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Eye/vision problem


Apr 30, 2020

I have eye/vision problem there are things like bubbles or colorless like baloons when i see somewhere and they follow my vision when i see also they are like nerves connected with each other. Some of them are seperate.

Do i need to do a sun square to fix it or to go to a doctor ?
666S666 said:

The liver manifests into the eyes. This sounds like a problem relating to liver stagnation, perhaps a low level of it. If the eyes are dry as well, this indicates liver blood deficiency.

Source: https://www.naturaleyecare.com/blog/eye-floaters-tied-to-liver-meridian-congesion/

"Eye floaters are clumps of protein that may look like dots, squiggles, strands or any of a hundred other shapes. Though annoying, floaters are harmless, and there are ways to prevent them through proper diet. They commonly result from the natural aging process where the vitreous gel (that keeps the shape of the back of the eyes) starts to liquefy, resulting in gel pulling on the retina (people who are nearsighted are also at a greater risk of eye floaters). This results in protein debris being released into the vitreous gel that are referred to as “floaters”.

From a Chinese medical perspective, the body recognizes the eye floaters as debris, and there is an energetic process within the eyes that slowly works on breaking down the floaters. The best way to support this process is by strengthening the Liver (meridian) which in Chinese medicine opens to the eyes, and is the primary flow of energy responsible for healthy vision. A common Liver tonic used in Chinese medicine is called “Rambling Power” or “Xiao Yao San”)."

Springtime is when the liver is more actively detoxing, so this can explain perhaps why these symptoms appear. To help the liver, increase exercise, be in bed by 11pm, eat lots of green and cooked veggies, eat lighter meals (both in quantity and content).

Additionally, drinking lemon water or vinegar added to water can help break up stagnation in the liver. Milk thistle and dandelion supplements or tea have a similar purpose.
OpenMind said:
As HPS Maxine said, you should realize that A DOCTOR can save your life, we can heal our selves but it take a LOT of energy, depending of disease.

It is important to go to a doctor so you can see how bad the situation is, also WHAT is your disease called(so you can make an affirmation to directionate the healing energy better to your specific problem)

And until tou find out what is the exact problem, you can directionate energy to healing your eyes saying " This energy/sun's energy/this sexual energy/and so on,  heal my eyes, in the most pozitive way for me"

You can do as you said, sun's square.

But also

1)Yoga for eyes/for rising your energyes and then to directionate the energy to healing your eyes.

Yoga for eyes

2)Inspire normal/sun's energy and then say the affirmation

3)masturbate/make sex and when you have orgasm/while masturbating say the affirmation (This sexual energy...) and vizualize/imagine a ball of energy like a mini-sun is in your genital area and make it go in your eyes and fill them with energy OR just inspire energy from your genital area feeling it going in your eyes and saying the affirmation.

4)Vibrate runas (THURISAZ/WUNJO) and say the affirmation "Thurisaz/Wunjo's energyes heal my eyes in the most pozitive way for me)

And you can use the search button on this forum , searching for keywords : eyes, healing, and what you think will helo.

Also, if you can afford you can buy vitamins/fruits with vitamins for the eyes, and take care of your eyes with sunglasses and so on.

Blitzkreig said:
666S666 said:

The liver manifests into the eyes. This sounds like a problem relating to liver stagnation, perhaps a low level of it. If the eyes are dry as well, this indicates liver blood deficiency.

Source: https://www.naturaleyecare.com/blog/eye-floaters-tied-to-liver-meridian-congesion/

"Eye floaters are clumps of protein that may look like dots, squiggles, strands or any of a hundred other shapes. Though annoying, floaters are harmless, and there are ways to prevent them through proper diet. They commonly result from the natural aging process where the vitreous gel (that keeps the shape of the back of the eyes) starts to liquefy, resulting in gel pulling on the retina (people who are nearsighted are also at a greater risk of eye floaters). This results in protein debris being released into the vitreous gel that are referred to as “floaters”.

From a Chinese medical perspective, the body recognizes the eye floaters as debris, and there is an energetic process within the eyes that slowly works on breaking down the floaters. The best way to support this process is by strengthening the Liver (meridian) which in Chinese medicine opens to the eyes, and is the primary flow of energy responsible for healthy vision. A common Liver tonic used in Chinese medicine is called “Rambling Power” or “Xiao Yao San”)."

Springtime is when the liver is more actively detoxing, so this can explain perhaps why these symptoms appear. To help the liver, increase exercise, be in bed by 11pm, eat lots of green and cooked veggies, eat lighter meals (both in quantity and content).

Additionally, drinking lemon water or vinegar added to water can help break up stagnation in the liver. Milk thistle and dandelion supplements or tea have a similar purpose.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
