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Help me please!

Mar 12, 2002
1 A friend is suffering from deceased spirits attacks, he lives in a place full of spirits umbral
What to do to scare away these spirits of the house?

2 I'm getting constant psychic attacks heard a voice cursing in my mind, I do not want to go to the hospital of crazy!

I'm doing all this, and I'm already Dedicated is five months.
I received an attack that has me been terrible lately.

I increase Meditation of the Void and  exorcism jeovah yesterday which helped me very much lol

Seems to me an attempt to possession


Posted by: lisadragomir13@...

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Unless you are dedicated Spiritual Satanists, we can't help you. Read the Joy of Satan website.
Then decide if dedicating is right for you, if you haven't dedicated.

If you are dedicated, then there is plenty of information on the JoS website to help you.
Clearing your aura, void meditation, etc.

Hail Satan!


On Mon, 9/12/16, nesfertari@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Help me please!
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Monday, September 12, 2016, 1:21 PM


1 A friend is suffering from deceased spirits
attacks, he lives in a place full of spirits umbral
What to do to scare away these spirits of the

2 I'm getting
constant psychic attacks heard a voice cursing in my mind, I
do not want to go to the hospital of crazy!

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Also make sure you are Dedicated before starting any meditations, after that make sure you avoid the void of course moon when stating any meditations, or a banishing ritual.

Here is how to get accurate results for the moon activity in your area.

Just put in your accurate location into the website and look for the calender it will also take on the accurate results of your location. After you have bookmarked the page with your accurate results it is best to keep that page, and then put back into it a false location.

First of, don't worry when hearing voices curse you or curse in general in your mind.. It's just the enemy thought forms trying to mess with you. I know it's not easy at first, but just ignore it and block it out. 

Don't get flustered by this, it's your mind so you just have to stand up to whatever is trying to creep into your mind and kick it out. Use your will power to overpower these voices and push them out of your mind and clean your aura by vizualizing Satanic blue fire burning away any kind of negative influence everyday. 

Perform the banishing ritual daily across your whole house, just go to all the rooms and do the banishing ritual untill the atmosphere in your house feels nice, pleasant and light. 

Also don't be afraid of spirits, even if they are powerful ones. Since they don't have a physical form they can't really fight against you, unless you are dealing with some extremely powerful polter geist, but those cases are rare.. And even then you as a human with an actual physical body, a person that a alive, are at a very big advantage when dealing with negative or malicious spirits. 

Just take back control of anything that is trying to take it from you. We are spiritual satanists and we don't let ordinairy human spirits push us around. If some stupid malicious spirit wants to try and mess with you, you show it no mercy and smite it with anything you can. Banishing rituals, curses such as inscribing runes in the spirits soul like Thurizas, burn it with the satanic blue fire meditation, push it out with your will power, show them that there is no messing around with you and that if these stupid deceased humans want to try to mess with you you have the tools to destroy them. 

Human spirits are very fragile when they are roaming the astral like that and there are numerous things you can do to protect yourself from them and to destroy them. If nothing seems to help, try asking your GD to help you banish or get rid of the spirits. 

And never let anything the enemy does get to you. Don't let them control you, no matter what they threaten you with. Most threats are empty threats anyways. 

The worst thing the enemy has managed to do to me was make me spill my food over myself when I sat down to eat by making me accidentally drop my plate or burn my finger lightly by making me turn the water on too hot. ust stupid little things like that, it's literally the worst actual physical things they managed to do and the only reason they were able to even do little stuff like that was because I didn't protect myself properly. 

Literally as long as you stay in control and perform the banishing rituals and the protection meditations they can't touch you. 
I'm doing all this, and I'm already Dedicated is five months.
I received an attack that has me been terrible lately.

I increase Meditation of the Void and  exorcism damn you jeovah yesterday which helped me very much lol

Seems to me an attempt to possession

Where I go, doors,windows and furniture crackle, as crackle of wood. what is it?

Thank you for your answers!


2016-09-13 4:07 GMT-03:00 lisadragomir13@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]:
  1) Banishing ritual
2) Aura cleaning, aura of protection + void meditation
Make sure to also time your banishing ritual with the moon properly. Avoid a void of course moon for the first day, after that it's fine to do it on a void of course moon.

Here is how to find accurate information for the moon's activity in your area:http://www.lunarium.co.uk/

Make sure to put in your personal location to get accurate results. Bookmark that, keep the bookmark, and then put back in a false location. There is also a calendar there with daily activities of the moon, with your location put in you will also receive accurate results with the calendar.

Hail Satan.
If you are doing all those things already and it doesn't seem to be helping it means you aren't directing the energy well enough or you aren't raising enough energy when trying to do things such as the banishing ritual. 

