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Guardian demon


New member
Aug 12, 2018
I heard that one doesn't necessarily have any guardian demon. Is it true? Why?
Does it means if one is advanced enough then he doesn't need any GD to guide him.
Or he is too weak to be appreciated and does not deserve any GD to guide him?
What if I have no guardian demon? Why should I be left alone?
Kudra said:
I heard that one doesn't necessarily have any guardian demon. Is it true? Why?
Does it means if one is advanced enough then he doesn't need any GD to guide him.
Or he is too weak to be appreciated and does not deserve any GD to guide him?
What if I have no guardian demon? Why should I be left alone?

I don't know where you heard that from but so long as you have done The Dedication Ritual then you are always assigned to a Guardian Demon.

If you do not feel/sense/hear/see signs from your guardian then you likely just aren't spiritually open enough yet. It took me personally a few years to get that far when I was new. Patience and effort.
Ghost in the Machine said:
I don't know where you heard that from but so long as you have done The Dedication Ritual then you are always assigned to a Guardian Demon.

If you do not feel/sense/hear/see signs from your guardian then you likely just aren't spiritually open enough yet. It took me personally a few years to get that far when I was new. Patience and effort.

I heard this from this forum several months ago. I have forgotten who said this or why he said this and I know not everything from the forums are trustworthy, but I always keep this in my mind as it is said that this message is from Satan.

I was once curious about who is my guardian and tried to find out. But afterwards I stopped and think it is a waste of time. It is not myself who can decide or choose guardian. I feel myself is just like goods on the shelves, waiting someone to choose me or be abandoned to the dustbin. Does it matter which demon I have affection for or be attracted to?

Maybe I am wrong but I don't think every person who have dedicated have guardian demon. Demons choose us. If someone is annoying enough then he won't be chosen by any demon and he won't get any mercy from Satan. Then, sorry brother, just waiting for your death and don't forget to fight for Satan's interests at the last second of your miserable life although no one cares about you.

I also remember that it is mentioned in the Joy of Satan website that people can't perform the Dedication ritual twice and no one have the second chance. There is no way back. No matter what is the reason, those who made mistakes won't be forgiven, will never get the chance to improve themselves or live on. I hate it when someone tell me that Satan won't abandon those who follow him. How do you know this?

Anyway, ignore my babbles if you don't like this. I just want to relieve some of my pressures and sufferings in this way.

I'm trying to calm down and do something meaningful. Thanks for replying me at least it give me a sense that as if someone would care about me.
Kudra said:

Every person who dedicates has a guardian that is assigned to them regardless. You are a gentile who has formerly made your devotion by your very own blood to follow Satan, therefore you are provided what is necessary on this path which is a guide and teacher catered to your very soul's composition.

If Satan is not someone understanding of mistakes and unwitting atrocities due to enemy corruption and abuse then by the foundation of my very existence he should have cast me out and tossed me aside like I was nothing years ago because I was practically a jew in virtually every ounce of my behaviour and interests the starting portion of my years on this path. But he stayed true to me as I stayed true to him and over the years he helped me to completely be reborn as someone entirely different, to free my soul from that garbage and progress to advancement and positivity.

There is simply no way I could thank him enough. You need to have faith and confidence in Satan and yourself. Satan is not hateful, he will not punish or torture you for honest mistakes or wrongs in behaviour or things like laziness and whatnot that you struggle to overcome. Everything takes time to progress and become better, it is the enemy's fault and in their corruption of our knowledge, society and ways that people are like this, not our own.

When it is said that Satan is our Father, this is in more ways than one. He cares very much so like an actual father towards his children. He might be stern in some ways like he has with me in my own experience like any real parent may be with their children, but he understands and it is because he loves and cares for you and your well-being and wants what is best for you.

