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Dealing with NPCs - Principles to keep in mind


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2018
It is inevitable that we have to deal with NPCs in our lives. It is impossible for us to live in our lives alone, unless if you have certain astrological inklings but that's besides the point.

May it be for work ,for Intimacy ,being forced to hang around them ,maybe get some technical or practical knowledge about something that you don't know but they do, whatever it is you have to deal with NPCs. In order to make sure you do not suffer unnecessary mental anguish I'll be providing you with some principles to keep in mind.

But before that I want to make sure you understand what I mean by NPCs - I'm talking about literal NPCs. Not everyone who isn't an SS is an NPC. There are a lot of people who are just not all the way there but they are partially some way there. By NPC I mean who completely believes in the government narrative totally without question, who believes in all of the cultural brainwashing that is foisted upon us from when we are born.

There are in the Slave Mind. They do not question. They do not have self belief. They do not have self preservation instincts. They do not have Conscious Autonomy. Their consciousness is hijacked by the Slave Mind created by the Global Elite the majority of whom are Racial Jews. They will jump when the jews say to jump. They will wear the mask when the government tells them to. They will take the vaccines without question .They will have promiscuous childless sex when the government tells them to. They will stop having sex when the government tells them to. They will hate each other if the government tells them to. They will convert their kids into crossdressing trannies to virtue signal.

They are the Andrapoda. They are part of the problem.

So let's go on to our principles -

1) Do not view them as real people ,don't attach your personal self in interactions with them

We get hurt emotionally and Psychologically when we attach our ego or our personal self in the interactions. When we mentally accept the premise that the other person is a real individual, we subconsciously view on a human level that his views must have atleast some bearing to us.

This is primitive evolutionary wiring which you Consciously have to break out of. Yes ,maybe if you were living in a village of 50 people thousands of years ago it would have mattered.

But now we are in a population of millions and now you have the opportunity to save your mental self from worthless views and thoughts of worthless individuals.

  • Their Views don't matter.
  • Their Opinions don't matter.
  • What they say don't matter.
  • What they feel and experience don't matter.

They are empty husks bereft of consciousness which is a carrier of the Slave mind programming.

Do not view them as actual individuals. Instead view them as carriers
. Most of them are useless but some have some practical or technical knowledge that you might want to learn something or sometimes you want to just get your dick wet. Whatever it is ,remember that they aren't actually there and so what comes out of their mouths do not matter. They are either "profitable resources " or " worthless trash."

2)Blood and Honor doesn't apply to interactions with NPC's
As Strong Souls and old souls who have transmigrated for hundreds and sometimes thousands of years ,we have developed a sense of virtue. A sense of Identity. A sense of Honor that is owed to our brethren in our community.

A bond shared by Common cultural heritage and blood. You don't want to lie ,cheat or hurt the people who look the same as you. Or even people in general.

However you need to let go of this concept of Blood and Honor in relation to NPCs. You have now free reign to do whatever you want with them which is within your personal moral compass. You owe nothing to them. Some of them can be exploited in a (non - Jewish) way to make yourself rise higher in the socio - economic ladder. You shouldn't feel a single bit remorse if you ghost that Feminist or promiscuous woman after you get tired of her poom poom (always keep receipts - text messages, phone convos.) I wouldn't personally bother with that but that's within your personal moral beliefs. You shouldn't feel a single bit remorse for any of them. Or care about their worthless lives or thinking about healing them in any way or trying to fix them. Unless if helping them would profit you in any way.

3) Use Persuasion tactics, never relate to them on a personal level

Never show any kind of opening or vulnerability to an NPC. They will exploit it whenever they get the chance because they are worthless trash with low moral character.

And so if you have to make them do something or if you have to relate to then always rely on Persuasion tactics and never on any kind of real human interaction which is reserved for people actually close to you.

If you have to show vulnerability as a tactic to get them to confide in you ,do that but never reveal any kind of actual information that is true. Always use fake stories that can never be disproved or proved. They don't deserve the respect of having an honest conversation with. I personally never lie,cheat or do anything deceitful because my persuasion skills with NPCs are always on point.

The point being never relate to these contemptible creatures on a personal level ,building on point 1. If you do ,it is only you that loses in the end when they backstab you.

Always be on guard. Listen closely to the words they speak and of they're trying to take advantage of you. The NPCs have no moral compass. They'll try to fuck you over if they feel like it. Around NPCs never relax.

