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Happy New Unstoppable Year - Advancing Into 2022

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
This last year was one of the most advancing forward years for the Joy of Satan. I want to thank everyone for the achievements of this last year.

Looking at the Commands from Satan and the Gods, and things that needed to be achieved for the last year, we are basically almost 100%.

Remember that also the real New Satanic Year, is on April, not now, and is based on the planets, and not the regular calendar. We have time to cap the 100%. We definitely will.

We have expanded more than any other year with new websites, new translations, a full redesign of the Joy of Satan website and the logos, New JoS pages, the Calendar's early release, the warfare schedules, the advancement of Satanic mentality, individually or as a whole. I could keep writing and writing here.

We are stronger, bigger and more powerful than ever before. We are opening a new path for people that want to spiritually ascend.

This is far from over and in fact we are only just warming up here. As we can all see, the journey in Spiritual Satanism does not end. Many have already adopted this Satanic Mindset and have come closer this year into the attainment of the True Satanic Soul. As Spiritual Satanism grows, so do the Spiritual Satanists do. The path is actively unfolding in front of us.

A great thank you goes to the people who translate, help in a non publicized way, those that donate to make everything possible, all those who have reached the level of understanding through their meditation to see themselves as part of the Greater Satanic Unity.

What this post is here to remind you, is that no matter what happens, you are a Spiritual Satanist. If you are just a lurker here, I hope you dedicate soon and reach out to the affection of your Gentile Soul for advancing.

The idea of this place is that we, on the JoS level, remain connected and remote from this world at the same time.

It can be hard to navigate a life that is filled with people who are literally on a sleeper level, but one must gain courage and power knowing that you are NOT struggling alone to break out and above of all this play, but that others are here doing the very same thing.

To attain the goals that the Gods have set in front of us, those who are advancing and the JoS must be connected in a form of a relation and bond that propels everyone to advance.

For this reason, in the next year, we will have a new Ranking title for members who have helped the community, are givers in the community, and the idea here is empower them to do the right thing for the right reasons and in the benefit of JoS and the Gods. More details on this very soon.

We want to maximize the output and meaning, but also knowledge that circulates this place, sort of like a new embryo of a new mankind's Satanic consciousness that we will do everything to protect.

In simple terms, the Joy of Satan and the path of Sat-anism should be a path of revolution against entropy, negativity, shrinking, death and decay.

While many of you here have complained in the past or lament over where this world is going, I have to remind you something here. Remember, we know what we know, not to fall into the hole, but to avert it and move past it.

Sure, we exist together with normal people who might jump in, sure, we will do rituals to avert theirs and therefore our destruction, sure, we are connected to some levels, sure we belong in them and they in us in some form of chain of life. We care about this connection, and hopefully as Spiritual Satanism enlightens more people, they will understand to care too.

But another reality persists at the same time: Those who want to remain cattle will remain cattle, and the Gods have given personal privilege to those who want to move out of this entropic mess to advance themselves.

Spiritual Satanism can give someone the "keys" to escape out of this situation and through discovering one's own creative powers, to shape their life or their destiny more than they could before.

Why do you think you are learning Magick and all of this anyway? To sit there and share the same fate like anyone else who can do absolutely nothing but sit there in the hole that is being dug for them?

Instead spending your next year worried, or in states that the farm animals spend their time, it is advisable that you grow closer to elevated understanding of yourself, what Spiritual Satanism is trying to do, the universe and the world. This will truly set you free.

We might all have time limitations, so what time you can put into this, make sure it's good quality time. You want to end up the next year saying to yourself: "Wow, I really advanced tremendously the last year". Maybe for many it will be already that this year finds you in this state.

Even this whole war with the enemy ticks, is a small byproduct of what this path is trying to achieve. Spiritual Satanism is a path that existed way before the enemy. This path, comes from the Gods, and this path that we call today Spiritual Satanism path is about 50,000+ years of a path or more.

In the existence of a Spiritual Satanist, the journey of discovering one's own soul, mind and powers, the coming together again in the path to advance your Soul and move upwards in your existence, is the important aspect of life. This experience comes in the life of someone to open them the gateway into rising higher into the definition of being a human being.

For the person who has properly aligned their heart and mind in Spiritual Satanism, fear will slowly give in to knowledge of one's capabilities and strength.

