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Disability Curse


New member
Dec 27, 2017
So.. thing is.. :roll:
I want to curse a victim in a way that he should become mute permanently. I've made my mind to take such a step after numerous thoughts, and those of you who don't know me - I'm not a school boy to come up with such a thought, - I'm experienced & elder! However I need your help to suggest me ideas to do this as a ritual. I had to ask first, because this is me ever cursing for the first time. I never had the need until now! (Except for the RTRs, which I do greatly! ;) )
I was thinking that I might just first place a pink cloth out the doll's mouth and later cut it. What do you think?
Frankly, I'm having trouble as well to form a affirmation, because I'm a bit nervous. As I said this is me cursing for the first time.
Please help me with this comrades..
If you don't know how to do it, you obviously aren't experienced or ready enough to try to do something like this. And just copying some instructions that someone here may give you is NOT enough, you have to really understand what you're doing well enough to know what you are actually doing. Curses aren't to be played with, it could back fire and pull you down worse.
Runes (http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Odin.html there practically self-explanatory, just mix and match with the ones you'd like)
Intent (Visualizing the runes on him/her and with whatever you want him to be cursed with.)
Timing (Waning moon/Full Moon,Moon in Scorpio, hours of saturn, days of saturn, not too knowledgeable with astrology, so just use the calendar the clergy provided)

...and since your going as far as wanting this person to be a mute, you're gonna need to be consistent for while.
And of-course, http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Blackarts.html <--- always great to refresh your mind.
Realize that you also need a strong protection, otherwise it can backfire.

That is the reason for old witch saying “everything bad you do return three times worse”, which is bullshit, and is only true when you are ignorant and do not know what are you doing.

Also, please, think about it very carefully. Does this person really deserve to be permanently mute? Maybe temporary punishment is more appropriate, try not to do something you will regret later.
Until you have at least several years of experience in working with black magick, you should simply bind this person to be on the safe side. Causing a permanent disability to a person is a working that will take a great deal of energy, experience, and will to make work without doing yourself harm, so if this is a situation where you can simply use a binding ritual instead, that would probably work out better for you.

Doing powerful black magick of this sort without any real prior experience in it is like firing an M60 SAW when you've never even fired a BB gun.
I would vibrate and visualize the following runes into their brains.
Fehu x9
Thurisaz x9

You can also look at the qualities of each rune and combine them into a very powerful formula.

Affirm that the energies of these runes are destroying their brains.

Hail Satan!
Syt said:
I would vibrate and visualize the following runes into their brains.
Fehu x9
Thurisaz x9

You can also look at the qualities of each rune and combine them into a very powerful formula.

Affirm that the energies of these runes are destroying their brains.

Hail Satan!
Then what happens if it destroys your brain, because you speaking it vibrates it in your head too. This isn't something for people to play with! :x
Hello OAL,
Thank you for your reply but your post makes absolutely no sense.

Please review how the following links on how to use runes and on using black magick.
I highly recommend you read other posts in this threads and forum for other perspectives on how to use runes and directing energy.

The Three Steps of Witchcraft:

Using the Runes:

Aura Magick:

Death Spell:

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Syt said:
I would vibrate and visualize the following runes into their brains.
Fehu x9
Thurisaz x9

You can also look at the qualities of each rune and combine them into a very powerful formula.

Affirm that the energies of these runes are destroying their brains.

Hail Satan!
Then what happens if it destroys your brain, because you speaking it vibrates it in your head too. This isn't something for people to play with! :x
Syt said:
Yes I'm aware of all of that. What I mean is that it's so easy for curses like this to backfire especially if the person doesn't completely know what they're doing. And especially with such a dangerous affirmation, makes it that much worse if it does. If someone comes here to ask us how to do a curse like this, that shows how they are inexperienced and don't really know how to do it, if they did know they wouldn't be asking. So this makes the chances even more higher that something very bad can happen. You can read as much as you want about runes and directing energies, but in actual practice there is more to it and there is no substitute for actual experience. So someone who doesn't perfectly know what they are doing, who has to ask us how to do it, and then wants to try working with such a horribly dangerous curse like this. Does that really sound like a good idea to you? Because things really can go wrong sometimes, any working can have some unexpected consequences. And if you work with such a dangerous energy, what could this consequence be? With more experience, you get more experience on how things can go wrong sometimes, and this is something all the web pages you want don't always warn about but it can happen.

