tried everything from Thaum, to Thuar, to Thoth, to Inanna, to Chandramase, which im doing right now 40x chandramase, into my third eye and even using affirmations "The energy of the moon is opening and empowering my third eye in a happy and positive way for me" x8 And it still doesn't seem to work.

I have lived as a Satanism for 5 years now and I still don't even know if Satan really accepts me or not. Ive barely gotten any signs from the gods that they are there, and ive had not the slightest bit of success in life at all ever since becoming a Satanist. Im such a good person at heart, but life has made me cruel and vicious without anyone there for me to show any kind of love, and the silence of the gods isn't helping at all. I wish I was free from this life. Hoodedcobra made a sermon about accepting yourself, but how could I possibly accept myself when I hate everything about me.

And remember if any of you guys are having a bad day and going through pain, just remember that I had to wake up today without anything to eat, no money to buy food, nobody to love, and I have to worry about bills that's impossible for me to pay. I don't deserve this kind of life at all.
I want to try a freeing the soul working, and if that doesn't work, then fuck it all, I guess im just doomed to doom itself.
For the munka working the recording sounds right to me.

For the affirmations and from what I've heard other SS say you might want to separate those goals into different workings for more power. Choose most important first (probably money) then do the others later. Also be more specific: "I am NOW permanently and completely free from any and all restrictions and hangups about money and wealth in my current life including from past lives."
" I am now continuously attracting wealth, money, and financial opportunities in positive ways for me."

Besides magickal workings I think you need to take a look at how you spend your time during the day? What are you physically doing to change things?

What are you thinking throughout your day?
If it's anything like this post it's no wonder you are in such bad shape.

When you ask from signs from the Gods and Satan if you are in such a low energy state you won't be receptive enough to hear or see anything.

Sometimes they will give you signs later like the next day for example. I bet they have given you signs but you were too gunked up to see with these bad low energy thoughts you hold onto so dearly.

Anyways I hope I don't sound harsh, but I've seen some of your other posts and they are similar.

Really truly if you cannot see anything but bad in yourself and life then that's all you get. It's simple and it's only hard because you tell yourself it's hard.
About the third eye, are you actualy trying to use it insted of just empowering it? You have to sit and go into a light trance if you can and 'look' at your third eye until you see something and even more, even just some light colors.

Then there is the pineal gland, are you empowering it? Are staying there and concentrate in the pineal gland to activate it even more? Have you eliminated fluoride from your diet? Toothpaste and water are the first that you should look. If your pineal gland is blocked and you are not doing nothing to change this, then your astral sense's are not going to open.

This path is hard but it is worth it. Things just take some time and it depends on how much powerful you are...i did many great things with magic and change a lot in my life for the best, Yes i'm still not rich but i'm fine, for example i was going to be evicted from my home, i did a spell and It was all ok! You can do this too and more! Ask Father Satan for help, he will help you if you do something too to change your situation, like workings and in the physical world too.
Ignisalas said:
Is the munka vibrate in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xb6EkqZO4oQ the correct way to vibrate it? Its Aldrick Strickland's video, but its a bit old and I was just wanting to confirm if its the correct way to do Munka.

Also, there will be a full-waning moon in Taurus in a few days, would that be a good start on a Freeing the Soul working?
I was asking because I want to get rid of all the money and sexual hangups that ive got. I don't know what happened to me in a past life, but I can say it was awful.
Im ready to put an end to all of this torment that I go through. Ive been poor all my life without so much as a few dollars, and getting into a sexual relationship with someone is next to impossible because of the condition i'm stuck in. I want to be free from it all.
What kind of affirmation should I use for it? Or how should I use the munka mantra? Do I vibrate into my entire being and say an affirmation like "I am permanently and completely free from poverty and all sexual hang ups"?

Over the years ive really let myself go and given up on a happy life. I have very deep rooted depression and deprivation when it come to money, sex, and any luxury and success.
Ive developed a deep envy and hatred towards people that have all those things, and I need help getting rid of the problems that I have.

Ive pledged myself as a soldier to Satan and I wanted to help out in the War that we are having here on earth. Ive made a lot of promises to him in the past that I would help whenever I could, but as time went on I found myself being lazy and not doing much of anything. I admit that most of the time I worry more about myself and the problems that im having, instead of other people and the condition our world is in. Its because ive lived in sadness my whole life and Im craving to escape it and have wealth and luxury that I, and we as Satanists damn well deserve.

