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Foot Reading

fuoco blu 666

Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017

Through the reading of the foot it is possible to see trauma, energy deficiencies, blocks and emotions, preferences, the dominant element or that manifests itself in the body as compensation.

It is possible to understand the psychosomatic significance of the anatomical anomalies of the foot.

Each finger represents an element and an aspect of the mind.

- Big toe: finger of the ether, of rationality and of thought, it is the sum of all the fingers and of the elements.

-Second toe: finger of air, of will, desire and feelings.

-Thir toe: finger of fire and a sense of justice, anger, creativity.

-Forth toe: finger of water and emotions, love, bonds, sensitivity.

-little toe: finger of the earth and sexuality, security and enthusiasm and social relations.

The shapes of the pointed, round and square fingers are sometimes compensatory and to know this you have to read the birth chart.

The fingers represent the way in which energy is directed and each finger corresponds to an emotion.

How straight a finger is the energy and emotion represented by the finger flows freely and is in balance.

-A curved finger represents a protective closure that emotion is inhibited.

-A crooked finger indicates a renunciation, the emotion does not find the right outlet and / or there was no possibility of expressing it.

-A cone-shaped finger reveals a strong need for emotional expression which, however, is difficult in the initial act of expression.

-A mushroom finger as opposed to the cone finger reveals emotional expression that is difficult in the final act combined with potential especially if it is present in the finger of creativity.
A pointed finger indicates need and criticality, the energies are concentrated and intense.

-A square finger frankness and little adaptability to changes can also mean sensitivity and coldness a round finger means that it expresses emotions in a sweet and sensitive way.
- When a finger is longer its features intensify

-Long toe longer: this person thinks a lot and quickly, is rational and practical.

Longer honey: sensitivity idealism less practicality pursuit of details strong will a left reveals intense feelings and a preference for bitter and darker colored foods on the right intense desires including sexual desire.

Longer Third toe: critical person with a high sense of justice.

-Forth toe longer: emotional person who lets himself be carried away by emotions as the center of life.

-Other information that can be read on the toes

-Fingers long ambition and sometimes arrogance, lover of movement and loud sounds.

- Very short fingers, a person who loves tranquility and is generally not very ambitious.

- Bones protruding on the fingers great sensitivity if said they are painful there is mental stress up to more or less large memory bumps if the protrusion that can be found the fleshy part of the big toe points towards the mellice.

- Big toe pointing up: imaginative and creative person and a dreamer who seeks spiritual elevation if the light is very upward, noting easy emotional changes.

Short toe: low mental energy, laziness and slow thoughts.

- Lowered big toe: closure depression, dissatisfaction, low motivation pessimism, pointed big toe easy depression due to needs not satisfied in reality.

-Third toe and Second toe equally long and close give strong charisma and personality as a leader with strong will.

Swollen fingers reveal that the emotions governed by that finger are held back or in excess.
Swollen fingers / big toe pain
-Any damage or pain in the big toe indicates that there is tension with the outside world if pain is felt inside the finger material problems on the outside reveal emotional conflicts.

- Swollen big toe means mental fatigue, if on the right the right brain hemisphere is fatigued and this negatively affects the things it governs: instinct, emotions, affection, dreams, creativity, meditation, the female half of the soul.
On the left the left cerebral hemisphere is suffering and the person thinks too much and negatively affects everything that it confirms the rational logic thinking the language creating a certain nervous tension.

-Second toe: swelling and pain in the mellice means problems in the work and the material on the right foot reveals suffering due to the difficult fulfillment of wishes.
On the left painful romantic relationships.

-Third toe: Pain and / or swelling reveal difficulties in relationships and in finding stability.
-On the trillice of the right foot this happens due to the expression of anger while on the left due to creativity.

-Forth toe: pain in this finger reveals a strong stress due to an injustice suffered in love and / or relationships, if swollen it means that emotions are repressed anger in particular.

Second toe: Pain in this finger demonstrates dissatisfaction which can also be painful in social relationships when this happens, there is a desire to clarify relationships and make them satisfying or to get rid of oppressive relationships.
If the fifth is swollen the person is anxious and fearful, he gets distressed even for small things, this happens due to lack of confidence if the right fifth toe is swollen.
-On the left hand instead of lack of confidence in oneself and in others combined with pessimism and there may be a lack of sexual outlet necessary for one's general health.

-Fingers that overlap indicate an excess in the meridian that runs on the finger above the other while the meridian of the subjected finger is in energy deficiency.

- Big toe dominated by second toe: impulsiveness outbursts of anger due to sensitivity that turns into fragility.
Instinct dominates reason, the energy of the stomach is in excess and overpowers the energy of the liver which is in shortage.

- Big toe overlooking the : inhibition of anger and actions, weakened will.
Reason excessively dominates one's instincts, the liver is in excess of energy and hinders the stomach.

-Second toe Overwhelmed by the third toe: the stomach in energy deficiency and one passes over one's principles in order to achieve one's ambitions.

-Second toe above the third toe : the stomach is in excess energy, on the third toe instead there is no meridian but it is connected with the triple heater

-Third toe overlooking the forth toe: there is little connection and disconnection with the emotions about justice
On the left: in love you don't know what is right for yourself and / or your partner.
On the right, on the other hand, there is difficulty in bonding because anger is expressed more than necessary in them.

-Third toe dominated by the Fourth toe: emotions dominate one's sense of justice and anger is held back if on the right trillice.
if on the left trillice the emotions dominate too much creativity and the gallbladder is in excess in this case.

-fouth toe overlooking the fifth toe: these people give little importance to sex and there can be platonic love.
The gallbladder is in excess of energy and the kidneys and bladder are in defect.

-Fourth toe dominated by the Fifth toe: these people put sex before the romantic love of which they care less or not at all.
The kidneys in the bladder are in excess of energy compared to the gallbladder.

- Bent fingers: they are a form of self-protection that expresses restrained aggression and this happens due to the desire not to be part of a world perceived as hostile.

-Fingers close together: protective closure but without aggression.

- Well separated firm: balanced person who expresses himself freely and clearly. dynamic and versatile person.

A person's fingers give information about thinking

-Fingers ladder: thinking is orderly and methodical, there is the ability to prioritize one's concentration.

-Fingers in triangle: the fingers form a triangle when the trillice is longer and this reveals a critical thinking that tends to carefully evaluate everything in detail, these are usually stinging people.

-Fingers in a semicircle: the fingers are all of equal length and the thought and harmonious balance is different compared to the ladder fingers.

-Fingers in a narrow semicircle: the mellice is longer and the person has an idealistic thought and is more mental and / or spiritual than material.

- Hammer toes: bent fingers that give way in the part of the first phalanx, indicating a material difficulty in relation to the emotion of the finger and the meridian that flows in it.

- Hook fingers: sagging and stiffening of the last phalanx which reveals a conflict in the spiritual part in relation to the emotion of the finger, it is an energy deficiency of the meridian that flows in it, also reveals weights on the consciousness that hinder healthy diaphragmatic breathing with consequent reduction of energy.