There is no truer and more powerful feeling of love in this universe than the one given by and felt from our true creator and father, Lord Satan., and I speak from experience. Nothing will ever surpass.
I still remember back when I dedicated, I hadn't really read much of the JoS site yet (a friend taught me personally, and I simply knew already at that point that there was nothing that could change my mind), so I didn't know anything about Guardian Demons or that I would be assigned one.
After I dedicated, the next few evenings when I did void meditation I sensed a warm, pleasant presence near me. I wondered if the energy I felt could be from a God or Goddess.
So I asked my friend about it, and he was like: "you do know you get assigned a Guardian Demon when you dedicate, right?"
We had a good laugh about it.

Then I figured I'd have a look at the list of Demons on JoS to see what They're like. If one of the Gods was trying to guide me, then I was curious who it might be. Various ones caught my interest, but none really in particular. So I figured I'd just figure out the name later when I was more advanced and left it at that.

But then the next morning as I was taking a shower, a name suddenly kept coming to mind. I vaguely remembered seeing that name on the list of Demons the night before, but at that time I happened to skim past Her description; and yet I felt a very strong connection when I focused on Her name.
So I looked up Her name, and as I read Her description, the connection felt even stronger. Then in the evening when I felt Her presence again during void meditation, I tried communicating with Her and asking Her about it, and that's how I figured out who my GD is.

It's a fond memory. She's really helped me so much. I'm very grateful, and when I focus on Her I always feel motivated to work hard and make Her proud.

Kudra said:
I heard this from this forum several months ago. I have forgotten who said this or why he said this and I know not everything from the forums are trustworthy, but I always keep this in my mind as it is said that this message is from Satan.

I was once curious about who is my guardian and tried to find out. But afterwards I stopped and think it is a waste of time. It is not myself who can decide or choose guardian. I feel myself is just like goods on the shelves, waiting someone to choose me or be abandoned to the dustbin. Does it matter which demon I have affection for or be attracted to?

Maybe I am wrong but I don't think every person who have dedicated have guardian demon. Demons choose us. If someone is annoying enough then he won't be chosen by any demon and he won't get any mercy from Satan. Then, sorry brother, just waiting for your death and don't forget to fight for Satan's interests at the last second of your miserable life although no one cares about you.

I also remember that it is mentioned in the Joy of Satan website that people can't perform the Dedication ritual twice and no one have the second chance. There is no way back. No matter what is the reason, those who made mistakes won't be forgiven, will never get the chance to improve themselves or live on. I hate it when someone tell me that Satan won't abandon those who follow him. How do you know this?

Anyway, ignore my babbles if you don't like this. I just want to relieve some of my pressures and sufferings in this way.

I'm trying to calm down and do something meaningful. Thanks for replying me at least it give me a sense that as if someone would care about me.

I think everyone is assigned a Guardian Demon and that the Gods always try to help in the most healthy and efficient way possible.
So if someone acts entitled and doesn't put in an effort (or as you put it, "is annoying enough"), then They help by showing him/her that one doesn't get anywhere in life by begging for things and leaving everything to others when there's so many things one could do for oneself. They help by keeping their distance.
If this person then realises his/her mistake and starts making a serious effort, the Gods will reward him/her by helping with the difficult parts.
So I don't think it's a matter of the Gods abandoning people who aren't worthy like you suggest, but rather, They try to motivate people to help themselves. Because that's the only way a person will truly grow.

As for forgiveness, I have another story. I realised two weeks ago that I had made a horrible mistake.
A few months ago, someone I was close to tried to connect to what he thought was his GD (who he thought was a very high ranking Goddess; I won't mention Her name, but that already seemed slightly odd), but instead this caused both of us to become connected to some kind of strange energy that replaced all of our connections with the Gods we knew with illusions resembling Them (even Satan), which then started telling us lies to manipulate us.
Not realising what happened, we took everything at face value and did many things that were very blasphemous in hindsight. We even got 7 other Satanists involved in it and began acting like some kind of hivemind.
With the help of one of the illusions, I was devising a plan to spread that hivemind on a global scale in order to control the masses to achieve world domination in Satan's name - which seemed like a noble idea to me at the time, but now I realise just how terrible the consequences would have been.
Even if such an insane plan succeeded, it would not be a Satanic world order; it would be a global cult full of blasphemous ideas that pretends to be kind of Satanic. Cults aren't Satanic at all to begin with. It would just lift yet another veil over the Truth, rather than enlighten anyone. And all the actual Satanists that got caught up would just become lost and stagnate.

