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Help please!


New member
Oct 2, 2009
I am in desperate need of advice. Ive written this twice but i failed to put it in the appropriate place. Im truely sorry for any disrespect trying to send a one on one email. Ive been struggling with alcohol and drugs on and off ive lied to myself about how bad this really is. I have been doing my daily routine rtrs etc i feel im disrespecting the gods and im so sorry. I got a dui had a long time to think. My sister rummaged through my house while i was gone she is a die hard Pentecostal piece of shit. She found my journal with meditations, rtrs and a plaque of Father Satan's sigel. She informed my mom and plans to burn all my hard work. I can rewrite rtrs and meditations but this has crushed me im lost. Now she is going to have a whole church of crazies praying for me. What do I do? Im trying to carry on Im not scared I will never give up I will work on fixing my addiction problem no matter what but I dont know how to handle the other. Please anyone advice me, cuss me out , offer support anything I feel so isolated right now.
Hail Father Satan Forever!!!!
First of all, drugs and alcohol make holes in your aura. No matter what, give up of it if you really want to advance with your meditations.
Second, having some folks praying for your soul is definitely not gonna hurt you. Learn to clean your aura, do aura protection and if needed, you can use banishing ritual to get rid off negative energy.
There was a girl who claimed to get cursed. I suggested her doing these three things and in couple of days she was feeling better. Trust this and it will work.
Third and last, don't disrespect your family. They are the closest people to you and you should feel love for them. If they don't agree with satanism (not surprised), just hide it from them. You can write meditation journal on your computer and lock it with password, so they won't get there. Just pretend that you're casual and keep doing the hard work on meditations, hidden and safe.
Hail Satan!
I guess it depends on how old you are. Are you a teen at home, or are you an adult with your own home and autonomy from your family? As in its YOUR place? You pay the bills, you aren't dependant on them?
I would definitely up my AOP to start and do the returning curses daily. Heres the link for that one:

