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For Fans of Friedrich Nietzsche

Jake Carlson

New member
Sep 20, 2017
From Nietzsche, Prophet of Nazism by Abir Taha: "...Nietzsche was a virulent 'spiritual' and pagan [as opposed to Christian] anti-Semite, i.e., that he morally despised the Jews as the decadents of humanity and falsifiers of history, as the living incarnation of the slave morality. Nietzsche was indeed thoroughly hostile to the Jewish Semitic spirit which he saw as the perfect antithesis to the Indo-European or Aryan spirit, best represented by the Vedic, Zoroastrian, and the Dionysian religions, and what's more, he often contrasted the Aryan and Semitic spirits as Master versus Slave moralities, praising the superiority of Aryan humanity and civilisation (Manu, founder of the first Aryan religion, the Aryan Vedas, Zarathustra, Brahmanism's racial hierarchical caste system, the 'Blond Beast',...). What could be more racist and anti-Semitic?" p. 5

Note: Other than simply acknowledging that different human races exist and none of them are equal to one another, the "racism" that I advocate is an investment towards Satan's work of eliminating all Jewish influence from Gentile culture and society. Yes, the Jews are a race, and their race is their religion, which is nothing more than parasitism, murder, occultic ritual murder, theft, pedophilia, and rape. It is vitally important, however, to never resort to illegal activity, violence, so-called "hate crimes," and etc., unless we are backed into a corner in a real life or death situation and there is no other way to defend ourselves and survive without fighting back. We must destroy the Jewish enemies of Satan, astrally, through the use of magick. What is on the astral plane always eventually manifests in physical reality, so never underestimate the power of your magick. The Gentile human mind is the deadliest weapon against the enemies of Satan and humanity, when it is properly trained to focus like a laser, which is one of the objectives and incentives of Satanic Power Meditation.

In Talmudic literature, "God" is a collective label for the Jewish people as a collective whole. What the Christians are unaware of is that when they say that Satan is the Adversary and/or Enemy of God, they don't realize that SATAN is God, but Satan as God is the enemy of the Jewish people and their extra-terrestrial creators who have usurped Satan's Kingdom and Throne, and claimed the title of "God" for themselves. When Christians worship Christ and their so-called "God," they are in fact worshiping the Jewish people -- an abomination of a "human" race (they are NOT human). This includes the Christian "anti-semite" who conveniently ignores the inescapable Jewishness of Christianity and its Jewish and Catholic origins. Isn't it amazing how many conservative, Republican Christians will admit that money is the god of the Jews, but these Christians go on to praise Yahweh and Jesus Christ, who are exclusively Jewish, and the Christian Churches demand tithe money, which is proof that the god of Yahweh and Christ is also money?

Ever wonder why the world is in such a miserable condition? The Jews have turned the Gentiles that they have enslaved against their own Creator, and tricked them into worshiping filthy, Jewish scum who want us exterminated, while destroying Satan's earth and Her resources, in the process. This, and the removal of legitimate occult knowledge and the corruption and desecration of what is left of it, leaving Satan's sacred Creation of Gentiles defenseless against the Jews and their Reptilian alien creators, and the Greys who despise Satan's Creation and work to annihilate it. That is why. Satan's Demons are free now, but we still have a long way to go before we are free, and our freedom only comes from Satan and spiritual liberation through Satanic Power Meditation. When a Gentile successfully opens and expands their mind through psychic and Vril-power meditations, they become all-knowing, which was Satan's promise in the fabled "Garden of Eden" tale. It was Yahweh who is the father of lies, and a murderer from the beginning.

Satan is working with Gentiles that He selects to prepare all Gentiles for the coming Fourth Reich, which is Satan's Paradise restored.

Friedrich Nietzsche may have considered himself an "atheist," but that isn't absolute. He praised Satan and His Demons without even knowing it. He even went as far as to claim that the coming Superman would be considered a Devil by Christian moralists. Nietzsche's God, Dionysus, is, in fact, Enki/Satan, Himself. Nietzsche made some mistakes, and like Adolf Hitler, even despite Nietzsche's antisemitism, he tragically underestimated the Jews, which was Nietzsche's undoing, which led him to endless health problems, and then, insanity. Nietzsche, at one point in time, was friends with the Jew, Paul Ree [pronounced Ray]. When Nietzsche writes about The Birth of Tragedy in the 1870's, in a sense, he is telling the story of his own life, even though he wrote The Birth of Tragedy earlier on in his career when he was still friends with Richard Wagner, before Wagner shamefully humbled himself and repented before the Jewish curse of the Nazarene Cross which symbolizes race treason (for Gentiles), repentance from humans being transformed into Gods, and self-abnegation, in exchange for a "ticket to heaven." The "cube of heaven/the New Jerusalem" on earth is the annihilation of Satan's human White Aryan bloodline, and the enslavement and merging together of all remaining races.