When I realised I had been manipulated and believed so many blasphemous lies, I panicked because I could barely hear the real Gods anymore. Even as I spent hours meditating and trying to push out the dirt that had accumulated in my Soul, I just ended up exhausting myself, falling asleep and then waking up a few hours later from nightmares and feeling the hivemind's energies inside me again, and start over.
At times I felt hopeless. I was afraid of it just being an endless struggle, and I wondered if the Gods would really want to help someone who had fallen as far as me or if They would just abandon me.
But I'm not the type to give up. So that feeling of hopelessness just made me even more determined. I decided that even if rumors spread about what happened and other Satanists thought of me as an enemy, and even if the Gods were to abandon me and never talk to me again, I will dedicate my entire life to doing as much for Satanism as I possibly can, both in realistic, practical materialistic ways, by doing the rituals recommended by JoS, and by guiding more people to JoS so that they can grow and join our side.

It's been two weeks now and I'm starting to feel more and more like myself again. I even started to feel my GD's energy again, and Her energy feels just like it used to before the whole mess started (the energy of the fake version felt slightly different somehow, like it was mixed with some other energy). This leads me to believe that I've been given another chance, which really warms my heart and just makes me feel even more determined. I will always work as hard as I can so I can truly feel worthy of Their forgiveness. I am incredibly grateful that the Gods still intend to guide me in working for Them after everything that happened.

Mistakes are to be learned from. What meaning do the mistakes of the past have if the future is full of great achievements that help our cause at large?
I believe that whether or not someone should be forgiven depends entirely on what he or she will do in the future. There may be people who are beyond redemption and will make the same mistakes over and over (or even pretend to learn from their mistakes while intentionally repeating them again), and people who have no intention of ever amounting to anything. But I believe those who learn from their mistakes and always strive to do as much good as they can - those who truly dedicate themselves to Satan - should be given a chance to do so. There is no merit in rejecting someone like that.
Kudra said:
I also remember that it is mentioned in the Joy of Satan website that people can't perform the Dedication ritual twice and no one have the second chance. There is no way back. No matter what is the reason, those who made mistakes won't be forgiven, will never get the chance to improve themselves or live on. I hate it when someone tell me that Satan won't abandon those who follow him. How do you know this?

Anyway, ignore my babbles if you don't like this. I just want to relieve some of my pressures and sufferings in this way.

I'm trying to calm down and do something meaningful. Thanks for replying me at least it give me a sense that as if someone would care about me.
Kudra, you must have some distorted view of our gods. What you said here is never mentioned on the jos. As you advance and have experiences with our gods what you'll find is they have unimaginable levels of compassion, understanding and care for us. It actually boggles the mind. They understand us often on deeper levels than we even understand ourselves. We are human and as such face confusing situations, have unclear perceptions of what's actually going on in the world and we make mistakes because of that. Our gods would never hold that over our heads. There are certain things that might be unforgivable such as taking deals and working with our enemy. That's different, but simply leaving Satanism for whatever reason, confusion or whatever, you can come back when things get clearer in your head. It isn't necessary to do the dedication again. That is done only once.