Over the years of being a Satanist, my faith and love for Satan has slowly faded away, because ive never been contacted by any of the gods. Ive tried plenty of times in the past to ask for physical signs. For example: I put an empty plastic bottle at the edge of the table that I use for my altar, and asked if any of the gods could tip it over, or do something with it. Nothing happened. And I did that a few times. I was wondering why they would leave me here without anything and let me suffer through the things I do. Its hard to escape the life I have on my own. I wish they could see that and offer help. Ive nearly lost all hope and I cant stand it anymore. I feel so nonimportant to Satan that ive nearly stopped doing anything for him.

Ive had hardly anything good happen when trying to open my chakras. Ive been a member of JoS for about 5 years now, and ive only started working on my chakras and doing magic for about 3 years. My third eye just doesn't want to open and it seems hopeless to try anymore. Ive tried everything from Thaum, to Thuar, to Thoth, to Inanna, to Chandramase, which im doing right now 40x chandramase, into my third eye and even using affirmations "The energy of the moon is opening and empowering my third eye in a happy and positive way for me" x8 And it still doesn't seem to work.

I have lived as a Satanism for 5 years now and I still don't even know if Satan really accepts me or not. Ive barely gotten any signs from the gods that they are there, and ive had not the slightest bit of success in life at all ever since becoming a Satanist. Im such a good person at heart, but life has made me cruel and vicious without anyone there for me to show any kind of love, and the silence of the gods isn't helping at all. I wish I was free from this life. Hoodedcobra made a sermon about accepting yourself, but how could I possibly accept myself when I hate everything about me.

And remember if any of you guys are having a bad day and going through pain, just remember that I had to wake up today without anything to eat, no money to buy food, nobody to love, and I have to worry about bills that's impossible for me to pay. I don't deserve this kind of life at all.
I want to try a freeing the soul working, and if that doesn't work, then fuck it all, I guess im just doomed to doom itself.

i want to say that maybe all the things that happen to you can be from the planet and/or the enemy ( so the cause ) , you are one of the few on this planet who know the truth , and have the knowledge we have here , you really have extreme luck ( like all of us here ), compared to all of this people who are really doomed ( those without), we also have the calpabilities to change our fates , but first we have to change our mindset or everything will f*ck up ( specially with stronger bioelectricity from the meditations ) ,

i think this sermon from Vovim can help you :

- The Reasons for Beginning Struggles with Meditation & Magick -

There is a period for newly Dedicated Spiritual Satanists, where it feels as if there is a constant struggle with Meditation and Magick. The effects of meditations are not felt and visualization seems nearly impossible. There is a very simple reason for this, and most figure this out for themselves after they have persisted through the rough patch and stuck with their Meditations long enough to actually feel their effects. However, there are many who simply give up because of the initial struggle.

Firstly, struggle is a constant and a necessity, there is no such thing as “something for nothing”. In order to gain we must give, it is that simple. In order to gain the positive effects of Meditations we must give our time, effort and dedication in doing the Meditations and applying them every day. – In other words, constantly! Consistency IS the key to Meditation; it is the only barrier between failure and success with regards to both Meditation and Magic. We are our own worst enemies when it comes to initial Mediations. Do not get that statement wrong, I am not referring to a “bad attitude” or a lack of self confidence. – Granted, these play a major part in failure. However these are just bi-products of the main, inner-reason behind the initial Struggles with Meditation and Magick. This main, inner-reason is the Higher Mind and the Physical Body. Both our Higher Mind and our Physical Body work against us during the initial stages of Dedication, to understand this, you have to understand what actually happens when we Meditate and perform Magick or even Rituals. When we are new to Spiritual Satanism, we either come from a suppressive religious background or an atheistic background - [some come from backgrounds of magick, but that is very rare, and also, the types of magical paths that are accepted by society are simply xian off-shoots with hocus-pocus bullshit added to them] With these suppressive backgrounds and the relentless enemy influence over the many years and generations of Gentiles, True Meditation and True Magick are completely cut-off from us. Our Higher mind becomes nearly dormant and our physical body accepts the norm [the norm being, complete numbness to energy and also, complete blindness to the Astral] – This is exactly what our enemies’ want and have wanted from the start. Now, after the Dedication, we get a jolt of the Astral, and we feel our Almighty Father Satans’ presence. We also feel the relief of the weight of xianity being lifted from us. It is at this point our Higher Mind is stirred form it’s slumber and our Physical body gets its first real interaction with our Fathers’ energy. – And energy in general. Then, we move onto the Opening of the Soul and the opening of our Chakra’s. It is at this point where many give up or stagnate, because as I mentioned earlier, they struggle with the Meditations, Visualization and, feeling the effects of Meditations.

