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"Futuristic" Jewish "Freedom" and Judgment Day, too!

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The future is upon us. It’s coming as you read this text. Which future will be based upon our decisions, though.

The jews are advancing to make this a jewish living nightmare for everyone, same as they did 2500 years ago. Every day, without stop, without a turn, without a break. Now for those who cannot make sense of much that is written here, you must study the jewish problem. If you do not, if you are “bored”, if you “can’t take it”, go back to the feet of your jewish master, kiss them and then wait to die a slow and painful death, as will all the jewish slaves die. Because your master hates you. You are a human disgrace to the planet and the world, because your stupidity drags down the whole lot of humanity, inside the pool of everlasting destruction. You don’t deserve to exist and therefore, you have no word in this. But so many fools think they do. That’s what their master told them.

For those of you who do understand and do fight, know, that the Eye of Satan will never leave you. His Providence will shine upon you and you will know the Truth.

The one we name Satan nowadays is the being that has been a patron of everything anti-jewish. He is the Father of Gentile Humanity and the jews themselves know this entirely well. Satan is called the “Father of All Sin” in the bible. That is, the Father of anything anti-jewish. The enemy of all they are and do. Pagans are called the eternal Sinners, or “Avaryanim”. We can never change and they know this. Everytime, every place, so long we exist, we are “Sinners”. This is why Christianity and the Abrahamic hoaxes are infact, jewish in their core. They aren’t for us. Its stated no “Gentile” will ever be “saved” in all their texts. “Saved” means, will survive in their “ideal world” and escape “judgement”, as in, “judgement” from the enemy beings. Xianity and Pisslam, as well as Judaism they are for the jews, but due to the removal of our religions, people started believing in this low level nonsense as fairytales. We are Children of the Eternal Spiritual Father and not this senseless jewish dung. The word they define us as is very revealing. Av-AryaN-im. Av is Ab and this is the word root Abba, which means Father in Hebrew. Aryan means Aryan, as in Aryan Gods, Aryan Deities, Pagan Gods. “im” means “they of who”. The jewish word for Sinners [Pagans] means “Those who have the Father of the Aryans as their Father”, or “The sons of the Aryan Father”, whom is none else but Satan Himself. We are his “Seed” and “progeny” and this is all over the Rabbinical texts. Satan in Hebrew means Adversary and in the Ancient Languages of the East such as Sanskrit, it means “Eternal Truth”. Satanama is a mantra to raise our Consciousness through the Kundalini Serpent, which brings out the evolutionary force of Humankind so we can ascend to a Divine Level of existence. The kikes are opposing this idea. We create, they destroy. We laugh, they cry. We enjoy, they suffer. They are our opposition and opposites. They are anti-Human. They are alien to us.

Satan is our Spiritual Father and is our door to the Higher Self of Humanity, that which is the God part of ourselves. The jews want to "Destroy God" and they state this in their Zion Protocols. The jews are those who constantly want to shut this door and cut this connection we have with Satan. They want to destroy this connection, for this will be their greatest failure and undoing. They want to disconnect us from Truth, so they can win us below and in lies.

When I asked Satan and Lilith on what the enemy is doing years ago, this was their reply [NOT IN EXACT WORDS, but the meaning of it]:

"They are preparing the world so in the long term it will be taken over by their alien counterparts, which will further the enslavement to totality and will attempt to create Humanity into beings no different than the greys, without self-consciousness but only a hive mind, which will be controlled. The jews want to prepare this world for it to be ready so it will be delivered into the hands of the Reptilians. Communism is the political means through which the enemy tries to materialize this and achieve this objective physically. "

Again, these were not the exact words, as Telepathic communication doesn’t always happen word to word so to say. Our minds and our language are not very vast, as that of the Gods and neither our minds are used to being exposed to info that lies TOTALLY ourside our realm of “understanding” so to say. For that reason, the Gods “downgrade” the messages so we can understand. This is no different than how you are trying to explain something to a little child. It must be made as it can understand it.

Satan gives us the only real solution to this problem: Spiritual Warfare. Warfare of the Spirit and the Mind. A real, plausible way to eradicate the source of all misery inflicted upon the World. Not merely hitting idols, but hitting the idol maker itself. The jewish being.

Farfetched? Television was farfetched in 1900, technology we have today were a fantasy of bewitched people. Pyramids reaching the skies made by Ancients who supposedly possesed no "Technology", that have been made with tremendous precision not even accessible today, in the "we know it all" times? All over the Ancient World?. Not at all farfetched. What is really farfetched in the end? Reality moves forward. Just keep reading. But since words without explanations don’t always do this, let us get a bit more into this.