But of course our gods are here to guide us. That's the whole purpose of the forums and Joy of Satan website. To guide, educate and empower us. You have a guardian demon if you dedicated. That's just so. Don't stress to much on it. Work on empowering and cleaning your soul. Do rtrs. In time, this stuff will be clearer. You have to remove what seems like xian hangups and perceiving Satanism in a similar light as xianity which it is not. Our gods are understanding. The world isn't black and white.
ChattingWithDemons said:
I still remember back when I dedicated, I hadn't really read much of the JoS site yet (a friend taught me personally, and I simply knew already at that point that there was nothing that could change my mind), so I didn't know anything about Guardian Demons or that I would be assigned one.
After I dedicated, the next few evenings when I did void meditation I sensed a warm, pleasant presence near me. I wondered if the energy I felt could be from a God or Goddess.
So I asked my friend about it, and he was like: "you do know you get assigned a Guardian Demon when you dedicate, right?"
We had a good laugh about it.

Then I figured I'd have a look at the list of Demons on JoS to see what They're like. If one of the Gods was trying to guide me, then I was curious who it might be. Various ones caught my interest, but none really in particular. So I figured I'd just figure out the name later when I was more advanced and left it at that.

But then the next morning as I was taking a shower, a name suddenly kept coming to mind. I vaguely remembered seeing that name on the list of Demons the night before, but at that time I happened to skim past Her description; and yet I felt a very strong connection when I focused on Her name.
So I looked up Her name, and as I read Her description, the connection felt even stronger. Then in the evening when I felt Her presence again during void meditation, I tried communicating with Her and asking Her about it, and that's how I figured out who my GD is.

It's a fond memory. She's really helped me so much. I'm very grateful, and when I focus on Her I always feel motivated to work hard and make Her proud.
Ohh, so beautiful..

I looked through the list of Demons a few times and I didn't feel a strong connection to anyone. Or maybe it's my mistrust? I liked the seal of a Demon more, but I'm not sure if He is my guardian. I should use the pendulum to see.
Maybe I'm not open enough and that's why I didn't feel a specific connection? Or maybe I have some sort of blockage?
Olivia said:
ChattingWithDemons said:
I still remember back when I dedicated, I hadn't really read much of the JoS site yet (a friend taught me personally, and I simply knew already at that point that there was nothing that could change my mind), so I didn't know anything about Guardian Demons or that I would be assigned one.
After I dedicated, the next few evenings when I did void meditation I sensed a warm, pleasant presence near me. I wondered if the energy I felt could be from a God or Goddess.
So I asked my friend about it, and he was like: "you do know you get assigned a Guardian Demon when you dedicate, right?"
We had a good laugh about it.

Then I figured I'd have a look at the list of Demons on JoS to see what They're like. If one of the Gods was trying to guide me, then I was curious who it might be. Various ones caught my interest, but none really in particular. So I figured I'd just figure out the name later when I was more advanced and left it at that.

But then the next morning as I was taking a shower, a name suddenly kept coming to mind. I vaguely remembered seeing that name on the list of Demons the night before, but at that time I happened to skim past Her description; and yet I felt a very strong connection when I focused on Her name.
So I looked up Her name, and as I read Her description, the connection felt even stronger. Then in the evening when I felt Her presence again during void meditation, I tried communicating with Her and asking Her about it, and that's how I figured out who my GD is.

It's a fond memory. She's really helped me so much. I'm very grateful, and when I focus on Her I always feel motivated to work hard and make Her proud.
Ohh, so beautiful..

I looked through the list of Demons a few times and I didn't feel a strong connection to anyone. Or maybe it's my mistrust? I liked the seal of a Demon more, but I'm not sure if He is my guardian. I should use the pendulum to see.
Maybe I'm not open enough and that's why I didn't feel a specific connection? Or maybe I have some sort of blockage?