-Dermoglyph of the fingers: they are protrusions of the fingerprints of the foot and hands and are typical of children, with the growth in many adults they thin until they disappear.
If very pointed, the dermoglyph in an adult reveals infantilism and immaturity.
If, on the other hand, it is little and not excessively mentioned, it means that you have a sense of humor combined with a cheerful sense of lightness without having problems accepting it.

-A decentralized dermoglyph on the big toe reveals recent amnesia of problematic events whose suffering one does not want to remember.
If on the left the memories concern affectivity while on the right big toe they are traumatic events of work, the material and the rational.
When the dermoglyph of the big toe is crossed by one or more furrows, it means that there are experiences that have left deep marks in the mind to evaluate their nature, one must see in which big toe and therefore in what area of ​​the brain they are located.
Multiple grooves on the big toe reveal trauma that occurred one after the other at different times if there were bereavement, divorce, breakage on the left big toeof relationships while on the right big toe traumas concerning work, one's finances, material and rationality.

Interpretation of the shapes of the fingers

Left pointed big toe: It is the finger of pain and this person can offer for excessive self-criticism due to great needs not realized in reality.

- Pointed right big toe: it is the finger of joy, there is one thing in particular that interests the person that is necessary for his happiness.

- Round toe: sensitive and gentle nature that expresses itself with tact.

- Square big toe: they do not often have problems saying what they think, they have an uncompromising nature and are not in favor of changes, they can be negative, insensitive and harsh.

- Finger of desire:
- Pointed: they have a particular desire and will use a lot of energy to make it come true.
They have ambitious desires and want to fulfill them by the shortest way.
They are predisposed to excessive self-criticism towards work and their sense of achievement and in the negative this can also happen with hyper criticality towards others.
On the positive side they could develop a wise critical judgment.

Square: not easy acceptance of work changes and love routine and / or physical work, strong need for stable work and safety at work.
They are practical but could be tough in teamwork, on the positive side they are straightforward and not afraid to say what they think.
In the negative they could be cynical and insensitive.
They also wait many years to make their wishes come true.

-Round: this person works best if he works in a team and is sensitive to others at work and the work environment must be peaceful and calm in all senses for their emotional health.
They try to fulfill their wishes which are usually peaceful / noble and ethical and for betterment without harming others for no reason.

Finger of anger
-Square: these people take revenge by causing damage with physical violence or in any case damage on the material level to better satisfy their revenge, they want to manifest their sense of justice in reality.

- Pointed: when they take revenge they do so in an intense and well-planned way focusing on a weak point in particular on who they take revenge, often the end justifies the means in their sense of justice and they want immediate revenge.

-Round: these people get angry easily because they are sensitive to offenses and wrongs, they react in an emotional, cold and icy way.
They have a more peaceful sense of justice and the end does not justify the means in justice for them.

Finger of creativity
- Pointed: in their creativity they are detailed and demanding, they strongly desire to be able to communicate what they want in their artistic works and in sexuality.

-Square: they express their creativity better with manual skills and they can have dexterity, they have patience in creating a work whatever it is.

-Round: with the emotional side in their works they wish to arouse an emotional impact in others, they are very sensitive and with refined tastes for the arts.

Finger of love
- Pointed: there is a need for intense and passionate love, they are selective in love and do not easily forgive betrayals.

Round: They are tender and sensitive in love and show this emotionally especially in their touch.

Square: They are less romantic and show their love in a more material way by taking care of the health of loved ones, they are concrete in love and long for a stable relationship rich in sex and physical contact.

Bonding finger: This finger is often the same shape as the mellino but has more emotional than sexual meaning in relationships.
The feeling finger has the same meaning but often not the same shape as this finger.
The feeling finger is more intense and lasting over time than the emotion toe of both feet, it reveals a further aspect that can balance or emphasize the meaning of the emotion fingers.

-Point: they are emotionally demanding and selective with the people with whom they have or want to have deeper bonds, they can suffer from loneliness because they are impatient to have satisfying relationships.

-Square: they want emotional stability, bonds that last and mature over time without burning the steps.
There is patience in looking for the people who consider themselves right to bring into their life.

-Rotondo: strong need for friendship and love relationships and it is important
for their emotional health to have it.
They are diplomatic and affable.

Finger of optimism / confidence

Pointed: These people are ambitious and optimistic and in their interests they need the details because they are critical and demanding in this.
This is also the finger of sex and relationships, they only desire turbulent and intense sex with people they trust completely because they are selective in love and and in social relationships in general.
In their sexual creativity dthey care about details and are sexually selective.

-Square: they need a stable and patient partner, they want to be touched often by their partner, the same is important for them and also the duration of romantic relationships.

Round: They love cuddles, gentle sex and usually have good sexual creativity. They are easy-going in relationships.

Finger of Courage / Security

- Pointed: they need a lot of details sometimes as if they need to know things about events in advance to feel more confident.
Having the power to control events and things makes these people safe especially about the things they consider important to them.

-Square: good sense of security to which a certain value is attributed.
There is a greater sense of security with physical things but less with psychic things, they are more frightened with sudden and unexpected transformations of reality, in particular the psychic one.
They don't like sudden changes.
They want more power to control physical reality.

-Round: to the negative there is weakness and lack of courage, to the positive if sublimated one's sense of security becomes "elastic" and can be adapted to all kinds of situations, even if they are very dangerous.

The nails

Ingrown toenails indicate energy deficiency in the organs connected to the corresponding meridians on the finger where they are located.

-An ingrown nail on the side of the big toe above the reflex point of the pineal gland reveals a mental resistance to perceptions of subtle energy and one's psychic senses and spirituality.
There is a conscious or unconscious refusal to one's spiritual development and there is a mental division with one's soul.
The pineal gland is less active and consequently its reflex area is unloaded and soft, unable to support the nail that penetrates the flesh revealing mental and spiritual pain due to this block.

-The thick claw-shaped, crystallized nails reveal mental rigidity with a tendency to ruminate and have fixed and repetitive thoughts, in adults and elderly it indicates that these thoughts are aimed at negative events in their past and have not found a way to heal their own traumas even years later.
There may be nightmares and restless sleep.

-The very small or even totally absent nails indicate low energy of the meridians, for example on the nail of the mellino reveals inhibition of creativity in particular sexual creativity with the tendency to repress one's instincts.
Kidneys and bladder are in energy deficiency.

The metatarsals correspond to the emotional part

-Wide and full: Sensitive and selfless people in emotional balance that satisfies their mind.

-Dishes: poor emotional life.

Swelling: Excess of emotional load caused by the repression of one's emotions.

-Molli: sensitive person but with a weak character who tends to love a lot but is not paid as he wishes and is unhappy not to receive enough.

-The foot indicates the element that has relevant importance in life and also what element has manifested itself in the body.

The classification of the three doshas of the Ayurvedic tradition always corresponds to the element of the foot

-Pitta / Fire/Water

-Vata / Air/Ether

-Kapha / Earth and Water

The corporeal element does not always correspond to the dominant visible element in one's astrological chart but it can be the lacking or absent element that manifests itself
by way of compensation, nature in this case tries to maintain the balance of the elements.

-Firefoot: triangular in shape, the metatarsal area is much wider than the heel and indicates a tendency to impulsiveness and imprudence, a desire to act / direct and dominate, to be dynamic and sometimes dispersive.
There is liveliness of character and action, love of movement and / or sport / physical training.
The constitution is medium to robust.