Be safe out there with these creatures ,friend. It's pretty rough out here.
I do understand your point, but as SS we should always have a look out for potential people that need a push to the right path.

I have personally tried to redpill a former classmate on christardism but it didn't work. I tried to reason to him that heway didn't appear to our ancestors and thus not the true god, but he reasoned with that because it has a non-interference policy. I then replied that he freed the jews from the Egyptians, then he reasoned that something-from-the-bible reasoning.

I gave up and just ignored him.

Potential SS are so rare that it saddens me.
Fanboy said:
Jack said:
It is inevitable that we have to deal with NPCs in our lives. It is impossible for us to live in our lives alone, unless if you have certain astrological inklings but that's besides the point.

May it be for work ,for Intimacy ,being forced to hang around them ,maybe get some technical or practical knowledge about something that you don't know but they do, whatever it is you have to deal with NPCs. In order to make sure you do not suffer unnecessary mental anguish I'll be providing you with some principles to keep in mind.

But before that I want to make sure you understand what I mean by NPCs - I'm talking about literal NPCs. Not everyone who isn't an SS is an NPC. There are a lot of people who are just not all the way there but they are partially some way there. By NPC I mean who completely believes in the government narrative totally without question, who believes in all of the cultural brainwashing that is foisted upon us from when we are born.

There are in the Slave Mind. They do not question. They do not have self belief. They do not have self preservation instincts. They do not have Conscious Autonomy. Their consciousness is hijacked by the Slave Mind created by the Global Elite the majority of whom are Racial Jews. They will jump when the jews say to jump. They will wear the mask when the government tells them to. They will take the vaccines without question .They will have promiscuous childless sex when the government tells them to. They will stop having sex when the government tells them to. They will hate each other if the government tells them to. They will convert their kids into crossdressing trannies to virtue signal.

They are the Andrapoda. They are part of the problem.

So let's go on to our principles -

1) Do not view them as real people ,don't attach your personal self in interactions with them

We get hurt emotionally and Psychologically when we attach our ego or our personal self in the interactions. When we mentally accept the premise that the other person is a real individual, we subconsciously view on a human level that his views must have atleast some bearing to us.

This is primitive evolutionary wiring which you Consciously have to break out of. Yes ,maybe if you were living in a village of 50 people thousands of years ago it would have mattered.

But now we are in a population of millions and now you have the opportunity to save your mental self from worthless views and thoughts of worthless individuals.

  • Their Views don't matter.
  • Their Opinions don't matter.
  • What they say don't matter.
  • What they feel and experience don't matter.

They are empty husks bereft of consciousness which is a carrier of the Slave mind programming.

Do not view them as actual individuals. Instead view them as carriers
. Most of them are useless but some have some practical or technical knowledge that you might want to learn something or sometimes you want to just get your dick wet. Whatever it is ,remember that they aren't actually there and so what comes out of their mouths do not matter. They are either "profitable resources " or " worthless trash."

2)Blood and Honor doesn't apply to interactions with NPC's
As Strong Souls and old souls who have transmigrated for hundreds and sometimes thousands of years ,we have developed a sense of virtue. A sense of Identity. A sense of Honor that is owed to our brethren in our community.

A bond shared by Common cultural heritage and blood. You don't want to lie ,cheat or hurt the people who look the same as you. Or even people in general.

However you need to let go of this concept of Blood and Honor in relation to NPCs. You have now free reign to do whatever you want with them which is within your personal moral compass. You owe nothing to them. Some of them can be exploited in a (non - Jewish) way to make yourself rise higher in the socio - economic ladder. You shouldn't feel a single bit remorse if you ghost that Feminist or promiscuous woman after you get tired of her poom poom (always keep receipts - text messages, phone convos.) I wouldn't personally bother with that but that's within your personal moral beliefs. You shouldn't feel a single bit remorse for any of them. Or care about their worthless lives or thinking about healing them in any way or trying to fix them. Unless if helping them would profit you in any way.

3) Use Persuasion tactics, never relate to them on a personal level

Never show any kind of opening or vulnerability to an NPC. They will exploit it whenever they get the chance because they are worthless trash with low moral character.

And so if you have to make them do something or if you have to relate to then always rely on Persuasion tactics and never on any kind of real human interaction which is reserved for people actually close to you.

If you have to show vulnerability as a tactic to get them to confide in you ,do that but never reveal any kind of actual information that is true. Always use fake stories that can never be disproved or proved. They don't deserve the respect of having an honest conversation with. I personally never lie,cheat or do anything deceitful because my persuasion skills with NPCs are always on point.

