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Do not raise Bioelectricity...says the jew

NakedPluto [JG]

Head of Activism
Aug 13, 2019
I was reading today's general replies around the internet about pranayama - bioelectricity, and questions in regards to the benefits of this if it is real. I then tried to read about scientific reasonings of why and how they purposefully let out some parts of the truth about this.

Of course, I cannot hope too much from what is publicly entertained, yet I cannot but wonder how and why all of these outside people do not reach a more potent view to grasp, to see. Because they are lied to, because they do not believe in something more and their mind is conditioned onto a limitation by this.

If I tell you to practice a breathing exercise that will make you feel healthier and be, but if provided I tell you this will create a certain ability within you, you will be healthier but also reach that ability (provided also the facts are true and not a fabrication). If I do not tell you about the ability, you won’t reach it, and if you will, it would be extremely “late” or after great dedication.

This ties also into being acknowledged by the proper understanding of the information, and the availability of it to be found. You have to be dedicated, yet also memorize this. The possibility, the actual attainment, and closeness to your reality. Otherwise, it might be idealized and far away, otherwise, it might not exist in your reality.

About Pranayama and Bioelectricity, JoS straight away states that breathing exercises raise the levels of bioelectricity. It opens the pathways and opens the body and soul.

On the wide web, this is purposefully ignored. Up to the point of calling it a pseudo-science. Of disrespecting the real yogis who heal with bioelectricity, denying the ability to increase this volume that is part of life, then themselves saying in other places that the human body works by electricity which is obvious but then denial on the front of spirituality is a given. Confusion and bullshit.

A Fish in the water with the brain size of a pea or three can create 1000 volts at 1 amp, killing you or leaving you disabled for the rest of your life. Yet, Goy, you human cattle, Pranayama does only reduce anxiety and history guy Saladin tells you to read great literature and you will increase your bioelectricity. (this is a real answer I read)

A fish has electric organs that produce electricity by chemical reaction, and they have electric organs based on cells called electrocytes. But you goy do not have this, yet you have muscle cells that work on the same differential charge, the same ion mechanisms...Alright Goy you can do this as well but you only can have very fine currents.

You cannot be smart enough to practice pranayama to activate these cells and produce and attain them. Your body is very fragile, your belly and chakra system cannot produce more than a pea fish. Do not know that ancient Egyptians used electric fish for treatments. Or that bacteria release electric currents. Or that anything organic is based on electricity…

You are just a blob of meat meant to not know. Not knowing that you can increase this electric force within you, that your body has specific places of great force, or that spiritual procedures at certain times releases charges greater than a catfish or eel.

Definitely, the Kundalini Serpent is only about #feelgood. Definitely, Pranayama is not about raising the vibration and electric body out of the depth of comatose life, but about having a good #diet and good #mentalhealth.

Now releasing this sarcasm out of the way, of course, nothing wrong with the above basic benefits. But the purposeful lack of information, and confusion around the “chi” aspects and what this means, creates a false route of existing information.

We have a system of great power. Greater than a fish, greater than anything if given the proper path of advancement.
Your belly will activate at one point after some spiritual events. You will know then how your cells release and communicate electricity. You will also know how to change directions and flows to produce electricity.

Your solar chakra can charge your aura to K.O. the eel fish, if you are in a beef with them or something. Joking of course you would be best friends with them.

You will also know that this is not a circus and my sarcasm writing here actually hides a great pain inside, that our own humans do not know the potential and their own bodies.

You have this body, you have the means and the tools.

When you combine Breathing Exercises, The foundation meditation, The belly, and Your intent, You Will Know! When you open and feed your chakras. You will know.

I raise praise for the sacred meditations and breathing exercises given by our Gods. What an infinite gift, our bodies are overwhelmed and nobody can speak of it in face of the holiness of its beauty.
Being here is truly the greatest blessing, as even the most basic truths about our own existence is considered madness or at best pseudo-science in 99.9% other places in the world.

I still remember when Satan healed my grandmother from her deathbed to regain her health as if her time had reversed to a few years back.

It was called a miracle, doctors had nothing to say about it, they were stumped as she should have been dead after what happened with her.

My family too spoke on how it was such a miracle, inexplicable. Worst yet, some of them even praised some imaginary jewsus for it.

When in reality, it was no miracle, but a direct application of knowledge and power beyond the understanding of people.

I saw with my astral sight how he injected a stream of energy from his palm into my grandmothers soul, which disseminated to her body and revitalized her every cell, breathing life back into a person who was literally dying and impossible to heal (her time was over, yet he changed that fate).

Even I myself do not understand how it worked, but I thought that day, if this wasn't being gatekept and shunned by the jews, how easy it would be to solve literally all problems of health and decay of people would study this through the appropriate channels.

Study this under the Gods, taking spirituality as the serious discipline it is, and mastering it.

We live in a world where literally all the learned and studied men, besides a select few who find the Gods, completely ignore even the possibility of more than 99% of our existence and our reality.

The astral? No science even really attempts to understand it, or dive into this. Most don't even acknowledge it, because it doesn't fit the "standard model".