The lesson to be learned is that NO GENTILE IS TO EVER TRUST A JEW, NOR UNDERESTIMATE THEM JUST BECAUSE WE ARE FINALLY GAINING THE UPPER HAND, DUE TO THE WAY OUR REVERSE TORAH RITUALS ARE AFFECTING WORLD EVENTS. If we begin to retreat, the Jews will re-gain the upper hand and spread their parasitic influence throughout every nook and cranny of Gentile Civilization, until the "Land of Milk and Honey" that the Reptilian Christian "God" promised his Jewish people is the entire earth with the "God"-given right to enslave all remaining non-Jews, which is a fate that is even worse than death.

Any Jew who is ever interested in Satanism will always be harshly and cruelly rejected by Satan, the God of the Gentiles who have died horrible deaths that surpass the range of 100+ million innocent Gentile lives through Jewish communism, and before communism, through primal/proto-communism, the Inquisition of the Catholic Church, which was the KGB of the Middle Ages. Luther's Protestant Reformation didn't make things any better for Gentiles, as Christianity thoroughly robs and steals from Paganism. True Paganism is Satanism to the core. Christianity is the unnatural merging together of Paganism and Judaism, and because of this unnatural blend, Gentiles have been domesticated and turned into the herd animal who resents any fellow Gentile who won't fall for the lie of Christ. Hence, the psychotic nature of the Christian faith in all of its schizophrenic sects and denominations, and subsequent murder of innocent White Aryan Gentiles, which is no different from Christianity's bastard child of communism.

From The Gospel of Nietzsche and the Gospel of Christ by John Figgis (1915): "[p. cxxxix] ...real Paganism is the sworn foe of Christianity and all ideals which believe in human brotherhood." p. cxxxix

True Paganism is Satanism, which is ruled by Eternal Nature's Laws and Satan's teachings. Any Paganism that in any way rejects the Name of Satan or falls for the lie that "the Jews are Satan's children" is Christianity (Judaism for Gentiles), not true, nor original Paganism, which is the very core of Satanism.

The Jews remain racially pure and exclusive among their own, with the exception of an occasional Jewish race-traitor who marries outside of the Jewish tribe (which doesn't make a Jew any less of a Jew, racially or spiritually, but the Gentile transforms into a race-traitor by intermarrying with a Jew, or even being on friendly terms with the Jewish people). The Jews maintain their racial purity, but promote just the opposite in order to create one politically correct, race-less stew of lost souls to slave after the Jews, by hand and foot, all day and all night, everyday, and every night. Hence, the aim of the Jewish brotherhood programs -- Christianity being the original primordial communist brotherhood and human equality religion -- to exterminate the White Aryan bloodline of Satan's human descendants, and then merge together all remaining races into one slave race to serve the Jews. The Jews will also exterminate any of their slaves who are disobedient and/or revolt against their Jewish masters.

Before Satanism was called Satanism, in India, it was called Sanatana Dharma, Hinduism (before it was communized), and Tibetan Bon Po Buddhism (not the impostor communist right-hand path Buddhism that most people are familiar with today), Odinism, Druidism, Greek and Roman Paganism, Germanic Paganism, etc. -- all of these were the Solar-Warrior religions of Satan. Satan is God who is the Adversary of the false, impostor "God" and "his" people, the Jewish people, who are the "apple of Yahweh's eye" and chosen people. In other words, the True God is the Adversary of "God," who in Talmudic literature isn't a "supernatural" spook, but the Jewish people as a collective whole. There are Jewish, heavenly spooks that are involved, but they are working towards the enthronement of their pride and joy -- Yahweh's Jewish creation.

I am doing intense studying of biographies on Friedrich Nietzsche, reading all of these cover-to-cover. So, since Nietzsche was a proto-Nazi who died 33 years before the Anti-Christ, Adolf Hitler, came to power, with or without realizing it, despite his flaws and weaknesses, Nietzsche was also a proto-Satanist. Satanism and Nazism are inseparable, for they are one and the same. Before Satanism was called Satanism, it was called Paganism, but this Paganism was extremely Left-Hand Path, as opposed to the politically correct sissy, limp-wristed excrement that passes as "Paganism" today. Before the Nazism of the Anti-Christ was called National Socialism, it was called Indo-European Paganism, Odinism, Tibetan Bon Buddhism, Hinduism (before it was communized and corrupted), Persian Paganism, Celtic Paganism, Egyptian Paganism, Greek and Roman Paganism, Germanic Paganism, and Sumerian Paganism.

Nazism, or National Socialism, is the ultimate and eternal anti-thesis of Christianity and the ultimate revenge against the Jewish crimes against Satan's Creation, and what these Jews incessantly do to destroy the earth and Her resources. As the Anti-Christ openly stated in Mein Kampf, Eternal Nature takes inexorable revenge against any usurpation of Her realm. It's no wonder why Satan has only chosen the Jewish people to afflict with rare and freakish, abnormal diseases. The Jews, Christianity, Islam, and all of these related kosher offshoots must be thoroughly eliminated from the Gentile psyche and we must save our own souls by removing all Jewish decadence and all Christian values, and outlawing all race-mixing, as race-mixing doesn't only sin against one's Ancestors who have fought and died for our survival, but race-mixing also makes it easier to accept Jewish brotherhood programs like Christianity, Cultural Marxism, and every form of political correctness.

