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Dopamine Detoxing: My Amazing Experience


New member
Aug 5, 2020
Greetings Satanic family. It's good to be back.

The reason I'm making this post is that I had a remarkable experience with dopamine detoxing, and thought it might be important to share with any Satanic brothers and sisters who might be struggling with the same challenges I faced. Out of respect and consideration for the time and energy of those reading, I have included a bolded "the least you need to know" summary below, which includes the most important points. Feel free to skip ahead to that summary if you don't wish to read the entire scientific explanation, personal story, etc.

What is dopamine detoxing? Also referred to as dopamine fasting, it's basically a method of dealing with addictive habits that involves a complete abstinence from the sources of addictions or pleasurable distractions that result in dopamine release. Dopamine is a powerful neurochemical that can reinforce certain habits.

Let me illustrate the importance with a scientific example. They have actually done experiments with rats that had electrodes implanted in their brains. When the neurochemical reward system was stimulated from pulling a lever, the rats would continually keep pulling the lever. In fact, they did this so much, that the rats would not eat or sleep, and would eventually drop from exhaustion! They then reversed this process and blocked the release of dopamine in the rats. The rats were lethargic and had no motivation to drink water, mate, etc. The rats were apparently so devoid of any motivation to sustain themselves, they only ate food when it was placed directly in their mouths! I'm sure you can appreciate the importance of this if we imagine a human subject instead! Dopamine detoxing can help correct neurochemical imbalances in the brain.

I'll tell you a little of my story regarding this as well. I used to work a terrible thankless job that involved long grueling, often boring hours. It was quite stressful and nobody respected me at my job. When I'd get home, I would often resort to watching entertainment, usually on YouTube, to try and forget it. To get some sort of escape from the stress. It was the most depressing part of my life. I felt like a fucking robot, hardly anything made me happy, and it seemed like life had little meaning to it. Eventually, I quit that horrible demeaning job and worked somewhere else. I felt better and more content with my new job, but things still didn't quite seem right somehow. After working my new job for months, coronavirus hit and I became unemployed.

However, in a way, this coronavirus has been a HUGE blessing in disguise for me personally. There was a beautiful silver lining to an otherwise gray cloud, and let me explain why. I felt some relief when I no longer was grinding away full-time at a demanding stressful job. It was like a weight had been taken off my shoulders and I could finally breathe for once. I was still regrettably knee deep in my addictive video streaming and Internet habits, but everything else seemed alright. Anyways, I was incredibly fortunate to stumble onto a video that mentioned dopamine detoxing.

Up to that point, any sort of meditation or other spiritual work felt completely futile to me. Whenever I would do meditations or anything Satanic, I couldn't help but feel distracted. I would get bored with it and felt like it wasn't doing anything. I couldn't keep focus and would always forget about my spiritual practice, even if I tried. I couldn't seem to break free of the electronic spell. It felt like struggling to push a boulder up a hill, only to go nowhere. This would sometimes lead to feelings of low self-esteem or even shame. Sometimes I would think to myself, "Maybe I'm not good enough to be a Satanist. Maybe this was all just a fluke that I discovered JOS or Father Satan in the first place. I don't deserve to call myself a Satanist."

When I first heard of dopamine detoxing, I knew I had a problem with productivity and accomplishing goals in my life. It also only recommended you to refrain from your addictive habit for a day. So I figured, what the hell, it's worth a shot.

Well, hail Satan am I glad I tried it! At first, I experienced the same strong temptations of viewing videos or looking at something on the Internet. However, I held resolute and did not give in. After a while, I noticed something very odd. I experienced what seemed like some sort of withdrawal symptoms. My consciousness would sort of fade in and out for a split second. After this passed, the next things I would experience during that day were incredible!

Not only did I no longer feel the constant urge to watch videos, but there was a rapid mental and emotional improvement! I had assumed that I had lost my intellect, and there was no way to regain it or heal the damage, but suddenly my mind felt alive! Thoughts came so much more easily to me. I started to feel like my old contemplative philosophical self again! My memory had also improved. My mind was racing with so many different ideas and thoughts!

