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Exaltation and fall Degrees of planets


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2018
Are they like critical degrees as well in a chart.

With the planets Like for example here are some listed ones The Sun in 19 degrees Aries, the Moon in 3 degrees Taurus, They say with Mercury it is in 15 degrees Virgo however my feeling is that we do not know this exaltation degree anymore because mercury is exalted in Aquarius and not Virgo. Venus in 27 degrees Pisces, Mars in 28 degrees Capricorn, Jupiter in 5 degrees Cancer, Saturn in 21 degrees Libra.

The opposite is the fall degree or most debilitated degree of the planet.

I would bet it's great to start a planitary Square on the degree of exaltation if someone could.

Anyways so here is my question what if someone has another planet example sun at 28 degrees Capricorn or Mars at 21 Libra etc. Does this effect that planet. What about ascendants at one of these degrees. What about predictive Astrology what might this mean.
An explanation that was given to me was to think of them as mountains. When Mars heads to the degree of exaltation, he's getting stronger and stronger until he reaches the degree where he is the strongest. For the opposite, think of them as pits: The Sun heading to his degree of fall, is like a planet getting weaker and weaker, until he reaches the degree of the fall, at his weakest.

As for how it works out in the chart with planetary squares, I'm not sure if people know, because this is new territory so far. You're the first person I've seen who asked about it. I hope to see people's answers.
The degrees of exaltations and falls are all very ancient classifications, so their usage is obscure.
I have an exact opposition of unrelated planets on an exaltation and fall degree this is why I ask this as well as having another planet one degree off of another fall degree.
94n said:
An explanation that was given to me was to think of them as mountains. When Mars heads to the degree of exaltation, he's getting stronger and stronger until he reaches the degree where he is the strongest. For the opposite, think of them as pits: The Sun heading to his degree of fall, is like a planet getting weaker and weaker, until he reaches the degree of the fall, at his weakest.

As for how it works out in the chart with planetary squares, I'm not sure if people know, because this is new territory so far. You're the first person I've seen who asked about it. I hope to see people's answers.
The degrees of exaltations and falls are all very ancient classifications, so their usage is obscure.

thanks for the info it's interesting your insights I didn't care as much about the planitary squares thing that was just a comment I do think when we start the planitary squares or magick related to a planet we really should pay attention to the degree the planet is on any planets it conjunts (sextiles squares and Oppositions I don't pay attention to that much) like for example if we were doing the mercury Square and it was at 28 Degrees Gemini that would be awesome I actually got a chance to do this one year and I felt the energy of the Betelgeuse star through the whole working. So I know these things effect stuff a lot. Sometimes I think workings can even fail due to it being at a bad degree or Conjunct something bad for it. Like for example moon Saturn or Mars Conjunct Venus or something or even Venus Conjunct Algol closely in taurus even though it is in its home sign this may be really bad and make the working especially if it is a love working to really bad or backfire.

This is just logical thinking but anyways I just posted my point in asking this but I wanted to add this cause I wonder what anyone's thoughts on it is.
Also if you know enough to read a chart even the house the planet is in when you start something or if it's conjunct an angle really help or hurt the working. With the Sun it is really powerful if you do it right in the morning sun hour if your awake when it's Conjunct the Ascendant in the first house. 9th or 10th house is also good for it if you do it in the afternoon I don't think it should be done when the sun is set that is way less powerful in my experience.

Or with Venus the 2nd or 7th house is really powerful or 12th.

I know going into way too many details and stuff but these things can effect it by adding a little power to the working which the more power you have in a working in its favor the better I think.
slyscorpion said:
Also if you know enough to read a chart even the house the planet is in when you start something or if it's conjunct an angle really help or hurt the working. With the Sun it is really powerful if you do it right in the morning sun hour if your awake when it's Conjunct the Ascendant in the first house. 9th or 10th house is also good for it if you do it in the afternoon I don't think it should be done when the sun is set that is way less powerful in my experience.

Or with Venus the 2nd or 7th house is really powerful or 12th.

