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Freedom And It's Price

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Freedom And It's Price Post by HP. Hoodedcobra666[/B] » Wed Aug 21, 2019 2:47 am Nowadays, and for what is a very short historical time, we come into certain historical internals where people actually do have some sort of "Freedom", "Rights" and so forth. This in history is really rare. Like it's a most rare thing to find in history. And it's all very fragile, and it is as easily lost, as it's difficult to gain and hold onto.

One said freedom is the Freedom of Speech, or Freedom of Assembly. Freedom of Speech essentially is a right that has rarely if ever existed in history, as most publishing press, and in general, the means of communication, were extremely limited. Abuse of power like in churches, or religious tyranny, frequently and easily suppressed any and all freedom of information, knowledge, or the ability to speak freely.

A typical punishment for "speaking freely" in the Medieval church era was seizure of everything you had [you didn't have anything anyway, just lived like a little slave attached to the land, White privillege you see] and maybe if you were lucky you'd die quickly during torture. If not lucky, you may have been tortured for months and months, with the Vatican just then not even registering your disappearance.

Today, at the current year, there are places in this world, where you can fly off of a rooftop only due to your vocations, or your dietary choices. One can lose a hand in some places in Arabia still to this day merely for stealing one apple to feed their family. Islamic, Talmudic, and Christian law, were all laws that were actually implemented, killing and mentally maiming people by the millions.

People say that our "Civilization" is based on "Christianity", but were it based on Christianity and the law of the Talmud, we would be "Bashing the heads of heathen infants upon the rocks [Psalm 137:9]" or stone a person for having an extramarital affair. Basically, all the written works to justify a world of everlasting hatred, death, and misery, are all in the bible. Were our civilization literally based on this verbatim, we would be living in a permanent slaughterhouse.

Due to the incapability of people and mostly Europeans to conceive this type of life as a given ideal, in contrast to the Jew, we have of course, denied the existence of the above, and malformed it's ethical and moral meaning, because we are actually civilization builders and not beasts. Also, unlike many other races who have a lot of brutality in mind, but are weak and never really had anything else but low tier constant brutality, our race has actually seen the worst of the worst highest type of brutality, as we were always a warrior people. This essentially created in us the necessity to show more compassion, because we understood the price of iron and blood, not in theory, but in practice.

Others like jews who were never a warrior people and who have never given anything of the sort, and always avoided the iron life, but always enforced it and tried to make it a rule of brutality for everyone else as we can see in their cultural writings, incapability creates for great imagination in these people. The jews as a race know as much as war as an Viking knew to ride a crocodile into battle. Jews may have the most brutal and scheming of all the peoples, but extended violence is not really known to them, however much they enjoy to parade it and talk bigly in their holy books as in how Jehovah did this genocide or that genocide and to what Pagan innocent people or children.

Many people cannot comprehend the bottomless Semitic hatred, or the evil that lives inside the souls of these people. It is by no mistake nobody has really absorbed their system by the letter, as if we did, we would be extinct a long time ago. As such you see people self deluding themselves and trying to essentially sugar coat things which are actually filled with negativity, death, and anti-life, injustice - Christianity or any Abrahamic religion followed to the letter, is fixed on such brutality that most people nowadays would faint instantly if they were exposed to this kind of life, coming from the 21st century.

Jesus said he came to bring the sword, and Jehovah conducts systematic genocides, but somehow people tell this lie to themselves that "God is love" and all the related garbage. This is because unconsciously we understand the price of life and don't want to completely trample it based on semitic stories. The last book of the "Religion of Love" is a book where all enemies of the jews go extinct, are put into eternal hellfire for all eternity, and the remaining folk is put with a permanent yoke on the head to slave for jews.

Due to the extreme height of brutality and evil in this book, the mind of people grows divided upon itself and cannot process it how jews did, albeit so openly, tell them about the plan to kill all of them. Many fools talk about hate speech everytime a jew is criticized, and everytime a jew slips on a banana peel, it's another holocaust. So what about the "National Literature" that we have, where one is instructed and given instructions on how to do genocide to please the "God of the Hebrews"? The moralists and the related gang have nothing to say about this. Indeed, because any form of censorship today, is only to censor any criticism of the above. It has to be accepted and it's EITHER - OR.

Needless to say, for our best luck, we were able to not actually manifest [yet] this world that we have been worked and enslaved to move towards. It hasn't happened...yet. People somehow kicked back at certain intervals and did resist the full manifestation of this scheme.

