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Female & Male Energies - The Degraded Position Of Women In An Ignorant Society


Active member
Oct 27, 2021
It should and must be said frankly in our society today that if the current generation grows up ignorant, we can begin to think about the perpetuation of the individual for the decline of our civilization, but in many of these paradigms the monumental hand of the enemy plays a role.

Through the psychological influences of pornography and everyday media, youth lose their opportunities and outlook on life, and then themselves. This is turning such a big wheel in that big mill that its effects will be felt for a long time to come, and we are already seeing some stages of this, unfortunately.

The jews do not care for anything that is normal or happens to be HUMAN, they have always been against these virtues and can never be compared to anyone.

Human morality and mentality has unfortunately degraded to an extreme level thanks to the enemy, and there are phenomena that are beyond the slightest bounds of human relations and basic human decency and respect, or merely to maintain appearances.

Men are losing their masculinity and whining about things that could easily be solved with a little attention, but it has to be said, unfortunately, that many in today's society are also incapable of solving their own problems in this area.

Everyone has their own things and virtues, regardless of age. Everyone has things to do for themselves and everyone has things to do for others. Because giving help pays off after a while, and after a while you will learn from your advice, which is also a constructive phenomenon.

In creation and the giving of new life, it is essential that the masculine and feminine energies meet, so that fertilisation cannot occur. In order for two people to truly love each other and give themselves unconditionally to the other, time, trust and last but not least love are needed.

Love, which is an initial flare-up (which may characterise the new generation), manifests itself in later stages in devotion, trust and, not least, in the manifestation of energies. All this is admirable, but how can it be imagined?

Do you think your wife or even your girlfriend is a prop to be played with when you want, to be used when you want? That kind of narrow-minded mentality should be wiped off the face of the earth, along with every last bit of jewry, but it will take a collective and then the final showdown.

The jews love to preach and spread it, whether through christianity, the media or movies, it doesn't matter, the dumb goy will adapt, because in our society a monumental percentage of people are on the edge of adaptability, so they can find their false "self" in anything.

To return, jews love to preach that women are inferior, treated as sexual aids (porn), or even beaten or treated as "inferior" beings. This message gets through to the dumb goy who finds it all arousing and adapts to the destructive norms of the stinking jews and starts to live his life accordingly.

There are many examples of sexual abuse by christianity and jewry in history, there are examples in the "jewbible" that should be read with OPEN eyes and the Truth would come out. Funny, because many of the sins of the jews are in one of the most well known "books" in the world and millions have read it, but no one has been able to decipher it.

This is a first-rate subcategory of joke in the category of pity.

Women symbolize Feminine Energies, motherhood, mothering, tenderness, devotion, love, caring, connection with the Moon, nurturing, femininity, which is one of the fundamental sources of our earth and our life, and last but not least LIFE. The New Life, the new, the something special and also the something mysterious.

Sadly, I am saddened by the way women are treated.

Just imagine for a moment ourselves as women in today's society, in terms of expectations and morals. Do you want to be terrified of which fucking idiot is following you around and which one wants to perform a nude against your will? Or even menstruation - imagine what it would be like if you were menstruating.

You'd probably collapse from the pain.

Because of the low level of understanding, many people don't understand life itself, man, woman and man, black and white, you can go on with this paradigm ad infinitum, the end will still be the same - low level of understanding because of the enemy in this society and it shows.

Men are losing their self-control, doing things they shouldn't be doing at all. Manliness lies in strength, in perseverance, in not giving up, in progress and not least in will, and the list could go on and on.

A lot of people forget to behave like people, but the pressure that this society puts on us, where everybody wants to be different, everybody wants to be unique, everybody wants to be the same, it's understandable to a certain extent, but the essence of change is always in front of you, it's always in you.

In Spiritual Satanism, there is no such thing as which is not "superior" or which just happens to be more important. We all know that this categorisation can manifest itself in many ways, for example men are stronger in physical strength, women excel in spiritual strength.

Both sexes, male and female, have a quintessential importance in life, in the birth of life, in nurturing and so on. We do not look down on women because we do not exist according to the mentality and morality desired by the enemy, and we do not belong to them, but to Satan.

As you progress in your meditation, you will understand things better.

This is the pillar of the levels of progress where you will always and always find something new, something unknown. On the side of the Gods and Satan, your progress dramatically increases and intensifies, and Knowledge systematically flows into you, which also leads to your progress.

I didn't start on a high level either, I had my problems. I will write a post about this soon for your understanding.

There were many times when I didn't understand things, I mean I actually understood things, the realization was not what I imagined in my head. My energy levels have been monumentally chaotic over the years, one day I was up, the next day I was down. The energy cycle in me fluctuated between good and bad.

I have consulted my Guardian Demon many times, talked to Satan Himself a lot, and contacted and worked with many Wonderful Gods.

This was also because I was often lazy to meditate normally. The point is that you have to understand people, including men and women. We are not all the same, that's what makes us different, but it's our thinking and our emotions that make us who we are as people.

Through development we evolve from human to Übermensch. Development does not come from external stimuli. There is only one key to development - you.

Oddly enough, I was just having a conversation about this with my stepmother. Apparently, when they had sex and my dad finished before she did, he would go into the bathroom and watch porn until he did. He would then get upset when she gave him the cold shoulder.

She brought it up and basically my dad told her she was being "emotional" and "dramatic" and saying how "it's normal".

Being married and imagining yourself with a woman who is not your wife is cheating. And because of the completely fucked society we live in, he thinks this is normal and she needs to just comply.

Yet another reason to despise the enemy: what it does to tear families apart.
Charlotte61903 said:
Oddly enough, I was just having a conversation about this with my stepmother. Apparently, when they had sex and my dad finished before she did, he would go into the bathroom and watch porn until he did. He would then get upset when she gave him the cold shoulder.

She brought it up and basically my dad told her she was being "emotional" and "dramatic" and saying how "it's normal".

Being married and imagining yourself with a woman who is not your wife is cheating. And because of the completely fucked society we live in, he thinks this is normal and she needs to just comply.

Yet another reason to despise the enemy: what it does to tear families apart.

Ask me again why I stopped dating. This is all I see online from men justifying pornography and other things, and even going so far as to say it's just a form of entertainment and it lets them skip having to "go through the trouble of cuddling and other intimate affections". ie I don't want to love or care about anyone I just want to get off and be gone. Don't get me wrong a lot of women are like this too. But quick fixes are all anyone cares about anymore, especially with this current dating culture.
To be honest with you OP, I opened this post expecting to be disappointed and expecting another traditionalist mindset. That is very telling in itself and is almost ironic! Haha.

This was refreshing to read as I have had this conversation with myself many, many times. Men are denying they need INTIMACY [sex is only part of this] and YES getting intimacy is HARD because it involves trust, friendship and care. You have to invest and be responsible for someone else. That takes maturity and the will to do it. Gentiles have this ability deep inside their souls. But why bother when we can whack off to [YES, mind blowing, deeply fantastical and addictive] porn and keep pushing it under the rug? "99 problems but a bitch ain't one" :roll:
My boyfriend said to me once that when I am with him he is physically brighter and healthier.

Handling rejection is also part of this. Guess what, us women get rejected by guys - attractive guys - too. How you handle this is really important. I know it sucks shit at first and it's ok to cry about it in private. But... Water off a duck's back - there are SO MANY people in this world out there for you and you will NEVER find another if you keep moping around about it!

One more point... This does not relate to myself as I do not want children, however many women do. Women will instinctively/consciously size you up as how you will do as a father even when you are dating. If you are lazy or immature - less chances, sorry. I mean this sucks even if you have no expectations. Unless the woman is willing to overlook this, highly unlikely though. If you care about this or you want to be a father. What this means to each woman is different. Usually modern parenting means the workload is shared. If this means a lot to you then research what this means to women, ask women you know, research online etc. Wanting children is one thing and being prepared for them is another.

I am so lucky I have someone who cares for me, but I don't know if this will be forever.... - FUCK dating in this culture of stringless, careless, loveless, mindless fucking!!! Seriously, sometimes I think I would rather die alone it would be LESS LONELY!!
However on a brighter note - you CAN ask the Gods for help with this and there are methods of divination that will show you who is good for you and who is not. I don't care how ugly or horrid you think you are - The Gods CAN AND WILL HELP YOU but you have to work for it and have courage!
BrightSpace666 said:

Amazing post BrightSpace666!

I'm definitely the last person (on the surface level) one would expect to be a Nazi Satanist.

1.) I'm gay and I have been since as long as I can remember.
2.) I'm empathetic and I like arts, cooking, etc.

Along with these two facts I hate the LGBT community (lefty-loosie commie garbage) and I hate this agenda that puts false stereotypes on sex, that men need to be feminine and women tough and manly.

I've noticed that super hero movies these days show the guys getting the shit kicked out of them while the women always get knocked over a little, but always come out on top.

The level of this jewish agenda is vast and it all ties into the melting-pot they are creating with sex, further displacing the true meaning of "man" and "woman".

They want us all to be something in-between so that the shift to the asexual borg will be easier. It started with race and now we're facing this... it's unbelievable to me how everyday people don't see it.

Just look at what the Miriam Webster Dictionary added under "female"... crazy:

b: having a gender identity that is the opposite of male

When I was a kid I LOVED Halloween (and still do). For some reason I had a deep interest and intrigue for Witches; their mystique, elegance and beauty.

