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Gentile Brain


Active member
May 13, 2019
An article i found about
The Gentiles Brain under Jewish Control

From all the various trainings I did, there was one that especially perplexed me : the coaching.
I did this training for nine months. The teachers presented this new method, which was still in its infancy in France, as the child of the third generation after the Ericksonian Hypnosis and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic programming).
Hypnosis about which I will discuss later because it is an important issue on the topic we are treating here. Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness accessible through trance, which is a total relaxation of the body so that the physical sensations "disappear" to favor those of the mind. This status allows the person to access one's unconscious resources in order to facilitate healing, to exploit new resources, or to reprogram one's brain.

Milton Erickson was an American psychiatrist and psychotherapist who founded the well-known method of hypnosis that bears his name. He was born with health problems when, at 17 years old, he was stricken with a severe form of polio which paralyzed him completely, leaving him only the use of his eyes and speech. Gifted of an iron will, he went slowly out of his paralysis by self-hypnotizing. Thus, while he was condemned by his doctor to imminent death, he discovered the power of the mind and regained the use of his limbs. Son of farmer, he could not do this job because of the aftereffects of his illness and so decided to become a doctor. He became a psychiatrist and psychotherapist, he developed his method of hypnosis that restored this badly liked ancient technique in giving it therapeutic virtues.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a set of techniques, models, procedures designed to foster good communication between people in order to get better relations but also better results both personally and professionally.
Finally, coaching is a method that gives substantial and measurable personal or professional outcome in the life of the person being coached, who initially has a specific request.
These techniques require at first to work on oneself. They are tools of personal development for oneself before being for ther clients.
Unfortunately, it's theory. In practice, for what I've seen, things are a little bit different and these techniques quickly become tools to manipulate others.

The human brain has two hemispheres, the right and the left that are separated and interconnected by the corpus callosum, a network of nervous fibers similar to a network of telephone lines which serves as a bridge of communication between the two brains.


The left brain is the state of awareness that we use in our daily life to make all sorts of conscious and logical decisions. It is masculine and active.
The right brain is passive, receptive, impressionable. We can access it only when we stop thinking through meditation or hypnosis.

The human brain is organized to function as a perfect unity in all circumstances of life. Although both hemispheres have distinct roles, we can not function optimally if the two brains are not mobilized simultaneously.


The problem is to develop one hemisphere more than the other one which unbalances the whole. The dominant hemisphere takes power and blocks the dominated one which cannot anymore assume its role, function and participation in the welfare and health of the body, and consequently the overall welfare of the individual in all areas of one's life.
Under the influence of education, society and prejudices that surround us, we limit since the age of three years our ability to mobilize the two brains. And we choose unconsciously either of them.

In our Western society, most of the time if not always, we opt for the rational, organized, limited left brain that follows the imposed rules. We leave aside our artistic, creative and spontaneous aspects. We think more than necessary before acting to the point that we are no longer neither natural nor genuine nor spontaneous. And if we do not operate with our entire being, then we end up with inextricable problems. An imbalance between right and left brains can cause a lack of concentration but also the difficulty to determine what is important or not. We receive tons of information without knowing how to eliminate those that are unimportant. There is also an incapacity to classify things and to remind oneself characteristics and important facts.

Between six months and one year, the child develops the way he/she moves. He/she develops a bilateral movement, i.e. to walk or crawl, he/she uses his/her left leg and right arm and vice versa. In this way the two hemispheres are used simultaneously. Yes, because the right brain controls the left side of the body and the left brain, the right side.
If the crawling phase of the child has been badly lived or incomplete, or still insufficient, there is a risk that the "automation" is not done. He/she will not then automatically integrate the natural crawling movement (left leg/right hand and right leg/left hand) and the chidl will become homolateral (right leg/ right arm and left leg/left arm) and so he/she will experience blind tasks because of the lack of overview. Someone bilateral (left leg/right hand and left hand/right leg) will behave in a flexible, free and integrated way because by moving he/she mobilizes her/his two hemispheres.