Emotionally, I felt uplifted! I was on top of the world, and the troubles of the world seemed far away. I began to more greatly appreciate the beauty in life and everything around me! Everything was so much more pleasurable, and also just more vivid. It was so wonderful, I was on the verge of tears! I knew right there and then, I was finally free! I was no longer enslaved. I was back in touch with the miracle of life! Dopamine detoxing saved me!

I was in a state of euphoria and bliss. I felt an immense pleasure. It felt like I had sometimes felt with yoga on rare occasion, only WAY MORE INTENSE! If I'm being truly honest, it was almost too much. I was perhaps somewhat overstimulated, yet it didn't really bother me too much. Besides the euphoria, any and all aches and pains seemed to melt away. Another symptom was that I had a huge ego stroke. Honestly, I felt like a king! There was a certain bullet-proof feeling of invulnerability and I felt like there was nothing I couldn't do. It was a HUGE confidence booster!

There was also a massive increase in my energy! I felt the inspiration to start writing. I was so energized, I spent the whole night working on a writing project! It was great! Even better, despite being up all night, I seemed to feel no significant sleep deprivation side effects! It was as though my need for sleep was decreased.

One more thing, I noticed my senses were heightened. I was quite pleased to realize that I seemed to have regained my sense of smell! I could actually smell the fruit in the supermarket!

If you are struggling with any sort of addictive behaviors that may be preventing you from spiritually advancing yourself, devoting yourself to RTRs, or even just simply living your life to it's best, I HIGHLY encourage you to try dopamine detoxing! Do it for yourself. Do it for Father Satan. All you have to do is spend at least one day away from whatever is addicting to you or whatever pleasures may be distracting you. I don't think one day is asking too much, right?

To make it easier, you may even want to make the temptation more inaccessible. This might be as simple as putting it on a high shelf that's hard to reach, or if you really have a difficult time with having the willpower to reject the source of addiction, like say a cell phone, maybe give your phone to a friend you know you can trust so you won't be able to access it. I've even seen jars with timers that don't unlock until the timer runs out. So, that may be an option too. If for some reason you can't do a whole day, you still might benefit from a shorter detox period. If you can't avoid the addictive stimulus, then at least do your best to minimize your exposure to that stimulus as much as possible!

Anyways, what do you have to lose? Worst case, nothing happens and life goes on. On the other hand, if my personal experience is any indicator, this one simple thing could totally liberate you! It did for me anyways. I would even go so far as to call it a pivotal spiritual experience. I believe I destroyed a massive spiritual block for myself. I broke the chain that was keeping me bound. Lately, I've been more committed to Satan than I can ever recall! I'm daily doing kundalini yoga, Falun Gong, and RTRs now, and I intend to keep things that way!

The least you need to know:

- Dopamine is a powerful neurochemical that can cause problematic addictions.
- Dopamine detoxing can be a useful tool to remove addictions.
- To dopamine detox, it is recommended you avoid the addictive stimuli or distractions for at least one day.
- If you can not dopamine detox for a whole day, you may still benefit from shorter detox periods.
- If avoiding a problematic stimulus is not possible, do your best to at least minimize it.
- Dopamine detoxing may have other beneficial physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual effects besides mere addiction removal.

A PERSONAL DISCLAIMER HERE: I have no experience in using dopamine detoxing for severe drug or substance abuse issues. Therefore, if you are struggling with a severe substance addiction, I can NOT recommend it in good faith. IT MAY EVEN POTENTIALLY BE DANGEROUS! I don't want someone to die just because they had a physical dependency on a substance, and they tried to use dopamine detoxing to resolve it.

If you're dealing with a serious issue like that, you're probably better off seeking some competent professional help. Obviously, avoid the xianized bullshit treatment programs like the 12 steps programs and such. Anyways, what I'm trying to say is, just be smart and don't hurt yourself. If you're not sure what to do in such a situation, I'm sure the Satanic community here would be more than willing to help.

I also would very much like to emphasize something else here. Neurochemically, I don't believe I dance to the same drum beat as an average person. It is possible, perhaps even probable, you won't have the same experience as me, or feel the effects as drastically, if you dopamine detox. So, don't take my experience as an absolute baseline of what you can expect. I have no way of knowing for sure what your natural neurochemistry is like. Due to the unique circumstances of your neurochemical system, your mileage could very well vary. HOWEVER, that said, I think if nothing else, it will quite likely benefit you if you struggle with addictive habits.

