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Aug 7, 2006
can contracts with the devil in another life enter into your next life?? I had a past life where I had a contract with the devil I was in a very dark satanic coven back In the 1400's didn't know I had a contract until satan told me in meditation recently.  And i was married to this dark power.  it seems like every where i go in this life ppl look scared of me or when i tried to be a christian some years ago.  no matter what the pastor did i couldn't get rid of this dark god.  plus bad things or near death experience would happen each time i tried to block, cleanse or trap this old past life energy.  until satan told me I couldn't because i made a past life vow that will forever follow me unless i re-negotiate my contract with the dark lord to end those old terms.  which i did and things seem a bit better.  I heard that if most contracts in previous lives are not fulfilled death or bad luck can happen to said person.  it's like past life karma.  do anyone have experience with this occult knowledge?? please help
you're either trolling or delusional. Don't bring this bullshit into the forums again.WHO EVEN APPROVED THIS?!

On Wednesday, March 23, 2016 12:00 AM, "plotome93@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  can contracts with the devil in another life enter into your next life?? I had a past life where I had a contract with the devil I was in a very dark satanic coven back In the 1400's didn't know I had a contract until satan told me in meditation recently.  And i was married to this dark power.  it seems like every where i go in this life ppl look scared of me or when i tried to be a christian some years ago.  no matter what the pastor did i couldn't get rid of this dark god.  plus bad things or near death experience would happen each time i tried to block, cleanse or trap this old past life energy.  until satan told me I couldn't because i made a past life vow that will forever follow me unless i re-negotiate my contract with the dark lord to end those old terms.  which i did and things seem a bit better.  I heard that if most contracts in previous lives are not fulfilled death or bad luck can happen to said person.  it's like past life karma.  do anyone have experience with this occult knowledge?? please help

you are a fucking asshole.  read occult books asshole you will find it there stupid ass
Ban the OP. He just sent me personal messages calling me a racist and then called everyone who called his bullshit an asshole.He's either delusional or a jew but he is DEFINITELY mentally retarded and should be banned.

On Thursday, March 24, 2016 4:00 PM, "plotome93@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  you are a fucking asshole.  read occult books asshole you will find it there stupid ass

OK. I know I shouldn't bother to respond but....

Contracts with "the Devil"?!? Satan is NOT the Devil!!! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU?!?? You will NOT speak this kind of FILTH about Satan!!! I cannot stand by and say nothing when you slander my most beloved God!

There are lots of different sects of Satanism but they don't mean shit to Satan. Lots of deluded people do all kinds of atrocities in His name...that doesn't make them Satanists. That makes them sick and deluded. Satan told HPS MD once that if she only knew the sick shit people have done in His name she would throw up into her lap...contract with the Devil....my ass! Satan has NO interest in that SHIT!!! Whatever 'Devil' you had some contract with; it wasn't Satan!

You have seriously bought into the Xians version of a Devil. This is NOT of Satan. Dark God my ass! If you actually had Dedicated to Satan then yes it carries over but what you are describing is not of Him. And frankly I doubt you HAVE Dedicated to Him. He is not some 'Dark Lord'. If you were truly Dedicated, you would NOT call him such. You would have some RESPECT. Lucifer means Light Bringer! Satan is Truth! Satan encompasses both Darkness AND Light! Don't you DARE disrespect Father!!!

The only 'help' you need is to de-program from the Xian crap and their fucked up version of a "Dark Lord'.

OMG its so insulting to Father!


Actually you're very wrong. The word Devil relates to Devi,Deva, etc and originates in the far east, the jewxys called him that because he probably went by that himself.

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On Sun, Mar 27, 2016 at 7:35, zolaluckystar@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   OK. I know I shouldn't bother to respond but....

Contracts with "the Devil"?!? Satan is NOT the Devil!!! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU?!?? You will NOT speak this kind of FILTH about Satan!!! I cannot stand by and say nothing when you slander my most beloved God!

There are lots of different sects of Satanism but they don't mean shit to Satan. Lots of deluded people do all kinds of atrocities in His name...that doesn't make them Satanists. That makes them sick and deluded. Satan told HPS MD once that if she only knew the sick shit people have done in His name she would throw up into her lap...contract with the Devil....my ass! Satan has NO interest in that SHIT!!! Whatever 'Devil' you had some contract with; it wasn't Satan!

You have seriously bought into the Xians version of a Devil. This is NOT of Satan. Dark God my ass! If you actually had Dedicated to Satan then yes it carries over but what you are describing is not of Him. And frankly I doubt you HAVE Dedicated to Him. He is not some 'Dark Lord'. If you were truly Dedicated, you would NOT call him such. You would have some RESPECT. Lucifer means Light Bringer! Satan is Truth! Satan encompasses both Darkness AND Light! Don't you DARE disrespect Father!!!

