My opinion about this experimental vaccine that is being argued by specific nutcase Conspiracy Theorists, which claim it is being "haphazardly created by questionable companies during a questionable global circumstance" is that we have as Goyim to advocate that God's Chosen People get this first.
We the Goyim are in no position to question this. Our Jewish Bible says explicitly that we are not to question authorities and in particular the Jewish Authority which is the highest, most moral, and generally the greatest.
But as the other books of the Jews say the purpose of the Goyim is to serve the Jew and in this case we have to always serve them, in a never ending fashion, and this includes looking out for the Holy People, fighting their wars, but also, in this huge crisis, looking out for their health.
Jewish People must always come in priority everywhere, we must act like Righteous Gentiles for once, and realize of our role in a world the Jews want to be held in the highest position.
The Pious Jews have to receive the Holy Vaccine [Gift from God] first and foremost. The Holy People must be on priority, compared to the "Cattle" that was placed by JHVH to serve the Jew, ie, the Gentile.
After all Jews are sufficiently vaccinated, then and only then, we can continue with Mainstream News Outlets, doctors who are so absolutely certain that this experimental vaccine is great and beyond questioning without even looking into anything, and generally everyone who is so keen and certain that experimental vaccinations without any background trials [normally take 5 to 10 years but it's ok now it's only 3 months, gotta do it] are so perfect.
I also support that other people who follow the jewish agenda, such as illegal kalergi migrants, be put first and foremost in the spearhead of the wonderful Vaccine that Bill Gates has been financing out of love for mankind.
The rest of the people who have questions indeed do deserve to die from Co-Vid 19 as they are questioning the vaccination process. Nobody is supposed to question Billy Gates, CDC, WHO, Jews and so forth, and get away with it.
Plus, anyone who ever questioned the Holy Jewish People [or anything about them at all] is by default a Nazi anyway, so they must be allowed their right to not take the vaccine, which clearly is such an evil move against Jewish omnipotence.
Let us contemplate on the fact that Jewish hatred against Goyim and their neolithic perception that everyone is a slave is absolutely right, noble, legal, moral, and all the good words. Let us repent for our sins if anyone ever questioned this.
As a Rabbi once said, millions of arabs are not worth a jewish fingernail. As such doing the mathematics, we all can agree [Jewish People Are Always Correct even when they make up their own mathematics] that all the world's vaccines, billions of them, all need be done first on Jews instead.
Now those speaking of the Devil may suddenly get the question, but, is it not that these vaccines could theoretically make something go wrong? That is the Devil speaking and indeed the Devil may even tempt jews to not get vaccinated and as a result die from Nazi Co-Vid 19.
The answer is that one has to do penances and that the Jews or vaccines made in haste can never in anyway be faulty. What of all things that the Holy People have created has every been faulty?
We can begin with Jews, since, they also do not understand the high value of their own life and have fallen overwhelmingly to the plight of Nazi Co-Vid 19. This virus is clearly another Holocaust and the only way to prevent this is with the certified, sublime, beyond questioning, and supremely necessary vaccine of Bill Gates.
Only after the Jews have vaccinated with all these vaccines in circulation, and we are certain that their life has been safeguarded from the perils of the eternal Nazi Co-Vid 19, may any Goyim proceed with getting vaccines.
Indeed as the Talmud and Gemara says, the Goyim is only fit to be an animal, so it may be the best idea to not vaccinate anyone else other than Jews.
Due to the high value of the Jewish life we have to make sure vaccination happens how Bill Gates did this in Africa, either being State Enforced, or something similar. Again, if the Nazi Virus that dared to touch pious Jews also, continues, the Holy People are in a danger no less than another Holocaust. We must not allow this to happen.
Good Goyim has to always put his Jewish owner first. I am asking everyone to do the right and the moral thing here, and allow Jews to take the vaccination first.
No more precious lives are to be lost by the Nazi Co-Vid 19 that has messacred the Jewish Communities of New York and other holy divine places where they speak curses all day long against the Gentiles.
Jews first must get this vaccine at in the very least a triple or four times the dosage, to make sure we do not lose any more Holy People during this Pandemic of which there was never no previous. This is worse than the Spanish Flu, as this has really taken quite many Jewish lies down with it.
