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FINAL RTR 21 July 2018

Luna4Him said:
Yes, i too happened to be withouth a printer this time...but then i saw this detail in the digest; The RTR can be done WITHOUTH paper on these days, just imagine the letters disintegrating. And i certainly did imagine them destroyed with pleasure in my mind! It worked well to me, very well! Then i also did use my paintprogram as well. I guess both are good methods and most important is that the enemy gets what it deserves! There was one interesting note more in that same digest; "No props are required, just you, your mind and your willpower!" Yes, willpower to destroy!

Hail Satan!
Hail to our Victory!
Everyone should have a phone, just download a Paint type of app and do the Rtr, i always do it like this and it has been said that it's fine to do it with an app.
I do it on my phone and split the rtr picture in 2 parts to see it better because I don't have an app to zoom on the edges.
Also when vibrating the letters I focus the Hebrew letters, can I focus instead on the pronunciations?
Abyssal said:
I do it on my phone and split the rtr picture in 2 parts to see it better because I don't have an app to zoom on the edges.
Also when vibrating the letters I focus the Hebrew letters, can I focus instead on the pronunciations?
Yes, what matter is that you do the vibrations and then 'destroy' the letters.
Since the Orthodox Xmas is approaching, we must at least double the number of the daily RTRs, especially on the dates of 6th, 7th and 8th of January. The rituals are to be done with equal seriousness and devotion just as those of two weaks ago.
Let us fight until we achieve our goal of the Nazarene being hatched never again.

Hail Satan!
Artanis said:
Ps. Sorry if Al Assad IS a jew himself, just thinking that because Al Assad is against Pissrael and knows that it was PISSRAEL, who started the Syrian war, to get Israel to enlarge its borders. :x :x

Assad is Gentile. He's one of greatest man in Earth. Any HP can confirm he's not jew?

However, DO RTR!
muriceias said:
"The pontiff’s efforts to deal with the crisis have stalled. He must act decisively or many more Catholics will lose their faith"

[img https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jul/26/pope-francis-catholic-church-abuse-scandal-failed#img-1 ][/img]


Haha, this is good. This is very good.

Now if only those alt-right simpletons would stop looking for the salvation of the Aryan race in xianity, that would be even better.

"We must restore xian values, blah, blah..." fucking idiots.
Larissa666 said:
muriceias said:
"The pontiff’s efforts to deal with the crisis have stalled. He must act decisively or many more Catholics will lose their faith"

[img https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jul/26/pope-francis-catholic-church-abuse-scandal-failed#img-1 ][/img]


Haha, this is good. This is very good.

Now if only those alt-right simpletons would stop looking for the salvation of the Aryan race in xianity, that would be even better.

"We must restore xian values, blah, blah..." fucking idiots.

This new is very good but actually I wanted to post this one:

Pope Francis bluntly criticized Catholic bishops in the US for their approach to the church's sexual abuse crisis, saying that their finger-pointing, abuses of power and "playing the victim or the scold" have undermined the church's credibility.


I didnt feel good because I misunderstood the news and I dont know how to put images yet as you can see so a removed the post. I laugh seeing how the church is being so ridiculous :lol:
WhiteRabbit said:
I love Maxine so much. Thank you for everything.
Can you stop spamming for fuck sake
Aquarius said:
WhiteRabbit said:
I love Maxine so much. Thank you for everything.
Can you stop spamming for fuck sake
He is not doing anything that bad...a little bit of love is not bad but he/she is at a point were it looks like trolling :?
luis said:
Aquarius said:
WhiteRabbit said:
I love Maxine so much. Thank you for everything.
Can you stop spamming for fuck sake
He is not doing anything that bad...a little bit of love is not bad but he/she is at a point were it looks like trolling :?
yes he very much looks like a troll lol
luis said:
Aquarius said:
WhiteRabbit said:
I love Maxine so much. Thank you for everything.
Can you stop spamming for fuck sake
He is not doing anything that bad...a little bit of love is not bad but he/she is at a point were it looks like trolling :?

Im not trolling. I just want share my feelings. Im not good at writing. Sorry if my messages disturbed you. Have a nice day.
WhiteRabbit said:
luis said:
Aquarius said:
Can you stop spamming for fuck sake
He is not doing anything that bad...a little bit of love is not bad but he/she is at a point were it looks like trolling :?

