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General Revenge Advice


Nov 14, 2020
I see plenty of members asking for advice on revenge for one reason or another, but majority of replies advising not to go for it.

With all due respect I believe it's a personal choice and everyone has a right to defend oneself. Let the Gods judge those people, after all Satanists shall not submit a second cheek for a slap , leave that for xian cucks.

When it comes to revenge I personally wouldn't go all the way to do 40 days of rituals, as it not worth it. However when somebody done you wrong and you are being poisoned by negativity, it's just healthy to get rid of it.

Just get it all out into a thoughtform, preferably molding energy by chanting runes. Hagalaz is my favorite in this case.
9 times will be enough or a multiple of 9, until you free yourself from it.

Program it to punish the person who wronged you. May want to specify for punishment to be justified and fair , if that will make you feel better. Alternatively you can surround the one's aura with this energy instead of a thoughtform and program it.
I advice not to go in specifics for revenge, as Hagalaz is chaotic and energy goes to the way of least resistance which is more effective for delivering justice.

It's also important to detach yourself from that negativity and cut off all the spiritual links from the person beforehand if there are any to avoid kickbacks. And of course aura cleaning afterwards.

The best way of course is to use this energy for the cause during RTRs , but that probably won't bring you justice.

Also if the person who wronged you is SS, then don't do anything as fights among SS are not tolerated. Ask our Gods to deliver justice.

You don't need to waste your time raising energy for multiple days. The energy released with a right momentum like an impulse will do plenty of damage.
SigTyr said:
I see plenty of members asking for advice on revenge for one reason or another, but majority of replies advising not to go for it.
The majority is against cutting the head of a person who has done something warranting a lesser punishment, i.e. against a grave injustice.

Otherwise, great topic.
SigTyr said:
I see plenty of members asking for advice on revenge for one reason or another, but majority of replies advising not to go for it.

With all due respect I believe it's a personal choice and everyone has a right to defend oneself. Let the Gods judge those people, after all Satanists shall not submit a second cheek for a slap , leave that for xian cucks.

When it comes to revenge I personally wouldn't go all the way to do 40 days of rituals, as it not worth it. However when somebody done you wrong and you are being poisoned by negativity, it's just healthy to get rid of it.

Just get it all out into a thoughtform, preferably molding energy by chanting runes. Hagalaz is my favorite in this case.
9 times will be enough or a multiple of 9, until you free yourself from it.

Program it to punish the person who wronged you. May want to specify for punishment to be justified and fair , if that will make you feel better. Alternatively you can surround the one's aura with this energy instead of a thoughtform and program it.
I advice not to go in specifics for revenge, as Hagalaz is chaotic and energy goes to the way of least resistance which is more effective for delivering justice.

It's also important to detach yourself from that negativity and cut off all the spiritual links from the person beforehand if there are any to avoid kickbacks. And of course aura cleaning afterwards.

The best way of course is to use this energy for the cause during RTRs , but that probably won't bring you justice.

Also if the person who wronged you is SS, then don't do anything as fights among SS are not tolerated. Ask our Gods to deliver justice.

You don't need to waste your time raising energy for multiple days. The energy released with a right momentum like an impulse will do plenty of damage.
Does not andras power ritual in general helps to punish enemies??

There are two main reasons why people usually advise against black magick.

First, there is the ethical aspect of it, which Henu has already mentioned - this is not Sharia Law. Punishment must be proportional to the damage received, essentially, the principles of the Tiwaz Rune.

But then, there is also another important aspect that most people don't consider. Most people who come here and want to practice black magick have no idea how dangerous it can be. If they don't understand the basic principles of magick, they may end up harming themselves more than their intended target. It's not as simple as just vibrating a few runes and a cleansing mantra. Doing this successfully involves much more.

It may be a lot of information to take in when one comes here simply for revenge and has no prior knowledge. So, while you are correct that you shouldn't just let people step on your toes, most of the time, it's wiser if people find justice through other means.
BlackOnyx8 said:

There are two main reasons why people usually advise against black magick.

First, there is the ethical aspect of it, which Henu has already mentioned - this is not Sharia Law. Punishment must be proportional to the damage received, essentially, the principles of the Tiwaz Rune.

But then, there is also another important aspect that most people don't consider. Most people who come here and want to practice black magick have no idea how dangerous it can be. If they don't understand the basic principles of magick, they may end up harming themselves more than their intended target. It's not as simple as just vibrating a few runes and a cleansing mantra. Doing this successfully involves much more.

