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End Of Law And Order In Modern Clown World - Gun Rights In the US

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
What I always found appalling in life is a phenomenon that is happening in present day society, where law and order are essentially gone. We Satanists on a general basis, we are to be law abiding, and work against this total fallout of everything.

Symptoms of downfall of the law, aren't only lack of application of laws, and loose laws, and extremely complex laws that make no sense and prey on the unknowing, but also, application of the law to the wrong situations. That way, every crook can always escape judgement, while any innocent or simple person can be easily indicted, and go to prison.

The case of the fall of the Law is primarily defined in Christianity. In xianity, you can do any abominable crime, and all you have to do is fall on the knees, ask for so called "Forgiveness" and just go tommorow and do all the very same crimes again. The justification is that 'God forgives', and that you are a 'human being', and therefore this justifies anything you could have done.

You are also not responsible for it, some dark external force is, named "Satan". So every-time you do wrong, it's someone else's fault. Just wash your hands and go directly in committing it again. On the other hand, those who are on the receiving end of the crime, are supposed to "Turn the other cheek" and tolerate everything, and if they judge and smite you, only "God" is supposed to judge, they are going to go to "Hell".

As we can see here this gives us two things: Ultimate abuse for the abused, and ultimate freedom for the criminals. Don't ask why the Pope and many others are found in chambers boning little boys and somehow it's all discarded. As they would say, "Only God Can Judge Them" on that one. If they are ever caught, all it takes is just a statement that they are sorry, and back they are again at it. Who will judge them? One must only turn the other cheek.

The irony is that this is specifically designed to create lack of freedom, rampant misery, rampant crime, so that people run to the Jew Rabbi Jesus, begging for "salvation". All people do is cry and whine they don't have a better world, while the foundation of all their world is a criminal foundation.

Since people saw where this was going, wise people, like the Satanic old Freemasons, and others before them who were familliar with the Pagan order of things, they decided to topple this around and create new foundations of social life, new legal systems, abolish church courts, and generally, remove the church from control of public life, and instate logic as the new foundation of things. This worked a great deal, but the agents of decay behind the aforementioned xian ideals, still have influence, and they are still singing the same song. Nowadays also, they have different forms.

People who say that they are "Christians" and pro "Justice" or pro Gun laws, are just hypocrites. They carry on their pocket a tool of violence that can kill, and can exact judgement. Many Christians are aware that this is against the rules of the jewish god, as how everything that is positive for life, and makes life livable, is a sin. The idea that every person should be armed is an ideal from the Ancient Pagan ideal.

Christian ideals preach disarming, expect when it's for criminals to reign freely on top of the enslaved people. In that case, Christianity says, one is supposed to turn the other cheek, and wait for the "Second Coming" And "God's judgement" to make everything fall in place again. That is until the next ransacking gang comes and enslaves people again.

To give a recent example, in Virginia, and in many other States, "Democrat" legislators and other who try to take all our freedoms away, do something which they know should never be done in Law. The Law of the Constitution of a Nation is the highest form of law, and it cannot be bypassed or overpowered by inferior or local laws.

As Christianity says that to destroy humanity and civilization mentally, is somehow related to mental health, so do these people say that removing guns from citizens is about public safety. This has been the repetitive record of the Democrats for many decades.

In regards to Gun Laws, do you know which are the most armed to the teeth communities in the United States? Jewish Communities. Do you also read the news to see that it's most of the time Jews that preach the extreme disarming of the masses?

Jews armed to the teeth - https://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2020/01/15/us/ap-synagogue-security.html
Gentile "Goy" to be disarmed - https://www.ammoland.com/2019/01/virginias-democrat-governor-unveils-news-anti-gun-package-targeting-citizens-rights/

The same double standard gives itself out in the open again. What is next, a law that only Jews and their selected looter tribes should have arms? And after that what, a law to legalize murder such as the Talmud says where if a Gentile is killed by a Jew, it's never the Jew's fault? Unironically, all of this double standard, stems deeply from Judaism, which also gave birth to the ideals of disarming of the populace preached by Jewish Christianity as explained above.

Regardless of that, Laws are penned everyday which are blatantly antithetic or in grey areas in regards to the Constitution, which for example, explicitly allows people to have firearms, or Free Speech. Especially the Free Speech aspect is universally important and recognized in the most advanced countries worldwide. Simply put, if the Constitution says you can speak your mind, then you CAN speak your mind, and no inferior or lower law can tell you to do otherwise.

Recently reading on the decriminalization of petty theft in California is very revealing. The enemy has protected classes that they protect and they know what kind of crimes these are going to do, such as for example, theft. When the enemy is in power, if they cannot go full way and instate Soviet type of legislation, which allows their lackeys to conduct full crimes without ever being touched by the hand of the law again, they work slowly and systematically.