This is an embodiment of the true feminine I now know. Even my mother (work hard / play hard, eat pizza, watch sports, etc) had a very masculine nature about her. This has been going on for longer than I might even know based on this.

Some women can be tomboys, sure, but this shouldn't be the rule and I feel it shouldn't be over-the-top.

I don't present myself in an overly-feminine way. I always thought this was weird, but again to each their own. That's just how I feel about gender and how it should be represented. This is one reason why TV/media is so toxic to societal consciousness, which effectively started in the late 30's and early 40's.

I think since waking up I've become more bitter towards these things. I sound like my grandfather and my family thinks I've gone a little crazy. Hopefully I can wake them up someday; one tidbit at a time. To some degree I think people might just be wired differently.

Anyway, sorry to sound so pissed off. It really does bug me and I can't wait for these parasites to get their comeuppance for all of their atrocities against the gentiles.

Again, thank you for your post. Your illustrations and writing style are as always empowering, captivating and spot-on.
sublimestatanist said:
BrightSpace666 said:

Amazing post BrightSpace666!

I'm definitely the last person (on the surface level) one would expect to be a Nazi Satanist.

1.) I'm gay and I have been since as long as I can remember.
2.) I'm empathetic and I like arts, cooking, etc.

Along with these two facts I hate the LGBT community (lefty-loosie commie garbage) and I hate this agenda that puts false stereotypes on sex, that men need to be feminine and women tough and manly.

I've noticed that super hero movies these days show the guys getting the shit kicked out of them while the women always get knocked over a little, but always come out on top.

The level of this jewish agenda is vast and it all ties into the melting-pot they are creating with sex, further displacing the true meaning of "man" and "woman".

They want us all to be something in-between so that the shift to the asexual borg will be easier. It started with race and now we're facing this... it's unbelievable to me how everyday people don't see it.

Just look at what the Miriam Webster Dictionary added under "female"... crazy:

b: having a gender identity that is the opposite of male

When I was a kid I LOVED Halloween (and still do). For some reason I had a deep interest and intrigue for Witches; their mystique, elegance and beauty.

This is an embodiment of the true feminine I now know. Even my mother (work hard / play hard, eat pizza, watch sports, etc) had a very masculine nature about her. This has been going on for longer than I might even know based on this.

Some women can be tomboys, sure, but this shouldn't be the rule and I feel it shouldn't be over-the-top.

I don't present myself in an overly-feminine way. I always thought this was weird, but again to each their own. That's just how I feel about gender and how it should be represented. This is one reason why TV/media is so toxic to societal consciousness, which effectively started in the late 30's and early 40's.

I think since waking up I've become more bitter towards these things. I sound like my grandfather and my family thinks I've gone a little crazy. Hopefully I can wake them up someday; one tidbit at a time. To some degree I think people might just be wired differently.

Anyway, sorry to sound so pissed off. It really does bug me and I can't wait for these parasites to get their comeuppance for all of their atrocities against the gentiles.

Again, thank you for your post. Your illustrations and writing style are as always empowering, captivating and spot-on.

In fact, gay people have been invented and condemned in many places, but there is absolutely no need for that, because we are talking about human instincts and attachments, which are still human things. That is what Satanism is about, individuality and freedom. Those who berate or condemn gays or lesbians are narrow in their understanding.

Spiritual Satanism is about You or You, and being yourself in this society is downright "disappointing" because everyone wants to be different from everyone else, on the surface these people are the same.

I also like cooking, feminine things, even though I am not a woman. I get on better with women, for example, I don't know why.

In our own bodies we have the right to dress and look the way we are, and that's a beautiful thing. Individuality is dying out in society, and it's downright rare to find people who don't want to be different. Of course many would deny this, but under the surface it is always different.

Thank you for writing here. I enjoy talking to you, I have noticed this in the Spiritual Support Thread, and maybe even before.
Soul Wings said:
To be honest with you OP, I opened this post expecting to be disappointed and expecting another traditionalist mindset. That is very telling in itself and is almost ironic! Haha.

This was refreshing to read as I have had this conversation with myself many, many times. Men are denying they need INTIMACY [sex is only part of this] and YES getting intimacy is HARD because it involves trust, friendship and care. You have to invest and be responsible for someone else. That takes maturity and the will to do it. Gentiles have this ability deep inside their souls. But why bother when we can whack off to [YES, mind blowing, deeply fantastical and addictive] porn and keep pushing it under the rug? "99 problems but a bitch ain't one" :roll:
My boyfriend said to me once that when I am with him he is physically brighter and healthier.

Handling rejection is also part of this. Guess what, us women get rejected by guys - attractive guys - too. How you handle this is really important. I know it sucks shit at first and it's ok to cry about it in private. But... Water off a duck's back - there are SO MANY people in this world out there for you and you will NEVER find another if you keep moping around about it!

One more point... This does not relate to myself as I do not want children, however many women do. Women will instinctively/consciously size you up as how you will do as a father even when you are dating. If you are lazy or immature - less chances, sorry. I mean this sucks even if you have no expectations. Unless the woman is willing to overlook this, highly unlikely though. If you care about this or you want to be a father. What this means to each woman is different. Usually modern parenting means the workload is shared. If this means a lot to you then research what this means to women, ask women you know, research online etc. Wanting children is one thing and being prepared for them is another.

I am so lucky I have someone who cares for me, but I don't know if this will be forever.... - FUCK dating in this culture of stringless, careless, loveless, mindless fucking!!! Seriously, sometimes I think I would rather die alone it would be LESS LONELY!!
However on a brighter note - you CAN ask the Gods for help with this and there are methods of divination that will show you who is good for you and who is not. I don't care how ugly or horrid you think you are - The Gods CAN AND WILL HELP YOU but you have to work for it and have courage!

Being in a relationship is not for everyone, as many people lack the skills to maintain a relationship. I've also seen men not allowing women to be themselves or to go out because they don't trust them. There has to be mutual trust in relationships, without it there is no way.

Unfortunately, caring and "positive" or "wonderful" things don't last forever. Much needs to be done to keep such constructive phenomena at the level where they are truly "wonderful". Congratulations on your relationship and I wish you happiness.

By the way, what is "OP"? I've met it several times, but I still haven't figured it out.
Shadowcat said:
Charlotte61903 said:
Oddly enough, I was just having a conversation about this with my stepmother. Apparently, when they had sex and my dad finished before she did, he would go into the bathroom and watch porn until he did. He would then get upset when she gave him the cold shoulder.

She brought it up and basically my dad told her she was being "emotional" and "dramatic" and saying how "it's normal".

Being married and imagining yourself with a woman who is not your wife is cheating. And because of the completely fucked society we live in, he thinks this is normal and she needs to just comply.

Yet another reason to despise the enemy: what it does to tear families apart.

Ask me again why I stopped dating. This is all I see online from men justifying pornography and other things, and even going so far as to say it's just a form of entertainment and it lets them skip having to "go through the trouble of cuddling and other intimate affections". ie I don't want to love or care about anyone I just want to get off and be gone. Don't get me wrong a lot of women are like this too. But quick fixes are all anyone cares about anymore, especially with this current dating culture.

Almost everyone is a fan of quick fixes because they seem simpler, as people get tired of the mundane and everyday. Oyy veyyyy, go to jewsus and with him you will find peace and tranquility. Silly goy.

Many people think with their genitals and go after it. Many don't deserve your care, even yours, as in many cases one party is just taking advantage of the other party's love. I don't understand, life could have a simple solution. Oyy veyy, maybe the jews can solve that too. <3333333

BrightSpace666 said:
It should and must be said frankly in our society today that if the current generation grows up ignorant, we can begin to think about the perpetuation of the individual for the decline of our civilization, but in many of these paradigms the monumental hand of the enemy plays a role.

Through the psychological influences of pornography and everyday media, youth lose their opportunities and outlook on life, and then themselves. This is turning such a big wheel in that big mill that its effects will be felt for a long time to come, and we are already seeing some stages of this, unfortunately.

The jews do not care for anything that is normal or happens to be HUMAN, they have always been against these virtues and can never be compared to anyone.

Human morality and mentality has unfortunately degraded to an extreme level thanks to the enemy, and there are phenomena that are beyond the slightest bounds of human relations and basic human decency and respect, or merely to maintain appearances.

Men are losing their masculinity and whining about things that could easily be solved with a little attention, but it has to be said, unfortunately, that many in today's society are also incapable of solving their own problems in this area.

Everyone has their own things and virtues, regardless of age. Everyone has things to do for themselves and everyone has things to do for others. Because giving help pays off after a while, and after a while you will learn from your advice, which is also a constructive phenomenon.

In creation and the giving of new life, it is essential that the masculine and feminine energies meet, so that fertilisation cannot occur. In order for two people to truly love each other and give themselves unconditionally to the other, time, trust and last but not least love are needed.

Love, which is an initial flare-up (which may characterise the new generation), manifests itself in later stages in devotion, trust and, not least, in the manifestation of energies. All this is admirable, but how can it be imagined?

Do you think your wife or even your girlfriend is a prop to be played with when you want, to be used when you want? That kind of narrow-minded mentality should be wiped off the face of the earth, along with every last bit of jewry, but it will take a collective and then the final showdown.

The jews love to preach and spread it, whether through christianity, the media or movies, it doesn't matter, the dumb goy will adapt, because in our society a monumental percentage of people are on the edge of adaptability, so they can find their false "self" in anything.

