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Embracing sins for a better future,Wrath-reformated


New member
May 6, 2022
Inside a human
Hello,I am the Demon King
There are fundamental facets to human nature which evolved for many glorious beneficial reasons. Most of which are shunned and rejected by all those who worship god. I will be breaking down what makes these facets of human nature beneficial and desireable,as long as we embrace them and treat the 'sinners' with understanding and use logic and reason to determine if their actions were right or wrong or just plain not our fucking business
The most vibrant vivid colorful expression of these misunderstood parts of human nature is wrath. Yes the mortal sin of wrath painted with human blood and presented with a chorus of human screams,cries of pain and anguish signalling an act of wrath is occurring.
But why is it occurring?
A worshiper of god will condemn the perpetrator of this act but why? Because he is taught to be a collared sheep is the simple answer. But I'm not here to give simple answers I'm here to bring about a greater understanding. A greater understanding which God's sheep are incapable of. They believe only god can decide whether or not someone is punished especially if the punishment is death,they believe no matter what it's bad for them to act out of wrath because no matter what the circumstances the context they will not only lose their heaven reward,they will become a wicked evil wrathful sinner who only wants to harm and kill others FOR NO REASON,they just tasted how amazing sin is so they cant ever resist the urge to kill random strangers all the time for the rest of their lives!
Why do they feel this way? Why do they feel as if comitting the sin of wrath will just make them into a person who only wants to destroy and maim and murder?
It's because they see morality and yes human motivations in a binary sense either one way or the other gods way or the highway to hell,or at least being thrown into a cage for the rest of your life for something you assuredly had good reason for. Yeah being thrown into a cage with the worst people in the world is how they avoid judging or punishing you directly because they think if they do that god will be displeased with them,but they don't care if you get raped to death because they think you are forever bad and always were.
They believe if you steal you become a thief who will always steal,if you cheat you are a forever cheater and if you covet all you wanna do is rape your neighbors wife. They believe if you act out violently in wrath the context doesn't matter they now think you are a murderous wrathful murderer who will always want to murder everyone all the time for no reason other than the fact that you did it. They don't care who you acted out against or why they because like children they judge the act instead of the motivations behind it.
Well unless you bow down before them and beg on your knees for their forgi I mean GOD"S forgiveness and promise to spend every waking moment of your life in service to them and their tyrant god. Then you become a useful slave to them who puts your money in the basket so the priest can buy a new motorcycle get some drugs and fuck your kids,when he isn't demanding you bow down before a bunch of fuckin foreigners who only come here to hurt us and either kill our kids or sell them into a lifetime of slavery,yeah that's whats happening to all the missing children they are either dead or remain in slavery to this very day. Meanwhile all the members of those child kidknapping cartels are covered in christian/catholic symbology via all their tatoos. Funny how the people stealing and enslaving your white children are all either Christian,catholic,or muslim and usually foreigners. Funny how we keep catching only the wealthy elite god worshipers in these pedophile rings. Just wanna clarify real quick human females mature at 15 and are then fully mature adults pedophiles do not want them because they don't have childlike bodies anymore.
But I'm getting off topic,the topic is wrath and how it can be desireable and beneficial to human society if we embrace it and allow people to settle their own problems. Yes I am saying I would prefer it if people would settle their own problems amongst themselves instead of using a bloated predatory justice system. Embracing your mortal sin of wrath is the way to do this.
There's usually nothing wrong with getting angry or even administering wrath,this is normally personal problems between people who know each other and have an issue which needs to be resolved. Wrath does not always have to end with death,and it is not an indicator of a persons future behavior as many have been fooled into believing.
If a man goes out and kills his cheating wife and also kills the man who is aware he is sleeping with a married woman,and even if he has to kill that mans brother too.....that is fully justified wrath and as far as I'm concerned justice has been served. Now he's still gonna have to explain himself for the record.
But I wouldn't even punish him at all. The Christian says he's an awful murderer now we can't trust him not to murder anyone who he feels like! I say he killed the wife who betrayed him and her lover and killed his brother when he attacked him.....the brother who knew that was a married woman betraying her husband. I say he only had reason to kill them and he killed no one else and the matter is settled,we CAN trust him to live his life the same way he did before he killed the cheating bitch and the POS who was cucking him and the SIMP brother who tried to kill him. He's not some psychopathic serial killer he is still the same man as he was before,except maybe a bit depressed for awhile. Yes he did kill people but that is not a mark against his character,as a matter of fact he should be praised for what he did by his peers we should view his character as BETTER than before we should have a higher oppinion of him after he did what he did.
He didn't kill a school full of children,he didn't kick in his neighbors door and kill his family,and he is not going to do so in the future. He is a man who discovered that he had been betrayed and his sin of wrath helped him to get his vengeance for the wrongs which had been done to him. He set things right and ensured that punishment was dealt out to those personally responsible for it and the person who got in his way. A personal matter was settled in the best way possible that doesn't burden anyone else the way that prisons do,actually prisons reward the worst people by giving them free reign to abuse and sexually enslave others without punishment AT the cost of the people through taxes. He also gave a clear example of how other men should act when faced with such a thing,and a warning an ultimatum to anyone who is thinking of doing the same foul deeds to another man. Thus he has fostered a greater peace and cooperation among his people,he has solidified many other marriages by frightening the wives with the knowledge of what will happen if they are not loyal to their husbands and no man will try to cuck another man because the same will happen to him. And he damn well should be praised for his wrath