-Foot water: no shape predominates and the foot is harmonious and proportionate. It reveals elasticity and adaptability, sensitivity to other people's emotions and in some cases sensitivity.
These people are more intuitive, shy and empathetic. Medium to robust build.

-Air foot: the foot has a rectangular and elongated shape, these people love to live in their inner world and to live detached from reality.
They are dreamers, idealists, unpredictable and are very disappointed when reality does not meet their expectations.
If in equilibrium the detachment from reality translates into an objective and wiser gaze without emotions taking over and clouding their judgment instead if the opposite happens in imbalance.
The foot is light and the physical structure is slender.

- Foot on the ground: the metatarsals and the heel are the same size, the foot is heavy but gives the sensation of being stable.
They decide after careful and perhaps long evaluation but rarely change their opinion and follow it with strength and decision.
They are practical and consistent, they feel moreù comfortable with tangible things.

Foot texture

- Hard foot inside and out
Stiff and insensitive people, they tend to have excessive control of their emotions to prove that they are "strong" AND do not need help
Foot soft and toned both inside and out: person in balance, sensitivity combined with mental and spiritual strength, other parts of the foot must be read to better evaluate this, this is the ideal softness of a good foot.

-Foot soft inside but hard outside: sensitive and docile but wear a mask of hardness to protect themselves and adapt to society.
There is a risk of having a split personality.

-Soft feet inside and out: little vitality and low sexual energy and, they are accommodating and docile beyond measure and in order not to trigger quarrels and conflicts they suffer passively. Feet are often Cold and lacking in tone.
The finger of anger is often crooked.
They easily suffer from nervous breakdowns.

-Foot soft outside but hard inside: there are two completely opposite sides of the personality, One sensitive and affable if the foot is soft, the other side is hard, numb, cold, cynical and manipulative.
Often but not always they use their affable and sensitive side by appearing lovable people to manipulate and dominate others.

On the plantar part of the foot it is possible to read furrows, calluses and calluses and the line of work, lines of will, lines of inheritance and line of art, these lines appear only if what they represent is important in life.

- Grooves: they are energy deficiencies caused by trauma, the deeper they are and the more the person has been marked.
Identifying in which reflex zone the grooves are makes it clear in which part of the body the traumas have caused energy deficiency and consequently in which chakra they are enclosed.

-Cross furrows: indicate the presence of a conflict.

- Furrows on corns and calluses: severe internal pain and considerable stress in the reflex part where they are located.

- Heel grooves: the heel is the sexual instinctive plane and in this area it represents a lack of sexual energy in the genital organs.

The lines of inheritance are our genetic / inheritance, the potential that nature has given us.
If there are only lines of inheritance, work, will and uncut art in an adult it means that he has not suffered trauma or that he has managed to cure them over time.

-The line of art can only be found in some people and starts vertically from under the pond
In this case the right path to follow is linked to art and the realization will take place through it and creativity.
If it is long and regular, there will be satisfaction and success in art.
Yes it is discontinuous there will be periods of creative block.
If it is short, success will be hard in the art.

-Lines of the will: they start from the heel towards the inner side of the foot and express powerful will, if they are numerous you have a warrior's will in life and there can be skills in martial arts and beyond.

-The line of work is located under the trillice and reveals that the realization is related to the work.
If long and regular, straight the work will be satisfying and productive.
If the line of work is curved in the first few years of work there will be difficulties in it.
If you have continuous interruptions there will be periods of obstacles in your work.
If it is short, the work will be easy and rewarding more likely in the second part of life after so many dissatisfactions.

Calluses and calluses represent blockages and energy jams / excesses.
Calluses go deep into nerve endings and are very often painful, also indicating a refusal to express and deal with an emotion.

-A callus on a finger reveals that the meridian that crosses it is in energy deficiency and energy flows badly.

-A callus on the big toe represents a conflict with oneself and an excessive and continuous control of emotions that leaves no room for spontaneity and mental peace.

-Mellice: obstacles and difficulties that prevent the realization of one's desires if the callus is on the right mellice.
If the callus is on the left mellix there are painful feelings, you cannot find fulfillment in romantic relationships and for this you suffer.

-A callus above the trillice means that you have a conflict with your values ​​and your sense of justice, consequently there is difficulty in making decisions.

-A callus above the pond means difficulty in love.

-An often painful callus over the mellum reveals sexual inhibition, fear of one's instincts and intuition, and the lack of sex which causes mental pain.
Callosity on the fingertips means that he refuses to direct energy and emotions, there is excessive passivity.

In the lateral area of ​​the left big toe it means that one felt limited in the development of the personality by the father and this dates back to childhood, the parent was seen as too authoritarian or too much.somewhat permissive and / or absent.
The same callosity but on the right big toe reveals conflicts with all that is governed by the masculine that were created after childhood.
There is a particular difficulty with authority in the general sense which is manifested too much or too little.
If the callus is not present on the right big toe but only on the left big toe, the limitations caused by the father are being overcome and a gradual healing process is taking place.
The relationship with the father in this case has perhaps improved even if he was no longer alive.
But if the callus is greater on the right big toe, all the conflicts with the male and with the father are on the contrary worsening if they are both on the big toes.
A callus in place of these calluses means audio and rejection of the father if on the left, on the right rejection of all that governed by the masculine and sexual complexes with males and their own masculinity.

-The callosity on the medial part of the left heel denotes psychological limitations caused by the mother in infancy who was perceived as invasive, over protective, authoritarian and / or unloving or absent.
On the right heel this callus means that there is a conflict with the feminine and with women.
Complexes of one's female part.
There are the same curative and pejorative meanings in a similar way to the callosities and calluses of the father and of the masculine based on how they present themselves in the medial part of the heel.

Interpretation of the most common calluses and callosities

-A callosity under the finger of ties and / or love indicates difficulties in love or ties.
In a couple, both partners can have it, this indicates that the relationship is in crisis or that relationships with others are in crisis if on the finger of ties.

-A callus under the flexion point of the phalanges of the left big toe reveals painful emotions due to a partner who abuses love and / or even physically.
Or there are psychic "friends" / vampires who play with the emotions of those with this callus, sometimes in the most severe cases where the callus becomes a callus there are often both people and partners as psychic vampires at the same time.
By getting rid of these people, the callus disappears.

-The same callosity but on the right big toe reveals problems in professional work where there are obstacles to do it better due to events and / or people.
Once these obstacles have been eliminated, the callus disappears.

-A callosity under the right fifth toe / finger of safety and social relations reveals that one is insecure in interpersonal relationships and for this reason a mask of lies is created to recreate the approval of others due to a lack of love for oneself, on the left finger / finger of trust and optimism and social relations denotes a protection perhaps necessary because it is imposed by the environment in which one lives by the people around oneself because one is suspicious and the low value attributed to them reveals little or no no enthusiasm in having relationships with them.
There is no total confidence in one's instincts.