Step by step, as the child grows up, under the pressure of society, he/she will gradually lose the ability to mobilize his/her two brains and will become more homolateral than bilateral. Hence, the problems begin and may be one of the following ones, depending which hemisphere is involved: dyslexia, trouble for speaking, "two left hands" for manual labor, inability to calculate, inability to create or build relationships with others, inability to write properly, unable to talk about oneself ...

On the other hand, an integrated person (bilateral) will function as a physical, mental and spiritual entity. And the first step towards this integration is to be able to use both hemispheres simultaneously. An integrated person is able to channel one's intuition, to process information with both hemispheres at the same time, can move and think at the same time.

All these techniques teach us that everything that happens in a person's life begins with one's psyche. The psyche, in other words, the brain is the basis for the best or the worst.

I come to the point that we live in a world where the left brain is dominant, which is not due by chance as you can imagine. If we have a dominant hemisphere and the other one that is dominated, it's not good at all for our balance and health. If you re-read picture 1, you can easily see that this is the right brain that is subdued. All its characteristics, its potentials are not popular and deeply denigrated by the society that requires us to live in rationalism, materialism, logic, sequential, in a compartmentalized way where everything is disunited, separated, divided.

Everything and above all everybody is labelled and encouraged to become an expert in one's field. But whoever is professional in one's field is completely ignorant of others. In other words, one can be highly intelligent in one's field but completely unaware of others, even lacking basic common sense. And this is especially blatant about health !
If you look around at all the smart people you know, you are likely to find that the vast majority of them are incredibly ignorant when it comes to their own health and body.
They know nearly nothing except in their respective fields.
But the society has been organized that way and rewards those who behave like this !

Our society does not want transversality. Because if it was the case, the people would be more open-minded and above all would make the links between fields, issues, problems.
They would synthetize.
So, it's out of question.
Too dangerous !

If we go back to our picture 2, we can see that the left brain is the side of materialism, money, possessions. In fact, money has taken gradually more and more room in our lives until the current situation where money is the ruler of our lives.
We are obsessed by money 24hrs/7, even though the reasons may be different depending on the case. Some, who are the vast majority because they run after money in order to survive and others because they run after money by greed, to get always more. The outcome is that all of us have become obsessed with money! So sure, we are completely dominated by our left brain and its ceaseless run after money, possessions, stuffs, etc...

The more this run accelerates, the more we are ruled and subdued by our left brain and the more we sink. This has catastrophic consequences well beyond that you could ever imagine.

Let me explain.
The imbalance between our right and left hemispheres is more and more pronounced in the operating of our society which tends to be completely oriented left brain as if the goal was to completely erase the right brain. To completely erase it !
Oops, No more right brain ! In order that we are compelled to follow the imposed rules of society, that we stand to attention, that we obey like slaves.

Now, curiously all the potentials, the gifts, the abilities, the psychic and occult powers, the overall vision of a person develops through one's right brain.
Anything that makes the characteristic of a Gentile, one's divine potential for genius, for power and for creativity is lodged in one's right brain.


I'm not saying that the other one does not count, I'm just saying that one's divine gifts are in the right brain and can be developed only by the right brain. The left brain, manages, if I may say, the daily life, the indispensable routine but limited. Indeed, that is not derogatory, it's just that the left hemisphere does not have access to higher dimensions, the spiritual ones like the right hemisphere.



It is necessary at this moment of my testimony to point out the fundamental difference between a Jewish and a Gentile mind that I have myself experienced. The Jews have a highly developed left brain, the seat of their well-known intelligence, the vast majority of them are around 135 IQ, but they have a poorly developed right brain and above all which can be developed only until a specific level, well below that of the Gentiles.
This difference in mental operating, which we can also call mentality, although the term reduces the problem, is that Jews and Gentiles can not understand each other even if they speak the same language! The definition, the understanding that they have of words with their underlying concepts are deeply conflicting because diametrically opposed. This is one reason why we very often witness dialogues of the deaf. Their Mental design is structurally distinct.


