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Fake "Satanism": Never Listen To Online Psychopaths; BE AWARE

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Recently, someone posted this:


As you can see here, in these so called random "Satanist" Forums, all these charlatan idiots are doing, is promote the worst of the worst that one can imagine. This defamation of Satan and the Gods, will always cause spiritual punishment to those who incur Satan's Wrath by engaging in these criminal decisions under His Name.


Jews, Muslims, and even brainwashed Christians who have bought into the approach of their OWN faiths, and their OWN perception about "Satanism", are engaging in abominations that are of an inconceivable nature, for centuries. This is a reflection of their own programs of death, and not of Satanism. They are also so severely deluded and uneducated, that anyone call tell them a lie online and they might engage in fatal mistakes for their existence and that of others.

NO LOSS OF LIFE IS NECESSARY IN *ANY WAY* TO ACHIEVE ANY SPIRITUAL WORKING! Anyone who says this criminal stuff online, should be strayed away from.

If one is getting thoughts of doing physical harm to other people, or anything of the sort, this is NEVER the Demons. As Ancient Sources reveal [and not these lowlife drug abusing dogs that you might find plenty of "Forums" online], the Demons are forces of good and improvement.

Unfortunately, due to massive disinformation, there are people who still ascribe their psychopathy to the "Demons", as many have done this to "Jesus", "Spirits" or anything of the sort before. These are psychological issues.


There are many psychopaths online and this has to be understood. This figure "EA Koetting" that is in question, was busy doing strange rituals where he was keeping skulls of Goats around, writing nonsense about murder, and dancing like a sissy on top of a "Pentacle" as humping or something, to supposedly "Summon Azazel".

Needless to say, all of this acting and scene, is nothing else but a movie. Because none of this really confers any spiritual power whatsoever. Given also this behavior is "Kosher Certified", these people generally don't have any issues promoting this type of "Satanism" around, which if very welcome to the jews. Since they basically roll out in laughter as they see these things.

These lead nowhere spiritually. Since this is mostly about doing a circus, it's also always "accepted" by the mainstream outlets, and nothing is ever done.

These people's aim is primarily to sell books, add shock value, and do nonsense or outright dangerous things, let alone providing others with the same "advice". Most of this is solely an act on their behalf. They can't move a toothpick spiritually and they hold no real or actual "Spiritual Power" with the ability to influence the world or their own life.

Another nutcase of jewish descent, for example, was doing "Satanic Poledancing" to people sometime ago. It was a prerequisite for being a proper Satanists to watch or something. These idiots and lowlifes thing they are anywhere capable to criticize or "speak" about Satanism.

They are not. They are dust in the wind and nothing. The natural inclination of Hebrews, Christians and many Muslims, is to engage in Satanism only to harm it's reputation. This is well known by now.

Years ago, one of these "organizations" was trying to write public taunts on the JoS to try to attack us on this stance of us being logical human beings - Be aware, that this is deliberate.

Not that long ago, they also did fake accounts and impersonations in their forums, and more often than not, they try to infiltrate here, sic on members, or try to promote nonsense to people all over the web. When they aren't doing that, many will also engage in typical slander and writing misinformation online.

Impersonation can go as far as impersonating "High Priests", or in the case of some really naive people [new to spirituality], even claim that they have "Instructions from Demons", or that they are part of some "Special secret coven" or whatever else. Disregard all these things when you listen to them, and move away immediately!


The JoS wants full, entirely, spiritual change, intellectual change, and causing positive change away from superstition building on the enlightenment of the masses. This is achieved with spirituality, information and understanding. Not by bogus pointless actions. Spirituality can achieve what nothing can possibly reach.

For those that don't have a view of this, these people are either schizophrenics, enemy operatives, or both. They do this on purpose to destroy Satanism and all it's branches. They are also doing this since the 80's, so there is nothing new here. They prey on mentally ill people, and make them do horrible things, which they later "ascribe" to Satan's Name or that of the Gods.

These types are also busy constantly, daily, 365 days per year, trying to sic on people from any Satanic forums [private communications and whatnot] and deceive them from True Satanism, meditation, and enlightenment, and spread enemy and corrupted agenda on them. Typical shill accounts are present everywhere in the web. You will very easily recognize them.

Indeed, with a quick Googling of these, one can easily lose count on how many of these nutcases are online. They are coming up like mushrooms, but their message is always the same: Things that are harmful to other human beings, illegal actions, or talk that directly promotes doing crimes or anything of the sort. THESE ARE TO BE AVOIDED LIKE WILDFIRE!

Many are also naive enough, that they are doing "meetings" with random strangers from here. You never know who you are going to meet. If it goes well, you don't know. But if it goes really bad? What would happen if one meets with one of these psychopaths? That would be a disaster.

At the same rate, the JoS has done anything possible to inform about these corrupted individuals, and also give proper advice on how to deal with these. Move away completely. There is NOTHING to gain.

The best thing you can do, is never have strange associations, and grow in this positive path on JoS material. Stay away from the hybris of this dog excrement that does these crimes contrary to Satan's Will or practices "Anti-Christian" Satanism.