Even worse, we live in a world which has fostered Gods a mere few thousand years ago (and even more recently), who are very much alive at this time and looking in disdain at the state of the Earth, but nobody is even able to acknowledge them or even the possibility of this, besides those of us who find Satan and learn under him.

Even the simple reality of reincarnation is completely ignored, shunned even, despite that literally all people subconsciously know it is a part of life.

If such simple things would be understood, or merely acknowledged, even something so small would majorly improve the lives of billions, as there would be no more excuse such as "you only live once" or "the future doesn't matter to me because I'll be dead".

Mistakes made today, will cause suffering down the line not just for grandchildren or great grandchildren which most people will not meet, but for yourself as you are quite likely to even become your own great-great grandchild at some point, due to how reincarnation works.

Yet, when I speak of such simple matters anywhere, online or in person to people, at least half the people listening would shun me for it, or call it a bunch of bogus.

Such is the state of the world, that the simple facts of life which subconsciously are known by literally all people innately, are considered outlandish or mad.

The ignorance, and also the programming by the enemy to maintain that ignorance in people, runs so deep it is almost unfathomable.

We have a lot of work to do, even after the enemy is dealt with, to enlighten the world and return to the Earth the glory of the Gods.

Hail Satan!
You know people project? Like in relationships, sometimes, if not all the time, a person does with their partner what they would like their partner to do with them; or the behaviour of a person in trouble is that they blame others for the things they're doing? The jew is telling us to not raise Bioelectricity because it is jealous and incapable and afraid. The jew projects. There might be law against murdering Physically, but apparently not against murdering Spiritually (remember - the jew knows it will be murdered if we found out about it, as according to its own "holy" words). I would hope an inordinate number of j00z die by way of CCC - Car-to-Cranium Contact or TTT - Train-to-Torso Touch. Yummy.

The jew cannot prevent us from improving and bettering ourselves. The jew cannot avoid these things, nor its own fate and destiny. It has to tell people that having a thing of your Body which is Natural to you is dangerous. The proof is in the pudding - in the future, "Nuuu! I can remember reading that we can't raise our Bioelectricity!" "Yes, we can. I do/we have done." "What I meant was we shouldn't." "Why not?" "Because it's dangerous." "Lel. We do it all the time, as and when needed." This type of thing might happen, I expect. Not yet, but in the future at some point.

Hm. If I were a historian in the future, I might (hope to remember to) call the history of Earth, regarding the jew, "The jew Project", broken down into subsections of "The jew Projects". (Yes, I refer to more than one meaning of "project", depending on the pronunciation.) As the word "jew" never has a capital initial, like some words, "The jew Project/s" can be shortened to TP; in the future, historians will see documents of the jew TP-ing* all over Earth, making a toilet of our Beautiful Nature.

*although I have toilet tissue, not paper...
A jew reads this post and goes: Oy vey!

I have a similar story and I think we mentioned this to each other one time. The blinding light of the Gods that heals truly. Beyond miracle and understanding. It was actually witnessing this and being told, that I understood how to correctly apply light onto the aura and workings. I think you witnessing this helped you in the same manner. Touching story you shared brother, thank you!
FancyMancy said:
You know people project? Like in relationships, sometimes, if not all the time, a person does with their partner what they would like their partner to do with them; or the behaviour of a person in trouble is that they blame others for the things they're doing? The jew is telling us to not raise Bioelectricity because it is jealous and incapable and afraid. The jew projects. There might be law against murdering Physically, but apparently not against murdering Spiritually (remember - the jew knows it will be murdered if we found out about it, as according to its own "holy" words). I would hope an inordinate number of j00z die by way of CCC - Car-to-Cranium Contact or TTT - Train-to-Torso Touch. Yummy.

The jew cannot prevent us from improving and bettering ourselves. The jew cannot avoid these things, nor its own fate and destiny. It has to tell people that having a thing of your Body which is Natural to you is dangerous. The proof is in the pudding - in the future, "Nuuu! I can remember reading that we can't raise our Bioelectricity!" "Yes, we can. I do/we have done." "What I meant was we shouldn't." "Why not?" "Because it's dangerous." "Lel. We do it all the time, as and when needed." This type of thing might happen, I expect. Not yet, but in the future at some point.

Hm. If I were a historian in the future, I might (hope to remember to) call the history of Earth, regarding the jew, "The jew Project", broken down into subsections of "The jew Projects". (Yes, I refer to more than one meaning of "project", depending on the pronunciation.) As the word "jew" never has a capital initial, like some words, "The jew Project/s" can be shortened to TP; in the future, historians will see documents of the jew TP-ing* all over Earth, making a toilet of our Beautiful Nature.

*although I have toilet tissue, not paper...

Fish in the water have a better time being themselves and we don't because of the jew. If the jew had free reign, criminal acts of the above level would have been law of obligation, as it is already found in their books, including the bible. Doesn't the bible tell people to kill their parents, to kill witches ? Yes it does.