So when the Jews came to power, they gradually built a society that is based on their mental operating, thus oriented left brain with all these characteristics.
It makes sense because one can organize things only in relation to what one is, and how one functions! Doing so, they have gradually forced the Gentiles to operate only with their left brain, the more limited as we have seen, and above all which is not their strength as opposed to the Jews. So little by little, the Gentiles have lost contact with their right brain, their genius and especially their psychic and occult powers and their God(s). Thus, not using anymore the most essential part of their brain, it has become atrophied like a muscle which is no longer in use. Consequently their degeneration began.
What was the stated purpose of the Jews.

Before going on, I want to clarify that each brain has its own kind of intelligence but of course they are of different nature !
This has for consequence that the Jews have a real intelligence but much more visible because the society has been organized by them, so to speak, for them, their model, the left brain while the Gentile intelligence is linked to the potentials and characteristics of one's right brain.

So to summarize what we have already seen.
Through the organization of our society on the model of the Jewish left brain, the Gentiles have been deeply and negatively impacted.
And because of the capabilities of speech, of analysis, of dialectics and of strength of conviction that almost ALL Jews have, the Gentiles are impressed. Most of the time, the Gentiles who are amazed by these qualities that they do not possess, are intimidated and therefore become under influence which acts like a spell !

And to add to the gap and disaster, their consciousness, their feelings, their receptivity are situated in their right brain which is more manipulable because of its receptive nature.

Besides, the Jews often make long studies and\or spend a lot of time in studying, so they become very knowledgeable which favors still more that the Gentiles are "fooled".

I know this may seem a bit complex but I'll try to explain and illustrate it as clearly as possible and make connections in all areas.

Since we consider that the Jews are on Earth since 3600 years to achieve a specific mission which is to destroy the human race, in other words the Gentiles as we have seen, it was necessary that they landed equipped. That's what happened. They arrived briefed, armed and programmed to carry out their task.
Because the potential of the Gentile divine genius was the problem, they have to attack it.
And what was the best way to do so ?
By imposing an enemy whose operating mode was the opposite of that of the Gentiles.
And unfortunately glaring reality!

So the Jews have been fashioned in order to destroy the right brain of the Gentiles.
The first step was to convert them religiously so that they will be DEFINITIVELY cut off from their natural and spontaneous access to higher dimensions and to their God (s) and that they were pulled downward.
That's why the monotheistic religions have been created for.
With Judaism as basis. Indeed, Judaism is the foundation of the Christian and Muslim religions.
All have the same God. The God with hundred pseudonyms !

I repeat that these religions are not spiritual in any way ! There are only political tools to subjugate the Gentile mind and body.
Tool whose material has been STOLEN from the human history of the Gentiles (stories, characters, gods) and then corrupted, altered and dressed up with Jewish names and characters.

The Gentiles were created by their God in order to achieve godhead.
So they are gods-to-be !
No, no I'm not joking at all.
It's because of this that we all are in this tragic situation.
Please read the chapter about the creation of humanity. I do not want to digress too much in an already very complicated story.

This can be only achieved by accessing the right brain. The creator God of the Gentiles has created beings, the human race in His image and likeness not only physically but also spiritually, giving them a soul, a conscience and a DNA which could lead them to become gods if they worked to develop this potential. What the Gentiles began to perform when they lived along with their gods.
This divine potential lies in the right brain because the Gods themselves have a very powerful right brain. In fact, their powers lie in the hemisphere that they use 100% because, unlike humans, they do not need to handle a daily material routine which is not part of their world.

At that time the Gods lived on Earth among the humans. They educated and taught them. This is the reason of the great civilizations such as Ancient India, MesoAmerica, Ancient Egypt of which we still, even today, can't explain the achievements. The Humans lived happy with these benevolent Gods they worshiped and profoundly revered.

When the Jews came to Earth, they knew that to destroy the Gentiles, they had first of all to separate them from their Gods, to break down their relationship in addition to their spiritual potential.
It was necessary to separate the Creator God from his creation, in other words, the Father from his children.

I shall not enter here into the circumstances that have brought this situation because it will be discussed in other chapters (not yet translated).

The Jews therefore led a commando raid into enemy territory (the right brain of the Gentiles) to take away their spiritual potential and bring it into Jewish control. The raid was conducted via the creation of the Christian religion, and especially through a very powerful Kabbalistic black magic, which since has never ceased and is still maintained by the daily prayers that the orthodox Jews and rabbis recite. Indeed, they job is to curse the Gentiles and they get paid for this by the whole Jewish community, even if in the meantime, the Gentiles became Christians.