Would you let a small child play with gasoline, or a chainsaw, or shoot a gun? Because all of these things can be perfectly controlled and safe, but they can equally be just as dangerous to the person holding them if this person is not experienced enough. So wait until they have more experience and are more careful before you let them play with the dangerous things. Sounds like some young teenager wants to turn somebody's brain to mush and permanently curse them in one of the most horrible ways, because what? Because maybe that person was a little too rude to them or something stupid like that. And do you honestly want to send them on their way and say "Yea go for it! Just use a rune and you can make them permanently braindead forever!" Because I don't mean to offend you, but I think that is exactly the worst way to respond. Do you let small children play with fireworks and power tools? I don't think you would ever do that. Just because you might not physically see something like the energy of a curse doesn't mean it's in any way safer than these things. A curse is probably even more dangerous, it is possibly even harder to control by someone with no experience.

I have read everyone's perspectives here. And I agree completely with Larissa and Scion of Atlantis. There's a good reason why 3 of the 5 people who answered here all think it's a very bad idea.
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Blackarts.html said:
Always remember, after any black magickal working to clean your aura and your chakras with either a bright light, as that of the sun. When we use and draw upon negative or destructive energy, a residue can remain clinging to our auras. If this is left, it can cause problems, as energy tends to attract energy of the same wavelength. This is especially true with those who due to a lack of knowledge, invoke energy, instead of evoking it and then use it for destruction, thus creating a tie. Taking the time to clean your aura will rid your soul of anything negative that could cause you problems. Take your time at this. When you are able to see your aura brightened and your chakras as well, then ask your pendulum if you are completely cleansed. If not, ask what needs more work, going through your chakras one by one with yes/no questions that the pendulum is able to answer.

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/AURA.html said:
With all workings of black magick the outcome depends on the strength of the auras involved. The aura of the victim *must* be weaker than that of the sorcerer. If the victim’s aura is more powerful, the working could rebound as a more powerful aura naturally deflects negative energy. Some people just have naturally powerful auras. This can come from past lives. If an offending person naturally has a more powerful aura, you will be able to feel resistance. Take the time to build your own aura before doing any kind of this sort of working.

I'm just going to leave this here as an example of some cases how it can backfire.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Syt said:
Yes I'm aware of all of that. What I mean is that it's so easy for curses like this to backfire especially if the person doesn't completely know what they're doing. And especially with such a dangerous affirmation, makes it that much worse if it does. If someone comes here to ask us how to do a curse like this, that shows how they are inexperienced and don't really know how to do it, if they did know they wouldn't be asking. So this makes the chances even more higher that something very bad can happen. You can read as much as you want about runes and directing energies, but in actual practice there is more to it and there is no substitute for actual experience. So someone who doesn't perfectly know what they are doing, who has to ask us how to do it, and then wants to try working with such a horribly dangerous curse like this. Does that really sound like a good idea to you? Because things really can go wrong sometimes, any working can have some unexpected consequences. And if you work with such a dangerous energy, what could this consequence be? With more experience, you get more experience on how things can go wrong sometimes, and this is something all the web pages you want don't always warn about but it can happen.

Would you let a small child play with gasoline, or a chainsaw, or shoot a gun? Because all of these things can be perfectly controlled and safe, but they can equally be just as dangerous to the person holding them if this person is not experienced enough. So wait until they have more experience and are more careful before you let them play with the dangerous things. Sounds like some young teenager wants to turn somebody's brain to mush and permanently curse them in one of the most horrible ways, because what? Because maybe that person was a little too rude to them or something stupid like that. And do you honestly want to send them on their way and say "Yea go for it! Just use a rune and you can make them permanently braindead forever!" Because I don't mean to offend you, but I think that is exactly the worst way to respond. Do you let small children play with fireworks and power tools? I don't think you would ever do that. Just because you might not physically see something like the energy of a curse doesn't mean it's in any way safer than these things. A curse is probably even more dangerous, it is possibly even harder to control by someone with no experience.

I have read everyone's perspectives here. And I agree completely with Larissa and Scion of Atlantis. There's a good reason why 3 of the 5 people who answered here all think it's a very bad idea.
I agree with you, the OP seem to not be experienced enough to do Black Magick plus they can backfire even if the energy of the target is stronger than his. He should probabily just bind him.
Thanks for explaining and clarifying. I see your point.

By your logic, no "inexperienced" member should participate in group destruction rituals against the Jews or any individual who they feel wronged them for that matter. Because it's just too dangerous? We are not here to judge whether or not someone is a "small child". We are here to guide, provide knowledge, and insight.