To return, jews love to preach that women are inferior, treated as sexual aids (porn), or even beaten or treated as "inferior" beings. This message gets through to the dumb goy who finds it all arousing and adapts to the destructive norms of the stinking jews and starts to live his life accordingly.

There are many examples of sexual abuse by christianity and jewry in history, there are examples in the "jewbible" that should be read with OPEN eyes and the Truth would come out. Funny, because many of the sins of the jews are in one of the most well known "books" in the world and millions have read it, but no one has been able to decipher it.

This is a first-rate subcategory of joke in the category of pity.

Women symbolize Feminine Energies, motherhood, mothering, tenderness, devotion, love, caring, connection with the Moon, nurturing, femininity, which is one of the fundamental sources of our earth and our life, and last but not least LIFE. The New Life, the new, the something special and also the something mysterious.

Sadly, I am saddened by the way women are treated.

Just imagine for a moment ourselves as women in today's society, in terms of expectations and morals. Do you want to be terrified of which fucking idiot is following you around and which one wants to perform a nude against your will? Or even menstruation - imagine what it would be like if you were menstruating.

You'd probably collapse from the pain.

Because of the low level of understanding, many people don't understand life itself, man, woman and man, black and white, you can go on with this paradigm ad infinitum, the end will still be the same - low level of understanding because of the enemy in this society and it shows.

Men are losing their self-control, doing things they shouldn't be doing at all. Manliness lies in strength, in perseverance, in not giving up, in progress and not least in will, and the list could go on and on.

A lot of people forget to behave like people, but the pressure that this society puts on us, where everybody wants to be different, everybody wants to be unique, everybody wants to be the same, it's understandable to a certain extent, but the essence of change is always in front of you, it's always in you.

In Spiritual Satanism, there is no such thing as which is not "superior" or which just happens to be more important. We all know that this categorisation can manifest itself in many ways, for example men are stronger in physical strength, women excel in spiritual strength.

Both sexes, male and female, have a quintessential importance in life, in the birth of life, in nurturing and so on. We do not look down on women because we do not exist according to the mentality and morality desired by the enemy, and we do not belong to them, but to Satan.

As you progress in your meditation, you will understand things better.

This is the pillar of the levels of progress where you will always and always find something new, something unknown. On the side of the Gods and Satan, your progress dramatically increases and intensifies, and Knowledge systematically flows into you, which also leads to your progress.

I didn't start on a high level either, I had my problems. I will write a post about this soon for your understanding.

There were many times when I didn't understand things, I mean I actually understood things, the realization was not what I imagined in my head. My energy levels have been monumentally chaotic over the years, one day I was up, the next day I was down. The energy cycle in me fluctuated between good and bad.

I have consulted my Guardian Demon many times, talked to Satan Himself a lot, and contacted and worked with many Wonderful Gods.

This was also because I was often lazy to meditate normally. The point is that you have to understand people, including men and women. We are not all the same, that's what makes us different, but it's our thinking and our emotions that make us who we are as people.

Through development we evolve from human to Übermensch. Development does not come from external stimuli. There is only one key to development - you.


Soft men are better)))but yes new generation of human race really sucks) Im saying this as one of them))))
Mission: Get 10 girlfriends first and then think about what you wrote on this post.

The narrative that women are eternal victims who get hit and beaten left and right is false, be careful of this.

Certainly, actual crimes like rape or getting beat or stalking are not in this category. These involve actions by another victimizing a woman, in reality.

Yet, men are also often-times victimized by women to extents that are mind boggling, including: Friendzoning for years while exploiting their time and attention, cucking them with monkeys, fucking their friends and trying to ruin friendships, acting like an cold blooded criminal type senseless harlot towards sensitive men, blowing men's bank accounts and walking away with the loot, getting people into drugs and other things so that they finally give them attention, and so on, so forth.

Women likewise have numerous mistakes done to them by men, but the basis of this is reality and toxic behavior, not always a "male vs female" situation.

These are passed of as "natural", and this is done through the claim that women are eternal victims.

Actual degradation women in ever rising numbers are doing, is to a large extent done willingly. Many women also readily enjoy this process, at least momentarily. Then, it's always easy to ride the wave of "Bad male, bad" to justify one's decisions for being reckless or stupid.

In fact, this is where other women should be stepping in to actually stop any of this, or maintain a baseline standard. But currently, 12 year old daughters of said women are dancing with thongs on TikTok, and they generally do nothing, but repeat the same record that women are victimized by men or something, while indeed the "feminine" energies are rampant everywhere and in many cases in the most degraded form, created too by the hand of women themselves.

Since the enemy enjoys this situations and benefits from skankdom, it's always a good solution for them to blame the energy that could counterbalance this, or essentially "masculinity". They then make up that every attempt to balance anything is "feminine abuse", even when this is directed to one's children or daughter.

The narrative here is as illogical as stating: "Question the jews = you killed 6,000,000 in a gas chamber, goy".

It is a manufactured belief of false imagination and kike scenarios made by liars and the enemy in order to procure lawlessness and a perpetual statue of victimhood and guilt tripping on men for any attempt towards being masculine in anyway, thinking that if they become Masculine this actually displeases women or that it will cause them Karate side damage because everytime one exits the gym they will go around hitting all women in their vicinity after a hulk-like hormonal episode of violence.

This is a rare occurrence, especially in the West. Things have 'balanced out' a long time ago.

Women symbolize Feminine Energies, motherhood, mothering, tenderness, devotion, love, caring, connection with the Moon, nurturing, femininity, which is one of the fundamental sources of our earth and our life, and last but not least LIFE. The New Life, the new, the something special and also the something mysterious.

Sadly, I am saddened by the way women are treated.

Correct. But they themselves are willingly often-times forsaking this and letting it go, "Degrading themselves" as free agents of their own actions. The acceleration of this is by society.

This, we cannot call merely a victimhood. In the same way women might complain men need to repair or manage masculinity, they too, have their own end of the bargain towards a more balanced and proper society.

They want nothing to do with that bargain in extremely alarming manners.

Instagram and every platform is currently ruled by women who essentially do nothing but display their material body, who will later complain falsely that they are being "objectified", revealing it to be the case that they are perfectly fine with this, ie, creating false arguments that only reflect a small portion of them as the rest clearly are on board.

Going further, let us not mention OnlyFans and Pornhub, or Lana Rhoades who claimed that she was being victimized in all this. In general, it's easy to do everything of this nature and then claim it was some evil male doing this to you, as if you didn't do any actions yourself.

Women are no longer "disempowered" in society. They are exceptionally powerful, and often-times, with doing very little. Traditional values of women have been abolished, or under siege, and these complete the package of a full woman.

The examples that people practice Karate on them on a daily basis from a small place in the middle of nowhere, are extremely rare in any civilized western place in this day and era, and the narrative is being kept alive and forced to keep promoting this power which currently is at steroids while men fall in the gutter.

The repetitive complaining about this is merely seated for places where Abrahamism is most powerful, and where women have real problems, versus in the West where the striking majority of problems are currently not backed up by the statistical data on the violence incurred.

Ie, this social state of affairs, albeit started from abrahamism, is still continuing itself because of oftentimes delusions such as that "it's men's fault", a practice commonly attacking men as well.

Lastly, to be fair, it's important to also not present women as eternal victims, as women themselves have chosen that they are to collectively take responsibility for their actions.

Actions that are illegal, are punishable by law. If someone sacks me however on the street or a cartel sends a woman to seduce me and steal my car, I will not write a diatribe on how it's women's fault.

The general mass wide fed narrative right now is that women are trolled that this is somehow always men's fault to remove their end of the responsibility in processes in which they are fully responsible themselves too.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

It's just that it's tragic due to the above, as men and women fall into the above scenarios with someone that turns out to hurt them, a lot of seem them turn and think everyone is the same and treat them as such. There are alot of women who are merciless when it comes to how they reject someone not caring how it can scar them for life even. I could never do this to someone as I have had it done to me personally and know what it feels like. If I let someone down I do it with respect and gently.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Mission: Get 10 girlfriends first and then think about what you wrote on this post.

The narrative that women are eternal victims who get hit and beaten left and right is false, be careful of this.

Certainly, actual crimes like rape or getting beat or stalking are not in this category. These involve actions by another victimizing a woman, in reality.

Yet, men are also often-times victimized by women to extents that are mind boggling, including: Friendzoning for years while exploiting their time and attention, cucking them with monkeys, fucking their friends and trying to ruin friendships, acting like an cold blooded criminal type senseless harlot towards sensitive men, blowing men's bank accounts and walking away with the loot, getting people into drugs and other things so that they finally give them attention, and so on, so forth.

Women likewise have numerous mistakes done to them by men, but the basis of this is reality and toxic behavior, not always a "male vs female" situation.

These are passed of as "natural", and this is done through the claim that women are eternal victims.

Actual degradation women in ever rising numbers are doing, is to a large extent done willingly. Many women also readily enjoy this process, at least momentarily. Then, it's always easy to ride the wave of "Bad male, bad" to justify one's decisions for being reckless or stupid.

In fact, this is where other women should be stepping in to actually stop any of this, or maintain a baseline standard. But currently, 12 year old daughters of said women are dancing with thongs on TikTok, and they generally do nothing, but repeat the same record that women are victimized by men or something, while indeed the "feminine" energies are rampant everywhere and in many cases in the most degraded form, created too by the hand of women themselves.

Since the enemy enjoys this situations and benefits from skankdom, it's always a good solution for them to blame the energy that could counterbalance this, or essentially "masculinity". They then make up that every attempt to balance anything is "feminine abuse", even when this is directed to one's children or daughter.

