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Sep 21, 2017
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Hai sa vorbim ca niste fiinte umane si sa lasam vrajeala. Oricat o dam cu "teoria constipatiei", "sunt interese mari la mijloc", "Bil Ghertz" si alte glumite de pseudo-intelectuali, nimeni nu crede ce zice. Stim cu totii ce se intampla la nivel global si ca glumitele astea sunt doar o curvasareala pentru validare sociala si pentru a fi de partea comfortului. Chiar ni se pare ca totul e ok si nu se intampla nimic dubios la nivel global? Eu vorbesc de fapte reale si nu dau doi bani nici pe politicile liberale si progresiste nici pe ratati ca Trump, LePen, Salvini sau Simion care sunt etichetati ca nazisti, dar in realitate sunt niste curve iubitoare de ciori.

Imigratia turnata cu galeata in tarile albe, pandemia de coronavirus, restrictiile si fortarea vaccinarii, musamalziarea efectelor adverse, inflatia si criza energetica, razboiul din Ucraina, problemele ecologice care sunt reale o parte din ele, dar sunt intentionat adresate prost si exploatate pentru bani si interese si multe altele... Aici puteti sa o bagati pe aia cu "sunt interese mari la mijloc". Cine nu are chef poate sa citeasca mai departe.

Rasa alba este pe cale sa fie exterminata de tot ce inseamna initiative si manareli jidanesti si noi ne vaitam de nazisti? Pe bune... Milioane de negrii, arabi si asiatici vin in Europa si America de Nord, amestecarea genetica intre rase a produs dezastru demografic, iar ratele de natalitate ale albilor sunt jalnice si noi stam sa ne jucam de-a toleranta si iubirea. Fiti siguri ca atunci cand o sa fim noi minoritatea nu o sa avem aceleasi privilegii ca non-albii. Ce minoritate ca deja rasa alba e undeva la 6% din populatia planetei. Suntem marcati pentru exterminare si niciun arab, negru sau asiatic nu o sa se rascoale impotriva jidanilor cand noi nu vom mai fi. Poate va ganditi ca nu o sa apucati acele vremuri, dar va zic eu ca multi o sa le prindeti. Si daca nu le prindeti, urmatoarea generatie o sa sufere grav si nu o sa mai aiba suflarea decat sa scuipe pe mormintele voastre pentru ca nu ati putut mai mult decat sa va invartiti intre PSD, PNL, USR, AUR si alte glume in vremuri extrem de grave.

Cei ce observa, au creier si le si pasa stiu deja ca jidanii ne vor morti pe noi albii si probabil dupa asta nici pe arabi nu or sa ii crute. De aceea s-a mizat atat de mult pe propaganda asta cu anti-rasismul, nu din benevolenta. Bancile, corporatiile, Big tech, guvernele, ONGurile, mass media, social media si marea majoritate a brandurilor de produse din toate ariile sunt aliniate la asa ceva, iar prezenta jidnilor e peste tot prin pozitiile importante. Nu o sa stau sa elaborez un eseu de 5000 de pagini, ma adresez celor ce au ratiune, instinct si coloana vertebrata. Pe restul nici nu pot sa ii consider oameni avand in vedere ce cancere de politici si ideologii au sustinut.

Va indemn sa luati fiecare masuri deja intrucat situatia e critica si ne confruntam cu o exterminare treptata ce in orice zi poate deveni accelerata. Ganditi-va la posibilitatea de razboaie. Deja Ucraina o simte pe pielea ei si noi nu suntem ca Irakul sau Libia sa ne moara 300 000 de oameni si sa nastem 5 milioane in acelasi an. Deja avem si fara razboi o gramada de factori demografici catastrofali cum ar fi imigratia non europeana, rata mica de natalitate, cresterea numarului de poponari si asa mai departe. Lucrurile astea trebuie sa ne ingrijoreze nu ca am folosit eu nu stiu ce termen "nazist" si "de extrema dreapta". Astia sunt iepurii dupa care alearga retardatii.