When all these freaks are 'praying' for you, they are in reality cursing you and interfering in your work for Satan so you need to return those curses to the senders. Doing this daily helps to clear and clean your aura and soul, and will do you a LOT of good. Its very powerful. I use it a lot. Keep doing the RTR's. Doing them also blesses you.
Using blows holes in your aura so you need to really work on cleaning, clearing your aura and your AOP. Go sit in the sun with a rosary and do a rosary of SURAYE daily. Start a 40 day working.
Honestly, your sister is a piece of work to be rummaging through your personal things. Its a total violation of your privacy, personal space, is incredibly invasive, disrespectful and she is WAY out of line. Its not her place to police you. Its not her life, its not her damned business! She has a hell of a nerve. How DARE she burn your things?!? 
If it were me and I wasn't dependant on my family (as in a teen stuck at home and dependant) I'd probably go ballistic, rip her a new asshole for her trespassing/invasion on my personal effects, my beliefs and my LIFE, DEMAND my shit back and once I got that cut her out of my life. But thats me. I have no patience for that kind of shit. If I were still dependant on them, I'd probably go really cold and silent, speak as little to them as possible. And begin planning on how I can arrange to move out. But again, thats me. Or if I absolutely had to, I'd play nice till again, I could escape. Either way I'd probably go on the warpath on my sister. But I can't tell you what to do there. Thats your life. 
As for the alchohol and drugs. They can really get you by the balls. One technique that really helps is everytime the urge hits, tell yourself sure you can have that, after you do (think of something to do). Clean your bathroom, laundry, wash dishes, etc. What happens is, because you didn't say NO that dependant addict part isn't going to freak as hard. The urge will go away. Maybe for a few hours. When it rears its head again, again, say sure as soon as I come back from the gym/yoga (whatever). You just delay and delay, till the liquor store is closed, till there is no way to get anything for the night. You'll find the urge will vanish. Thats one day. Next day, you again, play the stalling game. You'll feel like you'll just die without a drink maybe. But thats just a feeling. You won't die. Thats the addict part trying to work you. One day at a time. And as the time sober/clean increases, it gets easier. 
Someone who has never had to deal with this kind of thing will just say be strong! Don't be a pussy! Satanism is for the strong!
They will be really judgemental. But the reality is these things can really sink their tentacles in. It took time to develop an addiction, it takes time to get free of it. You have to make the decision to work on it and do your best. You have to commit. If you fall down one day and get wasted, then you get up the next and you start over and keep trying. Don't waste time chastising yourself. You aren't perfect yet, but you're fighting to be better. Thats what's important. Focus on that. When you finally beat this thing, you'll be stronger in yourself than you ever thought you could be but also you'll be able to have empathy for someone else who has the same fight in front of them. You'll possess wisdom and understanding. You'll be strong then, as indeed, Satanism is for the strong but who knows the lonely road one must walk first, and the private struggles? And the pain that strikes in the dead of night and must be overcome? So someone else can't know that. Thats your journey. And its your choice. To invest in yourself.
