slyscorpion said:
Also if you know enough to read a chart even the house the planet is in when you start something or if it's conjunct an angle really help or hurt the working. With the Sun it is really powerful if you do it right in the morning sun hour if your awake when it's Conjunct the Ascendant in the first house. 9th or 10th house is also good for it if you do it in the afternoon I don't think it should be done when the sun is set that is way less powerful in my experience.
Or with Venus the 2nd or 7th house is really powerful or 12th.
I know going into way too many details and stuff but these things can effect it by adding a little power to the working which the more power you have in a working in its favor the better I think.
slyscorpion said:
Sometimes I think workings can even fail due to it being at a bad degree or Conjunct something bad for it. Like for example moon Saturn or Mars Conjunct Venus or something or even Venus Conjunct Algol closely in taurus even though it is in its home sign this may be really bad and make the working especially if it is a love working to really bad or backfire.
This is just logical thinking but anyways I just posted my point in asking this but I wanted to add this cause I wonder what anyone's thoughts on it is.
I believe you are on to something

. You're right in that it is logical.
Usually we pay the most attention to the Moon, but there
are other planets that exist also, and these planets roam around the constellations which are made of stars. These are energies upon energies of each other, so each will have their own meanings and manifestations. This raises the question: certainly other factors can have an influence too!
This field is called electional astrology, because you time workings, projects, undertakings, or whatever, when the planets are adequately situated.
I know this example is not spiritual, but if you want to make a strong ship/boat you would make sure the ASC is strong and fortified, the ruler, and the Moon to be strong. The Moon and other planets related to the matter is swift in motion, or the ruler of the Moon is in water signs free from malefic aspects. If you want to launch ships, make sure the Moon is in Cancer or Taurus, and is angular, along with Jupiter and Venus. See how there's rules on how to do things?
I can't find much examples on how to do spiritual undertakings in other astrological literature. So far we know in spiritual undertakings, the (planetary) hour and the Moon is important. The conditions of the planets are also important, such as detriment or debility, as evidenced by HPS Maxine in JoS. Other things, such as house placements we don't know in detail, except the Sun, when he reaches his height which is the MC. You've written your experience about the planets conjunct stars can indicate success or failure. And the degrees themselves are a little obscure.
We know general rules apply:
For cardinal signs, things will be prone to starting/stopping and reversals. Mutable signs have a tendency to meander and waffle around, modifying things, but finishes eventually. Fixed signs signify permanence, but are difficult to change.
Elements: Water, Fire, Earth, and Air
Void of Course - it tends to not do anything productive.
So it does seem like there's a process to all of this.
Perhaps the more we experiment and detail our experiences, the more we will figure out about ideal placements.
*personal opinions incoming*
Maybe we can exchange ideas of when to start big workings? Perhaps the 12th, if it's witchcraft against the enemies, because it rules hidden enemies. And the 9th for general spiritual undertakings, because it is the house of religion--this house is the temple/joy of the Sun. The Moon, and the ASC are important because we want to be strong to indicate that we are in a good position. As you can see this gets very complicated very quickly.