One example is the legalization of powerful psychotropic drugs, removal of punishments like theft, but also, how the State turns a total blind eye in obvious terrorist organizations such as the Anti-Fa. The Anti-Fa let us know explicitly and it's part of Communist ideology what they are going to do, take the United States over by force. After all the model they follow is not really an electoral one, but a violent one.

The above are all situations where there are cracks in the law, or purposeful ignorance, to protect specific classes. Another situation is how people are forbidden from calling Illegal Migrants, what they actually are. In this case the moment one passes a State border without any paper and hijacks, they are illegal, since there are laws which decide the National Border of a Nation.

The case in the fall of the Law is also when it's applied brutally over cases such as in China. In China, all it takes for one to find themselves in a jail cell and in an electric chair that measures one's "degree of truth" is just a mere loose canon statement online. The people are then arrested immediately, within a few hours. This happens especially fast if the statement is against Soviet China and it's State authority, or some sort of protected class of the Communist regime, such as for example, a person complaining about being mistreated by the Police.

This is a video about this so that people understand that this is not a joke and actually it happens. The person is on the "Truth revealing chair" over something they wrote on Twitter, where they have to plead guilty for it. Cops are shooting it for fun and extra humiliation. There is a translated version of the video that leaked in the web.


Depending on the degree of offence (By degree of "Offence" we solely mean how much this has offended the Communist powers that be) we have punishments ranging from complete total humiliation and unpersoning, all the way down to someone disappearing in the middle of the night, leaving no trace that they ever existed.

If we don't want this to be us really soon, we have to spread information, be vigilant, defend our rights like rabid dogs, and be ready to take it full on fitting means. What we see in China isn't something really strange, it's what these sirens that speak of removing rights today are going to do if they are allowed with further removal of rights.

Destruction of the concept of "Innocent until proven guilty" is very frequently discarded, especially today in the mass surveillance era. This isn't for Muslims and ISIS militants coming in Europe, it's rather for a random granny or a kid posting mean things online however. Now a debate is slowly emerging if people need to be imprisoned or confined based on mere statements and before they even do any action. While people think this is legal and justified, this puts our legal system back into the 15th century and earlier, where people would just get indicted in church courts without hearings and just based on suspicion and no evidence.

On the other hand, when a civilization drops, we have another manifestation as stated above. The protected classes such as looting tribes on behest of the enemy, are given free reign and are given free grounds to exercise whatever they see fit on the innocent populace. Such as decriminalization of petty theft, narcotics, and other things.

A sane mind would ask here, but why is this happening? Should these things ever happen? The answer is no, they should never happen. But these things do happen when those in power have in mind to create such a devastating situation for the people that live beneath them, that they do not protect their rights to life and prosperity, and want them to lose their security, and rights. This allows subjects to be further bossed out in even worse types of enslavement, without any choice.

It's a circulating statement that the so called "Illuminati" is based on the concept of Chaos in order to bring a "New World Order". This chaos involves land invasions, demographic replacement, laws that make people lose their sanity, such as to state an example, how a child molestor with many victims can walk out free easily, and a person who simply called someone with the wrong pronoun can get 5 years in prison, looters and invaders being entitled to more rights than any working and legitimate citizen, and the list goes. These things shatter the mind and they shatter the faith of people into their Nation.

Now, all of the above is also why dis-empowering people by removing their guns and firearms, makes things even worse for a society. Those who are in power can put the most brutal and savage laws, and people will never be able to defend themselves.

What has also happened which is a legally recent phenomenon is also criminalizing the defense of someone, a girl that uses a peper spray in the eyes of a rapist, may get punished instead of the person attempting rape. The person attempted to be killed which broke the little toe of a murderer, may face more charges than the murderer. People who make jokes online may end up with years in prison, while people who steal billions of wealth from Nations just walk around freely and unscathed. Circus courts where those "Of wrong ideas" are just made into a worldwide parody, while criminals, cartels, sex traffickers, and all sorts of other vermin, enjoys great freedom.

Society can turn into a Joker type of society, and nobody will have any ability for self defense. This allows any power that is to go full forward with any agenda they see fit, and also, the normal people are defenseless against being preyed upon by any criminal.

In order for the Legal system to correct itself, the moral system behind it also has to be better. This is where Satanism and the restoration of the Pagan ideals of justice comes, which could really save this world from this fallout into nothingness under jewish pseudomorality, which leads to jewish created Communist lawlessness and permanent enslavement.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The left is doing this everywhere even here in Italy. It's really bad, the victim can become the "bad guy" in a second even if they really did nothing wrong.
luis said:
The left is doing this everywhere even here in Italy. It's really bad, the victim can become the "bad guy" in a second even if they really did nothing wrong.