Now you need to come with me and look into this very great world that the kikes are trying to create for you. The world of their prelithic dreams to enslave anyone, destroy everyone who "thinks" or "acts" against them, a world without "race", without "culture", without anything at all. Just dozens of loads of jewish freedom. Yes, you know, this freedom you have now with your computer, with over 15000 corporations fetching your data, knowing everything you like and dislike. The freedom of "facebook" where you are brainwashed every day, bombarded shitty advertisements to brainwash you, your insticts being exploited to make money for the kikes. The nice freedom of using google, while it uses all data daily aside with the secret organizations, so they can see where this "world" is going, and if anything should ever befall the jewish master. A piece of freedom resulting in total enslavement. All this, because you are living in a context of limitation, accursed, of a lower physical level and as thus, you are not free. The "masters" of freedom can "spoon-fed" you some freedom, only to know more about you as to further enslave you! That's great!

You still believe you are free? I suggest you look again in matters carefully. You are free, not because anyone is trying to make you free, but because, maybe, the extent of any freedom is based upon the fact that you can choose. Almost everything in this jewish reality is actually trying to alter you to do something profitable for the kikes. And in many cases, its impossible to choose otherwise, as this is how the "World" is. This is not bad in itself everytime, but the jews are making sure its made a disaster in the end.

The freedom of cameras in every street, the freedom in the bizarre huge towns where there are countless meaningless things to do, where people are clumped together, yet they rarely even talk, in this physical crap game of endless materialism. "Higher and lower" are only numbers in your bank account. "Better" and "Worse" are internalized into digital currency and physical coins. Few if any things derive from the actual nature of things, which implies that beings should be where they are based on and in accordance to who they are on the inside. But you have many "Freedoms" they tell you, whilist they are robbing them away. The freedom to contact any disease you might want, from any jewish AIDS [as we revealed it was created in a lab by the jews to curse and destroy sexual freedoms and homosexuals, as well as 3rd world countries], to any brain damage down to your jewish doctor by their false pharma crap that they know is dangerous, who wants to "cure" you from your "disease" that might itself have caused in the first place. You don't know who to blame, who made that shit. In our case, we may do, but many out there do not know. Many are interested to know and swallow a big Truth pill, but they can't find it. This is where we come in.

And why make it further? To further the research for even more freedom! While this would be ideal, its rarely the case. Most of the time, what has been created for freedom, is being turned by the rotten jews to what is made for slavery. They, after all, are "advancing" this world. They are "guiding its fate". Everyone stuck on a physical level, they think they are stupid, imperfect, bizarre, failures, always imperfect. They all believe this thing. After all, the reality the jews created projects these messages into their minds. They tell you everyday in their magazines and shit, how shitty you are for not being Beyonce and what to buy to become Beyonce. Beyonce is just some nut with a big bank account, herself too a slave of a higher level. They just show you how to become a "higher pay" slave. They promise you the way to this. Internally, both you and all these "Beyonce's" are equally enslaved. Enslaved in a physicality (or escapism) of decay. Victims of the same jewish ploy and world. A world with focus on the rotting, solely transient and truthless. The Non- Eternal. They make Gentiles feel like the jews feel about themselves, they are making Gentiles think like jews do, hope in what jews hope (such as in christianity where fools wait for christ) and make them think how they should govern themselves is how the hive minded kikes govern themselves (communism). And the list goes...

The same jews that created the "Atomic Bomb", enslaved everyone in the Middle Ages, own "google" and all these "Freedom corporations", enforced "Christianity" and "Islam" on the world, as well as the pinnacle of 'freedom', namely COMMUNISM, they want to create a new cyborg communist future for everyone else. The source of all degeneration portrays itself as the source of all creation and advancement. Even history shows the obvious Truth, yet they deny the fact, both the worshippers of these kieks and the worshipped. A closed, blind eye, to the Truth itself. The denying of the Truth leads to sadness, decay and ultimately destruction. They deny obvious facts. Things that are right in front of them. They couldn't quite succeed in 1950, so now, that Humanity is inevitably advancing towards technological research, they are patiently waiting to develop some new "Freedom" technology, so they can materialize their old jewish dream: That of Global Slavery and Control. Microchips inside your brain, Artificial "Intelligence" that "Knows" and "Does" on its own, or some divine flying dung that will lord over the Planet. The creativity of the jews doesn't extend any further. Its only fairly limited creative ways to destroy everything.

To jews, "freedom" means nothing. They do not understand it, or ever will. "Ethics", "Rights", "Humanity", "Future", all these are nothing to them, but targets they seek to dominate and destroy, befall and subvert. They themselves are enslaved in all levels. A people in which freedom is not present, it cannot understand it. They do not have a sense of it. Freedom is alien to them, as much as slavery is alien to us Gentiles.