The narrative here is as illogical as stating: "Question the jews = you killed 6,000,000 in a gas chamber, goy".

It is a manufactured belief of false imagination and kike scenarios made by liars and the enemy in order to procure lawlessness and a perpetual statue of victimhood and guilt tripping on men for any attempt towards being masculine in anyway, thinking that if they become Masculine this actually displeases women or that it will cause them Karate side damage because everytime one exits the gym they will go around hitting all women in their vicinity after a hulk-like hormonal episode of violence.

This is a rare occurrence, especially in the West. Things have 'balanced out' a long time ago.

Women symbolize Feminine Energies, motherhood, mothering, tenderness, devotion, love, caring, connection with the Moon, nurturing, femininity, which is one of the fundamental sources of our earth and our life, and last but not least LIFE. The New Life, the new, the something special and also the something mysterious.

Sadly, I am saddened by the way women are treated.

Correct. But they themselves are willingly often-times forsaking this and letting it go, "Degrading themselves" as free agents of their own actions. The acceleration of this is by society.

This, we cannot call merely a victimhood. In the same way women might complain men need to repair or manage masculinity, they too, have their own end of the bargain towards a more balanced and proper society.

They want nothing to do with that bargain in extremely alarming manners.

Instagram and every platform is currently ruled by women who essentially do nothing but display their material body, who will later complain falsely that they are being "objectified", revealing it to be the case that they are perfectly fine with this, ie, creating false arguments that only reflect a small portion of them as the rest clearly are on board.

Going further, let us not mention OnlyFans and Pornhub, or Lana Rhoades who claimed that she was being victimized in all this. In general, it's easy to do everything of this nature and then claim it was some evil male doing this to you, as if you didn't do any actions yourself.

Women are no longer "disempowered" in society. They are exceptionally powerful, and often-times, with doing very little. Traditional values of women have been abolished, or under siege, and these complete the package of a full woman.

The examples that people practice Karate on them on a daily basis from a small place in the middle of nowhere, are extremely rare in any civilized western place in this day and era, and the narrative is being kept alive and forced to keep promoting this power which currently is at steroids while men fall in the gutter.

The repetitive complaining about this is merely seated for places where Abrahamism is most powerful, and where women have real problems, versus in the West where the striking majority of problems are currently not backed up by the statistical data on the violence incurred.

Ie, this social state of affairs, albeit started from abrahamism, is still continuing itself because of oftentimes delusions such as that "it's men's fault", a practice commonly attacking men as well.

Lastly, to be fair, it's important to also not present women as eternal victims, as women themselves have chosen that they are to collectively take responsibility for their actions.

Actions that are illegal, are punishable by law. If someone sacks me however on the street or a cartel sends a woman to seduce me and steal my car, I will not write a diatribe on how it's women's fault.

The general mass wide fed narrative right now is that women are trolled that this is somehow always men's fault to remove their end of the responsibility in processes in which they are fully responsible themselves too.

There is actually one other thing I forgot to touch up on that is barely talked about: Men and boys can be sexually assaulted too and the sad part is that if they report it they will more quickly receive ridicule than sympathy and help. There have been cases of where this has happened with older women and younger boys or just with couples even...I recently talked to someone who told me how a lot of women and girls sexually abused him and forced themselves on him (while being a minor!) in exchange for food and shelter when he ran away from home. I asked him why he didn't go to the police. I think he was afraid of what I just mentioned.
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

It's just that it's tragic due to the above, as men and women fall into the above scenarios with someone that turns out to hurt them, a lot of seem them turn and think everyone is the same and treat them as such. There are alot of women who are merciless when it comes to how they reject someone not caring how it can scar them for life even. I could never do this to someone as I have had it done to me personally and know what it feels like. If I let someone down I do it with respect and gently.

Last year I had a dude in my life occassionally coming to me to pour out his pain from a miserable situation with a girl he knew for years. Outsider, so I never really say too much. I just listened for the most part and gave some general advice.

After she removed him from the friendzone of over 5 years, for a quick fuck overall [she fooled him that she was truly in love with him, then revealed it was never the case], while she knew he was crazy in love with her to suicidal levels, she discarded him and he became fully suicidal, then he had to go to a therapist, and he is now mentally scarred.

To cause him maximum damage, she would show up on his nameday, birthday, or even when he is with other women, like when she learns he finally started getting it together to find another girl.

However, when he wants her in anyway, she ghosts him and is completely unavailable, or fucks other dudes. She also lets him know of this to shatter his mind.

Knowing this, the woman also shows up once every couple of months to his house to abuse him sexually, and they both pretend they have no clue what is going on, blaming each other, yet they both engage in more of this eventful insanity to fully destroy themselves.

She also did other things like telling him she wants a family and to celebrate Xmas together, then at the 24th of last year she left to go to Switzerland to fuck with someone else, most likely, while he had prepared everything and presents, sort of like the ultimate things of toxicity one sees in movies.

However, that female will likely respond that she is disenfranchised and disempowered because X woman got beat at a village in India? AND?

Super oy vey, very clever, like the Holocaust, where you can destroy anything and just mention something loosely related to you was a victim once.

Additionally, does that anything have to do with gender, or likely the feeling of immunity that many women have? Or is it just toxicity?

I leave this question open here.

Now should we make the above into a soap opera to make men victims? She didn't beat him, but how about turning him to shambles and getting him to the therapist? Does that count for damage or no?

He slapped her once however, and then the woman threatened him to go to the police, which he replied to "I don't care get me to jail, you have ruined my life".

Long story short from all this story of over 5 years, what will remain in the head of a professional jew feminist is that "he slapped her in the face", and not that he has to visit a therapist for getting completely insane, after vicious mind games and other forms of mental destruction that are inherent in them both, bordering insanity. The therapist recommended him antidepressants and to see a full on medical personnel for very damaged people.

But I have to read nonsense that this is the case because whatever...Zero self respect on both sides, and much willingness to do the bad things, wrong decisions, and zero care.

Some people are toxic that's about it, and toxic to one another.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

(repost because for some reason the whole post did not come out right)
I saw a quote from you that seemed to be gone, maybe what you wanted to say was here.
its true, women are not eternal victims and they present their own issues out of themselves also in which they treat others unfairly and many are far from perfect. They are given too much leeway in certain aspects in fact. A lot don't realize there are good aspects of masculinity too apparently because of always attacking it, but the tragedy is that a lot of women have been not shown a good example of such. Same for men with femininity, and namely because of the things you named here. I am hoping things will be different one day.

Yet, men are also often-times victimized by women to extents that are mind boggling, including: Friendzoning for years while exploiting their time and attention, cucking them with monkeys, fucking their friends and trying to ruin friendships, acting like an cold blooded criminal type senseless harlot towards sensitive men, blowing men's bank accounts and walking away with the loot, getting people into drugs and other things so that they finally give them attention, and so on, so forth.

Women likewise have numerous mistakes done to them by men, but the basis of this is reality and toxic behavior, not always a "male vs female" situation.

It's just that it's tragic due to the above, as men and women fall into the above scenarios with someone that turns out to hurt them, a lot of seem them turn and think everyone is the same and treat them as such. There are alot of women who are merciless when it comes to how they reject someone not caring how it can scar them for life even. I could never do this to someone as I have had it done to me personally and know what it feels like. If I let someone down I do it with respect and gently.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

It's just that it's tragic due to the above, as men and women fall into the above scenarios with someone that turns out to hurt them, a lot of seem them turn and think everyone is the same and treat them as such. There are alot of women who are merciless when it comes to how they reject someone not caring how it can scar them for life even. I could never do this to someone as I have had it done to me personally and know what it feels like. If I let someone down I do it with respect and gently.

Last year I had a dude in my life with a girl he knew for years. After she removed him from the friendzone of over 5 years, for a quick fuck overall [she fooled him that she was truly in love with him, then revealed it was never the case], while she knew he was crazy in love with her to suicidal levels, she discarded him and he became fully suicidal, then he had to go to a therapist, and he is now mentally scarred.

Knowing this, the woman also shows up once every couple of months to his house to abuse him sexually, and they both pretend they have no clue what is going on, blaming each other, yet they both engage in more of this eventful insanity to fully destroy themselves.

Now should we make the above into a soap opera to make men victims? She didn't beat him, but how about turning him to shambles and getting him to the therapist? Does that count for damage or no? He slapped her once however, and then the woman threatened him to go to the police, which he replied to "I don't care get me to jail, you have ruined my life".

But I have to read nonsense that this is the case because whatever...Zero self respect on both sides, and much willingness to do the bad things, wrong decisions, and zero care.

Some people are toxic that's about it, and toxic to one another.

This is disgusting behaviour and I hate these types of people with a passion, the ones who play with others emotionally. If someone did to me what this girl did to your friend, things would not end well for them... She thoroughly deserved that slap.. Yes there are very toxic people out there sadly. It isn't men or women solely who are at fault. This type of pain to cause someone can be just as bad if not worse than a beating physically....it has been show in studies that this type of pain has an equivalent to experiencing actual physical anguish.

Someone that is all about me and loves me with a passion...i don't care if they are my type or not i would be a sociopath to lead them on only to let them down or humiliate them for their feelings. I will never understand this, as a gesture of love like this from someone to me all the same is like wanting to give a kind gift. This is what your friend did in so many words, and the girl that did what she did, spit on this gift.
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
It's just that it's tragic due to the above, as men and women fall into the above scenarios with someone that turns out to hurt them, a lot of seem them turn and think everyone is the same and treat them as such. There are alot of women who are merciless when it comes to how they reject someone not caring how it can scar them for life even. I could never do this to someone as I have had it done to me personally and know what it feels like. If I let someone down I do it with respect and gently.