The only 'help' you need is to de-program from the Xian crap and their fucked up version of a "Dark Lord'.

OMG its so insulting to Father!

Firstly if you have a source for this, then that would be good, I'd like to see it. Secondly, I see where Zola is coming from, most of the time when people say "devil" they connotate it with evil, selling souls, shit like that. This is why we call him Satan, Lucifer, enki, etc. Devil, whether having good origins or not, CURRENTLY has a negative connotation, and I totally see why she found that insulting.
Which is the very reason why we OUGHT TO use the word Devil - weaklings will tremble and flee, the strong, inquisitive ones will WANT to KNOW WHY we use this name.

This is a matter of going BEYOND the KIKE mindset. Just like with using 'goyim' to denote Humans. Language, so intrinsically connected with our existence is tainted with jewdaism. Examples?

1) A book 101 on something? Encyclopaedia? No, a BIBLE.
2) A person who is good, giving, charitable, etc.? A GOOD SAMARITAN
3) A mother that is caring, etc. MOTHER THERESA
4) God - some Pagan God? No, the KIKE-INVENTED shit.

There are more of those hebrew intrusions, but only the above ones came into my mind.

This is a part of our liberation.

It's Mageson.I'll have to read through like a billion of his posts on the forum FML I just wanted to relax.
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On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 5:51 AM, talonjackman@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Firstly if you have a source for this, then that would be good, I'd like to see it. Secondly, I see where Zola is coming from, most of the time when people say "devil" they connotate it with evil, selling souls, shit like that. This is why we call him Satan, Lucifer, enki, etc. Devil, whether having good origins or not, CURRENTLY has a negative connotation, and I totally see why she found that insulting.
speaking of people afraid of me on several occasions I had one jew look at might at a quick glance and he must of sensed my energy I could see fear in his eyes he glanced at me and quickly walked away I have had another person I knew for sometime (work) even say to my face once you scared the shit out of me .
Yes I found the article to which you refer. "By the serpent energy which is SATANAS, the devil is the serpent. And the serpent brings eternal life and enlightenment." In that sense I'll concede, Satanas is the true name of God. of Our One True God. However, I am not seeing him here being referred to as The Devil....nor do I think He ever referred to himself as such....

The Devil as an appellation is something co-opted and twisted by the jews. The Devil is JHVH. It is Jewsus.

But here's the article:

http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/SA ... AGESON.pdf
No Black Wyrm. The Devil is Jewsis. Satan is the One True God. He is not The Devil.

The Devil Card in the Tarot is NOT Satan. It is JEWHOVA. JHVH. THAT is the Devil.

The three things Satan HATES: Xianity, Islam and JHVH.

HPS MD posted in passing once that Satan had mentioned to her that the Devil is NOT Him.

The Tarot Devil Card is number 15, or 6. That's the number of SLAVERY. This is not of Satan. It's the Jewish cursing and denigration of Satan.

The Devil is NOT Satan. If you are calling Him the Devil that is an insult to Him and a denigration. it is of the enemy.

Hail Satan!
On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 12:28 AM, zolaluckystar@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Yes I found the article to which you refer. "By the serpent energy which is SATANAS, the devil is the serpent. And the serpent brings eternal life and enlightenment." In that sense I'll concede, Satanas is the true name of God. of Our One True God. However, I am not seeing him here being referred to as The Devil....nor do I think He ever referred to himself as such....

The Devil as an appellation is something co-opted and twisted by the jews. The Devil is JHVH. It is Jewsus.

But here's the article:

http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/SA ... AGESON.pdf
Devil is stolen from the hindu word DEVI, which means SUPREME BEING.The bible even OPENLY calls all the gentile gods "devils" in psalms 96:5

This is a HUGE slap in the face to us and the gods but ironically by calling them devils you're just calling them supreme beings in another language.
Satan means truth yet the jews STOLE their own language by taking the vowels out of Sanskrit and made Satan....or rather STN their word for enemy.
This is however true, because Satan means truth and nothing is more damaging to the jews than the truth!

On Tuesday, March 29, 2016 5:02 AM, "zolaluckystar@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  No Black Wyrm. The Devil is Jewsis. Satan is the One True God. He is not The Devil.

The Devil Card in the Tarot is NOT Satan. It is JEWHOVA. JHVH. THAT is the Devil.

The three things Satan HATES: Xianity, Islam and JHVH.

HPS MD posted in passing once that Satan had mentioned to her that the Devil is NOT Him.

