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High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
I just want to state something before the sermon I wrote a few years ago. I was absolutely appalled at what I learned of recently regarding how Christians viciously attacked verbally, and kicked one of our Sisters in Satan when she was really down and suffering. Satan and our Gods are helping her.

Christians are capable of anything and the more Christian they are, the more evil they become. They are also obsessed and compulsive about pushing the Christian program at all costs. They don't care who they step on, or who they hurt or in many cases, even murder.

The nauseating emphasis on "love" is a lead in. The brotherhood, equality, and universal love are used to ensnare unknowing victims into the Christian trap. This is no different from how a brutal serial killer is often friendly, charismatic and engaging when luring his victims.

What Christians have done over the centuries to humanity both spiritually and physically is of the most brutal and depraved hatred imaginable.

The Christian charity racket is not benevolent. People are set up for this through being indoctrinated that poverty is a virtue, don't own material things and other suicidal advice (so all wealth can be in the hands of the controlling Jews). The Christian ministry and the Bible imbed this in the subconscious of their congregations, and this stays on the soul through lifetimes.

The Christian and the Jewish root create the problem, provoke the reaction and then push their solution/agenda.

The Inquisition speaks for itself, and the fratricidal wars incited by Christianity are endless.

When you perform the final RTR, let your pent up hatred out. This is a good time. Just let it out. Direct (focus) the hatred into the ritual, killing the letters.

You don't need any printed RTR, just have the letters, the ritual there for reference and you can use visualization.

This acts as a powerful cathartic, a personal cleansing.

This is an old sermon. I am posting this to remind everyone:

June 20, 2015

One of the first things I want to mention here in this sermon is that Satan does NOT place ANY restrictions on hate. You are completely free to hate whomever or whatever you choose to. Hate is a normal, natural emotion. When hatred is suppressed, it can cause one personal damage in many different ways.

Hypocritical Jewish-invented New Age crap, along with Wicca [Christianized witchcraft] and related incessantly promote and support injustice. This again is another Jewish indirect method of creating lawlessness to where injustice and crime are so out of control, many Gentiles walk right into the kosher trap and readily give up their rights in return for ultra-strict laws, where again, there is even more injustice as is with Jewish communism, which has its foundation in the Judeo/Christian Bible. In addition to this, people are told what they allowed to hate. People are encouraged to hate anything against the Jewish agenda, such as people who are racially aware, etc.

Few people stop to think and consider that ANY emotion can destroy, including that “love” that these hypocritical movements keep trying to promote. How many of us have loved the wrong people in our lives? Wasted love on the wrong people… people who are undeserving of our love? How many lives have been completely destroyed because of misplaced love? Marriages, partnerships, family relations, friendships that should never have taken place and much more. Think about it. No emotion is without consequences. Look where Christianity has gotten people… misplaced love on that foul Nazarene and human-hating alien entity they call “YHVH.”

Hatred, like love is a very powerful emotion. It is obvious with the Jewish-invented and promoted programs such as the New Age, Christianity [Jesus loves you] and other related malignant deceptions, the Jews fear directed hatred and of course, truth and justice. This reveals where they are weak and vulnerable. Their programs keep on pushing the “love” “love” “love” ad nauseum. In addition, none of these programs has anything to do with “love.” The word “love” in regards to these nefarious programs is only a deception and a mask for extreme hatred of humanity.

I mentioned in a recent audio sermon regarding Satanic movies, such as “The Devil’s Diary” the 1978 movie “The Initiation of Sarah” and many others, how justice is subliminally portrayed as something evil. This is mostly directed at non-Satanists, as we Satanists know the truth. Satan stands for justice. Without justice, civilization ceases to exist and the Jews who are working to bring it down know this. Without justice crime gets out of control and much worse, like what is happening and has been happening for many years to an extreme, as the Jews have taken control of our legal systems and nearly all other key positions where they wreak havoc on Gentiles.

My main reason for this sermon is regarding properly directed hate. The Jews fear hatred, especially when it is directed and of the masses. It has been said that “faith and love can move mountains” so can hate.

BUT, always remember this… there is a stupid saying “today is the first day of the rest of your life.” This means that one can change… BUT, each and every one of us has to live with the past. The past does not just miraculously vanish and go away. Mistakes we have made and many other things will dog us to the day we die. Some things do go away, but most things do not AND IT ONLY TAKES A FEW SECONDS TO COMPLETELY FUCK UP YOUR LIFE.