It may be a lot of information to take in when one comes here simply for revenge and has no prior knowledge. So, while you are correct that you shouldn't just let people step on your toes, most of the time, it's wiser if people find justice through other means.

I am sorry to say ,if this world had right justice ,no body would even think of seeking justice spiritually ..If revenge is wrong ,then the main Blog JOS would not even be talking of a whole section called "satanic witchcraft" ...and again I do not understand where even is the term "revenge must be equal to the offence " even mentioned in satanic witchcraft blog ..So u say people who rape others ,loot heavy money from others ,.murder all must get free pass from their crime??again the main website mentions that thousand times that after cleaning one must do HEAVY AOP AND AURA CLEANING ..So u saying others must NOT take justice is NOT NOT even satanism And also You saying there is MORE than just vibrating few runes and just cleaning ..By this u are indirectly saying just like the new age and christian retards that punishing someone spiritually is only gonna backfire you .This is NOT even satanic core principle ..

.Rather than mixing your opinion One must read what even is written in the main Blog ..I am NOT saying any new bie must immediately start doing revenge ..What I am saying is you seem to totally discourage people from doing it ..Other than spiritual methods to take out justice ,if there were other right methods ,people would NOT even think of this option to take justice .I am again NOT saying death must be given for every offense ..But I am saying everbody knows what ever is the right punishment for their offender ..Certain punishments definetely call for death and HENCE in the main BLOG u have death spell ..

Ever heard of ethics? Of course there should be some sort of proportion to the punishment, if not, how different would we be from the muslims who would chop someone's hand for stealing?

And no, I never said any of that. What I said is you must first get familiar to how magick works, and then apply it wisely. I never said you should not take revenge, I never said you should not seek justice, and I certainly never said anything about the crimes you speak of. I am not mixing anything, it appears that you are, however.

And yes, there is more to it. These energies remain on your environment, even on objects. If you do not detach the vibration from yourself, and channel it specifically to your target you end up with the energy attached to your soul too.

One thing is be fully aware of the risks and do things properly, another entirely different thing is to do things without caring for any consequences and damage your life in the process.
BlackOnyx8 said:

Ever heard of ethics? Of course there should be some sort of proportion to the punishment, if not, how different would we be from the muslims who would chop someone's hand for stealing?

And no, I never said any of that. What I said is you must first get familiar to how magick works, and then apply it wisely. I never said you should not take revenge, I never said you should not seek justice, and I certainly never said anything about the crimes you speak of. I am not mixing anything, it appears that you are, however.

And yes, there is more to it. These energies remain on your environment, even on objects. If you do not detach the vibration from yourself, and channel it specifically to your target you end up with the energy attached to your soul too.

One thing is be fully aware of the risks and do things properly, another entirely different thing is to do things without caring for any consequences and damage your life in the process.
when you do a VERY thorough aura cleaning to yourself and to your environment ,how then do u attach that negative energy to u???If that was even the case then in the main blog HP maxine would NOT even have written about a whole section called "witchcraft" which deals with all these stuffs ...There are MANY different revenge spells which she has covered ..again when the HP has clearly mentioned to thoroughly aura clean and chakra clean after doing this ,,your point of fearing over doing revenge spell does not even fit here .

Your post only makes someone fear and get overwhelmed as if revenge spell itself is wrong..U did not mention it directly but your post clearly means when u say "any other justice methods" ..This is clearly like scaring one to even think of revenge spell ..and when someone is doing standard destruction ritual (for a beginner) ,after doing BM u just have to thourougly clean your aura ..all sort of the right ways are given in the main website and if One VERY THOROUGHLY reads it ,they can apply black magic with absolutely 0 problem .I am again NOT saying a newbie must do ..But ur post was as if black magic itself is dangerous so one must shun it ..black magic is dangerous ONLY when u do NOT know how to do it ..Instead of evocation,if someone invokes it is only then it becomes a problem ..Thoroughly cleaning your aura and evoking NEVER causes any problem ..Not knowing how to use a knife is the problem NOT NOT the knife itself ..No body has to even fear doing revenge spell if the know how to do it THE VERY RIGHT WAY ,which the main website clearly tells ..

