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Gentile Health Group Rituals Version 1.2

Feb 1, 2006
Back on August 1st i posted that I would be posting rituals again after a two month gap. This is one of those rituals and this will be one of three rituals that will be posted at some point this month dealing with either this series or another and will be disclosed at that time. This ritual within this series will pick up where I last left off.



This ritual is the second ritual within the series of rituals dealing with Gentile health. With the first ritual we worked to awaken our Gentile brothers and sisters to the poisons that are within much of our food and water supply. Our next step in this process should be to incite action within our Gentile brothers and sisters to take back their food supply. This can cover a wide range of possibilities if done right. If we incite action for Gentiles to take responsibility for their own food we can cause more Gentiles to start their own gardens, we can cause more independent farms developing, and etc. By seeing more Gentiles take responsibility for their own food we will see less and less Gentiles eating poisoned food produced by the large jewish coporations. For as we all know there is no dietary restrictions in Satanism but one can not be foolish as well. By continuously poisoning our bodies with tainted food and water we are damaging our physical self let alone our spiritual self. Without physical and spiritual perfection we can never advance to godhead. Just to show this is true, just look at the fluoride within our water which damages the pineal gland which is the powerhouse of the soul. To ensure our people are able to advance to godhead we have to ensure they can reach spiritual, mental, and physical perfection and this series, this ritual will help all of us give that extra bit of energy and power to ensure we can make this happen.

Purpose of Ritual

As previously stated the purpose of this ritual will be to ignite passion and desire within Gentiles of the world to take back their food and water supply so that it may once again be free from as many harmful substances as possible.

Time/Date/Reason for Ritual

This ritual is to be done on Augest 17th 2012. On this day the moon will be in the sign of Virgo giving us the following benefits

Health, wellness, things that require precision and perfection, hygiene, nutrition, herbs, vitamins, the armed forces (fight to take back our food supply), the work place (own gardens/plantations), workings of white magick and healing for others, service to others (own independent farms). Things that involve details, healing, institutions (change from big to small Gentile owned food suppliers), attention to detail (purified food and water). Virgo tends towards change (jewish owned to Gentile owned).

Augest 17th is a Friday which is ruled by Venus. For this cause Venus does have little to offer but it does rule money which people need to grow their own food and especially to have their own independent farms. Also Venus does rule beauty and this can be applied to our cause through creativity. As I always said, in magic there is never just black and white but much grey. When fighting this war one must learn to think like a warrior to truly get the upper hand. Beauty can be applied in sense

of creating beautiful food, or without all of the poisons people will show less unnatural age, people will stay in physical shape better, have better auras and etc.

When the moon is in the sign of Virgo, magic ruled by mercury is greatly empowered. With mercury we have education of purified food and water and how to produce such things, intellect and mentality of the same thing. Books, newspapers and magazines to promote such things and to write about such things. Manual dexterity to get the job done. Short distance travel to supply food for people in your own area instead having food transported for thousands of miles and even from country to country.

Because we do not only need the benefits of Venus but also mercury this is why we should perform this ritual on Friday Auguest 17th "day
of Venus" but perform it during the hours of Mercury.

***On this day there is a void moon from 155pm to 833pm eastern time. So please check your local planetary times to ensure you perform the ritual AFTER the void moon. It should be performed AFTER the void moon because this is when the moon will be in the sign of Virgo which is what makes this ritual at its prime. ***

Runes To Be Used

Fehu- property, money, expansion, power over ones environment

Uruz- incites action, freedom (freedom from jewish controlled food suppliers)

Thurisaz- independence, leadership

Nauthiz- endurance and will. Mental strength to last

Jera cycle of changes- Change from jewish owned plantations and food coporations to Gentile owned. Rune dealing with nature and fruitfulness

Affirmations To Be Used

Runic Affirmations- The energies of (name of rune) are constantly working to completely and totally ensure the Gentiles of the world immediately take control of the food and water supplies of the earth and make them pure and natural for all eternity.

Ritual Affirmation- The Gentiles of the world are immediately taking back the food and water supplies of the earth and making them pure and natural for all eterinity.

