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Have you ever had a christian come up to you and talk about converting you in a nice way?With out being a bible thumper?

ghost kid

Nov 5, 2018
Have you ever had a christian come up to you and talk about converting you in a nice way?With out being a bible thumper? :)

Also have you ever talked to a christian like how I mentioned in the above question? :)
ghost kid said:
Have you ever had a christian come up to you and talk about converting you in a nice way?With out being a bible thumper? :)

Also have you ever talked to a christian like how I mentioned in the above question? :)
There are a few crazy people who try, but they are usually weird people like the '90 year old lone fisherman', or others like the bums who preach the end of the world.

Talking to xians about religion is useless, it's like typing for an online search but with your computer switched off.

If you are convinced that you can make them see reason, don't do it because even if you prove them wrong they will eventually continue in their cycle of uselessness.
Only a minority can be converted (very small number).
Never miss an opportunity to mock xianism, but don't spend too much time on it and do it in a safe manner (two sentences about yeshua's blood sacrifice, or pedophiles dressed in gold will do).
Yes it was a security guard in 2009 at an apartment building I was in. I didn't really get a totally bad impression of her. But it was more like I went to talk to her (my apartment was near the lobby) and she bought it up she didn't come to me first. I remember I was kind of lonely as it was my first time living on my own I went to talk to her. I did bring up Satanism after awhile since she wasn't one of the hard-core ones. She actually was pretty nice didn't get mad or anything. She was a Jehovas witness. I did end up with her giving me those little pamphlets (which I threw out later lol 😆) but she was not a hard core fanatic and didn't push things. We talked about other stuff sometimes over the year or so I was there.
You should be keeping your beliefs to yourself. Xians are crazy and there is no telling what one of them may try to do if they were to find out your beliefs. You shouldn’t be putting yourself in situations where they try to convert you. The best thing for you to do is to have as few dealings and associations with them as you possibly can.

All the ones one I’ve ever come across it was obvious that they were in the deep end and nothing could be done for them.
ghost kid said:
Have you ever had a christian come up to you and talk about converting you in a nice way?With out being a bible thumper? :)

Also have you ever talked to a christian like how I mentioned in the above question? :)

Yes. This happened right before yule actually before my last job ended. I was in a store getting suplies and a short older black lady came up and chatted with us at the counter for a bit and then she tried to hand me something with writing all over it and wished me merry xmas and said something along the lines of good news or birth or some thing and mentioned jewsus. I simply said No thank you i am not religious. She didn't push of course either. A lot of them mean well and a lot can be annoying and arrogant as idk what.
Most of those people are weak and very weak in character, it is easy to overwhelm them with your presence, so they already know they shouldn’t try to convert you.
I myself live in a muslim country. There is no " nice coercion". They will shove down all pisslamic beliefs down your throat whether you like it or not. And if you dare say anything that the supreme leader doesn't like, you'll go straight to the hanging block, or to the electric chair. Women are forced to always wear hijab and cover every crevice so that the sexually deprived and degenerate, sad men of this shithole " dont rape them" . Yeah , the excuses go a long way. If you're gay, you die. The culture and basic level of understanding of this place is below zero. I swear, if even a xian comes and tries to preach that shit nicely i will beat them up. It doesn't matter if anything is portrayed in a nice way or not, it is still degeneration. And it needs to be removed and burned permanently.
ghost kid said:
Have you ever had a christian come up to you and talk about converting you in a nice way?With out being a bible thumper? :)

Also have you ever talked to a christian like how I mentioned in the above question? :)

Poison sprinkled with sugar is still a poison. No matter how “nice” they are, my answer will always be sound no.
ghost kid said:
Have you ever had a christian come up to you and talk about converting you in a nice way?With out being a bible thumper? :)

Also have you ever talked to a christian like how I mentioned in the above question? :)
It actually happened recently for me when I was waiting for the train and an old lady came and was pretending to look for someone else. Then out of a sudden she said „You know that jesus is coming soon?”
I did not bother and just told her yes I am a xian and jesus is coming and she tried to sell me bibles and left. I think is better not to engage in religious discussions especially surrounded by many people, and especially not with a 75 years old grandma that has nothing better to do than telling people randomly that jesus is coming lol
Yes it has happened on some occasions. When I was working at a trainstation an older man was handing out flyers promoting xianity and I just nicely said I'm not interested, but that I am interested in the big questions of the universe. After some chitchat he said "I believe you are sent by God". Perhaps in order to trick me into that shit religion.

Some older lady has also tried to hand out flyers to me when working in a store. Perhaps I give the impression of being a nice person who would easily fall for this, which is a bit annoying.
A younger dude approached me on the subway about this also at one time, which lead me to visit a christian discussion group (was there to discuss, not to be converted). The leader of that group tried to convert me though and to "give God a chance!".

