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Digging Your Grave Goyim With Diet

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So, long story short; 75% or more of your diet should be plants?

Also where does bread, rice, and the like fit in to this?

I'm working on meal plans to rotate in and out as needed, so far I've been eating a good amount of vegetables lately, but I always have some sort of meat with 2 of my meals. And usually oatmeal in the mornings with a fruit.
Poweredbythesun said:
So, long story short; 75% or more of your diet should be plants?
No like grain plants don’t have the nutrients required to nourish the body. Things like an apple, carrot, or potato are fine but would one be stupid enough to say that you will have a strong body eating this only?
Also where does bread, rice, and the like fit in to this?
Not sure about rice but bread/grains are poison from what I can see the only reason our ancestors ate it daily was because it is what they would give to the peasantry as a ration. The English fed their slaves white bread only because it has enough calories to keep someone alive but zero nutrients to actually live off of. This doesn’t even take into account how modern flour and wheat is bleached and infused with sugar to make this junk. The only reason we even eat grains today is because of the dark ages it’s just a food that never went away.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Poweredbythesun said:
So, long story short; 75% or more of your diet should be plants?
No like grain plants don’t have the nutrients required to nourish the body. Things like an apple, carrot, or potato are fine but would one be stupid enough to say that you will have a strong body eating this only?
Also where does bread, rice, and the like fit in to this?
Not sure about rice but bread/grains are poison from what I can see the only reason our ancestors ate it daily was because it is what they would give to the peasantry as a ration. The English fed their slaves white bread only because it has enough calories to keep someone alive but zero nutrients to actually live off of. This doesn’t even take into account how modern flour and wheat is bleached and infused with sugar to make this junk. The only reason we even eat grains today is because of the dark ages it’s just a food that never went away.
Grains aren't necessarily bad. The new modern stuff is pretty bad but ancient grains like einkorn I've heard they're pretty good.
Grains are just overrated. Due to the very poor conditions our precursors have been subjected to in the Dark Ages, grain-based food and, in general, starches were the only thing most of the population could afford. That's how they became a staple in most people's culture and why most people nowadays eat them in excess (i.e. Italy) instead of pursuing a balanced diet. That's also how our metabolism has adapted to burning carbohydrates as the main fuel when originally it used fat the most.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
This doesn’t even take into account how modern flour and wheat is bleached and infused with sugar to make this junk.
There is a variety of flours available, and not all of them are so processed. I actually searched a bit about this and found nothing about bleaching with sugar, but some other agents are used.
This is a great thread. Albeit some have different opinions the main consensus is to steer clear from sugars, GMOs and fast-jew-food.

I agree that veganism is part of the Jewish agenda to:
1). Get us used to subsisting on inexpensive foods.
2). Destroy our health.

Any vegan (like Dr. Greger) that purports veganism as the original and healthiest diet are delusional. The vegan diet can be very healthy but it's not easy.

One needs to understand nutrition and what to supplement (namely B12 and K2). Vegans need flaxseeds (for omega-3), seaweed (for iodine), soybeans and greens (for calcium), and so on. In addition, many of these foods have a 50% absorption rate due to phytates, therefore one needs to take additional time to calculate what they're actually getting. Also, following the 80/10/10 diet is not healthy because you then lack in many healthy fats. The brain is 60% fat. Sure, our bodies can produce cholesterol but they can't make enough fat, especially in a low calorie diet.

I respect people who choose to be vegan for ethical reasons, but it is not an easy diet to follow and thus shouldn't be sold to the masses of simpletons out there.

In regards to the primal diet, there isn't a lot of data showing whether it's harmful or not. Bear in mind most (if not all) studies focus on people eating conventional meat, which is high in omega-6s and antibiotics.
There is the Inuit Paradox to consider, however their low risk of disease can also be a result of epigenitic factors.