But it is only natural that this will happen. Think of it in this way, when the body encounters a foreign substance, [good or bad] the body shuts-off and attacks it.- Destroying any potential threat that it can. Keeping this in mind, Meditation and Magick are completely foreign to the Physical body, so the Physical body reacts to this “new” thing it is experiencing. Firstly by shutting off. - Which is why the effects of initial Meditations are not felt, most of the time or even at all. The Body then tries to stop you from continuing in the fear that this might be harmful by making things difficult. For instance you get a stuffy nose or a tight chest when Meditating, or you cannot relax when trying to get into a trance, no matter how hard you try. Small things like that either distract or dissuaded you from Meditating in the Beginning. [It is as if the Body has sent the immune system after Meditation in General] Then we have the Higher Mind which has laid Dormant for many years, due to militant suppression of anything Spiritual or Magical. - And specifically anything that leads the way to Father Satan. So just like the Physical Body, the Higher Mind shuts off and tries to protect us from the foreign experience.

The ONLY way to combat this is to be consistent with Meditation and Magick. Simply sitting for 30 Minutes every day and doing; one Chakra Opening exercise, the Foundation Meditation and a set of breathing exercises. By applying Meditation and Magick over a constant period, the Physical Body starts to feel the positive effects of the Meditations and begins to embrace Meditation and Magick. The Physical Body just needs time to adapt, remember the kikes have worked for centuries to completely strip us Gentiles of any Occult Power or Knowledge. – So, naturally, the Body will need time to adapt to such new and powerful experiences. Similarly, the Higher Mind begins to activate, and starts to recover from its atrophy. Again, consistency and daily application of Meditation and Magick both stimulates and empowers the Higher Mind. This is why it is fundamental to understand that this Path takes Time, far too many Gentiles whom come to Father Satan and Spiritual Satanism expect “Godlike” results within the period of a week or a Month. True Power of any kind comes only with time and Wisdom. - Wisdom can only be gained through the constant Application of knowledge; and knowledge can only be gained through the constant application of oneself in learning all there is to learn. Secondary to this, there is the issue of a lack of self-confidence and a lack of pride in what we do. - Which of course the enemy has worked to instill in us all. Selfconfidence is a major part of Meditation and Magick; you have to know and feel beyond a shadow of a doubt that what you have just done - be it a meditation or a ritual - is, will, and has worked completely!

No matter what you feel, no matter whether you didn’t visualize as good as you wanted to, no matter whether you didn’t feel the effects as much as the last time you did that specific meditation or magical working, it does not matter. Why? Because you *DID* the Meditation, you *DID* the magical working. What reason do you have to doubt your success? Sometimes we only feel the effects of a specific meditation hours, even days after the actual Meditation. Sometime Our Planets are aligned in a negative way and cause us to feel less – astrally - and even make us feel that we have failed without even trying. Sometimes you do not feel anything because you are passed that specific meditation and you need to move up to new meditations. - And do not forget, sometimes the enemy tries to manipulate our thinking and astral experiences to make us feel like we have failed, or we are useless, when in-fact the meditation has worked perfectly, we simply have nor felt it. Again the only way passed this is to be consistent and dedicated when it comes to our Meditations and Magical workings. There will come a point when your Astral flame will burn so bright none of this will affect you; you will have complete and utter confidence in yourself, your Meditations and your Magical workings. And the only way to reach this point is? Yes, that is right, always be consistent. This does not only apply to Meditation and Magick, this also applies to; Astral Vision, Astral Communication, Trance, Visualization, Astral Projection and just about anything in life.