I know going into way too many details and stuff but these things can effect it by adding a little power to the working which the more power you have in a working in its favor the better I think.

slyscorpion said:
Sometimes I think workings can even fail due to it being at a bad degree or Conjunct something bad for it. Like for example moon Saturn or Mars Conjunct Venus or something or even Venus Conjunct Algol closely in taurus even though it is in its home sign this may be really bad and make the working especially if it is a love working to really bad or backfire.

This is just logical thinking but anyways I just posted my point in asking this but I wanted to add this cause I wonder what anyone's thoughts on it is.


I believe you are on to something :). You're right in that it is logical.

Usually we pay the most attention to the Moon, but there are other planets that exist also, and these planets roam around the constellations which are made of stars. These are energies upon energies of each other, so each will have their own meanings and manifestations. This raises the question: certainly other factors can have an influence too!

This field is called electional astrology, because you time workings, projects, undertakings, or whatever, when the planets are adequately situated.

I know this example is not spiritual, but if you want to make a strong ship/boat you would make sure the ASC is strong and fortified, the ruler, and the Moon to be strong. The Moon and other planets related to the matter is swift in motion, or the ruler of the Moon is in water signs free from malefic aspects. If you want to launch ships, make sure the Moon is in Cancer or Taurus, and is angular, along with Jupiter and Venus. See how there's rules on how to do things?

I can't find much examples on how to do spiritual undertakings in other astrological literature. So far we know in spiritual undertakings, the (planetary) hour and the Moon is important. The conditions of the planets are also important, such as detriment or debility, as evidenced by HPS Maxine in JoS. Other things, such as house placements we don't know in detail, except the Sun, when he reaches his height which is the MC. You've written your experience about the planets conjunct stars can indicate success or failure. And the degrees themselves are a little obscure.

We know general rules apply:
For cardinal signs, things will be prone to starting/stopping and reversals. Mutable signs have a tendency to meander and waffle around, modifying things, but finishes eventually. Fixed signs signify permanence, but are difficult to change.
Elements: Water, Fire, Earth, and Air
Void of Course - it tends to not do anything productive.

So it does seem like there's a process to all of this.

Perhaps the more we experiment and detail our experiences, the more we will figure out about ideal placements.

*personal opinions incoming*
Maybe we can exchange ideas of when to start big workings? Perhaps the 12th, if it's witchcraft against the enemies, because it rules hidden enemies. And the 9th for general spiritual undertakings, because it is the house of religion--this house is the temple/joy of the Sun. The Moon, and the ASC are important because we want to be strong to indicate that we are in a good position. As you can see this gets very complicated very quickly. :geek:
94n said:
An explanation that was given to me was to think of them as mountains. When Mars heads to the degree of exaltation, he's getting stronger and stronger until he reaches the degree where he is the strongest. For the opposite, think of them as pits: The Sun heading to his degree of fall, is like a planet getting weaker and weaker, until he reaches the degree of the fall, at his weakest.

As for how it works out in the chart with planetary squares, I'm not sure if people know, because this is new territory so far. You're the first person I've seen who asked about it. I hope to see people's answers.
The degrees of exaltations and falls are all very ancient classifications, so their usage is obscure.

What if my sun is in the 8th house don't want to give out too much so I'll give an example in a different degree and sign the same distance apart so you can see what I mean.

9th house cusp let's say 14 09 degrees Capricorn Sun is 13 50 18 degrees Capricorn

This is the same distance my Sun is Away from my 9th house cusp within 10 minutes (or whatever they call it) of a degree but of course for privacy reasons since the enemy is on here I didn't use the same degree or sign but I did use the same minutes as my own sun is. Does this mean my Sun is in my 8th house or 9th house.
94n said:
slyscorpion said:
Also if you know enough to read a chart even the house the planet is in when you start something or if it's conjunct an angle really help or hurt the working. With the Sun it is really powerful if you do it right in the morning sun hour if your awake when it's Conjunct the Ascendant in the first house. 9th or 10th house is also good for it if you do it in the afternoon I don't think it should be done when the sun is set that is way less powerful in my experience.

Or with Venus the 2nd or 7th house is really powerful or 12th.