I thank the members who provided the Videos, as these are very important and I have to share them.

Look how free this being is in this Video!! Its filled with Freedom (and a brain microchip)!! For Jewish "science", straight from Tel Aviv! [I warn as this is extremely disturbing and also, thanks to the person who posted this in the main group.]


Implantable Microchips that can kill remotely. Jews want to be able to kill you through a computer command, Goyim. They want to own you as their animals and kill you as they see fit. Give you "credits" (digital money) as they see fit. Enslave you as they see fit. Dumb you down as they see fit. The Computer system they have named "Zion" and is under development right now as we speak, which is a computer intelligence meant to enslave anyone and be under the control of the "Messiah". Insane as fuck? Wait there is more:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MZKEzG ... e=youtu.be

But who is the Jewish "Messiach"? Rabbi Kaduri, a top hieracy jewish Rabbi, mentions that the Name of the "Savior", is JESUS. Yes, goyim christians, its JESUS. The one foolish Gentiles slaves worship and want to return and all:


Only, to break this down for the stupid xian slime reading this post, this is the Messiach of the jews and will rape you too in the end, no matter how "loyal" of a fucking "sheep" [Goy] you were. You have one last chance to embrace the Truth, or just keep working for everyone's damnation. You have been warned. "Many will want to know the Truth in the end but it will be too late", as the Satanic saying goes.

“We have examined the scriptures thoroughly, and I can conclusively say that there’s nothing to indicate that RFID Chips are Satanic in anyway. If anything, these devices are a blessing from God himself, bestowed upon humanity to solve many of the world’s ills.” -

See more at: http://nationalreport.net/pope-francis- ... IDJYy.dpuf

Obviously, these are NOT SATANIC IN ANYWAY. These are JEWISH and REPTILIAN IN ALL WAYS. Its just a way to enslave everyone, by the jewish masters. And their "God".

Don't worry, it will all be under control...Just whose control though? Maybe some fat jews that they are calling "Messiah" and will "Impose the law of Israel" to all Nations and peoples, ultimately enslaving them, so that all jews will have 2800 slaves each, as they write in their "Racial books"? OR NO, IT CAN'T HAPPEN, ITS TOO OVERSTRECHED OF A SCENARIO? They will make you more intelligent than the stupid you that you are now! You will be better! You will be better than the worst the kikes have brought out of you, with this stupid society they have created, with their stupid religions, with their destruction of the Ancient Knowledge that elevated Mankind to the point that they were Gods in the Flesh! You will be sitting on your ass all day like a senseless slob, doing nothing and here will come the jew, inject you and make your life "easier"! And who has the "money" to make this "research" and "define how" it will be "used"? What are the "Ethics" behind it? All jewish bullshit. These all belong to the jews. They have made these up and they know, so they bypass them. They do not care. Only you, stupid "Goyim" [animals in hebrew] do sit down to think of all that shit and praise the time where your destruction is coming. And they consciously or not, work towards this direction.

I realize and know, personal lives tend to move slowly. But on the upper levels, this is happening daily. You might think this is far ahead, but how far ahead you thought was a smartphone after a television, for instance? Many wouldn't even believe it. Now, everyone holds one. Or better yet, a smartphone got the hold of them. You simply cannot live anymore with all these things. They have took a hold of many people. Others use these sensibly and this is good, others have been consumed into this thing.

Do any of you watch movies? Like the "Matrix", where everyone is plugged into a massive machine of a living digital simulation, namely some space kike artificial "Intelligence" that has locked everyone inside a false reality?

The "video" games also are chock full of this. This recent "Trailer" of "Call of Duty" is nothing but a "trailer" its straight propaganda. Look at this christianity, pretending to be savior and sorry, the kikes who are the "scientists" and the reporter and so forth. The kike also wants to convince you that "THIS IS HAPPENING".


Have any of you watched the "Surrogates" where everyone is basically hooked into a machine system and they have machine body, living like drones, because they can't be normal anymore?


The movie with the jewish justin Timberlake, cursed be it and his whole fucking race, for all eternity, in SATAN's NAME, that people are made "Immortal" and they work for "time", because they are all hooked on a central system that pays with "time to live"?


Of course the kike in every movie plays the savior, the sorry guy, the strong guy, the merciful guy, and the blonde German looking or Gentile guy, plays the bad guy, the evil guy and so forth. This is all subliminal, so much that this is obvious.