To me it sounds like you have some sort of fear to these things that are plaguing you. 

It's very important to mentally ward yourself of too with conviction that these things don't have any power over you. 

You are in control and you must take back the control if you somehow loose it. Fear is a means of the enemy to control you, fear isn't bad, but you have to fight back. 

You aren't helpless, you are a warrior and you have all the means to banish these things from your house and your life. Satanism is about gaining control of your life and your being, the enemy wants the opposite, they want cntrol over you. You need to take back the control over your life and yourself with your will. 

Be convinced that your rituals work a hundred percent, get rid of any negative thoughts, because negative thoughts breed weakness. Meditate to empower your soul and build a strong mind so you can direct these energies you are raising properly. 

If spirits are harrasing you, or if enemy thought forms are harrasing you, just say "fuck you and get the fuck out". If you are getting sick, say "get out of my body". How dare anything try make you ill?! How dare any enemy try harras you?! Stand up to this, fight back. 

Hearing curses in your mind? No problem, just banish these thoughts, don't be afraid of them, don't feel bad because of them... Just laugh at the childish attempt of the enemy to mess with you and banish them. Say outloud "You piece of shit that is worse than shit, I banish you from my mind, you have no power here"!

You are a satanist, a warrior of Satan, there is no need to be weak and you have to stand strong in the face of adversity. Meditation when you have fear on your mind isn't going to help much, you need to first weed out any of these negative thoughts that reinforce the weakness within yourself. 

Depression and suffering are things that are programmed in your soul if you are having things like that. You need to deprogram them. If you don't want the enemy to attack you, then stop them from doing so by actually standing up to them and telling them to get the fuck out of your space. 

Would you just helplessly let a burglar get in your house and harras you? Or would you defend yourself? Grab a knife and stand up to him? Perhaps you would call for help if you don't know how to defend yourself, but in any case you would do something. As a satanist it is important to learn to protect yourself in all ways, to be strong at all times. 

You do this by having the right mindset, that is programmed to give you strength, power, pride, wisdom, understanding, confidence and all these good things. A mind that is devoid of weakness and helplessness.. 
Remain grounded and don't puff yourself up with lies about your capabilities, but keep yourself powerful and strong at all times. Fight back. 
Can i listen to something when i do my meditations? I havent been doing meditation daily so i would need something so i could concentrate on and do it daily. I do the same thing in RTRs.
Yes you can. I tend to listen to music while meditating because I have roommates who would hear when I do vibrations. I've found instrumental (without people singing) is best for my concentration
Today, my parents decided to attend bible service. I'm under their care, so there wasn't an option. I didn't want to attend because of my respect for Satan. For some reason, 666 has been popping up everywhere! I haven't been a dedicated Satanist, since last July of 2015. I went on vacation - which I was the only Spritual Satanist present. I couldn't mediate or do Yoga in peace and it was difficult for me to catch up on my daily routines. For that reason, I haven't claimed myself as a dedicated Satanist. I mediate from time to time, and majority of my time, I preach about the secrets of the bible - while remaining confidential of my dedication to Satan. I feel our relationship has grown stronger over the year, but I also feel like I take advantage of him and not realize the purpose of being a Satanist. I don't worship Jesus anymore and I sometimes I classify myself as an Atheist. I want to study the bible and ancient religions. Where can I find documents and things about ancient religions and Satanism, Jesus, God?
Your are or aren't a dedicated Satanist. Your post is a bit confusing. Either way, READ THE JOY OF SATAN
WEBSITE! It has the answers you need. Then, if you have more questions you can't find the answers to come
here and ask us.

Hail Father Satan!


On Sun, 10/9/16, duce_surya@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Help me please!
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sunday, October 9, 2016, 8:59 AM


Today, my parents decided to attend bible service.
I'm under their care, so there wasn't an option. I
didn't want to attend because of my respect for Satan.
For some reason, 666 has been popping up everywhere! I
haven't been a dedicated Satanist, since last July of
2015. I went on vacation - which I was the only Spritual
Satanist present. I couldn't mediate or do Yoga in peace
and it was difficult for me to catch up on my daily
routines. For that reason, I haven't claimed myself as a
dedicated Satanist. I mediate from time to time, and
majority of my time, I preach about the secrets of the bible
- while remaining confidential of my dedication to Satan. I
feel our relationship has grown stronger over the year, but
I also feel like I take advantage of him and not realize the
purpose of being a Satanist. I don't worship Jesus
anymore and I sometimes I classify myself as an Atheist. I
want to study the bible and ancient religions. Where can I
find documents and things about ancient religions and
Satanism, Jesus, God?

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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