I know going into way too many details and stuff but these things can effect it by adding a little power to the working which the more power you have in a working in its favor the better I think.

slyscorpion said:
Sometimes I think workings can even fail due to it being at a bad degree or Conjunct something bad for it. Like for example moon Saturn or Mars Conjunct Venus or something or even Venus Conjunct Algol closely in taurus even though it is in its home sign this may be really bad and make the working especially if it is a love working to really bad or backfire.

This is just logical thinking but anyways I just posted my point in asking this but I wanted to add this cause I wonder what anyone's thoughts on it is.


I believe you are on to something :). You're right in that it is logical.

Usually we pay the most attention to the Moon, but there are other planets that exist also, and these planets roam around the constellations which are made of stars. These are energies upon energies of each other, so each will have their own meanings and manifestations. This raises the question: certainly other factors can have an influence too!

This field is called electional astrology, because you time workings, projects, undertakings, or whatever, when the planets are adequately situated.

I know this example is not spiritual, but if you want to make a strong ship/boat you would make sure the ASC is strong and fortified, the ruler, and the Moon to be strong. The Moon and other planets related to the matter is swift in motion, or the ruler of the Moon is in water signs free from malefic aspects. If you want to launch ships, make sure the Moon is in Cancer or Taurus, and is angular, along with Jupiter and Venus. See how there's rules on how to do things?

I can't find much examples on how to do spiritual undertakings in other astrological literature. So far we know in spiritual undertakings, the (planetary) hour and the Moon is important. The conditions of the planets are also important, such as detriment or debility, as evidenced by HPS Maxine in JoS. Other things, such as house placements we don't know in detail, except the Sun, when he reaches his height which is the MC. You've written your experience about the planets conjunct stars can indicate success or failure. And the degrees themselves are a little obscure.

We know general rules apply:
For cardinal signs, things will be prone to starting/stopping and reversals. Mutable signs have a tendency to meander and waffle around, modifying things, but finishes eventually. Fixed signs signify permanence, but are difficult to change.
Elements: Water, Fire, Earth, and Air
Void of Course - it tends to not do anything productive.

So it does seem like there's a process to all of this.

Perhaps the more we experiment and detail our experiences, the more we will figure out about ideal placements.

*personal opinions incoming*
Maybe we can exchange ideas of when to start big workings? Perhaps the 12th, if it's witchcraft against the enemies, because it rules hidden enemies. And the 9th for general spiritual undertakings, because it is the house of religion--this house is the temple/joy of the Sun. The Moon, and the ASC are important because we want to be strong to indicate that we are in a good position. As you can see this gets very complicated very quickly. :geek:

I took some time to think of this. People look at moon sign and moon void but don't pay attention if let's say moon is Conjunct something or a star this possibly could have a huge effect on a working. I'd bet some people's workings that have failed they don't realize why. For example this really helped me really quick. I did a working for a Job when Saturn was Conjunct moon in Capricorn I got hired less than two weeks later at the place I am working now. See that helped me cause I realize that Capricorn and Saturn rule the work force and reputation career etc.

Normally people wouldn't think of things like this.

Also moon is on Aries point about 4 times every month and there are all the special degrees too.

I noticed a lot more power to my 40 day working even though it hasn't fully manifested yet but I will do another one later when I started it at moon 0 Aries Jupiter 0 Capricorn it was a money working. Some people would not think about this but things can help or hinder things. Best thing if moon is Conjunct something that doesn't help a working at all don't do it. I have had a lot of success with stuff like this even getting 136 dollars deposited in my bank account at some place I had never even visited lol and never taken out. That was when I did a spell with moon at 0 Cancer and I think conjunct sun but I can't fully remember it was Conjunct something helpful to my working I remember.

So pay attention to this stuff it helps or hurts you I swear it's true from my experiences
slyscorpion said:
94n said:
An explanation that was given to me was to think of them as mountains. When Mars heads to the degree of exaltation, he's getting stronger and stronger until he reaches the degree where he is the strongest. For the opposite, think of them as pits: The Sun heading to his degree of fall, is like a planet getting weaker and weaker, until he reaches the degree of the fall, at his weakest.

As for how it works out in the chart with planetary squares, I'm not sure if people know, because this is new territory so far. You're the first person I've seen who asked about it. I hope to see people's answers.
The degrees of exaltations and falls are all very ancient classifications, so their usage is obscure.