Those of the Left that promote this needs to experience the Joker land they are creating where they will be systematically looted and murdered over an Oreo cookie package by an invader.

They must practice and live in what they preach for once in this time. They were too protected until now.

The few reasonable voices of the left that once upon a time also had some good ideas about a couple subjects such as being Anti-Israel and stuff like that are gone. Its officially just advocacy for looters and taxing people to pay looters and stuff.

The Left is going closer and closer to just blatant communism.

I want every pro refugee leftist to take people and house them for the next 20 years for free. If they fail to this they will be declared enemy of the leftist party. Humanism has to be proven. Its always the enemies of the left that somehow always pay the price for leftist policy, but the left doesn't always pay any price for the right wing policies as they do not bring Clown World scenarios as fast.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
The left is doing this everywhere even here in Italy. It's really bad, the victim can become the "bad guy" in a second even if they really did nothing wrong.

Those of the Left that promote this needs to experience the Joker land they are creating where they will be systematically looted and murdered over an Oreo cookie package by an invader.

They must practice and live in what they preach for once in this time. They were too protected until now.

The few reasonable voices of the left that once upon a time also had some good ideas about a couple subjects such as being Anti-Israel and stuff like that are gone. Its officially just advocacy for looters and taxing people to pay looters and stuff.

The Left is going closer and closer to just blatant communism.

I want every pro refugee leftist to take people and house them for the next 20 years for free. If they fail to this they will be declared enemy of the leftist party. Humanism has to be proven. Its always the enemies of the left that somehow always pay the price for leftist policy, but the left doesn't always pay any price for the right wing policies as they do not bring Clown World scenarios as fast.
Here in Italy, the leftist politicians that preach about opening the borders all live in the most beautiful places and never had a problem in their life while all the immigrants where put on the poor side of the cities...they don't even try to hide how they are anymore. It's true time ago some of the left had good ideas even here in Italy but not anymore, now they have gone full-on stupid and there is no going back, luckily here in Italy seem to have understood this and if things go well we will have soon a good government.
Apparently or so I have heard from looking at some news articles if I understand this they are not enforcing the law at all in some places like New York City the Jews even complained on it I saw in a recent article here it is I found it.
So this backfired on them apparently.

I don't even know if they are enforcing things like rape and Murder I heard they may not be apparently they are just letting people out cause they want to get rid of cash bails. Then of course the people would just go out and commit a new crime and then they are released again. Idk if anyone even shows up in court of if they can arrest and hold them if they don't cause normally bail or bond is set on warrents where people run from things to hold them till they show up in court.

It may be they are not even enforcing the law at all.

This is complete insanity that I almost didn't believe until I saw it on the news. I don't think I am ever going to vote Democrap even though I don't like the conservative xtian "values" of the republican party but I would still feel more safe by far with that then what the Democraps are doing. Wow this is scary so I may get out just to vote Republcan on everything cause I don't want our country to totally fall apart to be honest.
A lot of the Christians are of the "Once saved,,, always saved" mentality.
They pray their little prayer to Jesus to save them, then do as they please.
These kind, in some cases are the biggest hypocrites.
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
The left is doing this everywhere even here in Italy. It's really bad, the victim can become the "bad guy" in a second even if they really did nothing wrong.

Those of the Left that promote this needs to experience the Joker land they are creating where they will be systematically looted and murdered over an Oreo cookie package by an invader.

They must practice and live in what they preach for once in this time. They were too protected until now.

The few reasonable voices of the left that once upon a time also had some good ideas about a couple subjects such as being Anti-Israel and stuff like that are gone. Its officially just advocacy for looters and taxing people to pay looters and stuff.

The Left is going closer and closer to just blatant communism.

I want every pro refugee leftist to take people and house them for the next 20 years for free. If they fail to this they will be declared enemy of the leftist party. Humanism has to be proven. Its always the enemies of the left that somehow always pay the price for leftist policy, but the left doesn't always pay any price for the right wing policies as they do not bring Clown World scenarios as fast.
Here in Italy, the leftist politicians that preach about opening the borders all live in the most beautiful places and never had a problem in their life while all the immigrants where put on the poor side of the cities...they don't even try to hide how they are anymore. It's true time ago some of the left had good ideas even here in Italy but not anymore, now they have gone full-on stupid and there is no going back, luckily here in Italy seem to have understood this and if things go well we will have soon a good government.
Funny how the Jew promote open borders when it comes of rapefugee but in the past when it was about immigration with people from Eastern Europe who wanted to work for a better life the media insulted them day and night and always experienced discrimination (I have a few friends) but when it comes to the mud... Muslims no dares to raise a hand against them because muh racism.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
