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Do I belong in the SS? What is JOS official stance on asexuals?


New member
Jan 19, 2019
When it comes to basic values of JOS (Advancing, aiming to reach Godhood, destroying jews and their filth, etc.) I complicatedly agree with them and those are my own personal values/goals as well. In a way those are values that always existed in me ever since I know for myself, even before finding JOS and JOS only helped to make them clearer. (For example I always felt strong repulsion toward christianity and its 'values' even when I was a kid and knew practically nothing about it.) But then their is the part where JOS puts a lot of importance on existence of sex even going as far as to refer to humans/non-jews as genitals. Now I understand that as a not advance enough species sex is necessary for the sake of reproduction, but that is all I see sex as and personally I would prefer to have none. I am certain this is not any kind of programing/attack from enemy or anything of the like, to me sex simply looks as something dumb and I can't understand why would anyone want to do it (Other than for sake of reproduction). I am hoping that if/when I advance enough to obtain a permanent body true magnum opus that body will not have any sexual organs. So with all that, I really don't like the idea of considering myself genital witch makes me consider if I really belong here in SS community.
And to repeat just to make it clear I am ABSOLUTELY sure that not wanting to have sex/possibility to have sex is part of who I am in the soul and not any kind of delusion/programing or the like.

Then there is the whole thing about races and feeling connected to your race... Now it is very clear that there are differences on racial level, and I do understand and agree with idea of each race sticking to their own, just I personally don't see myself belonging to my race, or any other race for that matter. Sure I might like white people (my race) more than blacks, but I could say the same about 'yellow' Asians and my like toward those races is simply due them being more advance and therefore more likable, I don't particularity feel any connection to them.
I even considered the idea that I might be something else entirely, nether human nor jew, but some third party, some spirit or some other alien, true I found nothing to back that up other than feeling no real connection with any race of humanity.

Than there is matter regarding selflessness, I always considered that selflessness, self-sacrifice, putting others before yourself ware just Jewish crap meant to make people not take care of themselves, not advance and to put them on the path of servitude and self-destruction so I was very surprised to see JOS sharing such values and even claiming selfish people are idiots. Personally I think that while helping others is nice and one should do it when they can without putting themselves at harm, one should always put themselves on the first place and helping others only secondly, for me that goes under of course.

To summarize, while when it comes to basics, my own values and goals align with that of JOS but once past those basic set of values there's all kinds of things I disagree with JOS stances, so I was wondering if I should still be part of JOS community?

PS: Even if I don't belong here, I am still going to continue advancing and doing what I can to destroy jews, cause those are my own goals too regardless of JOS.
Asexual simply means a person who, iether through to lack of emotional drive, or other needs, does not want to engage in sexual activity or contact.

Now, you need to be careful, as you have took too far down in regards to this, and you literally think this is so strongly tied to your being, that you seem to refuse a reversal of your facts that may potentially ariae in the future.

Your general stance on the sexual matter, has also altered your perception. Yes, you are human. You came from a womb, and because people had sex to conceive you. Sex also, despite of what you think or believe, is also a spiritual act and not only a physical one.

You being asexual does not impede you from being a Spiritual Satanist or advancing as one.
You said; "But then their is the part where JOS puts a lot of importance on existence of sex even going as far as to refer to humans/non-jews as genitals"

I think you may have made a mistake? The term for non-jews is Gentile not Genital :lol:
I'm not sure if that's what happened, but if so then don't be offended by my correction because I'm only trying to help. Otherwise, everything Cobra said is the best advice for you.
Towards you stance on sex:

The amount of sexual activity one wants is based on the person and everyone is different. Some people want more sex and some people want sex. The issue I see here is the extreme view you have towards sex to the point where you want to remove your own sexual organs. Sexual energy and the acceptance that sex is both natural and necessary is needed for spiritual advancement. The sacral chakra rules sexuality

The sacral chakra known in Sanskrit as the "Svadisthana" is also known as the sexual chakra. This chakra is orange in color and controls sexual lust, along with the sexual and reproductive organs, the lower abdomen, and kidneys. Its element is water and its metal is iron. It is ruled over by the planet Mars. It influences pleasure, indulgence, sexuality, and creativity. The sacral and solar chakras empower workings of sex magick. Contrary to popular mainstream information, the second chakra is the seat of the first granthi. Granthis are blocks that impede the ascension of the serpent. One must be free of any and all sexual hang-ups and inhibitions for this chakra to function at full power. Centuries of Christian suppression and their attacks against human sexuality have worked to keep the serpent dormant beneath the base chakra, in an attempt to remove all spiritual power and knowledge from the populace. Sexual orgasm, which is essential to everyone's physical, psychological, and emotional health is what activates the serpent and fully opens this chakra.