I still have several more Nietzsche biographies to read cover-to-cover, but during this time, I will be citing statements from Nietzsche and about Nietzsche on a regular basis. He wasn't perfect, but he was and still is a major contribution to Aryan National Socialist Satanism.
HP Jake Carlson how can I email you? I reeeally need to take your advice personally, please.
"......What you have inherited from your Ancestors you must earn before you can own, the most precious possession in this world though are its own people , for these people and this nation(Nazi Germany) we have to struggle and fight and never
to languish and never to weaken and never to give up and never to despair......." - Adolf the Great
Seig Heil ! (Hail Victory !)
Seig Heil !
Seig Heil !
likman666 said:
"......What you have inherited from your Ancestors you must earn before you can own, the most precious possession in this world though are its own people , for these people and this nation(Nazi Germany) we have to struggle and fight and never
to languish and never to weaken and never to give up and never to despair......." - Adolf the Great
Seig Heil ! (Hail Victory !)
Seig Heil !
Seig Heil !

Have you ever noticed the subliminal anti-Aryan, Jewish supremacist messages in the Christian Old Testament that give endless genealogies of which Jew(s) begat and begat and begat Jew after Jew, while in the New Testament, Gentiles are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN by both Christ and Paul to observe their Aryan racial Tradition and its values, and that for a Gentile to keep track of their genealogy -- the Christian God considers Gentile racial awareness to be idolatry, while "he" considers it a requirement and the ultimate virtue for "his" Jewish offspring, in order for their unnatural abomination of a race to survive and remain pure? Whatever is good for the Jews, the Jews promote the exact opposite for their Gentile enemies.

The Jews are not human beings. As I stated in the JoS Yahoo! e-group, in Satan's eyes, a piece of shit turd is the equivalent of a Jew -- only less of an abomination. The Jewish people -- ALL JEWS -- are synonymous with fecal matter, hence their obsession with filthy bathroom humor.
Steven said:
HP Jake Carlson how can I email you? I reeeally need to take your advice personally, please.

I don't read my personal e-mails very often, but I'm sure that I or someone else here can help you. Unfortunately, this is the first opportunity that I have had to sign into the forum here and write anything in a very long time. This isn't my computer.
I apologize in advance I don't speak English well.
One of Nietzsche's best books is the genealogy of morality.
explains in detail how the Jews through Christianity have reversed any moral value.
for example for the Romans the virtues were:
beauty, strength, intelligence, skill.
after the advent of Christianity the virtues are:
poverty, illness, weakness.
I will never get tired of pointing this out to people.
Nietzsche highlighted this inversion of values.
this is already a good reason to thank him
likman666 said:
"......What you have inherited from your Ancestors you must earn before you can own, the most precious possession in this world though are its own people , for these people and this nation(Nazi Germany) we have to struggle and fight and never
to languish and never to weaken and never to give up and never to despair......." - Adolf the Great
Seig Heil ! (Hail Victory !)
Seig Heil !
Seig Heil !

I find it both amusing and tragic that the deluded Christian Identity idiots who make pathetic attempts to synthesize Nazism with Christianity in the Name of Hitler, have no idea that when they associate the Jewish people with the "Anti-Christ," they are actually cursing and rejecting the very same Hitler that they think they are following.

Adolf Hitler hid His Satanism and His acknowledgement of His Identity as the official Anti-Christ in plain sight. When He says that if the Jew with his Marxian creed conquers the [Gentile] Nations of this world, it will be the funeral wreath of humanity, He was actually referring to the coming Christ, himself.

When Hitler says that by defending Himself against the Jew, He is doing the work of "the Lord," Hitler's Lord that He is referring to is not Christ, but Satan-Lucifer, Himself. Like Nietzsche, Hitler believed that Christ deserved to be crucified and suffer and die, due to being a Jewish criminal, dying due to his own guilt. The Jewish people defy the Laws of Eternal Nature, as well as Satan's natural order, just by existing on earth in the first place. Spiritual warfare is the only way to solve this problem. There is nothing illegal about using the powers of your mind to destroy those who want to destroy you for carrying Satan's bloodline.

When Hitler says "the Lord," He is speaking in code in a way that Christianized Germans will understand, but once these once-Christian Germans have entered Hitler's fold, attending His rallies was the same thing as attending a Satanic Pagan ritual, where Satan speaks His message to the German people through Hitler as His Medium.

Unlike the lies in the New Testament that the Jews tell their Gentile enemies, it is Satan and the Anti-Christ who will triumph, not Christ or his Jewish people.

In the book of Revelation, when Christ makes "his" statements about the "Synagogue of Satan," "he" is actually cursing Gentile Christians, but not for being Christians. While Christ requires his Gentile slaves to submit to Christianity, he states in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 that Gentile Christians are the Children of Satan, and that "he" (Christ) will make these Gentiles who are only Jewish through faith in Christ, and therefore, Semites in spirit, but not by blood, and therefore a synagogue of Gentiles, come and kiss the feet of the Jews and make the Gentiles know that "he" (Christ) only loves the Jews.

