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Jan 17, 2024
Hello brothers and sisters.
Just another moment of your time please.
Hypothetically speaking there is this horrible person at my job that has been causing alot of grief for me and due to their position i cannot do anything.
I like to keep my complaints to a minimal but at this point idc
How can I beckon Marquis Andras to destroy their mind, body and soul?
And what can i give Andras in return?
I don't really do curses or baneful magick against other human beings but im thinking of making an exception.

Thank you.
Ave Satanas.
Ave Andras.
How can I beckon Marquis Andras to destroy their mind, body and soul?
And what can i give Andras in return?
This has been fully explained in this page.

Also, there are workings you can use that don't depend on the Gods (and which we prefer, since part of Satanism is learning to be independent and using our own magickal powers). There is a good black magickal rune working posted by AFODO before:

This article is a kind of a translation from a Hungarian SS.
Maybe there is, but I can't realy find a Black magic work that uses the Hagal rune, in english, so just in case I'll share this, so someone who wants to destroy, this article becomes handy.

This work do not necessarily includes the help of the gods, and not uses any physical object.


I don't like to call it Black magic, but rether destroyer magic.
It is because the reality is way more complex than just call magic black or white, there are a lot of shade between them.
Also black does not necessarily relate to death or destruction.

The christian mind programing did a great job to scare away people from protecting or standing up for yourself.
You have to understand that you have to destroy in order to build. You should keep the balance between destroying and building.

In everyone's lives there are people who shouldn't be there or people that blocks you from advancing. There is no excuse to not to kill them as they are blocking you, or makes your life worse.
The Hagal rune is the only rune with destructive energy, and it is destroying relentlessly.

practical basis:

Spiritual advancement:
You have to be more advanced than the delinquent.
If you are not, than this destructive energy may come back to you and destroy you instead.
You have to have a strong aura and opened chakras.
If your delinquent is not practicing anything related to spirituality then you don't have to worry much about this.

Just as when you use healing magic, you should not connect your soul and energy with the delinquent.

There are times when the planets amplifies these destructive energies so every BM workings.
You should never do any magic when it is void of curse moon:

Everytime you do BM you should deep clean yourelf and if you did the magic where you live, you should clean that area too.
Clean every chakras with SURYA and affirm that your soul is clean.
Deep cleaning:
Cleaning the area:

Because of this, it is recommended to do the BM outside, or anywhere where you don't live.
For exemple beside the cemetery. There is no need to clean the area there, but always clean yourself.

The actual work:

Step one:
Rise your energy.
You can do this by doing any power meditation or any of the 8 fold path.
You can also vibrate SATANAS or do the RAUM meditation.

Black aura
You should cover the delinquent with black aura, it will prepare him/her to take in the destructive energy.
Simply visualize him/her with a black aura.

Visualize a gray orb with the Hagal rune in it
Vibrate Hagal into that orb 9 times or the multiple of 9.
Visualize that the Hagal rune radiate intense grey energy into the orb ((it is already in the orb))

Affirm 9 times:
The power of the Hagal Rune works continuously for the immediate death of (target person's name).

Move the orb inside the person
Move the orb inside the delinquent trough his/her 3th eye. If you know about his/her weekness or that he/she have a disease, move the orb there.

Visualize the delinquent as he/she dies and his/her lifeless body.

Clean yourslef

As it has been said, clean yourself and the area if it's needed.
Do not think about this after.

Do this 40days long, or as long as he/she is not dead.

~I hope this article was not so useless and somebody will benefit from it~


https://helvegen666.wordpress.com/fekete-magia/ [HUN]
Do a power ritual to him and ask nicely for him to destroy your enemy. Be totally sure your not asking a God to destroy someone for petty reasons, you wouldn’t want to embarrass yourself.

If you do have to take matters into your own hands I wouldn’t recommend actually trying black magic if you’re not totally confident in what your doing, try binding the individual instead, unless this person has done horrible things to you that would be much more appropriate for a workplace dispute.
Invocation of the Deities would give you enough power and you can destroy them yourselves. Invocation is an important step in Spirtual Satanism. Draw their sigil and imagine the energy coming from them being you flesh and bone, it is turning your bloods in your veins. You are turning the Gods themselves. When you feel the energy try to reach out the Gods and want their help. They will be there. For offering you can do RTR and some rituals for sending energy to them. Stay with Satan my friend, with love...
Do a power ritual to him and ask nicely for him to destroy your enemy. Be totally sure your not asking a God to destroy someone for petty reasons, you wouldn’t want to embarrass yourself.

If you do have to take matters into your own hands I wouldn’t recommend actually trying black magic if you’re not totally confident in what your doing, try binding the individual instead, unless this person has done horrible things to you that would be much more appropriate for a workplace dispute.
You are right.
I was speaking from a place of emotion rather than logic.
Binding would be more logical.
I needed time to calm down.
I'm not an evil bastard I was just upset for a bit.
I been doing Andras rituals for a bit knowing this was his area of expertise and it came to mind.
Lord Andras is a god I been wanting to form a solid relationship with.
I never intended to use him as a "tool" for twisted personal vengeance.
It is about the relationship at the end of the day.
Honestly the gods are more important than some disrespectful individual at some job.

I ain't gonna trash that.

Thank you.

Ave Satanas
Ave Andras
Ave Astarte
Hello brothers and sisters.
Just another moment of your time please.
Hypothetically speaking there is this horrible person at my job that has been causing alot of grief for me and due to their position i cannot do anything.
I like to keep my complaints to a minimal but at this point idc
How can I beckon Marquis Andras to destroy their mind, body and soul?
And what can i give Andras in return?
I don't really do curses or baneful magick against other human beings but im thinking of making an exception.

Thank you.
Ave Satanas.
Ave Andras.
Avoiding all topics related to the justification of using black magic on random people you don’t like, and the moral side of these issues. I mean that you are determined to do this and are aware that black magic can indeed cause serious harm.

- You need to choose the right time to work, Saturday is the hour of Saturn when the Moon passes through the signs of Scorpio or Capricorn. According to my observations, the Moon in Aries and Pisces can also be used to inflict certain types of curses.
- In case you are going to call upon the energies of Lord Andras to help you, the use of the Moon in Scorpio and Aries will be a priority for the timing of the ritual, since its energies are associated with Mars. Also be sure to ask your Guardian to help and guide you.
- Create a suitable ritual atmosphere (this is not mandatory, but will be a good help for self-tuning). Use red and black candles, raise the energies very high and do everything that is written in the black magic section regarding destruction and curses.
- If it is very difficult for you to keep in your head the image of a person (his soul) to direct curses, you can also make a voodoo doll using some personal items as described on the site. A partial solution would also be to print the photo for better focusing.
- Use your athame, if you have one, to channel your own anger energies.

After such work, it is especially important, in addition to cleansing yourself, to also cleanse the room in which you worked from all low-frequency energies that could be raised by your ritual.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