A callus on the liver area reveals anger that must be sublimated and vented, the liver has an excess of anger that cannot be managed either due to weakness of character or the inability to take revenge.
The liver heats up and hinders sleep due to its connection with the eyes, the person has more difficulty sleeping due to anger.
There is a conscious or unconscious desire for revenge coupled with coldness and a lack of fluidity that makes it more difficult to organize one's schedules.
Sometimes the liver if enlarged enough goes to obstruct the heart, the left lung and the intestine.
On the foot, furrows are formed on the area of ​​the heart, right lung and small intestine while on the colon calluses and / or calluses.
All their meanings come together in a chain due to anger and pain.
Once the anger is released and purified, all the ripple effects will heal.

-Callosity on the thyroid area
Those with this callus have difficulty expressing creativity and emotions as freely as they would like.
There have been emotional crises.
A callus in this area reveals a refusal to express emotions verbally and one's creativity.
If on the left it is difficult to express and externalize the sensations of intuition instead on the right one's thoughts.

-Callosity of the spleen under the left mellum: the spleen is a filter of bioelectric currents and mental trauma, when there is a callus or worse a callus it means that you have suffered psychosomatically very difficult traumas whose healing is difficult and takes time.

-Callosity in the area of ​​the lungs: it means that there was a period of sadness in which you did not have the opportunity to express yourself as you wanted and you felt dominated and deprived of freedom.
A callus in this area denotes a repression of sadness by not exposing the propsre needs / desires and emotions coupled with a lack of self-love.

-Kidney area callus: there was a situation or a period of strong fear up to panic that has strained the kidneys and we tend to avoid all the things that can trigger the memory.
A callus, on the other hand, reveals a refusal in admitting to being afraid and accepting it.
Driven by the desire to appear strong and courageous, they lie to themselves in order to convince themselves.

-Callosity on the heart area: love is not easily given with this callosity
because you want to protect your own sensitivity and heart that has been hurt.
-A callus on the heart area; reveals a rejection of love due to betrayal or trauma in love.
Love is perceived as a weakness and strong numbness and coldness develops.
A groove on this callus reveals severe pain and sadness from being stabbed in the heart.

-Heeliness on the heels: sexuality not vented.
A callus on the heels reveals a rejection of sexuality and frigidity with all the negative consequences that it entails.

Foot anomalies reading
- Hallux Valgus: reveals an excess of responsibility that the person perceives as stressful and that limits his freedom.
This excess of responsibility can also be self - imposed and result from a lack of self - love to seek approval from others.
Even if the cerebral hemispheres correspond to the respective big toes in Reflexology the meanings must be interpreted in reverse because the right hemisphere governs the left side of the body and vice versa.
The hallux valgus on the left foot reveals an excessive emotional responsibility, while on the right the responsibilities that weigh on the shoulders are in the material and in the rational as for example study, work, housework, financial collapses experienced as heavy and oppressive.
Often the left big toe causes the right big toe to be valued if material, physical and economic responsibilities are added to the relationships while the reverse happens more rarely.

-Hollow foot: this foot does not support the central part that represents the deep emotions and the other parts of the mind load more weight giving the impression of wanting to fix itself to the ground to compensate for the insecurity deriving from the fear of one's emotions that easily go from a opposite to the other without control.
There is a disconnection with deep emotions (particularly at the level of the gut) and other parts of the mind.
These people are emotionally unstable with a tendency to excess or to the other extreme very controlled and repressed.

-Talo foot: it is a foot that rests more than half of its weight on the heels.
It reveals a false sense of stability, an excessive sense of control and excessive decision to mask the fear of losing stability.
Carrying more weight than necessary on the heels leads to a stiffening of the jaws, chest, stiffness of the stomach, pelvis and consequently falls on sexual activity, the belly and in turn shorter breathing with consequent reduction of energy.
Breathing in this way makes relaxation more difficult by compromising one's emotional freedom because the masked insecurity is a heavy burden on the conscience.

-Flat foot: live reality in an uprooted and unstable way both physically and mentally.
People with this foot find it difficult to relax and gain peace of mind due to the need to move and do many things even if they are not important and with a reason.
It is dynamic but not very fluid and psychosomatically flexible.
It often has a properly developed back, neck and head.
A flat foot reveals poor emotional life and dissatisfaction due to this.

Lead foot: this foot supports the hollow part which is the deep emotional part.
There is a lack of fluidity and the aspects of the mind are connected, however, giving confusion and lack of clarity in distinguishing them.
There is a strong need to know one's position in life.
It is easy to confuse emotions, instinct and reason and consequently to have enthusiasm and will in one's goals because the aspects of the mind are repressed in a chain, for compensation there is emotional stability and security with practical and concrete things at the expense of creativity, the mind is dogmatic and closed.
This foot develops when living in constant and chronic fear.

- Prehensile foot: those with this foot have experienced emotional crises that have not been resolved and in the past they have resisted the urge to escape from what caused these crises.
For the attempt to resist negative events the feet press hard on the ground revealing a need for safety, for compensation they develop self-control and rationality.
There is a lack of fluidity in one's stability and in contact with the earth.
The tension rises from the feet to the thighs which over time become hyper developed compared to the rest of the body.

-Horse-like foot: it is a piede that mainly rests the weight on the fingers and metatarsals (mental and emotional part)
The only level in contact with reality are the emotions with which one lives exclusively.
These people have a partial and sentimental vision of reality with all the difficulties that this entails.

Equinus foot: severe foot malformation.
He has considerable difficulty in having physical and mental contact with the earth and reality.
Mental resistance to the logic of reality.
There is in compensation a strong imagination, inconsistency, daydreaming and developed artistic skills.

Positive signs of healing

-Loss of skin: Activation and regeneration of physical and mental energies, liberation from negative events of the past with increase of inner proprioception.
If the skin only warms up on a certain reflex area, that area is healing.
If, on the other hand, the skin peels off in clumps and with pain causing irritation it means that mental and emotional disorders are coming to consciousness and are not healing unless you have done a great job with one or more disciplines such as meditation and energy treatments that they bring out and purify painfully and quickly.
If this happens on a specific reflex area it means that in that point there is less mental resistance that allows the discomfort to come out and it is important to understand its meaning based on the reflex area involved.

Foot that heats up and / or sweats: emotional release.
During the practice of spiritual disciplines such as yoga, meditation, mantra vibration and other disciplines that balance and enhance the vital force, it is a clear sign that the emotions are freeing themselves and cleaning up, also rising from the unconscious towards the conscience.

-A foot that swells and gives off a bad smell after having done a detoxifying work / treatment indicates with certainty the success of it, over time the foot deflates revealing energy release and the skin takes on a clean and bright color indicating good health and a general improvement.

Hands: the furrows on the feet are identical to those of the hands but are reflected differently due to the similar but different position of the reflex zones, instead of the foot calluses in the same reflex area of ​​the hand there will be a groove, it would be very interesting to find out if the grooves of the reflex zones are connected with palmistry and how do calluses and energy scars affect and their meanings.
Veritá_666 said:
Thank you, I will save the post.
Where did you find the information?

I found a lot of information through a formal study, but I also combined it with astrology and the experience I have in reflexology.
A lot of information if you want to deepen and to see in part where I find them I suggest you read the book "Plantar Reflexology" author C. Santoro, the book is in Italian language
fuoco blu 666 said:

Through the reading of the foot it is possible to see trauma, energy deficiencies, blocks and emotions, preferences, the dominant element or that manifests itself in the body as compensation.

