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Do you know about reincarnation, suicide?

If I commit suicide, will it be as you say?

Yes. Suicide is not what a person who has no idea what the soul looks like and who does not even know about the existence of ToZ or a simple standard form of an iconography of Zeus explains to you.

With too much happiness the media promote suicide. They really don't know anything about how what's after death works, they admit it candidly, yet that doesn't stop them from promoting suicide. They don't even know they have a soul in most cases, but they come to you and say, "Hey, is your life falling apart? Solve it with suicide" as easily as someone seeing you sleepy that day comes to you and advises "do you want an orange soda? Maybe some vitamin C will do you good."

Suicide is not at all like these ignorant people explain and that the only thing ignorant people will in fact ever achieve will have been suicide itself. Suicide is as it has been explained here, by ToZ, because ToZ cares about his people, it doesn't go to people and say weird things like "hmm yes, as a recognized failed life expert that I am, I recommend suicide" like some jerk on MyHelp would. The truth about suicide is just that:

Your natal chart shows your soul, it doesn't randomly rule your life. If you have a lot of planets showing poverty, it's because this was how you were in your past lives, and/or based on family karma in your current life.

Most people did not work on building basic skills for making money, which is why most people do not have much money. Wealthy people are wealthy because they learned how to build wealth in their past lives, or learned in this life, or benefitted from good family karma for one reason or another.

Nothing is random. Even random luck isn't all that random when you get to a higher understanding.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