The group consisted of a bunch of weak characters with low self esteem. When I asked one of them how their life had changed since becoming christian he said that "I've gained a lot of new friends, feel better, safer etc." Same thing could be said about this place (Joy of Satan) with the difference that this place actually teaches you valuable things on how to become empowered and live life to the fullest. When I mentioned meditation to them, one guy said "meditation is mentioned many times in the Bible, look here for example". Like ok you had me there.
The Alchemist7 said:
ghost kid said:
Have you ever had a christian come up to you and talk about converting you in a nice way?With out being a bible thumper? :)

Also have you ever talked to a christian like how I mentioned in the above question? :)
It actually happened recently for me when I was waiting for the train and an old lady came and was pretending to look for someone else. Then out of a sudden she said „You know that jesus is coming soon?”
I did not bother and just told her yes I am a xian and jesus is coming and she tried to sell me bibles and left. I think is better not to engage in religious discussions especially surrounded by many people, and especially not with a 75 years old grandma that has nothing better to do than telling people randomly that jesus is coming lol
To answer them that it was pathetic, no?
You were telling them that an adult is supposed to look reality in the face, and that even a modicum of intelligence can tell that the church exploits people for money.

Then you would leave.

A person who preaches in this way only deserves to be laughed at for a few moments and then left.
Not really. I've had the reverse effect tho. A couple times where I've met some people who were pagan and we had learned a lot of history, a bit of ancestry here and there and even a bit of mythology. It was great. There was this lady who is Aryan and we had a long conversation about the Nordics because she looked like a viking maiden, and we had a very pleasant conversation about Vikings in Mexico, Runes, European history etc. It was great.
The Alchemist7 said:
ghost kid said:
Have you ever had a christian come up to you and talk about converting you in a nice way?With out being a bible thumper? :)

Also have you ever talked to a christian like how I mentioned in the above question? :)
It actually happened recently for me when I was waiting for the train and an old lady came and was pretending to look for someone else. Then out of a sudden she said „You know that jesus is coming soon?”
I did not bother and just told her yes I am a xian and jesus is coming and she tried to sell me bibles and left. I think is better not to engage in religious discussions especially surrounded by many people, and especially not with a 75 years old grandma that has nothing better to do than telling people randomly that jesus is coming lol

Reminds me of someone walking up to me at a train station and asking me: "Do you know the path to Jesus?"
Apparently train stations and subways are the right place to ask these kind of questions.
There's a good video by darkmatter2525 that destroys the jewsus narrative that I give to people as a QR code:


I do not stand behind his assertion that all ancient people sacrified animals, nor do I believe that it's a good or moral thing to do. However, it does a good job at using their logic against them.

Here's a transcript of the video that I generated using AI and replaced some words:

If we assume that jewsus’ death and resurrection happened exactly as described in the bible, we must consider the following...
People used to kill animals as offerings to god. Before the story of jewsus, animal sacrifice was common in religious life because as Paul said, the wages of sin is death. Today we value our possessions just like ancient people did. But while ours are things like cars, computers, and smartphones, theirs were animals, food, clothing, transportation, and financial security were all accomplished with animals. When you wrong somebody, a way to show them the seriousness of your regret is to sacrifice one of your prized possessions for that purpose. We don't usually do this today but, think about the underpinning logic of such an action. Imagine if your mother were upset with you for playing games on your PlayStation instead of doing your chores and earning her forgiveness was so important to you, that you smashed your PlayStation right in front of her. Since actions speak louder than words, if anything, that would show her that you are very serious about wanting her forgiveness. You gave up something important to you for something that's even more important to you, her forgiveness. In ancient times, when you did something immoral, a meaningful physical way to atone for that would have been to sacrifice one or more of your prized possessions, your animals, a physical demonstration of disadvantaging yourself to gain the favor and forgiveness of god.
This concept is the very base of xianity and your acceptance or rejection of a certain sacrifice is the central question upon which xianity exists. It's the foundational principle upon which the entire religion hinges. The reason xians don't typically sacrifice animals anymore is because of the substitutional sacrifice of jewsus. Both were means to the same end to account for sin or so we think. Animal sacrifice was also supposed to illustrate and foreshadow jewsus' sacrifice.

But does this make sense in the way it's typically perceived and practiced?
The first important distinction is that when an animal is sacrificed, it does not come back to life. The animal is a permanent loss. If amongst your flock you had an animal that comes back to life, how meaningful would it be to offer up that particular animal as a sacrifice? What are you losing? How are you disadvantaging yourself at all?
If your property or that which you value simply comes back to you after you lose it, there is no loss, no price, no sacrifice. If your mother knew that your PlayStation repairs itself, would smashing it in front of her have been nearly as impactful a statement about your desire for her forgiveness?