That's all for now. I'll likely add another post here and share more of my own personal theories regarding neurochemistry and the effects of dopamine detoxing, especially if others show an interest. I actually did a more extreme experiment (lasting over a week) with this where I was very restrictive with sources of dopamine stimulation. I'm also happy to field any questions people might have regarding my experience or just about the topic in general. I will certainly do my best to answer those questions in the most competent way I can.

bluedragon666 said:
I only skimmed over this due to lack of time, but I can very much vouch for dopamine detoxing as well. It's a great help.

For anyone interested, also check the posts from me and Blitzkreig on the topic.
I will note that it was quite revealing how if you do a Google search on dopamine detoxing/fasting you will find articles from these "scientists", "academics", etc., where many of them claim it doesn't work, it's not healthy, maybe even dangerous, etc. Even though both you and I know it DOES work!

I think we both know why. It's because the kike wants to keep you trapped and enslaved in his work-consume cycle! Work like a slave at a suck-ass job, then when you get home, you're stressed and exhausted to the point where you just want to watch some funny entertaining JewTube videos. And indeed, I did feel trapped. I knew there was a serious problem with my motivation, but I wasn't sure what to do about it. I don't think I fully understood just how addicted I really was. It just seemed like a way to unwind from stress, but now I know better!

I think this was also part of the reason I felt mentally dulled before doing a detox. My neurochemical system was always constantly being stimulated to the point it never had a chance to truly rest. It really is remarkable just how quickly I improved once I took a break.

It's been kind of a long road for me. Losing my employment was one of the best worst things that could've happened to me. Honestly though, I'm not so sure what I ought to to do when I go back to work. I don't seem to have the best stress coping mechanism. It'd be nice to find some line of work or career that doesn't demand 50 hours a week or make you want to pull your hair out. Ideally, I think something that's not very stressful or part-time, where you can still make a decent income. I've always thought I'd love to be a travel agent, but good fucking luck with that in the new coronavirus economy! Sigh...
This dopamine detox might aswell be called don't browse social media for hours everyday without purpose.
This dopamine detox might aswell be called don't browse social media for hours everyday without purpose. More info here: https://www.reddit.com/r/nosurf/
I mean I'm very productive and I'm not a slave to my addictions so I feel this isn't totally necessary since I'm naturally disciplined but if I ever slip into bad habits too much I'll keep this in mind. Thanks
This dopamine detox might aswell be called don't browse social media for hours everyday without purpose.

That's the thing though. Sure, it sounds obvious you shouldn't be browsing that much. However, these nasty habits have a way of sneaking up on you, and when you get ensnared, you don't realize it! You spend a little time "unwinding" with some "harmless" "fun" videos, and then when you go to meditate you wonder why you can't focus AT ALL! If someone doesn't understand the primary cause of why that's happening, it can be easy to place blame on the self and assume that one is merely weak. lazy, etc. When in reality, it can actually be a very simple problem to fix.

That's why I think things like electronic addictions are so nefarious. They aren't as obvious as say a hardcore drug addiction. Everyone knows you shouldn't be doing hard drugs. If you imagine a scenario where a disciplined dedicated Satanist was on a bunch of shit like cocaine, meth, MDMA, etc., do you think that Satanist who is otherwise strong and consistent might have serious struggles staying dedicated? Yeah, I think they probably would! Well, I don't think electronic addictions are much different in that respect either. They're just easier for someone not to notice!

I think maybe there needs to be more awareness of this issue. What would you do if someone came here and admitted they had a serious drug issue? You'd probably tell them to get help, right? Do you think someone could give their best if they're strung out on drugs all the time? Probably not. I see it as being no different with electronic addictions. If you are severely addicted to electronics, good luck sticking to your meditations! You will be fighting an extreme uphill battle. To use an analogy, a house needs a strong foundation to stand. If you try to build in quick sand, your structure will just crumble or sink!
bluedragon666 said:
I will note that it was quite revealing how if you do a Google search on dopamine detoxing/fasting you will find articles from these "scientists", "academics", etc., where many of them claim it doesn't work, it's not healthy, maybe even dangerous, etc. Even though both you and I know it DOES work!