It is possible to understand the psychosomatic significance of the anatomical anomalies of the foot.

Each finger represents an element and an aspect of the mind.

- Big toe: finger of the ether, of rationality and of thought, it is the sum of all the fingers and of the elements.

-Second toe: finger of air, of will, desire and feelings.

-Thir toe: finger of fire and a sense of justice, anger, creativity.

-Forth toe: finger of water and emotions, love, bonds, sensitivity.

-little toe: finger of the earth and sexuality, security and enthusiasm and social relations.

The shapes of the pointed, round and square fingers are sometimes compensatory and to know this you have to read the birth chart.

The fingers represent the way in which energy is directed and each finger corresponds to an emotion.

How straight a finger is the energy and emotion represented by the finger flows freely and is in balance.

-A curved finger represents a protective closure that emotion is inhibited.

-A crooked finger indicates a renunciation, the emotion does not find the right outlet and / or there was no possibility of expressing it.

-A cone-shaped finger reveals a strong need for emotional expression which, however, is difficult in the initial act of expression.

-A mushroom finger as opposed to the cone finger reveals emotional expression that is difficult in the final act combined with potential especially if it is present in the finger of creativity.
A pointed finger indicates need and criticality, the energies are concentrated and intense.

-A square finger frankness and little adaptability to changes can also mean sensitivity and coldness a round finger means that it expresses emotions in a sweet and sensitive way.
- When a finger is longer its features intensify

-Long toe longer: this person thinks a lot and quickly, is rational and practical.

Longer honey: sensitivity idealism less practicality pursuit of details strong will a left reveals intense feelings and a preference for bitter and darker colored foods on the right intense desires including sexual desire.

Longer Third toe: critical person with a high sense of justice.

-Forth toe longer: emotional person who lets himself be carried away by emotions as the center of life.

-Other information that can be read on the toes

-Fingers long ambition and sometimes arrogance, lover of movement and loud sounds.

- Very short fingers, a person who loves tranquility and is generally not very ambitious.

- Bones protruding on the fingers great sensitivity if said they are painful there is mental stress up to more or less large memory bumps if the protrusion that can be found the fleshy part of the big toe points towards the mellice.

- Big toe pointing up: imaginative and creative person and a dreamer who seeks spiritual elevation if the light is very upward, noting easy emotional changes.

Short toe: low mental energy, laziness and slow thoughts.

- Lowered big toe: closure depression, dissatisfaction, low motivation pessimism, pointed big toe easy depression due to needs not satisfied in reality.

-Third toe and Second toe equally long and close give strong charisma and personality as a leader with strong will.

Swollen fingers reveal that the emotions governed by that finger are held back or in excess.
Swollen fingers / big toe pain
-Any damage or pain in the big toe indicates that there is tension with the outside world if pain is felt inside the finger material problems on the outside reveal emotional conflicts.

- Swollen big toe means mental fatigue, if on the right the right brain hemisphere is fatigued and this negatively affects the things it governs: instinct, emotions, affection, dreams, creativity, meditation, the female half of the soul.
On the left the left cerebral hemisphere is suffering and the person thinks too much and negatively affects everything that it confirms the rational logic thinking the language creating a certain nervous tension.

-Second toe: swelling and pain in the mellice means problems in the work and the material on the right foot reveals suffering due to the difficult fulfillment of wishes.
On the left painful romantic relationships.

-Third toe: Pain and / or swelling reveal difficulties in relationships and in finding stability.
-On the trillice of the right foot this happens due to the expression of anger while on the left due to creativity.

-Forth toe: pain in this finger reveals a strong stress due to an injustice suffered in love and / or relationships, if swollen it means that emotions are repressed anger in particular.

Second toe: Pain in this finger demonstrates dissatisfaction which can also be painful in social relationships when this happens, there is a desire to clarify relationships and make them satisfying or to get rid of oppressive relationships.
If the fifth is swollen the person is anxious and fearful, he gets distressed even for small things, this happens due to lack of confidence if the right fifth toe is swollen.
-On the left hand instead of lack of confidence in oneself and in others combined with pessimism and there may be a lack of sexual outlet necessary for one's general health.

-Fingers that overlap indicate an excess in the meridian that runs on the finger above the other while the meridian of the subjected finger is in energy deficiency.

- Big toe dominated by second toe: impulsiveness outbursts of anger due to sensitivity that turns into fragility.
Instinct dominates reason, the energy of the stomach is in excess and overpowers the energy of the liver which is in shortage.

- Big toe overlooking the : inhibition of anger and actions, weakened will.
Reason excessively dominates one's instincts, the liver is in excess of energy and hinders the stomach.

-Second toe Overwhelmed by the third toe: the stomach in energy deficiency and one passes over one's principles in order to achieve one's ambitions.

-Second toe above the third toe : the stomach is in excess energy, on the third toe instead there is no meridian but it is connected with the triple heater

-Third toe overlooking the forth toe: there is little connection and disconnection with the emotions about justice
On the left: in love you don't know what is right for yourself and / or your partner.
On the right, on the other hand, there is difficulty in bonding because anger is expressed more than necessary in them.

-Third toe dominated by the Fourth toe: emotions dominate one's sense of justice and anger is held back if on the right trillice.
if on the left trillice the emotions dominate too much creativity and the gallbladder is in excess in this case.

-fouth toe overlooking the fifth toe: these people give little importance to sex and there can be platonic love.
The gallbladder is in excess of energy and the kidneys and bladder are in defect.

-Fourth toe dominated by the Fifth toe: these people put sex before the romantic love of which they care less or not at all.
The kidneys in the bladder are in excess of energy compared to the gallbladder.

- Bent fingers: they are a form of self-protection that expresses restrained aggression and this happens due to the desire not to be part of a world perceived as hostile.

-Fingers close together: protective closure but without aggression.

- Well separated firm: balanced person who expresses himself freely and clearly. dynamic and versatile person.

A person's fingers give information about thinking

-Fingers ladder: thinking is orderly and methodical, there is the ability to prioritize one's concentration.

-Fingers in triangle: the fingers form a triangle when the trillice is longer and this reveals a critical thinking that tends to carefully evaluate everything in detail, these are usually stinging people.

-Fingers in a semicircle: the fingers are all of equal length and the thought and harmonious balance is different compared to the ladder fingers.

-Fingers in a narrow semicircle: the mellice is longer and the person has an idealistic thought and is more mental and / or spiritual than material.

- Hammer toes: bent fingers that give way in the part of the first phalanx, indicating a material difficulty in relation to the emotion of the finger and the meridian that flows in it.

- Hook fingers: sagging and stiffening of the last phalanx which reveals a conflict in the spiritual part in relation to the emotion of the finger, it is an energy deficiency of the meridian that flows in it, also reveals weights on the consciousness that hinder healthy diaphragmatic breathing with consequent reduction of energy.

-Dermoglyph of the fingers: they are protrusions of the fingerprints of the foot and hands and are typical of children, with the growth in many adults they thin until they disappear.
If very pointed, the dermoglyph in an adult reveals infantilism and immaturity.
If, on the other hand, it is little and not excessively mentioned, it means that you have a sense of humor combined with a cheerful sense of lightness without having problems accepting it.