No wonder Hitler followed his statement in Mein Kampf about Christ being "the Jew with his Marxian creed" with charging Christ for "his" crimes against Eternal Nature's Laws, hence, "Eternal Nature takes inexorable revenge against any usurpation of Her realm."

The existence of any Jew, whether practicing or non-practicing, is to violate the Laws of Nature, which is why the kikes unconsciously know that they have nowhere in the Universe where they belong. In the Al-Jilwah, Satan states that there is not any place in the Universe that knows not of His presence. This is how the Jews know that they will one day no longer exist anywhere.
Nietzsche's book's were required reading by the SS in their academies. Himmler carried a personal copy of one of them from reports. Hitler had memorized Nietzsche as he quoted him in conversations. Hitler once stated that he "is a Hellene" he was quoting Nietzsche, Hellene is the European term for pagan as well in those times. The charge of Hellenism was the legal definition the Catholic church used to accuse people as pagans and if found guilty by the Inquisition they would be executed at the stake as the punishment. Hitler opened stated he is a pagan.

The French mentioned that the SS would openly come into their Catholic churches and turn the crucifix upside down and desecrate them and destroy them. While telling them that Jesus was a filthy Jew and bastard son of a Jewish whore. The desecration of the crucifix is important as these are consecrated Christian talismans which means the Catholic priest usually a Jesuit have infused them with the energy of the Christ thought form and they are talisman's which manifest this energy into the material world from the astral.
Luther was himself well known to be Jewish its still recorded in history. His father was a local Jewish merchant and Martin was fluent in Hebrew. Its also known Luther was working with Cardinals from inside the Vatican who were the members of what is commonly called the black meaning hidden nobility. The ancient and powerful rabbinical dynasties who have always controlled the Vatican. Luther was their agent to bring about the reformation. The other leader of the reformation was Calvin who was a well known rabbinical Jew who's real name was Cohen.

The reformation destroyed the remaining spiritual pagan elements of Europe and slaughtered thousands of people in a fanatical Hebrew lead genocide that resembles the Bolshevik revolution. Most of Luther's insane rants were against the Witches and devil worshippers and how they all needed to be murdered. Luther was cursed his whole life and went to a horrible end because as a Kabbalist Jew he understood he was having the shit cursed out of him by the other side. Many of the Lutheran fanatics all died from numerous curses for their persecution of the Witches.
If one would google "nietzsche the antichrist", the first item it returns is "10 books that screwed up the world".

That explains the situation plainly.
High Priest Jake Carlson said:
Unfortunately, this is the first opportunity that I have had to sign into the forum here and write anything in a very long time.
It's good to see you around, HP Jake. I guess I should check out Nietzsche too some time.
Hope you are well :)
High Priest Jake Carlson said:
Steven said:
HP Jake Carlson how can I email you? I reeeally need to take your advice personally, please.

I don't read my personal e-mails very often, but I'm sure that I or someone else here can help you. Unfortunately, this is the first opportunity that I have had to sign into the forum here and write anything in a very long time. This isn't my computer.

It might be a little off topic but I don't know where else to put it.
I am not sure if you remember, but we spoke many years ago about some of your personal missions. I just wanted to talk about a few things if you are free and interested. I tried to email you, but I am sure it is full with forum notifications. You can email me at sebastianblack@

I hope you are doing well, and thank you for sharing your sermon to the community.



Sebastian Black
HP Mageson666 said:
Luther was himself well known to be Jewish its still recorded in history. His father was a local Jewish merchant and Martin was fluent in Hebrew. Its also known Luther was working with Cardinals from inside the Vatican who were the members of what is commonly called the black meaning hidden nobility. The ancient and powerful rabbinical dynasties who have always controlled the Vatican. Luther was their agent to bring about the reformation. The other leader of the reformation was Calvin who was a well known rabbinical Jew who's real name was Cohen.

The reformation destroyed the remaining spiritual pagan elements of Europe and slaughtered thousands of people in a fanatical Hebrew lead genocide that resembles the Bolshevik revolution. Most of Luther's insane rants were against the Witches and devil worshippers and how they all needed to be murdered. Luther was cursed his whole life and went to a horrible end because as a Kabbalist Jew he understood he was having the shit cursed out of him by the other side. Many of the Lutheran fanatics all died from numerous curses for their persecution of the Witches.
Are there any sources for both of your posts?
HP Jake, are there translations of Nietzsche that you would recommend?
Aquarius said:
HP Jake, are there translations of Nietzsche that you would recommend?

I am not an expert on the different translations of Nietzsche's works, but unless it is just for entertainment value, as well as to closely and carefully scrutinize Jewish lying patterns and techniques of deceit, I would avoid Jewish kike Nietzsche "scholars" who I will not name (who falsely declare themselves as "authorities" on Nietzsche's works) who dominate the majority of Nietzsche translations (falsification of his work in the Jewish attempt to separate Nietzsche's philosophy from his anti-Jewish, anti-egalitarian, hierarchical proto-Nazi ideology which was venerated in the Third Reich) into English.