Do some deep introspection and try to be really honest with yourself. Try to find the reasons why you are doing this. For example, a lot of people do it to self-medicate. To numb the pain and forget for a few hours. So, try to look deep and see what is causing you your pain, and address it. Get honest with yourself. Its going to hurt. You have to go through that hurt to reach the other side. Be brave and face it. Take steps to begin healing that inner child that is hurt. People hurt themselves and others because they are hurting. Depression is anger turned inwards. Into self hate. So the person punishes themselves.
Eat as well as you can, healthy and nutricious food, meditate, get your sleep, ask you GD if He/She can help you in any way, maybe help give you insight as to the root cause of this problem and how you might help yourself. Even if its just to talk to them, when you're feeling down and alone. As a Satanist, you aren't alone anymore. Your GD is there to turn to.
Sometimes if a persons aura is weak from doing drugs/alchol, discarnate entitys that were drunks or drug addicts in life can attach themselves and urge you on to drink/use, in order to vicariously experience what they crave so bad and can't experience directly as they don't have a body anymore. Or the enemy greys could be egging you on, to destroy you. Or maybe you have attached thoughtforms that need to be cleared out. As an SS though, I would think, If you are trying your best (doing your part) and some parasite is trying to latch on (or already has), I'd think your GD would help detach them. If He/She sees you need a hand. They won't do it all for you, thats your task but if you are being overwhelmed and they can see you are really trying hard, I think they would help. 
And also, remember, when you are feeling down and sad and hurting, alone....talk to Satan. He's your Father.
Satanic Blessings to you on your journey. 
You can pull out of this. Don't give up.
Hopefully my my reply sent.. the only time my phone seems to stop working is only when I try and reply to messages.. so frustrating ahahaha.
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... ics/179552

For drug use here’s and old thread of mine, tons of people posted great information and power meditations to help overcome these type of problems!!

I’d bind your sister asap, and trust your faith with the gods, they’ll keep you safe especially if you’ve been keeping up on your rtrs. Maybe try spamming more rtrs! And work hellllllllla on your aura of protection.

You’ll be fine, those stupid xians are weak, their energy is weak. It may open you up to more spiritual attacks but Id use this as even more fuel for rtrs
Hey there,

first of all, stop panicking. After you calm down you need to come up with a plan;

Do NOT stop this no matter what happens, even if you can't vibrate anything for whatever reason, then just use affirmations and visualizations.

Here's a link for one of the best AoP's:

Secondly, you need to bind your bitch sister (excuse me), you can use the link below to bind her:http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Spell.html

Or you can bind her using runes (ISA rune seems to be the best in you situation, ISA's number is 11 which means you should vibrate it multiples of 11) with the following affirmation:
"[Name] is bound; he/she is unable to speak against me. [Name] is bound; he/she is unable to act against me. [Name] is bound; he/she is unable to harm me in any way."

You should use a rosary -if available- with the runes, but NEVER using the same rosary for black and white magick (binding in your case is black magick)

I recommend you to do a ritual to Satan and ask him for his help with ISA rune, is it's not to be toyed with.

Lastly, for your addiction, there are a lot of ways to get rid of it, but none of them is going to be short and easy.
Spiritually-wise, cleaning your aura and keeping a strong AoP alone can help a lot with banishing your addictions. You could also use Wunjo rune to heal your mind, just create a perfect affirmation for you and make sure it contains "in a positive and healthy manners for me" and the words "permanently" and "totally and completely". Vibrate it with the multiples of its number (8).