Let's help our members to grow stronger by giving them guidance as to the right way of doing things, encouraging them to experiment with their powers, and practice instead of telling them what they cannot know-- or even worse- cannot do.

That being said, I repeat my runic curse for the benefit of members:

**Raise your energies via mantra and or chakra work.

1. Visualize the individual clearly before you.
2. Vibrate Fehu- 9x (visualize this rune in his/her brain as you vibrate it)
3. Vibrate Thurisaz- 9x (visualize this rune in his/her brain as you vibrate it)
4. Affirm a vibration 9x suitable to goals that you want to manifest.
5. Relax a bit and visualize this person being destroyed, is in a vegetative state, or disabled as to your wishes.
5. Cleanse your soul of with bright white light.

Please feel free to ask to any questions pertaining to the above ritual only as I am not interested in any-back-and forth debate.

Hail Satan!

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Syt said:
Yes I'm aware of all of that. What I mean is that it's so easy for curses like this to backfire especially if the person doesn't completely know what they're doing. And especially with such a dangerous affirmation, makes it that much worse if it does. If someone comes here to ask us how to do a curse like this, that shows how they are inexperienced and don't really know how to do it, if they did know they wouldn't be asking. So this makes the chances even more higher that something very bad can happen. You can read as much as you want about runes and directing energies, but in actual practice there is more to it and there is no substitute for actual experience. So someone who doesn't perfectly know what they are doing, who has to ask us how to do it, and then wants to try working with such a horribly dangerous curse like this. Does that really sound like a good idea to you? Because things really can go wrong sometimes, any working can have some unexpected consequences. And if you work with such a dangerous energy, what could this consequence be? With more experience, you get more experience on how things can go wrong sometimes, and this is something all the web pages you want don't always warn about but it can happen.

Would you let a small child play with gasoline, or a chainsaw, or shoot a gun? Because all of these things can be perfectly controlled and safe, but they can equally be just as dangerous to the person holding them if this person is not experienced enough. So wait until they have more experience and are more careful before you let them play with the dangerous things. Sounds like some young teenager wants to turn somebody's brain to mush and permanently curse them in one of the most horrible ways, because what? Because maybe that person was a little too rude to them or something stupid like that. And do you honestly want to send them on their way and say "Yea go for it! Just use a rune and you can make them permanently braindead forever!" Because I don't mean to offend you, but I think that is exactly the worst way to respond. Do you let small children play with fireworks and power tools? I don't think you would ever do that. Just because you might not physically see something like the energy of a curse doesn't mean it's in any way safer than these things. A curse is probably even more dangerous, it is possibly even harder to control by someone with no experience.

I have read everyone's perspectives here. And I agree completely with Larissa and Scion of Atlantis. There's a good reason why 3 of the 5 people who answered here all think it's a very bad idea.
Thank you!
I'm going to take all your advice very seriously. However of course, maybe I'll change my mind too of doing the curse. Not because of anything lacking to do it, I can proudly say I CAN DO THIS! .. But I 'cannot', just because I care for my loved ones.
I've read a lot about such spells backfiring not on the spellcaster, but sometimes one of his/her loved ones. I will not do such a mistake at all! I won't be able to take such a guilt! I can't take even the thought of it!!

Actually, this victim is not even worth it! I must go the mafia ways to settle my score with him easily. It's totally easy for me and quick and safe.
This is a lesson for me of using the proper tools for a job. It's best to see alternatives.
Magic is like a Swiss Multipurpose Tool, but I should seek separate tools too.
Witchcraft has helped my tremendously to the extent, I've turned too 'dependent' on it.
Things are going swift and I should be responsible to not make it a bumpy one.

No Bump!

Hail Satan!
Syt said:
Thanks for explaining and clarifying. I see your point.

By your logic, no "inexperienced" member should participate in group destruction rituals against the Jews or any individual who they feel wronged them for that matter. Because it's just too dangerous? We are not here to judge whether or not someone is a "small child". We are here to guide, provide knowledge, and insight.

Let's help our members to grow stronger by giving them guidance as to the right way of doing things, encouraging them to experiment with their powers, and practice instead of telling them what they cannot know-- or even worse- cannot do.