Satan will spiritually eradicate these individuals, as he has been for a while. Al those who have been doing copious damage to Satan's reputation, always get to experience the downfall of this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


Jack said:


Remarkable filing in the case of high-level Kikenwaffen member Kaleb Cole outs Joshua Caleb Sutter, the publisher of Martinet Press (Iron Gates, Liber 333, Bluebird), AWD member & a key figure in the O9A Tempel ov Blood, as an FBI informant. Since '03

This is a motion to suppress evidence from a search warrant served at the Texas house where Cole (known as "Khimaere" in AWD) moved to with John Cameron Denton & other AWD after he came under too much law enforcement pressure in the PNW. For background:

Cole is charged with leading a conspiracy to intimidate reporters across the US, along with other AWD members. Every one of them has since plead guilty aside from him. The allegation is that Sutter's role in building intel was never disclosed.

Sutter, according to the filing, earned more than $140,000 from the feds, including $80,000 since 2018, when AWD came under heavy federal investigation following my ProPublica investigation with @Jake_Hanrahan & AC Thompson



Sutter isn't identified by name, but its undoubtedly him. Martinet Press publishes Order of Nine Angles texts that have radicalized countless youth in Neo-Fascist, (FAKE) Satanist practices. He has that aforementioned '03 conviction for trying to tell a firearm w/an obliterated serial



There's more in this filing, including the original FBI affidavit for the search of the AWD TX house, which has never been made public before. Bottom line is this: Martinet Press has been essentially bankrolled by the feds, pumping out a steady stream of extremist literature.

I've covered terrorism cases in the US (Ethan Melzer) and the UK (see last summer's @BBCPanorama w/@DdesimoneDaniel) where Martinet texts/O9A is a central element of Extreme Right wing ideology.

The FBI have effectively been silent partners in Martinet


Send this to anyone who has a Fake Understanding of Satanism. These are not Satanists. These are Agent Provocateurs who are Funded by Feds to perform false flag terror attacks and then blame the Right Wingers and Satanists as a whole.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Recently, someone posted this:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


De simone and Feldman....not suprising names for the speakers. I double second all of what has been said here.
... doing "meetings" with random strangers from here. ... What would happen if one meets with one of these psychopaths? That would be a disaster.
I was sadly one of these idiots in the past. I will never let my naivete lead to such stupidity again.
One of these encourages people to 'rip out their Chakras'. Most of them appear to be on copious amounts of drugs.
Karnonnos said:
One of these encourages people to 'rip out their Chakras'. Most of them appear to be on copious amounts of drugs.

Rip out their chakras? Well, can't say I am in anyway surprised. This will cause loss of spiritual power, and if it was "actually" done, also death and possible other leveos of destruction inside the soul. If done "fully", this will incur spiritual death.

They just constantly try to write strange stuff and nonsense. Jews are also having the party of their life writing disinfo in these organizations, leading people to damnation.

Many of these are on the depths of spiritual understanding. Meaning however the bottom, not the actual depths.
Karnonnos said:
One of these encourages people to 'rip out their Chakras'. Most of them appear to be on copious amounts of drugs.

Yeah i remember someone asking about this bullshit on here once and we told them it was fucked. I think they got it from zolajews group and they were going on about how there was teachings that the chakras are a prison of the soul or something that had to be ripped out...typical insanity.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I have heard of multiple cases like this in my country. One was of a mother taking out the eyes of her son with a spoon in a “““Satanic Ritual”””, but it’s just propaganda to throw people into the church

But people believe in this just because “it was on the TV” or “in the news”.

People need to develop their own criteria, and of course, investigate. In that way, they could discover the Joy Of Satan, and recognize that many things are not satanic

Fortunately, Satan will give these slanderers a lesson

Hail Satan
only the jos has real spiritual info.

i tried rituals & meditations from EA cowting before . nothing manifest.

meditation and dedication from jos? thats where godlike powers at.

Satan bless u HP
TheAwakening1 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

People need to develop their own criteria, and of course, investigate. In that way, they could discover the Joy Of Satan, and recognize that many things are not satanic

They are doing major propaganda. Those that do the worst things in "Jesus's name", are never aired on TV. These are conveniently ignored. Or a Jihadist for Islam for example.

Some cases also do things and later on claim that "Jesus", or "God" after they do the strangest crimes. That's so they pretend that they are insane, and therefore opt in for the psych ward and softer sentence on court.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They are doing major propaganda. Those that do the worst things in "Jesus's name", are never aired on TV. These are conveniently ignored. Or a Jihadist for Islam for example.

Some cases also do things and later on claim that "Jesus", or "God" after they do the strangest crimes. That's so they pretend that they are insane, and therefore opt in for the psych ward and softer sentence on court.

Yes, they show the population what “they want to see” instead of what actually happens.

If a TV program revealed what people do “in the name of Jesus”, they would be censored, and burned to death by all the insane christians repeating the behaviours of the middle ages.

But people wants the television to show more reasons to “be a good Christian”
These skids take National Socialism which is beautiful and progressive and morph it into "Right Wing Extremism".
Karnonnos said:
One of these encourages people to 'rip out their Chakras'. Most of them appear to be on copious amounts of drugs.

There are services some of them have where people pay for Chakra removal. They claim removing the Chakras gets rid of any ability of entities to spiritually attack you and has other benefits and that humans were not supposed to have a chakra system.

There were testimonials on the site I came across where people would talk about all these benefits and how it made their lives improve etc.

