Sundara said:
Lydia said:
I haven't had the chance to study them thoroughly enough, but I have noticed that they do play a role in the few charts I've examined for this purpose.
And by "study", I don't mean just reading jew-authored books and articles on them, I mean actually studying charts of people I know IRL or notable people in history and seeing the differences they can make and coming to actual conclusions
If someone else adds input I'd be interested to read it.
Awh man - I replied to this a while back, not sure what happened. I’ve studied Virgo Decans. I suddenly found myself in a large group of virgos for a while and we all exchanged astrology information. I’ve also taken note on other virgos throughout my life, I wanted to know more about it because most astrology descriptions don’t really capture all of the magic of virgos. I found that first Decan virgos have a heavier set body in some way with higher tendencies toward disgusting habits, less refinery, but more style and flair. Louder in the personality, more proud. Compared to other virgos. Second decans I have noticed have more “pure Virgo traits” I don’t know many in the third decan but the ones I do know are “sweeter” and feel weaker to me in some way, . It isn’t much and that probably is already known information but it is something I’ve found without books. Second decan virgos have more of that “less touchy feely/don’t hug me/I won’t fall in love with you” thing going on - the first and third decans seem to move more freely between relationships and they have more of a variety in sex partners. This can also really vary with other aspects. A lot of the second decan virgos I know, they have a Venus in Virgo as well.
The 2nd decan of Virgo being Saturn and Capricorn is Cardinal, which is interesting. It makes sense they are more inclined to only one-person kind of a thing. The 1st decan of Virgo is Mercurial which is the prime Mutable spot there, and the late decan puts it near Libra which is concerned with relationships. Also makes sense that those 2 sections lead to that behaviour different from the middle section.
That thing you said about the 1st decans having more flair likely relates to the closeness to Leo, but also the 'purity' value. Earth is an element associated with clothing, sensual things, rooted and inherent expression instead of particularly dastardly expression, which is Fire. I would guess the late decan Virgos are the most concerned with relationships and also the more shy, understated types, not as self absorbed.
*draws breath*
The decans relate to the number 3 and the Sun which rules the third chakra of light. The 3 qualities reflect in the 3 lots of decans in each sign, and also that there is 3 signs of each element in the same way. Note that trines only occur between planets in signs within the same element, the trine degree is 120'. 1+2= 3 and also 30x4 (4 elements) is 120' too.
-dec 's meaning is 10 which is why we call them
decans as they are the 10 degree segments of each sign making up the 30 degrees of all 12 which equates to the 360 degrees of the entire measurement. 360 in my eyes = 666 and also when we times 120 by 3 we get:
120= 3
I remember reading something from Tesla on some dumb jewbook post with a quote of his, saying that 3, 6 and 9 were the key to understanding the universe, and I think on the astrological lines this is what he meant by this. The 3 qualities and all. The decans are definitely tied in with this as well as there are 3 to each sign and they only work through their own elements which I established above there are only 3 signs to an element, which is the pattern all the decans have to follow. You won't have the 2nd decan of Virgo ruled by Jupiter or something because it doesn't channel through into Jupiter that way, it only goes through it's own element, which means Saturn, and the third decan of Virgo is Venus, the 3rd Earth pattern in Virgo. Capricorn and Taurus also have their inlaid decan pattern of 3, of their own Earth element. I believe one can observe the differences of the 3 earth qualities in material reality itself through architecture and so on which is where Tesla might of observed this. This is what 3D/3-dimensional is probably, as well.
3 6 and 9 add up to 18 (a Satanic number connected to 6+6+6 and 360 like before) which as 1+8 then breaks back down to 9 again, but also implies infinity from the -8. The Earth sign's numbers (2, 6 and 10) also all add up to 18. These patterns are a finality, and a key to understanding our current physical state. The other elements like Water and Air imply a flow, but Earth signs might actually be a good anchor to think on decans, as the Cardinal Earth sign Capricorn is connected to them from the number 10 and also from this point of studying them from a material standpoint rather than a sensational one. I notice 10 is also the 3rd out of 3, 6 and 10 XDD. It's all here. Perhaps Saturn's mythos and 'isms are a good way in to studying the decans and their 10 degree allotments.