Note: Magickal workings using runes should be done twice a day (preferably at 06:00 / 18:00 or at 00:00 / 12:00)  for 40 days straight without missing one single day, otherwise you'll have to do it again from the beginning.

You could also try this meditation to help you with your addictions, just do it whenever you feel like drinking or using drugs;http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html

Satan wants to help you and WILL help you, it's your job to reach your hand to him, and that's done only by meditating.

Good luck!

The enemy likes to make you think the gods hate… trust me I've been through "WOULD YOU STOP SCREAMING AT ENKI" sometimes they just go on and on… where was I… oh yes… at present it might be best to play along with the idea that you have given up of enki… without actually giving up… and for a time they will continue cursing you with prayers but just endure and play the xian game for a bit and they will stop… and move on to another… also yeh stick to suttle meditation like color meditation stay away from anything loud like vibrations… which would mean RTR's… but you've gotta get rid of anything that makes it seem like your still on enki's side… you've got to play this smart!… the gods will forgive you for this setback! Just do your best… and much to your dismay try and blend in as much as you can… soon you'll get a job and have your own place so you can go full on with your studies once again… but don't renounce anything out loud… use word play! and remember they know how you truly feel!

Thank you brothers and sisters! Im going to start the obilerating saturn working for 90 days. The drugs and alcohol seem to come in cycles maybe when my vibration gets too low. Im in my forties so yes my sister was way out of line. I talked to Father Satan of course my claraudience isnt good for obvious reasons but my body was embraced with a nice peaceful energy I have a feeling it will work its self out. She told a few people but they thought she was lying if that tells you about her character plus evidence is gone. I havent craved alcohol which is the catalyst for the coke. Last night after rtrs I got a bit restless I got on youtube and started listening to Mein Kampf. Its 8 hours long and genius .Im going to start rune work and go from there. Thank you all so much. All of you helped me more than you know just knowing Im not alone. Big lesson here keep my mouth shut kids or family. Im just going to deny plus any evidence has been burned. I told her there are laws to protect my freedom of religion and her gross Pentecostal worship is scarier even the darkest religions. 
Hail Father Satan Forever!!!!

On Oct 16, 2017 5:35 AM, "shade00013@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  The enemy likes to make you think the gods hate… trust me I've been through "WOULD YOU STOP SCREAMING AT ENKI" sometimes they just go on and on… where was I… oh yes… at present it might be best to play along with the idea that you have given up of enki… without actually giving up… and for a time they will continue cursing you with prayers but just endure and play the xian game for a bit and they will stop… and move on to another… also yeh stick to suttle meditation like color meditation stay away from anything loud like vibrations… which would mean RTR's… but you've gotta get rid of anything that makes it seem like your still on enki's side… you've got to play this smart!… the gods will forgive you for this setback! Just do your best… and much to your dismay try and blend in as much as you can… soon you'll get a job and have your own place so you can go full on with your studies once again… but don't renounce anything out loud… use word play! and remember they know how you truly feel!

If playing at renunciation seems like the only option, then do that. If not, go right ahead and call them on their bullshit.
Tell those "loving Christians" that they worship the God of the infinite torture of 99 billion human beings (99% of everyone who ever lived, most of whom have never heard of Christianity or have "practiced it incorrectly").
Tell them that Christianity is the religion of the Jews, and that they used the Catholic Church to destroy Rome and European Paganism, as well as deny Europeans the right to run their own banking industry (Deuteronomy 23:19-20 tells followers of YHWH that they cannot lend on interest to each other [for Christians], but that they can lend on interest to foreigners for the purpose of conquering them [for Jews]) - Which in turn has led to total Jewish domination of the corporate, media, and political world.
Tell them that Judeo-Christianity teaches total self loathing and self worthlessness forgivable only through the Ideology, that it teaches that every human work and achievement deserves to be burned in the Apocalypse. Tell them that Marxism, also founded by the Jews, is essentially the same thing, and in following the Christian model of "Love for all mankind as equals through hatred of all mankind as individuals," it has killed a hundred million people.
Tell them that according to Revelations, "Friend Jesus" isn't coming to save anybody. If you haven't been raptured he is coming to "Rule with a rod of iron," i.e. murder and enslave the entire world to the Jews. Tell them that Revelations 13:9-10 commands them not to fight against the Jewish world government that comes first, and that the goal of this is to have all Christians temporarily renounce their faith SO THEY BEG JEW JESUS TO TORTURE AND ENSLAVE THEM WHEN HE COMES.
Tell them that Hitler knew the truth and that the Jew destroyed him for it, and are trying to finish the job on the entire White race. Tell them that "Satan" in Hebrew means "Enemy," but that "Satan" in Sanskrit, the oldest Aryan language, means "TRUTH."
There's more of this on the main site that I don't have room to go into, look through "Exposing Christianity" especially. Keep in mind that Christians have refined the art of brainwashing for 1,900 years, so expect the worst mental gymnastics thrown at you that you can think of. Just do your research and hold on to the truth - Christianity is the religion of the Jew and the Jew is the enemy of all mankind.