Im not trolling. I just want share my feelings. Im not good at writing. Sorry if my messages disturbed you. Have a nice day.
You wrote the same thing in 8 posts, that’s spamming.
WhiteRabbit said:
luis said:
Aquarius said:
Can you stop spamming for fuck sake
He is not doing anything that bad...a little bit of love is not bad but he/she is at a point were it looks like trolling :?

Im not trolling. I just want share my feelings. Im not good at writing. Sorry if my messages disturbed you. Have a nice day.
We thought you were trolling, if this is not the case then it's fine :)
Just don't spam off-topic message in every post, you could create one post and say your message, ok? ;)
Aaaand... 2000!!(RTRs) :D :cool:
Finally the most important topic in the WHOLE WORLD is the most viewed topic :lol: It doesnt really matter, but its just a symbol of how important and INVALUABLE this topic and FINAL RTR is.

Speaking of which, i think i need to slow my ´RTRs done in a day` thing :lol: , cause i think that because i have been doing meditation ever day for about 3 months right now(?), my energy channeling is growing more and more, which again means, that i give more and more of my bio-energy for my RTRs, which drains me faster and faster and as thus, makes me become more and more vulnerable for diseases like a flu for example. I just hope that this doesnt grow to insane numbers. Like for example 1 year from now, if i do like 3 RTRs a day for a week, i fall ill for a flu or something... hmmm... If i do something wrong, which leads to this, please inform me :|

My meditation routine is as follows:

AC, AOP, Void meditation about 2 mins :roll: , Foundation meditation 10x morning, 5x at night, Reversed Cat Breath 5x morning, 3x night, 3rd eye opening meditation at night.
Type in "Hebrew Torah Alphabet Pictures" on a search engine and,,,,, you get lots of pictures you can print off and use the appropriate herbs, runes, and imagination to hex these writings that were taken from direct writing and printing from people ( especially Jews, in some instances ).
Will directing Negative Energy at these photos, and,,, printed versions of them, have more power in directly attacking the Torah Energy Thought Form, and,, the Jews, and Gentile Lackeys that wrote and printed and typed them ?
I am not sure if posting the link here is good ( Energetically ).
Just type in the above and May Satan give you Wisdom to use it.
jbkbmz said:
Type in "Hebrew Torah Alphabet Pictures" on a search engine and,,,,, you get lots of pictures you can print off and use the appropriate herbs, runes, and imagination to hex these writings that were taken from direct writing and printing from people ( especially Jews, in some instances ).
Will directing Negative Energy at these photos, and,,, printed versions of them, have more power in directly attacking the Torah Energy Thought Form, and,, the Jews, and Gentile Lackeys that wrote and printed and typed them ?
I am not sure if posting the link here is good ( Energetically ).
Just type in the above and May Satan give you Wisdom to use it.

Trying to curse their letters like that would not do much it would mostly be a waste of time. Final RTR is easier and most effective way to do it, this is the only way you should be doing it. Works perfect. :D
jbkbmz said:
Type in "Hebrew Torah Alphabet Pictures" on a search engine and,,,,, you get lots of pictures you can print off and use the appropriate herbs, runes, and imagination to hex these writings that were taken from direct writing and printing from people ( especially Jews, in some instances ).
Will directing Negative Energy at these photos, and,,, printed versions of them, have more power in directly attacking the Torah Energy Thought Form, and,, the Jews, and Gentile Lackeys that wrote and printed and typed them ?
I am not sure if posting the link here is good ( Energetically ).
Just type in the above and May Satan give you Wisdom to use it.