Research on cholesterol as being harmful is flawed. Arterial plaque is comprised very little of cholesterol. A more likely cause is oxidization in arterial walls, which causes coagulation (a clot) in which materials in the blood bind to, and sugar is a likely culprit here.
There is a very strong long-term study that looks into this called the "Sydney Diet Heart Health Study". It looked at high and low cholesterol intake in people following a healthy diet VS a SAD diet.

About the raw meat thing... to each their own I guess.
I personally don't agree with the Germ Theory that's shoved down our throats and prefer Terrain Theory.
Even if such is the case it stands to reason that any imbalance in the body could result in opportunistic bacteria and parasites to ploriferate, so one would regardless be walking on a fine line doing so. That being said, I think it's worth noting people have consumed raw dairy for centuries and from an anectdotal point of view they seem fine. It truly should be the choice of the consumer, not the 'powers that be'. I live in Canada and we're the only G8 country that hasn't lifted their ban, treating raw dairy sellers like illicit drug dealers.

So what's the healthiest diet? My bias says we should consume moderate protein unless we're bodybuilders. The body doesn't utilize more than what it needs and what it needs isn't a lot. A serving of meat should be 3 to 6 oz.
Still, a healthy body will maintain homestasis, storing and excreting excess amino acids it doesn't need.

I think people should just do what feels right for them so long as they are eating a clean diet and getting a balance of micronutrients. Society puts too much focus on macronutrients when they are much the lesser of two evils.

An interesting tidbit (if you didn't already know) - the original USDA food pyramid was supposed to have vegetables at the base, yet an insider (nutritionist Luise Light) spoke out stating that lobbying from the food industry caused a shift to put "basic" foods (ie. carbs) at the bottom. This was at the same time GMO corn and wheat were really taking off and getting put in everything processed. All these major health authorities clearly favour profit over educating the public.

Sorry for the spiel BTW. This is a topic of great personal interest. ^_^
(Correction) I meant to say "primal diet" not "terrain diet". idk where I got that from... so many diets I'm making up new ones myself. :lol:
Lol I did have primal diet written there. I was sleepy the other night. Apologies.

Another thing: high amounts of protein act as a diuretic. It has a lot of nitrogen which is expelled in the urine, so replacing lost fluid is crucial. Drink when you're thirsty but don't overdue it as this leads to hyponatremia.
Also, the high levels of uric acid may also lead to kidney stones. I'd encourage taking Vitamin C with probiotics (for digestion) and antioxidants (for inflammation).

What I'm curious about (to those who do eat a primal diet) is if they're digestion is good. Protein foods take the longest to break down, plus without enough fiber the stool becomes soft, leading to a risk for diarrhea and/or steatorrhea.

A friend of mine tried the keto diet (with a lot of protein) and had serious stomach cramps. If you're one who has negative reactions to the diet definitely try more vegetables and less protein.
Aquarius said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Poweredbythesun said:
So, long story short; 75% or more of your diet should be plants?
No like grain plants don’t have the nutrients required to nourish the body. Things like an apple, carrot, or potato are fine but would one be stupid enough to say that you will have a strong body eating this only?
Also where does bread, rice, and the like fit in to this?
Not sure about rice but bread/grains are poison from what I can see the only reason our ancestors ate it daily was because it is what they would give to the peasantry as a ration. The English fed their slaves white bread only because it has enough calories to keep someone alive but zero nutrients to actually live off of. This doesn’t even take into account how modern flour and wheat is bleached and infused with sugar to make this junk. The only reason we even eat grains today is because of the dark ages it’s just a food that never went away.
Grains aren't necessarily bad. The new modern stuff is pretty bad but ancient grains like einkorn I've heard they're pretty good.

Heh, what an old post. Glad I got a reply eventually though. Thanks for the insight :)
Poweredbythesun said:
Aquarius said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
No like grain plants don’t have the nutrients required to nourish the body. Things like an apple, carrot, or potato are fine but would one be stupid enough to say that you will have a strong body eating this only?

