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Help to get rid of my gyno


New member
Jan 21, 2021
So I have probalem with gynecomastia or “man boobs”. My puberty is over, there is no chance this is going away on its own hormonally also it is not just fat because I am at a normal BMI . Is there anything I can do other than removal surgery to fix this? I’m afraid to be with a woman, or at the pool, and have to take my shirt off it’s so embarrassing. Don’t say that it isn’t a problem or that I need to love myself. My breasts are larger than most females.
Quick research into topic revealed that this is due to increased estrogen, and low testosterone.

So basically you would want to increase your testosterone and lower your estrogen levels with lifestyle changes.

Those changes are pretty much diet, exercise, and hygiene products. You would benefit from installing water filter due to polluted water.

That's the basics. Someone else might give you more in-depth answer.
BMI is unreliable in most cases. Body fat percentage is a more reliable estimate when it comes to diagnosing obesity. Looking into Blitzkreig's post history: he has good advice on reducing oestrogens and increasing testosterone. Neglect the rest of the advice as it is cognitive bias to make men into droids. In other words, all the same.
Here's the relevant part of the post:

• For minimizing estrogenic activity, your primary opponent is the xenoestrogens (chemicals that mimic estrogen) that pervade the clownworld we live in. Your main exposure to them will be through the water supply (both drinking and bathing), any hygiene products, soaps of all kinds, plastics or any petroleum products, any cleaning products, all non-organic foods. Smaller sources include the treatments on leather and carpet and other household items. With this in mind, you will want to install filters on your showerhead or any tap you drink from. You will want to replace all your hygiene and cleaning products with organic/clean/eco-friendly alternatives, with some being easier to replace than others (might have to try multiple products). Lastly, try to get organic food as much as possible.
• From a TCM perspective, the liver is responsible for removing excess estrogen in the body (especially purely toxic xenoestrogens). If the liver becomes stagnated, this will impede the removal of estrogen from the body. Minimize heavy meals near bed time, keep up the exercise, and include lots of green vegetables in your diet to support the liver. If you are of the kapha dosha, you will want to do extra to fight against this and all stagnation forms.

Source: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=221490#p221490

Regarding personal hygiene products, please refer to my article regarding which ingredients you should look out against: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=27845
Ansuz said:
So I have probalem with gynecomastia or “man boobs”. My puberty is over, there is no chance this is going away on its own hormonally also it is not just fat because I am at a normal BMI . Is there anything I can do other than removal surgery to fix this? I’m afraid to be with a woman, or at the pool, and have to take my shirt off it’s so embarrassing. Don’t say that it isn’t a problem or that I need to love myself. My breasts are larger than most females.

I'd suggest reading this carefully


my testosterone has gone up since i've started doing this. i personally do like an eighth of a teaspoon. measurements and information is in the pdf.

im on week 3-4 and I am feeling great. this might not be the answer for you but thought i'd share it anyways. do your research on it and decide.

you could also try to work on your upper chest making your upper chest muscles bigger might help shape them more manly
People are saying this is a hormonal Testosterone problem but I don’t think that’s true this is something that is solidified during puberty regardless of your T/E levels. Also there is a misconception that if you have low T than your E is high when the truth is that testosterone and estrogen levels correlate. I did some searching and went on this subreddit for gyno that shows what it looks like out of your body, this is obviously tissue that no amount of hormonal change is going to effect I think surgery is the only option.

Reddit is so unintuitive and shitty that it is impossible to just copy the link to an image but these are pretty gross it’s best that I don’t show it here but rather link to it.



There’s also lots of before/after surgery pics to look at it this is seriously being considered.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
People are saying this is a hormonal Testosterone problem but I don’t think that’s true this is something that is solidified during puberty regardless of your T/E levels. Also there is a misconception that if you have low T than your E is high when the truth is that testosterone and estrogen levels correlate. I did some searching and went on this subreddit for gyno that shows what it looks like out of your body, this is obviously tissue that no amount of hormonal change is going to effect I think surgery is the only option.

Reddit is so unintuitive and shitty that it is impossible to just copy the link to an image but these are pretty gross it’s best that I don’t show it here but rather link to it.



There’s also lots of before/after surgery pics to look at it this is seriously being considered.
Before posting here I did quick research and it included pictures. From previous knowledge regarding steroid (ab)use and the effects of such and the quick research I did now, I concluded that it has everything to do with hormonal balance.

So to fix this is to fix ones lifestyle first and foremost. Others have done it without surgery aswell. It was interesting to see that normie doctors support your claim of needing pills and/or surgery, but we as SS have more options.
Henu the Great said:
Before posting here I did quick research and it included pictures. From previous knowledge regarding steroid (ab)use and the effects of such and the quick research I did now, I concluded that it has everything to do with hormonal balance.

So to fix this is to fix ones lifestyle first and foremost. Others have done it without surgery aswell. It was interesting to see that normie doctors support your claim of needing pills and/or surgery, but we as SS have more options.
You can have high testosterone but also have this or other conditions. I think this is genetic more than anything.
OP should post his daily diet, how much and how he exercises per day / week, any other conditions (if there are any). Maybe also his constitution in TCM terms, check this out: https://goop.com/food/recipes/ayurveda-how-to-eat-for-your-dosha/

This would clarify the matter quite a bit.
Ansuz said:
So I have probalem with gynecomastia or “man boobs”. My puberty is over, there is no chance this is going away on its own hormonally also it is not just fat because I am at a normal BMI . Is there anything I can do other than removal surgery to fix this? I’m afraid to be with a woman, or at the pool, and have to take my shirt off it’s so embarrassing. Don’t say that it isn’t a problem or that I need to love myself. My breasts are larger than most females.

Abstain from:

Soy based Foods & Soy Milk

Dietary & Bodybuilding

Suppliments , Steroids


Energy drinks

Don't use plastic in microwave & avoid eating hot food in plastic boxes.

Do Push-ups & wall push-ups at home (this will maintain your chest, back, shoulders in one go.

Pay special attention to shoulders, back , [chest (incline , flat , decline rods reps)].

Keep in mind don't work extra hard on your chest muscles... Pay more attention to shoulders & back.

Also check for any muscles knots in your chest (self diagnose for chest cancer)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