Satan does NOT want for any of his people to be in prison. When one is in prison, one is extremely restricted and is useless in fighting for our cause. The Jews know this and they also infiltrate many different groups that THEY HATE and want to corrupt and through this, they encourage members to commit crimes and such that will place the member in prison, where the Jew no longer has to worry about him/her. This is and has been a strong tactic of theirs for centuries. Once someone has been in prison, most often, his/her life is ruined in more ways than one, even if he/she does get out. This is no way to go.

When you find yourself seething with hatred and rage, try to calm down and STOP to think. Most acts of hatred and rage result in nothing very substantial. Going on a rampage and shooting up everyday people accomplishes nothing. Absolutely nothing. Lashing out violently and attacking others in most cases, the person full of rage will end up in prison. End of story.

When you find yourself seething with hatred and rage and ready to literally burst with it, call upon Satan to send Demons to collect it and to deliver it to where it belongs and to where it WILL accomplish something and do the enemy the most damage. This can also be saved for a ritual. If you really feel a need to vent, just let it out either in a formal ritual or even in a private session [formal rituals are not necessary for this]. Just make sure to ask Satan to send you a Demon to take the hate energy, as I already stated above. Don’t waste your hatred or lash out in an uncontrolled act of violence. Yoga helps us to detach from our emotions in a positive way. This way emotions can be directed. If the injustice of the world is really getting to you, then have a personal session every day to vent that intense hatred. Demons will be happy to take the energy and apply it to the enemy.

Most people are so much in a hurry, few stop to think or even consider the consequences of their actions. It may feel good and provide a very short-term release to lash out in acts of violence, but in the long term, sitting behind bars is no way to go.

Everyone should perform the reverse torah rituals. The ritual I posted a couple of days ago can be started at any time Sunday [tomorrow]. This is also a very good time to vent your hatred. Hatred is something to be acknowledged, and like any other emotion, it should be properly directed. Satan and his Demons are here to help us with that.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
I just want to state something before the sermon I wrote a few years ago. I was absolutely appalled at what I learned of recently regarding how Christians viciously attacked verbally, and kicked one of our Sisters in Satan when she was really down and suffering. Satan and our Gods are helping her.

Christians are capable of anything and the more Christian they are, the more evil they become. They are also obsessed and compulsive about pushing the Christian program at all costs. They don't care who they step on, or who they hurt or in many cases, even murder.

The nauseating emphasis on "love" is a lead in. The brotherhood, equality, and universal love are used to ensnare unknowing victims into the Christian trap. This is no different from how a brutal serial killer is often friendly, charismatic and engaging when luring his victims.

What Christians have done over the centuries to humanity both spiritually and physically is of the most brutal and depraved hatred imaginable.

The Christian charity racket is not benevolent. People are set up for this through being indoctrinated that poverty is a virtue, don't own material things and other suicidal advice (so all wealth can be in the hands of the controlling Jews). The Christian ministry and the Bible imbed this in the subconscious of their congregations, and this stays on the soul through lifetimes.

The Christian and the Jewish root create the problem, provoke the reaction and then push their solution/agenda.

The Inquisition speaks for itself, and the fratricidal wars incited by Christianity are endless.

When you perform the final RTR, let your pent up hatred out. This is a good time. Just let it out. Direct (focus) the hatred into the ritual, killing the letters.

You don't need any printed RTR, just have the letters, the ritual there for reference and you can use visualization.

This acts as a powerful cathartic, a personal cleansing.

This is an old sermon. I am posting this to remind everyone:

June 20, 2015

One of the first things I want to mention here in this sermon is that Satan does NOT place ANY restrictions on hate. You are completely free to hate whomever or whatever you choose to. Hate is a normal, natural emotion. When hatred is suppressed, it can cause one personal damage in many different ways.

Hypocritical Jewish-invented New Age crap, along with Wicca [Christianized witchcraft] and related incessantly promote and support injustice. This again is another Jewish indirect method of creating lawlessness to where injustice and crime are so out of control, many Gentiles walk right into the kosher trap and readily give up their rights in return for ultra-strict laws, where again, there is even more injustice as is with Jewish communism, which has its foundation in the Judeo/Christian Bible. In addition to this, people are told what they allowed to hate. People are encouraged to hate anything against the Jewish agenda, such as people who are racially aware, etc.