Not sure about rice but bread/grains are poison from what I can see the only reason our ancestors ate it daily was because it is what they would give to the peasantry as a ration. The English fed their slaves white bread only because it has enough calories to keep someone alive but zero nutrients to actually live off of. This doesn’t even take into account how modern flour and wheat is bleached and infused with sugar to make this junk. The only reason we even eat grains today is because of the dark ages it’s just a food that never went away.
Grains aren't necessarily bad. The new modern stuff is pretty bad but ancient grains like einkorn I've heard they're pretty good.

Heh, what an old post. Glad I got a reply eventually though. Thanks for the insight :)

Careful not to eat too many though. Contrary to popular belief, grains should be eaten in great quantity (up to 50% of your calories) only by athletes, active military (that is infantry and infantry-based special forces) and purely vata people. In other type of people, they'll lead you to gain excessive body fat, which is undesirable and unnecessary. Nutrional fat (lipids) should be the prime energy source for other people, especially kapha people.

You can eat grains that are not "ancient" too as long as they are organic and whole. Generally, in any case, the majority of one's carb needs should come from vegetables and certain fruits, as well as nuts and seeds, as they contain a great deal of micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc) that grains don't contain in that needed amount.
Poweredbythesun said:
Aquarius said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
No like grain plants don’t have the nutrients required to nourish the body. Things like an apple, carrot, or potato are fine but would one be stupid enough to say that you will have a strong body eating this only?

Not sure about rice but bread/grains are poison from what I can see the only reason our ancestors ate it daily was because it is what they would give to the peasantry as a ration. The English fed their slaves white bread only because it has enough calories to keep someone alive but zero nutrients to actually live off of. This doesn’t even take into account how modern flour and wheat is bleached and infused with sugar to make this junk. The only reason we even eat grains today is because of the dark ages it’s just a food that never went away.
Grains aren't necessarily bad. The new modern stuff is pretty bad but ancient grains like einkorn I've heard they're pretty good.

Heh, what an old post. Glad I got a reply eventually though. Thanks for the insight :)
Welcome back :D
SS322 said:
It depends on the individual metabolism what people should eat. In Ayurveda there are three "doshas" (type of metabolism) and western medicine has proved that there are three major enterotypes, based on which bacteria are dominant in a person's colon. Some people are better at digesting protein, other are better at digesting sugars, starch and carbohydrates and some people produce more vitamins on their own than others. This can be somewhat influenced if you eat a certain diet over a time. Some people can not eat a lot of protein because they have kidney problems and can't get rid of the abundant nitrogen. Other people can get diabetes or even get naturally drunk from too much starch and carbohydrates because they are turned into sugar by your enzymes and some bacteria can further ferment them into alcohol.

Meat can be very healthy when it's of respective quality. The problem with meat and dairy these days is that most animals from regular agriculture are not even healthy themselves. I love venison but. Fish is also not as healthy as they always claim. Many types of sea fish are actually "farmed" because it's illegal to take them from the open ocean and in the farm basins they are fed with stuff they wouldn't eat in nature and also heavily medicated... just like regular farm animals basically.

By the way, Nordics are the most lactose tolerant race on earth. In Scandinavia, almost everyone is lactose tolerant while in southern Europe the percentage is much lower already. Outside of the European race, only northern Indians and a few African tribes can even drink raw milk without running to the restroom immediately. Cows must have been domesticated for much longer than acknowledged today. In Asia and other parts of the world instead, people would get their extra protein from insects but that makes us Europeans puke. :lol:

Personally I stay away from everything that could contain iodated salt, which is about every processed food because in Germany they don't even have to lable that the used salt is iodated or regular. Vegetables and rye bread are rich in organically bound iodine which is infinetely healthier than the industrial waste they put on the salt as alleged "dietary supplement". Meat lovers can ask their local butcher for the thyroid of the dead animals for extra iodine (although animals from regular agriculture also get fed with synthetic iodine supplements, hence a lot of dairy is also overburden with residue of this shit anyways).