These malicious Jewish liars try to make Nietzsche out to be an anarchist liberal humanist who had *some* "admiration" for a "heroic" Christ figure, who, although inferior to Zarathustra and Dionysus, "would have eventually renounced Christianity in a matter of time) and therefore, according to these politically correct kikes, Nietzsche allegedly hated Christ only slightly less than YHVH and Pauline Christianity, when, in fact, if Nietzsche had been alive during the Third Reich, despite some of his personal weaknesses, he would have been a high-ranking leader as a philosopher under Adolf Hitler, like Alfred Rosenberg, in obedience to Satan's command to create the Aryan Superman -- the MAN-GOD of Adolf Hitler who Hitler prophesied will be an object of universal worship; super-humans who have completed the Magnum Opus and have completely overcome the "human, all too human" mediocrity from Christian teachings and socialism, and are created perfectly after Satan's image and likeness.

The truth is that despite some signs of ambivalence, Nietzsche, for the most part hated Christ just as much as YHVH and Paul, due to Nietzsche's naturalistic, organic, Pagan philosophy and his belief that Christ got what he deserved as a Jewish criminal whose curses against, and efforts to invert all of Nature's cruel, unforgiving, but righteous, life-affirming Laws that preserve the fittest Gentiles, which made Christ into a martyr for the Christian Church's efforts to exalt the sick, the mentally ill, the criminally insane, and the weakly, sickly, degenerate, useless scum of society above the strong, hard-working and self-sacrificing, healthy, Pagan Gentiles of Satan and our Aristocracy, which the Jewish people incessantly curse and work to sabotage and destroy deliberate Satan's Natural World Order. The Jews empower all subhumans with the politics and/or Christian religion called RESENTMENT toward superior life and everything that makes life beautiful, hence their revolt and savage revolutions against their healthy, courageous, strong and powerful superiors. Since the Jew inverts Nature's Laws, they insidiously work to make it possible for the Master Morality to become subjugated by the Jewish elite, and are enslaved to the Slave Morality that is best personified by the unnatural, decadent Jew.

I still have plenty to write about this favorite Aryan philosopher of mine, and how the Jews try to claim him for their own nihilistic programs that are popular among liberal, nihilistic, politically correct humanist atheists (an outcome of Christianity), but since Nietzsche violently opposed such agents of destruction against Aryan Civilization, and Gentile life, in general, the Jews will never be successful at adopting Nietzsche for their Democratic equality cults. Nietzsche, Hitler, and the SS were in complete agreement in regards to nihilism and their contempt for the unnatural abomination race-mixing, liberal democracy, and socialism, all of which reject and violate Nature's aristocratic Laws that are to be obeyed, universally, unless a person wants the forces of Nature to inflict them with rare, weird, and freakish diseases for the usurpation of Natural Law, which is Satan's Law.

The Jews will never be able to successfully recruit Nietzsche for their cause, but watching their fruitless failed attempts, time after time again, to adopt Nietzsche, can actually be quite entertaining, as if a Jew were to smite Nietzsche, he wouldn't have put up his fists, but, instead, he would have struck them with a lightning bolt!

I still have a lot of misconceptions about Nietzsche to explain and clarify, and I still have at least four or five more biographies on Nietzsche to read in order to complete the pages that I dedicate for him on my website. One example of such a misconception is the LIE that Nietzsche wasn't only anti-Jewish or 'anti- anti-Semitic," but anti-Nation-State with closed borders,that he was "anti-German," anti-Nationalism, a "philo-Semite," not to mention the controversy started by Jewish Nietzsche fans and "scholars" who claim that Nietzsche "admired" the Jews and was "not" anti-Jewish, but that it was his ultra-Nationalist, anti-Semitic sister, Elisabeth Forster-Nietzsche who "falsified" Nietzsche's writings to make him sound like the ideal proto-National Socialist and forerunner of Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler's SS elite. This is a lie that I will shove right up the collective Jewish ass.

Nietzsche's anti-Jewish statements are his own and they have nothing to do with his sister or her publishing and selling his works, despite the Jewish people's frequent citation of Nietzsche, stating that "All anti-Semites ought to be shot." The truth is that Nietzsche had gotten sick and tired of Christian so-called "anti-Semitism," because Christianity is a Jewish curse against Gentile life, itself, it grows from Judaism, and it is a Jewish conspiracy against all that his healthy, wholesome, strong, privileged and of magnificent Gentile beauty.

Everything that I just stated in this reply is in response to your question about translations of Nietzsche's works, and the reality that most books by Nietzsche contain politically correct commentary from Jewish "scholars" who try to "rehabilitate" Nietzsche from being a vicious anti-Semite into being a philo-Semite who "denounces" anti-Semitism. Nietzsche wasn't perfect, but he was without denying it, a very gifted Aryan soul and enemy of the Jewish people and Christianity.
:oops: ya
High Priest Jake Carlson said:
Aquarius said:
HP Jake, are there translations of Nietzsche that you would recommend?