Few people stop to think and consider that ANY emotion can destroy, including that “love” that these hypocritical movements keep trying to promote. How many of us have loved the wrong people in our lives? Wasted love on the wrong people… people who are undeserving of our love? How many lives have been completely destroyed because of misplaced love? Marriages, partnerships, family relations, friendships that should never have taken place and much more. Think about it. No emotion is without consequences. Look where Christianity has gotten people… misplaced love on that foul Nazarene and human-hating alien entity they call “YHVH.”

Hatred, like love is a very powerful emotion. It is obvious with the Jewish-invented and promoted programs such as the New Age, Christianity [Jesus loves you] and other related malignant deceptions, the Jews fear directed hatred and of course, truth and justice. This reveals where they are weak and vulnerable. Their programs keep on pushing the “love” “love” “love” ad nauseum. In addition, none of these programs has anything to do with “love.” The word “love” in regards to these nefarious programs is only a deception and a mask for extreme hatred of humanity.

I mentioned in a recent audio sermon regarding Satanic movies, such as “The Devil’s Diary” the 1978 movie “The Initiation of Sarah” and many others, how justice is subliminally portrayed as something evil. This is mostly directed at non-Satanists, as we Satanists know the truth. Satan stands for justice. Without justice, civilization ceases to exist and the Jews who are working to bring it down know this. Without justice crime gets out of control and much worse, like what is happening and has been happening for many years to an extreme, as the Jews have taken control of our legal systems and nearly all other key positions where they wreak havoc on Gentiles.

My main reason for this sermon is regarding properly directed hate. The Jews fear hatred, especially when it is directed and of the masses. It has been said that “faith and love can move mountains” so can hate.

BUT, always remember this… there is a stupid saying “today is the first day of the rest of your life.” This means that one can change… BUT, each and every one of us has to live with the past. The past does not just miraculously vanish and go away. Mistakes we have made and many other things will dog us to the day we die. Some things do go away, but most things do not AND IT ONLY TAKES A FEW SECONDS TO COMPLETELY FUCK UP YOUR LIFE.

Satan does NOT want for any of his people to be in prison. When one is in prison, one is extremely restricted and is useless in fighting for our cause. The Jews know this and they also infiltrate many different groups that THEY HATE and want to corrupt and through this, they encourage members to commit crimes and such that will place the member in prison, where the Jew no longer has to worry about him/her. This is and has been a strong tactic of theirs for centuries. Once someone has been in prison, most often, his/her life is ruined in more ways than one, even if he/she does get out. This is no way to go.

When you find yourself seething with hatred and rage, try to calm down and STOP to think. Most acts of hatred and rage result in nothing very substantial. Going on a rampage and shooting up everyday people accomplishes nothing. Absolutely nothing. Lashing out violently and attacking others in most cases, the person full of rage will end up in prison. End of story.

When you find yourself seething with hatred and rage and ready to literally burst with it, call upon Satan to send Demons to collect it and to deliver it to where it belongs and to where it WILL accomplish something and do the enemy the most damage. This can also be saved for a ritual. If you really feel a need to vent, just let it out either in a formal ritual or even in a private session [formal rituals are not necessary for this]. Just make sure to ask Satan to send you a Demon to take the hate energy, as I already stated above. Don’t waste your hatred or lash out in an uncontrolled act of violence. Yoga helps us to detach from our emotions in a positive way. This way emotions can be directed. If the injustice of the world is really getting to you, then have a personal session every day to vent that intense hatred. Demons will be happy to take the energy and apply it to the enemy.

Most people are so much in a hurry, few stop to think or even consider the consequences of their actions. It may feel good and provide a very short-term release to lash out in acts of violence, but in the long term, sitting behind bars is no way to go.

Everyone should perform the reverse torah rituals. The ritual I posted a couple of days ago can be started at any time Sunday [tomorrow]. This is also a very good time to vent your hatred. Hatred is something to be acknowledged, and like any other emotion, it should be properly directed. Satan and his Demons are here to help us with that.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Thank you very much.

Jip Christians are very very evil.
I was beaten and kicked while on the ground aswel before and i had to go to hospital. Just because i refused to pray and read the bible.