It sounded really dumb but the thing is I don't remember the site mentioning Satanism I came across.
GoldenxChild1 said:
These skids take National Socialism which is beautiful and progressive and morph it into "Right Wing Extremism".

All of these are from agencies, with some few insane people here and there that act as lone actors. There hasn't been one case where agencies were not directly involved.

They also give birth to these things, but when people die, they blame arbitrary things like "whatever" broad ideology they made up.
This shit is sickening, I've experienced psychopaths like this before,

When i was doing online warfare through a facebook page back before or around 2014 (dont do any warfare on facebook, it is much more invasive and data stealing than in the past)

this guy came across my page i made, this guy who posted about this group, and this group turned out to be the most sick pseudo spiritual group masquerading as Satanic, but in reality Judaism, i learned all this from the pictures he sent me, this kid who was really seemed like a kid(but was suspicous), was trying to get people into this group, it was pretty messed up, it was in the oklahoma bible belt area, around tulsa, and the islamic mayor i believe was apart of this, but was a hunch, from what i figured out from the conversation/pictures sent to me by this "kid" it was fucked up, they where taking homeless people bathing in their blood, having sex in their blood and eating them. it is the most disgusting thing I have ever came across, and this was around when i first found Spiritual Satanism, and I was trying to do online warfare. but this really showed me how evil the jews were, long story short, not sure if it was a trap or what, im sure it was, but the "kid" got friendly with me, opened up, pretended to see the truth, then tried to get information from me, and then sent me information saying they found out I was talking to "you" (me) they are going to kill me, then from the same account a different persona threatened me and all this, even back then i was very safe vpn and everything, but it was pretty disgusting knowing what they did, I don't know if the person I was talking to was one person or if what happened really happened, but I'll never forget it. The kikes deserve to pay 100000000x fold for all the atrocities, things are getting worse, now i'm angry talking about this, I hope a new schedule comes out soon

I really do miss that page though, I was sharing things from JoS and getting a lot of views on every post, the most views i got was 200k. Unfortunately 1984 hit hard and facebook and twitter will even bann you for having the wrong name or handle. lol.
Shadowcat said:
Karnonnos said:
One of these encourages people to 'rip out their Chakras'. Most of them appear to be on copious amounts of drugs.

Yeah i remember someone asking about this bullshit on here once and we told them it was fucked. I think they got it from zolajews group and they were going on about how there was teachings that the chakras are a prison of the soul or something that had to be ripped out...typical insanity.

There was a post about a video by EA Koetting about "chakra removal". It's usually kikes or drug addicts that teach that shit. I think Majewson posted proof that EA Koetting is a drug addict and scams people in order to buy drugs.
slyscorpion said:
Karnonnos said:
One of these encourages people to 'rip out their Chakras'. Most of them appear to be on copious amounts of drugs.

There are services some of them have where people pay for Chakra removal. They claim removing the Chakras gets rid of any ability of entities to spiritually attack you and has other benefits and that humans were not supposed to have a chakra system.

There were testimonials on the site I came across where people would talk about all these benefits and how it made their lives improve etc.

It sounded really dumb but the thing is I don't remember the site mentioning Satanism I came across.
Technically that could be the case. Since entities attach to chakras. On the flip side it fucks a person up, so really it's not a solution. More like jewloution.
Is so sad how Lucifuge Rofocale's name was dragged into this. He helped me recently in a such positive way for me, I really made a huge progress thanks to him. I can say about that he is very kind and calm and represents a mature/parental figure
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Recently, someone posted this:


As you can see here, in these so called random "Satanist" Forums, all these charlatan idiots are doing, is promote the worst of the worst that one can imagine. This defamation of Satan and the Gods, will always cause spiritual punishment to those who incur Satan's Wrath by engaging in these criminal decisions under His Name.


Jews, Muslims, and even brainwashed Christians who have bought into the approach of their OWN faiths, and their OWN perception about "Satanism", are engaging in abominations that are of an inconceivable nature, for centuries. This is a reflection of their own programs of death, and not of Satanism. They are also so severely deluded and uneducated, that anyone call tell them a lie online and they might engage in fatal mistakes for their existence and that of others.

NO LOSS OF LIFE IS NECESSARY IN *ANY WAY* TO ACHIEVE ANY SPIRITUAL WORKING! Anyone who says this criminal stuff online, should be strayed away from.

If one is getting thoughts of doing physical harm to other people, or anything of the sort, this is NEVER the Demons. As Ancient Sources reveal [and not these lowlife drug abusing dogs that you might find plenty of "Forums" online], the Demons are forces of good and improvement.

Unfortunately, due to massive disinformation, there are people who still ascribe their psychopathy to the "Demons", as many have done this to "Jesus", "Spirits" or anything of the sort before. These are psychological issues.


There are many psychopaths online and this has to be understood. This figure "EA Koetting" that is in question, was busy doing strange rituals where he was keeping skulls of Goats around, writing nonsense about murder, and dancing like a sissy on top of a "Pentacle" as humping or something, to supposedly "Summon Azazel".

Needless to say, all of this acting and scene, is nothing else but a movie. Because none of this really confers any spiritual power whatsoever. Given also this behavior is "Kosher Certified", these people generally don't have any issues promoting this type of "Satanism" around, which if very welcome to the jews. Since they basically roll out in laughter as they see these things.