By pushing as far as you have towards sex, it will create extreme blockage in you sacral chakras. Having a low sex drive or having a high sex drive and anything inbetween is individual. Sexual acts are also a source of a very potent type of energy that is used for empowering the soul among other things. Sex isn't simply a physical act but a spiritual one as well. Wanting to mutilate your sexual organs is not natural. Having a low sex drive is.

As a side note: its gentile not genital. Gentile means non jew.

Towards your stance on race:

Don't race mix. Other than that how you feel about your own race and people is individual. Some feel strong unity and some don't. This also can be due to circumstance. Depending on where you live you might have more interaction with people of a different race. General appreciation of other races is natural as both black and oriental races have qualities and history and culture that are amazing albeit many have been lost and destroyed. That being said I also think you are pushing too far with the idea that you aren't even human. This could be due to a sense of self loathing leading to the desire to be something other than yourself. This is mere speculation but I believe that if this is the case then you are going to need to clear such feelings away. Understand that you are the race that you are regardless of feelings which from what you have said is white. Being stuck on this will cause spiritual blockages. True self acceptance is necessary for proper spiritual development

As for Selfish/Selflessness

This is just my thoughts on it. Selfishness is equivalent to the desires one has. Wanting to live can be considered selfish. Wanting to eat could also be considered selfish. Being selfish simply means doing things that you want to do. Taking this too far is when things go wrong. As for selflessness, this is doing something of higher importance than the self. Such as working for a community or doing things for others. This could also be considered selfishness if you were to do these things because you want to. There are times when actions that go against what you want are necessary as it takes a higher priority. For example performing spiritual warfare > sleep. You are tired after a long day of work but you havent done any RTRs. You want to sleep but an RTR will bring the world a step closer to eliminating the jews. You want to skip the RTR but instead you skip sleep to do the RTR. This would be selflessness. If you chose to sleep instead this would be a negative form of selfishness. On the other hand let's say there is someone you care for deeply. You care for them so much that you "take a grenade for them" as a certain song by jew had said. This is selflessness taking too far to the point that it leads to self destruction. A balance of both is necessary. Do what you want. Do what is necessary before doing what you want. Also you can't do anything if you are dead so keep in mind your own health.
RisingOne said:

I think you need to take a step back and take a deep breath. Sex is a chapter in this path, not the entire book. You have a lot of advancing to do and for a good majority of us this has lead to many changes of perspective as we grow wiser and more spiritually open, even for stubborn guys like me.

Your perception of the world outside of yourself seems disconnected somehow and may or may not be the result of enemy indoctrination, but yes you are in fact human. Regardless, you are not exempt from being able to advance yourself as Satan wants us to or to join this path, it's just entirely your decision whether you want to or not. I suggest you consider educating yourself from the reads in Satan's Library.

As for this matter regarding 'selflessness', what we value here is cooperation and family bonds with one another as we are all under the banner of Satan. And this cooperation is how an intelligent and advanced species survives. Even so my 'selflessness' is selective even among my own. I'll aid those who need it and are genuine and sincere about this path, but I'm not going to sacrifice my life for some random member that I don't know the first thing about.

We all mutually evaluate one another based upon meritocracy combined with morality, wisdom and logic, even if subconsciously because that's how we work. I have tolerance for those who are new and still have things to learn, but not for those who are just plain stupid and disrespectful. It's individual to us all but your idea of us willing to take a bullet for every single member here that so little as does a single meditation a year is very incorrect.
Godmode said:
You said; "But then their is the part where JOS puts a lot of importance on existence of sex even going as far as to refer to humans/non-jews as genitals"

I think you may have made a mistake? The term for non-jews is Gentile not Genital :lol:
I'm not sure if that's what happened, but if so then don't be offended by my correction because I'm only trying to help. Otherwise, everything Cobra said is the best advice for you.
hahahahhahahahahahahgaahahahhaahaha lmao
The word you refer to is gentile not genital Lol
Gentile* lol.