It always bothers me how quick they are to denounce these types of things. More often then not, they will usually argument based off some silly technicality, such as "Dopamine is a normal neurotransmitter blah blah, therefore you should not try to seek to avoid it...." Something that completely misses the point and is really just meant to frighten normies.

bluedragon666 said:
It's been kind of a long road for me. Losing my employment was one of the best worst things that could've happened to me. Honestly though, I'm not so sure what I ought to to do when I go back to work. I don't seem to have the best stress coping mechanism. It'd be nice to find some line of work or career that doesn't demand 50 hours a week or make you want to pull your hair out. Ideally, I think something that's not very stressful or part-time, where you can still make a decent income. I've always thought I'd love to be a travel agent, but good fucking luck with that in the new coronavirus economy! Sigh...

I'm in the exact same boat. Like what career can I pursue that actually lets you have a life outside of it, such that I can maintain all my spiritual work with no interruptions. Making that a career that also makes a decent bit and is somewhat prestigious and the list narrows. I personally would be fine accepting a much lower paying job, as the I know the real payoff comes through spiritual advancement, but unfortunately my family won't understand, they will think I am being retarded.

For stress, continue to pursue void meditation and yoga. Additionally, you can try some adaptogenic [to stress] herbal formulas or supplements, like ashwaganda. Those all lower cortisol and prevent it from rising in the first place due to environmental stressors.
Lastly, although it may sound strange, you could just put in less effort at work. Put in just enough to be mediocre, but not so much that you get very involved and stressed. Currently, work serves no real purpose, it is all clownworld productivity. Try to separate yourself from it, to the best of your ability.
unnamed satanist said:
I mean I'm very productive and I'm not a slave to my addictions so I feel this isn't totally necessary since I'm naturally disciplined but if I ever slip into bad habits too much I'll keep this in mind. Thanks

Yeah, just keep an eye on it. If you find yourself browsing them when you don't want to, that is a negative indicator, for example. Also, some things I even consider off limits, such as video games. For me, I find them too gratifying. It is similar to how some people choose drugs for entertainment, but others classify them as off limits, because they know they fuck with you too much.

Also, watch to make sure your schedule stays the same. What I mean is, if you suddenly find yourself with a lot of free-time, there is the potential for you to over-consume these stimulating activities and hurt your neural profile. I read an article recently of a lady who ran a company, but also smoked weed. Once she sold her company, her weed consumption skyrocketed and she was a couch potato.
bluedragon666 said:
It's been kind of a long road for me. Losing my employment was one of the best worst things that could've happened to me. Honestly though, I'm not so sure what I ought to to do when I go back to work. I don't seem to have the best stress coping mechanism. It'd be nice to find some line of work or career that doesn't demand 50 hours a week or make you want to pull your hair out. Ideally, I think something that's not very stressful or part-time, where you can still make a decent income. I've always thought I'd love to be a travel agent, but good fucking luck with that in the new coronavirus economy! Sigh...
As someone who has gone through a similar situation, I would say the #1 thing to NOT do is to just sit around now and waste your time.

Maybe do a working to help you find the perfect job, and combine this with searching daily for new potential options and come up with new ideas for possible carreer paths that you could take. As long as you do both of those things, you will 100% find what you need. Don't stress yourself about it trying to find something immediately, but always keep searching and going out there. That way you will find it much more easily. A working will manifest a lot quicker if you also put in effort on the material.

If you need help/ideas for a working like this, I can give some advice. It's not complicated.
Blitzkreig said:
Lastly, although it may sound strange, you could just put in less effort at work. Put in just enough to be mediocre, but not so much that you get very involved and stressed. Currently, work serves no real purpose, it is all clownworld productivity. Try to separate yourself from it, to the best of your ability.