Millions and millions of people, over and over again, had to die, in order to defend these freedoms that others take today for granted. And the situation of life has been that basically, few people or few types of people actually even borne said ideals. For example for many races it was a usual thing for all of them to be rallied in yokes and live in eternal slavery, and they considered it absolutely normal.

For jews for exampe, it was normal and always taken for granted that they have to brainwash, assault, and mass murder the Gentiles - one can read the bible in regards to the expression of their hate. In other races, it was considered normal to sever the clitoris out of women, and other races defined manhood by tying a man onto a rope and throwing them from a cliff. This was done proudly and considered a great thing to do, also.

As it should be obvious, any form of humanity was borne out of some sort of empathy, and any form of empathy, it's scientifically proven, is something biological, and the ability to perceive the pain of other entities. The highest degree of empathy is commonly felt towards one's own specimen, the people of his own racial ingroup. We can also be empathetic to other people, and most people are indeed empathetic, and this is the reason society didn't collapse in twillight a very long time ago, yet ironically, even this ability taken out of context, wrecks civilizations.

Just take a look on how the greatest slime of humanity, is constantly pardoned and how all shows focus on creating empathy towards the most vicious criminals. All one needs to do here is just open their Television. This also answers the question on why many places who are fragmented racially, are also just plagued with poverty, crime, and endless brutality. Too much "Empathy" and people cannot deal with those who are completely lacking of any empathy. On the other hand, when brutality goes out of hand, equally, life becomes merely a damp war game, where one is consumed like an animal. And we have been there too, and in many places, this world is still there.

What we have to understand is that in order to have any form of freedom, there will be friction with said freedom. If one settles for a life that completely avoids any sort of "difficulty" or "unease", one will become a slave, and ironically, live a life of eternal pain and unease as a result.

To give an example of the above, one tries to avoid the "unease" of trying to make friends. Eventually, one will be completely friendless. In order to empower or advance, uneasyness or even negativity is part of life. Those who work in the gym or in athletics do know that.

Likewise, to increase or maintain freedoms, there can be a considerable amount of unease, or sacrifice involved. For example, in a society with free speech, you run the risk of going out and hearing stuff like "You are fat", "You are ugly", "You are worthless", and being bullied and the related. Things that make one feel really bad. However, one can also equally express themselves freely, which may make other people feel bad. Expressing one's self feels good, for example, one can sing, and one will not go into prison because "Singing is art and therefore of the Devil".

Indeed, the price to pay, ie, to be offended, for freedom, is a small price, compared to not having the Freedom of Speech, for example. Any reasonable person who has a small amount of decency, would choose, anyday, to open themselves and be free beings, ie, live in an environment where both the ability to speak freely does exist, and this comes with beautiful benefits, and also the drawbacks of 'offense' or listening to things we dislike.

Due to the present day nature of mankind, "Man" today, this ape thing that lives, consists of three things: An uncontrollable sense of weakness, that prompts them into total evil. For example, because a person cannot handle to be called fat, they are weak and evil at the same time, and they want to dominate others.

So they create all this consensus about how "Fat Shaming" is a thing. Sure, fat shaming is not a great thing, it's sad to do, but on the other hand, forcibly abusing other people to stop "Shaming" you, is equally a form of obvious bullying. Wishing people have their rights taken away over it also, is really evil of a thought.

You will see why Freedoms are in risk in America, and the whole world as a result, and this is because of mass bastardization, somnambulism, and people being morally and generally weak. These "people" that exist today are not fit for freedom. Many of these people are fit only to be cattle. They also likewise believe that if the world takes their image, the world is going to be fair and just, or less hateful, but these weaklings are filled with hate from bottom to toe, hating anyone and anything that dares to even talk to them.

A world where every person has a mute in their mouth, for example, and can't shame someone, they believe, is going to be a fair and beautiful "Free world".

The situation that many people do not understand is that the psychology of Leftism and Communism in general, is not actually hiding anything. They want a world where they can dominate completely, and they want to completely abolish your rights. So do not act estranged when you see a fat angry communist whale, shaking her finger on you, on how your Free Speech needs to die, just because they cannot process this world or have a moment of facing any truth. The moment her pills run out, she is confronted by the reality of her own monstrosity, and she feels like, if you were dead or at least censored, she wouldn't feel that way, which she certainly knows that she would.

Also, these useful idiots, and their systematic breeding and placating of their weakness, do create the perfect precedent of having a supply of dumb and monstrous cattle that you can use to destroy a society. Their amount of weakness to accept a little hardship, for the greater benefit of having ALL IMPORTANT FREEDOMS THAT GIVE MEANING TO LIFE THAT OTHERWISE HAS NO MEANING, leave them estranged.