Your permanent Body, in this life or a future one, will have genitals. Whether male or female, genitalia are important and also have Chakras (energy centres) in them, as do other parts of your Body. Sexual orgasm energy is very powerful energy. Would you prefer to cut a large field with a pair of blunt safety scissors?!

No-one is asking nor demanding you to be provocative/promiscuous sexually, a whore, or a dirty prostitute (prostitution, when done properly, is not a bad thing in and of itself). A member shared a story of him wanting to have a Daemoness lover. He told that one night when he was in the mood and he invited her, She appeared beside him in bed on both sides of him (he had his Astral senses working so he could interact with Spiritual entities, and you can project your image/avatar to more than one place at a time). She was having Astral sex with a different person on each side of him, while he was in the middle not getting any! I think he was a bit upset - it was quite a funny story. He said that his Guardian Daemon or a Daemon he was working with said that He, the Daemon, didn't like this Daemoness. You don't have to be overly-sexual nor dirty nor have casual sex with every Tom, erm...Dick...and Harry that you see - and I think most people would recommend against that!

Sexual pleasure is...well...nice! The raising of the Kundalini is one of the most important things for every Human - non-jew - to ever achieve, ever. The Kundalini is sexual in Nature. Sexual orgasm stimulates the Kundalini, hence the jew's attacks against it so vehemently. It just so happens that I am watching Star Trek - Deep Space Nine at this very moment. Allow me to quote a bit of it -

Constable Odo, a changeling/shape-shifter, doesnt know much about his own people. Major Kira Nerys (surname first) is with him as is a female one of his fellow changelings who is also a Founder - owners/gods of a warrior species who were bred and who are used to protect the Founders.

Kira: You belong to the Dominion, don't you?
Changeling Woman: Belong to it? Major, the changelings are the Dominion.
Odo: [looking very concerned walks up to his fellow changeling] You're the Founders.
Changeling Woman: Ironic, isn't it? The hunted now control the destinies of hundreds of other races.
Odo: What--? Why "control" anyone?
Changeling Woman: Because what you can control can't hurt you.

If everyone had risen their Kundalini and we practiced Magick/Occult/Witchcraft, whatever you want to call it, the jew wouldn't stand a chance. The entire shitrace of the faecal jew would be dead in a matter of days or merely hours. Consider also A Bugs Life -

Hopper: You let one ant stand up to us, then they all might stand up. Those puny little ants outnumber us 100 to 1, and if they ever figure that out, there goes our way of life! It's not about food; it's about keeping those ants in line.

All it takes is one ant named Flick - or one Human person...and we all should know the name of that one Person from last century. The Disney and Pixar film 'A Bug's Life' could be a NS story.

The jew is against sexuality because it knows that sexuality is very helpful for us Gentiles, and the jew has controlled it in us in history. The jew cannot be there in the bedroom physically, so it put "the fear of 'god'" into people, to frighten them thinking that their big jewish imaginary friend "god" will smite them like a 'mighty smiter'. On the other hand, the jew forces things too far to be overwhelming and disgusting so that people will form a backlash and then the jew can force very far back in the opposite direction, the direction it wants all along, into control and subversion of non-jews. i.e. encouraging over-sexualisation in order for us to then form a backlash against that so that the jew can then push very far in the non-sexual direction, which is what it wants all along.

It could be that your Soul may have within it an extra one, two or few things against sexual activity. The Soul, Body and Mind all affect each other. If you are less sexual than others, then OK. You can still use other energies. After you do the Freeing the Soul working and get on with advancing and empowering yourself, you may just find that you become more inclined sexually and more aroused more often. Your true self will come out regardless of what you want or think or feel or what your opinions are at the moment. You can, of course, fight against your True Self, though, but that might cause a lot more problems...

If you are not a jew and if you are not supporting the jew and its shit, and if you do care about advancing and empowering and helping and defending yourself and the world, then yes, you do belong in SS.
Godmode said:
You said; "But then their is the part where JOS puts a lot of importance on existence of sex even going as far as to refer to humans/non-jews as genitals"

I think you may have made a mistake? The term for non-jews is Gentile not Genital :lol:
I'm not sure if that's what happened, but if so then don't be offended by my correction because I'm only trying to help. Otherwise, everything Cobra said is the best advice for you.

That's a VERY embarrassing mistake to make :oops: . Thanks for correcting me.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Asexual simply means a person who, iether through to lack of emotional drive, or other needs, does not want to engage in sexual activity or contact.