Through Wrath he has participated directly in forging a better future for everyone around him. He has not done any wrong,he has performed the greatest good he could in the situation. Let's reward him!
A few people are being pieces of shit and starting shit with a man while he's walking home from work.
Once he determines these people are not going to stop unless physical force is used he decides he doesn't have time to fist fight strangers nor does he want to risk injury or death. And so he pulls out his guns and shoots them all to death as quickly as possible.
This was a man under duress under threat against unknown strangers,anything could've happened. Maybe he wasn't tougher than them and they would've overpowered him and either killed or even castrated him. It's easy to talk tough when you've never been under a serious threat of being overpowered by your enemy when you've never been on your back with a man on top of you trying his best to end your life. The truth is anything can happen and you aren't the hardest badass like you think you are,and it is wrong to demand others live up to an unsustainable standard to be able to defeat other men in combat bare handed every single fight no matter how many stand before him. No he will not be safe without the guns no this is not a movie if he tries to fight unarmed he is going to lose and be mutilated.
Do not judge this man harsely for exacting terrifying deadly wrath upon those men who were threatening him. Do not look down upon him as if he is a monster the way the christians would. This is a decent regular man who just wanted to go home from work without incident it was the ones harassing him who escalated the situation and forced his hand,they chose to fuck with strangers and they got shot dead in a parking lot,that's what happens when you fuck around you find out real quick.
Think about the future effect of this man embracing his wrath so he could act quickly enough to kill all those in front of him.
They would have had future victims,probably had victimized people already. His wrath saved them all even though you don't see that part,you would only know about future victims if you foolishly tried to prevent this man from unleashing his sin of wrath and killing them all before they could harm anyone else,or if you offer such a harsh punishment that he is forced to either disarm himself or fear using it because he doesn't want to be locked in a cage for the rest of his life.....for defending himself against those harassing and threatening him.
Instead I would reward him and expect him to be given praise for acting without hesitation and saving all their future victims.
All the Christian sees is a strong man being mean and bad and sinful and killing people out of wrath.
I see a man embracing and utilizing his wrath to save many many people who will now never be hurt. The next victims those people targeted could have been someone's children,could have been someones wife or their sibling. now there will be no victims
He saved countless people by embracing his mortal sin of wrath.....so is it even a sin? According to a Christian yes it would be a sin and you must be locked in a cage for the rest of your life in penance to god until you finally die of old age or get gang raped to death in prison and then their god can judge you for it.....possibly decades after the fact
The Christian only sees Wrath as a force of destruction,pain and devastation which must be punished no matter what the circumstances.....and so they will punish the greatest among you when you give the highest service to your community in order to serve the will of their priesthood. In this way good and rightous wrath is always punished by the christian as evil and wicked
If this is how their god judges peoples wrath,He does not have the right to judge ANY wrath as either good or evil,as right or wrong and neither do any of his followers no matter what they call themselves.
From the mundane to the extreme wrath is the answer not just for the threats a man faces in the immediate moment,it is the answer to the continued threats which the weak and innocent and now facing on a daily basis. Our wrath can save them from the horrors they are suffering at the hands of our enemies who all worship god,or are the Anton Lavey masonic type of satanists who still give full servitude to god and affirm it by playing the role of degenerate sinner....but they do not challenge Judeo Christianity at all they believe it in totality they are the other side of the same coin.
Those are the Satanists I've spent time around and I fucking hate them so much. But in my research into this Christian identity nonsense I did discover something,there is another branch of satanism which is totally different and recognizes Judeo Christianity as a false construct of our enemies who have re written our history and replaced everything they could so it would fit their foul narrative. I don't know much about these people yet but I know they are a minority,a fraction of satanists with most falling into the masonic illuminati Judeo Christian inspired branch of satanism.....but though they may be few they are far more important than the brainwashed masses of them who are still only doing what they are told and obeying the priesthood who wants them flaunting what they do to cement and solidify people's Judeo Christian beliefs. I must learn more about these very few who turn against god in the name of Satan yet refuse to believe anything written in the Judeo Christian Islamic religious texts.
But I'm getting off topic again.
Due to the fucked up ass backwards social and legal standards of the Judeo Christian New World Order many many people suffer at the hands of bullies who have been doing terrible things to people humiliating and dominating them since they were children,and it is the fear of retribution at the hands of the proudly admittedly Judeo Christian Judicial system which causes them to permit themselves or those around them to be continuously bullied and degraded and hurt by these pieces of shit for their entire lives not just childhood adulthood too. It is because in the name of god everyone knows if they shoot these fucking psychotic sociopathic bullies the worshipers of god will rip everything and everyone they love and care about away from them and throw them into a filthy cage full of monsters and rapists for the rest of their life.