Pendulums and ouija boards are extremely inaccurate when you are new unless you are very adept at void meditation. Take it from me personally, I thought a certain daemon was my guardian because a ouija board said so but, it was actually me answering myself this went on for 7 years since I was so sure that he was, when he was not. usually the daemon who is your guardian is adept at things that interest you and/or related to parental figures. Meaning if you had a bad/weak mother figure your guardian daemon would be a girl, same with your father figure. It could also depend on what one needs to advance, or past life connections to the daemon

I’ll use myself as an example. I have an extremely hard and dominating mother, my guardian is Astaroth because of this, just as well I am interested in all things she is adept at. I always felt very connected with her, (likely from my previous life) I even had an extremely positive experience with her even before I was a Satanist. But because I thought the ouija board was giving me answers I overlooked everything.

So do not use a pendulum as they are basically the same. You will be speaking with yourself, unless you are really good at void meditation and clearing the mind. My advice would be when you find a daemon that interests you vibrate their name 40 times,( or even 10 ) you will get a feeling your interpretation of the feeling is what matters it will be either positive or negative also ask yourself “is this daemon is completely right for me” you will also get a feeling from this.

Also don’t worry to much if you still can’t find them sometimes the Daemon isn’t in the pantheon. Your guardian will tell you when it’s time and can reach out to you in a number of different ways. Remain open and don’t get to fixated on a specific daemon.

Hope this helps.

Have a great day, Olivia. :)
ChaosBringer666 said:
Olivia said:
ChattingWithDemons said:
I still remember back when I dedicated, I hadn't really read much of the JoS site yet (a friend taught me personally, and I simply knew already at that point that there was nothing that could change my mind), so I didn't know anything about Guardian Demons or that I would be assigned one.
After I dedicated, the next few evenings when I did void meditation I sensed a warm, pleasant presence near me. I wondered if the energy I felt could be from a God or Goddess.
So I asked my friend about it, and he was like: "you do know you get assigned a Guardian Demon when you dedicate, right?"
We had a good laugh about it.

Then I figured I'd have a look at the list of Demons on JoS to see what They're like. If one of the Gods was trying to guide me, then I was curious who it might be. Various ones caught my interest, but none really in particular. So I figured I'd just figure out the name later when I was more advanced and left it at that.

But then the next morning as I was taking a shower, a name suddenly kept coming to mind. I vaguely remembered seeing that name on the list of Demons the night before, but at that time I happened to skim past Her description; and yet I felt a very strong connection when I focused on Her name.
So I looked up Her name, and as I read Her description, the connection felt even stronger. Then in the evening when I felt Her presence again during void meditation, I tried communicating with Her and asking Her about it, and that's how I figured out who my GD is.

It's a fond memory. She's really helped me so much. I'm very grateful, and when I focus on Her I always feel motivated to work hard and make Her proud.
Ohh, so beautiful..

I looked through the list of Demons a few times and I didn't feel a strong connection to anyone. Or maybe it's my mistrust? I liked the seal of a Demon more, but I'm not sure if He is my guardian. I should use the pendulum to see.
Maybe I'm not open enough and that's why I didn't feel a specific connection? Or maybe I have some sort of blockage?

Pendulums and ouija boards are extremely inaccurate when you are new unless you are very adept at void meditation. Take it from me personally, I thought a certain daemon was my guardian because a ouija board said so but, it was actually me answering myself this went on for 7 years since I was so sure that he was, when he was not. usually the daemon who is your guardian is adept at things that interest you and/or related to parental figures. Meaning if you had a bad/weak mother figure your guardian daemon would be a girl, same with your father figure. It could also depend on what one needs to advance, or past life connections to the daemon

I’ll use myself as an example. I have an extremely hard and dominating mother, my guardian is Astaroth because of this, just as well I am interested in all things she is adept at. I always felt very connected with her, (likely from my previous life) I even had an extremely positive experience with her even before I was a Satanist. But because I thought the ouija board was giving me answers I overlooked everything.

So do not use a pendulum as they are basically the same. You will be speaking with yourself, unless you are really good at void meditation and clearing the mind. My advice would be when you find a daemon that interests you vibrate their name 40 times,( or even 10 ) you will get a feeling your interpretation of the feeling is what matters it will be either positive or negative also ask yourself “is this daemon is completely right for me” you will also get a feeling from this.