The great evil was to create a religion, Christianity, that uses at its core all the ingredients of the Gentile history with their Gods. The result is this resonated in their collective unconscious as something known.

It is important to clarify for those who are not yet aware that Jews are very cruel, twisted people without heart nor consciousness. They are in the image of their bloody God, the one of the Hebraic Bible while the Gentiles originally are honest, pure and ethical in the image of their God. Their qualities and virtues have disarmed and weakened them in the hands of the unscrupulous Jews.
Their worst flaw is to be naive in front of the permanent deceit of Jews. In other words, the Gentiles have never been equipped nor prepared to face such wicked individuals.

However, this foray into enemy territory to take control of the right brain did not go so easily because the Gentiles at that time were advanced and thus understood what was going on. So they fought and resisted as much as possible.
But unfortunately they were massacred because outnumbered. Their attackers confiscated the Knowledge that had been given to them by their Gods. At first, the Jews studied it to better understand those they had to exterminate and secondly to use it against the Gentiles.
So they STOLE what belonged to the Pagans, and again fitted it to a Jewish mode in order to claim authorship and ownership. This Knowledge is, in large part, the Kabbalah, which is nothing else than a powerful protective magic for the Jews, and a curse or powerful black magic for non-Jews.

The problem is that the whole politico-religious system (bible, religions ...) which is the foundation of our society gives the illusion that nothing important has ever existed before the Jews.
They want us to believe that they are the ones who have brought a real value to human civilization which was nothing other than hordes of barbarians and savages before the arrival of the chosen people.
Of course, it's is FALSE and once again, the opposite of truth.
This is part of the Jewish propaganda.
You have to be aware that the JEWS ARE MASTERS OF LIES AND DECEIT.
When the Jews came to Earth, they STOLE THE MATERIAL OF THE GENTILE HISTORY BECAUSE THEY NEEDED A BACKGROUND THEY DID NOT HAVE. And above all they had to fabricate one that CREDIT THEIR STATUS AS THE CHOSEN PEOPLE OF GOD. Then, they claimed that they were the founders and owners of the stolen knowledge and since THEY ARE DOING ANYTHING IN THEIR POWER TO ERASE THE TRUE PAST, EVERYTHING THAT EXISTED BEFORE.

This point is crucial.

A major difference between Jews and Gentiles, as I already mentioned is that the former have an agenda as a race while the latter have, at most, a family agenda.
And again, it makes sense.
Whereas the Jews came to earth not naturally but on mission, a mission that they knew will last several thousand years, it was essential to remain focused on the goal to avoid dispersion. It was one of the main purpose of their religion which, by its stringent rules, greatly helped to hand the baton over the next generation and so on.

We're with the Jews on an issue of race and mission. Therefore, all Jews know their history which is part of our memorial education. As Jews, we know that today is the consequence of yesterday while it prepares tomorrow. In other words, the Jews live daily with their entire history alive in their mind. And it's in this perspective that their professional role as victims takes its full extent and importance.

This is not the case of the Gentiles in their great majority. Firstly because they were created naturally i.e they are not on mission on Earth but at home, that in addition, they were sole as a race, the human race on earth, living with their gods, so they never needed to focus on the pathological problem of race.

If we add to this that the Jews have worked since the beginning to erase the memories of the Pagans through this Kabbalistic black magic on one hand, and secondly, through the deadly Christic teachings aimed to reprogram their minds, the result is that for the Gentiles, that's today that counts!
The rest, "is old and outdated story", "it's over".
They live in the well-known here and now which is a reality but not in our lower dimension, too heavy and dense in vibration, the linear space-time. So the Gentiles do not care of the past, they live in the present.

This has dramatic consequences because they do not try to understand, study, investigate why and how we are here today and consequently become easy prey for the ruthless Jews.
The Jews have carte blanche to lie as they see fit, to make up everything they need to fool the Gentiles.
So little by little, they change the history of humanity : from truth, they made up lies, and as the times passes, they destroy the true story of humankind.