I am not an expert on the different translations of Nietzsche's works, but unless it is just for entertainment value, as well as to closely and carefully scrutinize Jewish lying patterns and techniques of deceit, I would avoid Jewish kike Nietzsche "scholars" who I will not name (who falsely declare themselves as "authorities" on Nietzsche's works) who dominate the majority of Nietzsche translations (falsification of his work in the Jewish attempt to separate Nietzsche's philosophy from his anti-Jewish, anti-egalitarian, hierarchical proto-Nazi ideology which was venerated in the Third Reich) into English.

These malicious Jewish liars try to make Nietzsche out to be an anarchist liberal humanist who had *some* "admiration" for a "heroic" Christ figure, who, although inferior to Zarathustra and Dionysus, "would have eventually renounced Christianity in a matter of time) and therefore, according to these politically correct kikes, Nietzsche allegedly hated Christ only slightly less than YHVH and Pauline Christianity, when, in fact, if Nietzsche had been alive during the Third Reich, despite some of his personal weaknesses, he would have been a high-ranking leader as a philosopher under Adolf Hitler, like Alfred Rosenberg, in obedience to Satan's command to create the Aryan Superman -- the MAN-GOD of Adolf Hitler who Hitler prophesied will be an object of universal worship; super-humans who have completed the Magnum Opus and have completely overcome the "human, all too human" mediocrity from Christian teachings and socialism, and are created perfectly after Satan's image and likeness.

The truth is that despite some signs of ambivalence, Nietzsche, for the most part hated Christ just as much as YHVH and Paul, due to Nietzsche's naturalistic, organic, Pagan philosophy and his belief that Christ got what he deserved as a Jewish criminal whose curses against, and efforts to invert all of Nature's cruel, unforgiving, but righteous, life-affirming Laws that preserve the fittest Gentiles, which made Christ into a martyr for the Christian Church's efforts to exalt the sick, the mentally ill, the criminally insane, and the weakly, sickly, degenerate, useless scum of society above the strong, hard-working and self-sacrificing, healthy, Pagan Gentiles of Satan and our Aristocracy, which the Jewish people incessantly curse and work to sabotage and destroy deliberate Satan's Natural World Order. The Jews empower all subhumans with the politics and/or Christian religion called RESENTMENT toward superior life and everything that makes life beautiful, hence their revolt and savage revolutions against their healthy, courageous, strong and powerful superiors. Since the Jew inverts Nature's Laws, they insidiously work to make it possible for the Master Morality to become subjugated by the Jewish elite, and are enslaved to the Slave Morality that is best personified by the unnatural, decadent Jew.

I still have plenty to write about this favorite Aryan philosopher of mine, and how the Jews try to claim him for their own nihilistic programs that are popular among liberal, nihilistic, politically correct humanist atheists (an outcome of Christianity), but since Nietzsche violently opposed such agents of destruction against Aryan Civilization, and Gentile life, in general, the Jews will never be successful at adopting Nietzsche for their Democratic equality cults. Nietzsche, Hitler, and the SS were in complete agreement in regards to nihilism and their contempt for the unnatural abomination race-mixing, liberal democracy, and socialism, all of which reject and violate Nature's aristocratic Laws that are to be obeyed, universally, unless a person wants the forces of Nature to inflict them with rare, weird, and freakish diseases for the usurpation of Natural Law, which is Satan's Law.

The Jews will never be able to successfully recruit Nietzsche for their cause, but watching their fruitless failed attempts, time after time again, to adopt Nietzsche, can actually be quite entertaining, as if a Jew were to smite Nietzsche, he wouldn't have put up his fists, but, instead, he would have struck them with a lightning bolt!

I still have a lot of misconceptions about Nietzsche to explain and clarify, and I still have at least four or five more biographies on Nietzsche to read in order to complete the pages that I dedicate for him on my website. One example of such a misconception is the LIE that Nietzsche wasn't only anti-Jewish or 'anti- anti-Semitic," but anti-Nation-State with closed borders,that he was "anti-German," anti-Nationalism, a "philo-Semite," not to mention the controversy started by Jewish Nietzsche fans and "scholars" who claim that Nietzsche "admired" the Jews and was "not" anti-Jewish, but that it was his ultra-Nationalist, anti-Semitic sister, Elisabeth Forster-Nietzsche who "falsified" Nietzsche's writings to make him sound like the ideal proto-National Socialist and forerunner of Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler's SS elite. This is a lie that I will shove right up the collective Jewish ass.

Nietzsche's anti-Jewish statements are his own and they have nothing to do with his sister or her publishing and selling his works, despite the Jewish people's frequent citation of Nietzsche, stating that "All anti-Semites ought to be shot." The truth is that Nietzsche had gotten sick and tired of Christian so-called "anti-Semitism," because Christianity is a Jewish curse against Gentile life, itself, it grows from Judaism, and it is a Jewish conspiracy against all that his healthy, wholesome, strong, privileged and of magnificent Gentile beauty.