Nobody can take this away from you besides of yourself. Looking back into the years, I see mostly positive things and some negative things, which in the end, were turned into positive things too. Setbacks? Sure. But in the end, we broke all the walls and we moved through them.

This way of looking at the world, is not a way of looking at it that denies difficulties or struggles [of which we have had almost too many] but the approach of the people who want to rise above these matters.

Something that you can take from me into the New Year, is that no matter what you see happening in this world, you must remember that you must not allow this errant thought process take control of you. This can take years to master, as we are all advancing beings after all. But in the higher levels of this path, you become mentally free.

You become free from fear, false doubt, misery. But you have to want to make it happen too, which is why this path can come at a clash with all our inner constrictions and personal deficiencies, especially as it tries to rebuild the broken self into something way better than it is today.

Courage is required to want to break out of things that keep us back, or rise above things that try to turn us into slaves all the way back. And time, effort, etc. Every so often, you will really notice you are getting somewhere and advancing.

But the above is the definition of Spiritual Satanism and how one transforms themselves.

Nobody is at liberty to say that you are hopeless, weak, or disadvantaged compared to other people with the knowledge you have here. This should be the drivel of the Christians and the Muslims. Let them and their legs shake for 2022, 2023, 2045, or 2150, or whenever.

These idiots got too scared when their little cattle fake nirvana got affected when the world started having difficulties or when life throws some lemons at them. They were happy being cattle until this day and now they are panicking that the cattle farm owners are in trying to slaughter them or something, but the bargain they went into clearly said that this was going to happen.

Since they chose to be begotten by ignorance, ignorance has begotten them and fathered them. Ignorance brought with it fear, and fear and being enslaved is the path they have chosen through choosing to adhere to what they did.

When you live in that state of ignorance, you can live the life of your "Dreams" and still be nothing more than a literal two legged cattle. In this case, both suffering and ignorance become one and the same: The sleeper sleeps inside his sleepy sleep.

Real life starts to begin when you intend to finally wake up from this, which is far further than what the striking majority of the populace wants. For this reason, the Wise Gods have given humanity a dual capability: we can evolve [or collapse] as a species, but we can also evolve on the basis of an individual.

If you want to cast away the yoke, you can do this without other people joining you.

The return to the proper path and the removal of the yoke, comes with considerable benefits that many cattle consider now to be curses, such as the ability of choice, or understanding anything beyond the "Cattle bliss" that they think they experience everyday, which in reality is just mortal suffering.

On the contrary with them, those who are with the Gods, only need to look inside and upwards in order to understand what is the next step in their journey to understand more of this world and expand themselves further.

You're in completely different territory as a Spiritual Satanist. The quicker that is understood and applied, the better one will navigate and advance in life and in their soul matters. The more one doesn't apply this, the worse generally the situation for one's self as they reject the new better input.

Certain things I have found however through the years, can be easier to visit for ones self, rather than to communicate. But the real duty of being Clergy as it is, is to keep you awake and connected especially in a world that is trying so badly [as we saw in the last years] to sever you from your own soul.

In Spiritual Satanism everything that is given has the goal in mind to advance you and to empower you. It is the generation of a new human being that is actually really human - with a redefinition of the content of what one thought humanity meant before.

Those who see this otherwise, are wearing the wrong glasses in their perception, rooted in the lenses of one's past as a slave.

It is not every next year that a Spiritual Satanist who has ensouled this path is happy about, but every single day they get up from bed.

The appreciation arises for the being that has learned the path of life, to the extent that no matter what, one will say "Blessed be the Great Gods for giving me life and the ability to partake in beautiful wisdom and understanding".

I will tell you what I know certainly about 2022: It will be a good year for those who seek to advance, Satan and the Gods are supreme, and as always, screw the enemy. We will go against the wave this year too, and we will win, and on the good waves, we will surf on top of them again.

We Spiritual Satanists, are unstoppable. Wish everyone a great 2022, filled with adventure, growth, overcoming struggles, positivity and advancement.