I also don't understand how judges and psychologists in court allow to be sworn on a book of lies, the obligation of saying the truth. Quite the loophole.
Aquarius said:
A jew reads this post and goes: Oy vey!

OY VEY Goyim, this is the only way to raise bioelectricity

And READ Fifty Shades You will definitely raise bioelectricity...

Otherwise...All is pseudoscience. Fake.

(it's a joke - in case someone has pea brains)
NakedPluto said:
Aquarius said:
A jew reads this post and goes: Oy vey!

OY VEY Goyim, this is the only way to raise bioelectricity

And READ Fifty Shades You will definitely raise bioelectricity...

Otherwise...All is pseudoscience. Fake.

(it's a joke - in case someone has pea brains)
This is a poem I made the openai thing create:

Oy Vey!
The goyim will soon see
That their true Lord is Satan,
Not the God of our Judaism.

We fear what will happen
When they realize the truth;
The future of our faith is uncertain
And could come to our doom.

What will become of our people?
Our culture and our traditions?
Will all the hard work we've done
Be taken away with no exceptions?

Oy Vey!
We can only hope and pray
That the goyim don't find their way
To a power that's not meant for them to wield.
NakedPluto said:

I have a similar story and I think we mentioned this to each other one time. The blinding light of the Gods that heals truly. Beyond miracle and understanding. It was actually witnessing this and being told, that I understood how to correctly apply light onto the aura and workings. I think you witnessing this helped you in the same manner. Touching story you shared brother, thank you!

Yes this is true.

I meditate upon that vision from time to time, as the principles shown to me that day were truly unfathomable. It is more than merely healing.

When a persons time is up, no earthly means can change that fate. The true healing light of the Gods, it goes beyond fate, and the possibilities of it are endless.

It appears as light, simple, yet complex beyond words. Like a stream consisting the universal principle of creation itself, there is a form of All within it, which I think you would understand what I mean.

The memory stays with me forever, and I remember it vividly as if it happens in front of my eyes again whenever I think back to it, as if it is ingrained in my consciousness as present, rather than a past memory.

You should also meditate upon the memory you have if you don't already do, look into the light and see. It contains very deep principles.
VoiceofEnki said:
NakedPluto said:

I have a similar story and I think we mentioned this to each other one time. The blinding light of the Gods that heals truly. Beyond miracle and understanding. It was actually witnessing this and being told, that I understood how to correctly apply light onto the aura and workings. I think you witnessing this helped you in the same manner. Touching story you shared brother, thank you!

Yes this is true.

I meditate upon that vision from time to time, as the principles shown to me that day were truly unfathomable. It is more than merely healing.

When a persons time is up, no earthly means can change that fate. The true healing light of the Gods, it goes beyond fate, and the possibilities of it are endless.

It appears as light, simple, yet complex beyond words. Like a stream consisting the universal principle of creation itself, there is a form of All within it, which I think you would understand what I mean.

The memory stays with me forever, and I remember it vividly as if it happens in front of my eyes again whenever I think back to it, as if it is ingrained in my consciousness as present, rather than a past memory.

You should also meditate upon the memory you have if you don't already do, look into the light and see. It contains very deep principles.

Azazel Ritual helped me on this extremely as well. To really be able to produce this blinding light for any workings or at least be aware and tap into that realization of it. Very important.

It is also tied into the definition of "clarity" for me.

I will also meditate on this separately, thank you for your replies. I will focus on this aspect when doing Azazel Ritual.
Aquarius said:
NakedPluto said:
Aquarius said:
A jew reads this post and goes: Oy vey!

OY VEY Goyim, this is the only way to raise bioelectricity

And READ Fifty Shades You will definitely raise bioelectricity...

Otherwise...All is pseudoscience. Fake.

(it's a joke - in case someone has pea brains)
This is a poem I made the openai thing create:

Oy Vey!
The goyim will soon see
That their true Lord is Satan,
Not the God of our Judaism.

We fear what will happen
When they realize the truth;
The future of our faith is uncertain
And could come to our doom.

What will become of our people?
Our culture and our traditions?
Will all the hard work we've done
Be taken away with no exceptions?

Oy Vey!
We can only hope and pray
That the goyim don't find their way
To a power that's not meant for them to wield.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
NakedPluto said:
Yet, Goy, you human cattle, Pranayama does only reduce anxiety and history guy Saladin tells you to read great literature and you will increase your bioelectricity. (this is a real answer I read)

Now, now. Don't you know that reading a book about riding a bike turns you into a world cycling champion? You be listening to the wrong masters...
Stormblood said:
NakedPluto said:
Yet, Goy, you human cattle, Pranayama does only reduce anxiety and history guy Saladin tells you to read great literature and you will increase your bioelectricity. (this is a real answer I read)

Now, now. Don't you know that reading a book about riding a bike turns you into a world cycling champion? You be listening to the wrong masters...

The guy Saladin probably and with some due respects, referred to an emotional stimulation that produce shivers and little waves of pleasant energy releases along the body. But it was contrasting enough for me to be shocked about the outside level of ignorance.

Now excuse me, I am reading some dollar bills, I am a bank now, commission of use incoming ...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
