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FAQ Combust / Retrograde / Curses

furious flame

New member
Jan 25, 2021
Why planets becomes combust and Retrograde in a BirthChart ? Their effects on person ?

How to check a birth chart for Curses ?

How someone can curse a person ? Does the victim has to face the curse in this present life or in next birth life ?

If there is no curse on a person then, How the victim can know that he/she has been cursed recently ? And who did the deed on him/her ?
1 Combust is a term meaning "to consume" or "burn". In astrology its used when a conjunction usually involving the Sun(or sometimes an opposition/not always the Sun) is so that both planetary bodies in question are so tightly conjunct they are inseparable from one another, and so their affairs and expression become similarly one and the same. In the older Vedic astrology a conjunction was considered to be within the same sign, degrees didn't necessarily count much but from the material and empirical perspective, astrology is totally in the degrees. Before this advent of the empirical Sciences, astrologers needed the term Combust to describe this state of 2 planets "consuming" one another in meaning. It was used to distinguish between a tight conjunction and a loose one, and also illustrating the effects of a tight conjunction in its semantics.

2 The effect of a combust depends on the 2 planets involved. I suggest that when a planet is in a combust conjunction, the affairs of the planet of a higher quality (Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable) presides over what is being influenced. I.e a Sun/Moon combust conjunction would primarily be described as the Sun deeply influencing the Moon in this way, and give one the same emotionally proud and energetic nature as described by the Moon in Leo. Arguably one could acquaint the Sun being what is influenced as Sun in Cancer, I think it's true but a bit minimised. With the mutable planets against either, or the outer ones- this could be true if they do not hold an important place in the chart in question (main ruler, on the angles etc.) in my opinion; and for a mutable planet influencing in this way another mutable planet it becomes a question of specifics and scrutinized detail.
The combust aspect has a more deeper effect on a person than a looser aspect, which can be observed as heavily altering them away from the typical expression of that lone planet in a certain placement, and makes them likewise to the sign/s ruled by the planet/s involved in the combust aspect. A combust Sun/Saturn conjunction within Sagittarius becomes as "a Capricorn" and a combust Sun/Venus conjunction in Aries or some other non-Venusian sign, becomes "as a Libra/Taurus". Both conjunctions the Sun would become as both, and therefore indicate complexity. I've observed in my own research there's more give or weakness with Fixed and mutable natured planets over the Sun in particular, and believe that the Quality is a guide on "dominance" around this dynamic.

For the effects of the combust as a summary its said that they can indicate fateful events on the individual which requires the spiritual and predictive knowledge to understand, but can be read at the simple level through looking at the houses that the planets involved, rule. The fated events will flow through and be involved with these houses in some way. Arguably different variations of potential combust planets can indicate intensity of the individual's soul, especially if involved with the Angles/Angular houses by placement or aspect. This would be more-so true of combust aspects involving outer planets, the stronger natured personal planets and the chart ruler.

3 Look into Saturn, Neptune, the chart ruler and 1st house, the planets within- and ruler of the 4th and 10th houses which indicate one's living affairs, bad degrees for planets such as 6' and 22', certain arrangements of tight or combust aspects involving malefic natured planets, the state of the North Node Rahu and the South Node Ketu(if one is spiritually aware of how these operate), Fixed stars, detriment and fall placements of planets in ruling and important positions, retrograde planets which in their placement are highly emphasised in the chart(these arguably also indicate past life themes). Several of these things in a chart would indicate a cursed background. You could also count in the 1' and 29' degrees concerning the above malefic planets, if they are prominent and on these degrees which are connected with beginnings and endings, and intensity. Another one maybe could be emphasis in the 12th 6th and 8th houses in that order of consideration, as we currently are in a situation where the medium for these affairs are cursed along with those preoccupied with them. Many people on this forum for one, those who are prenatally spiritually inclined, will probably have some "curse" indications regarding the above points.