I was also kidnapped and kept against my will in a rotting Christian sel for a week. When they let me out they put me with other christian people and i was forced to worship that jewsus thing and do bible study aswel as physical labour.
If i did not escape i would still be there now because somebody paid them a lot of money to keep me there for a year.


I love You and Satan and the Demons with all my heart...
I have personal expierence how bottling hate up has eaten me away so to speak. At some point it comes out in unpredictable manner and results in unneccessary conflict or something else undesirable. However, I have learned in past year to let it out in a directed manner so that it will not be pent up and eat me anymore. Whether it's a directed on a person or ritual, doesn't matter. Just let it out, and be free.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
I just want to state something before the sermon I wrote a few years ago. I was absolutely appalled at what I learned of recently regarding how Christians viciously attacked verbally, and kicked one of our Sisters in Satan when she was really down and suffering. Satan and our Gods are helping her.

Christians are capable of anything and the more Christian they are, the more evil they become. They are also obsessed and compulsive about pushing the Christian program at all costs. They don't care who they step on, or who they hurt or in many cases, even murder.

The nauseating emphasis on "love" is a lead in. The brotherhood, equality, and universal love are used to ensnare unknowing victims into the Christian trap. This is no different from how a brutal serial killer is often friendly, charismatic and engaging when luring his victims.

What Christians have done over the centuries to humanity both spiritually and physically is of the most brutal and depraved hatred imaginable.

The Christian charity racket is not benevolent. People are set up for this through being indoctrinated that poverty is a virtue, don't own material things and other suicidal advice (so all wealth can be in the hands of the controlling Jews). The Christian ministry and the Bible imbed this in the subconscious of their congregations, and this stays on the soul through lifetimes.

The Christian and the Jewish root create the problem, provoke the reaction and then push their solution/agenda.

The Inquisition speaks for itself, and the fratricidal wars incited by Christianity are endless.

When you perform the final RTR, let your pent up hatred out. This is a good time. Just let it out. Direct (focus) the hatred into the ritual, killing the letters.

You don't need any printed RTR, just have the letters, the ritual there for reference and you can use visualization.

This acts as a powerful cathartic, a personal cleansing.

This is an old sermon. I am posting this to remind everyone:

June 20, 2015

One of the first things I want to mention here in this sermon is that Satan does NOT place ANY restrictions on hate. You are completely free to hate whomever or whatever you choose to. Hate is a normal, natural emotion. When hatred is suppressed, it can cause one personal damage in many different ways.

Hypocritical Jewish-invented New Age crap, along with Wicca [Christianized witchcraft] and related incessantly promote and support injustice. This again is another Jewish indirect method of creating lawlessness to where injustice and crime are so out of control, many Gentiles walk right into the kosher trap and readily give up their rights in return for ultra-strict laws, where again, there is even more injustice as is with Jewish communism, which has its foundation in the Judeo/Christian Bible. In addition to this, people are told what they allowed to hate. People are encouraged to hate anything against the Jewish agenda, such as people who are racially aware, etc.

Few people stop to think and consider that ANY emotion can destroy, including that “love” that these hypocritical movements keep trying to promote. How many of us have loved the wrong people in our lives? Wasted love on the wrong people… people who are undeserving of our love? How many lives have been completely destroyed because of misplaced love? Marriages, partnerships, family relations, friendships that should never have taken place and much more. Think about it. No emotion is without consequences. Look where Christianity has gotten people… misplaced love on that foul Nazarene and human-hating alien entity they call “YHVH.”

Hatred, like love is a very powerful emotion. It is obvious with the Jewish-invented and promoted programs such as the New Age, Christianity [Jesus loves you] and other related malignant deceptions, the Jews fear directed hatred and of course, truth and justice. This reveals where they are weak and vulnerable. Their programs keep on pushing the “love” “love” “love” ad nauseum. In addition, none of these programs has anything to do with “love.” The word “love” in regards to these nefarious programs is only a deception and a mask for extreme hatred of humanity.

I mentioned in a recent audio sermon regarding Satanic movies, such as “The Devil’s Diary” the 1978 movie “The Initiation of Sarah” and many others, how justice is subliminally portrayed as something evil. This is mostly directed at non-Satanists, as we Satanists know the truth. Satan stands for justice. Without justice, civilization ceases to exist and the Jews who are working to bring it down know this. Without justice crime gets out of control and much worse, like what is happening and has been happening for many years to an extreme, as the Jews have taken control of our legal systems and nearly all other key positions where they wreak havoc on Gentiles.