After all, The High Priests have been working with The God's their ASSES off to get Us all this information, so that we could possibly END this dozens of THOUSANDS of YEARS raged war with THIS FINAL NAIL(FINAL RTR) into The kikes coffin.
Btw,(a stupid question but still :lol: )when we are done with doing this FINAL RTR, so that The Enemies defences are down(like The Shema for example), will The God's then kill them all or something? Or does The FINAL RTR in itself obliterate The kikes? Or is this again only just symbolic, that The Gentiles will kill The jews when they have learned of their true purpose?
Artanis said:
Btw,(a stupid question but still :lol: )when we are done with doing this FINAL RTR, so that The Enemies defences are down(like The Shema for example), will The God's then kill them all or something? Or does The FINAL RTR in itself obliterate The kikes? Or is this again only just symbolic, that The Gentiles will kill The jews when they have learned of their true purpose?
I think that the Gentiles when wake up will declare war with them a defeat them !
I want to take the oppurtunity to express my gratitude towards the final RTR and what it has done for me in such a short period of time. I have now done it 3 times and after recovering from some serious psychic attacks (thanks reptiles for showing me that its working and is getting retaliation), I am starting to get my senses back from my 2 year long apathy and dullness of senses that came as a result of leaving the jos (I rejoined recently). You cannot imagine that I went from apathy to bliss and a hightening of senses after just doing this RTR 3 times. I am a living testimony of the power of this RTR. Thank you Maxine . HAIL ENKI. DEATH TO THE ELOHIM IMPOSTERS AND THE JEWS.
Hi ..i am new ... i am iranian.. i am 18...
(I cant write english well... can you write persian?? :cry: )

I have questions:
●How can i email to you private??
●How can i leave my body(astral projection)?
●How can i see SATAN through astral projection???
Just wanting to Make sure EVERYONE knows that THIS particular Post (FINAL RTR 21 July 2018) is THE MOST Important post in The WHOLE WIDE WORLD! Theres MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of other posts in The internet, which gets millions and millions of views and replies. And STILL, THIS IS THE #1 MOST IMPORTANT IN THE WHOLE WORLD!

Only with THIS weapon, this SPIRITUAL weapon, which is a WUD(Weapon of ULTIMATE destruction), WE few dozens of thousands(extremely small number) here on The JOS, can obliterate The Enemy of Humanity as a WHOLE at The same Time and iniate a ETERNAL Golden Age upon Earth!

Artanis said:
Just wanting to Make sure EVERYONE knows that THIS particular Post (FINAL RTR 21 July 2018) is THE MOST Important post in The WHOLE WIDE WORLD! Theres MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of other posts in The internet, which gets millions and millions of views and replies. And STILL, THIS IS THE #1 MOST IMPORTANT IN THE WHOLE WORLD!

Only with THIS weapon, this SPIRITUAL weapon, which is a WUD(Weapon of ULTIMATE destruction), WE few dozens of thousands(extremely small number) here on The JOS, can obliterate The Enemy of Humanity as a WHOLE at The same Time and iniate a ETERNAL Golden Age upon Earth!

You cannot even imagine how much I appreciate and get encouraged by your posts :)
Νίκος said:
Artanis said:
Just wanting to Make sure EVERYONE knows that THIS particular Post (FINAL RTR 21 July 2018) is THE MOST Important post in The WHOLE WIDE WORLD! Theres MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of other posts in The internet, which gets millions and millions of views and replies. And STILL, THIS IS THE #1 MOST IMPORTANT IN THE WHOLE WORLD!

Only with THIS weapon, this SPIRITUAL weapon, which is a WUD(Weapon of ULTIMATE destruction), WE few dozens of thousands(extremely small number) here on The JOS, can obliterate The Enemy of Humanity as a WHOLE at The same Time and iniate a ETERNAL Golden Age upon Earth!

You cannot even imagine how much I appreciate and get encouraged by your posts :)

And you cannot imagine how much your posts of appreciation towards my encouraging posts inspire and encourage me to keep on fighting Even harder. :cool:
Every day it gets much more easy to visualize the letters getting erased! :cool: :cool: :cool:
Some immediately burst in a puff of dust, and some have a little thoughtform black-hole next to them that sucks all the energy out and they shrivel up. I know I'm not purposefully deciding between the two I don't try to see this, it just happens automatically. Maybe this is the way the gods want it to be done, and/or maybe this is just how most people have done it so it's imprinted into the ritual that this happens? I guess the letters that used to store a lot of the energy get dried up by the little black hole, and the letters that used to bind or form some kind of support structure burst into dust. If each one used to perform slightly different specialized jobs, it makes sense some of them get dismantled differently.

