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Have a friend


May 29, 2024
Hello to all!
I must be honest, today I do not write you with much happiness because for reasons that I already know did not work my spell to attract a friend. I wanted to try with a square, can you advise me which is more right to attract a friend? please help me, Iโ€™m tired and alone. I would like to have a friend with whom to share everything
Hello to all!
I must be honest, today I do not write you with much happiness because for reasons that I already know did not work my spell to attract a friend. I wanted to try with a square, can you advise me which is more right to attract a friend? please help me, Iโ€™m tired and alone. I would like to have a friend with whom to share everything

Squares are a bit advanced. If a less advanced spell didn't work, I don't know how wise it is to move on to a more advanced one. I think it's best to work on what you've done and figure out why you went wrong. That's the way progress is... I think so. Can you tell us more about your failed spell?
Squares are a bit advanced. If a less advanced spell didn't work, I don't know how wise it is to move on to a more advanced one. I think it's best to work on what you've done and figure out why you went wrong. That's the way progress is... I think so. Can you tell us more about your failed spell?
I have done squares in the past, everything has always gone well. the reason I didnโ€™t do it before is because there was no date in the last months of 2024. I used the colors but I canโ€™t see them, I know they are right because they were recommended by Lydia but the problem is that I canโ€™t see them. I desire this friend with all my heart ๐Ÿ˜”
, I know they are right because they were recommended by Lydia but the problem is that I canโ€™t see them

HPS Lydia is a really good person to have recommended those colors to you and for this She deserves all our love and respect: She has proven to be an exceptional HPS and for this I think it is right of us, when we write the Name by which She is known here, it is a very GREAT opportunity to have the way to refer to her exactly as *HPS* Lydia, precisely because the fact that she is an HPS is truly a worthy recognition of her merits. :) HAIL HPS LYDIA!
So, if you like, don't hesitate to refer to her as "HPS", I'm really sure that she will be really pleased that you are happy with this title of hers with which she always manages to help us to the best of her ability!

As for colors, yes, it is understandable that it is difficult to use them at first. I also had a similar problem. One thing that helps a lot is meditation on colors.

Performing this meditation trying to visualize the color to the best of our ability, is extremely useful. Do not do more than what comes naturally to you, at the beginning it is normal to have a bad image of the color, so do not rush and let the improvement be natural. It is very good to take the right time to evolve in the colors, before actually using them. But nevertheless, if even this meditation can be advanced because there is "too much color to visualize for the whole body", try this one:

This is easier. In my experience, when you visualize chakra-specific colored energy, don't try to visualize a large amount of it right away. Try to reduce the size so that there isn't "too much to visualize", I've also noticed that in trance it's much easier to visualize. If you can, try it.

One thing that helps me a lot is to lower the amount of light in a room, the darker I am, the easier it is for me to visualize a light (colored or even white).

A good prerequisite is that you have an excuse to visualize something colorful to practice with, and this is a great excuse:

To conclude the discussion, spinning the chakras is difficult for many, I personally visualize the chakra rotating very quickly without concentrating excessively on the complete and flawless rotational movement, already visualizing them in a high rotational frequency, and seeing their energy (maybe colored, maybe white gold for the speed of light) increase, really helps me a lot. (I had serious problems in spinning the chakras when I tried in every way to be attentive to the rotational movement, it is easier to concentrate on the fluidity of the movement...)

Venus is good for social activities.
The Sun is good for social recognition and popularity. Take your time :)
it is a very GREAT opportunity to have the way to refer to her exactly as *HPS* Lydia, precisely because the fact that she is an HPS is truly a worthy recognition of her merits. :) HAIL HPS LYDIA!
You right, I'm sorry for that. I will not do this mistake. I would like to apologize also to the Priestess for referring to her in this way. I promise not to do so again.
As for your advice brother, thank you very much. I will practice to improve. unfortunately even without light around me I find it difficult. I just need to train more. I will read as soon as possible everything you have recommended.๐Ÿ˜Š
Venus is good for social activities.
The Sun is good for social recognition and popularity. Take your time :)
If I simply want to attract a friend without increasing my popularity, since I am an introverted and shy person, what do you advise me? Forgive me the time Iโ€™m stealing from you
If I simply want to attract a friend without increasing my popularity, since I am an introverted and shy person, what do you advise me? Forgive me the time Iโ€™m stealing from you

In fact I would have opted for the aura programming. If you want to give more energy to this thing you could use a well done Hatha Yoga sequence, etc. For something like that I would not specifically use a Square, that's why I was telling you that thing in my first reply.

It works, once I wanted to attract a cute girl to meet (two years ago) and before going out with friends, I programmed my aura. I met a girl like that that night who even gave me her cell phone number. Everyone needs the time they need. Programming your aura for several sets of 40 days maybe after a Yoga session, can be more effective than you think in my opinion. But that's what I would do.
In fact I would have opted for the aura programming. If you want to give more energy to this thing you could use a well done Hatha Yoga sequence, etc. For something like that I would not specifically use a Square, that's why I was telling you that thing in my first reply.

It works, once I wanted to attract a cute girl to meet (two years ago) and before going out with friends, I programmed my aura. I met a girl like that that night who even gave me her cell phone number. Everyone needs the time they need. Programming your aura for several sets of 40 days maybe after a Yoga session, can be more effective than you think in my opinion. But that's what I would do.
I will try again, I will follow your advice. I feel so demotivated because I have not been able to... always use yellow/white-gold energy?
In addition to the above, you should consider working on the physical/material plane of your reality. Where possible, attending places or activities related to your interests may lead you to meet someone who shares the same interests. For example, a music school, if you like to play some instrument, or some other "club." In this way you have a better chance of finding someone who is in tune with your nature, making it easier to build an authentic connection.