The motto of the Jews is : "The sole truths are those that we make up, there will never be other ones !
Indeed, they forge the alibis they need to support their "truths" which are nothing else than lies.
And unfortunately, very few people challenge them !

It is also certainly one of the reasons why, despite the excellent analysis of many Gentiles, almost none dare call into question the biblical boundary. They remain quietly in the compound of the Bible, ie the religious trap designed by Jews against them.

So it's brainwashing at all levels since millenia with a priority given to religion and history, but do not worry, everything else follows.

If you look at picture 5, you see that the Gentile mind has been totally absorbed into the global Jewish brain.
It's a reality that explains that many of you feel like living in a matrix as in the famous movie Matrix.
In fact the Hollywood Jewish movies gives us plenty of information about the manipulated reality of our world and of the human history since the Jews have invaded planet Earth, about the conditions under which this was done and to finish, about the future of humanity.
Incidentally, all the science fiction movies are much more close to the true reality than to fiction.

Going back to our topic, we are actually on the model of the Absolute, principle of Unity or Collectivism, the One, Universal that then comes in all sorts of modes, names and areas to gather under the same banner, the God of the Jewish people or the God with hundred pseudonyms!


The conversion of the Gentiles to the Jewish religious program was therefore a key priority for further action. It was vital that they were absorbed in the Jewish matrix.
In other words, by adopting Christianity, the pagans did much more than abandoning polytheism, they were dispossessed of their divine legacy, came under Jewish control emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically, and then began their degenerescence that would lead them to the point we are today.
Of course, they did not make this by choice but because they were forced. Their only choice was between conversion or death. But from that time, began their decline through the christic teachings which were the first psychological poisoning that completely disarmed them, both sexually and psychologically.

As you can see on the above picture, the Jewish left brain gained ground and invaded the entire brain, left and right hemispheres, and the Gentile brain was fully caught in that process. The result is that many Gentiles feel like if they have been enclosed in a gangue, which is a reality, because they have been encircled by the Jews on every level: physical, mental and spiritual.

The Jewish system was concretely and magically organized as a huge brain that is programmed like an hive mind. And the Jews since their inception and arrival on Earth are permanently connected to the program that gives them the necessary impulses to act for achieving the goal of their mission which is to exterminate the Gentiles.

I know that it may sound a little bit like an Hollywood science-fiction movie or "she has a lot of imagination" but you have to know that this is exactly the aim of the Jews : that all this sounds unreal because too big to be true.
That's why I said from the beginning that an open mind is needed to read all this. And instead of reading with your left brain, use your intuition, your feelings from your right brain.

Those who have done a study about the Jews are able to notice all the common denominators of the Jewish speech all around the world, under the cover "we are good men, humanists, philanthropists"!
In fact these humanist and philanthropist vocations have the huge benefit to give them the power to shape society according to their objectives under the spurious grounds and with billions of dollars through their tax-exempt foundations.

There are also those who unashamedly prefer to position themselves as the assertive Jews like BHL (Bernard-Henri Levy) or in another style like Eric Zemmour who while playing the good French man who defends Gentiles positions lets himself go and says that he is at first Jew before being French !

All these behaviors have to be credited to the hive mind. They mentally act like clones droven by their common Jewish collective mind !

The Gentiles were designed as a holistic perfect unit but as soon as they were no longer able to live according to their nature, to use their right brain as they did, all kinds of problems appeared.
The human body is an integrated, indivisible entity, if an organ, muscle or anything else can not function properly, this has consequences on other parts of the body. And so everything becomes unbalanced, a little bit like in a domino effect.
Consequently to an unbalanced brain, if we add to the whole system, the religious teachings of self-debasement, the beliefs based on concepts of sin, impurity, and a constant propaganda, the mind of the Gentiles has been heavily affected and their bodies too. Sexuality became a major frustration and a very important factor of imbalance.

The body is an interdependent system. Frustration and guilt about sexuality had devastating effects. Any repressed energy has no other choice than to find another way to express itself. It is like a blocked conduit where a huge amount of water pressure cannot anymore pass through the pipe and has to find another way, it has no choice but the other routes are not the natural ones and it will necessarily result some damage.