They do nothing to stop the wicked because in their heart they know the Judeo Christian New World Order favors the criminal over them. They have always been filling the prisons with monsters on purpose and now they are filling them with the devout God worshipers who call themselves muslims,and just like they've always done they use these devout followers of god against dissidents to kill them make them sex slaves or force them to bow down before their god. They throw you in a cage with the muslims the catholic cartels or the nazi christians but no matter which way you look you've been thrown into a cage where the Judeo Christian Islamic god worshipers will hurt you and rape you and humiliate you possibly even kill you if you do not bow down to the Jewish god.
Did you think the purpose of prisons were to punish them? It was never about punishing the wicked,as a matter of fact the high priesthood of all Judeo Christian Islamic faiths are in complete and total control of every criminal organization on the planet and their main method of gaining this control is through the prison system releasing them ONLY when they devoutly unquestioningly serve god. Yes I said it,The high priesthoods of god are the ones behind all the drugs and sex slavery and kidnappings and murders being comitted by every criminal group on earth. Why do you think they kill anyone who opposes communism anyone who opposes the dogma of the church and the NWO total control system they are establishing? look it up they are already mobilized by the government through the church they are marching the streets in multiple countries openly enforcing the will of god,that's what the New World Order is this is the will of their god their goals are the same goals of the priesthood they will have their One World Religion if we dont' stop them.
Wrath is the answer to this as well,if we had been permitted to exercise our wrath upon these cartels gangs and the muslims they would never have been able to build up the power which they have right now because every time they tried to harm any of us we would have killed them on the spot. They never would have gained dominance over the prisons and if prisons even existed they would be small and only populated by those who actually would turn their lives around and return to the way they used to live before entering the prison. Imagine if every time some cartel piece of shit covered in Catholic symbology tried to hurt someone or tried to steal children we hunted them down and killed them? they wouldn't exist our mortal sin of wrath would have saved us all. But because the church forbids it and hunts down anyone who dares to oppose them the entire world lives in fear of them.or dies by their hand because no one can find the will to stand up and protect them because they know what the Judeo Christian controlled NWO government will do to them if they dare to protect the child being burned to death in front of them,they know if they stand up and kill the fuckers murdering and enslaving millions of children every year they will be hunted down and forced into a cage with them so they can be either killed by them or forced to join them through ritual rape and humiliation designed to force their subjagation to god and force them to commit the very atrocities they hate in gods name.
All of this because Wrath is condemned and punished.
Wrath could have saved us saved all those innocent children from a fate worse than death and it can still save us from it.
Wrath is not inherently evil like gods faithful want you to believe
Wrath especially Vengeful wrath is in fact a powerful shining key to unlocking the doors leading to the greatest good and the best future for mankind,and so are all of the other sins these are all keys our enemy,god is trying to keep away from us
Wrath can protect the common man by making him strong enough to protect himself and his own! The common man is made weak and helpless by a god and a Jewish culture which seeks to hunt him down like an animal for expressing it
When he is under threat it is his WRATH which has evolved to keep him and his family and his friends and all their property safe and well. If his friends and his community exert their wrath alongside him it will be almost impossible for any outside force any human enemy to force their will upon him or anyone else! Imagine a future where we all care about each other and protect each other without hesitation we unleash our full unrestrained wrath upon anyone or anything which threatens any of us!
This is the power and potential of WRATH!
For anyone to rise up and find the strength within themselves to resist subjugation resist tyranny and bullying and cultural subversion! To resist any army and overcome all obstacles not just as individuals but all working together because none of them are overcome with a fear of what their own leaders will do to them if they dare stand together against their common foe who is threatening to destroy them all!
It is by embracing Wrath as a part of our human nature that we can achieve this,wrath is what will bring us together and defeat our enemies it is the unstoppable force of will which brings ruination to all who stand against us! It is the will to push forward and destroy those who seek our destruction and ignore the enemies threats and propaganda a true wrath unleashed cannot be bargained or reasoned with,this means it cannot be LIED TO WRATH PROTECTS AGAINST LIES AND PROPAGANDA
So it will allow us to discard our fears and face our enemy head on. Wrath does care if you are outnumbered it gives you the strength to defeat THEM ALL and allow us to be the last ones standing upon a mountain of the corpses of our enemies.
Wrath can bring us together as we unleash it upon our enemies,Christians are terrified if a man ever expresses his own feelings of wrath he will become a danger to his community but this could not be further from the truth! Wrath will make our communities stronger and more resilient and every time one of us is in danger we will all express our wrath against them together no matter what and thus we can trust and love and value each other more than we ever have before!
Embrace your wrath,and together we will laugh and smile as our foes crumble into dust before us! And we will celebrate our victory as brothers in arms as we decide who gets which of their women as their war brides! Who gets which of their men to become their personal slaves!
And we will feel no guilt no shame,because wrath protects us from the threat of these weapons as well!Let them feel our wrath,it is what they deserve our wrath will bring us vengeance for every wrong they have committed against us and it will bring us together into strong healthy communities who will never allow themselves to be under threat from them ever again!
Wrath will not be your damnation,it will be OUR salvation!
DISCLAIMER: Wrath is the only sin which requires I speak about violent behavior. Do not break the law,that would be detrimental to you and I both. We cannot build a brighter future together if you bring the law down upon yourself. I am speaking about a new civilization,a new nation for our people where the way the law is structured will be far different. Serve me,so I can serve you,and WE can serve them together!
TheDemonKing said:
Hello,I am the Demon King