Does anyone else see it like this?
I know i am very very very late to comment but i dont have a printer or computer. What i do is i use my screen freeze on my phone or tablet its a square with a pen in the middle it lets me freeze and draw on the screen without taking a ss and as i do the RTRs i can blot out the letters. When i am done, i unfreeze it and scroll down to the next grouping.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Every day it gets much more easy to visualize the letters getting erased! :cool: :cool: :cool:
Some immediately burst in a puff of dust, and some have a little thoughtform black-hole next to them that sucks all the energy out and they shrivel up. I know I'm not purposefully deciding between the two I don't try to see this, it just happens automatically. Maybe this is the way the gods want it to be done, and/or maybe this is just how most people have done it so it's imprinted into the ritual that this happens? I guess the letters that used to store a lot of the energy get dried up by the little black hole, and the letters that used to bind or form some kind of support structure burst into dust. If each one used to perform slightly different specialized jobs, it makes sense some of them get dismantled differently.

Does anyone else see it like this?
You're quite right, I'm noticing the same thing. They've been getting weaker and weaker as the RTRs continue. As the clergy has mentioned before, all of the letters are tied to one another, so they all weaken as all of them are destroyed.

Keep it up brother! Make sure to use numerology against them to destroy the hebrew alphabet. 11 is the number of destruction. 11 RTRs a day if you can manage it is perfect.
Scion of Atlantis said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Every day it gets much more easy to visualize the letters getting erased! :cool: :cool: :cool:
Some immediately burst in a puff of dust, and some have a little thoughtform black-hole next to them that sucks all the energy out and they shrivel up. I know I'm not purposefully deciding between the two I don't try to see this, it just happens automatically. Maybe this is the way the gods want it to be done, and/or maybe this is just how most people have done it so it's imprinted into the ritual that this happens? I guess the letters that used to store a lot of the energy get dried up by the little black hole, and the letters that used to bind or form some kind of support structure burst into dust. If each one used to perform slightly different specialized jobs, it makes sense some of them get dismantled differently.

Does anyone else see it like this?
You're quite right, I'm noticing the same thing. They've been getting weaker and weaker as the RTRs continue. As the clergy has mentioned before, all of the letters are tied to one another, so they all weaken as all of them are destroyed.

Keep it up brother! Make sure to use numerology against them to destroy the hebrew alphabet. 11 is the number of destruction. 11 RTRs a day if you can manage it is perfect.

Soooo... If i would do more than 11? For example 15? Would it be more effective? Or should i do just 11?
Artanis said:
Scion of Atlantis said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Every day it gets much more easy to visualize the letters getting erased! :cool: :cool: :cool:
Some immediately burst in a puff of dust, and some have a little thoughtform black-hole next to them that sucks all the energy out and they shrivel up. I know I'm not purposefully deciding between the two I don't try to see this, it just happens automatically. Maybe this is the way the gods want it to be done, and/or maybe this is just how most people have done it so it's imprinted into the ritual that this happens? I guess the letters that used to store a lot of the energy get dried up by the little black hole, and the letters that used to bind or form some kind of support structure burst into dust. If each one used to perform slightly different specialized jobs, it makes sense some of them get dismantled differently.

Does anyone else see it like this?
You're quite right, I'm noticing the same thing. They've been getting weaker and weaker as the RTRs continue. As the clergy has mentioned before, all of the letters are tied to one another, so they all weaken as all of them are destroyed.

Keep it up brother! Make sure to use numerology against them to destroy the hebrew alphabet. 11 is the number of destruction. 11 RTRs a day if you can manage it is perfect.

Soooo... If i would do more than 11? For example 15? Would it be more effective? Or should i do just 11?
If you can do more then just do more. Whatever is the number. What matter is that you do as much as you can! :)

But how much time it takes to do that much? :shock: I mean obviously if you can it's a good thing! But It will sure takes a lot of time. Well i'm gratefull that people like you exist, thank you so much for your hard work!
Scion of Atlantis said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Every day it gets much more easy to visualize the letters getting erased! :cool: :cool: :cool:
Some immediately burst in a puff of dust, and some have a little thoughtform black-hole next to them that sucks all the energy out and they shrivel up. I know I'm not purposefully deciding between the two I don't try to see this, it just happens automatically. Maybe this is the way the gods want it to be done, and/or maybe this is just how most people have done it so it's imprinted into the ritual that this happens? I guess the letters that used to store a lot of the energy get dried up by the little black hole, and the letters that used to bind or form some kind of support structure burst into dust. If each one used to perform slightly different specialized jobs, it makes sense some of them get dismantled differently.