Yeah, I definitely have come to appreciate that more. There's more to life than working yourself to the bone just to make some hook-nose or fat-cat corporatist a few shekels wealthier. It seems like a lot of the time, even if you do put your nose to the grindstone, it doesn't get recognized anyways, or worse, you get treated like crap for all your hard work. Regarding the latter, my second most recent job was like that. I'm glad I left those idiots holding the bag. See how much you assholes (in reference to the previous employer) miss me when I'm gone. LOL

That said though, putting in less effort might be an attitude adjustment. I tend to give my best or at least try very hard when working a job. The job I mentioned earlier though, I did sometimes take it a little easy, if only to help preserve my own sanity. Ideally, I would be employed in something I love doing, where it wouldn't really feel like work, and it wouldn't overly consume my time or life.

Shael said:
Maybe do a working to help you find the perfect job, and combine this with searching daily for new potential options and come up with new ideas for possible carreer paths that you could take. As long as you do both of those things, you will 100% find what you need. Don't stress yourself about it trying to find something immediately, but always keep searching and going out there. That way you will find it much more easily. A working will manifest a lot quicker if you also put in effort on the material.

If you need help/ideas for a working like this, I can give some advice. It's not complicated.

Thanks very much. I would definitely appreciate that. What might something like that involve? Would it involve energies having to do with my sixth or tenth astrological house? Or, should I be less concerned about that and just do a bunch of affirmations? Don't have a lot of magical experience, but I definitely want to be more of a wizard.

Speaking of which, I wanted to touch on another topic. You may recall I mentioned how I don't believe I'm the same as everyone else, neurochemically speaking. I noticed after I did my dopamine detoxing, I got a bunch of symptoms that were consistent with hypomania. Hypomanic symptoms can include things like:

- Greater energy
- Not feeling effects from sleep deprivation despite staying up all night
- Greater self-confidence
- Egotism
- Racing thoughts or a highly active mind
- Psychomotor agitation (Basically semi-involuntary motions you do because you feel compelled)

I've noticed some of these symptoms growing stronger since I've been doing meditation more consistently lately. Psychomotor agitation has been where this is most obvious. Pacing (walking or "dancing" in circles) is how I usually express this symptom. I seem to be pacing a lot more lately, ever since detoxing and meditating. When I say it's semi-involuntary, I mean I can stop or prevent it if I want. For example, I usually don't do this in front of others, because it would look weird to them. If I can control it, why do it at all then? I guess if I were to explain it, I'd say it's like a release valve, or I'm allowing myself to be more comfortable. If you're hyper, that energy often wants to be expressed somehow.

Anyways, can meditation promote hypomanic symptoms? I've heard of people having greater energy and needing less sleep due to meditation, just like with hypomania. The reason I bring this up was because I seemed to have more pronounced hypomanic symptoms when I was younger, and during that time was when I had some of the most powerful spiritual experiences of my life. Unfortunately though, I hadn't found the JOS or dedicated to Satan at that time, so I got attacked by some negative entities, and who knows, maybe they even did something to curse me.

I think there may be a larger family legacy at work too. I've noticed what seems like Neptunian energies manifesting throughout my family. My great grandparents, I had one that was manic-depressive, and another who went to a mental institution. Then I also have the addictive personalities in my family. Things including smoking, gambling, sex, video game addiction, etc. Sometimes this has also manifested in the form of religion. I had a grandma who was your standard ultra-conservative "holy warrior" xian type. Then there's the more positive manifestation of this energy in music. I have a sibling in particular who's a great musical talent.

Anyways, I've come to accept I probably have inherited this legacy. I can choose to see it as a problem to be cured, or as a gift to be cultivated and learn mastery over. I choose the latter. With experience, I've learned how to best deal with my quirks, and know that if I discipline myself appropriately, these Neptunian energies might lead to some powerful spiritual insights.

I actually had this interesting idea. What if I imagined a "time tunnel" connecting my current self with my old self, during the peak of my spiritual awakening? I could focus my energy into creating this tunnel and add an affirmation. "I am creating this time tunnel connecting me with my past self. All these spiritually powerful energies from my past self are migrating through this tunnel to strengthen my current self. Any negative energies from my past self are blocked however."

What do you think? Is it worth a try? I'm not sure if it's actually possible to create a sort of tunnel through time, but if nothing else, it might encourage my spirit to go through the same awakening. Kind of like muscle memory, where you haven't been to the gym in a while and lose strength, but then start regaining that original strength faster when you go back.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