Hello Demon King. Welcome to the forums!

A friendly suggestion, if you keep your posts short, they are more likely to be read. :)

I took some time out to read your post and have a few comments. You give off a 'reactionary' feel to Christianity, driven by wild impulse. You refer to the Christian god as 'God', which - to me - suggests that it sits very deep within you. Are you knew to Spiritual Satanism? Are you coming from Anton LaVey Satanism?

Satanism truly has nothing to do with Christianity, as it says on the JoS website, 'Satanism is not a "reaction to Christianity."' Generally, we do not praise or endorse Christian 'sins' for the sake of creating an adversarial opposite.

I do agree - as will many here - that Christianity has oppressed many natural traits in humanity that would otherwise have lead to spiritual advancement. However, we still have to exercise control of ourselves, and balance our human nature with intuition (developed through spiritual practices).

I do not agree that killing a human being, or using it as a threat against women in marriage is just. That would create a community built upon fear. Self-defense on the other hand, perhaps - if there is no other means of escape.

I hope to see you stick around!
TheDemonKing said:
I looked at your profile and in the position it said "inside a human being".
I hope you don't have the inllusion of believing you are a Demon imprisoned in a human body.

Apart from that, I suggest you use spaces between paragraphs, walls of text very often don't even get read.

Just asking, did you read JoS's site first?
Veritá_666 said:
TheDemonKing said:
I looked at your profile and in the position it said "inside a human being".
I hope you don't have the inllusion of believing you are a Demon imprisoned in a human body.