What if my sun is in the 8th house don't want to give out too much so I'll give an example in a different degree and sign the same distance apart so you can see what I mean.

9th house cusp let's say 14 09 degrees Capricorn Sun is 13 50 18 degrees Capricorn

This is the same distance my Sun is Away from my 9th house cusp within 10 minutes (or whatever they call it) of a degree but of course for privacy reasons since the enemy is on here I didn't use the same degree or sign but I did use the same minutes as my own sun is. Does this mean my Sun is in my 8th house or 9th house.

So what happens when it comes to cusps, is that any planet conjunct the cusp will color the matters of the house. So if your 9th house cusp has a very tight conjunction with the Sun, then the Sun will strongly color the matters of the 9th house cusp with solar significations.

Another thing is that the planets move down the signs themselves. The planets move in the opposite direction as the sky, because they go down the zodiac (0 degrees to 30 degrees, unless they're retrograde). So they have motion themselves. So a planet within a degree of a cusp is really in the next house.

Check this chart out for an example.

Mercury and Venus look like they're in the 7th house, but they're really not. Because Venus and Mercury travel down the degrees of Scorpio and have their own motion, so they're trying to get to the next house, which is the 8th house. It also conjuncts the 8th house cusp, so 8th house matters are greatly colored by Venus and Mercury.

Keep the orbs very tight, like 1 degree. Make sure your birth time is as accurate as you can be otherwise the cusps will be thrown off and readings will be inaccurate.

Watch this video. It shows rules as to how to approach this. : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfgQOecYKLs

I personally go by wide orbs when it comes to angles. And very tight orbs when it comes to succedent and cadent houses, because they're not as powerful as angular ones.

Just see what feels right for you.

For the topic on Exaltations and Rulerships, it comes from the seasons. It's also because the ruler of the sign interacts nicely with the exaltation planet.

Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, because he brings winds and storms, and Cancer is the stormiest part of the year. The northernmost sign. That marks the hottest point of the year. Pisces and Sagittarius are ruled by Jupiter because they're considered windy and fecund.

Mars exalts in Capricorn because of the wintry solstice point, and as stated "Mars delights in the southern winds" meaning Mars/Capricorn has a temperamental agreement. Mars becomes more dry and fiery in Capricorn. Mars assigned to Aries and Scorpio because they're the dry seasons of the year which agree to the temperament of Mars (dry and destructive). So this really means they viewed it positively when the weather became stable, as Venus was assigned to Venus ->Taurus (fixed sign).

Sun is fallen in Libra because the Sun diminishes in power, the days starts to get shorter. Sun increases in power during the spring season, Aries. The day starts to get longer.

They put the Moon's exaltations in Taurus because she's coming out from the conjunction of the Sun(in Aries), and starts to increase in light.

Venus is exalted in Pisces, because of the wetness of this time of the year. The snow starts to melt. And Pisces signals that spring is about to start. Pisces is when the weather starts to warm. So it becomes fertile. Venus is a moist planet, which fits the moist sign.

As for Mercury, he exalts in Virgo, because of the dryness of the time of the year, Virgo. Matching his temperament.

This picture will make the relationships obvious with the seasons:


Solstice/equinox. The slow bodies, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, and Sun are assigned to solstice/equinox. The faster planets are placed around them.
94n said:

For the topic on Exaltations and Rulerships, it comes from the seasons. It's also because the ruler of the sign interacts nicely with the exaltation planet.

Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, because he brings winds and storms, and Cancer is the stormiest part of the year. The northernmost sign. That marks the hottest point of the year. Pisces and Sagittarius are ruled by Jupiter because they're considered windy and fecund.

Mars exalts in Capricorn because of the wintry solstice point, and as stated "Mars delights in the southern winds" meaning Mars/Capricorn has a temperamental agreement. Mars becomes more dry and fiery in Capricorn. Mars assigned to Aries and Scorpio because they're the dry seasons of the year which agree to the temperament of Mars (dry and destructive). So this really means they viewed it positively when the weather became stable, as Venus was assigned to Venus ->Taurus (fixed sign).