I am in Africa and I dedicated my soul to Satan. I need a rosary. Anywhere I can be pointed to get it? Tried searching Amazon no much success. 
Thanks for your help

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 12:44, zolaluckystar@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   LDL
I guess it depends on how old you are. Are you a teen at home, or are you an adult with your own home and autonomy from your family? As in its YOUR place? You pay the bills, you aren't dependant on them?
I would definitely up my AOP to start and do the returning curses daily. Heres the link for that one:

When all these freaks are 'praying' for you, they are in reality cursing you and interfering in your work for Satan so you need to return those curses to the senders. Doing this daily helps to clear and clean your aura and soul, and will do you a LOT of good. Its very powerful. I use it a lot. Keep doing the RTR's. Doing them also blesses you.
Using blows holes in your aura so you need to really work on cleaning, clearing your aura and your AOP. Go sit in the sun with a rosary and do a rosary of SURAYE daily. Start a 40 day working.
Honestly, your sister is a piece of work to be rummaging through your personal things. Its a total violation of your privacy, personal space, is incredibly invasive, disrespectful and she is WAY out of line. Its not her place to police you. Its not her life, its not her damned business! She has a hell of a nerve. How DARE she burn your things?!? 
If it were me and I wasn't dependant on my family (as in a teen stuck at home and dependant) I'd probably go ballistic, rip her a new asshole for her trespassing/invasion on my personal effects, my beliefs and my LIFE, DEMAND my shit back and once I got that cut her out of my life. But thats me. I have no patience for that kind of shit. If I were still dependant on them, I'd probably go really cold and silent, speak as little to them as possible. And begin planning on how I can arrange to move out. But again, thats me. Or if I absolutely had to, I'd play nice till again, I could escape. Either way I'd probably go on the warpath on my sister. But I can't tell you what to do there. Thats your life. 
As for the alchohol and drugs. They can really get you by the balls. One technique that really helps is everytime the urge hits, tell yourself sure you can have that, after you do (think of something to do). Clean your bathroom, laundry, wash dishes, etc. What happens is, because you didn't say NO that dependant addict part isn't going to freak as hard. The urge will go away. Maybe for a few hours. When it rears its head again, again, say sure as soon as I come back from the gym/yoga (whatever). You just delay and delay, till the liquor store is closed, till there is no way to get anything for the night. You'll find the urge will vanish. Thats one day. Next day, you again, play the stalling game. You'll feel like you'll just die without a drink maybe. But thats just a feeling. You won't die. Thats the addict part trying to work you. One day at a time. And as the time sober/clean increases, it gets easier. 
Someone who has never had to deal with this kind of thing will just say be strong! Don't be a pussy! Satanism is for the strong!
They will be really judgemental. But the reality is these things can really sink their tentacles in. It took time to develop an addiction, it takes time to get free of it. You have to make the decision to work on it and do your best. You have to commit. If you fall down one day and get wasted, then you get up the next and you start over and keep trying. Don't waste time chastising yourself. You aren't perfect yet, but you're fighting to be better. Thats what's important. Focus on that. When you finally beat this thing, you'll be stronger in yourself than you ever thought you could be but also you'll be able to have empathy for someone else who has the same fight in front of them. You'll possess wisdom and understanding. You'll be strong then, as indeed, Satanism is for the strong but who knows the lonely road one must walk first, and the private struggles? And the pain that strikes in the dead of night and must be overcome? So someone else can't know that. Thats your journey. And its your choice. To invest in yourself.
Do some deep introspection and try to be really honest with yourself. Try to find the reasons why you are doing this. For example, a lot of people do it to self-medicate. To numb the pain and forget for a few hours. So, try to look deep and see what is causing you your pain, and address it. Get honest with yourself. Its going to hurt. You have to go through that hurt to reach the other side. Be brave and face it. Take steps to begin healing that inner child that is hurt. People hurt themselves and others because they are hurting. Depression is anger turned inwards. Into self hate. So the person punishes themselves.
Eat as well as you can, healthy and nutricious food, meditate, get your sleep, ask you GD if He/She can help you in any way, maybe help give you insight as to the root cause of this problem and how you might help yourself. Even if its just to talk to them, when you're feeling down and alone. As a Satanist, you aren't alone anymore. Your GD is there to turn to.
Sometimes if a persons aura is weak from doing drugs/alchol, discarnate entitys that were drunks or drug addicts in life can attach themselves and urge you on to drink/use, in order to vicariously experience what they crave so bad and can't experience directly as they don't have a body anymore. Or the enemy greys could be egging you on, to destroy you. Or maybe you have attached thoughtforms that need to be cleared out. As an SS though, I would think, If you are trying your best (doing your part) and some parasite is trying to latch on (or already has), I'd think your GD would help detach them. If He/She sees you need a hand. They won't do it all for you, thats your task but if you are being overwhelmed and they can see you are really trying hard, I think they would help. 
And also, remember, when you are feeling down and sad and hurting, alone....talk to Satan. He's your Father.
Satanic Blessings to you on your journey. 
You can pull out of this. Don't give up.
Hi, Muhuki, you can make your own Satanic rosary. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Saturday, October 21, 2017, 10:39 AM, Kiiza Muhuki muhuki@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:
I am in Africa and I dedicated my soul to Satan. I need a rosary. Anywhere I can be pointed to get it? Tried searching Amazon no much success. 
Thanks for your help