My main reason for this sermon is regarding properly directed hate. The Jews fear hatred, especially when it is directed and of the masses. It has been said that “faith and love can move mountains” so can hate.

BUT, always remember this… there is a stupid saying “today is the first day of the rest of your life.” This means that one can change… BUT, each and every one of us has to live with the past. The past does not just miraculously vanish and go away. Mistakes we have made and many other things will dog us to the day we die. Some things do go away, but most things do not AND IT ONLY TAKES A FEW SECONDS TO COMPLETELY FUCK UP YOUR LIFE.

Satan does NOT want for any of his people to be in prison. When one is in prison, one is extremely restricted and is useless in fighting for our cause. The Jews know this and they also infiltrate many different groups that THEY HATE and want to corrupt and through this, they encourage members to commit crimes and such that will place the member in prison, where the Jew no longer has to worry about him/her. This is and has been a strong tactic of theirs for centuries. Once someone has been in prison, most often, his/her life is ruined in more ways than one, even if he/she does get out. This is no way to go.

When you find yourself seething with hatred and rage, try to calm down and STOP to think. Most acts of hatred and rage result in nothing very substantial. Going on a rampage and shooting up everyday people accomplishes nothing. Absolutely nothing. Lashing out violently and attacking others in most cases, the person full of rage will end up in prison. End of story.

When you find yourself seething with hatred and rage and ready to literally burst with it, call upon Satan to send Demons to collect it and to deliver it to where it belongs and to where it WILL accomplish something and do the enemy the most damage. This can also be saved for a ritual. If you really feel a need to vent, just let it out either in a formal ritual or even in a private session [formal rituals are not necessary for this]. Just make sure to ask Satan to send you a Demon to take the hate energy, as I already stated above. Don’t waste your hatred or lash out in an uncontrolled act of violence. Yoga helps us to detach from our emotions in a positive way. This way emotions can be directed. If the injustice of the world is really getting to you, then have a personal session every day to vent that intense hatred. Demons will be happy to take the energy and apply it to the enemy.

Most people are so much in a hurry, few stop to think or even consider the consequences of their actions. It may feel good and provide a very short-term release to lash out in acts of violence, but in the long term, sitting behind bars is no way to go.

Everyone should perform the reverse torah rituals. The ritual I posted a couple of days ago can be started at any time Sunday [tomorrow]. This is also a very good time to vent your hatred. Hatred is something to be acknowledged, and like any other emotion, it should be properly directed. Satan and his Demons are here to help us with that.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Thank you for this. I'm new and had been wondering about hatred, to then see this post. It confirms my intuition and my own thoughts regarding hatred.

I have more questions. So we can call on Satan to bring to us a demon to receive our hate energy, right?

In that aspect, could we also direct hate energy to sex/orgasm and then directed that up and out?
Kinnaree said:
Thank you for this. I'm new and had been wondering about hatred, to then see this post. It confirms my intuition and my own thoughts regarding hatred.

I have more questions. So we can call on Satan to bring to us a demon to receive our hate energy, right?

In that aspect, could we also direct hate energy to sex/orgasm and then directed that up and out?
Yes, call on them and let them take the energy.

Any energy is viable as Gods can direct and handle energy so very much better than we can.

There was a sermon by Cobra about being helpful to Satan or something along the lines. He mentioned creating energy ball from Algiz and letting Satan take it to use as He best sees it. It applies to other energies as well. If you want to make a favor to Him or other God/Goddess, then offering energy is a very valid option.
Henu the Great said:
Kinnaree said:
Thank you for this. I'm new and had been wondering about hatred, to then see this post. It confirms my intuition and my own thoughts regarding hatred.

I have more questions. So we can call on Satan to bring to us a demon to receive our hate energy, right?

In that aspect, could we also direct hate energy to sex/orgasm and then directed that up and out?
Yes, call on them and let them take the energy.

Any energy is viable as Gods can direct and handle energy so very much better than we can.

There was a sermon by Cobra about being helpful to Satan or something along the lines. He mentioned creating energy ball from Algiz and letting Satan take it to use as He best sees it. It applies to other energies as well. If you want to make a favor to Him or other God/Goddess, then offering energy is a very valid option.

I'll look for that sermon by HP Cobra. Thank you for the clarity.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