The point being never relate to these contemptible creatures on a personal level ,building on point 1. If you do ,it is only you that loses in the end when they backstab you.

Always be on guard. Listen closely to the words they speak and of they're trying to take advantage of you. The NPCs have no moral compass. They'll try to fuck you over if they feel like it. Around NPCs never relax.

Be safe out there with these creatures ,friend. It's pretty rough out here.

Have you ever considered that the reason you are so angry with the world is because you have unresolved feelings inside?

Instead of feeling like everyone around you is worthless trash all the time, have you thought about finding someone to talk to about all this?

I used to be really angry at everyone all the time, and I started seeing a therapist, we would meet at the park and just talk about things.

A strange thing occurs when you keep your feelings all bottled up inside. Like they are suffocating and they rule everything. But the moment you let go and speak them out into the world. It's like all the sudden they aren't so powerful anymore. You can just speak them out into the world and they're gone. You can just let go and relax and be happy.

Alot of the things you are bringing up here seem to be focused mainly around sex. And I don't mean to be rude but it seems like your view on sex and intimacy is preventing you from feeling truly loved.

It seems like from what youre saying here, that you have been missing out on the comfort and the peace and the honest love connection that would come from intimacy. and you DO have the right to be upset.

This NPC acronym you are talking about is a video game terminology that doesn't really translate into actual real life very well. People aren't npcs, everyone has feelings, everyone has thoughts and yes sometimes it feels like everyone is totally fake and phony, but it seems like you feel that the only way to respond to that is to put up a wall.

It is said that everyone has a sweet facade that they have to put on to face each day. That everyone pretends to be much more agreeable and friendly than they really are. And every single one of us has a hidden, true self that comes out whenever it has the chance.

This doesn't mean they are mindless to the full extent of the word. And I would imagine if any of your friends heard you talking about them like this they would probably be very hurt. Your family would be heartbroken to hear some of these things, I'm sure they still love you despite whatever the relationship might look like, and I believe you would agree.

If I might offer you some advice, it think you should be more kind to yourself and let go of some of these unreasonably high expectations for perfection. You can't go through life constantly on guard, you have to learn to stop taking everything so seriously, not everything demands the life and death kind of attention that ends up being given.

There are more beautiful things in life to focus on and enjoy, you should think about what makes you truly happy, where your passion is. And figure out a plan to help get you to where you can enjoy yourself more.

I'm going to be brutally honest with you, some of these things you wrote here are very scary, and are really concerning. And i hate to see you so upset with the day to day. A warrior needs balance first and foremost. There is nothing that gets a warrior killed faster than pure rage. You need to find peace and serenity during this trying time in your life.

Give yourself the opportunity to be happy. Everything is going to be okay
You need to be upset. You need to be worried. That is what makes one stay on edge of his game and constantly strive to rise higher. When you realize that you're whatever age and you're not rich yet ,you're not successful ,you're not outside of the system yet ,you have to be in a constant state of unrest until you reach that stage.

Im talking to SS here, not commoners who do not strive for perfection and are content being a slave to the system and at the behest of it. Not only are these expectations needed ,they need to be exceptional expectations so that everyone can make strides towards it. Everyone can be average but if it is so that SS are exceptional , then they need to demonstrate it.

I am not angry and im not in any kind of unrest. I take my mental health very seriously and i don't entertain negative emotions and i have mastered a high degree of emotional mastery. The reason why you went to a therapist is because you are not secure within your own self and need self assurance from others to feel acknowledgement. This is a sign of low moral character and a lack of a strong identity. This has nothing to do with emotions. Its your inability to regulate your own ego and the inability to experience reality through your own self. You have to do it through the acknowledgement from others which makes it feel "you're really there." This is the common human weakness but with specific Yogic practices one can supersede the human condition in not needing this human acknowledgement that you're talking about.

You're reality and experience of the world is different to my reality and experience. I have my close friends and my girlfriend who i talk to about close topics very personal to me everyday. I don't have anything bottled up. Your problem is that because you believe to be inferior in some category or had subconscious limiting beliefs that you need the acknowledgement of other humans to feel better about yourself.

I have never felt like this in my entire life. I don't have self doubt or self hating tendencies that i need reinforcement from others. You automatically project that because you have weak moral character that others must also have weak moral character to have a different worldview than you.

