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Don’t create assumptions assist with assertion I’m still the new guy here!!


New member
Aug 3, 2022
Georgia USA 🇺🇸
Peace to all Okay I refuse to be a drama king here so I’m just gonna keep it cordial and respectful for as long as my spirit tolerates it I’ve been a part of the JOS forum for going on over a week now and already I’m getting attacked because I didn’t know how to post my links to my profile and yes it’s true I could have asked for assistance which I know I should have, but I was stuck with the assertion that this path is about the self so therefore if this spiritual path is about the self, you are supposed to do for yourself am I wrong?? One of the members of this temple attempt to chastise me because I put my Facebook user name in the signature with personally the intent of connecting with other spiritual Satanist outside of joy of Satan ministries and second of all the only reason why I placed my social media information in the signature of my profile was so that others outside of this ministry can come in contact with me if I’m not doing something right common sense would be for you as the member of this temple to show me how to post my social medias into the search bar of my profile but no I’m being chastise because I post my Facebook onto this page and then they argue me down because I chose to put a sigil of Samael and Lilith with Hebrew writing on the background as my cover on my Facebook page and of course I can see how this could be an issue to others who agree with my opposing opposite however it’s my page I don’t police anyone for what they post on here I’m just in my own space as I type about anything pertaining to my paranormal experiences as well as SS period if I’m not doing something the correct way logic and common sense for you would be too show the newcomer how to post their links which some people already have this is the only thing I hate about joining groups when a newbie comes into the space and they do something that’s not quite right instead of helping them understand how things operate they chastise them for it again yes I am very aware that you’re supposed to know things for yourself and know them on your own but if I’m not doing something the proper way logic and common sense would be for you to show me how to do things the proper way. That way there’s no verbal conflict or argument. Hail Satan
First of all let spaces between your phrases so WE CAN read it more easily because is really hard to writr what you wrote here.

Second, if a begginer as you see your signature with SOCIAL.MEDIA, he will do the same, and also others, dangerous move and you need to understand that your actions matter and you can hurt people without knowing or wanting so start to KNOW.

Is cleary stated on JOY OF SATAN site that we should never put any personal informations anywhere here because there are mad people in this world ready to , more or less burn you alive socially , mentally or physically for just BEING an SS. So careffoul.

And again, see how I wrote what I wanted to write? Much easier to read .

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