Also don’t worry to much if you still can’t find them sometimes the Daemon isn’t in the pantheon. Your guardian will tell you when it’s time and can reach out to you in a number of different ways. Remain open and don’t get to fixated on a specific daemon.

Hope this helps.

Have a great day, Olivia. :)

Thank you for answering me, have a great day too! :)

I've been here for at least 4 years. And I had moments when I was constantly meditating and then I didn't meditate or meditate very, very little (although I was involved in Satan's agenda).
I know it's my fault here in the sense that I still haven't found my GD but I was looking at myself and I thought maybe I don't deserve to have one and I think that because of this, the fact that I have enough defects maybe that's why I did not find Him.

Or maybe you're right and my Guardian Demon isn't on the list on the site.
But I have to meditate and this is the surest way I can find out who He is.
I'm sure you know this:
You don't have to know who is your GD to do meditations or RTRs.
So I wonder why you want to find out and communicate with your guardian demon so eagerly?
For what?
For some fancy experiences with demons? For the witness of some wonderful supernatural phenomenons? For the shortcuts toward some forbidden and mysterious knowledge? Or for nothing but some kinds of love and attraction?
Weirdos. Why you have to know who is your GD? I don't care so much about my guardian demon. Maybe I have none. That's ok.
Kudra said:
I'm sure you know this:
You don't have to know who is your GD to do meditations or RTRs.
So I wonder why you want to find out and communicate with your guardian demon so eagerly?
For what?
For some fancy experiences with demons? For the witness of some wonderful supernatural phenomenons? For the shortcuts toward some forbidden and mysterious knowledge? Or for nothing but some kinds of love and attraction?
Weirdos. Why you have to know who is your GD? I don't care so much about my guardian demon. Maybe I have none. That's ok.

It sounds like you have some self esteem issues. If someone said they were given a message from Satan that some people don't have gaurdians that is nonsense and probably a troll or enemy of some sort. It sounds like you were treated badly or something I am pretty good at psychology and reading people. Either that or you have enemy programming that makes it hard to accept yourself and enemy energy in you.

If your a gentile and fight for Satan your not just abandon to die. In fact at some point all of us who stick with this to the end may have some pretty cool things as rewards yeah on the physical cause this is all real.

I mean come on cheer up. My advice forget about this for awhile dont really focus on it till your a little more open to the spiritual. Just do the rtrs and meditate and do protection and your fine. Make sure to cleanse yourself.

Oh and Wunjo/Ansuz 44 to 88 times each and affirmation "I am free to be myself I love myself" this is a helpful working for you.
Kudra said:
I'm sure you know this:
You don't have to know who is your GD to do meditations or RTRs.
So I wonder why you want to find out and communicate with your guardian demon so eagerly?
For what?
For some fancy experiences with demons? For the witness of some wonderful supernatural phenomenons? For the shortcuts toward some forbidden and mysterious knowledge? Or for nothing but some kinds of love and attraction?
Weirdos. Why you have to know who is your GD? I don't care so much about my guardian demon. Maybe I have none. That's ok.

Apparently you don’t listen to other members advice, lemme spell it out for you.


you obviously have a twisted view of a spirituality. How about asking for what one needs to advance? Or what about thanking them for protecting you from spiritual attacks?
Phenomenon shortcuts that’s laughable. :lol:
That apathy and headstrong attitude won’t get you anywhere especially when you don’t listen to advice.

I couldn’t even list all the things my Guardian has saved me from, and some would make your skin crawl. So yes I do feel love for her.
Your the one who doesn’t realize how much the daemons actually care about us. Instead of caring so much about what others think you should take a minute to focus on yourself.
Kudra said:
I'm sure you know this:
You don't have to know who is your GD to do meditations or RTRs.
So I wonder why you want to find out and communicate with your guardian demon so eagerly?
For what?
For some fancy experiences with demons? For the witness of some wonderful supernatural phenomenons? For the shortcuts toward some forbidden and mysterious knowledge? Or for nothing but some kinds of love and attraction?
Weirdos. Why you have to know who is your GD? I don't care so much about my guardian demon. Maybe I have none. That's ok.
Man what....
What's with this attitude? And how can you not be interested in who your GD is?