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 12:44, zolaluckystar@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   LDL
I guess it depends on how old you are. Are you a teen at home, or are you an adult with your own home and autonomy from your family? As in its YOUR place? You pay the bills, you aren't dependant on them?
I would definitely up my AOP to start and do the returning curses daily. Heres the link for that one:

When all these freaks are 'praying' for you, they are in reality cursing you and interfering in your work for Satan so you need to return those curses to the senders. Doing this daily helps to clear and clean your aura and soul, and will do you a LOT of good. Its very powerful. I use it a lot. Keep doing the RTR's. Doing them also blesses you.
Using blows holes in your aura so you need to really work on cleaning, clearing your aura and your AOP. Go sit in the sun with a rosary and do a rosary of SURAYE daily. Start a 40 day working.
Honestly, your sister is a piece of work to be rummaging through your personal things. Its a total violation of your privacy, personal space, is incredibly invasive, disrespectful and she is WAY out of line. Its not her place to police you. Its not her life, its not her damned business! She has a hell of a nerve. How DARE she burn your things?!? 
If it were me and I wasn't dependant on my family (as in a teen stuck at home and dependant) I'd probably go ballistic, rip her a new asshole for her trespassing/invasion on my personal effects, my beliefs and my LIFE, DEMAND my shit back and once I got that cut her out of my life. But thats me. I have no patience for that kind of shit. If I were still dependant on them, I'd probably go really cold and silent, speak as little to them as possible. And begin planning on how I can arrange to move out. But again, thats me. Or if I absolutely had to, I'd play nice till again, I could escape. Either way I'd probably go on the warpath on my sister. But I can't tell you what to do there. Thats your life. 
As for the alchohol and drugs. They can really get you by the balls. One technique that really helps is everytime the urge hits, tell yourself sure you can have that, after you do (think of something to do). Clean your bathroom, laundry, wash dishes, etc. What happens is, because you didn't say NO that dependant addict part isn't going to freak as hard. The urge will go away. Maybe for a few hours. When it rears its head again, again, say sure as soon as I come back from the gym/yoga (whatever). You just delay and delay, till the liquor store is closed, till there is no way to get anything for the night. You'll find the urge will vanish. Thats one day. Next day, you again, play the stalling game. You'll feel like you'll just die without a drink maybe. But thats just a feeling. You won't die. Thats the addict part trying to work you. One day at a time. And as the time sober/clean increases, it gets easier. 
Someone who has never had to deal with this kind of thing will just say be strong! Don't be a pussy! Satanism is for the strong!
They will be really judgemental. But the reality is these things can really sink their tentacles in. It took time to develop an addiction, it takes time to get free of it. You have to make the decision to work on it and do your best. You have to commit. If you fall down one day and get wasted, then you get up the next and you start over and keep trying. Don't waste time chastising yourself. You aren't perfect yet, but you're fighting to be better. Thats what's important. Focus on that. When you finally beat this thing, you'll be stronger in yourself than you ever thought you could be but also you'll be able to have empathy for someone else who has the same fight in front of them. You'll possess wisdom and understanding. You'll be strong then, as indeed, Satanism is for the strong but who knows the lonely road one must walk first, and the private struggles? And the pain that strikes in the dead of night and must be overcome? So someone else can't know that. Thats your journey. And its your choice. To invest in yourself.
Do some deep introspection and try to be really honest with yourself. Try to find the reasons why you are doing this. For example, a lot of people do it to self-medicate. To numb the pain and forget for a few hours. So, try to look deep and see what is causing you your pain, and address it. Get honest with yourself. Its going to hurt. You have to go through that hurt to reach the other side. Be brave and face it. Take steps to begin healing that inner child that is hurt. People hurt themselves and others because they are hurting. Depression is anger turned inwards. Into self hate. So the person punishes themselves.
Eat as well as you can, healthy and nutricious food, meditate, get your sleep, ask you GD if He/She can help you in any way, maybe help give you insight as to the root cause of this problem and how you might help yourself. Even if its just to talk to them, when you're feeling down and alone. As a Satanist, you aren't alone anymore. Your GD is there to turn to.
Sometimes if a persons aura is weak from doing drugs/alchol, discarnate entitys that were drunks or drug addicts in life can attach themselves and urge you on to drink/use, in order to vicariously experience what they crave so bad and can't experience directly as they don't have a body anymore. Or the enemy greys could be egging you on, to destroy you. Or maybe you have attached thoughtforms that need to be cleared out. As an SS though, I would think, If you are trying your best (doing your part) and some parasite is trying to latch on (or already has), I'd think your GD would help detach them. If He/She sees you need a hand. They won't do it all for you, thats your task but if you are being overwhelmed and they can see you are really trying hard, I think they would help. 
And also, remember, when you are feeling down and sad and hurting, alone....talk to Satan. He's your Father.
Satanic Blessings to you on your journey. 
You can pull out of this. Don't give up.
If you don't want to make your own you can go onto Etsy and find some custom made there.
On Oct 22, 2017 2:50 PM, "Little Wolf littlewolf.666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hi, Muhuki, you can make your own Satanic rosary. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Saturday, October 21, 2017, 10:39 AM, Kiiza Muhuki muhuki@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
I am in Africa and I dedicated my soul to Satan. I need a rosary. Anywhere I can be pointed to get it? Tried searching Amazon no much success. 
Thanks for your help

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 12:44, zolaluckystar@... [JoyofSatan666]<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:   LDL
I guess it depends on how old you are. Are you a teen at home, or are you an adult with your own home and autonomy from your family? As in its YOUR place? You pay the bills, you aren't dependant on them?
I would definitely up my AOP to start and do the returning curses daily. Heres the link for that one:
http://dawn666blacksun. angelfire.com/1-2-17.htm