Sun is fallen in Libra because the Sun diminishes in power, the days starts to get shorter. Sun increases in power during the spring season, Aries. The day starts to get longer.

They put the Moon's exaltations in Taurus because she's coming out from the conjunction of the Sun(in Aries), and starts to increase in light.

Venus is exalted in Pisces, because of the wetness of this time of the year. The snow starts to melt. And Pisces signals that spring is about to start. Pisces is when the weather starts to warm. So it becomes fertile. Venus is a moist planet, which fits the moist sign.

As for Mercury, he exalts in Virgo, because of the dryness of the time of the year, Virgo. Matching his temperament.

This picture will make the relationships obvious with the seasons:


Solstice/equinox. The slow bodies, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, and Sun are assigned to solstice/equinox. The faster planets are placed around them.

I like everything you say here it's interesting but it says on the JOS that Venus exalts in Aquarius also many who have started mercury Square here including me and other people and other mercury workings feel this is where it's exalted.
Sorry I mean mercury it says Venus at the top that is a mistype I mean mercury is exalted in Aquarius not virgo. However it is really powerful in Virgo no one can deny that but that is it's home sign.
slyscorpion said:
Sorry I mean mercury it says Venus at the top that is a mistype I mean mercury is exalted in Aquarius not virgo. However it is really powerful in Virgo no one can deny that but that is it's home sign.

This is what I wanted to start a discussion about. I wonder where Maxine got her information on Mercury's exaltation in Aquarius. It seems like she got it from Astrology books, because many of the webpage's concept references concepts from other authors. Possibly because the view that Mercury lower octave and the higher octave is Uranus, and they re-placed the exaltation sign to fit its lower/higher octave companionship.

Mercury has always been exalted in Virgo, for the past several thousand years, possibly originating from Babylon. It was considered its home and exaltation sign in Virgo. But... this confusing and weird to me. :? How can a sign have exltation and domicile at the same time :? Though, I can see the logic: Mercury's playground are mutable signs and matches the destabilizing nature/influence of Mercury.

There's also someone I know who doesn't view Mercury as having exaltations, but as having two homes, Virgo and Gemini and two detriments, Pisces and Sagittarius, because she views Mercury as neutral and therefore having no preferential treatment (exaltation) in a sign. This is what I agree with the most, but this concept is in general disagreement with the ancient astrologers.

Mercury does have dignity in Aquarius and Libra as triplicity. Traditionally his house of Joy was the 1st house, as the 1st house was considered the house of intellect, speech, and the mind--having Mercury placed there meant it gave him a natural affinity.

Though, there are many astrologers of the ancient world who think natal Mercury in fixed signs are its best position, because it renders the mind stable and capable.
slyscorpion said:
I like everything you say here it's interesting but it says on the JOS that Venus exalts in Aquarius also many who have started mercury Square here including me and other people and other mercury workings feel this is where it's exalted.

These ideas didn't come from me, but the rationales that form the idea of domiciles and rulerships by the ancient astrologers, which is how we got these concepts and ideas today.

Its fun to think about it and to re-work these. I don't mind tinkering around. :lol:
94n said:
slyscorpion said:
I like everything you say here it's interesting but it says on the JOS that Venus exalts in Aquarius also many who have started mercury Square here including me and other people and other mercury workings feel this is where it's exalted.

These ideas didn't come from me, but the rationales that form the idea of domiciles and rulerships by the ancient astrologers, which is how we got these concepts and ideas today.

Its fun to think about it and to re-work these. I don't mind tinkering around. :lol:

What about the exaltations and falls for the outer planets where did it come from. Neptune exalted in Cancer It’s the same with Jupiter the co-ruler of Pisces although I wouldn’t know why it wasn’t exalted in Sagittarius or having dignity there of some kind. Pluto exalted in Leo although not many Scorpio placements Pluto or anything else get along with Leo energy wise at all so it doesn’t fully make sense.
Then you have Uranus in Scorpio I can’t speak on that one just that I do feel it’s powerful there just like I do Pluto in Leo but I don’t know how or why.