These lead nowhere spiritually. Since this is mostly about doing a circus, it's also always "accepted" by the mainstream outlets, and nothing is ever done.

These people's aim is primarily to sell books, add shock value, and do nonsense or outright dangerous things, let alone providing others with the same "advice". Most of this is solely an act on their behalf. They can't move a toothpick spiritually and they hold no real or actual "Spiritual Power" with the ability to influence the world or their own life.

Another nutcase of jewish descent, for example, was doing "Satanic Poledancing" to people sometime ago. It was a prerequisite for being a proper Satanists to watch or something. These idiots and lowlifes thing they are anywhere capable to criticize or "speak" about Satanism.

They are not. They are dust in the wind and nothing. The natural inclination of Hebrews, Christians and many Muslims, is to engage in Satanism only to harm it's reputation. This is well known by now.

Years ago, one of these "organizations" was trying to write public taunts on the JoS to try to attack us on this stance of us being logical human beings - Be aware, that this is deliberate.

Not that long ago, they also did fake accounts and impersonations in their forums, and more often than not, they try to infiltrate here, sic on members, or try to promote nonsense to people all over the web. When they aren't doing that, many will also engage in typical slander and writing misinformation online.

Impersonation can go as far as impersonating "High Priests", or in the case of some really naive people [new to spirituality], even claim that they have "Instructions from Demons", or that they are part of some "Special secret coven" or whatever else. Disregard all these things when you listen to them, and move away immediately!


The JoS wants full, entirely, spiritual change, intellectual change, and causing positive change away from superstition building on the enlightenment of the masses. This is achieved with spirituality, information and understanding. Not by bogus pointless actions. Spirituality can achieve what nothing can possibly reach.

For those that don't have a view of this, these people are either schizophrenics, enemy operatives, or both. They do this on purpose to destroy Satanism and all it's branches. They are also doing this since the 80's, so there is nothing new here. They prey on mentally ill people, and make them do horrible things, which they later "ascribe" to Satan's Name or that of the Gods.

These types are also busy constantly, daily, 365 days per year, trying to sic on people from any Satanic forums [private communications and whatnot] and deceive them from True Satanism, meditation, and enlightenment, and spread enemy and corrupted agenda on them. Typical shill accounts are present everywhere in the web. You will very easily recognize them.

Indeed, with a quick Googling of these, one can easily lose count on how many of these nutcases are online. They are coming up like mushrooms, but their message is always the same: Things that are harmful to other human beings, illegal actions, or talk that directly promotes doing crimes or anything of the sort. THESE ARE TO BE AVOIDED LIKE WILDFIRE!

Many are also naive enough, that they are doing "meetings" with random strangers from here. You never know who you are going to meet. If it goes well, you don't know. But if it goes really bad? What would happen if one meets with one of these psychopaths? That would be a disaster.

At the same rate, the JoS has done anything possible to inform about these corrupted individuals, and also give proper advice on how to deal with these. Move away completely. There is NOTHING to gain.

The best thing you can do, is never have strange associations, and grow in this positive path on JoS material. Stay away from the hybris of this dog excrement that does these crimes contrary to Satan's Will or practices "Anti-Christian" Satanism.

Satan will spiritually eradicate these individuals, as he has been for a while. Al those who have been doing copious damage to Satan's reputation, always get to experience the downfall of this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I can't believe a temple of blood/O9a/whatever deranged antifa wannabe larp group fag has to pop out of nowhere and try to ruin it all for us. I may seem to be a cynical asshole but this just makes me want to listen to the softer but decisive side of me I hide from people.

People like that teenager are reasons why most people I personally know are mental midgets who think we are bloodthirsty edgelords and this makes me throw up.
Henu the Great said:
slyscorpion said:
Karnonnos said:
One of these encourages people to 'rip out their Chakras'. Most of them appear to be on copious amounts of drugs.

There are services some of them have where people pay for Chakra removal. They claim removing the Chakras gets rid of any ability of entities to spiritually attack you and has other benefits and that humans were not supposed to have a chakra system.

There were testimonials on the site I came across where people would talk about all these benefits and how it made their lives improve etc.

It sounded really dumb but the thing is I don't remember the site mentioning Satanism I came across.
Technically that could be the case. Since entities attach to chakras. On the flip side it fucks a person up, so really it's not a solution. More like jewloution.
Well the solutions of the jews are always, if you kill your soul no entities can harm you or if you kill yourself nobody can be mean to you... the fact that some people belive in these insanities is crazy.
Those individuals are the worst of humanity - apart of jews - and should be eradicated quickly.
I physically spotted one of them using "666" to instill fear in other Gentiles and put them under his psychological dominion as he is the "bad guy". This person is also engaged in pedophilia (I sensed through reading his filthy aura).
This is misuse of our symbols. Should he be catched, all the crime would be charged to Satanist's account.
I want to help Satan cleaning away those bastards, so I'll work to an individual Ritual soon.

Thanks HP for helping me to bring to surface internal rage against those fake satanists ruining our Name.
Brilliant OP HPHC and very much needed information.

Do you think we are being watched on this platform or is that a silly question?

Thats why i dont tend to do anti semitc things as i know the ADL will pick up and also my social media acc.

Very interesting they were all British boys, well apart from the main lunitic (dont mean Koeting as he is also a meth head crackpot)


I dont practice ONA as im JOS since day one.