You have an issue with your Gender than you believe that you're another Gender. You have no bearing on reality itself to be giving anyone advice. You are not even secure within yourself to accept your Natural State of being. Ofcourse you can't comprehend anything im saying. Other SS have the same idea about the NPCs in their lives. The reason why you can't relate is because you're at the same level of the people im talking about and you feel attacked.

You need to come to terms with your mental disorder or transgendersim before you give any kind of advice to other people.
Jack said:

The andrapoda will never accept any help, unless it's absolutely clear that you are above them in the hierarchy. If the hierarchy is still contested, truth and logic don't matter.

Even if you are above them and they listen to you, only a quarter will understand and only a tenth of that will put it into practice.

It looks like the same shit goes on in this forum. People just won't listen unless you are above them. I already have to deal with power play most of the time during the day and now on this forum as well? Fuck this.
This is exactly my point of view.

In the military you have allies civilians and enemy combatants. Keep this mindset when with your enemy. In a war you don't fuck around and be friendly to enemy combatants. You may pretend but make it useful.

Remember your enemy are "Disposable humans" and "Cattle" they have no worth or purpose. You know what this implies in some ways even if I can't say all of it here use your imagination.

Good luck
Fanboy said:
Maybe you guys are just as valid in being insane catholics as I am in being disgusted by your philosophy. Even if you copied my exact thoughts and were basically a clone of me I would actually hate you even more. Maybe it is my nature to be an argumentative clown...?im probably wasting my life caring about what humans do, if I actually manage to succeed I'll end up going somewhere else anyways. Perhaps I should make peace with the idea that humanity has nothing to offer me and only serves to drag me down. I guess that's what it means to become a demon, maybe these ideas is what it really means to be a Satanist? Dross corruptions curses and enemies are taking a toll on me, much confusion
It is actually the other way around. You have nothing to offer for Humanity as you are not only outsider to SS, but also to Humanity.
Fanboy said:
slyscorpion said:
This is exactly my point of view.

In the military you have allies civilians and enemy combatants. Keep this mindset when with your enemy. In a war you don't fuck around and be friendly to enemy combatants. You may pretend but make it useful.

Remember your enemy are "Disposable humans" and "Cattle" they have no worth or purpose. You know what this implies in some ways even if I can't say all of it here use your imagination.

Good luck

Do you not know that in Ancient times men would do battle and then invade the losing kingdom to take women, and servants making them citizens of their home country?

It is our nature to expand and build. This creates a scarcity and competition for resources. war is an inevitable and fundamental aspect of human life. To treat your enemies without dignity and respect is to have no humanity.

Without love and honor and beauty we have no redeeming qualities as a race and you prove that everything our enemies say about us is correct.

No living creature is disposable. No cattle is to be mistreated. In fact the very idea of calling an animal cattle is absurd in the first place. Humans are way easier to keep obedient and submissive in a cage than a raging bull or a vicious hog or a crazy ass rooster. Only difference is that those animals won't fight tooth and nail to stay in the cage, if they ever have the chance they never stop running.

A human being can easily be mentally and spiritually enslaved into worshipping their lords or masters or whatever you want to call them. serfdom and slavery exists only in the human world, not the animal world.

All life has worth and purpose, and no creature deserves to be cattle. All animals deserve to be free in their natural habitat, and when humans need them we must go hunting.

Because of the human desire for comfort and convenience we have watched as each and every job that requires the strength, intelligence and toughness of men such as hunting, herding, Driving, Protecting, wrangling, And humanely killing cattle, Has been made obsolete by modern industrial farming practices that violate every natural liberty and dignity that an animal should have.

Also men are not needed as guides, navigators, guards, mercenaries, map makers, land surveyors, or adventurers of any kind. With the safety and ease of modern weapons and technology, there is next to no reason for men to really exist besides maybe construction and mating. Robotics and medicine are eventually going to take these things from us aswell.

And we did it to ourselves. Now we are the disposable cattle and our enemies have come to milk us. Only, A cow will take her milking with dignity but humans just fall lower and become more and more vile each day. We are already indistinguishable from the jew.

We are at a critical moment where we either fall below or rise above the enemy. It is said that in fighting monsters one must take great care not to become one himself. Enemy is just a word that can be slapped onto anything, my buttcrack itches it is my enemy right now! But evil is an actual thing in this universe. Out of life and necessity we make enemies, but from the forces of death we suffer evil.