No different than how Adolf Hitler plays the bad guy for the whole world into the jewish shoah movie they call “reality”, while the kikes play the persecuted cheezen ones, who are infact the slaver authority themselves. Good ol’jewish crap.

I could go on and on, as of course, all movies are more or less jewish infested. There may be other filth and I know the members here do know this.

Have you seen all these jewish "Dreams" coming into your screen and therefore, into your mind? If you didn't, I urge you to go watch this filth, or similar filth, just to get a taste of the jewish "Dream world". These will make you understand why the jews want to make money "Digital". Because now, they might own for instance like 50% of global world wealth. They want to own it all. Your house, your property and finally YOU too. Give and take as they see fit. They state this is a privilage from "god". But the trick is, they are just a hive. They do not personally "see" or look forward to anything. They are rather a means to an end. They are an alien hive, descending directly from the reptilians, who simply want to enslave the world. For reasons that might not be understandable nowadays, but were in the Ancient World, but can be summed up easily: Because this is who they are. Simple. That's it. Everyone creates the reality of who they are. Everyone sees reality as they are in themselves.

They want to make Man cyborg, Man trapped in a "digital world", Man's life based on digital currency, Man living in illusions and lies, Man without spirit, Man without Soul, Man without thinking, whatever have you. A total escapist. In one phrase, Man enslaved. A jewish slave. A dead Man. A kingdom of lies. And why do people want to "Escape"? Because this fucked up reality the enemy has created for many is unsuitable, hard to live, worthless and purposeless. It leads nowhere and there is freedom nowhere. Its a reality that you many just simply want to escape from. 2 wins for the jew, back and forth.

Jewish Problem- Jewish Reaction- Jewish Solution. The all in one formula.

The Sad Truth is that unless something is done, this world is over with. I point, UNLESS-SOMETHING-IS-DONE, emphasis here. Anyone without opposition with the means the kikes posses, will achieve their ends sooner or later. And we are the ones who are actively doing something about it. Count each of yourselves like a man carrying 10 millions of other stupid men. Most people out there are stupid by choice, not stupid because they cannot understand. Most people can, will understand and are logical and not evil beings. The jews are pushing the perversion that people are somehow all weak, stupid, idiots and so forth. As such they were created by the jewish superpower. And in that, you are heroes, because you take a stand for all people who don't. You are those who have woken up from this jewish ploy and are actively trying to destroy this filthy reality. I tell you this Truth, totally raw and as it is. You might or might not take it. But the fact you are not dead right now, didn't even get born, that in this world there are still some freedoms and comfort, is all due to 3 factors:

1. The war our side has been waging for centuries, the ET who we call as Gods and their Leader, who we call nowadays Satan opposing the jewish plans. Spiritual opposition, as in, pushing back their efforts and delaying them, as well as destroying their efforts.
2. The lack of knowledge on the behalf of the kikes, which is advancing as days go.
3. Their inability to instantly materialize this crap right here, right now, and destroy you. Only "time" and "effort" saves our ass, for more or less.

How did we get there? Those of you who are adept with magick, you know that magick creates realities and events to one's liking. For others who do not know, this might be confusing or even alien to you. This left brained society made it surely alien to many. For that reason its advised that you make your research in regards to that. But for those who know, they can make sense of what is being said. This is known to everyone who is into the occult. So the kikes, using their "TORAH" book, they endlessly casted magick towards this "reality" to morph it, no different than an as in programming, to the jewish bullshit many are living today to whatever extent. Energy plus Will [programming-direction] = Action. Action = Movement/Change. Change = Morphing, Creating, Destroying. Christianity, Communism, false ideas, whatever, were projected into the minds of the Gentiles, so they will absorb this filth and their minds would more or less work in alignment with this. All these are by-products of the good ol' jewish law, the Torah, The Talmud and the "Sepher Yetzirah", the Zion Protocols and the list goes endless. With the necessary brainwashing of the masses and with the necessary spiritual powers for the kikes, they have been pushing for thousands of years to turn this world into a jewish "paradise". They are now bringing in technology. That is, the christian "hell" for everyone who might oppose them. Christian "hell" about to get right here, right now not some fancy afterlife. A world where the kikes will have total and absolute control, here and now. Physically. Not in ideas.

Technology is beautiful and it was revered in Ancient Civilizations. As High Priestess Maxine stated, its not “good” or “evil” in itself. Its like an advanced butcher knife, you can use it to feed your family or kill. The kikes would rather kill and enslave with it. Though, whatever the kikes get their hands on or is created [most technological advancements were done by Gentiles like Tesla and then the enemy took these things and wreaked havoc to Humanity] they malign, pervert and destroy it. They make it fit their totalitarian ends. For instance you have a disabled person, or people with cancer. Supposedly, all the funds raised do happen for these people. The funds obviously never make it to these people. We are still in 1960 where it comes with healings and procedures for such people. This is how the stupid Goyim Gentiles feel mercy, because of their inbuilt emotional world that is exploited on the behalf of the kikes.