That being said, I repeat my runic curse for the benefit of members:

**Raise your energies via mantra and or chakra work.

1. Visualize the individual clearly before you.
2. Vibrate Fehu- 9x (visualize this rune in his/her brain as you vibrate it)
3. Vibrate Thurisaz- 9x (visualize this rune in his/her brain as you vibrate it)
4. Affirm a vibration 9x suitable to goals that you want to manifest.
5. Relax a bit and visualize this person being destroyed, is in a vegetative state, or disabled as to your wishes.
5. Cleanse your soul of with bright white light.

Please feel free to ask to any questions pertaining to the above ritual only as I am not interested in any-back-and forth debate.

Hail Satan!

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Syt said:
Yes I'm aware of all of that. What I mean is that it's so easy for curses like this to backfire especially if the person doesn't completely know what they're doing. And especially with such a dangerous affirmation, makes it that much worse if it does. If someone comes here to ask us how to do a curse like this, that shows how they are inexperienced and don't really know how to do it, if they did know they wouldn't be asking. So this makes the chances even more higher that something very bad can happen. You can read as much as you want about runes and directing energies, but in actual practice there is more to it and there is no substitute for actual experience. So someone who doesn't perfectly know what they are doing, who has to ask us how to do it, and then wants to try working with such a horribly dangerous curse like this. Does that really sound like a good idea to you? Because things really can go wrong sometimes, any working can have some unexpected consequences. And if you work with such a dangerous energy, what could this consequence be? With more experience, you get more experience on how things can go wrong sometimes, and this is something all the web pages you want don't always warn about but it can happen.

Would you let a small child play with gasoline, or a chainsaw, or shoot a gun? Because all of these things can be perfectly controlled and safe, but they can equally be just as dangerous to the person holding them if this person is not experienced enough. So wait until they have more experience and are more careful before you let them play with the dangerous things. Sounds like some young teenager wants to turn somebody's brain to mush and permanently curse them in one of the most horrible ways, because what? Because maybe that person was a little too rude to them or something stupid like that. And do you honestly want to send them on their way and say "Yea go for it! Just use a rune and you can make them permanently braindead forever!" Because I don't mean to offend you, but I think that is exactly the worst way to respond. Do you let small children play with fireworks and power tools? I don't think you would ever do that. Just because you might not physically see something like the energy of a curse doesn't mean it's in any way safer than these things. A curse is probably even more dangerous, it is possibly even harder to control by someone with no experience.

I have read everyone's perspectives here. And I agree completely with Larissa and Scion of Atlantis. There's a good reason why 3 of the 5 people who answered here all think it's a very bad idea.

Well Said Syt!

Now I've made my mind for sure I'll start with black magic. I may have dropped my above plan.. eventually..
But I'm surely going to start over with dark arts!
I want to be the best SS ever! And I will gain experience in dark arts to the level of an adept! I'll be reading and practicing daily now about dark arts. Good to have RTRs to incorporate dark ideas into practice! And pretty much more ideas I'm getting..

I've put my hands in the karma wheel too before, and I believe I'll make things happen!
I'll plan big on this too, I'm lucky too that I've lots of free time!

There's no limit to my progress!

Syt said:
Thanks for explaining and clarifying. I see your point.

By your logic, no "inexperienced" member should participate in group destruction rituals against the Jews or any individual who they feel wronged them for that matter. Because it's just too dangerous? We are not here to judge whether or not someone is a "small child". We are here to guide, provide knowledge, and insight.

Let's help our members to grow stronger by giving them guidance as to the right way of doing things, encouraging them to experiment with their powers, and practice instead of telling them what they cannot know-- or even worse- cannot do.

That being said, I repeat my runic curse for the benefit of members:

**Raise your energies via mantra and or chakra work.

1. Visualize the individual clearly before you.
2. Vibrate Fehu- 9x (visualize this rune in his/her brain as you vibrate it)
3. Vibrate Thurisaz- 9x (visualize this rune in his/her brain as you vibrate it)
4. Affirm a vibration 9x suitable to goals that you want to manifest.
5. Relax a bit and visualize this person being destroyed, is in a vegetative state, or disabled as to your wishes.
5. Cleanse your soul of with bright white light.

Please feel free to ask to any questions pertaining to the above ritual only as I am not interested in any-back-and forth debate.

Hail Satan!