What about my own Uranus in Sagittarius that is pretty powerful too in energy and much more similar to Aquarius in vibe and energy than Scorpio.
slyscorpion said:
Pluto exalted in Leo although not many Scorpio placements Pluto or anything else get along with Leo energy wise at all so it doesn’t fully make sense.
Then you have Uranus in Scorpio I can’t speak on that one just that I do feel it’s powerful there just like I do Pluto in Leo but I don’t know how or why..
I would disagree. Leo as the exalted sign of Pluto makes perfect sense. In fact if you look at the generation of people with their Pluto in Leo, they. completely transformed the game of life. These were the people coming into their own during the 70s and 80’s. And those years were a dramatic transformation.

The next serious wave of transformation of society has been of recent. The generation with Pluto placed in its home sign of Scorpio. These two placements have a dramatically powerful effect. Even with aspects and such.
Exaltations are extremely ancient, possibly originating from Mesopotamia, so we don't really know how they came to be. What we do have are Greek works that found a way to explain it rationally and scientific by using weather and Aristotelian physics/cosmology, as I gave a few examples in my post about the planets and seasons.

The thing about exaltations is that they have a very specific pattern.

The Greeks placed emphasis in balance, symmetry and harmony, as shown by the domicile scheme and their spheres. The King and Queen of heavens dominate, while the rest of the planets follow:


In the scheme created by the ancient Greeks, they tried to create a pattern by the relationships of the planet to their home sign. Diurnal planets (Sun as the ruler, then Jupiter, Saturn as followers) made a trine from their domicile to their exaltation. Nocturnal planets (Moon as the ruler, then Venus and Mars as followers), made a sextile from their domicile to their exaltation. Mercury is common/changeable. I think this is to show the positive relationship between the exaltation signs and their domiciles, because if you notice the natures are agreeable (based on the beneficial/easy flowing aspects and nature of the trine and sextile)

The relationship:

So I think if we want to keep up the trend of exaltations, maybe it's worth considering that the planets have a good relationship AND aspect to their home signs. Just throwing it out there. :ugeek:
Exaltations clearly exist and they are valid. A person in Saturn in a ruling house or a ruling sign, behaves and is far accompanied naturally to the energy than another person with a detriment planet on a sign.

Detriments do not have to be "Bad", but the relation to the energy is different, which in some ways can manifest in bad circumstances to the ruling house involved.

Planets in detriment do not necessarily have to be weak, but can be negative. Weak is not always or necessarily negative, but weakness can lead to negativity if the energy is not in a proper position or properly used.
slyscorpion said:
94n said:
slyscorpion said:
I like everything you say here it's interesting but it says on the JOS that Venus exalts in Aquarius also many who have started mercury Square here including me and other people and other mercury workings feel this is where it's exalted.

These ideas didn't come from me, but the rationales that form the idea of domiciles and rulerships by the ancient astrologers, which is how we got these concepts and ideas today.

Its fun to think about it and to re-work these. I don't mind tinkering around. :lol:

What about the exaltations and falls for the outer planets where did it come from. Neptune exalted in Cancer It’s the same with Jupiter the co-ruler of Pisces although I wouldn’t know why it wasn’t exalted in Sagittarius or having dignity there of some kind. Pluto exalted in Leo although not many Scorpio placements Pluto or anything else get along with Leo energy wise at all so it doesn’t fully make sense.
Then you have Uranus in Scorpio I can’t speak on that one just that I do feel it’s powerful there just like I do Pluto in Leo but I don’t know how or why.

What about my own Uranus in Sagittarius that is pretty powerful too in energy and much more similar to Aquarius in vibe and energy than Scorpio.

The exaltations vary from author to author. You'll have authors go all over the place stating Neptune is exalted in Leo, Uranus is exalted in Taurus, Pluto is exalted in Aries or Pisces, etc. There really is no consensus, because 1) they are very recent discoveries and 2) because it's like applying ancient logic and philosophy to the times of today. It just doesn't work if we try to do it that way. We need to come up with something new.

The issue is that we go to circular reasoning if we try to assign exaltations to the outer planets.

Many astrologers view them as affinities though, and many can agree with the current one. They found Uranus to be very fitting of Aquarius, Pluto to be very fitting of Scorpio, and Neptune to be very fitting of Pisces, and that's because of the years and years of research that people put into it. Interestingly enough, when Pluto was first discovered astrologers made him rule Aries. Then it was switched to Scorpio.