Everything that I just stated in this reply is in response to your question about translations of Nietzsche's works, and the reality that most books by Nietzsche contain politically correct commentary from Jewish "scholars" who try to "rehabilitate" Nietzsche from being a vicious anti-Semite into being a philo-Semite who "denounces" anti-Semitism. Nietzsche wasn't perfect, but he was without denying it, a very gifted Aryan soul and enemy of the Jewish people and Christianity.
Thanks Brother!
:oops: ya
High Priest Jake Carlson said:
Aquarius said:
HP Jake, are there translations of Nietzsche that you would recommend?

I am not an expert on the different translations of Nietzsche's works, but unless it is just for entertainment value, as well as to closely and carefully scrutinize Jewish lying patterns and techniques of deceit, I would avoid Jewish kike Nietzsche "scholars" who I will not name (who falsely declare themselves as "authorities" on Nietzsche's works) who dominate the majority of Nietzsche translations (falsification of his work in the Jewish attempt to separate Nietzsche's philosophy from his anti-Jewish, anti-egalitarian, hierarchical proto-Nazi ideology which was venerated in the Third Reich) into English.

These malicious Jewish liars try to make Nietzsche out to be an anarchist liberal humanist who had *some* "admiration" for a "heroic" Christ figure, who, although inferior to Zarathustra and Dionysus, "would have eventually renounced Christianity in a matter of time) and therefore, according to these politically correct kikes, Nietzsche allegedly hated Christ only slightly less than YHVH and Pauline Christianity, when, in fact, if Nietzsche had been alive during the Third Reich, despite some of his personal weaknesses, he would have been a high-ranking leader as a philosopher under Adolf Hitler, like Alfred Rosenberg, in obedience to Satan's command to create the Aryan Superman -- the MAN-GOD of Adolf Hitler who Hitler prophesied will be an object of universal worship; super-humans who have completed the Magnum Opus and have completely overcome the "human, all too human" mediocrity from Christian teachings and socialism, and are created perfectly after Satan's image and likeness.

The truth is that despite some signs of ambivalence, Nietzsche, for the most part hated Christ just as much as YHVH and Paul, due to Nietzsche's naturalistic, organic, Pagan philosophy and his belief that Christ got what he deserved as a Jewish criminal whose curses against, and efforts to invert all of Nature's cruel, unforgiving, but righteous, life-affirming Laws that preserve the fittest Gentiles, which made Christ into a martyr for the Christian Church's efforts to exalt the sick, the mentally ill, the criminally insane, and the weakly, sickly, degenerate, useless scum of society above the strong, hard-working and self-sacrificing, healthy, Pagan Gentiles of Satan and our Aristocracy, which the Jewish people incessantly curse and work to sabotage and destroy deliberate Satan's Natural World Order. The Jews empower all subhumans with the politics and/or Christian religion called RESENTMENT toward superior life and everything that makes life beautiful, hence their revolt and savage revolutions against their healthy, courageous, strong and powerful superiors. Since the Jew inverts Nature's Laws, they insidiously work to make it possible for the Master Morality to become subjugated by the Jewish elite, and are enslaved to the Slave Morality that is best personified by the unnatural, decadent Jew.

I still have plenty to write about this favorite Aryan philosopher of mine, and how the Jews try to claim him for their own nihilistic programs that are popular among liberal, nihilistic, politically correct humanist atheists (an outcome of Christianity), but since Nietzsche violently opposed such agents of destruction against Aryan Civilization, and Gentile life, in general, the Jews will never be successful at adopting Nietzsche for their Democratic equality cults. Nietzsche, Hitler, and the SS were in complete agreement in regards to nihilism and their contempt for the unnatural abomination race-mixing, liberal democracy, and socialism, all of which reject and violate Nature's aristocratic Laws that are to be obeyed, universally, unless a person wants the forces of Nature to inflict them with rare, weird, and freakish diseases for the usurpation of Natural Law, which is Satan's Law.

The Jews will never be able to successfully recruit Nietzsche for their cause, but watching their fruitless failed attempts, time after time again, to adopt Nietzsche, can actually be quite entertaining, as if a Jew were to smite Nietzsche, he wouldn't have put up his fists, but, instead, he would have struck them with a lightning bolt!

I still have a lot of misconceptions about Nietzsche to explain and clarify, and I still have at least four or five more biographies on Nietzsche to read in order to complete the pages that I dedicate for him on my website. One example of such a misconception is the LIE that Nietzsche wasn't only anti-Jewish or 'anti- anti-Semitic," but anti-Nation-State with closed borders,that he was "anti-German," anti-Nationalism, a "philo-Semite," not to mention the controversy started by Jewish Nietzsche fans and "scholars" who claim that Nietzsche "admired" the Jews and was "not" anti-Jewish, but that it was his ultra-Nationalist, anti-Semitic sister, Elisabeth Forster-Nietzsche who "falsified" Nietzsche's writings to make him sound like the ideal proto-National Socialist and forerunner of Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler's SS elite. This is a lie that I will shove right up the collective Jewish ass.