Last year I had a dude in my life with a girl he knew for years. After she removed him from the friendzone of over 5 years, for a quick fuck overall [she fooled him that she was truly in love with him, then revealed it was never the case], while she knew he was crazy in love with her to suicidal levels, she discarded him and he became fully suicidal, then he had to go to a therapist, and he is now mentally scarred.

Knowing this, the woman also shows up once every couple of months to his house to abuse him sexually, and they both pretend they have no clue what is going on, blaming each other, yet they both engage in more of this eventful insanity to fully destroy themselves.

Now should we make the above into a soap opera to make men victims? She didn't beat him, but how about turning him to shambles and getting him to the therapist? Does that count for damage or no? He slapped her once however, and then the woman threatened him to go to the police, which he replied to "I don't care get me to jail, you have ruined my life".

But I have to read nonsense that this is the case because whatever...Zero self respect on both sides, and much willingness to do the bad things, wrong decisions, and zero care.

Some people are toxic that's about it, and toxic to one another.

This is disgusting behaviour and I hate these types of people with a passion, the ones who play with others emotionally. If someone did to me what this girl did to your friend, things would not end well for them... She thoroughly deserved that slap.. Yes there are very toxic people out there sadly. It isn't men or women solely who are at fault. This type of pain to cause someone can be just as bad if not worse than a beating physically....it has been show in studies that this type of pain has an equivalent to experiencing actual physical anguish.

Someone that is all about me and loves me with a passion...i don't care if they are my type or not i would be a sociopath to lead them on only to let them down or humiliate them for their feelings. I will never understand this, as a gesture of love like this from someone to me all the same is like wanting to give a kind gift. This is what your friend did in so many words, and the girl that did what she did, spit on this gift.

Well there are many people who are like this and maybe sociopathic or emotionally immature, so to just say that "Men are innocent" and "Women are innocent" is just bunk in the end of the day. Because it doesn't answer anything.

He's just a dude I know so I had a difficult time saying anything [I never intervene in the external lives of outsiders, I remain silent most of the time] but I told him he too was a retard too for trying to force the situation after evidently she did not want to be with him or she was terrible news.

In essence, they are both equally responsible.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Last year I had a dude in my life with a girl he knew for years. After she removed him from the friendzone of over 5 years, for a quick fuck overall [she fooled him that she was truly in love with him, then revealed it was never the case], while she knew he was crazy in love with her to suicidal levels, she discarded him and he became fully suicidal, then he had to go to a therapist, and he is now mentally scarred.

Knowing this, the woman also shows up once every couple of months to his house to abuse him sexually, and they both pretend they have no clue what is going on, blaming each other, yet they both engage in more of this eventful insanity to fully destroy themselves.

Now should we make the above into a soap opera to make men victims? She didn't beat him, but how about turning him to shambles and getting him to the therapist? Does that count for damage or no? He slapped her once however, and then the woman threatened him to go to the police, which he replied to "I don't care get me to jail, you have ruined my life".

But I have to read nonsense that this is the case because whatever...Zero self respect on both sides, and much willingness to do the bad things, wrong decisions, and zero care.

Some people are toxic that's about it, and toxic to one another.

This is disgusting behaviour and I hate these types of people with a passion, the ones who play with others emotionally. If someone did to me what this girl did to your friend, things would not end well for them... She thoroughly deserved that slap.. Yes there are very toxic people out there sadly. It isn't men or women solely who are at fault. This type of pain to cause someone can be just as bad if not worse than a beating physically....it has been show in studies that this type of pain has an equivalent to experiencing actual physical anguish.

Someone that is all about me and loves me with a passion...i don't care if they are my type or not i would be a sociopath to lead them on only to let them down or humiliate them for their feelings. I will never understand this, as a gesture of love like this from someone to me all the same is like wanting to give a kind gift. This is what your friend did in so many words, and the girl that did what she did, spit on this gift.

Well there are many people who are like this and maybe sociopathic or emotionally immature, so to just say that "Men are innocent" and "Women are innocent" is just bunk in the end of the day. Because it doesn't answer anything.

What I see a lot these also is people just "looking for fun" after just getting out of a toxic relationship from their gf sucking them dry or their bf cheating on them etc. I was nutty enough to even try to give online dating another go and all I attracted was just that. The weird thing is everytime I even tried to make a dating profile it was nuked quickly after for some mysterious reason or another that couldn't be justified or explained to me. I took it as a sign and gave it up :|
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Mission: Get 10 girlfriends first and then think about what you wrote on this post.

The narrative that women are eternal victims who get hit and beaten left and right is false, be careful of this.

Certainly, actual crimes like rape or getting beat or stalking are not in this category. These involve actions by another victimizing a woman, in reality.

Yet, men are also often-times victimized by women to extents that are mind boggling, including: Friendzoning for years while exploiting their time and attention, cucking them with monkeys, fucking their friends and trying to ruin friendships, acting like an cold blooded criminal type senseless harlot towards sensitive men, blowing men's bank accounts and walking away with the loot, getting people into drugs and other things so that they finally give them attention, and so on, so forth.

Women likewise have numerous mistakes done to them by men, but the basis of this is reality and toxic behavior, not always a "male vs female" situation.

These are passed of as "natural", and this is done through the claim that women are eternal victims.

Actual degradation women in ever rising numbers are doing, is to a large extent done willingly. Many women also readily enjoy this process, at least momentarily. Then, it's always easy to ride the wave of "Bad male, bad" to justify one's decisions for being reckless or stupid.

In fact, this is where other women should be stepping in to actually stop any of this, or maintain a baseline standard. But currently, 12 year old daughters of said women are dancing with thongs on TikTok, and they generally do nothing, but repeat the same record that women are victimized by men or something, while indeed the "feminine" energies are rampant everywhere and in many cases in the most degraded form, created too by the hand of women themselves.

Since the enemy enjoys this situations and benefits from skankdom, it's always a good solution for them to blame the energy that could counterbalance this, or essentially "masculinity". They then make up that every attempt to balance anything is "feminine abuse", even when this is directed to one's children or daughter.

The narrative here is as illogical as stating: "Question the jews = you killed 6,000,000 in a gas chamber, goy".

It is a manufactured belief of false imagination and kike scenarios made by liars and the enemy in order to procure lawlessness and a perpetual statue of victimhood and guilt tripping on men for any attempt towards being masculine in anyway, thinking that if they become Masculine this actually displeases women or that it will cause them Karate side damage because everytime one exits the gym they will go around hitting all women in their vicinity after a hulk-like hormonal episode of violence.

This is a rare occurrence, especially in the West. Things have 'balanced out' a long time ago.

Women symbolize Feminine Energies, motherhood, mothering, tenderness, devotion, love, caring, connection with the Moon, nurturing, femininity, which is one of the fundamental sources of our earth and our life, and last but not least LIFE. The New Life, the new, the something special and also the something mysterious.

Sadly, I am saddened by the way women are treated.

Correct. But they themselves are willingly often-times forsaking this and letting it go, "Degrading themselves" as free agents of their own actions. The acceleration of this is by society.

This, we cannot call merely a victimhood. In the same way women might complain men need to repair or manage masculinity, they too, have their own end of the bargain towards a more balanced and proper society.

They want nothing to do with that bargain in extremely alarming manners.

Instagram and every platform is currently ruled by women who essentially do nothing but display their material body, who will later complain falsely that they are being "objectified", revealing it to be the case that they are perfectly fine with this, ie, creating false arguments that only reflect a small portion of them as the rest clearly are on board.

Going further, let us not mention OnlyFans and Pornhub, or Lana Rhoades who claimed that she was being victimized in all this. In general, it's easy to do everything of this nature and then claim it was some evil male doing this to you, as if you didn't do any actions yourself.

Women are no longer "disempowered" in society. They are exceptionally powerful, and often-times, with doing very little. Traditional values of women have been abolished, or under siege, and these complete the package of a full woman.

The examples that people practice Karate on them on a daily basis from a small place in the middle of nowhere, are extremely rare in any civilized western place in this day and era, and the narrative is being kept alive and forced to keep promoting this power which currently is at steroids while men fall in the gutter.

The repetitive complaining about this is merely seated for places where Abrahamism is most powerful, and where women have real problems, versus in the West where the striking majority of problems are currently not backed up by the statistical data on the violence incurred.

Ie, this social state of affairs, albeit started from abrahamism, is still continuing itself because of oftentimes delusions such as that "it's men's fault", a practice commonly attacking men as well.

Lastly, to be fair, it's important to also not present women as eternal victims, as women themselves have chosen that they are to collectively take responsibility for their actions.

Actions that are illegal, are punishable by law. If someone sacks me however on the street or a cartel sends a woman to seduce me and steal my car, I will not write a diatribe on how it's women's fault.

The general mass wide fed narrative right now is that women are trolled that this is somehow always men's fault to remove their end of the responsibility in processes in which they are fully responsible themselves too.

Thank you Hoodedcobra for this. I been on the dating scene quiet sometime and this is exactly what I been experiencing and it's no wonder I'm staying single.

It's really strange at least for me to come across specifically your post when I been asking why it's been really hard for me to find a decent woman. So everything you says is exactly the truth about women unfortunately.