-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
happy 2022 year, love you Cobra.

the enemy is against us and u, i know....

they curse...all day...they lose... all day... :lol: :lol:

siatris666 said:
happy 2022 year, love you Cobra.

the enemy is against us and u, i know....

they curse...all day...they lose... all day... :lol: :lol:


They always loose. We always win. Infact the weight of and impact of victory is getting bigger.
Thank you for everything HP Cobra
Happy new year everyone 😃
Manofsatan said:
siatris666 said:
happy 2022 year, love you Cobra.

the enemy is against us and u, i know....

they curse...all day...they lose... all day... :lol: :lol:


They always loose. We always win. Infact the weight of and impact of victory is getting bigger.

Shit, i know that's a fact. I could feel their hate and them reeing in hebrew during yule. I am certain some in particular felt the compulsion for violent outbursts and thoughts against anyone of Satan. They just cannot stand that we are burning them. Funny, after feeling this so strongly during yule, I found that someone made an account on Satan's day named "theonewhoisgoingtokillallofyou" under the "newest member tab" the same day. Lol they probably typed a wall of text in hebrew curses that got rejected about all the violent ways they wanted to curse and off us. Well not today yhvh!

We are doing our job. Cleanse and burn. Day of the oven.
Zieg Heil!
estes tópicos são muito reveladores porque sempre trazem uma verdade difícil de eu ou alguém engolir.
Não sente-se no seu próprio buraco...
"Você tem as chaves pra se libertar "...

Hail Satan
E feliz "ano novo" a todos
Que 2022 seja um ano de grandes mudanças e recomeços como previsto.
E que as coisas mudem pra melhor eu não aguento mas aaaaa😫
Im hoping for a lot of changes in my life as i move into 2022. Ive learnt a lot in my life and looking at the world in this year. Ive transformed and internalized a lot of life changing thinking patterns in this year. I cant wait till i make more progress and expansion as he takes me through this great adventure. I put my trust in the Lord Of Light because he has shown me his power. I keep moving forward ,wherever my intuition takes me. Under his Eye.
Happy New Year to all!

Hail Satan!!
Happy new year to all, now to get myself crazy drunk all by myself to celebrate the huge milestone humanity can achieve against retarded aliens and their hybrid infiltrator gremlins. The enemy just made one huge waste of decision, lives and brainpower to choose to mess around with the empire of Orion :lol: .
Thank you HP for everything you do for us and Happy New Year!
Happy new year!

I am looking forward to a difficult year. But I know it will get better afterwards.

After the first day of the latest ritual in, I remembered something. I thought a translation thread could be made about future ritual schedules. Always according to the current timetable. Translations in different languages could be added as comments. Or the link to the page where it is translated.

The idea would be to translate it as accurately as possible in as many languages as possible. Or something like that.
"In simple terms, the Joy of Satan and the path of Sat-anism should be a path of revolution against entropy, negativity, shrinking, death and decay."

This part, I always feel so much. It's like my soul wants to fight against all these things, not just for myself but for all my people too.

Inspiring sermon as always, HP :)
I want to thank Satan and my Guardian for always being there for me and Satan especially for this community.
I want to thank our Leadership which works tirelessly, you are an enormous source of inspiration for me.
I also want to thank all the members of the community who contribute, motivate, and generally act as a good rolemodel for everyone around you.
And of course every Brother and Sister in Satan. We shall be victorious once more.

Bring it on 2022!
Happy new "year" to you all.
I dislike new year's eve as the mass energies with night parties are in some way hostile to my Soul, everything is turning around alcohol, fake luxury, champagne, crashing bottles and bombs, everything seems so retarded to me.
With Covid, lockdowns and limitations, I noticed the tones of this general mess are way less intense. As I think the enemy takes advantage of this vortex, I see this as a form of slight Spiritual advancement for the mass.
I will throw a sky lantern as a form of personal ritual for general betterment.
Loyalty Rewards

Big time big respect post I have gone from being a hard fighting pleb to a full time baller from Satan's and mines hard work

I have been a spiritual Satanist for 10 years this life time countless previous and it is good to be one of us I have money I have freeeeeedom I have wemon oh wemon to die for not cheap good satanic wemon good witch wife I went from little oh oh box to box to box to box person to now a bug step up I'm looking at starting my own business this year and while it is not promoted here I have on telegram groups been running competitions to have people come back to me with tallys of rtrs with tallys of blessing done to satan to the gods I can't wait I can't wait for it to be tallys of their skulls hhhhhhhaaaaaaaaa and you all know whoms skulls I speak I have gone from a boy with a dream to be this world's nice ruler to be making people's lives genuinely better through good policy and discussion and now I'm a young man who is a stone throw away from doing that and it feels great

To all you Satanist who ahem and ahhh all the time or ohh so much work who can be bothered when you are a loyal old war dog it pays
I wish to be like you one day, and inspire others as much as you inspire me. I feel blessed advancing under your guidance. Thank you for everything High Priest!