You misunderstood my message.

Did I say I want to know who my Guardian Demon is so I can get evidence or stuff? Wtf

From my point of view I feel ashamed not to know who my GD is. I said I've been here for at least 4 years.
I noticed that other people found their GD in a few days or two or three months.

I can meditate very well without communicating with Him. But after 4 years I still don't know who He is and I had some questions like the ones I already asked.
Olivia said:
Man what....
What's with this attitude? And how can you not be interested in who your GD is?

You misunderstood my message.

Did I say I want to know who my Guardian Demon is so I can get evidence or stuff? Wtf

From my point of view I feel ashamed not to know who my GD is. I said I've been here for at least 4 years.
I noticed that other people found their GD in a few days or two or three months.

I can meditate very well without communicating with Him. But after 4 years I still don't know who He is and I had some questions like the ones I already asked.

Don’t feel ashamed sister, it is just you haven’t put in the necessary work yet. when I finally figured out mine I wasn’t doing really anything negative for myself and was trying my best almost every day. Not too mention she had too get the message through that I didn’t actually know who it was and other things as well. it’s not always the norm either for people to just find their guardian. There could be mental blockages or other things, and we all start in different places and walk different paces

Perhaps you should do a working for psychic awareness if you have the time, or just more diligently work on clairaudience points and the feminine chakras and their extensions.

I do understand though, I felt very stupid and unadvanced. When I realized I didn’t know who it was, and I had been talking to another daemon as if he was. don’t be to hard on yourself you’ll figure it out. Keep this goal in mind and consistently walk towards it.

Have a great day. :)
ChaosBringer666 said:
Olivia said:
Man what....
What's with this attitude? And how can you not be interested in who your GD is?

You misunderstood my message.

Did I say I want to know who my Guardian Demon is so I can get evidence or stuff? Wtf

From my point of view I feel ashamed not to know who my GD is. I said I've been here for at least 4 years.
I noticed that other people found their GD in a few days or two or three months.

I can meditate very well without communicating with Him. But after 4 years I still don't know who He is and I had some questions like the ones I already asked.

Don’t feel ashamed sister, it is just you haven’t put in the necessary work yet. when I finally figured out mine I wasn’t doing really anything negative for myself and was trying my best almost every day. Not too mention she had too get the message through that I didn’t actually know who it was and other things as well. it’s not always the norm either for people to just find their guardian. There could be mental blockages or other things, and we all start in different places and walk different paces

Perhaps you should do a working for psychic awareness if you have the time, or just more diligently work on clairaudience points and the feminine chakras and their extensions.

I do understand though, I felt very stupid and unadvanced. When I realized I didn’t know who it was, and I had been talking to another daemon as if he was. don’t be to hard on yourself you’ll figure it out. Keep this goal in mind and consistently walk towards it.

Have a great day. :)
Yes you are right. Thank you.
That really helps. :)
I apologize to the OP as this isn’t directed at him.

ChaosBringer666 said:
I do understand though, I felt very stupid and unadvanced. When I realized I didn’t know who it was, and I had been talking to another daemon as if he was. don’t be to hard on yourself you’ll figure it out. Keep this goal in mind and consistently walk towards it.

Hello! I am going through something similar at the moment I was wondering if I could have some advice ^^ I was also wrong on who I thought was my GD and all this time for like the past 3 years or so I was connecting to his energy thinking he was but when I finally had the courage recently to go into a deep enough trance and vibrate his name 40 times and ask him directly, he denied this fact and directed me to another God. I’ve been extremely harsh on myself for this and even the gods are trying to give me hints that it’s okay only furthering the fact that I’ve been wrong this whole time. I know I should try not being so hard on myself but that’s much easier said than done.