I think for a truly Satanic person in the category that is SS or Nazi Satanist will understand this problem.

Anyway. The dating thing and how women are, is absolute bullshit. I've been treated like shit and I'm not putting up with time wasters.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Mission: Get 10 girlfriends first and then think about what you wrote on this post.

The narrative that women are eternal victims who get hit and beaten left and right is false, be careful of this.

Certainly, actual crimes like rape or getting beat or stalking are not in this category. These involve actions by another victimizing a woman, in reality.

Yet, men are also often-times victimized by women to extents that are mind boggling, including: Friendzoning for years while exploiting their time and attention, cucking them with monkeys, fucking their friends and trying to ruin friendships, acting like an cold blooded criminal type senseless harlot towards sensitive men, blowing men's bank accounts and walking away with the loot, getting people into drugs and other things so that they finally give them attention, and so on, so forth.

Women likewise have numerous mistakes done to them by men, but the basis of this is reality and toxic behavior, not always a "male vs female" situation.

These are passed of as "natural", and this is done through the claim that women are eternal victims.

Actual degradation women in ever rising numbers are doing, is to a large extent done willingly. Many women also readily enjoy this process, at least momentarily. Then, it's always easy to ride the wave of "Bad male, bad" to justify one's decisions for being reckless or stupid.

In fact, this is where other women should be stepping in to actually stop any of this, or maintain a baseline standard. But currently, 12 year old daughters of said women are dancing with thongs on TikTok, and they generally do nothing, but repeat the same record that women are victimized by men or something, while indeed the "feminine" energies are rampant everywhere and in many cases in the most degraded form, created too by the hand of women themselves.

Since the enemy enjoys this situations and benefits from skankdom, it's always a good solution for them to blame the energy that could counterbalance this, or essentially "masculinity". They then make up that every attempt to balance anything is "feminine abuse", even when this is directed to one's children or daughter.

The narrative here is as illogical as stating: "Question the jews = you killed 6,000,000 in a gas chamber, goy".

It is a manufactured belief of false imagination and kike scenarios made by liars and the enemy in order to procure lawlessness and a perpetual statue of victimhood and guilt tripping on men for any attempt towards being masculine in anyway, thinking that if they become Masculine this actually displeases women or that it will cause them Karate side damage because everytime one exits the gym they will go around hitting all women in their vicinity after a hulk-like hormonal episode of violence.

This is a rare occurrence, especially in the West. Things have 'balanced out' a long time ago.

Women symbolize Feminine Energies, motherhood, mothering, tenderness, devotion, love, caring, connection with the Moon, nurturing, femininity, which is one of the fundamental sources of our earth and our life, and last but not least LIFE. The New Life, the new, the something special and also the something mysterious.

Sadly, I am saddened by the way women are treated.

Correct. But they themselves are willingly often-times forsaking this and letting it go, "Degrading themselves" as free agents of their own actions. The acceleration of this is by society.

This, we cannot call merely a victimhood. In the same way women might complain men need to repair or manage masculinity, they too, have their own end of the bargain towards a more balanced and proper society.

They want nothing to do with that bargain in extremely alarming manners.

Instagram and every platform is currently ruled by women who essentially do nothing but display their material body, who will later complain falsely that they are being "objectified", revealing it to be the case that they are perfectly fine with this, ie, creating false arguments that only reflect a small portion of them as the rest clearly are on board.

Going further, let us not mention OnlyFans and Pornhub, or Lana Rhoades who claimed that she was being victimized in all this. In general, it's easy to do everything of this nature and then claim it was some evil male doing this to you, as if you didn't do any actions yourself.

Women are no longer "disempowered" in society. They are exceptionally powerful, and often-times, with doing very little. Traditional values of women have been abolished, or under siege, and these complete the package of a full woman.

The examples that people practice Karate on them on a daily basis from a small place in the middle of nowhere, are extremely rare in any civilized western place in this day and era, and the narrative is being kept alive and forced to keep promoting this power which currently is at steroids while men fall in the gutter.

The repetitive complaining about this is merely seated for places where Abrahamism is most powerful, and where women have real problems, versus in the West where the striking majority of problems are currently not backed up by the statistical data on the violence incurred.

Ie, this social state of affairs, albeit started from abrahamism, is still continuing itself because of oftentimes delusions such as that "it's men's fault", a practice commonly attacking men as well.

Lastly, to be fair, it's important to also not present women as eternal victims, as women themselves have chosen that they are to collectively take responsibility for their actions.

Actions that are illegal, are punishable by law. If someone sacks me however on the street or a cartel sends a woman to seduce me and steal my car, I will not write a diatribe on how it's women's fault.

The general mass wide fed narrative right now is that women are trolled that this is somehow always men's fault to remove their end of the responsibility in processes in which they are fully responsible themselves too.

I have an experience here that is relevant.

My relative lives in the same street dumb young White woman who is dating this latino male on and off. The White woman for some reason was given a large house from her parents with no strings attached. All this latino male does is beat her as a cycle. She forgives him and does the Facebook/Tiktok routine of 'y'all jealous! It's about forgiveness and being a good person! Y'all ain't be understanding our relationshit!' Five weeks later he beats her again. This cycle is not some private thing either. He does it when she put the washing out, nearly every single time. Until I knew Astrology I couldn't fathom why these beatings took place in the same area every time.

Before anyone does the 'it's mens fault for being cucks and not watching every woman 24/7' routine, White males and even other males have intervened with this ape, even restraining and beating him, but she doesn't care. In fact she hates them more for interfering.

Naturally, every time this happens she also phones the police. This means the same police and 'evil white males' she shits on with BLM posts on her social media lock down the street. The lockdowns get worse and worse with each beating. Of course, this being the dumbass era, every time the police arrest this guy she begs them not to press charges, cuz dey beez in love fr.

The last time the police locked down the street, they threatened everyone in the street if they walked outside with being shot, including my relative. Apparently the latino did something drug and murder related this time. She refused to say where he was, which dragged this on for days. Then when they did locate him, she begged that he be released. After his litany of crimes this wasn't happening. Muh Romayo and Jooliet!

So I had to do workings to defuse this situation and thankfully this retard sold her house and fucked off. But the point is, this is not 1972 where a woman had few options. Women can use any kind of shelter in existence. They have credit cards and all kinds of things. They can presss charges. As much as I think criticising female privileges in the context of women being women is absurd, there are also insane abuses of certain rights and stunts like this that drag society down to the gutter.

My relative also spoke to some cucked retards slightly older than this girl living in said street and they were like 'it's so, so complicated.' What is complicated?

I also want to point out, in regards to the actual abrahamic abuse of women, these kinds of people don't care. "It's so.. so... complicated", "the Taliban will keep female's education alive" (LOL), "their culture has diverse and culturally integrated techniques of wisdom when dealing with women", "we white people are in no place to judge", "what's going on in Iran is about feminism and has nothing to do with islam or the hijab" (EVERY. SINGLE. YOUTUBE. COMMENTARY. ON. THIS. EVEN WHEN IRANIANS IN THE COMMENT SECTION ALL POINT OUT IT IS ABOUT REMOVING ISLAM WITH GRAFFITI/PLACARDS OF PROTESTERS INSULTING MUHAMMAD THE MULLAHS AND THE QU'RAN - THEY GET DOWNVOTED), "France is evil for banning burqa", etc.


When protests to support the Iranian rioters in Western countries happened I saw a sea of... Iranians. I didn't see any pussy hat mob or transgender loons who show up to protest someone manspreading on a train. They could not give less of a fuck.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Mission: Get 10 girlfriends first and then think about what you wrote on this post.

The narrative that women are eternal victims who get hit and beaten left and right is false, be careful of this.

Certainly, actual crimes like rape or getting beat or stalking are not in this category. These involve actions by another victimizing a woman, in reality.

Yet, men are also often-times victimized by women to extents that are mind boggling, including: Friendzoning for years while exploiting their time and attention, cucking them with monkeys, fucking their friends and trying to ruin friendships, acting like an cold blooded criminal type senseless harlot towards sensitive men, blowing men's bank accounts and walking away with the loot, getting people into drugs and other things so that they finally give them attention, and so on, so forth.

Women likewise have numerous mistakes done to them by men, but the basis of this is reality and toxic behavior, not always a "male vs female" situation.

These are passed of as "natural", and this is done through the claim that women are eternal victims.

Actual degradation women in ever rising numbers are doing, is to a large extent done willingly. Many women also readily enjoy this process, at least momentarily. Then, it's always easy to ride the wave of "Bad male, bad" to justify one's decisions for being reckless or stupid.

In fact, this is where other women should be stepping in to actually stop any of this, or maintain a baseline standard. But currently, 12 year old daughters of said women are dancing with thongs on TikTok, and they generally do nothing, but repeat the same record that women are victimized by men or something, while indeed the "feminine" energies are rampant everywhere and in many cases in the most degraded form, created too by the hand of women themselves.

Since the enemy enjoys this situations and benefits from skankdom, it's always a good solution for them to blame the energy that could counterbalance this, or essentially "masculinity". They then make up that every attempt to balance anything is "feminine abuse", even when this is directed to one's children or daughter.

The narrative here is as illogical as stating: "Question the jews = you killed 6,000,000 in a gas chamber, goy".

It is a manufactured belief of false imagination and kike scenarios made by liars and the enemy in order to procure lawlessness and a perpetual statue of victimhood and guilt tripping on men for any attempt towards being masculine in anyway, thinking that if they become Masculine this actually displeases women or that it will cause them Karate side damage because everytime one exits the gym they will go around hitting all women in their vicinity after a hulk-like hormonal episode of violence.