The most important is that it works for you and that you agree with it. Astrology is very personalized and individual. So long as you found it to be the case, and it works, then all the power to you.
I'm not a stickler for astrological methods, and I don't believe there's only "one way" to do it. Imagine how boring the world would be if everyone thought the same. *shudders*

I'll always be here to listen to what you have to say and be willing to explore these things :)
94n said:
slyscorpion said:
94n said:
These ideas didn't come from me, but the rationales that form the idea of domiciles and rulerships by the ancient astrologers, which is how we got these concepts and ideas today.

Its fun to think about it and to re-work these. I don't mind tinkering around. :lol:

What about the exaltations and falls for the outer planets where did it come from. Neptune exalted in Cancer It’s the same with Jupiter the co-ruler of Pisces although I wouldn’t know why it wasn’t exalted in Sagittarius or having dignity there of some kind. Pluto exalted in Leo although not many Scorpio placements Pluto or anything else get along with Leo energy wise at all so it doesn’t fully make sense.
Then you have Uranus in Scorpio I can’t speak on that one just that I do feel it’s powerful there just like I do Pluto in Leo but I don’t know how or why.

What about my own Uranus in Sagittarius that is pretty powerful too in energy and much more similar to Aquarius in vibe and energy than Scorpio.

The exaltations vary from author to author. You'll have authors go all over the place stating Neptune is exalted in Leo, Uranus is exalted in Taurus, Pluto is exalted in Aries or Pisces, etc. There really is no consensus, because 1) they are very recent discoveries and 2) because it's like applying ancient logic and philosophy to the times of today. It just doesn't work if we try to do it that way. We need to come up with something new.

The issue is that we go to circular reasoning if we try to assign exaltations to the outer planets.

Many astrologers view them as affinities though, and many can agree with the current one. They found Uranus to be very fitting of Aquarius, Pluto to be very fitting of Scorpio, and Neptune to be very fitting of Pisces, and that's because of the years and years of research that people put into it. Interestingly enough, when Pluto was first discovered astrologers made him rule Aries. Then it was switched to Scorpio.

The most important is that it works for you and that you agree with it. Astrology is very personalized and individual. So long as you found it to be the case, and it works, then all the power to you.
I'm not a stickler for astrological methods, and I don't believe there's only "one way" to do it. Imagine how boring the world would be if everyone thought the same. *shudders*

I'll always be here to listen to what you have to say and be willing to explore these things :)

I am not a stickler for there ever only being one true path or method that works either even in this religion itself you can have different cultures practices God names mantras etc and they did in ancient times none of it is all right or wrong etc

However I would want to make sure what I am doing is accurate or at least has some truth to it. That is partly why I am posting about this lol and reading what people say.

Personally I feel Scorpio is good for Uranus exalt cause Scorpios in themselves like to be different and non conformist sometimes. Personally I would think Maybe Pluto exalts in Aquarius somewhere on the JOS site for awhile they had that listed as its exaltation one place then Leo another.

Neptune I never questioned that although I do note from many people having been born during the time that Neptune was in Capricorn that I don’t think this is that weak and neither did anyone else that felt it. It caused plenty of problems in my own life as well as someone I know that can be directly attributed to Neptune. So maybe that one is wrong too.

To be honest as I do have a Scorpio Sun I actually get along with Aquarius partly cause I have that ascendant but I never cared for Leo that much or got along with them personally (no offense intended to anyone please just my experience it’s kind of an ego clash thing both signs are strong on that and Aquarius not so much) and my Scorpio Pluto is closely square an older family members Leo Pluto when his Pluto energy is activated I don’t like it at all or get a good feeling from it. It just gives me the vibe he’s not a great person then again he is a strong xtian. I think doing this logically Aquarius should be where Pluto exalts even though yeah Leo Pluto made a lot of transformations and changes. I think I will actually like the people with Aquarius Pluto when they start to grow up a lot to be honest I am looking foreward to them and of course the way this makes the world change as well hopefully the enemy doesn’t find a way to focus this on a bunch of superficial nonsense and technology that will further make life even more mindless air energy can be put that direction

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