Sigil Being Used

The sigil of this ritual will simply be a swastika with the above runes surrounding it. There are to be NO circles anywhere on the sigil

Ritual Declaration

Ah the jews, a disgusting and vile species whose crimes will not go unanswered. Never in the history of our planet has such a species been more of an injustice against nature and all life. Through their veins runs nothing but laziness, weakness and fear. To weak and lazy to advance their species respectfully, and to afraid to face their enemies in battle. Ah but the jews may be weak and lazy but one thing they are is wise, wise when it comes to patience.

For centuries the jews have ensured our spiritual destruction when they severed our connection to our ancient past. But they knew that this would not be enough for if we were ever to wake up our ability to survive and fight will still be with us. This is why for decades they have worked to build and cease control of those facilities and organizations that will soon serve and take care of the food and water that us Gentiles would take into our bodies.

Knowing of patience and knowing nothing but fear they behind the curtains have been poisoning our food and water knowing of the long term effects. By poisoning our food they knew they could complete the process and destroy us mentally and physically, turning us from Great Warriors into helpless sheep who would know nothing but ailment and disease, ending with us being too weak to face our enemies, the "jews" down in battle.

Despite their attempts the time of great change is upon us as the age of Aquarius continues to shine its glorious face on the horizon. Through our usage of such energies Gentiles who have long been kept in the dark are becoming aware of the causes for the deteriation of their health and the health of their nation. With every new discovery they make the flame of the warrior that burns within them grows ever stronger, inciting action to move and bring change so that we no longer abide to the standards of the jew but to the laws of the earth and therefore the laws of our bodies.

By the energies I (state your full name) raise here tonight I (state your full name) will ignite this desire for change in the hearts and minds of the Gentiles of the world and will see our desired outcome done.

Ritual Process

1.Before beginning the ritual take a few minutes to clean your aura and raise your energy. This can be simply be done by performing the cleansing ritual on the JoS which only takes a few minutes and the alternate nostril breathing or breath of fire also located on the JoS.

2.Next also before the ritual clean your ritual area of all negative energies. Do this by visualizing/placing vibrant blue Satanic flames around your ritual area and affirm that they are cleansing the area of all negative energies.

3.Now it is time to begin the ritual. Begin by performing either the standard ritual found on the JoS, or the opening ritual written by HP Vovim which can be found on his site.

4.Read the ritual declaration with much intent and know that what you are saying is becoming reality

5.Burn the ritual declaration

6.Place the sigil upon the alter and begin by saying the ritual affirmation nine times while seeing the entire sigil glow in a vibrant white-gold energy

7.Now move onto the runes. Begin with the rune Fehu. With your focus on the sigil begin your working with the rune. On each inhale say the runic affirmation and on the exhale vibrate the rune. While you are vibrating also see all of the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a vibrant white-gold energy. Repeat this process nine times. At the end of the nine reps say the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a vibrant white-gold energy.

8.Move onto the Uruz. With your focus on the sigil begin your working with the rune. On each inhale say the runic affirmation and on the exhale vibrate the rune. While you are vibrating also see all of the Uruz runes on the sigil glowing in a vibrant white-gold energy. Repeat this process nine times. At the end of the nine reps say the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a vibrant white-gold energy.

9.Move onto the Thurisaz. With your focus on the sigil begin your working with the rune. On each inhale say the runic affirmation and on the exhale vibrate the rune. While you are vibrating also see all of the Thurisaz runes on the sigil glowing in a vibrant white-gold energy. Repeat this process nine times. At the end of the nine reps say the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a vibrant white-gold energy

10.Move onto the Nauthz. With your focus on the sigil begin your working with the rune. On each inhale say the runic affirmation and on the exhale vibrate the rune. While you are vibrating also see all of the Nauthiz runes on the sigil glowing in a vibrant white-gold energy. Repeat this process nine times. At the end of the nine reps say the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a vibrant white-gold energy

11.Move onto the Jera. With your focus on the sigil begin your working with the rune. On each inhale say the runic affirmation and on the exhale vibrate the rune. While you are vibrating also see all of the Jera runes on the sigil glowing in a vibrant white-gold energy. Repeat this process nine times. At the end of the nine reps say the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a vibrant white-gold energy

12.At the end of all five runes take a pen or marker and write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil.

13.Sit and meditate for as long as you like on the desired outcome and know it is coming into reality.

14.Burn the sigil and as it is burning repeat the ritual affirmation as many times as needed until the flames are out

15.Close the ritual

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