I’m just wondering if you still have a relationship of sorts with the one who you thought was your GD? Cause it just seems kinda wrong to just completely forget about the other as you did try for some time connecting with them and to just focus on your actual GD.

Thanks for your time.
SSGrim88 said:
I apologize to the OP as this isn’t directed at him.

ChaosBringer666 said:
I do understand though, I felt very stupid and unadvanced. When I realized I didn’t know who it was, and I had been talking to another daemon as if he was. don’t be to hard on yourself you’ll figure it out. Keep this goal in mind and consistently walk towards it.

Hello! I am going through something similar at the moment I was wondering if I could have some advice ^^ I was also wrong on who I thought was my GD and all this time for like the past 3 years or so I was connecting to his energy thinking he was but when I finally had the courage recently to go into a deep enough trance and vibrate his name 40 times and ask him directly, he denied this fact and directed me to another God. I’ve been extremely harsh on myself for this and even the gods are trying to give me hints that it’s okay only furthering the fact that I’ve been wrong this whole time. I know I should try not being so hard on myself but that’s much easier said than done.

I’m just wondering if you still have a relationship of sorts with the one who you thought was your GD? Cause it just seems kinda wrong to just completely forget about the other as you did try for some time connecting with them and to just focus on your actual GD.

Thanks for your time.

Sorry for the late response as I’ve been busy.

Of course, I still have a relationship with him.
He helped me so much and was always very kind and understanding of me, he even helped me through very hard trauma I had, so I am very grateful to him for always being there and helping even though he never had to. Sure I felt embarrassed and dumb over this but accompanied by this was a large amount of happiness that he always helped me and answered my questions regardless.

It’s funny actually whilst formulating a response I was thinking “man that must’ve been annoying for him” and he came to me for a second and said “ it was not that big of a deal, you needed a friend more than anything at that time.” He is so kind.
I remember when I was figuring out that he wasn’t actually my guardian and I heard him very clearly while thinking about it he said “you are right I am not your guardian, but I will always be there for you if you need me” so I will always be grateful and want to speak with him if the occasion calls for it.

I don’t know how much of this applies to you,
But hopefully this will help. A little while ago I gave misinformation on the forum, and I was like stupidly upset with myself, like actually depressed. Randomly I heard father’s voice and he said “there is no reason to beat yourself up so much your learning!” and he’s absolutely right, when a child makes a mistake, no matter how bad (for the most part) do you scold them harshly or relentlessly? no. Because that can effect one very negatively for a long time. You tell them what they did wrong, how they could have done better and ask that they don’t do it again, and hope for the best. Being wrong is actually a great thing, it is all part of the mortal experience it is one of the few things that separates us from the gods. Because when your wrong no matter how hard and how bad, there is always a lesson to be learned, and knowledge to be gained. The important thing is Notto focus being wrong but what lesson is learned from this?

I hope this helped

Have a great week. :D
ChaosBringer666 said:
Sorry for the late response as I’ve been busy.
As have I.

Anyways, thank you for the reply. This really helped calm my mind on the matter and what you have said really does apply to me as well. It puts me at ease that another member who is more advanced than I am has gone through similar and has overcome it.

I just need to figure out on what extent that God has helped me or if I was confusing him with my GD that was helping me, I’m just kinda worried I’m misplacing my love for him. Though I do know for a fact he has and had made his presence known a few times but those are the only times I knew for sure and since I am not quite open with my astral senses it will be quite tricky to figure out. But even so I am still grateful for the times I knew he has helped me and as you have said as well, they didn’t have to.

Yes we are both learning still and that is something to not beat ourselves over so much. I’ll be sure to meditate on your response and ask guidance from Father to help me completely move on from this.

Thank you Chaos and I hope u have a great week ahead of you too :D

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