The problem is that brother not just you many and many satanists are writing the very same "move on..Revenge is dangerous..Focus on healing or some other methods" ..what people must also understand is you can NEVER heal unless you have been paid your debt ..Satanism is the only spirituality which says how to punish enemies ..One must try physical ways to resort to justice ..If Not then only spiritual way will help one get their dues paid ..Moving on ONLY will create many and many negative repressed hang ups in your soul and your soul will always continue being victimised either in this life or next life ...I am NOT saying death is the only solution ,The one who are offended knows their degree of offense ,.It is ONLY they who MUST decide what they must do to their offender ..You and I are NOT walking in their shoes to judge them ..Ur unneccessary fear of saying "u channel that vibration inside you" is not even true when somebody does what the main website tells
In black magick, you have to be careful about three things:

Your own power level.
The offenders power level.
Proper cleaning after it every session.

That's it.

Its difficult, but are you gonna cry or do some illegal shit? No?

Then get to cursing baby.

In regards to how moral a punishment is of course, that must also be proportionate, but let me tell you this: justice is not always objective.

Sometimes you need to teach someone a real lesson so they dont overstep.

Sometimes you need to do whatever in your spiritual power to take back what is yours.

Sometimes you just need to prove your own authority. Assert yourself per se.

Sometimes you absolutely have no other choice.

Dont feel bad. Just do it.
If it makes your soul truly happy, do it.

There's no shame in revenge. In self defense. Nothing.

Dont listen to every single thing ppl say to you online.

I personally, have literally gone through all types of victimization you can think of. Verbal, physical, financial, legal, spiritual, sexual...

And guess what? I dont regret a fucking thing that ive done to those ppl.

Just make sure you cleanse the karma permanently so these types of stuff dont reoccur, and DONT LET PPL TELL YOU WHAT TO DO.

Only listen to the gods, and those who are their agents, such as genuinely advanced SS, HPs, etc.

Trust me, when you successfully manage to assert yourself and declare your spiritual authority, the fear and respect you'll get is off the charts blissful.
phi3.14infinity said:
when you do a VERY thorough aura cleaning to yourself and to your environment ,how then do u attach that negative energy to u???If that was even the case then in the main blog HP maxine would NOT even have written about a whole section called "witchcraft" which deals with all these stuffs ...There are MANY different revenge spells which she has covered ..again when the HP has clearly mentioned to thoroughly aura clean and chakra clean after doing this ,,your point of fearing over doing revenge spell does not even fit here .

Your post only makes someone fear and get overwhelmed as if revenge spell itself is wrong..U did not mention it directly but your post clearly means when u say "any other justice methods" ..This is clearly like scaring one to even think of revenge spell ..

Brother, I think you are being a little aggressive in telling BlackOnyx things that he is likely aware of. You may be assuming too much on his end. He was only trying to inform you of these requirements, because the reality is that people may not do such preparations of cleaning and protection, then get themselves in trouble.

Yes, justice is very important for the reasons your describe. Actually, when someone does a healing working for trauma inflicted onto them, it can make them feel feelings of anger or other negativity that was repressed in the first place. It is not a strict requirement that you must do a justice working before a healing working, especially in the case where someone is not skilled enough for black magic.

Similarly, people may not even be aware of their attackers, if this happened in a past life. Other people may feel powerless in the face of their attackers, and this is another instance where they first need to heal and advance before they can finish the justice process.

I am glad that you are a strong proponent for justice, but sometimes I feel that you are being a little too harsh about this topic to your fellow SS. You are not necessarily wrong, but I think you are assuming BlackOnyx may be ignorant, when in reality it looks like he was just trying to make sure everyone was cautious and educated, just as you help others to also be aware of this same topic.
TheWhiteGiant said:
In black magick, you have to be careful about three things:

Your own power level.
The offenders power level.
Proper cleaning after it every session.

That's it.

Its difficult, but are you gonna cry or do some illegal shit? No?

Then get to cursing baby.

In regards to how moral a punishment is of course, that must also be proportionate, but let me tell you this: justice is not always objective.

Sometimes you need to teach someone a real lesson so they dont overstep.

Sometimes you need to do whatever in your spiritual power to take back what is yours.

Sometimes you just need to prove your own authority. Assert yourself per se.

Sometimes you absolutely have no other choice.

Dont feel bad. Just do it.
If it makes your soul truly happy, do it.

There's no shame in revenge. In self defense. Nothing.