This is a rare occurrence, especially in the West. Things have 'balanced out' a long time ago.

Women symbolize Feminine Energies, motherhood, mothering, tenderness, devotion, love, caring, connection with the Moon, nurturing, femininity, which is one of the fundamental sources of our earth and our life, and last but not least LIFE. The New Life, the new, the something special and also the something mysterious.

Sadly, I am saddened by the way women are treated.

Correct. But they themselves are willingly often-times forsaking this and letting it go, "Degrading themselves" as free agents of their own actions. The acceleration of this is by society.

This, we cannot call merely a victimhood. In the same way women might complain men need to repair or manage masculinity, they too, have their own end of the bargain towards a more balanced and proper society.

They want nothing to do with that bargain in extremely alarming manners.

Instagram and every platform is currently ruled by women who essentially do nothing but display their material body, who will later complain falsely that they are being "objectified", revealing it to be the case that they are perfectly fine with this, ie, creating false arguments that only reflect a small portion of them as the rest clearly are on board.

Going further, let us not mention OnlyFans and Pornhub, or Lana Rhoades who claimed that she was being victimized in all this. In general, it's easy to do everything of this nature and then claim it was some evil male doing this to you, as if you didn't do any actions yourself.

Women are no longer "disempowered" in society. They are exceptionally powerful, and often-times, with doing very little. Traditional values of women have been abolished, or under siege, and these complete the package of a full woman.

The examples that people practice Karate on them on a daily basis from a small place in the middle of nowhere, are extremely rare in any civilized western place in this day and era, and the narrative is being kept alive and forced to keep promoting this power which currently is at steroids while men fall in the gutter.

The repetitive complaining about this is merely seated for places where Abrahamism is most powerful, and where women have real problems, versus in the West where the striking majority of problems are currently not backed up by the statistical data on the violence incurred.

Ie, this social state of affairs, albeit started from abrahamism, is still continuing itself because of oftentimes delusions such as that "it's men's fault", a practice commonly attacking men as well.

Lastly, to be fair, it's important to also not present women as eternal victims, as women themselves have chosen that they are to collectively take responsibility for their actions.

Actions that are illegal, are punishable by law. If someone sacks me however on the street or a cartel sends a woman to seduce me and steal my car, I will not write a diatribe on how it's women's fault.

The general mass wide fed narrative right now is that women are trolled that this is somehow always men's fault to remove their end of the responsibility in processes in which they are fully responsible themselves too.

In the old days this was not an issue, because Knowledge was given and understanding was at a different level than it is now. The essence of the post is the level at which hostile dogmas and norms degrade the Pagan Women's Society, which is saddening.

Many people (as you said, for example on jewglegram) are adapting to this, as everyone on these social crap sites wants to be perfect, and in many cases this leads to self-doubt on the part of other people. Teenage girls, but I can imagine more women suffer from this too. There is no need for anyone to adapt to these, as they are hostile programmes to make people feel self-doubt and self-loathing.

It is not the role model that happens and exists in jewish hollywood, it is only a "role model" for the degenerate and those at a low level of understanding. Both sexes (male and female) have individuals who are "evil" to a certain level, but this can also be traced psychologically to self-doubt or even previous abuse or perhaps a minor trauma.

I used to be (when I wasn't like this, as I am now, but you know this perfectly well, and I think Shadowcat knows this because I told Her) with several women. The relationship between us was so monumentally sexual that we jumped on each other's affections and desires almost without knowing each other. That's where I learned about the amazing energy of women, and I've missed them ever since.

Thank you for your reply.
Abyssos said:

I don't know if you ever despised anything I've said but I just don't like stereotypes.

I am delighted to see that we can talk about these things differently now and move forward instead of being stuck by the same accusations and ideas.

I want you to know that I encourage and support this change. I may not have the proper words and I may not able to put my expression into words properly, and hence I don't think I should meddle any further in these kinds of subjects.

I just wanted to get this off my chest.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The narrative that women are eternal victims who get hit and beaten left and right is false, be careful of this.

Certainly, actual crimes like rape or getting beat or stalking are not in this category. These involve actions by another victimizing a woman, in reality.

Yet, men are also often-times victimized by women to extents that are mind boggling, including: Friendzoning for years while exploiting their time and attention, cucking them with monkeys, fucking their friends and trying to ruin friendships, acting like an cold blooded criminal type senseless harlot towards sensitive men, blowing men's bank accounts and walking away with the loot, getting people into drugs and other things so that they finally give them attention, and so on, so forth.

As I read your post I see that while you are trying to balance the original topic (which needs balance) the so called balance seems very questionable to say the least. I have no problem with any idiot flirting me as much as they want - I will still not care, nor will I actually suffer (till they invite their male partner to hurt me of course, actually the worst thing woman can do). But when it comes to "actual crimes like rape or getting beat" + diseases of menstruation and labor which kike lie that are normal to be painful while are not, you seriously think before incarnating to live such a life. You prefer to stay with "wasting time and attention" problem, seriously. If you choose between the two, I wish you chose the second. It also does not feel like too much of any "equality in responsibility", does it? Well, how can you be "equally responsible" for anything physically out of your control? Imagine you are an underage sold in literal slave market and your master can hurt you terribly for any disobedience and demands sex from you which is not only unwanted but also worst physical torture imaginable, let alone you experience life long every month torture after such sex because your inside is torn apart and can't menstruate normally. What? India only? Little dying Europe and America do not represent the world anymore (at least now when "bad apartheid" is gone). India and China do. Africa does. Latin America does. Numbers do.

Where I see the way to the real balance, is that Nature did not create men and women to compete or to try to pass without one another but to work together as one. For women the most tender and sensitive place is their body. And women and men exist to protect the most fragile and sensitive places of each other, shield each other, ease each others' sufferings and cause each other's happiness. Men and women perfectly suit each other to make each other happy, that's why it makes us so happy even to see two swans or two birds together, for example, or somebody's else love. It fills us with sweet hope to probably somewhen have one too.

Kikes attacked this world so that female aspect in every person is attacked in worst ways, just look at dark streets. Real power is physical one, you only need to pass dark street alone to feel this with your own skin, whomever you are. This is just a reality and no equality crap like "ok men are fragile in their emotions" will not comfort you any longer, when you are in danger you ask Gods for protection not for "respecting your emotions", period. More crucial need goes first.

No, if you are in real danger Gods step in and act like Real Men, they do not just watch saying "ok darling you must be strong, I love and belong to you, you are the best" (which your wife would say) - no in your most crucial moments you need other type of help.

Nature created women to concentrate on the creative process that's why they are so, and that's why if men do not protect them from danger they will die. Then their stupid cuck men will die also. Because Nature has its cost and balance for everything.

As for women they should realize that through their loyalty, belonging and overwhelming tender they have complete and unimaginable power to make others happy, support and create needed atmosphere for others to win and conquer. They actually are a source of power for their men. They channel their own great feminine power to their men to make them conquerors of the world, defeaters of all evil and winners. This is a meaning of the proverb: the man is the master of the world and the woman is a master of the man. This is true with Godly Feminine Energy which Lady Astarte represents. This can be channeled into professional sphere and female professional genius as well.
Also menstruation should NOT hurt if it does this is a DANGEROUS DISEASE and must be CURED ASAP.

The reality is in the godly society you do not suffer of being this or that part because other part supports and backs you anyway. This is the difference.

Everyone, do not forget to start cleansing at any coming Sabbat to cleanse your soul from kike curses so that you might be happy and protected in this world and receive all love and care you need. Happy Satan's Day!
BrightSpace666 said:
I used to be (when I wasn't like this, as I am now, but you know this perfectly well, and I think Shadowcat knows this because I told Her) with several women. The relationship between us was so monumentally sexual that we jumped on each other's affections and desires almost without knowing each other. That's where I learned about the amazing energy of women, and I've missed them ever since.

I know you like every SS wish people could simply relate better to one another. I think most of us do. But wait 'till you get my age and you will see that brief sexual encounters are not enough to tell you about the opposite sex all around as a whole. If this one's nature to function as such this is fine, as long as all are treated with dignity, transparency, and respect. These encounters were with people you hardly knew which alone leaves you with very little information on this.

I myself have never had the capacity for such casual encounters as it's not part of my innate nature. The only person who got close to me this way is no longer in the picture due to being unfaithful and I was 666 percent invested. Most people do not believe me when I tell them this because people like me don't really exist, or are very rare.

Consider the possibility that if you really got to know these girls and women that you might have picked up different signals in the long run that made them seem not so nice. It is this very thing that makes people pin general negative (or delusionally ideal) blanket statements on the opposite sex in general (insert all women/men are like/ do this here). Look at other recent posts here for example. I would also be unfair to deny that I have done this in the past as well, I think most have. But it does not give a very fair or realistic perspective as every person that comes into your life is not the same as the last.

The best thing I can say to anyone, especially with big-time Piscean or water emphasis in general, is to not place any partner or prospect on a pedestal and certainly don't open up too quickly. Don't always assume the worst, but do not assume absolute innocence and perfection either, because it will cause you to miss red flags that can throw you under the bus. Not everyone is the same but there is ALOT of toxic people out there men and women alike.
Just in case any of the vague posts refer to me personally, I stay on the topic of OP, it doesn't mean I have nothing to say about cancerous women and "all men r bad", that is annoying, detractive and assumptive sentiment. If people want my opinion on women, ask or post an interesting topic about that yourself.
Shadowcat said:
Not everyone is the same but there is ALOT of toxic people out there men and women alike.