Remember that anything new, will take time and practice to Master. Now, after confronting the main inner-reason for our initial struggles, we also have to understand and combat the outer-reasons. Remember, even after we find our beloved Father Satan, we are still oppressed by not only society, but our own families, our community and most of all, our many enemies. They will all work in unison to deter us from our Father, whether through intimidation or pathetic attempts at degradation. Simply build your Aura of protection, keep your Aura and Chakra’s clean of negative energies and influences. You are a Gentile, and a Son\Daughter of our Almighty and Beloved Father Satan, You have HIS love and HIS Will on your Side. NEVER let anything persuade you otherwise. I am writing this to encourage patience with Meditation and Magick, and hopefully to help all those who are newly Dedicated, to understand what is actually happening and what they are going through. I hope that this will help those who are newly Dedicated in applying themselves and pushing themselves to ultimate success. Just remember that Father Satan and the Gods are always with us and are always there to help us. If you feel you are Truly Struggling, just connect with our beloved Father and ask for his Help.
Ignisalas said:
Is the munka vibrate in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xb6EkqZO4oQ the correct way to vibrate it? Its Aldrick Strickland's video, but its a bit old and I was just wanting to confirm if its the correct way to do Munka.

Also, there will be a full-waning moon in Taurus in a few days, would that be a good start on a Freeing the Soul working?
I was asking because I want to get rid of all the money and sexual hangups that ive got. I don't know what happened to me in a past life, but I can say it was awful.
Im ready to put an end to all of this torment that I go through. Ive been poor all my life without so much as a few dollars, and getting into a sexual relationship with someone is next to impossible because of the condition i'm stuck in. I want to be free from it all.
What kind of affirmation should I use for it? Or how should I use the munka mantra? Do I vibrate into my entire being and say an affirmation like "I am permanently and completely free from poverty and all sexual hang ups"?

Over the years ive really let myself go and given up on a happy life. I have very deep rooted depression and deprivation when it come to money, sex, and any luxury and success.
Ive developed a deep envy and hatred towards people that have all those things, and I need help getting rid of the problems that I have.

Ive pledged myself as a soldier to Satan and I wanted to help out in the War that we are having here on earth. Ive made a lot of promises to him in the past that I would help whenever I could, but as time went on I found myself being lazy and not doing much of anything. I admit that most of the time I worry more about myself and the problems that im having, instead of other people and the condition our world is in. Its because ive lived in sadness my whole life and Im craving to escape it and have wealth and luxury that I, and we as Satanists damn well deserve.

Over the years of being a Satanist, my faith and love for Satan has slowly faded away, because ive never been contacted by any of the gods. Ive tried plenty of times in the past to ask for physical signs. For example: I put an empty plastic bottle at the edge of the table that I use for my altar, and asked if any of the gods could tip it over, or do something with it. Nothing happened. And I did that a few times. I was wondering why they would leave me here without anything and let me suffer through the things I do. Its hard to escape the life I have on my own. I wish they could see that and offer help. Ive nearly lost all hope and I cant stand it anymore. I feel so nonimportant to Satan that ive nearly stopped doing anything for him.

Ive had hardly anything good happen when trying to open my chakras. Ive been a member of JoS for about 5 years now, and ive only started working on my chakras and doing magic for about 3 years. My third eye just doesn't want to open and it seems hopeless to try anymore. Ive tried everything from Thaum, to Thuar, to Thoth, to Inanna, to Chandramase, which im doing right now 40x chandramase, into my third eye and even using affirmations "The energy of the moon is opening and empowering my third eye in a happy and positive way for me" x8 And it still doesn't seem to work.

I have lived as a Satanism for 5 years now and I still don't even know if Satan really accepts me or not. Ive barely gotten any signs from the gods that they are there, and ive had not the slightest bit of success in life at all ever since becoming a Satanist. Im such a good person at heart, but life has made me cruel and vicious without anyone there for me to show any kind of love, and the silence of the gods isn't helping at all. I wish I was free from this life. Hoodedcobra made a sermon about accepting yourself, but how could I possibly accept myself when I hate everything about me.

And remember if any of you guys are having a bad day and going through pain, just remember that I had to wake up today without anything to eat, no money to buy food, nobody to love, and I have to worry about bills that's impossible for me to pay. I don't deserve this kind of life at all.
I want to try a freeing the soul working, and if that doesn't work, then fuck it all, I guess im just doomed to doom itself.

Hey can you tell me how I can do the munka? I still can't find it anywhere... :?:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