The Tarot Devil Card is number 15, or 6. That's the number of SLAVERY. This is not of Satan. It's the Jewish cursing and denigration of Satan.

The Devil is NOT Satan. If you are calling Him the Devil that is an insult to Him and a denigration. it is of the enemy.

Hail Satan!

Psa 96:5 lxa "(5) For all the gods of the heathen are devils: but the Lord made the heavens."

Devi - a Goddess, Deva - a God.

This isn't about what you believe or not. This is about facts. Another fact is about the corruption of Tarot. But the XV remains, of which HP Maxine wrote.

Goddess, feminine aspect, kundalini being feminine, etc.

Our Gods ARE Devils - you just need to leave the kike mindset that Devil = evil. In order to do so, learn the ORIGIN of the word.

Thanks guys, for leaping in here to show me where I was mistaken. I appreciate you all taking the time to help me and sending the links. I was aware of Devi and serpent yes but not that devil was acceptable. Demons, yes but not Devil. Demons don't bother me and yet when I hear Devil I think of how they denigrated Satan, calling Him Devil with horns and a tail. And I get mad. Right or wrong, when I hear dark lord and Devil I think of that Xian filth and I get pretty hot under the collar...

I was not raised in any religion but I guess the kike programming is so invasive and everywhere it got in to some extent and I wasn't even aware of it. I have now read about the words ORIGIN.

But....I do remember HPS MD had mentioned He is not. I wrote it down when I saw it word for word in my black book and this is what she said:

"I also want to add here that the "Devil" card in the Tarot with the #15 (1+5=6 # of slave labor) is NOT Satan, but Jewhova."

And I really am not asking to be a jerk. I need to know. This is really important to me. What about that? It seems contradictory. Satan is not the devil in the Tarot, but its ok to call Him that elsewhere? 

Hail Satan!
Everyone would, when hearing that 'Satan is the dhark lord.' Yeah, he is the Lord (of the Earth), the rightful one.

That's the basic point - we do not assume that someone is an infiltrator because someone DOES NOT KNOW. Xians say to err is human, to forgive, divine. BULLSHIT. To err is Human, to LEARN, divine. True Satanists are people of good will :p Which is what I assumed about you as well, Zola.

Yes, definitely. Kikes are invasive with their programs (in my recording / sermon for my kinsmen I mention that atheists who don't believe AND do not question the their beliefs remain programmed).  

Hey, I was raised in a xian family as well, but I like looking deeper and digging into the core of an issue. The very reason why I found Father and can see the lies interwoven in some aspects of life. In my case, language - this fragment from the bible edition was a BLATANT one (funny thing, I also found similar reference to Pagan worship in the bible editions in my native language). There is much a translator can do to reveal or distort the perception of the reader if he / she does not know the foreign language.

In the case of Tarot.... it's about what the card means, and the awareness WHO calls our True God evil. We can all see what you mean. This is one of MANY aspects kikes have been shitting on for ages - to distort the truth beyond the possibility of restoration.

Zola I believe she specifically meant THAT card. As in, that card is not Satan. But that term is apparently alright to use (I was under the same impression as you)
The evil Christian concept of the devil, is not the devil. Yet both are things and can be, without explanation, interchangeably refferred too. And if you factor in time, and other logic you see different relevant solutions.
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On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 4:51 AM, black.wyrm666@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Everyone would, when hearing that 'Satan is the dhark lord.' Yeah, he is the Lord (of the Earth), the rightful one.

That's the basic point - we do not assume that someone is an infiltrator because someone DOES NOT KNOW. Xians say to err is human, to forgive, divine. BULLSHIT. To err is Human, to LEARN, divine. True Satanists are people of good will :p Which is what I assumed about you as well, Zola.

Yes, definitely. Kikes are invasive with their programs (in my recording / sermon for my kinsmen I mention that atheists who don't believe AND do not question the their beliefs remain programmed).  

Hey, I was raised in a xian family as well, but I like looking deeper and digging into the core of an issue. The very reason why I found Father and can see the lies interwoven in some aspects of life. In my case, language - this fragment from the bible edition was a BLATANT one (funny thing, I also found similar reference to Pagan worship in the bible editions in my native language). There is much a translator can do to reveal or distort the perception of the reader if he / she does not know the foreign language.

In the case of Tarot.... it's about what the card means, and the awareness WHO calls our True God evil. We can all see what you mean. This is one of MANY aspects kikes have been shitting on for ages - to distort the truth beyond the possibility of restoration.

Allright well, thanks all of you; Black wyrm, Talon, Olympic....for taking the time to help me learn better :p

I just get really hot if I think Satan is getting denigrated. Makes me go off.

Hail Satan!
Hail Andras!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
