Iamhindu said:
Can anyone help me?
I medidate for long hours and regularly after some hours have passed, lo and behold! I see Satan materialising in front of me.
He tells me I need to sacrifice my eye to save everyone on earth. He also said that the Apocalypse is nearing and I need to intimate others who think like me.
Should I obey him the next time?
No, Satan did not materialise before you nor did He tell you to do that. If you were able to see Satan, then you would be advanced enough to not be stupid with questions like this - and don't bother crying that I am being too harsh. The only apocalypse which is to happen is that of the jew, and you cannot save everyone on Earth yourself. You might be a dirty jewkike, but you are not any type of "messiah" in the slightest. This is called the Joy of Satan. How is torturing yourself, because "Satan" told you to be stupid and "sacrifice" one of your eyes, being joyful? How will murdering jewsus save everyone from "their" "sins"? Either fuck off, or use your brain. I know others will reply and I can't speak for them but I will tell you to visit these sites and go through them properly, and don't bother asking anymore questions like this until you have gone through these sites properly -
In the slim chance that you are not a jew but are just a shit troll, then why waste your time and life? If you think this is fun, then you must be incredibly sad and not have a life. Maybe you should go to the next nearest My Little Brony convention and pretend to feel wuvved by furry animals who will clop you to orgasm with your...if you can call them muh emoshuns which are lacking, instead of having a real, actual life.