-A decentralized dermoglyph on the big toe reveals recent amnesia of problematic events whose suffering one does not want to remember.
If on the left the memories concern affectivity while on the right big toe they are traumatic events of work, the material and the rational.
When the dermoglyph of the big toe is crossed by one or more furrows, it means that there are experiences that have left deep marks in the mind to evaluate their nature, one must see in which big toe and therefore in what area of ​​the brain they are located.
Multiple grooves on the big toe reveal trauma that occurred one after the other at different times if there were bereavement, divorce, breakage on the left big toeof relationships while on the right big toe traumas concerning work, one's finances, material and rationality.

Interpretation of the shapes of the fingers

Left pointed big toe: It is the finger of pain and this person can offer for excessive self-criticism due to great needs not realized in reality.

- Pointed right big toe: it is the finger of joy, there is one thing in particular that interests the person that is necessary for his happiness.

- Round toe: sensitive and gentle nature that expresses itself with tact.

- Square big toe: they do not often have problems saying what they think, they have an uncompromising nature and are not in favor of changes, they can be negative, insensitive and harsh.

- Finger of desire:
- Pointed: they have a particular desire and will use a lot of energy to make it come true.
They have ambitious desires and want to fulfill them by the shortest way.
They are predisposed to excessive self-criticism towards work and their sense of achievement and in the negative this can also happen with hyper criticality towards others.
On the positive side they could develop a wise critical judgment.

Square: not easy acceptance of work changes and love routine and / or physical work, strong need for stable work and safety at work.
They are practical but could be tough in teamwork, on the positive side they are straightforward and not afraid to say what they think.
In the negative they could be cynical and insensitive.
They also wait many years to make their wishes come true.

-Round: this person works best if he works in a team and is sensitive to others at work and the work environment must be peaceful and calm in all senses for their emotional health.
They try to fulfill their wishes which are usually peaceful / noble and ethical and for betterment without harming others for no reason.

Finger of anger
-Square: these people take revenge by causing damage with physical violence or in any case damage on the material level to better satisfy their revenge, they want to manifest their sense of justice in reality.

- Pointed: when they take revenge they do so in an intense and well-planned way focusing on a weak point in particular on who they take revenge, often the end justifies the means in their sense of justice and they want immediate revenge.

-Round: these people get angry easily because they are sensitive to offenses and wrongs, they react in an emotional, cold and icy way.
They have a more peaceful sense of justice and the end does not justify the means in justice for them.

Finger of creativity
- Pointed: in their creativity they are detailed and demanding, they strongly desire to be able to communicate what they want in their artistic works and in sexuality.

-Square: they express their creativity better with manual skills and they can have dexterity, they have patience in creating a work whatever it is.

-Round: with the emotional side in their works they wish to arouse an emotional impact in others, they are very sensitive and with refined tastes for the arts.

Finger of love
- Pointed: there is a need for intense and passionate love, they are selective in love and do not easily forgive betrayals.

Round: They are tender and sensitive in love and show this emotionally especially in their touch.

Square: They are less romantic and show their love in a more material way by taking care of the health of loved ones, they are concrete in love and long for a stable relationship rich in sex and physical contact.

Bonding finger: This finger is often the same shape as the mellino but has more emotional than sexual meaning in relationships.
The feeling finger has the same meaning but often not the same shape as this finger.
The feeling finger is more intense and lasting over time than the emotion toe of both feet, it reveals a further aspect that can balance or emphasize the meaning of the emotion fingers.

-Point: they are emotionally demanding and selective with the people with whom they have or want to have deeper bonds, they can suffer from loneliness because they are impatient to have satisfying relationships.

-Square: they want emotional stability, bonds that last and mature over time without burning the steps.
There is patience in looking for the people who consider themselves right to bring into their life.

-Rotondo: strong need for friendship and love relationships and it is important
for their emotional health to have it.
They are diplomatic and affable.

Finger of optimism / confidence

Pointed: These people are ambitious and optimistic and in their interests they need the details because they are critical and demanding in this.
This is also the finger of sex and relationships, they only desire turbulent and intense sex with people they trust completely because they are selective in love and and in social relationships in general.
In their sexual creativity dthey care about details and are sexually selective.

-Square: they need a stable and patient partner, they want to be touched often by their partner, the same is important for them and also the duration of romantic relationships.

Round: They love cuddles, gentle sex and usually have good sexual creativity. They are easy-going in relationships.

Finger of Courage / Security

- Pointed: they need a lot of details sometimes as if they need to know things about events in advance to feel more confident.
Having the power to control events and things makes these people safe especially about the things they consider important to them.

-Square: good sense of security to which a certain value is attributed.
There is a greater sense of security with physical things but less with psychic things, they are more frightened with sudden and unexpected transformations of reality, in particular the psychic one.
They don't like sudden changes.
They want more power to control physical reality.

-Round: to the negative there is weakness and lack of courage, to the positive if sublimated one's sense of security becomes "elastic" and can be adapted to all kinds of situations, even if they are very dangerous.

The nails

Ingrown toenails indicate energy deficiency in the organs connected to the corresponding meridians on the finger where they are located.

-An ingrown nail on the side of the big toe above the reflex point of the pineal gland reveals a mental resistance to perceptions of subtle energy and one's psychic senses and spirituality.
There is a conscious or unconscious refusal to one's spiritual development and there is a mental division with one's soul.
The pineal gland is less active and consequently its reflex area is unloaded and soft, unable to support the nail that penetrates the flesh revealing mental and spiritual pain due to this block.

-The thick claw-shaped, crystallized nails reveal mental rigidity with a tendency to ruminate and have fixed and repetitive thoughts, in adults and elderly it indicates that these thoughts are aimed at negative events in their past and have not found a way to heal their own traumas even years later.
There may be nightmares and restless sleep.

-The very small or even totally absent nails indicate low energy of the meridians, for example on the nail of the mellino reveals inhibition of creativity in particular sexual creativity with the tendency to repress one's instincts.
Kidneys and bladder are in energy deficiency.

The metatarsals correspond to the emotional part

-Wide and full: Sensitive and selfless people in emotional balance that satisfies their mind.

-Dishes: poor emotional life.

Swelling: Excess of emotional load caused by the repression of one's emotions.

-Molli: sensitive person but with a weak character who tends to love a lot but is not paid as he wishes and is unhappy not to receive enough.

-The foot indicates the element that has relevant importance in life and also what element has manifested itself in the body.

The classification of the three doshas of the Ayurvedic tradition always corresponds to the element of the foot

-Pitta / Fire/Water

-Vata / Air/Ether

-Kapha / Earth and Water

The corporeal element does not always correspond to the dominant visible element in one's astrological chart but it can be the lacking or absent element that manifests itself
by way of compensation, nature in this case tries to maintain the balance of the elements.

-Firefoot: triangular in shape, the metatarsal area is much wider than the heel and indicates a tendency to impulsiveness and imprudence, a desire to act / direct and dominate, to be dynamic and sometimes dispersive.
There is liveliness of character and action, love of movement and / or sport / physical training.
The constitution is medium to robust.