Now, you need to be careful, as you have took too far down in regards to this, and you literally think this is so strongly tied to your being, that you seem to refuse a reversal of your facts that may potentially ariae in the future.

Your general stance on the sexual matter, has also altered your perception. Yes, you are human. You came from a womb, and because people had sex to conceive you. Sex also, despite of what you think or believe, is also a spiritual act and not only a physical one.

You being asexual does not impede you from being a Spiritual Satanist or advancing as one.

Thanks for taking your time to replay to me.

Honestly I have a hard time imagining that me being asexual is not strongly tied to my being or this ever changing for me, nor would I want it to change as I really like myself as I am now when it comes to this.

But the important part is that me being asexual isn't conflicting with me being a member of JOS.

Ghost in the Machine said:
RisingOne said:

Thanks for clearing up things regarding selflessness that JOS values.
You don't become celibate or lose your sexual organs when you gain Magnum Opus.

Next,there are different paths to godhood. You can attain godhood through the perfection of different paths. But we are currently against time and we cannot give thousands of years to a single path. We here emphasize the Tantric path, why ? Because its the quickest and most efficient way in this aeon. We also tell you to do hatha+kundalini+mantra yoga in addition to the sexual tantra yoga exercises given in the meditation section.

Finally, If someone is completely devoid of sexual feelings, then there is either a possible genetic condition (or) a serious psychological issue. I advice you to do the Psychological healing working and affirm accordingly to release any trauma from the past. Even if you think it might not be necessary and your actually asexual, it doesn't hurt to try and see what happens. I was personally surprised when I had flashbacks and I relived my memories after day 20 or something in my dreams at night. I could find the root of my problems, accept it and move on. You might surprisingly find something very important, . ...
Aquarius said:
Godmode said:
You said; "But then their is the part where JOS puts a lot of importance on existence of sex even going as far as to refer to humans/non-jews as genitals"

I think you may have made a mistake? The term for non-jews is Gentile not Genital :lol:
I'm not sure if that's what happened, but if so then don't be offended by my correction because I'm only trying to help. Otherwise, everything Cobra said is the best advice for you.
hahahahhahahahahahahgaahahahhaahaha lmao
The word you refer to is gentile not genital Lol

His autocorrect be like...
FancyMancy said:
A member shared a story of him wanting to have a Daemoness lover. He told that one night when he was in the mood and he invited her, She appeared beside him in bed on both sides of him (he had his Astral senses working so he could interact with Spiritual entities, and you can project your image/avatar to more than one place at a time). She was having Astral sex with a different person on each side of him, while he was in the middle not getting any! I think he was a bit upset - it was quite a funny story. He said that his Guardian Daemon or a Daemon he was working with said that He, the Daemon, didn't like this Daemoness.
For the sake of clarity I should add that this member was looking for an open-relationship with a Daemoness, by the way. If you are not into open-relationships, then that is fine. Just in case you don't know - the Daemons/Daemonesses are on other planets physically, and some were/are/will be in space-faring vessels, and they can project their image/avatar here. You can have Astral lovers and Astral sex, which is agreed and understood between you and the one or ones you would like to be with.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
Godmode said:
You said; "But then their is the part where JOS puts a lot of importance on existence of sex even going as far as to refer to humans/non-jews as genitals"

I think you may have made a mistake? The term for non-jews is Gentile not Genital :lol:
I'm not sure if that's what happened, but if so then don't be offended by my correction because I'm only trying to help. Otherwise, everything Cobra said is the best advice for you.
hahahahhahahahahahahgaahahahhaahaha lmao
The word you refer to is gentile not genital Lol

His autocorrect be like...
RisingOne: "god" damn it, you fucking computer. Spell my words correctly!
Auto-correct: Ain't nobaddy got taaam fo'det!
Narrator: Computer, having been designed by Microsoft, is defiant. Computer thinks for a second. Computer says...
Computer: No.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
Godmode said:
You said; "But then their is the part where JOS puts a lot of importance on existence of sex even going as far as to refer to humans/non-jews as genitals"

I think you may have made a mistake? The term for non-jews is Gentile not Genital :lol:
I'm not sure if that's what happened, but if so then don't be offended by my correction because I'm only trying to help. Otherwise, everything Cobra said is the best advice for you.
hahahahhahahahahahahgaahahahhaahaha lmao
The word you refer to is gentile not genital Lol

His autocorrect be like...
lmao this is so fucking funny :lol: :lol: :lol:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