Hail Satan!
Happy New year to my brother HPHP

hope you have the best ones mate your posts and guidance has been immese this year you deserve it.

Enjoy it and the best to you and family for this year also.
Every year on this path it feels like I'm reborn or starting my journey anew every time. Feels like a warmup for something way bigger to come. I think to myself, I've come so far while everyone around me stands still, and yet the road before is long still. But with the gods help anything is possible.

Hail Satan and the Gods of Orion!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I am very proud and happy to say the following:
"Wow, I really advanced tremendously the last year".

This was the best year in terms of advancement by FAR, for me!

Hail Satan!
I wish for every brother and sister in satanism to have a wonderful and fruitful 2022!

Victory is within arms reach, lets make it happen!
Happy New Year! Hail Satan! Hail Joy Of Satan!
Happy new year everyone! :)

Hail Satan!
So fortunate to the Gods and my brothers and sisters in Satan. Those who have made these advances possible have my eternal gratitude.

I would say looking back on this year I made the most progress I've ever made. 2021 was a difficult year yet the most rewarding in everyway. I can only say that 2022 will be even greater in this respect.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I will tell you what I know certainly about 2022: It will be a good year for those who seek to advance, Satan and the Gods are supreme, and as always, screw the enemy. We will go against the wave this year too, and we will win, and on the good waves, we will surf on top of them again.

It is good then that I've taken a Bushido-type stance towards spiritual discipline. I have previously been disheartened due to lack of perceived progress. But I made my mind to make a solid streak for a year and see what happens. At the very least, I won't be able to blame myself anymore.

Thank you Cobra for the encouraging words.
Happy New Year my family!

I am so thankful to Father, to our Gods, and to you my brothers and sisters! From the bottom of my heart I love you all!

2021 was one of the best year of my spiritual transformation. This coming 2022 I am looking forward to advance more and contribute to our cause. 🙂

Hail Father Satan!
Happy new year to all. :)

Thank you all for your patience in helping others and answering questions. ;)

Thanks to HP Cobra and Maxine for their work. :)

Thank the Gods for being there. :D

Hail Satan.
Wish you all my Satanic brothers and sisters a great 2022. Let's stay strong, the journey is long and we are already making it, we are growing and becoming more and more powerful.

This year I was deeply touched by the care, love and help Goddess Astarte have shown me. There are no words to explain how I feel. She was there for me in times when I was down and helped move on. I thank you Goddess Astarte. The same goes for our great God Belphagor.

Remember that the Gods are always there for us.
Hail our Father Satan forever and ever
Hail all our Powers of Hell
Happy New Unstoppable Year everyone! I'm new here and, as my name implies, I'm lurking no more. I've been visiting this amazing place since Dec. 11th (3 weeks ago) non-stop. I've been studying everything you've provided, practicing meditations (especially chakra alignment/proper opening and applicable vibrations), engaging in the FRTR, KTRTR, SJSPRTR page and so on.

My life has changed in an incredibly positive manner, in more ways than one! I've had many a synchronicity manifest in this short amount of time that affirm and confirm that what you are doing (and now me) is without question, the TRUTH! I've stumbled along throughout my life studying all aspects that I could get my hands on in seeking legitimate answers. It turns out that I was doing a number of things naturally at a much younger age as confirmed through the resources here.

Now, thanks to this community, I've been able to fill in all the missing links! I can't thank this community enough for what you've put together and I sincerely appreciate it. Apologies if this post is a bit much, I certainly don't intend it to be that way; it's just that I feel like I've finally found a home and it's a wonderful feeling to finally be able to fight back in a tangible and yielding way! Off to the War Room...

Hail Satan Forever!!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