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Syt said:
Yes I'm aware of all of that. What I mean is that it's so easy for curses like this to backfire especially if the person doesn't completely know what they're doing. And especially with such a dangerous affirmation, makes it that much worse if it does. If someone comes here to ask us how to do a curse like this, that shows how they are inexperienced and don't really know how to do it, if they did know they wouldn't be asking. So this makes the chances even more higher that something very bad can happen. You can read as much as you want about runes and directing energies, but in actual practice there is more to it and there is no substitute for actual experience. So someone who doesn't perfectly know what they are doing, who has to ask us how to do it, and then wants to try working with such a horribly dangerous curse like this. Does that really sound like a good idea to you? Because things really can go wrong sometimes, any working can have some unexpected consequences. And if you work with such a dangerous energy, what could this consequence be? With more experience, you get more experience on how things can go wrong sometimes, and this is something all the web pages you want don't always warn about but it can happen.

Would you let a small child play with gasoline, or a chainsaw, or shoot a gun? Because all of these things can be perfectly controlled and safe, but they can equally be just as dangerous to the person holding them if this person is not experienced enough. So wait until they have more experience and are more careful before you let them play with the dangerous things. Sounds like some young teenager wants to turn somebody's brain to mush and permanently curse them in one of the most horrible ways, because what? Because maybe that person was a little too rude to them or something stupid like that. And do you honestly want to send them on their way and say "Yea go for it! Just use a rune and you can make them permanently braindead forever!" Because I don't mean to offend you, but I think that is exactly the worst way to respond. Do you let small children play with fireworks and power tools? I don't think you would ever do that. Just because you might not physically see something like the energy of a curse doesn't mean it's in any way safer than these things. A curse is probably even more dangerous, it is possibly even harder to control by someone with no experience.

I have read everyone's perspectives here. And I agree completely with Larissa and Scion of Atlantis. There's a good reason why 3 of the 5 people who answered here all think it's a very bad idea.

Well Said Syt!

Now I've made my mind for sure I'll start with black magic. I may have dropped my above plan.. eventually..
But I'm surely going to start over with dark arts!
I want to be the best SS ever! And I will gain experience in dark arts to the level of an adept! I'll be reading and practicing daily now about dark arts. Good to have RTRs to incorporate dark ideas into practice! And pretty much more ideas I'm getting..

I've put my hands in the karma wheel too before, and I believe I'll make things happen!
I'll plan big on this too, I'm lucky too that I've lots of free time!

There's no limit to my progress!

For those who wants to use black magic it would be best to advance to the point where you can sense, manipulate and transform the energy with ease.
Even then time and energy put into it can be vast.

If the best you can do is blindly firing energy of the runes or numbly, roughly imagining things in your head then most likely you will just lose your time. Energy should be felt and manipulated, and then directed with words, emotions and strong will. Concentration and patience is also needed here ofc.
With often practice you can destroy and manipulate others just with your will and raw power of your soul.
If I were you I would direct negative energy into the aura , then into the throat chakra of that person with the strong intention of numbing him.Number of affirmations should be at least six. Keep visualising also.
If you want to, vibrate some runes before affirmations. Repeat this all once a day, if you can after meditations or before going to bed.

Note that, when doing this all you are destoying someones mind, soul and body, which means you are changing someones karma too. Everything is connected and keep in mind that other people and their karma will effect that person and vice versa, which means others will be getting in the way and that your negative energy can ruin others and their karma too. Much energy and persistance is needed with black magic...
Usually we here are stronger then normal people so it shouldn't backfire.
P.S. you can practice energy manipulation with crystals or with your GD if you can sense energy at all.
Is it even worth it to waste all this energy on someone else? Putting all this work to instead work on building yourself up is usually a better plan. Many of us here have wanted to curse people before, and most of us have eventually come to the conclusion that those people we wanted to curse just aren't even worth our time or attention. Putting energy and effort into improving ourselves is worth so much more. What are you going to do, just go through life throwing curses at everybody who ever bothers you? Because when you build yourself up to a higher level, these things don't really happen anymore, I mean people don't really mess with you anymore. Because your soul actually floats at a level greater than theirs, so they don't really have friction and conflict with you anymore. If this person really is making a problem to you, you can bind them so they won't bother you anymore. But actually trying to rot their whole mind away, is that really worth your effort? Is this person a gentile? Because we need to be helping to build gentiles up, we don't throw death curses at our own people, we aren't christian. The enemy tries to turn gentiles against each other and get us to rear each other down because that would make their job that much easier. Remember, all conflicts and problems is originally caused by the enemy, and the thousands of years of curses that they have made. We don't need to waste our time helping the enemy do what they want by cursing a gentile. The best thing for you to do is to bind this person, then put your time into doing Final RTR and meditations to advance yourself up. This will solve all your problems.
Azorm said:
Good points, and it also reminds me to mention that a person also should break all soul ties if applicable in numerous Freeing the Soul workings before cursing or even binding a relative/sibling/family member, even friends and former lovers. This is why it is wisest for a person to be highly adept with Satanism before trying any high level curses or black magic.