Apart from that, I suggest you use spaces between paragraphs, walls of text very often don't even get read.

Just asking, did you read JoS's site first?

I'm going through it a bit at a time
I usually just record myself saying all this stuff so I hadn't originally planned on putting it anywhere until I got the idea to put some of my ideas up on this site.
There's a lot on here ya know life's busy I can't dedicate as much time to it as I'd like to. But I am interested in learning more about you people. I used to think all satanists were just the weird awful ones,the ones you people supposedly also hate.
So I wanna use these ideas of mine to reach out and spark conversation with all of you. I have goals to achieve and so far it doesn't seem like you should be my enemies. Maybe I could befriend some of you?
Nimrod33 said:

Excuse me, but why do you have an MGTOW website linked to your profile? Don't you know that we are against such idiotic ideologies that are rooted in (((Rand))) and (((Rotbart))) garbage?

Not all websites are okay with me using a Tor browser or other anonymity. I like to protect my online activity. Also not all websites are okay with talking bad about god itself!
They're okay with it if you're talking bad about only the Jews specifically....but not the god and all religions underneath it! I believe god,the concept of it,and it's teachings are very evil. I believe they cannot be trusted for many reasons and not all "free speech" platforms are willing to have me on them.
Also I kinda like TFM,I don't agree with many things he says but I still like the show. Also I'm totally on board with patriarchy so the problems between men and women can be solved and we can all live in a future filled with more love and happier children
gnome said:
TheDemonKing said:
Hello,I am the Demon King

Hello Demon King. Welcome to the forums!

A friendly suggestion, if you keep your posts short, they are more likely to be read. :)

I took some time out to read your post and have a few comments. You give off a 'reactionary' feel to Christianity, driven by wild impulse. You refer to the Christian god as 'God', which - to me - suggests that it sits very deep within you. Are you knew to Spiritual Satanism? Are you coming from Anton LaVey Satanism?

Satanism truly has nothing to do with Christianity, as it says on the JoS website, 'Satanism is not a "reaction to Christianity."' Generally, we do not praise or endorse Christian 'sins' for the sake of creating an adversarial opposite.

I do agree - as will many here - that Christianity has oppressed many natural traits in humanity that would otherwise have lead to spiritual advancement. However, we still have to exercise control of ourselves, and balance our human nature with intuition (developed through spiritual practices).

I do not agree that killing a human being, or using it as a threat against women in marriage is just. That would create a community built upon fear. Self-defense on the other hand, perhaps - if there is no other means of escape.

I hope to see you stick around!

I never did get into the as you call it "Leveyan" I couldn't spend much time around those people they weirded me out. It really does just all seem to be based on christianity you are correct about that. I never like the new age spirituality either.
I've just been meditating etc. having spiritual experiences on my own no belief system no guidance required. I don't know how much of what I know to be true lines up with everything you believe but there is certainly a lot to read on here. Plus all of you are a resource of knowledge about all of this as well.
Really I am always grateful for good responses I get way too many bad ones where I post the videos of me actually reading all this stuff out
Henu the Great said:
TheDemonKing said:
Maybe I could befriend some of you?
The most important befriending you could do is befriending Satan and other Gods and Goddesses as they guide us on this journey. You'll find more info on JoS.

I think befriending sounds nice,as I'm not interested in worshiping anything or anyone. May try it out if everything works out and I can go on this big camping trip. There's places along the Colorado we can camp far enough away from everyone I wouldn't be bothered.
Although I literally haven't done any type of ritual in a very long time it could be fun and enlightening if it worked
TheDemonKing said:
Henu the Great said:
TheDemonKing said:
Maybe I could befriend some of you?
The most important befriending you could do is befriending Satan and other Gods and Goddesses as they guide us on this journey. You'll find more info on JoS.

I think befriending sounds nice,as I'm not interested in worshiping anything or anyone. May try it out if everything works out and I can go on this big camping trip. There's places along the Colorado we can camp far enough away from everyone I wouldn't be bothered.
Although I literally haven't done any type of ritual in a very long time it could be fun and enlightening if it worked
That sounds quite nice idea.

Anyway, the Christian idea of worshipping is not the same as what we do, and everyone has their own relationship with Deities. There is no single right or wrong way to be in touch with Them.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