-Foot water: no shape predominates and the foot is harmonious and proportionate. It reveals elasticity and adaptability, sensitivity to other people's emotions and in some cases sensitivity.
These people are more intuitive, shy and empathetic. Medium to robust build.

-Air foot: the foot has a rectangular and elongated shape, these people love to live in their inner world and to live detached from reality.
They are dreamers, idealists, unpredictable and are very disappointed when reality does not meet their expectations.
If in equilibrium the detachment from reality translates into an objective and wiser gaze without emotions taking over and clouding their judgment instead if the opposite happens in imbalance.
The foot is light and the physical structure is slender.

- Foot on the ground: the metatarsals and the heel are the same size, the foot is heavy but gives the sensation of being stable.
They decide after careful and perhaps long evaluation but rarely change their opinion and follow it with strength and decision.
They are practical and consistent, they feel moreù comfortable with tangible things.

Foot texture

- Hard foot inside and out
Stiff and insensitive people, they tend to have excessive control of their emotions to prove that they are "strong" AND do not need help
Foot soft and toned both inside and out: person in balance, sensitivity combined with mental and spiritual strength, other parts of the foot must be read to better evaluate this, this is the ideal softness of a good foot.

-Foot soft inside but hard outside: sensitive and docile but wear a mask of hardness to protect themselves and adapt to society.
There is a risk of having a split personality.

-Soft feet inside and out: little vitality and low sexual energy and, they are accommodating and docile beyond measure and in order not to trigger quarrels and conflicts they suffer passively. Feet are often Cold and lacking in tone.
The finger of anger is often crooked.
They easily suffer from nervous breakdowns.

-Foot soft outside but hard inside: there are two completely opposite sides of the personality, One sensitive and affable if the foot is soft, the other side is hard, numb, cold, cynical and manipulative.
Often but not always they use their affable and sensitive side by appearing lovable people to manipulate and dominate others.

On the plantar part of the foot it is possible to read furrows, calluses and calluses and the line of work, lines of will, lines of inheritance and line of art, these lines appear only if what they represent is important in life.

- Grooves: they are energy deficiencies caused by trauma, the deeper they are and the more the person has been marked.
Identifying in which reflex zone the grooves are makes it clear in which part of the body the traumas have caused energy deficiency and consequently in which chakra they are enclosed.

-Cross furrows: indicate the presence of a conflict.

- Furrows on corns and calluses: severe internal pain and considerable stress in the reflex part where they are located.

- Heel grooves: the heel is the sexual instinctive plane and in this area it represents a lack of sexual energy in the genital organs.

The lines of inheritance are our genetic / inheritance, the potential that nature has given us.
If there are only lines of inheritance, work, will and uncut art in an adult it means that he has not suffered trauma or that he has managed to cure them over time.

-The line of art can only be found in some people and starts vertically from under the pond
In this case the right path to follow is linked to art and the realization will take place through it and creativity.
If it is long and regular, there will be satisfaction and success in art.
Yes it is discontinuous there will be periods of creative block.
If it is short, success will be hard in the art.

-Lines of the will: they start from the heel towards the inner side of the foot and express powerful will, if they are numerous you have a warrior's will in life and there can be skills in martial arts and beyond.

-The line of work is located under the trillice and reveals that the realization is related to the work.
If long and regular, straight the work will be satisfying and productive.
If the line of work is curved in the first few years of work there will be difficulties in it.
If you have continuous interruptions there will be periods of obstacles in your work.
If it is short, the work will be easy and rewarding more likely in the second part of life after so many dissatisfactions.

Calluses and calluses represent blockages and energy jams / excesses.
Calluses go deep into nerve endings and are very often painful, also indicating a refusal to express and deal with an emotion.

-A callus on a finger reveals that the meridian that crosses it is in energy deficiency and energy flows badly.

-A callus on the big toe represents a conflict with oneself and an excessive and continuous control of emotions that leaves no room for spontaneity and mental peace.

-Mellice: obstacles and difficulties that prevent the realization of one's desires if the callus is on the right mellice.
If the callus is on the left mellix there are painful feelings, you cannot find fulfillment in romantic relationships and for this you suffer.

-A callus above the trillice means that you have a conflict with your values ​​and your sense of justice, consequently there is difficulty in making decisions.

-A callus above the pond means difficulty in love.

-An often painful callus over the mellum reveals sexual inhibition, fear of one's instincts and intuition, and the lack of sex which causes mental pain.
Callosity on the fingertips means that he refuses to direct energy and emotions, there is excessive passivity.

In the lateral area of ​​the left big toe it means that one felt limited in the development of the personality by the father and this dates back to childhood, the parent was seen as too authoritarian or too much.somewhat permissive and / or absent.
The same callosity but on the right big toe reveals conflicts with all that is governed by the masculine that were created after childhood.
There is a particular difficulty with authority in the general sense which is manifested too much or too little.
If the callus is not present on the right big toe but only on the left big toe, the limitations caused by the father are being overcome and a gradual healing process is taking place.
The relationship with the father in this case has perhaps improved even if he was no longer alive.
But if the callus is greater on the right big toe, all the conflicts with the male and with the father are on the contrary worsening if they are both on the big toes.
A callus in place of these calluses means audio and rejection of the father if on the left, on the right rejection of all that governed by the masculine and sexual complexes with males and their own masculinity.

-The callosity on the medial part of the left heel denotes psychological limitations caused by the mother in infancy who was perceived as invasive, over protective, authoritarian and / or unloving or absent.
On the right heel this callus means that there is a conflict with the feminine and with women.
Complexes of one's female part.
There are the same curative and pejorative meanings in a similar way to the callosities and calluses of the father and of the masculine based on how they present themselves in the medial part of the heel.

Interpretation of the most common calluses and callosities

-A callosity under the finger of ties and / or love indicates difficulties in love or ties.
In a couple, both partners can have it, this indicates that the relationship is in crisis or that relationships with others are in crisis if on the finger of ties.

-A callus under the flexion point of the phalanges of the left big toe reveals painful emotions due to a partner who abuses love and / or even physically.
Or there are psychic "friends" / vampires who play with the emotions of those with this callus, sometimes in the most severe cases where the callus becomes a callus there are often both people and partners as psychic vampires at the same time.
By getting rid of these people, the callus disappears.

-The same callosity but on the right big toe reveals problems in professional work where there are obstacles to do it better due to events and / or people.
Once these obstacles have been eliminated, the callus disappears.

-A callosity under the right fifth toe / finger of safety and social relations reveals that one is insecure in interpersonal relationships and for this reason a mask of lies is created to recreate the approval of others due to a lack of love for oneself, on the left finger / finger of trust and optimism and social relations denotes a protection perhaps necessary because it is imposed by the environment in which one lives by the people around oneself because one is suspicious and the low value attributed to them reveals little or no no enthusiasm in having relationships with them.
There is no total confidence in one's instincts.