And every belief generates the associated hang-up or inhibition in the body that in its turn creates blockage, obstruction of the energy which cannot anymore flow harmoniously.
The Jewish stated target was to block the body as well as the mind so that they can never return onto the path of their divine inheritance.


That's why, after the religious program and brainwashing that went hand in hand, the Jews invented and became professionals in all fields related to the mind, the human psyche to finish their job on the Gentiles.
They became psychologists, psychiatrists, behaviorists and decreed mental illnesses.
Having previously castrated sexuality through religion, they knew that it would necessarily follow disorders. Indeed, the unity of body, mind and spirit is a reality as we saw, and is the sole way to treat the disorder, disease or whatever. Any sexually frustrated energy must find another way to express itself. And coincidentally, sex and mind are the basis of human health, managed by the first and the seventh chakra.

So the Jews took in hand the medical field like the rest and set up the famous allopathic medicine, which is everyday more exposed for its devastating effects on human health. Because as the image of the left brain, allopathy separates, compartmentalized everything.
So the "solved" problem on the left side of the body often triggers an even bigger problem on the right side.
Anyway now that you begin to be seriously aware of the situation, this is not surprising, we know that the goal is to destroy, destroy at any cost while they claim the opposite.
So the medicine of the 20th century set comfortably in with doctors and their specialties, the new medical rules, the pharmaceutical industry, and of course the controlled teachings, i.e the medical school. At the top strategy, again and always Jews like the Rockefeller family.

With the evolution of society and the increase of professional pressure and stress, more and more people consulted these doctors of the mind. And they were more likely to find themselves with serious psychological problems.

As the time goes on, given the magnitude, even the general practitioners began to prescribe painkillers, anti-depressants and the whole panoply of drugs that act on the brain and central nervous system. And they began to list all the psychological problems that were identified at random, because not based on analysis such as blood test for example. For the simple reason that a psychological problem can not be checked with tests, it is part of the unprovable.

In other words, they can say anything on any symptom of the mind and declare it as a truth, worse, as a dogma! So here was a mean to broaden the action field to both make huge money while destroying what remains of the divine genius and inheritance of the Gentiles.
It was then very simple to compile a list of mental pathologies, to associate a medication that deteriorate a bit more the human brain and here we are.

Source of the Article :

& dear satanist please check my post here i need answer if anyone have better knowledge regarding this topic
Jew Subverters of Internet and Technology

Louis Cyphre said:
Wow, this I a really good article! Did some of our HPs write this?

i don't know if its one of the hps or a satanist,, i found it while doing some researches on internet
sonnenkraft said:
Louis Cyphre said:
Wow, this I a really good article! Did some of our HPs write this?

i don't know if its one of the hps or a satanist,, i found it while doing some researches on internet

I see. Well, it would be nice if some hp gave his opinion about it.

The only problem I have with the article is the weird Armenian site that it is on.
sonnenkraft said:
Louis Cyphre said:
Wow, this I a really good article! Did some of our HPs write this?

i don't know if its one of the hps or a satanist,, i found it while doing some researches on internet
Not related but in your signature picture there’s a black person in the lower right, shows how evil Nazis were by being so racist!! Lol
Aquarius said:
sonnenkraft said:
Louis Cyphre said:
Wow, this I a really good article! Did some of our HPs write this?

i don't know if its one of the hps or a satanist,, i found it while doing some researches on internet
Not related but in your signature picture there’s a black person in the lower right, shows how evil Nazis were by being so racist!! Lol

Hi aquarius, brother sometimes i struggle to understand english jokes :lol: :lol: sorry
are you talking about my NAZI signature :twisted:
sonnenkraft said:
Aquarius said:
sonnenkraft said:
i don't know if its one of the hps or a satanist,, i found it while doing some researches on internet
Not related but in your signature picture there’s a black person in the lower right, shows how evil Nazis were by being so racist!! Lol

Hi aquarius, brother sometimes i struggle to understand english jokes :lol: :lol: sorry
are you talking about my NAZI signature :twisted:
Yes!:D in the lower right there’s a black person.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