Indeed, all the fat communist chick wants really, is to see you in a gulag for offending her, and because she cannot both enjoy 20 free state funded big mac's a day, she wants to overtax every person on earth [she doesn't work she's on social security], so she can get eternal KFC chicken, with five XXL 5 coca colas, and a blonde 6"5 ripped swedish guy to do her and treat her as a princess of the cows, all while buying her anything she wants. Then, she wants to bring all her family in so they can feast further on the corpse of society, and leave it all a heap of ruins.

All this communist does is just array a series of their lazy demands, and just go for the kill, on a society that has been told to be defenseless, turn the other cheek, open the gates to invaders, love what is evil and unnatural. They prey on the lack of understanding of people like vultures prey upon fresh corpses. Their psychology is primal, basic, and animalistic, and this is why you see all the invasion and the related going on. All of this is just the rage of weak, socially destructive elements, manifesting itself through the facade of a fake ideological pretext.

Were these people good people, what they would do is, even if they didn't want to change their ways, learn to LIVE without demanding like Rabbi Jesus demands, eternal servitude and forced love or acceptance by society. They would be at ease with themselves. They wouldn't want to see the White race going extinct, or the Constitution burned, were they good people, as if they were good people, they would think ahead and understand that the irrationality of their own demands is going to destroy the freedoms of everyone else.

The inversion of society is that people who are totally weak or of inferior inner nature, are actually running things now from a leverage of hatred, and because nobody better cares to do anything. People are passively sitting down and watching as freedoms are dying, and this is because, the system is creating the perfect servile slaves like the above hypothetical example. People are systematically weakened, so they can become brutal imposers of the system of weakness itself.

When the people of a nation is unfit for freedom, or solidarity, or even to care about life as a whole, it is impossible of any law, or any moral value, to instil this into them. The situation is a done deal.

Because of how much people are in reality enslaved, and because people cannot and do not want to asses this actual danger that we are faced with, ie, for example, that one may be arrested soon at night just because they wrote a joke on their phone's instant messenger, we are now seeing before our eyes the creation of a lying freedom.

We are now in the brink of an evolutionary level, where we will be confronted with a choice of permanent, Middle Ages, type of slavery, in an environment of infinite speed of travelling information. If we do not defend our freedoms now, chances are, what will happen in the future, is that people will live to see a technological, gulag infested judeocracy for a thousand years. This will make any system of brutality up to now just pale in comparison. One can only imagine, reading the old testament, or listening to the speech of a rabbi, what these people have in store for when they have total power over an irrelevant mass.

On the other hand, if we are able to toughen up, and give a battle for our freedom, we are really in the brink of an era that people of the recent past even would call "Dreamy" or "Golden Age", especially in regards to information.

Some people also will pose the argument that they don't want to struggle for any form of freedom, or personal rights, or anything of the sort, merely because of the cost. Well, the time where one could weasel their way out of this payment is soon coming at hand.

Now, you can pay for the loan of freedom let's say one RTR per day, and educating others. This is because now, it happens there is still time. Just compare how more free Youtube or the internet was in 2017, and how it is in mid 2019. I tell you from all the statistics I have kept, the situation of the war of freedom and rights like free speech has escalated brutally. People who have awareness can see this. Now, the price of freedom consists of educating people through anonymous means, passing down a web link to someone who has questions, and doing an RTR or more a day.

In 10 or 20 years when the enemy may take total power, it will be too late to pay for anything. You will want, because of the terror we might see, pay "any price" to gain your freedom, but there won't be the ability. People will be sitting behind cages because their face was profiled in some rally where they complained about jew Zuckerberg who might have put AI to police them in the street, and they will be banging behind the prison cell like wild beasts, but all this anger then won't mean one single thing or nothing at all. They will think they had a lot of fun spending the last 10 years being a total mindless slob, and they will be wishing their last 10 lifetimes were devoted to a better purpose than watching Netflix all day long, but this chance will no longer be present.

People are under the illusion that you can postpone doing what you should, and that you can pay it all at once by going on the streets in 10 or 15 years, doing a protest, and seeing something reversed then. But this choice may never come in the future or yet again for humanity. To pay the price to freedom one has to pay on the actual time, every instalment, on time, and pay forward. There's no backwards payment here.

The Battle for Freedom is HERE and NOW!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