Sorry I meant Jewish Lives, not lies. Jewish Lives.
Some News outlets would say that it has claimed at least 600,000 Jewish lies, within 42 countries. The vaccines required to save the rest of the Jewish people in plight comes up to at least 600,000,000 vaccines per 6 million Jews.
60,000 Gentiles can be accommodated in Israel with all the appropriate gear [remember we Goyim are meant to serve jews and vaccinating means serving them in this case].
Plus, it will be beneficial that only Jews get vaccinated, as this vaccine that they are promoting is so great and sublime and healthy, that I would feel I am taking a Holy Life away if anyone was to accept it from the Gentile Nations.
Rabbis especially the ones that hate Gentiles a lot [they do the moral and the right thing] should be put also in priority line to get the vaccine fastest as possible since they are the holiest and the highest of all the human beings on earth.
They said so after all and in the Talmud it says when a Rabbi argues with God and defeats him. Nobody has a right to question this. That would be Anti-Semitism and woe to the cattle that turns against the Holy Ones.
Remember the Nazi Co-Vid 19 was also Anti-Semitic. Vaccinate your soul from Anti-Semitism and say: "I will put the Jew First!".
Please forward this Initiative all over the internet so that we prioritize the only life on this planet that really matters, first and foremost. This is the moral duty of the good Goyim to be doing.
In times of so much hate and discrimination against the Only People That Matter and the Sole Race Of Human Beings, we must stand in solidarity.
For those who still have a stubborn heart and refuse to understand the message, please consider that Herman Rosenblatt [the person who was called a hoaxer because he made up autobiographical Holocaust Stories], said it explictly: "IT WAS REAL IN MY MIND.
That is Herman Rosenblatt who got holocausted into his mind, carrying the Torah, with which thankfully the pious jews have been cursing the unworthly Gentiles for centuries.
He was a wonderful man and husband, who suffered under the Nazis. This was only in his mind but still, this should make every Pious Gentile question themselves, maybe we should #VaccinateJewsFirst in order to avoid another Co-Vid 19 holocaust?
Put the Holy People on the Pedestal they so deserve, and above and beyond the Gentiles. Or else Herman Rosenblatt is going to cry. We cannot afford this to happen. #JewishLivesFirst
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
We the Goyim are in no position to question this. Our Jewish Bible says explicitly that we are not to question authorities and in particular the Jewish Authority which is the highest, most moral, and generally the greatest.
But as the other books of the Jews say the purpose of the Goyim is to serve the Jew and in this case we have to always serve them, in a never ending fashion, and this includes looking out for the Holy People, fighting their wars, but also, in this huge crisis, looking out for their health.
Jewish People must always come in priority everywhere, we must act like Righteous Gentiles for once, and realize of our role in a world the Jews want to be held in the highest position.
The Pious Jews have to receive the Holy Vaccine [Gift from God] first and foremost. The Holy People must be on priority, compared to the "Cattle" that was placed by JHVH to serve the Jew, ie, the Gentile.
After all Jews are sufficiently vaccinated, then and only then, we can continue with Mainstream News Outlets, doctors who are so absolutely certain that this experimental vaccine is great and beyond questioning without even looking into anything, and generally everyone who is so keen and certain that experimental vaccinations without any background trials [normally take 5 to 10 years but it's ok now it's only 3 months, gotta do it] are so perfect.
I also support that other people who follow the jewish agenda, such as illegal kalergi migrants, be put first and foremost in the spearhead of the wonderful Vaccine that Bill Gates has been financing out of love for mankind.
The rest of the people who have questions indeed do deserve to die from Co-Vid 19 as they are questioning the vaccination process. Nobody is supposed to question Billy Gates, CDC, WHO, Jews and so forth, and get away with it.
Plus, anyone who ever questioned the Holy Jewish People [or anything about them at all] is by default a Nazi anyway, so they must be allowed their right to not take the vaccine, which clearly is such an evil move against Jewish omnipotence.
Let us contemplate on the fact that Jewish hatred against Goyim and their neolithic perception that everyone is a slave is absolutely right, noble, legal, moral, and all the good words. Let us repent for our sins if anyone ever questioned this.