For this you need to honor and respect your enemies and give them a good death with dignity. Then again all the brainless Christians really want is to be saved. They are terrified of death and obsess over comfort and kindness. Our human enemies may be weak and cowardly, but with training one can be strong and brave. through compassion can one learn love. But Only through humiliation can one learn humility, and the value of Honor.

Maybe the Greeks and Roman's and Egyptians deserved to die for our barbarian ways. Perhaps our gods didn't protect our way of life because it was bloody and sad and we justified it with ideas like honor and duty. I've felt for a long time that I was just stuck in the past, like a mouse hiding in the walls of an old abandoned house just waiting to be demolished.

Maybe we have no real duty and our only worth is what we are worth to eachother, no purpose but the one we make for ourselves. Maybe there is no grand idea of honor and glory and justice, perhaps these things are as simply as imaginary as a dream of soaring through the air, or having a home, or a family who loves you, or real friends.

Maybe this world is a shithole and humanity is just a most regrettable waste of time. maybe anyone who stands against me is simply a disposable slave to be milked dry and then crushed under my boot once they're no longer of any use.

Sometimes I feel like a blind pot calling every kettle black. I can't really tell one way or another if everyone actually believes their own brainwashing or if it is genuine heartfelt feelings. Like we look at someone who doesn't make the same choices as we do, and we think "this person isn't free!".
Because someone makes a choice that we don't understand, we feel as if they are missing out on the fundamental human experience and they need us to liberate them.

Maybe you guys are just as valid in being insane catholics as I am in being disgusted by your philosophy. Even if you copied my exact thoughts and were basically a clone of me I would actually hate you even more. Maybe it is my nature to be an argumentative clown...?im probably wasting my life caring about what humans do, if I actually manage to succeed I'll end up going somewhere else anyways. Perhaps I should make peace with the idea that humanity has nothing to offer me and only serves to drag me down. I guess that's what it means to become a demon, maybe these ideas is what it really means to be a Satanist? Dross corruptions curses and enemies are taking a toll on me, much confusion

I am just saying this about true enemies calling it like it is. I know the Gods really could care less what you do to or with those people as long as you don't do something dumb that lands you in jail that's all I am trying to say. In fact your spitting out their ideas. I told you this in another thread you did the same thing.

This is what an enemy person would say.
slyscorpion said:
Fanboy said:
slyscorpion said:
This is exactly my point of view.

In the military you have allies civilians and enemy combatants. Keep this mindset when with your enemy. In a war you don't fuck around and be friendly to enemy combatants. You may pretend but make it useful.

Remember your enemy are "Disposable humans" and "Cattle" they have no worth or purpose. You know what this implies in some ways even if I can't say all of it here use your imagination.

Good luck

Do you not know that in Ancient times men would do battle and then invade the losing kingdom to take women, and servants making them citizens of their home country?

It is our nature to expand and build. This creates a scarcity and competition for resources. war is an inevitable and fundamental aspect of human life. To treat your enemies without dignity and respect is to have no humanity.

Without love and honor and beauty we have no redeeming qualities as a race and you prove that everything our enemies say about us is correct.

No living creature is disposable. No cattle is to be mistreated. In fact the very idea of calling an animal cattle is absurd in the first place. Humans are way easier to keep obedient and submissive in a cage than a raging bull or a vicious hog or a crazy ass rooster. Only difference is that those animals won't fight tooth and nail to stay in the cage, if they ever have the chance they never stop running.

A human being can easily be mentally and spiritually enslaved into worshipping their lords or masters or whatever you want to call them. serfdom and slavery exists only in the human world, not the animal world.

All life has worth and purpose, and no creature deserves to be cattle. All animals deserve to be free in their natural habitat, and when humans need them we must go hunting.

Because of the human desire for comfort and convenience we have watched as each and every job that requires the strength, intelligence and toughness of men such as hunting, herding, Driving, Protecting, wrangling, And humanely killing cattle, Has been made obsolete by modern industrial farming practices that violate every natural liberty and dignity that an animal should have.

Also men are not needed as guides, navigators, guards, mercenaries, map makers, land surveyors, or adventurers of any kind. With the safety and ease of modern weapons and technology, there is next to no reason for men to really exist besides maybe construction and mating. Robotics and medicine are eventually going to take these things from us aswell.

And we did it to ourselves. Now we are the disposable cattle and our enemies have come to milk us. Only, A cow will take her milking with dignity but humans just fall lower and become more and more vile each day. We are already indistinguishable from the jew.