A second distinction is that animal sacrifices were not retroactive, like jewsus' sacrifice. First came sin and then came the sacrifice. The opposite is so for everyone who has ever lived after jewsus' death. It would be shallow and insincere to kill an animal as an insurance policy, just in case you sin in the future or to preemptively perform a sacrifice today because you plan on sinning tomorrow. That way the sacrifice loses most of its meaning because you can sin with the assurance that a sacrifice has already been made on your behalf. A preemptive sacrifice would be more transactional and show that you valued this sin more than the sacrifice. When it comes to jewsus, the assurance that your sins have already been covered with a sacrifice becomes a consideration for literally every sin, making it nearly impossible for the sacrifice to have meaning.
Under xianity you don't have to be accountable for anything you do.

A third distinction is that animals do not choose to be sacrificed. They were chosen by their owners. How would the meaning of the sacrificed change if it were the animal that volunteered to be sacrificed, thus taking the difficult decision away from the animal's owner? The focus would shift from it being the owner's act to it being the animals act. This would fundamentally alter the dynamic of atonement. Yet this is exactly what we see in xianity. jewsus, unlike an animal was a willing participant in his own sacrifice.

A fourth distinction is that people killed animals. they valued. That's the very reason their sacrifice is supposed to have meaning. Did the people who killed jewsus value him? No, of course not. Not only didn't they value him but they took pleasure in killing him. For whom was jewsus truly a sacrifice? Think about it.

Finally, a fifth distinction is that animals were killed specifically to be a sacrifice for the people who killed them. Sacrifice must be an intentional act for it to be considered a sacrifice but the people who killed jewsus did not intend for him to be a sacrifice at all. When a person offered an animal to be sacrificed, it was specifically to answer for their sin, but in xianity, god valued jewsus and intentionally offered jewsus to be sacrificed. Given what we know about sacrifice this denotes that god did something wrong and god offered a valued sacrifice to atone for god's wrongdoing because sacrificing jewsus would not be a logical way for human beings to atone. It would be a logical way for god to atone. jewsus never belonged to us. He belonged to god. jewsus was god’s animal and god's sacrifice, but a sacrifice to whom? Us.
What if xianity only makes sense if it's god who is asking for our forgiveness and what if that could explain why jewsus focused upon the value of forgiveness. If that is not the case, then we are forced to consider this illustration. You are living before the time of jewsus. You are going to sin in the near future. So a goat that does not even belong to you seeks out a pack of wolves of its own volition and the wolves kill it. Then the goat comes back to life and returns to safety. Years later, someone tells you about the goat that sacrificed itself on your behalf and if you believe and accept that story, the debt for your sin would be paid, regardless of whether you committed theft, rape, or murder with zero restitution paid to your actual victims. Now it would take thousands of years of entrenched hegemonic, dogmatic indoctrination for most people to accept that as any sort of sacrifice or justice, but, as it just so happens, that is where we're at right now.

Hail Satan!
FuckYu_666 said:
You were telling them that an adult is supposed to look reality in the face, and that even a modicum of intelligence can tell that the church exploits people for money.
I doubt an old granny will ever understand these things, eventhough they are self-obvious. Generally I don't bother to have any religious discussions with anybody, I avoid them as much as I can. Whenever involved, I just give such ignorant replies that don't lead anywhere to end the conversation quick, especially that I come from a place where the vast majority of the population is very brainwashed with christianity, to the point where such grannies like the one who came to me would donate plenty money from their small pension to the churches because „churces are poor and need donations to keep existing”. Actually I know for a fact in my country there is a sort of religious mafia that control most churches and priests have to give a part of their donations to their superiors so they can keep preaching in these churches and make plenty money for themselves as well. Is no point to debate with people that are so brainwashed that aren't aware even about such obvious things. They see priests with cars that cost nearly as much as their houses but they don't care, they keep donating money to the chuch, these people are to be avoided as they are lost causes. The granny coming to me was probably very close to that kind of person.
The Alchemist7 said:
FuckYu_666 said:
You were telling them that an adult is supposed to look reality in the face, and that even a modicum of intelligence can tell that the church exploits people for money.
I doubt an old granny will ever understand these things, eventhough they are self-obvious. Generally I don't bother to have any religious discussions with anybody, I avoid them as much as I can. Whenever involved, I just give such ignorant replies that don't lead anywhere to end the conversation quick, especially that I come from a place where the vast majority of the population is very brainwashed with christianity, to the point where such grannies like the one who came to me would donate plenty money from their small pension to the churches because „churces are poor and need donations to keep existing”. Actually I know for a fact in my country there is a sort of religious mafia that control most churches and priests have to give a part of their donations to their superiors so they can keep preaching in these churches and make plenty money for themselves as well. Is no point to debate with people that are so brainwashed that aren't aware even about such obvious things. They see priests with cars that cost nearly as much as their houses but they don't care, they keep donating money to the chuch, these people are to be avoided as they are lost causes. The granny coming to me was probably very close to that kind of person.
Answer them next time:
No thanks, I believe in raptor jezuz and the return of the dinosaurs.
Then tell her that in the messianic jurassic the infidels will be eaten by pterodactyls.
Yes, and their "nice" demeanor quickly turns to hatred and rage when they get rejected. Some are subtle, you can see it in their eyes. I get irritated sometimes and straight up tell them I'm a Satanist and I practice witchcraft. Don't do that, it doesn't end well. I've been threatened, told to "rot in hell" and subjected to gossip.
That's my experience, I would just advise to avoid confrontations with these people, be as invisible as you can. They will try to "pray " for you to their false shit "god" which can be psychic harassment for you.
However, with some people I just can't resist, but I'm working on my "bring it on" attitude.
I'll give you some advice that I've been giving myself for a while now. STOP saying sorry!

