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Help Me Gain Weight Please


Jun 9, 2019
I feel very smol, I am 5'7 at about 120 lbs with about 6% body fat. Help me cultivate mass so I don't feel like such a little boy anymore. Growing up I was definitely malnourished as I had very little supervision/bare minimum care. I remember plenty of times of going hungry. Into my teens I was also on my own majority of the time even having to steal food. During this time I also abused psychodelics A LOT, because it would make it to where I wouldn't feel the hunger pains as much/I was a fool.

My body is very much catabolic(vatta). Money is not an issue and I will literally try anything. I have access to a local butcher, farmers markets, and nearby river for fish. My garden has tomatoes, zucchini, cucumber, eggplant, and I have a few fruit trees, plums, pears, peaches, and apples(these guys aren't old enough to bear fruit yet).

I know this will be a long and hard process but I really need a push into the right direction.
ModernMage said:
I feel very smol, I am 5'7 at about 120 lbs with about 6% body fat. Help me cultivate mass so I don't feel like such a little boy anymore. Growing up I was definitely malnourished as I had very little supervision/bare minimum care. I remember plenty of times of going hungry. Into my teens I was also on my own majority of the time even having to steal food. During this time I also abused psychodelics A LOT, because it would make it to where I wouldn't feel the hunger pains as much/I was a fool.

My body is very much catabolic(vatta). Money is not an issue and I will literally try anything. I have access to a local butcher, farmers markets, and nearby river for fish. My garden has tomatoes, zucchini, cucumber, eggplant, and I have a few fruit trees, plums, pears, peaches, and apples(these guys aren't old enough to bear fruit yet).

I know this will be a long and hard process but I really need a push into the right direction.
Work a lot with Jupiter energies. Jupiter rules weight-gain and indulgence. A working with those energies, along with an affirmation that you are healthily gaining weight and eating properly should fix this.

Also make sure you get into a habit of always having food nearby. Make sure your brain registers that there is food there and ready to eat at all times, whenever you want.

If you are currently using cigarettes or coffee, be aware that these also suppress hunger for some people and may contribute to this issue.
Carb laden foods like pasta, bread and rice are often high calorie. Dairy products have high calories and the fats in them, though they are saturated tend to behave more like unsaturated fats and don’t cause bad cholesterol to rise.

Eat whole unprocessed foods. The reason for this is we don’t want your health to decline, but the great part is you’ll be able to eat plenty. Sort of gluttonously which can be nice if you’ve lives mostly malnourished.

Eat plenty of protein as well and you may want to consider a training regiment to add a little muscle as well if that’s something you’re interested in. To add weight.

Otherwise it’s mostly about adding more and more calories from healthy sources. Don’t be afraid to even indulge in high calorie sweets from time to time as well. Those will add calories.

But carbs and especially dairy products are good choices. Dairy is anabolic. Any weight gainer products are usually dairy based. Make sure to eat fruits and veggies for rounded nutrition. Just in a general sense.
Jack Lalaane on how to gain weight.

- Eat three big meals a day
- Try to eat snacks in between meals to help add calories
- Physical exercise 3-5 times a week, make sure to include strength training exercises, if you don't have access to weights you can use bodyweight exercises.

To learn how to eat properly

Some good sources for exercise

If you don't have access to a gym Ross Enamait provides plenty of exercises you can do with little to no equipment.
I used to eat very big(healthy foods) meals at breakfast lunch and dinner, but only shortly did I started taking weight in a fast way, then I realized that eating so much wasn't healthy and I lost a couple kg in a week after I started eating a normal amount of food. So if you wanna gain weight eat more at lunch and dinner, and when I say more I mean when you feel like not eating eat more.

Would you guys recommend calisthenics or weight lifting? I'm more focused on just gaining muscles mass above anything else.
ModernMage said:

Would you guys recommend calisthenics or weight lifting? I'm more focused on just gaining muscles mass above anything else.
Definitely weight lifting. This will increase the rate of muscle protein synthesis, which is the building of new muscle, much quicker. For just gaining size, get close to but not all the way to failure on an exercise and choose weights with a 8-12 rep range. Not stressing too much on exact rep counts. Just in that range. Eat plenty and you’ll gain muscle.
Always be carrying something with you. Something heavy enough that it involves some work, but not too heavy so it's not bad for you. Every day, I carry about 25 pounds, or something like 11 Kg. Sometimes more and sometimes a little less. Either a tool bag full of tools, or sometimes it's a gallon of water with a bag full of notebooks and a computer. But every day of the year, I'm walking around carrying at least 25 pounds.

This is the healthiest way for more muscles. Anything in a gym like those weights and machines, those are all very unnatural and do not work correctly with the body. Lifting a weight in a gym only works one single muscle, and it ignores all the other ones. You have hundreds of different muscles in your body, not just the 20 or 30 that get worked in a gym. You really just have to do actual physical work, not fake synthetic work in a gym.