These boys are getting convicted of thing and they probably havent even done anything.

Now im a loyal JOS SS**.

Even though i am law abiding.

Thoughts my fellow troops.
Yeah, people truly need to be careful, the world is a dangerous place and its very easy to simply fall victim to the enemy lies if you do not have proper knowledge before hand.

I was extremely lucky, I was about to fall into these false satanic groups, I was researching the differences between the church of Satan and the satanic temple, looking at their philosophies, the culture and generally what they were about. It was during this time when I was critically comparing different "Satanic" groups that I came across the Joy of Satan website, and I felt somehow that what I was reading was the truth and at the time I could not explain why but I continued to read.

Again someone could make the argument that I had the brains to properly research and that's what everyone should do in the first place but we sadly live in a world where not everyone can have a objective mind and because of their programming they fall victim to the first "satanic" group lies they come across if they try and break out of their more traditional Xian religions, namely the Satanic temple and the church of Satan.

And as much as I want to trust the JOS forms, there are enemy infiltrators and everyone must remember that no matter how "Secure" something is, if its on a computer there's a way to hack into it, I would honestly not be surprised if the enemy decided to hack into one of the high priests or priestesses accounts and spread as much misinformation as they can before their accounts get restored, it happens all the time with social media accounts and it could happen here as well.
EasternFireLion666 said:
False flag done by the enemy using lowlife degenerates. It is done to program the minds in case they find our sites to immediately reject them thinking it is some violent organisation.
Those impersonating Satanism like this are lower than the enemy.

I couldn't agree more.
Henu the Great said:
slyscorpion said:
Karnonnos said:

There are services some of them have where people pay for Chakra removal. They claim removing the Chakras gets rid of any ability of entities to spiritually attack you and has other benefits and that humans were not supposed to have a chakra system.

There were testimonials on the site I came across where people would talk about all these benefits and how it made their lives improve etc.

It sounded really dumb but the thing is I don't remember the site mentioning Satanism I came across.

If you gouge your eyes out, you won't be seeing a lot of the disgusting things in this world. Does that make the gouging out of them, a smart decision? You won't see the rapist coming. But the damage will be done anyway.

That's what these people are doing.

Also, 100% of them never really experienced their own soul, so having any judgement of the matter is impossible. Also, who even "attacks" these people at all? Nobody and nothing, because nobody cares.

These entities and other things also don't rely on the "chakras". They also have not truly "Removed" them. They are just fully underfunct in the first place. At this level, they also "close them". Then this nothingness spiritually disconnects them from their higher body. The ramifications of this can be extensive and many will incur after death or manifest themselves in other issues.

Basically they become average Joe all over again, but they were average Joe before too.
I think with all the portrayals of Satanism by the enemy such as xtians and Jews and the media with hollowwood as I like to call it. It is not surprising that people who have serious mental problems or are connected deeply to the enemy in some way or just those who are really corrupted would be attracted to the idea and do all sorts of horrible things.

It is going to happen but this has nothing to do with Satan it's the enemies fault. If xtianity was presented in the same way there would be some person doing a random kill for Christ in a grusome way and painting a cross on the wall or something. It's sort of like appealing to an audience.

In fact once the enemy programs are exposed maybe this will happen for a bit with a small minority of people going into them just cause they want to be evil.
EnkiUK55 said:
Brilliant OP HPHC and very much needed information.


These people in the post did blatant crimes.

Surveillance is another aspect, and it's happening.

Don't worry, at the pace this is going, whomever has a White skin and lives in Europe or in the United States is already marked for harassment by a segment of these people that make these lists in these agencies. Most of the times these are jews and they just shove every person that ever said anything bad about them in it.

No doubt, half the Labor party, and all Fascists parties, are all into these lists, same with probably 10's of millions of angry Britons. I recently read to where they have about all of the anti-vaxxers in terrorist watchlists.

In other words, anyone who at ever rate said anything contrary to the JWO, even inadvertently, is already in the watch-list or targeted. In Britain I would not doubt this is a reality. A person was fired from Google for writing something in the internet 10 years ago. These are aggregated with who knows how many tens of millions in Europe and elsewhere.

What I am trying to say is stay safe, stay legal ALWAYS, but never underestimate the schizophrenia of the enemy.

In Britain the grooming gangs and muslims are having a party, but they can only go as far as harassing random people online with "renegade views". That's because the latter is easy to find and they have orders to let the Muslims be, because its "multiculturalism" they seek to maintain right now, no matter the human cost.
Inflorescentia said:
I remember from around 2010 there was this kike, George Kavasilas (or something to that effect) doing seminars in Australia about how he got taken on a journey to explore the layers of the Universe. He later started talking about how he removed his chakras -- as they're supposed to be spirtual shackles.

Jews don't have a chakra system like the Gentiles do. They have another system as explained in their "Tree of Life". This corresponds to their deficient soul.

Rabbis do follow a "system", that is the "Sefirotic Tree", but they of course advise the Goyim and even other jews to...rip out their chakras. Anything that will destroy the Gentile, they advise.

They are aware that many people are waking up, so circa 2010, there were many desperate attempts by jews to disinform people and make spiritualists destroy themselves. I remember listening to a seminar back then, and the jew that was instructing, was telling people about the "Tree of Life" and so on. I did not understand why this information was so contrary to the chakras, but it were, and this person specified this. All of this was hebrew disinformation, and then they used a lot of new age in it too.