When all these freaks are 'praying' for you, they are in reality cursing you and interfering in your work for Satan so you need to return those curses to the senders. Doing this daily helps to clear and clean your aura and soul, and will do you a LOT of good. Its very powerful. I use it a lot. Keep doing the RTR's. Doing them also blesses you.
Using blows holes in your aura so you need to really work on cleaning, clearing your aura and your AOP. Go sit in the sun with a rosary and do a rosary of SURAYE daily. Start a 40 day working.
Honestly, your sister is a piece of work to be rummaging through your personal things. Its a total violation of your privacy, personal space, is incredibly invasive, disrespectful and she is WAY out of line. Its not her place to police you. Its not her life, its not her damned business! She has a hell of a nerve. How DARE she burn your things?!? 
If it were me and I wasn't dependant on my family (as in a teen stuck at home and dependant) I'd probably go ballistic, rip her a new asshole for her trespassing/invasion on my personal effects, my beliefs and my LIFE, DEMAND my shit back and once I got that cut her out of my life. But thats me. I have no patience for that kind of shit. If I were still dependant on them, I'd probably go really cold and silent, speak as little to them as possible. And begin planning on how I can arrange to move out. But again, thats me. Or if I absolutely had to, I'd play nice till again, I could escape. Either way I'd probably go on the warpath on my sister. But I can't tell you what to do there. Thats your life. 
As for the alchohol and drugs. They can really get you by the balls. One technique that really helps is everytime the urge hits, tell yourself sure you can have that, after you do (think of something to do). Clean your bathroom, laundry, wash dishes, etc. What happens is, because you didn't say NO that dependant addict part isn't going to freak as hard. The urge will go away. Maybe for a few hours. When it rears its head again, again, say sure as soon as I come back from the gym/yoga (whatever). You just delay and delay, till the liquor store is closed, till there is no way to get anything for the night. You'll find the urge will vanish. Thats one day. Next day, you again, play the stalling game. You'll feel like you'll just die without a drink maybe. But thats just a feeling. You won't die. Thats the addict part trying to work you. One day at a time. And as the time sober/clean increases, it gets easier. 
Someone who has never had to deal with this kind of thing will just say be strong! Don't be a pussy! Satanism is for the strong!
They will be really judgemental. But the reality is these things can really sink their tentacles in. It took time to develop an addiction, it takes time to get free of it. You have to make the decision to work on it and do your best. You have to commit. If you fall down one day and get wasted, then you get up the next and you start over and keep trying. Don't waste time chastising yourself. You aren't perfect yet, but you're fighting to be better. Thats what's important. Focus on that. When you finally beat this thing, you'll be stronger in yourself than you ever thought you could be but also you'll be able to have empathy for someone else who has the same fight in front of them. You'll possess wisdom and understanding. You'll be strong then, as indeed, Satanism is for the strong but who knows the lonely road one must walk first, and the private struggles? And the pain that strikes in the dead of night and must be overcome? So someone else can't know that. Thats your journey. And its your choice. To invest in yourself.
Do some deep introspection and try to be really honest with yourself. Try to find the reasons why you are doing this. For example, a lot of people do it to self-medicate. To numb the pain and forget for a few hours. So, try to look deep and see what is causing you your pain, and address it. Get honest with yourself. Its going to hurt. You have to go through that hurt to reach the other side. Be brave and face it. Take steps to begin healing that inner child that is hurt. People hurt themselves and others because they are hurting. Depression is anger turned inwards. Into self hate. So the person punishes themselves.
Eat as well as you can, healthy and nutricious food, meditate, get your sleep, ask you GD if He/She can help you in any way, maybe help give you insight as to the root cause of this problem and how you might help yourself. Even if its just to talk to them, when you're feeling down and alone. As a Satanist, you aren't alone anymore. Your GD is there to turn to.
Sometimes if a persons aura is weak from doing drugs/alchol, discarnate entitys that were drunks or drug addicts in life can attach themselves and urge you on to drink/use, in order to vicariously experience what they crave so bad and can't experience directly as they don't have a body anymore. Or the enemy greys could be egging you on, to destroy you. Or maybe you have attached thoughtforms that need to be cleared out. As an SS though, I would think, If you are trying your best (doing your part) and some parasite is trying to latch on (or already has), I'd think your GD would help detach them. If He/She sees you need a hand. They won't do it all for you, thats your task but if you are being overwhelmed and they can see you are really trying hard, I think they would help. 
And also, remember, when you are feeling down and sad and hurting, alone....talk to Satan. He's your Father.
Satanic Blessings to you on your journey. 
You can pull out of this. Don't give up.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