Dont listen to every single thing ppl say to you online.

I personally, have literally gone through all types of victimization you can think of. Verbal, physical, financial, legal, spiritual, sexual...

And guess what? I dont regret a fucking thing that ive done to those ppl.

Just make sure you cleanse the karma permanently so these types of stuff dont reoccur, and DONT LET PPL TELL YOU WHAT TO DO.

Only listen to the gods, and those who are their agents, such as genuinely advanced SS, HPs, etc.

Trust me, when you successfully manage to assert yourself and declare your spiritual authority, the fear and respect you'll get is off the charts blissful.

Exactly ..well said ..whatever be the abuse is still abuse and we are to punish those who have wronged us ..the only thing that is important is to do a thorough aura cleaning after each revenge working ..if somebody has harmed us we have every right to punish them
TheWhiteGiant said:
In black magick, you have to be careful about three things:

Your own power level.
The offenders power level.
Proper cleaning after it every session.

That's it.

Its difficult, but are you gonna cry or do some illegal shit? No?

Then get to cursing baby.

In regards to how moral a punishment is of course, that must also be proportionate, but let me tell you this: justice is not always objective.

Sometimes you need to teach someone a real lesson so they dont overstep.

Sometimes you need to do whatever in your spiritual power to take back what is yours.

Sometimes you just need to prove your own authority. Assert yourself per se.

Sometimes you absolutely have no other choice.

Dont feel bad. Just do it.
If it makes your soul truly happy, do it.

There's no shame in revenge. In self defense. Nothing.

Dont listen to every single thing ppl say to you online.

I personally, have literally gone through all types of victimization you can think of. Verbal, physical, financial, legal, spiritual, sexual...

And guess what? I dont regret a fucking thing that ive done to those ppl.

Just make sure you cleanse the karma permanently so these types of stuff dont reoccur, and DONT LET PPL TELL YOU WHAT TO DO.

Only listen to the gods, and those who are their agents, such as genuinely advanced SS, HPs, etc.

Trust me, when you successfully manage to assert yourself and declare your spiritual authority, the fear and respect you'll get is off the charts blissful.

what is your proton mail id??
phi3.14infinity said:
TheWhiteGiant said:
In black magick, you have to be careful about three things:

Your own power level.
The offenders power level.
Proper cleaning after it every session.

That's it.

Its difficult, but are you gonna cry or do some illegal shit? No?

Then get to cursing baby.

In regards to how moral a punishment is of course, that must also be proportionate, but let me tell you this: justice is not always objective.

Sometimes you need to teach someone a real lesson so they dont overstep.

Sometimes you need to do whatever in your spiritual power to take back what is yours.

Sometimes you just need to prove your own authority. Assert yourself per se.

Sometimes you absolutely have no other choice.

Dont feel bad. Just do it.
If it makes your soul truly happy, do it.

There's no shame in revenge. In self defense. Nothing.

Dont listen to every single thing ppl say to you online.

I personally, have literally gone through all types of victimization you can think of. Verbal, physical, financial, legal, spiritual, sexual...

And guess what? I dont regret a fucking thing that ive done to those ppl.

Just make sure you cleanse the karma permanently so these types of stuff dont reoccur, and DONT LET PPL TELL YOU WHAT TO DO.

Only listen to the gods, and those who are their agents, such as genuinely advanced SS, HPs, etc.

Trust me, when you successfully manage to assert yourself and declare your spiritual authority, the fear and respect you'll get is off the charts blissful.

what is your proton mail id??

I dont have protonmail, if you feel like you can ask your question from me here, then ask. Maybe the other members would also provide the answer you need.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=468622 time=1697826437 user_id=21286]
phi3.14infinity said:
when you do a VERY thorough aura cleaning to yourself and to your environment ,how then do u attach that negative energy to u???If that was even the case then in the main blog HP maxine would NOT even have written about a whole section called "witchcraft" which deals with all these stuffs ...There are MANY different revenge spells which she has covered ..again when the HP has clearly mentioned to thoroughly aura clean and chakra clean after doing this ,,your point of fearing over doing revenge spell does not even fit here .

Your post only makes someone fear and get overwhelmed as if revenge spell itself is wrong..U did not mention it directly but your post clearly means when u say "any other justice methods" ..This is clearly like scaring one to even think of revenge spell ..