Luati masuri, vorbiti aspectele astea mai departe cu cine credeti ca are capacitatea cerebrala sa le asimileze, faceti copii, intemeiati familii, intemeiati comunitati, oameni de incredere cu astfel de principii care va pot ajuta la nevoie si pe care ii puteti ajuta inapoi. Mergeti la sala, invatati un sport de contact corp la corp, invatati mestesuguri intrucat joburile astea sunt din ce in ce mai rare. Instalatii, circuite electrice, mecanica auto, constructii, cunostinte medicale. Discutati aceste cunostinte, invatati-i si ajutati-i si pe altii sa invete la randul lor. Strangeti rezerve. Economisiti niste bani si cel mai bine ca sa facem fata inflatiei investiti in ce puteti si ce considerati ca nu isi pierde valoarea in timp. Orice pic conteaza.

Fiti loiali grupului/comunitatii si educati-i si pe copii sa fie asa la randul lor. Nu lasati negrii, tigani, jidani si mai stiu eu ce in grup. Nu mai e loc de compromis in astfel de vremuri cand exterminarea bate la usa. Din pacate extremismul este necesar. Daca ai 50 de kilograme intr-un taler al balantei nu il echilibrezi cu 5 kilograme, ci tot cu 50 sau scotand cele 50 de kilograme.

Invatati sa recunoasteti evreii nu doar dupa nume si in functie de cei ce se declara. Recunoasteti-i dupa trasaturile fetei si comportament. In special dupa trasaturi ca pana la recunoasterea comportamentului poate fi prea tarziu si sa va treziti cu un prietenas nou in grup sau cu vreo sotie pe care o credeati Romanca. Indiferent ce ar invata ei sunt o specie aparte si tind instinctiv catre anumite idei. Crestinismul si Comunismul sunt similare din multe puncte de vedere si sunt prezentate ca ideologii non evreiesti. Un evreu nu va putea niciodata sa perceapa necesitatea unui etno-stat cu exceptia poate a Israelului. Instinctiv va respinge ideea.

Acest forum are multe informatii despre razboiul acesta care dateaza de cateva mii de ani si voi lasa aici cateva linkuri utile. Fiti curajosi si integrii si propuneti-va sa realizati aceste lucruri. Monitorizati-va lucrurile pe care le realizati pe acest subiect de-a lungul timpului. SUCCESS SI VA DORESC TOT BINELE DIN LUME!

Platforme alternative pe care cenzura e la un nivel mai mic si se mai pot gasii informatii:

Forumul si site-ul principal. Puteti sa ignorati partea spirituala, eu nu fac proselitism, daca o macar o parte mica din populatie intelege nevoia de prezervare rasiala eu sunt fericit si consider ca avem o sansa.

Carti utile din biblioteca site-ului:
https://satanslibrary.org/index.html#index (Search: How to Recognize and Identify a jew!!!)
Alte linkuri:

Pentru membrii forumului: puteti sa lasati comentarii sau informatii pe care le considerati utile.


Let's talk like human beings and cut the crap. No matter how much we pretend to be pseudo-intellectuals and use terms like "conspiracy theory" and so on, nobody believes those silly games. We all know here what's happening on the global scale and that those labels and jokes are just whore like methods for social validation and trying to fit in the comfort and power side. Does everything seem ok to you? Nothing out of the ordinary on the global scale of events? I am speaking about real facts and I couldn't care less about liberal or progressive politics and neither loosers like Trump, LePen, Salvini or Simion, characters which are labeled as nazis, but which in reality are a bunch of nigger loving whores.

All the mass non-white immigration, the coronavirus pandemic, the restrictions and forcing of the vaccines, hiding the adverse reactions, inflation, energy crysis, the war in Ukraine, the ecological problems which are partially real, but intentionally being wrongly addressed for money and other interests. Whovever is not in the mood for "it's all conspiracy theories" jokes can read on.

The white race is on the brink of extermination by all that's jewish initiatives and plans and we are whining about nazis and white supremacists? Really... Millions of blacks, arabs and asians come to Europe and North America, racemixing is producing a demographic catastrophe and white birth rates are pathetic while we keep playing the tolerance and love game. You can be damn sure that when we will be the minority we will not receive the same privilege like non-whites. What minority, we are somewhere to 6% of the world population. We have been marked for extermination and no arab, black or asian will rise up against the jews when we will be gone. Maybe you think you won't live those times, but I guarantee you that you will live them and even if you don't your kids will go trough a lot of suffering and will just have enough energy to spit on your graves because you could not jump past this endless switching between PSD, PNL, USR, AUR and other jokes in times of catastrophe.