We Gentiles, people of Satan [we are called Satan's seed in the Rabbinical texts] are the ones who want to make this world beautiful pure and comfortable for people to live. We like to help. To protect. We are not “evil” at heart. The kikes project we are the slime they are are, but this is a lie, like anything else. The jews take all we are trying to do and they pervert it, while abusing our instincts and unconscious mechanisms to achieve their ends. This is evident in that they are alien hybrids, parasites, but on a lower level, just slime walking around the planet. Which they of course, destroy like anything else. Then this is blamed on the “American’s”, the “Chinese” and whomever else, some random group, some random nonsense. So long you don't blame the jews, you can blame anyone the fuck you want. Just don't piss of de muster! Or u will be punished for insolence and judged! And burn! And perish!! and...and...and. NEVER BLAME THE KIKES THOUGH, OR YOU WILL BE RELENTLESSLY ATTACKED.

They are above any suspicion. God status. Unjudged. Afar from any criticism. Could ever the sorry, presecuted, desert hooknosed rats be the source of all this? Look at them, weak, fragile, with a damaged heart...With tears in their eyes for the 6 gorrilion... Oh vey, the cheezen reptilian rats of Gawd. Oh my, maybe because this is the fucking source of the rot? Obviously. Who stands behind all these “frontiers”, “countries”, “corporations”, “institutions”? Go ahead and find out. But I sum it in the picture for you.

This guy:

While we want technology to work on our service, that is, technology to be below us, as any sentinent being would want, serve us, not serve itself or anything, the kikes want technology to be at the service of their unconscious and conscious dreams of world domination. If this sounds farfetched, look on how its conversated about how "Artificial Intelligence" might wipe us out in the future. This is factual. People are currently working on this, without knowing and they are advancing this for the kikes. They want to bring the worst out of it. The internet is an obviously good thing, or well, as such it started and maybe is up to now. It starts and is built upon "WWW" which is the 666. The number of Satan. Due to the internet, you can see this now. But on the other hand, you have the kikes, trying to make trillions from it, to advance research, to destroy the internet, always in the race to bring us back to the Middle Ages, just technologically advanced, with brain-chips, so that none will escape. You can’t escape from something into your own head, that’s a fact. And the jews know this fact quite well, because they have conducted numerous experiments on this. The kikes want to steal all these benefits from people.

Free "music", the ability to see places you never been, the beauty of communication between people that are physically afar, whatever. They want to make this a hive-mind, digital lie and jewish bastardization. Make it LIFE. A life where they will lord over as digital kike monarchs and overlords. They want to make this from freedom to total enslavement. The kikes want to censor and destroy the internet. Look on how the "awakening" happens through this. Through this purely evil 666 Satanic thing!! Oh my!! You are reading right now this thing I wrote. Without the internet, you never could. This has gotten out of the hands of the jewish slavers, who merely see this world as a fucking pig farm. In many places of the world, the internet doesn't exist, such as in North Korea, which is a Communist Slave dictatorship. People are killed for trying to access information on other parts of the World. The North Korean Communists are following the advice of their ideological parents, the communist jews real well.

You want answers? You want guidance? You want Wisdom to understand what is going on? See the "Great enemy of the 20th Century", Adolf Hitler, and he will tell you. Adolf Hitler who put a halt on the development of the Atomic Bomb and denied using it, Adolf Hitler who even in war tried to save the lives of enemy Gentiles Soldiers, Adolf Hitler who unveiled the Jewish purpose, Adolf Hitler who defended the Rights of Human and Animals, Adolf Hitler, upon whom all the diseases of the kikes were projected as false history, Adolf Hitler who recreated his country and the Whole World and re-aweakened us to our Gentile Heritage, Adolf Hitler, the Hero of our Recent times. Adolf Hitler, who taught us all, that we should stand steadfastly, as Gentiles, against the jewish world of decay. Adolf Hitler, who burned the synagogues and drive out the jews. Adolf Hitler, that waged war as an unknown soldier, against a faceless beast named "Judea".


We must all march under the Banner of Satan and put an end to this. The more people are informed the better. Those who can “take” this, they are the ones who can change this. IF you are one of these people, you must fight, preserve, never slacken and never capitulate. The World is on our hands. FIGHT AND DESTROY THE ENEMY!!!


Here is how to partake into destroying the evil in this reality and saving the world:


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