I was raised in a society where everyone thinks being humble and apologetic is polite. This year I made a resolution to say "NO" to others and to stop apologizing for being myself. This is more polite because you don't waste anyone's time. It's clear, to-the-point and it's the most honest way to live.

It's funny people mentioned train stations. The one and only time this happened to me was indeed at a train station (save from a Jehova witness going door-to-door once). Some guy asked "do you have a minute? I'd like to talk to you".

I knew what was coming but my conditioning kicked in and I said "sure, what's up". He asked me about jewsus and if I believe in him. I modestly said "I can respect the religion but I don't agree with it". When he asked me why I expressed because of all the murder in the old testament.

He told me "well that was before Jewsus died for our sins". So essentially it was right for their "saviour" to die because he was pre-ordained ultimate sacrifice. After much pussy-footing around and wasting time he gave me pamphlets and asked me to consider it. I lit those sons of bitches on fire later that day and did much meditation to clean myself of his vile prayers.

These people are nothing but a waste of time and (literally) energy. it's the (half) awake Christians you especially need to watch out for. They're stuck in a confirmation bias (due to the Illuminati using our symbols). If you ever run into ANY xian DO NOT engage, just tell them you don't have time and walk away. We can't change the minds of these people just like they can't change the minds of us. That's how I feel about it anyway.
No but one recently came up to me asking me for donations for saving Orphaned kids and I told her to fuck off.
ghost kid said:
Have you ever had a christian come up to you and talk about converting you in a nice way?With out being a bible thumper? :)

Also have you ever talked to a christian like how I mentioned in the above question? :)

Yes, and once, they even brought some good looking chicks on me on the mass transport, who were dressed like late night workers yet somehow were here to promote the life of the Rabbi and the whole hoax to me. I think these were Jehovah's Witnesses.

Eventually after I told them why they try to portray their beauty with the bible on the hand since all of xianity is against this as claimed, their "approach" changed within 5 seconds of course and they went back to the disgusting vermin mode.

They can adopt any strategy for the lies so nothing is to be taken for granted.
When I went to school, once a year some degenerates would stay in front of the school gates and gave a xian booklet to all the kiddos, i got one from the fuckers and threw it on the street. Then procedeed to convince all my schoolmates to throw all the booklets they got in the bin, which I think I succedeed in.
No, but some jehova witnesses had a book stand(near a post office, damned bastards) and they looked at me as I passed by; hoping I'd pause just for a moment so they can try sell me their crap. I did take a quick sneak peak and one of the books there was about raising families. Go figure.

And a few days later some xtian was asking for donations for a church that they waned to renovate, the church he was shilling for was near my area, but pretty far away so he definitely drove here. There haven't been many people outside that day. I was one of the few that were, and unlucky for him, he ran into a SS out of all people. "Not even a one dollar?" "Nope." "But it's only one dollar!" "Nope." I came back after some time and he looked even more miserable than the first time. People don't give a shit about your decrepit church.
NinRick said:
Most of those people are weak and very weak in character, it is easy to overwhelm them with your presence, so they already know they shouldn’t try to convert you.

I like the way you said that. Most Xian's shrink when you tell them off. Unless of course they're with their "Church Family" or over the Internet; then apparently they have no fear.
Aquarius said:
When I went to school, once a year some degenerates would stay in front of the school gates and gave a xian booklet to all the kiddos, i got one from the fuckers and threw it on the street. Then procedeed to convince all my schoolmates to throw all the booklets they got in the bin, which I think I succedeed in.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
GoldenxChild1 said:
NinRick said:
Most of those people are weak and very weak in character, it is easy to overwhelm them with your presence, so they already know they shouldn’t try to convert you.

I like the way you said that. Most Xian's shrink when you tell them off. Unless of course they're with their "Church Family" or over the Internet; then apparently they have no fear.

You can even just tell them off on the astral, without using words, by making very presence energy very strong and by intent. :p

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