The ones who observe, have a brain and care already know that jews want all whites eradicated and probably the arabs as well after this chapter. This is why so much propaganda has been done about anti-racism, not out of the goodness in their hearts. Banks, corporations, Big tech, governments, non profit organisations, mainstream media, social media and most brands are aligned to this agenda and jews are present in all important positions. I won't elaborate a 5000 page essay, but I will address only those with rationality, instinct and a spine. The rest I cannot even consider humans given what ideologies they have supported.
I advise you to take measures as soon as possible as the situation is critical and we are facing a gradual extermination that could acelerate any day. Think about the possibility of wars. Ukraine already saw what it means and we are not like Iraq or Lybia and if we lose 300 000 people at least we breed 5 milion a year. Even without wars we have lots of factors that are a disaster for demographics like mass immigration, low birthrates, the rise of the number of gay people and so on. Those are the things that should worry us not the fact that I used nazi and white supremacist terms. Those are rabbits that retards chase after.

Take measures, spread this information to the ones that you know are capable to asimilate it, make children, form families, form communities, trustful people with such principles who can help you in need and which you should help in return. Go to the gym, learn a fighting style, learn abilities like plumbing, electrical circuits, car mechanics, constructions, medical knowledge. Share this knowledge with others by helping them. Make supplies. Save some money and invest it in goods that don't lose value over time to dodge inflation. Any little piece counts.

Stay loyal to the group/community and educate your kids to act in the same way. Don't let blacks, gypsies, jews and who knows what else into the group. There is no room for compromise in such times when extermination is at the door. Extremism is necessary. If you have 50 kilograms on a scale you need to put another 50 on the other side to have ballance you cannot do it with 5. Either this or take out the initial 50 kilograms.

Learn to also recognize jews by facial features, not just by names or by confession. Also pay attention to behavior. Features are important as before you recognize them by their behavior you may end up with a friend in your group or wife that you thought was Romanian. Whatever they are taught they instinctively go towards certain behaviors. Christianity and Communism are similar in many ways bacause of this and both are marketed as non jewish ideas. A jew weii never perceive the need for an ethno-state unless it's Israel. It will reject the idea instinctively.

This Forum has many information about this war that has lasted for thousands of years and I will leave some useful links. Be brave, have honor and make it a target to accomplish those things. Monitor your progress from time to time. I WISH YOU GOOD LUCK AND ALL THE BEST!

Alternative platforms with less censorship:


The forum and the main site. You can ignore the spiritual side if you don't like it, I don't proselytize. If at least a small part of the population understands the need for racial preservation I'm happy with this and consider we have a chance.

Useful books from the site's library:
https://satanslibrary.org/index.html#index (Search: How to Recognize and Identify a jew!!!)

Other links:

For forum members: feel free to comment and add any other information you deem useful.
The word "cioara" or nigger (loosely translated) is fitting only to the few eastern Europe countries in which this works as a word and does not have the same connotations that others might be "triggered" or "offended". The above is for English readers.

This is good for producing reaction to a very fitting and restricted audience, but fails to serve the others who read this and misunderstand this or that there is logical discrimination of negative forces in the world that is culturally dependant. Romania has still very good people with backbone in their thinking so this might awake positively people.

It is a good message but to make it better I would add that the term "extremists" used in our context is only to emphasize the importance of the message and not the actual manifestation of it, simply because in the modern world, normal values and aspirations, masculine ideals, logic and white gentile prosperity are viewed as an extremist existence and as a threat to the jew existence. Doing the natural and logical is something of extremism in minds of brainwashed people.

The above nuance I think is important and can help people be more accepting since these words are used as buzzwords and attached to very dangerous concepts, a difference must be made or at least explained.
EasternFireLion666 said:
Hello. This is a great initative. Most Romanians are conservative, therefore messages about race and awareness on jews should normally be easier accepted and understood by Romanians compared to people in the West who are being brainwashed with neomarxism and progressivism, also given that Romania historically has its share of ""antisemitism"" (knowing the truth about jews and fighting their influence on a political level). However when doing activism I would employ a more formal speech, this is in order for the receivers of the messages to see that you fully understand the issues you are discussing about and you are not being driven by blind hate. It also gives a lot more credibility.