Picking something up and carrying it around with you all day, that is work for your whole body. All of the little in-between muscles get worked too. Walking up and down a lot of stairs too. A gallon of water is 8 pounds. You can start with that, it's a lot better than nothing. A gallon of water, and also whatever else you need with you. It's a very easy way to make a pretty good difference.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
This is the healthiest way for more muscles. Anything in a gym like those weights and machines, those are all very unnatural and do not work correctly with the body. Lifting a weight in a gym only works one single muscle, and it ignores all the other ones. You have hundreds of different muscles in your body, not just the 20 or 30 that get worked in a gym. You really just have to do actual physical work, not fake synthetic work in a gym.
Depends on how a person trains. Only isolation movements work a single muscle. Almost no one trains in that way, except body builders.

Simply lugging something around is more or less fine. Keep in mind these things can create imbalances as well. Depending on certain factors. How you're carrying it? With the arms, legs, back, etc. Which side of the body is doing more work? Many people have a stronger side of the body and will rely on that side to carry things, even unconsciously, because it's easier and will develop unevenly and that's where injuries start. If a person is wise and educated they can develop evenly and attain practical strength in the gym.

Hatha yoga is another important element and will develop well rounded practical strength.

But the OP is seeking size, which is fine too. And to achieve that, they need to train in a specific way and eat in a specific way.

ModernMage said:

Would you guys recommend calisthenics or weight lifting? I'm more focused on just gaining muscles mass above anything else.

That depends, I don't know your background or what u are capable of.

Weightlifting is going to be a better way/quicker way of adding muscle mass, but if your body is not ready for it you may be better off spending some time with bodyweight exercises. If you can't handle your own body weight, then you have no reason to be stressing your body with weights.

If your not sure just start with bodyweight exercises for at least a few months( pushups, pullups, squats, sprinting, hill sprints) until you feel you are ready then slowly start adding weights in. You can always add weight to bodyweigh exercises as well.
Crippler said:
If you can't handle your own body weight, then you have no reason to be stressing your body with weights.
If you can’t do body weight exercises, then weights are your best option to get you to where you can do calisthenics. Especially when you’re unable to do them cause you too weak, not overweight.

It’s not impossible but it’s more trouble than it’s worth to keep trying to do a pull up if you can’t, then to just strengthen the muscles needed for a pull up with weights and then go for a pull up. You’ll also gain more mass this way. Same with any body weight exercises. Dips, if you can’t do one. You must train the triceps, shoulders and pecs.

It all depends on a persons goal. Often calisthenics and weightlifting achieve two different goals. For mass, as is the OPs goal, weightlifting is going to be his best friend. And it won’t be too much strain unless he goes too heavy with weights. But his goal is mass building so why would he go heavy? Enough food and protein along with proper weight training with the right weights and he’ll gain weight safely.
Eric13 said:
Crippler said:
If you can't handle your own body weight, then you have no reason to be stressing your body with weights.
If you can’t do body weight exercises, then weights are your best option to get you to where you can do calisthenics. Especially when you’re unable to do them cause you too weak, not overweight.

It’s not impossible but it’s more trouble than it’s worth to keep trying to do a pull up if you can’t, then to just strengthen the muscles needed for a pull up with weights and then go for a pull up. You’ll also gain more mass this way. Same with any body weight exercises. Dips, if you can’t do one. You must train the triceps, shoulders and pecs.

It all depends on a persons goal. Often calisthenics and weightlifting achieve two different goals. For mass, as is the OPs goal, weightlifting is going to be his best friend. And it won’t be too much strain unless he goes too heavy with weights. But his goal is mass building so why would he go heavy? Enough food and protein along with proper weight training with the right weights and he’ll gain weight safely.

I used to do a lot of hard labored work in my teens and early twenties. The only exercises I struggle with are bench and sometimes squats. Squats are only an issue because I had water on my knee for a good month while building a house and working a second job on top of that. I didn't have insurance either so I just ignored it till it went away. I usually will wear a brace but I get a real achey pain behind my knee cap if not wearing the brace.

On another note I'm looking to build a home gym because I feel the joos will close everything down again near the winter. Any suggestions on this? It seems a lot of places are out of weights.
ModernMage said:
I used to do a lot of hard labored work in my teens and early twenties. The only exercises I struggle with are bench and sometimes squats. Squats are only an issue because I had water on my knee for a good month while building a house and working a second job on top of that. I didn't have insurance either so I just ignored it till it went away. I usually will wear a brace but I get a real achey pain behind my knee cap if not wearing the brace.

On another note I'm looking to build a home gym because I feel the joos will close everything down again near the winter. Any suggestions on this? It seems a lot of places are out of weights.
Well if you can afford it, not a bad idea. Although, you’re right many are sold out and the equipment for sale is really expensive at the moment.

A good set of dumbbells or kettlebells will go a long way and a pull up bar. Maybe some bands. With dumbbells and pull-up bar, you can train every muscle group. It’s not as ideal as a gym, but if that isn’t an option, dumbbells will cover you. Kettlebells as well, for more strength conditioning.
Eat Eat Eat and Eat again just eat constant even when you dont want to.

Need train you're metabolism.

Hope that helps.

As long as you eat more calories than you burn per day you will add weight. 6%bodyfat really low pal.

Good Luck
ModernMage said:

My "home gym" is just a bench with these dumbbells where you can adjust the weight on them, as well as a pullup rack. If you get a squat rack and bar, maybe that would be all else you need. I have been fine with just these adjustable dumbbells.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
