of the true light said:
OK so my mom is staying with my uncle and his wife who is a Jewess. Anyway, the Jewess bought a golden retriever and refuses to train it. It jumps up on people like crazy and just generally causes havoc. It's really getting to my mom's nerves to the point where she get's physically sick from the madness it creates around the house. What can be done if anything considering that the Jewess refuses to train it and my mother is no dog trainer. I almost think she (the Jewess) doesn't want to train it because she is sadistic and enjoys the suffering it causes my mother (and me). Thank you for any advice and HAIL SATAN!
Sounds like the dog has a lot of pent up energy. Either play with it and allow it to vent the energy physically, or on the spiritual side you can use shiny, clean, gentle blue coloured energy and engulf the dog in it and breathe it into them once or twice every day for a few minutes to help induce calmness. Make sure you're intending the energy to calm them and bring them peace and harmony of mind. This may take a while to properly manifest, could even take a couple weeks.
Dogs and cats, like us, can have prominent elements and energies that dictate their behaviour. This dog likely has a lot of fiery and explosive energy that it needs to vent, and if you're unable to provide an outlet, then counter the red hyper energy in them with blue calm energy. As you do this every day, when the dogs personality seems to finally change and they now act calmer every day, stop breathing and engulfing them in blue energy as you don't want to create another imbalance or induce things like depression in the animal. You just need a good enough balance.
Hope this helps.