Saturn and Neptune only indicates a cursed soul if it ties into any of the other things above by being prominent in the chart. Just because these planets exist in your chart like in everyones, and maybe are aspecting a few points doesn't mean these points constitute the ruling and causal levels of your soul. If these planets are doing interesting things and tied into forces like the fixed stars or nodes etc. the indication of prenatal curses is likely.
The issues someone is beset with in their life in the reality-defined and expected sense, will hit heavy and easier points moreso relevant on the present transiting and predictive indications as well as the natural evolution a living person experiences, this doesn't mean that natally they are cursed but currently the universe is working such a way that is against them. Natal curses are seen only natally, but bad transiting events seen in someone's predictive charts if they have a "cursed" chart, are an extra indicator for this person to watch out and protect themselves with more attention to these things.

The nature of what is known as "curses" are Saturnian primarily in that they delay a person and sometimes physically, preventing some avenues entirely to the individual afflicted. Like with Saturn, in time "curses" can be overcome through equal pressure put against them and the individual challenging themselves patiently in life. This isn't a "curse" at that point but rather a lesson and memory, as one advances from this circumstance placed onto them. Secondarily I would say it is Plutonian where the idea of "curses" are concerned, in that in the prenatal sense in astrology, they can only be read into this way through a Plutonian lens which is to say analysed with the deepest intention and spiritual insight. Therefore it's pointless to meander about curses when one doesn't share this same compulsive nature acquainted with Pluto and what has come before. A new soul can't be "cursed" in a way that every other new soul already is being, the delays and issues experienced are thus the natural ones that everyone is born into. Karma doesn't apply. If two people of lesser character and background bring a new soul into this world, every "curse" is what Saturn (in this sense, the mother and father) provides for this individual to overcome. A "curse" in astrology is seen ONLY either in individuals who have past lives, and the only situation this applies for a new soul, is belonging to a family of relatives with past lives. Everything which isn't that, is the works of nature itself i.e Saturn in astrology.

To call the existential challenges which are true to the rules of nature a "curse" is a falsehood. "curses" are only for those who work in their prior and subsequent lives against earthly and non-earthly forces that oppose them, which were strong enough in their attacks to determine this individuals post-natal status during reincarnation. Just wanted to clarify this.

4 Revise on the Joy of Satan website in the relevant sections. It has to be done in the energy terms and/or ritualistically with the prior being more powerful and genuine. There are many ways given, some instantaneous that are like combat and some that act in a more slow and corrosive manner over time, which to me is moreso a curse, but a death working in my opinion is not a curse.

5 The nature of the "curse" is lingering. Fixed. If the point of a working is strictly the death of the individual physically and not the cursing of their soul, then it is not a curse. If someone is attacking and weakening the soul, character, and the deepest senses of vitality within a person and with permanence, then it is a curse. There is a quote in the 2nd discourse of the Bhagavad Gita which illustrate that the attack on someone's character (Sun, soul, identity, ego) goes beyond the physical death, which is what a curse means.

"If you will not engage in this fight for the sake of dharma,
you will have shunned your own dharma and good name and shall cause harm.

And people will tell stories of your own eternal disgrace;
and for those who are esteemed disgrace surpasses death"

Someone killing you in a battle in an instant will not affect your soul unless this happens particularly spectacularly, or is drawn out.
A death working alone is not a curse, it's an affair of the physical not the supernal/metaphysical unless a death working crosses the boundaries of the soul, of permanence. If the one who dies is a younger soul who is then born by the fortune of their fate, into a more fortunate life, arguably from your actions their karma has not changed much and fortune has even favoured them. In the case of a working against someone who has important duties to complete, this death would be a curse and setback for them.

Slander and gossip is also known as a "curse". If someone is unable to do what they must do because of the outer things such as this, then it is not simply dying and coming back again but it affects this individuals karmic, dharmic and samsaric ties making it harder for them to do what they must do in their present and later lifetimes.

So to answer your question a "curse" has to be faced both presently and ahead of the time you are cursed and from within. Not facing a curse will cause it to linger especially if the curse has utilised the persons hangups and emotional trappings against them. It goes beyond the present life and can only be undone within a physical existence.

6, 7 Intuition and spiritual insights. Feelings on the aura, or in the afflicted parts the curse targeted. As for who did it there is a reason detectives are associated with Scorpio and the spiritual house. For now you won't find many people who are capable of tracking black magick killers though, and those who curse their own kin. Both a useful and unfortunate reality. A person can know this the same way, through development of the intuition and spiritual mind.

Hope that covered what you needed to know :D

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