Brother, I think you are being a little aggressive in telling BlackOnyx things that he is likely aware of. You may be assuming too much on his end. He was only trying to inform you of these requirements, because the reality is that people may not do such preparations of cleaning and protection, then get themselves in trouble.

Yes, justice is very important for the reasons your describe. Actually, when someone does a healing working for trauma inflicted onto them, it can make them feel feelings of anger or other negativity that was repressed in the first place. It is not a strict requirement that you must do a justice working before a healing working, especially in the case where someone is not skilled enough for black magic.

Similarly, people may not even be aware of their attackers, if this happened in a past life. Other people may feel powerless in the face of their attackers, and this is another instance where they first need to heal and advance before they can finish the justice process.

I am glad that you are a strong proponent for justice, but sometimes I feel that you are being a little too harsh about this topic to your fellow SS. You are not necessarily wrong, but I think you are assuming BlackOnyx may be ignorant, when in reality it looks like he was just trying to make sure everyone was cautious and educated, just as you help others to also be aware of this same topic.
I am again sincerely sorry if you or black Onyx brother think that I have insulted you ..Brother actually I really did not mean to hurt anyone ..what I just felt was when people say "resort to other methods of justice" ..I just felt that fellow SS brothers in general were discouraging others from pursuing justice spiritually ..I never meant before healing and doing revenge works must be done as this topic was more about justice and resorting to it ..my system had some problems ,so could not instantly reply to you
phi3.14infinity said:
I am again sincerely sorry if you or black Onyx brother think that I have insulted you ..Brother actually I really did not mean to hurt anyone ..what I just felt was when people say "resort to other methods of justice" ..I just felt that fellow SS brothers in general were discouraging others from pursuing justice spiritually ..I never meant before healing and doing revenge works must be done as this topic was more about justice and resorting to it ..my system had some problems ,so could not instantly reply to you

I know you did not mean to hurt anyone, and I also know the topic is important to you. Yes, I have seen topics where people can give opinions that suggest lowering the standards for justice.

I had just thought that the strength of your message could be nearing a point that would start to bother BlackOnyx or others, which would then damage the reception of your message to them.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=469206 time=1698275473 user_id=21286]
phi3.14infinity said:
I am again sincerely sorry if you or black Onyx brother think that I have insulted you ..Brother actually I really did not mean to hurt anyone ..what I just felt was when people say "resort to other methods of justice" ..I just felt that fellow SS brothers in general were discouraging others from pursuing justice spiritually ..I never meant before healing and doing revenge works must be done as this topic was more about justice and resorting to it ..my system had some problems ,so could not instantly reply to you

I know you did not mean to hurt anyone, and I also know the topic is important to you. Yes, I have seen topics where people can give opinions that suggest lowering the standards for justice.

I had just thought that the strength of your message could be nearing a point that would start to bother BlackOnyx or others, which would then damage the reception of your message to them.
brother your service is indeed needed a lot to satanic community ...please do check your proton mail once in a while ..
I am working on justice right know and I found this thread thanks to the new forum's function "Similar threads".
Very useful indeed!

I need to say thank you to fellow SS on here promoting justice as I have personal hangups on this and reading all those post, is helpful and a boost for me.
What I think here is, due to justice is related to Mars in the form of action for punishment, each of us has a different approach to this due to Natal Chart position of Mars. My Mars is not exalted nor that strong so I naturally tend to be soft on justice/revenge, so others too.
Being naturally soft on this may open oneself to xian programming.
Anyway other aspects such as Pluto may help in the form of a hidden and mysterious rather than straight aggression to the offender. Personal planets should be taken in account when planning Black Magick (or physical actions such as lawsuits, etc.).
What I absolutely agree on, is that, turning the other cheek is never to be allowed as - on the long run - this will lower self-esteem and personal power by consequence.
Perhaps it is simpler than expected, we have to base everything on justice, so a work with the Tiwaz rune can solve this, something that brings you to do justice unconsciously on an energetic level and then leads to a material result.

On a conscious level it seems more difficult, there is a general tendency to exaggerate an injury, and for revenge you think about killing or seriously injuring someone, even for trifles like stealing a bike. What I'm wondering is whether by justice I should only consider stealing the bike, and thus on a concentric level stealing the thief's bike as revenge. Or should I consider the moral damage, for example that that bike was a memento of my grandfather who died.
I have this doubt regard justice.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