Sort of how jews open banks like Rothschild but tell the goyim that it's a good idea to "Own Nothing And You Will Be Happy!".
Lucifuge Rofocale is not like this at all!!...He is my Guardian..he is Kind, loving, patient and Gentle. He is very hardworking. And his energy is like that of a Father figure or a Favourite uncle type but at the Ultimate Level. He is very family orientated and works hard for that family cohesion. He does alot of great things for the sake of humanity so selflessly.He is a very Talented being. He is so intelligent and his way of thinking is just beyond next level. He is a Genius!.
All the greatest Gentile minds on earth put together do not come close to his intelligence. And he does not boast or brag either. He wont announce himself as a king to you because he is very humble and does not like being called a king. But in reality he is!. He is very Loyal, and alot of times he helps guides Gentiles to Satanism and he helps new Satanists at the very beginning with some of the foundation work for Satanism.
One way he likes to appear to me when he wants my attention is he will emit an aroma of fresh Roses around me. Thats when i know i have to meditate and communicate with him Telepathically. He does not appear to anyone who does these blood rituals for favours. And he definitely does not make you win the Lottery for killing innocent people. That is absolute bullshit!.
EnkiUK55 said:
Brilliant OP HPHC and very much needed information.

Do you think we are being watched on this platform or is that a silly question?

Thats why i dont tend to do anti semitc things as i know the ADL will pick up and also my social media acc.

Very interesting they were all British boys, well apart from the main lunitic (dont mean Koeting as he is also a meth head crackpot)


I dont practice ONA as im JOS since day one.

These boys are getting convicted of thing and they probably havent even done anything.

Now im a loyal JOS SS**.

Even though i am law abiding.

Thoughts my fellow troops.

Thanks HPHC i see what you did or rather what i stupidly did

cheers bro
This might very well be the enemy publicly acknowledging us without directly mentioning us. "Satanism", "Nazism", "online forum", "evil". Just a psyop that isn't even subtle so that any new people who have seen that video will immediately have their guard up when they visit our forums. If anything, this is direct proof of how much damage we are doing them. Adding more RTRs later today.
Blackdragon666 said:
This might very well be the enemy publicly acknowledging us without directly mentioning us. "Satanism", "Nazism", "online forum", "evil". Just a psyop that isn't even subtle so that any new people who have seen that video will immediately have their guard up when they visit our forums. If anything, this is direct proof of how much damage we are doing them. Adding more RTRs later today.

The enemy has taken our forums down over the most frivolous excuses before, and other of our platforms. We are talking totally bogus statements that they knew couldn't even stand. Of course they didn't stand to an appeal, they know this and it was just done for harassment.

Meanwhile these kosher "Satanic" people are legit telling people to sacrifice others [WTF seriously], and they somehow only get a slap on the wrist or something.

It makes me wonder where are all these kike companies like this one from Germany, that has "Reported" or forums before. Where are they to do just about anything to these loonies?

We are the largest Satanic Forum online by visitations etc, by far. Meanwhile these people are left to roam and nobody even complains.

This reminds me of 2017 where people were finding how GoDaddy and others hosted pornography of minors en masse, and these sites never got banned. But oy vey, they banned every Auntie-Semetic site on their network at least.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It makes me wonder where are all these kike companies like this one from Germany, that has "Reported" or forums before. Where are they to do just about anything to these loonies?

I'm not surprised they come from Germany, Germany has already messed with U.S. elections. Back last year before BCP(Black Conservative Patriot)(I know he is a xtian sometimes states certain xtianistic stuff but at least he reports stuff not known).

Before they Shoah'd his channel.

The U.S. Cyberwarfare division detected packets of data at election places leaving to Germany. They traced it back to a company in Germany called Scytel. The Army mobilized a few Army Rangers and they entered the place to check out the issue at hand. It seems that during their entrance at some point some people got popped, there was a shootout Army Rangers vs Some security group or something. All I know from watching BCP is the army went in someone shot and both sides fired at each other.

If you view it from a certain perspective I'm not surprised kosher supervised Germany is performing anti-Gentile activities like trying to stop us or auntie-semitism. Germany is the age old Amalek enemy that the kikes lose sleep over waiting for the day the Aryan throws the pen and pulls the sword out.

I'm not surprised Germany is under HEAVY kosher supervision to prevent another Hitler.
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It makes me wonder where are all these kike companies like this one from Germany, that has "Reported" or forums before. Where are they to do just about anything to these loonies?

I'm not surprised they come from Germany, Germany has already messed with U.S. elections. Back last year before BCP(Black Conservative Patriot)(I know he is a xtian sometimes states certain xtianistic stuff but at least he reports stuff not known).

At this point I wouldn't doubt that they are doing disrespectful things like this even to Western Allies. After all, the Jews wanted to reassure the victory of Biden at any cost, so fiddling with the US elections with other Nations they have a strong hold upon, would not be something that is not viable at all.
I am reposting this on the correct topic I accidentally posted this on the can everyone be saved thread I thought I was posting it here.

Also to add to this yeah this guy was a kike he claimed to be a gentile but he kept saying things like yeah your gentile so of course you feel this or that way. He admitted once the reptilian place is his home realm.

Sadly I wasn't that aware then of what a reptilian even was so I did not put two and two together.