A lot of Satanists also forget the power of subconscious manipulation, the Evil Eye, speaking to Light Bodies, etc. A person who is causing you problems can be dealt with and manipulated in a large variety of ways before needing to put the time, energy, and effort into black magick workings.
Syt next time someone like a 5 year old asks you how to pluck their eyes out with a knife, make sure to tell them.

And of course you are not responsible for what happens later, "I am the messenger, after all.""

"We have to share the knowledge", after all. Knowledge should be free, available to anyone, etc.

This way you can also wash your hands and say "But they had to know!".

You provide no insight here, just sterile knowledge. Basically, information.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Syt next time someone like a 5 year old asks you how to pluck their eyes out with a knife, make sure to tell them.

And of course you are not responsible for what happens later, "I am the messenger, after all.""

"We have to share the knowledge", after all. Knowledge should be free, available to anyone, etc.

This way you can also wash your hands and say "But they had to know!".

You provide no insight here, just sterile knowledge. Basically, information.

I respect you a lot HP Cobra, and I would like to apologise to you and everyone; also I would like to apologise on behalf of our comrade Syt. I've started this topic and I'm truly sorry about all misunderstandings and perspective problems being clashed.
I apologise!
Syt said:
By your logic, no "inexperienced" member should participate in group destruction rituals against the Jews or any individual who they feel wronged them for that matter. Because it's just too dangerous?

I just wanted to pop in at this point to say there would be a significant difference between something like a destruction ritual or an RTR, and cursing someone with your own spiritually developed abilities. With the destruction ritual you are requesting the aid of the Gods in making this happen - the boon there is self-explanatory. You must still thoroughly clean your chakras and aura after the fact, but they will aid you in making sure the energy does its job. Without their assistance you'll be the one handling and directing this energy 100% through every step of the way, and that's where personal expertise is a necessity. Not only do you need a strong enough soul to raise, program and direct the energy to where you get the desired outcome in a reasonable amount of time, but the ability to focus when dealing with such energy is key, and accidentally allowing some to linger on you or not directing it properly can really shit in your cornflakes.

I know the latter bit of this post is already known information to you, I just wanted to jump in at that first part.
Illuminated said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Syt next time someone like a 5 year old asks you how to pluck their eyes out with a knife, make sure to tell them.

And of course you are not responsible for what happens later, "I am the messenger, after all.""

"We have to share the knowledge", after all. Knowledge should be free, available to anyone, etc.

This way you can also wash your hands and say "But they had to know!".

You provide no insight here, just sterile knowledge. Basically, information.

I respect you a lot HP Cobra, and I would like to apologise to you and everyone; also I would like to apologise on behalf of our comrade Syt. I've started this topic and I'm truly sorry about all misunderstandings and perspective problems being clashed.
I apologise!

No need to apologize it's all fine, we are talking about advancement and safety, so I persume you understood what is into this etc.

This was also the point.

Carry knowledge with responsibility, and also be self aware.
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
Syt said:
By your logic, no "inexperienced" member should participate in group destruction rituals against the Jews or any individual who they feel wronged them for that matter. Because it's just too dangerous?

I just wanted to pop in at this point to say there would be a significant difference between something like a destruction ritual or an RTR, and cursing someone with your own spiritually developed abilities. With the destruction ritual you are requesting the aid of the Gods in making this happen - the boon there is self-explanatory. You must still thoroughly clean your chakras and aura after the fact, but they will aid you in making sure the energy does its job. Without their assistance you'll be the one handling and directing this energy 100% through every step of the way, and that's where personal expertise is a necessity. Not only do you need a strong enough soul to raise, program and direct the energy to where you get the desired outcome in a reasonable amount of time, but the ability to focus when dealing with such energy is key, and accidentally allowing some to linger on you or not directing it properly can really shit in your cornflakes.

I know the latter bit of this post is already known information to you, I just wanted to jump in at that first part.
The RTRs in a way they are not curses but more like reversing the spells that the jews do, of course this end up giving them a hard time but it's not a curse just an "side" effect for reversing the spells.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