Agreed. I also would wish people would stop complaining about the gender roles.

Guess what? We women don't like doing chores either. But we do them anyway because we like a clean house.

Everything that becomes a *must* to me pointed out by other people and told that I am to do it, I hate.
Who wouldn't.
They try to boss you around, have power over you. Thats showing total disrespect.

I hope people would realize this and quit pointing the finger at several select groups, causing infighting.

The best way to make someone fit in, is to lead by example. Drown out the opposite voices which cause suffering which sadly have been given too much right to speak in the past.

I understand everything has a time and a place but when you're the only one.. It can be very demoralizing.
Especially in a place where more like minded people are supposed to be.
Shadowcat said:
BrightSpace666 said:
I used to be (when I wasn't like this, as I am now, but you know this perfectly well, and I think Shadowcat knows this because I told Her) with several women. The relationship between us was so monumentally sexual that we jumped on each other's affections and desires almost without knowing each other. That's where I learned about the amazing energy of women, and I've missed them ever since.

I know you like every SS wish people could simply relate better to one another. I think most of us do. But wait 'till you get my age and you will see that brief sexual encounters are not enough to tell you about the opposite sex all around as a whole. If this one's nature to function as such this is fine, as long as all are treated with dignity, transparency, and respect. These encounters were with people you hardly knew which alone leaves you with very little information on this.

I myself have never had the capacity for such casual encounters as it's not part of my innate nature. The only person who got close to me this way is no longer in the picture due to being unfaithful and I was 666 percent invested. Most people do not believe me when I tell them this because people like me don't really exist, or are very rare.

Consider the possibility that if you really got to know these girls and women that you might have picked up different signals in the long run that made them seem not so nice. It is this very thing that makes people pin general negative (or delusionally ideal) blanket statements on the opposite sex in general (insert all women/men are like/ do this here). Look at other recent posts here for example. I would also be unfair to deny that I have done this in the past as well, I think most have. But it does not give a very fair or realistic perspective as every person that comes into your life is not the same as the last.

The best thing I can say to anyone, especially with big-time Piscean or water emphasis in general, is to not place any partner or prospect on a pedestal and certainly don't open up too quickly. Don't always assume the worst, but do not assume absolute innocence and perfection either, because it will cause you to miss red flags that can throw you under the bus. Not everyone is the same but there is ALOT of toxic people out there men and women alike.

I didn't say that I prefer "adventures", I much prefer passionate, emotional relationships, it's just that I've had some "adventures", if you can call them that, recently, which I think is fine. Knowledge comes with life experience, and it's true the other way round.

I'm here because I have a goal and I need to gain experience, and lots of it. (Although such things should be discussed by email, not here.)

You're absolutely right about not being quick to open up, but in many cases it's hard for me too, because when someone tells me their problems, I often open up about mine, which is often wrong, but it helps in a constructive way.
Edward Lonsa said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

As I read your post I see that while you are trying to balance the original topic (which needs balance) the so called balance seems very questionable to say the least. I have no problem with any idiot flirting me as much as they want - I will still not care, nor will I actually suffer (till they invite their male partner to hurt me of course, actually the worst thing woman can do). But when it comes to "actual crimes like rape or getting beat"...

By actual crimes, I mean actual criminal actions. If one engages in this, then you pay the price. The law recognizes actual crimes versus human bullshit, and where actual crimes happen, be these towards males or females, are punished with the power of the law. If you kill a male or a female you go to prison equally.

There are actual crimes in this world, and imagined crimes.

In the 60's, when a woman passed by and men whistled, it was considered maybe agitative, but flattering sometimes.

Now, imagined crimes have reached a point to where the above can be used as nonsense that they try to pass as a crime, which is essentially schizophrenia.

Guilt tripping methods like this are used to make men weaker and weaker. This weakness also has another consequence: Men will be unable to defend women from ACTUAL crimes, because of emasculation that has resulted from being guilt tripped all day because of nonsense, such as that if a man whistled, this makes him a convicted sexual predator.

As far as I do not like any of this, and consider it non "Gentlemany", not all men will know how to behave. But this is the distinction of men, and why men have to improve.

Speaking of men, men were sold as slaves to the slave markets, raped, tortured, send to wars, and blown to bits, taken as war hostages, or lived equally boring and dangerous lives as women did in the older segments of history. Men have had it very hard historically, and nobody ever gave them any consolation.

Today, the suicide rate of men from being daily attacked in the game that we call life, depressed and miserable, is at an all time high. Still, we hear the castration rhetoric that men must be further castrated, with their "offenses" to society becoming more and more imagined, than real.

Meanwhile, somehow, as the above rhetoric takes place, diseased norms that males from Islam or wherever bring, are tolerated.

This is because the jew gives a free pass to this type of diseased pseudo-masculinity, and attacks any normal or improvement based healthy masculinity, necessary to keep civilization going.

For example, the White male is cucked to not whistle as this kills 60 trillion jews, but an Islamic who has sex with his 9 year old wife, is given honors in legal hearings and always walks around free.

This involves two males in the same "society", with the dual standard being too obvious to ignore.

The second Muslim example is sold as a "victim" while they are the ultimate perpetrator, and the first is sold as a "perpetrator" of a giant holocaust, for whistling at women or something.

Judges and Juries in US and Europe: "Gangraped by muslims with video proof? Oh, they didn't know, Frida, gotta accept this, silence the news from even saying that", you walk around free.

Judges and Juries in US and Europe again: "White boy whistled at you? Cut his balls Frida, nobody will step on your Muh Independent Woman mentality, that's literally a holocaust he tried to do to you, let's get you live on TV for this!", oy vey, oy gevalt.

I will not abide by this cuckery, and would rather die by the sword and as a logical person, than hear nonsense that will flip one's brain.

Yet, this conversation is completely unequal, and I cannot pretend I am 50/50 by supporting the false rhetoric of "women are eternal victims", as I know women have considerable power. The victimization of women begins with the idea that "women are victims".

Women actually could reverse the above situation, but they are coldly uninterested in doing so. Frida currently wants to be delusional that she is a "Free woman" in the current state of affairs, and it's sold to her pretty well.

In the background, she loses all her freedoms, but she has the delusion that she gains them.

Behind the idea that "women are victims", we have the idea that women are inferiors on too many levels, and I do not agree with this idea, as women have endless potential like men.

This idea that "women are victims" is like all the kool aid sold to everyone that "Blacks are victims", that "Jews are victims" and that everyone is a poor victim, without responsibility for themselves, and without the ability for self control, self empowerment, or whatever.

I look at the middle and I am not flabbergasted by nonsense and the eternal perpetual lies that women are solely victims. Men are also victims on a daily basis. Anyone can be victimized.

I consider women powerful enough and responsible enough.

Abyssos said:

Take what you have done here, and continue to run with it. Be balanced and speak upon these matters from your honest perspective. If you do this in a reasonable manner from now on, you'll make Ancient Forums immune to one the larger gayop tactics that have been inflicted here for far too long. Rather than demoralize White men, the very demographic that is represented by Satan Lucifer himself, Satan Lucifer being a White man, you will instead demoralize anyone who tries to demoralize White men.

Hail Satan!

You cannot judge the credibility of any of my positions and moreso to use invented things as "position 1 vs position 2" as invented by your own head and your emotion, does indeed reek of non proper understanding.

That is bound to create a wrong perception in your head, which is caused by you. The fix here is to look realistically on what is the case or what has been said, for example, in previous topics by me.

This cannot happen as you invent the "positions" on which you answer based on sentimental feelings and assumptions of your own behalf, or likely, because nobody has time to address every formal insanity that might have occurred in a place with 200 posts per day.

I believe your issues have went to the point where you have tried to believe your own points that this wasn't the case before, because you somehow try to equate every idiotic thing you see as the uniform opinion of JoS.

The insistence in thinking that every deranged opinion was actually "JoS", is like picking two loonies from a city of 10 million, and trying to contrast the citizens and presidents to the loonies, and saying that the loonies are somehow a deciding factor in anything.

Which they have been not.

However, you seem to somehow wanted this to be the case, likely due to worry or misplaced pessimism on your behalf.

Maybe you believed the crap you heard on some level, out of worry this could be a real life fuckup.

Further, your misunderstanding and logical fallout has reached a point where you considered a few loonies as some sort of harbringers of facts of the JoS or even their face, forgetting who or what is actually that, versus whom is not.

The above is likely done willingly from an inherent pessimism on your behalf, and likely the dogshit you have heard from people who have a dogshit opinion about JoS, which they tried to feed you on it likely based on your own pessimism combined with your own need to "have things to be critical about".

The above is all coming from misappropriation of what you THINK anyone believed, instead of going back to objective pieces of proof to look out for it.

If you are familiar with anything I have ever said this means that you are making most of this up, likely because of emotional reasons, and not based on any logic on the subject or history based concerns.

I'd ask for more reasonable approaches in the future.
Very nice to read and right at the time as I almost started to look man and women the same way. Thanks brother!
TerKorian666 said:
Very nice to read and right at the time as I almost started to look man and women the same way. Thanks brother!

I was noticing a lot like where couple goes or do something, with kids or without, women dominates, and in that sense like she really has more masculine than her husband/boyfriend, so much situations like this I saw.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