I talked to a psychopath in 2011. This was a scary experience I wanted to share this. This was not on this website. I was on YouTube and had created a bunch of videos about Satanism was trying to spread stuff. In that time we were allowed to send messages to other users on that site. So this person named Devil's fool messaged me. I got to talking for awhile. Later I know he was using some kind of magick on me to get me to love him or something I didn't know it at the time but didn't know why I was feeling like I wanted to talk to him.

Anyways so the parts I remember he told me he would astral project to the reptilian planets and how life on earth was really tame compared to that. He said I should check this out myself. He said killing each other was a way of life there and it was really brutal. He was obsessed with the serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer always talking about him and how he loved Dahmer this scared me a little. He would tell me to watch everything on Dahmer he linked me to some movie. After like about a minute this was some guy having sex with someone who passed out naked then they had this drill and they were starting to put this into the persons skull. I was like fuck that how can you watch this Jewish garbage. He said it was a great movie I never wanted to see the rest of it as I felt it was sickening.

The next part is the actual scary part I still kind of feel scared from this. He wrote this weird poem about some young child and how he was sorry he had to do it. I don't remember all the details about this but I looked up the name and details and there was this child the same age and information found dead in Washington DC they thought it was an accident I think not. All the details were the same I found that scary.

I quit talking to this guy but I have been really creeped out by this since and not the same kind of in a way.
slyscorpion said:
I am reposting this on the correct topic I accidentally posted this on the can everyone be saved thread I thought I was posting it here.

Also to add to this yeah this guy was a kike he claimed to be a gentile but he kept saying things like yeah your gentile so of course you feel this or that way. He admitted once the reptilian place is his home realm.

Sadly I wasn't that aware then of what a reptilian even was so I did not put two and two together.

I talked to a psychopath in 2011. This was a scary experience I wanted to share this. This was not on this website. I was on YouTube and had created a bunch of videos about Satanism was trying to spread stuff. In that time we were allowed to send messages to other users on that site. So this person named Devil's fool messaged me. I got to talking for awhile. Later I know he was using some kind of magick on me to get me to love him or something I didn't know it at the time but didn't know why I was feeling like I wanted to talk to him.

Anyways so the parts I remember he told me he would astral project to the reptilian planets and how life on earth was really tame compared to that. He said I should check this out myself. He said killing each other was a way of life there and it was really brutal. He was obsessed with the serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer always talking about him and how he loved Dahmer this scared me a little. He would tell me to watch everything on Dahmer he linked me to some movie. After like about a minute this was some guy having sex with someone who passed out naked then they had this drill and they were starting to put this into the persons skull. I was like fuck that how can you watch this Jewish garbage. He said it was a great movie I never wanted to see the rest of it as I felt it was sickening.

The next part is the actual scary part I still kind of feel scared from this. He wrote this weird poem about some young child and how he was sorry he had to do it. I don't remember all the details about this but I looked up the name and details and there was this child the same age and information found dead in Washington DC they thought it was an accident I think not. All the details were the same I found that scary.

I quit talking to this guy but I have been really creeped out by this since and not the same kind of in a way.

How can "killing each other on a reptilian planet was a way of life there" be real, if they are a hive mind/forced to live in harmony with each other?

At least I assume, that it is so, since one thinks the same and any form of violance against each other, would be sort of like a rebellion against the one mind/hive mind because you attack/kill capacity of it. If one reptile dies the collective should have decreased power.

A grey killing a other grey does probably also not happen.

I think the main reason, why people/ non jews get cought up in this serial killer culture, is because death is connected to the occult. Sort of like seeking knowledge, but in a retarded way.
Most serial killers were into enemy programms so much for the love etc. Just wanted to mention.
Hail satan and have good week.i have some questions to do who can answer to me because i dont know.
Fuchs said:
slyscorpion said:
I am reposting this on the correct topic I accidentally posted this on the can everyone be saved thread I thought I was posting it here.

Also to add to this yeah this guy was a kike he claimed to be a gentile but he kept saying things like yeah your gentile so of course you feel this or that way. He admitted once the reptilian place is his home realm.

Sadly I wasn't that aware then of what a reptilian even was so I did not put two and two together.

I talked to a psychopath in 2011. This was a scary experience I wanted to share this. This was not on this website. I was on YouTube and had created a bunch of videos about Satanism was trying to spread stuff. In that time we were allowed to send messages to other users on that site. So this person named Devil's fool messaged me. I got to talking for awhile. Later I know he was using some kind of magick on me to get me to love him or something I didn't know it at the time but didn't know why I was feeling like I wanted to talk to him.

Anyways so the parts I remember he told me he would astral project to the reptilian planets and how life on earth was really tame compared to that. He said I should check this out myself. He said killing each other was a way of life there and it was really brutal. He was obsessed with the serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer always talking about him and how he loved Dahmer this scared me a little. He would tell me to watch everything on Dahmer he linked me to some movie. After like about a minute this was some guy having sex with someone who passed out naked then they had this drill and they were starting to put this into the persons skull. I was like fuck that how can you watch this Jewish garbage. He said it was a great movie I never wanted to see the rest of it as I felt it was sickening.

The next part is the actual scary part I still kind of feel scared from this. He wrote this weird poem about some young child and how he was sorry he had to do it. I don't remember all the details about this but I looked up the name and details and there was this child the same age and information found dead in Washington DC they thought it was an accident I think not. All the details were the same I found that scary.