Also Satanism is very popular among the Romanian youth. I think it would be very efficient to somehow try to infiltrate messages about Spiritual Satanism and JoS of Satan / Bucuria lui Satan in universities, libraries, coffee terraces, supermarkets close to schools and universities and similar places frequented by the young, or even on the streets on the immediate proximity of these premises, granted there are no cameras or people around. This is risky but might be rewarding if somehow students find about JoS/BlS and then start sharing it with each other, therefore spreading around. However personally I've prefered to do online activism which is better if you are looking for a broader audience and are not targeting a particular type of people. Here are some tips from what I've been doing if someone wants to read
The Alchemist7 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Hello. This is a great initative. Most Romanians are conservative, therefore messages about race and awareness on jews should normally be easier accepted and understood by Romanians compared to people in the West who are being brainwashed with neomarxism and progressivism, also given that Romania historically has its share of ""antisemitism"" (knowing the truth about jews and fighting their influence on a political level). However when doing activism I would employ a more formal speech, this is in order for the receivers of the messages to see that you fully understand the issues you are discussing about and you are not being driven by blind hate. It also gives a lot more credibility.

Also Satanism is very popular among the Romanian youth. I think it would be very efficient to somehow try to infiltrate messages about Spiritual Satanism and JoS of Satan / Bucuria lui Satan in universities, libraries, coffee terraces, supermarkets close to schools and universities and similar places frequented by the young, or even on the streets on the immediate proximity of these premises, granted there are no cameras or people around. This is risky but might be rewarding if somehow students find about JoS/BlS and then start sharing it with each other, therefore spreading around. However personally I've prefered to do online activism which is better if you are looking for a broader audience and are not targeting a particular type of people. Here are some tips from what I've been doing if someone wants to read

Thank you for the advice brother. I have re read your comment on the topic and consider making a different code for the main site.
Truth is the forums have a lot of the information. Plus the other links we shared. Yes, the way I write is often aggressive, but this is also important. Any message has a rational and an emotional component, and the people I consider fit to assimilate and understand what we speak of must be mature enough to understand both. Otherwise it would just be another political/ideological message without any passion and instinct that Romanians are tired off. Unfortunately hate is the normal natural reaction when something threatens us or something we love.
Separating brain from muscle is what the enemy wants. That's why we have the so called "educated" or pseudo-intellectuals who always lean leftist versus a bunch of street thugs that are a bunch of violent drunktards and only care about themselves and the really near future. We need intelligence, strength and integrity!
NakedPluto said:
The word "cioara" or nigger (loosely translated) is fitting only to the few eastern Europe countries in which this works as a word and does not have the same connotations that others might be "triggered" or "offended". The above is for English readers.

This is good for producing reaction to a very fitting and restricted audience, but fails to serve the others who read this and misunderstand this or that there is logical discrimination of negative forces in the world that is culturally dependant. Romania has still very good people with backbone in their thinking so this might awake positively people.

It is a good message but to make it better I would add that the term "extremists" used in our context is only to emphasize the importance of the message and not the actual manifestation of it, simply because in the modern world, normal values and aspirations, masculine ideals, logic and white gentile prosperity are viewed as an extremist existence and as a threat to the jew existence. Doing the natural and logical is something of extremism in minds of brainwashed people.

The above nuance I think is important and can help people be more accepting since these words are used as buzzwords and attached to very dangerous concepts, a difference must be made or at least explained.

Thanks for better explaining the terms!

The enemy views even normal racial preservation as extremism, but the terms are not so important compared to the instinct and overall understanding. BUT! Before we achieve balance there needs to be a set of actions that may be radical/extremist. Not everyone will wake up and it is foolish to wait for this. We may wait until it's too late.

If the other side refuses to understand those aspects and non whites refuse to leave while their numbers grow and we decrease you can imagine what may come. It's like a cancer that does not disappear if you take herbs and continues to grow. If that is the case, surgery must be applied. Just like the example I made about the weights. You have an extreme 50 kilograms on one side of the scale. You want to achieve balance. How do you do it? By being moderate and applying only 5 on the other side? Physics and nature teach us how to handle extreme situations. In physics any actions have equal reactions. remember mechanics and opposing forces.

Times are difficult, but the RTRs have empowered that side of society that wants to act. We must be mindful and careful as much as we can!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