Does anyone else see it like this?
You're quite right, I'm noticing the same thing. They've been getting weaker and weaker as the RTRs continue. As the clergy has mentioned before, all of the letters are tied to one another, so they all weaken as all of them are destroyed.

Keep it up brother! Make sure to use numerology against them to destroy the hebrew alphabet. 11 is the number of destruction. 11 RTRs a day if you can manage it is perfect.

In addition to it being easier to erase them, it's become easier for me to "focus" on them altogether. I initially had difficulties in simply just visualizing the letters, let alone having them fade away or get blown by a gust of wind or shatter or whatever it is I'm feeling at the moment. Now I can conjure up at least some of the letters with little difficulty, and having them stay erased as opposed to trying to reform has become easier as well.
Artanis said:
Soooo... If i would do more than 11? For example 15? Would it be more effective? Or should i do just 11?
Do as many as you feel like over 11, maybe even 22 if you have the time. I threw 11 out since I think using that number against the enemy will make all of the Final RTRs leading up to that 11th even more powerful in destroying the hebrew alphabet. 15 is great as well.

luis said:
But how much time it takes to do that much? :shock: I mean obviously if you can it's a good thing! But It will sure takes a lot of time. Well i'm gratefull that people like you exist, thank you so much for your hard work!
I usually split it up, 1/3rd early in the day, another 1/3rd later, and finishing the final 1/3rd at the end of the day. That would be a 3-4 RTR session each time, an 45 minutes to an hour on average. This is probably most plausible on weekends, but to whoever has the time on weekdays should work on it.
Melleeboo6667 said:
I know i am very very very late to comment but i dont have a printer or computer. What i do is i use my screen freeze on my phone or tablet its a square with a pen in the middle it lets me freeze and draw on the screen without taking a ss and as i do the RTRs i can blot out the letters. When i am done, i unfreeze it and scroll down to the next grouping.
Have you tried this page good sir?


This is a paintable Final RTR webpage which works on phones and tablets alike. The bottom half of the page for some reason does not work with Chrome, but in any other browser, it should work fine.

HP Hooded Cobra has also mentioned before that we can do the RTRs without a paper, computer, or anything, just vibrating and visualizing the letters dissolving as if it were any other meditation session.
Artanis said:
Νίκος said:
Artanis said:
Just wanting to Make sure EVERYONE knows that THIS particular Post (FINAL RTR 21 July 2018) is THE MOST Important post in The WHOLE WIDE WORLD! Theres MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of other posts in The internet, which gets millions and millions of views and replies. And STILL, THIS IS THE #1 MOST IMPORTANT IN THE WHOLE WORLD!

Only with THIS weapon, this SPIRITUAL weapon, which is a WUD(Weapon of ULTIMATE destruction), WE few dozens of thousands(extremely small number) here on The JOS, can obliterate The Enemy of Humanity as a WHOLE at The same Time and iniate a ETERNAL Golden Age upon Earth!

You cannot even imagine how much I appreciate and get encouraged by your posts :)
And you cannot imagine how much your posts of appreciation towards my encouraging posts inspire and encourage me to keep on fighting Even harder. :cool:

[Lydia becomes super-inspired by these posts, rushes off to do more RTR's] :)
(just a little comment i put in this vid :lol: :lol: :lol: )
´ahhhh... Its AMAIZING that this Christinsanity created by the jews is NOT gonna last more than 5-10 years at TOPS. And again, its THANKS to the CHRISTIAN(****NOT**** SATANIC CHRISTARDS!-.-) leaders like Rabbi Pope Francis, who does EVERYTHING to destroy destroy and destroy their(jews) OWN enslavement program!:D XD :D XD

AHHHHH... Isnt this going to be FUN to watch unfold? :)`

Even though it IS about Soviet kind ´Hell March`, i just LOVE to COMPLETELY forget about the jewishness(Communism) in it and think that its OUR ´FINAL Battle`(the one where we *WILL* OBLITERATE the Enemy :twisted: :twisted: ) ´Theme Music` :cool: :cool: And the points where they shout out something(im sorry if they shout something about Communism or some shit, i cant make out what they shout), it sounds VEEEEEEEEEERY familiar... TUTUTUTUT HEIL! TUTUTUTUTU HEIL! :cool: :lol:

HAIL SATAN COMMRADES!! :cool: :cool:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