To say, I met my best friend in the martial arts dojo many years ago. We started together and immediately feel connected. Now for reasons related to his college life and mine, I haven't seen him for a very long time, but if I were to meet him right now, our friendship is so nice that it would be as if we had seen each other yesterday.
I will try again, I will follow your advice. I feel so demotivated because I have not been able to... always use yellow/white-gold energy?

Persistence, dear sister. If it doesn't work, continue until it does. Take time to improve yourself and make sure that one day, sooner or later, this victory of yours will come. Sometimes due to complex situations related to our soul certain things that seem "very easy for some" are extremely difficult for others and vice versa. I perform healings with a truly absurd ease, but I have never succeeded in a single love spell. Persist, the solution is far away, but it does not move further away. Get on the road, by definition, that solution is there! As for the color, stick to what HPS Lydia suggested when you spoke to her about your specific needs. Good luck!
Persistence, dear sister. If it doesn't work, continue until it does. Take time to improve yourself and make sure that one day, sooner or later, this victory of yours will come. Sometimes due to complex situations related to our soul certain things that seem "very easy for some" are extremely difficult for others and vice versa. I perform healings with a truly absurd ease, but I have never succeeded in a single love spell. Persist, the solution is far away, but it does not move further away. Get on the road, by definition, that solution is there! As for the color, stick to what HPS Lydia suggested when you spoke to her about your specific needs. Good luck!
Thank you, i'll try again in a few weeks ๐Ÿ˜Š
If you can really get your chakras going and qi/chi flowing then going out will attract people's attention when in public giving a chance to spark a conversation. I've have also been using the elements this last half year for attracting and repelling people with a fair bit of success including walking right past unwanted people unnoticed. Then when I want to see them they just appear. There are limits, obviously they need to be in range and not some other city. Invoke and evoke Aether to surround and eminate from within you and then breath orange energy from the sacral chakra and try to get your emotions to call out from the heart for a friend (this method is intimate, assuming you want a really good friend here). If not use the 3rd eye chakra violet energy. The sacral chakra can cause people to connect to you a on very personal level and its more for a friend who might be a spouse one day.

I know how you feel, being the end of 2024 there is a lot year end reviewing. Any friends are really just friends on paper, when hanging out people its empty because they don't care about any of this and they just focused on whatever they are told to focus on by social media. There are a lot people out there desparate for something meaningful its just good people don't like degenerate group activities making them harder to find. Good people tend to hide who they really are when in public.
I know how you feel, being the end of 2024 there is a lot year end reviewing. Any friends are really just friends on paper, when hanging out people its empty because they don't care about any of this and they just focused on whatever they are told to focus on by social media. There are a lot people out there desparate for something meaningful its just good people don't like degenerate group activities making them harder to find. Good people tend to hide who they really are when in public.
Thank you very much for understanding, I have been looking for a true friend for years and it seems that every time I meet someone he ends up leaving. I realized that it is not me who is the problem but the external people, those who have made me introverted and shy. I have to be honest, before I was much more open with people. Before becoming a Spiritual Satanist I was really depressed. Today Iโ€™m not satisfied but I know that I can do it thanks to the motivation that you and @SeguaceDiSatanas give me.
Certainly a further thanks goes to the priests who have made me understand much through their teachings but especially to the gods, in particular to Anubis that has always been by my side as a true friend making me never feel alone. This is why I often write here that you fill my days and that for me you are a family that does not make me feel alone. I will try all your advice, I know that I can do it. thanks again.๐Ÿ˜Š
I would like to apologize if you see the names of the Priests or the Gods in lowercase and not in capital, translator changes my word and the way how I write them
Now, the issue isn't in you.

It's much harder to make friends nowadays than it was in the past. Unfortunately, there are very little public spaces that are free or cheap for people to connect in. And after COVID-19, it's much harder to approach others due to the standards of isolation built around society.

All I can recommend is to be patient. It's a well-known truth that being an SS is a lonely path and that it can be very difficult to connect with those that aren't part of our family. Loneliness is harsh to deal with. However, it's also an opportunity for you to focus on yourself and learn how to enjoy the solitude. Turn it into your advantage. It's important to be able to handle ourselves on our own, without being dependent on outsiders to achieve fulfillment. It doesn't mean you should isolate yourself, as we are social creatures, but you shouldn't rush into making friends that might not be worth it.

There are two things I would suggest doing:

1. Try to connect to people through online or public space, even as an introvert. Online friendships aren't nearly as fulfilling, yes. They can come with their own drama. But if you don't have the possibility of connecting with people the physical way, it's the second-best thing to consider. Check out social spaces for your hobbies and engage with the community. It takes time, and it requires you to get out of your comfort zone, but that's necessary to build some sort of bond. I'd also recommend joining voice chats if you have the opportunity to do so. Speak with people, build your social skills. I'm also an introvert, but I've grown to push myself to at least appear more sociable. Being a likeable person will do you very good in life and the modern society.

2. Try to talk to our Gods. It might seem embarrassing, and you might feel like you're bothering Them, but that's not the case. I'm sure Father Satan or your GD would love to hear from you. Even if it's one-sided communication, I've always considered it a comforting thing to do.

Most importantly, don't forget that you're not alone in this and all the loneliness and hurdles will be worth it in the end.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