I quit talking to this guy but I have been really creeped out by this since and not the same kind of in a way.

How can "killing each other on a reptilian planet was a way of life there" be real, if they are a hive mind/forced to live in harmony with each other?

At least I assume, that it is so, since one thinks the same and any form of violance against each other, would be sort of like a rebellion against the one mind/hive mind because you attack/kill capacity of it. If one reptile dies the collective should have decreased power.

A grey killing a other grey does probably also not happen.

I think the main reason, why people/ non jews get cought up in this serial killer culture, is because death is connected to the occult. Sort of like seeking knowledge, but in a retarded way.
Most serial killers were into enemy programms so much for the love etc. Just wanted to mention.

That is what he claimed life was brutal where he liked to go to said it made people like Dahmer look tame. That is an exact quote there.

The only thing I heard about this was some article and video on a non JOS site that said the reptilian planets have some sort of really strict control grid where no rebellion at all is even possible much stricter than earth and if anyone rebels they get put down immediately. No one said anything about it on the JOS not sure how true or not true any of this is I am certainly not going to astral project there and find out that would be the most dumb thing ever.

It probably is not like he was saying. That's good would be glad to know that guy was bullshitting and making up stuff. I was thinking he was a real serial killer that is why I was kind of creeped out by this whole thing.
Inflorescentia said:
I remember from around 2010 there was this kike, George Kavasilas (or something to that effect) doing seminars in Australia about how he got taken on a journey to explore the layers of the Universe. He later started talking about how he removed his chakras -- as they're supposed to be spirtual shackles.

He got a good point, if he succeeds in removing his chakras he will die, then he can explore the universe all he wants to.
slyscorpion said:
Fuchs said:
slyscorpion said:
I am reposting this on the correct topic I accidentally posted this on the can everyone be saved thread I thought I was posting it here.

Also to add to this yeah this guy was a kike he claimed to be a gentile but he kept saying things like yeah your gentile so of course you feel this or that way. He admitted once the reptilian place is his home realm.

Sadly I wasn't that aware then of what a reptilian even was so I did not put two and two together.

I talked to a psychopath in 2011. This was a scary experience I wanted to share this. This was not on this website. I was on YouTube and had created a bunch of videos about Satanism was trying to spread stuff. In that time we were allowed to send messages to other users on that site. So this person named Devil's fool messaged me. I got to talking for awhile. Later I know he was using some kind of magick on me to get me to love him or something I didn't know it at the time but didn't know why I was feeling like I wanted to talk to him.

Anyways so the parts I remember he told me he would astral project to the reptilian planets and how life on earth was really tame compared to that. He said I should check this out myself. He said killing each other was a way of life there and it was really brutal. He was obsessed with the serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer always talking about him and how he loved Dahmer this scared me a little. He would tell me to watch everything on Dahmer he linked me to some movie. After like about a minute this was some guy having sex with someone who passed out naked then they had this drill and they were starting to put this into the persons skull. I was like fuck that how can you watch this Jewish garbage. He said it was a great movie I never wanted to see the rest of it as I felt it was sickening.

The next part is the actual scary part I still kind of feel scared from this. He wrote this weird poem about some young child and how he was sorry he had to do it. I don't remember all the details about this but I looked up the name and details and there was this child the same age and information found dead in Washington DC they thought it was an accident I think not. All the details were the same I found that scary.

I quit talking to this guy but I have been really creeped out by this since and not the same kind of in a way.

How can "killing each other on a reptilian planet was a way of life there" be real, if they are a hive mind/forced to live in harmony with each other?

At least I assume, that it is so, since one thinks the same and any form of violance against each other, would be sort of like a rebellion against the one mind/hive mind because you attack/kill capacity of it. If one reptile dies the collective should have decreased power.

A grey killing a other grey does probably also not happen.

I think the main reason, why people/ non jews get cought up in this serial killer culture, is because death is connected to the occult. Sort of like seeking knowledge, but in a retarded way.
Most serial killers were into enemy programms so much for the love etc. Just wanted to mention.

That is what he claimed life was brutal where he liked to go to said it made people like Dahmer look tame. That is an exact quote there.

The only thing I heard about this was some article and video on a non JOS site that said the reptilian planets have some sort of really strict control grid where no rebellion at all is even possible much stricter than earth and if anyone rebels they get put down immediately. No one said anything about it on the JOS not sure how true or not true any of this is I am certainly not going to astral project there and find out that would be the most dumb thing ever.

It probably is not like he was saying. That's good would be glad to know that guy was bullshitting and making up stuff. I was thinking he was a real serial killer that is why I was kind of creeped out by this whole thing.

There is nothing brave about serial killers they seek victims not strong people who could be a thread to them to kill, because they delight in low frequency and are most of the time connected to the bad energy enemy vortex.

They are weak individuals, one has not to fear if they have at least a little martial arts training or a overal skeptic nature.

Even child soldiers in africa comit extreme acts of violence, there is nothing special, everybody could do this.

But if everybody would be like this, we would live in caves.

It is much easier to destroy, then to create, build up people.

Like I did write before people are interested in serial killers because they don´t have a a sufficient education in reincarnation/a higher understanding about society/civilization.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