As a Rabbi once said, millions of arabs are not worth a jewish fingernail. As such doing the mathematics, we all can agree [Jewish People Are Always Correct even when they make up their own mathematics] that all the world's vaccines, billions of them, all need be done first on Jews instead.
Now those speaking of the Devil may suddenly get the question, but, is it not that these vaccines could theoretically make something go wrong? That is the Devil speaking and indeed the Devil may even tempt jews to not get vaccinated and as a result die from Nazi Co-Vid 19.
The answer is that one has to do penances and that the Jews or vaccines made in haste can never in anyway be faulty. What of all things that the Holy People have created has every been faulty?
We can begin with Jews, since, they also do not understand the high value of their own life and have fallen overwhelmingly to the plight of Nazi Co-Vid 19. This virus is clearly another Holocaust and the only way to prevent this is with the certified, sublime, beyond questioning, and supremely necessary vaccine of Bill Gates.
Only after the Jews have vaccinated with all these vaccines in circulation, and we are certain that their life has been safeguarded from the perils of the eternal Nazi Co-Vid 19, may any Goyim proceed with getting vaccines.
Indeed as the Talmud and Gemara says, the Goyim is only fit to be an animal, so it may be the best idea to not vaccinate anyone else other than Jews.
Due to the high value of the Jewish life we have to make sure vaccination happens how Bill Gates did this in Africa, either being State Enforced, or something similar. Again, if the Nazi Virus that dared to touch pious Jews also, continues, the Holy People are in a danger no less than another Holocaust. We must not allow this to happen.
Good Goyim has to always put his Jewish owner first. I am asking everyone to do the right and the moral thing here, and allow Jews to take the vaccination first.
No more precious lives are to be lost by the Nazi Co-Vid 19 that has messacred the Jewish Communities of New York and other holy divine places where they speak curses all day long against the Gentiles.
Jews first must get this vaccine at in the very least a triple or four times the dosage, to make sure we do not lose any more Holy People during this Pandemic of which there was never no previous. This is worse than the Spanish Flu, as this has really taken quite many Jewish lies down with it.
Sorry I meant Jewish Lives, not lies. Jewish Lives.
Some News outlets would say that it has claimed at least 600,000 Jewish lies, within 42 countries. The vaccines required to save the rest of the Jewish people in plight comes up to at least 600,000,000 vaccines per 6 million Jews.
60,000 Gentiles can be accommodated in Israel with all the appropriate gear [remember we Goyim are meant to serve jews and vaccinating means serving them in this case].
Plus, it will be beneficial that only Jews get vaccinated, as this vaccine that they are promoting is so great and sublime and healthy, that I would feel I am taking a Holy Life away if anyone was to accept it from the Gentile Nations.
Rabbis especially the ones that hate Gentiles a lot [they do the moral and the right thing] should be put also in priority line to get the vaccine fastest as possible since they are the holiest and the highest of all the human beings on earth.
They said so after all and in the Talmud it says when a Rabbi argues with God and defeats him. Nobody has a right to question this. That would be Anti-Semitism and woe to the cattle that turns against the Holy Ones.
Remember the Nazi Co-Vid 19 was also Anti-Semitic. Vaccinate your soul from Anti-Semitism and say: "I will put the Jew First!".
Please forward this Initiative all over the internet so that we prioritize the only life on this planet that really matters, first and foremost. This is the moral duty of the good Goyim to be doing.
In times of so much hate and discrimination against the Only People That Matter and the Sole Race Of Human Beings, we must stand in solidarity.
For those who still have a stubborn heart and refuse to understand the message, please consider that Herman Rosenblatt [the person who was called a hoaxer because he made up autobiographical Holocaust Stories], said it explictly: "IT WAS REAL IN MY MIND.
That is Herman Rosenblatt who got holocausted into his mind, carrying the Torah, with which thankfully the pious jews have been cursing the unworthly Gentiles for centuries.
He was a wonderful man and husband, who suffered under the Nazis. This was only in his mind but still, this should make every Pious Gentile question themselves, maybe we should #VaccinateJewsFirst in order to avoid another Co-Vid 19 holocaust?
Put the Holy People on the Pedestal they so deserve, and above and beyond the Gentiles. Or else Herman Rosenblatt is going to cry. We cannot afford this to happen. #JewishLivesFirst
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666