Talking about rye bread:
I heard a "conspiracy theory" about thermophile yeast, which sounds very probable. The yeast used in modern bakeries is not a natural organism. Natural yeast would need at least a day and a night to work into the dough or the bread will stay flat and dense. The modern yeast only needs like an hour rest before baking and you will get the fluffiest and spongiest bread. They achived this with genetic manipulation to make the yeast more heat resitant. Now they problem is that natural yeast can not live in the human body because it's too warm but the thermophile yeast can! That's why many people have candida or eczema from yeast because the spores of the yeast survive the baking process and germinate in the human body (fungal spores can survive in space, they are very tough).

This is why I bake my own bread with natural yeast. How to get natural yeast? Don't worry, it's literally everywhere. You just have to stir equal parts of rye flour and luke warm water into a paste, let it sit over night and add some water and flour on the next two to three days. That's how you make natural sourdough that can be mixed with other flour and kneaded into a loaf of bread. This loaf again has to rest at least one night but preferably one and a half days before baking and it helps if you add some honey, molasses or sugar into the final dough as extra food for the yeast.

Another good thing about this way of baking is that due to the longer fermentation the bread becomes much more easily digestible and more nutrients become available.

When I eat oatmeal I also let it sit with some milk and yoghurt over night to ferment it (vegans can use water inseatd and may add some sourdough or water from Sauerkraut to enrich it with beneficial bacteria). The main reason for this is to break down phytic acid which forms complexes with nutrients and blocks their resorption in the intestine. Legumes and grains contain phytic acid and are thus blocking your mineral intake in their raw form. If you let them sit in a watery liquid for over night, this will activate the enzyme phytase which destoys the phytic acid. Plants actually invented this trick to make their seeds unhealthy for animals who eat them until the seeds get wet and germinate.

I also noticed great differences in food quality from nation to nation. Here in Germany most regular food and all fast food is poisoned with chemical additives and sadly many here eat what's cheap and advertised on TV. In Italy they use much less additives on the everyday food (not fast food but stuff like bread or traditional dishes) and people tend to give more importance to what they eat. You also get good food in Germany but I think it's harder to find and. Something like a sausage with sea salt will cost twice as much as a sausage with iodated poison jew salt.

Another thing: (((Halal/kosher))) meat is everywhere in Europe now thanks to the muslim invasion. I never eat it and I think no other SS should. The Sikhs from India also never eat "kutta" (halal/kosher) meat because they are so anti-muslim. For them only "jhatka" meat is safe, which means that the animal was killed with as less pain as possible.