A callus on the liver area reveals anger that must be sublimated and vented, the liver has an excess of anger that cannot be managed either due to weakness of character or the inability to take revenge.
The liver heats up and hinders sleep due to its connection with the eyes, the person has more difficulty sleeping due to anger.
There is a conscious or unconscious desire for revenge coupled with coldness and a lack of fluidity that makes it more difficult to organize one's schedules.
Sometimes the liver if enlarged enough goes to obstruct the heart, the left lung and the intestine.
On the foot, furrows are formed on the area of ​​the heart, right lung and small intestine while on the colon calluses and / or calluses.
All their meanings come together in a chain due to anger and pain.
Once the anger is released and purified, all the ripple effects will heal.

-Callosity on the thyroid area
Those with this callus have difficulty expressing creativity and emotions as freely as they would like.
There have been emotional crises.
A callus in this area reveals a refusal to express emotions verbally and one's creativity.
If on the left it is difficult to express and externalize the sensations of intuition instead on the right one's thoughts.

-Callosity of the spleen under the left mellum: the spleen is a filter of bioelectric currents and mental trauma, when there is a callus or worse a callus it means that you have suffered psychosomatically very difficult traumas whose healing is difficult and takes time.

-Callosity in the area of ​​the lungs: it means that there was a period of sadness in which you did not have the opportunity to express yourself as you wanted and you felt dominated and deprived of freedom.
A callus in this area denotes a repression of sadness by not exposing the propsre needs / desires and emotions coupled with a lack of self-love.

-Kidney area callus: there was a situation or a period of strong fear up to panic that has strained the kidneys and we tend to avoid all the things that can trigger the memory.
A callus, on the other hand, reveals a refusal in admitting to being afraid and accepting it.
Driven by the desire to appear strong and courageous, they lie to themselves in order to convince themselves.

-Callosity on the heart area: love is not easily given with this callosity
because you want to protect your own sensitivity and heart that has been hurt.
-A callus on the heart area; reveals a rejection of love due to betrayal or trauma in love.
Love is perceived as a weakness and strong numbness and coldness develops.
A groove on this callus reveals severe pain and sadness from being stabbed in the heart.

-Heeliness on the heels: sexuality not vented.
A callus on the heels reveals a rejection of sexuality and frigidity with all the negative consequences that it entails.

Foot anomalies reading
- Hallux Valgus: reveals an excess of responsibility that the person perceives as stressful and that limits his freedom.
This excess of responsibility can also be self - imposed and result from a lack of self - love to seek approval from others.
Even if the cerebral hemispheres correspond to the respective big toes in Reflexology the meanings must be interpreted in reverse because the right hemisphere governs the left side of the body and vice versa.
The hallux valgus on the left foot reveals an excessive emotional responsibility, while on the right the responsibilities that weigh on the shoulders are in the material and in the rational as for example study, work, housework, financial collapses experienced as heavy and oppressive.
Often the left big toe causes the right big toe to be valued if material, physical and economic responsibilities are added to the relationships while the reverse happens more rarely.

-Hollow foot: this foot does not support the central part that represents the deep emotions and the other parts of the mind load more weight giving the impression of wanting to fix itself to the ground to compensate for the insecurity deriving from the fear of one's emotions that easily go from a opposite to the other without control.
There is a disconnection with deep emotions (particularly at the level of the gut) and other parts of the mind.
These people are emotionally unstable with a tendency to excess or to the other extreme very controlled and repressed.

-Talo foot: it is a foot that rests more than half of its weight on the heels.
It reveals a false sense of stability, an excessive sense of control and excessive decision to mask the fear of losing stability.
Carrying more weight than necessary on the heels leads to a stiffening of the jaws, chest, stiffness of the stomach, pelvis and consequently falls on sexual activity, the belly and in turn shorter breathing with consequent reduction of energy.
Breathing in this way makes relaxation more difficult by compromising one's emotional freedom because the masked insecurity is a heavy burden on the conscience.

-Flat foot: live reality in an uprooted and unstable way both physically and mentally.
People with this foot find it difficult to relax and gain peace of mind due to the need to move and do many things even if they are not important and with a reason.
It is dynamic but not very fluid and psychosomatically flexible.
It often has a properly developed back, neck and head.
A flat foot reveals poor emotional life and dissatisfaction due to this.

Lead foot: this foot supports the hollow part which is the deep emotional part.
There is a lack of fluidity and the aspects of the mind are connected, however, giving confusion and lack of clarity in distinguishing them.
There is a strong need to know one's position in life.
It is easy to confuse emotions, instinct and reason and consequently to have enthusiasm and will in one's goals because the aspects of the mind are repressed in a chain, for compensation there is emotional stability and security with practical and concrete things at the expense of creativity, the mind is dogmatic and closed.
This foot develops when living in constant and chronic fear.

- Prehensile foot: those with this foot have experienced emotional crises that have not been resolved and in the past they have resisted the urge to escape from what caused these crises.
For the attempt to resist negative events the feet press hard on the ground revealing a need for safety, for compensation they develop self-control and rationality.
There is a lack of fluidity in one's stability and in contact with the earth.
The tension rises from the feet to the thighs which over time become hyper developed compared to the rest of the body.

-Horse-like foot: it is a piede that mainly rests the weight on the fingers and metatarsals (mental and emotional part)
The only level in contact with reality are the emotions with which one lives exclusively.
These people have a partial and sentimental vision of reality with all the difficulties that this entails.

Equinus foot: severe foot malformation.
He has considerable difficulty in having physical and mental contact with the earth and reality.
Mental resistance to the logic of reality.
There is in compensation a strong imagination, inconsistency, daydreaming and developed artistic skills.

Positive signs of healing

-Loss of skin: Activation and regeneration of physical and mental energies, liberation from negative events of the past with increase of inner proprioception.
If the skin only warms up on a certain reflex area, that area is healing.
If, on the other hand, the skin peels off in clumps and with pain causing irritation it means that mental and emotional disorders are coming to consciousness and are not healing unless you have done a great job with one or more disciplines such as meditation and energy treatments that they bring out and purify painfully and quickly.
If this happens on a specific reflex area it means that in that point there is less mental resistance that allows the discomfort to come out and it is important to understand its meaning based on the reflex area involved.

Foot that heats up and / or sweats: emotional release.
During the practice of spiritual disciplines such as yoga, meditation, mantra vibration and other disciplines that balance and enhance the vital force, it is a clear sign that the emotions are freeing themselves and cleaning up, also rising from the unconscious towards the conscience.

-A foot that swells and gives off a bad smell after having done a detoxifying work / treatment indicates with certainty the success of it, over time the foot deflates revealing energy release and the skin takes on a clean and bright color indicating good health and a general improvement.

Hands: the furrows on the feet are identical to those of the hands but are reflected differently due to the similar but different position of the reflex zones, instead of the foot calluses in the same reflex area of ​​the hand there will be a groove, it would be very interesting to find out if the grooves of the reflex zones are connected with palmistry and how do calluses and energy scars affect and their meanings.

Thanks for the post. Very interesting. Proper foot and hand care is a focus I keep up on. I had some grooves in my feet for a second and last time someone really went to down on them and gave them a deep treatment. They disappeared. I practiced rubbing my own feet for a long time too. Men even get pedicures without the nail polish now, just because it's very good for your mental and emotional well-being. Men do need this type of thing in their life. They can tend to neglect the more minor facets of their well-being.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