Nietzsche's anti-Jewish statements are his own and they have nothing to do with his sister or her publishing and selling his works, despite the Jewish people's frequent citation of Nietzsche, stating that "All anti-Semites ought to be shot." The truth is that Nietzsche had gotten sick and tired of Christian so-called "anti-Semitism," because Christianity is a Jewish curse against Gentile life, itself, it grows from Judaism, and it is a Jewish conspiracy against all that his healthy, wholesome, strong, privileged and of magnificent Gentile beauty.

Everything that I just stated in this reply is in response to your question about translations of Nietzsche's works, and the reality that most books by Nietzsche contain politically correct commentary from Jewish "scholars" who try to "rehabilitate" Nietzsche from being a vicious anti-Semite into being a philo-Semite who "denounces" anti-Semitism. Nietzsche wasn't perfect, but he was without denying it, a very gifted Aryan soul and enemy of the Jewish people and Christianity.
Thanks Brother!
High Priest Jake Carlson said:
Steven said:
HP Jake Carlson how can I email you? I reeeally need to take your advice personally, please.

I don't read my personal e-mails very often, but I'm sure that I or someone else here can help you. Unfortunately, this is the first opportunity that I have had to sign into the forum here and write anything in a very long time. This isn't my computer.

My dedicated brother is definitely now married and in a monogamous relationship with his gay demon lover, but it's been a year and yet he didn't show up and we are 100% sure he exists and father Satan gave him one.
what is the problem and what he should do?
Aquarius said:
HP Jake, are there translations of Nietzsche that you would recommend?

since you are Italian, I can recommend these.
I cannot guarantee that the publishing house is not Jewish, but I have read these books and I assure you that anti-Semitism is not hidden.

SS66610888 said:
Aquarius said:
HP Jake, are there translations of Nietzsche that you would recommend?

since you are Italian, I can recommend these.
I cannot guarantee that the publishing house is not Jewish, but I have read these books and I assure you that anti-Semitism is not hidden.

Thanks so much Brother!!
Would it be best, then, to get a copy, say of "The Genealogy of Morality" without any commentary or notes from "scholars" or editors??
Thank you HP Carlson for your hard work and dedication to Father Satan and His family
The new translations by Thomas Wayne, from Algora publishing, are very accurate to the original work. He spent years working on finding a way to preserve the musical and poetic tones and effects of the original writing and keeping it the same as the real thing. He translated Thus Spake Zarathustra, Ecce Homo, and the Antichrist. Other translators like Kaufman and Thomas Common didn't care much about this, so they made it more boring sounding. And left out some lines that they didn't agree with.
victory666 said:
Would it be best, then, to get a copy, say of "The Genealogy of Morality" without any commentary or notes from "scholars" or editors??
Thank you HP Carlson for your hard work and dedication to Father Satan and His family

My opinion is that the important thing is that the translation is authentic.
then if there are comments on the fact that Nietzsche was in favor of the Jews it is enough to ignore them.
there are many articles by professors who say that Nietzsche is against anti-Semites, but it is enough to read a few pages to understand that it is bullshit.

moreover, in the genealogy of morals we also talk about how the Arians are capable of being brutal but never in the coward way like the Jews.
this is also linked to this concept.

I would like to mention some important parts of Nietzsche's books but I don't know if it is forbidden for copyright
SS66610888 said:
victory666 said:
Would it be best, then, to get a copy, say of "The Genealogy of Morality" without any commentary or notes from "scholars" or editors??
Thank you HP Carlson for your hard work and dedication to Father Satan and His family

My opinion is that the important thing is that the translation is authentic.
then if there are comments on the fact that Nietzsche was in favor of the Jews it is enough to ignore them.
there are many articles by professors who say that Nietzsche is against anti-Semites, but it is enough to read a few pages to understand that it is bullshit.

moreover, in the genealogy of morals we also talk about how the Arians are capable of being brutal but never in the coward way like the Jews.
this is also linked to this concept.

I would like to mention some important parts of Nietzsche's books but I don't know if it is forbidden for copyright
No copyright problems mate, post as you wish.
It was the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche that years before I was an SS who opened my eyes and that I realized that national socialism is not christian as (((they))) try to make you believe.
High Priest Jake Carlson said:
Friedrich Nietzsche may have considered himself an "atheist," but that isn't absolute. He praised Satan and His Demons without even knowing it. He even went as far as to claim that the coming Superman would be considered a Devil by Christian moralists. Nietzsche's God, Dionysus, is, in fact, Enki/Satan, Himself.

This is pretty much how I feel about it. You don't have to do the dedication ritual and praise Satan by that name to be a satanist as Satanism is really a blanket term for gentile spirituality. I, for one, identify as Aryanist. But who is the god of the Aryans? Satan is, no matter what you call him. True Aryanism is Satanism and Joy of Satan is a poster child for what I call Luciferian Aryanism. It's racial and places whites as a master race (a very misunderstood concept) and the sole focus is eternal transcendance, as the Faustian drive unique to our race requires unending improvement

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