My hat is off to you for all of this. I have hypothyroidism, and I found your part on being able to buy thyroids from butchers intriguing. I have been working on healing myself potentially and am trying to see if it's possible to create my own thyroid supplement. I still have to send my prescription pills in for a lab analysis, but I have improved my own situation many times since my diagnosis and threefold since coming to Satan and learning the incredible life changing benefits of Kundalini Yoga. I do a neck roll Kriya in my routine and since starting the routine the Dr. had to drop my dose again to 100 mcg daily when it started at 150 mcg.
I also make my own bread with a bread machine and I had no idea on the yeast thing you mentioned. You've given me an immense amount to research and further progress to evolve past Hypothyroidism, as my Dr. has said and I have read sometimes people cure from it.
Also on the McDonald's and meat subject. I'm fortunate enough to hunt my own wild game and I try to fish and hunt for my sole source of meats if I can. The McDonalds and brainwashed fast food culture is rampant here and most people are ignorant and go with whats quick and advertised. It's similar to being a Demi-God when you are clean eating, keeping yoga, meditations, and rituals daily in your routine, and physically exercising instead of FB scrolling or Tik Toking in every moment of spare time.
All of your info was incredibly applicable to me! Thank you and Heil Satan and the Gods Eternally!
Zaqîêl3 said:
My hat is off to you for all of this. I have hypothyroidism, and I found your part on being able to buy thyroids from butchers intriguing. I have been working on healing myself potentially and am trying to see if it's possible to create my own thyroid supplement. I still have to send my prescription pills in for a lab analysis, but I have improved my own situation many times since my diagnosis and threefold since coming to Satan and learning the incredible life changing benefits of Kundalini Yoga. I do a neck roll Kriya in my routine and since starting the routine the Dr. had to drop my dose again to 100 mcg daily when it started at 150 mcg.
I also make my own bread with a bread machine and I had no idea on the yeast thing you mentioned. You've given me an immense amount to research and further progress to evolve past Hypothyroidism, as my Dr. has said and I have read sometimes people cure from it.
Also on the McDonald's and meat subject. I'm fortunate enough to hunt my own wild game and I try to fish and hunt for my sole source of meats if I can. The McDonalds and brainwashed fast food culture is rampant here and most people are ignorant and go with whats quick and advertised. It's similar to being a Demi-God when you are clean eating, keeping yoga, meditations, and rituals daily in your routine, and physically exercising instead of FB scrolling or Tik Toking in every moment of spare time.
All of your info was incredibly applicable to me! Thank you and Heil Satan and the Gods Eternally!

Glad to help you. As you mention (((Mc Donalds))), I've come across some truly horrendous things about them. Keep your barfbag ready. Ever wonderd why nobody ever finds the remains of all the children and young women that are drained of blood in the secret jewish rituals? They turn them into fast food. There are numerous accounts of people finding milkteeth in Mc Donalds french fries. If the french fries contain human flesh, I don't wanna know what else. Everybody buy your food as straight from the farmer as possible!

SS322 said:
Zaqîêl3 said:
My hat is off to you for all of this. I have hypothyroidism, and I found your part on being able to buy thyroids from butchers intriguing. I have been working on healing myself potentially and am trying to see if it's possible to create my own thyroid supplement. I still have to send my prescription pills in for a lab analysis, but I have improved my own situation many times since my diagnosis and threefold since coming to Satan and learning the incredible life changing benefits of Kundalini Yoga. I do a neck roll Kriya in my routine and since starting the routine the Dr. had to drop my dose again to 100 mcg daily when it started at 150 mcg.
I also make my own bread with a bread machine and I had no idea on the yeast thing you mentioned. You've given me an immense amount to research and further progress to evolve past Hypothyroidism, as my Dr. has said and I have read sometimes people cure from it.
Also on the McDonald's and meat subject. I'm fortunate enough to hunt my own wild game and I try to fish and hunt for my sole source of meats if I can. The McDonalds and brainwashed fast food culture is rampant here and most people are ignorant and go with whats quick and advertised. It's similar to being a Demi-God when you are clean eating, keeping yoga, meditations, and rituals daily in your routine, and physically exercising instead of FB scrolling or Tik Toking in every moment of spare time.
All of your info was incredibly applicable to me! Thank you and Heil Satan and the Gods Eternally!

Glad to help you. As you mention (((Mc Donalds))), I've come across some truly horrendous things about them. Keep your barfbag ready. Ever wonderd why nobody ever finds the remains of all the children and young women that are drained of blood in the secret jewish rituals? They turn them into fast food. There are numerous accounts of people finding milkteeth in Mc Donalds french fries. If the french fries contain human flesh, I don't wanna know what else. Everybody buy your food as straight from the farmer as possible!


I only watched part of the first video with the filthy rat rabbi. Made my stomach turn and gave me RTR fuel like fucking hate those scum fuckers. They will fall hard. Them trampling each other at their sick festival is only the tippy top of the fucking iceberg.
Thanks for sharing. I will use this anger with deadly intent towards their slithering collective.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