We are at a critical moment where we either fall below or rise above the enemy. It is said that in fighting monsters one must take great care not to become one himself. Enemy is just a word that can be slapped onto anything, my buttcrack itches it is my enemy right now! But evil is an actual thing in this universe. Out of life and necessity we make enemies, but from the forces of death we suffer evil.

For this you need to honor and respect your enemies and give them a good death with dignity. Then again all the brainless Christians really want is to be saved. They are terrified of death and obsess over comfort and kindness. Our human enemies may be weak and cowardly, but with training one can be strong and brave. through compassion can one learn love. But Only through humiliation can one learn humility, and the value of Honor.

Maybe the Greeks and Roman's and Egyptians deserved to die for our barbarian ways. Perhaps our gods didn't protect our way of life because it was bloody and sad and we justified it with ideas like honor and duty. I've felt for a long time that I was just stuck in the past, like a mouse hiding in the walls of an old abandoned house just waiting to be demolished.

Maybe we have no real duty and our only worth is what we are worth to eachother, no purpose but the one we make for ourselves. Maybe there is no grand idea of honor and glory and justice, perhaps these things are as simply as imaginary as a dream of soaring through the air, or having a home, or a family who loves you, or real friends.

Maybe this world is a shithole and humanity is just a most regrettable waste of time. maybe anyone who stands against me is simply a disposable slave to be milked dry and then crushed under my boot once they're no longer of any use.

Sometimes I feel like a blind pot calling every kettle black. I can't really tell one way or another if everyone actually believes their own brainwashing or if it is genuine heartfelt feelings. Like we look at someone who doesn't make the same choices as we do, and we think "this person isn't free!".
Because someone makes a choice that we don't understand, we feel as if they are missing out on the fundamental human experience and they need us to liberate them.

Maybe you guys are just as valid in being insane catholics as I am in being disgusted by your philosophy. Even if you copied my exact thoughts and were basically a clone of me I would actually hate you even more. Maybe it is my nature to be an argumentative clown...?im probably wasting my life caring about what humans do, if I actually manage to succeed I'll end up going somewhere else anyways. Perhaps I should make peace with the idea that humanity has nothing to offer me and only serves to drag me down. I guess that's what it means to become a demon, maybe these ideas is what it really means to be a Satanist? Dross corruptions curses and enemies are taking a toll on me, much confusion

I am just saying this about true enemies calling it like it is. I know the Gods really could care less what you do to or with those people as long as you don't do something dumb that lands you in jail that's all I am trying to say. In fact your spitting out their ideas. I told you this in another thread you did the same thing.

This is what an enemy person would say.

So far as cattle (goyim) the enemy calls people that true and disposable human beings. They came up with that. However fact is some choose to become that and actively serve the enemy. I am pointing that out it's not an honorable thing to become. You can call them out for being that like I did.
Some of us here can manage going about something like that but this point of view can be brought in the wrong way by mentally immature newbies. Not all are like this but we've seen those that are. I understand what you mean but I can't shake the thought of how this view can be used wrongly by people who want to destroy the life of idk lets say a woman just because she is a "disposable human" as we saw someone post about a situation like this recently. Just used a different phrase which was "brainless bimbos".

I'm not trying to attack your idea since I undertand and also agree to an extent. Just noticed a fault in there that I wanted to point out.

What should we do about these people? These people could be lying about their spiritual power but what if it's true that power (at least the power that is attained by oneself before the Gods deem one worthy of Their wisdom and information) doesn't bring in wisdom as it's been shown here by people bragging about how spiritually strong they are but act and write in such an immature and foolish ways. I probably just answered my question lol
mastermind.. said:
Jack said:

I already have to deal with power play most of the time during the day and now on this forum as well? Fuck this.


The only people who done this are newbies and people who have a notorious reputations around here. Please show otherwise and if you can I'll admit being wrong. But I'm not because I check the forums constantly and even read random posts here and there on top of the ones I find the most important and never have I seen this. At least not since we got rid of kikeson...

If you are having a problem with certain people then it seems it's a personal thing because if anyone tries to exert their influence and pass it on as a power play then they'll get the flak they deserve by many members.

The only one who even has the right to do it is HP HoodedCobra but I see him as a good man who would only ever do power plays on members as a last thing to do if he even decided to do it in the first place.

Like I said though, i would like to see proof of this since this isn't the first time I'm reading what you wrote. Others have said the same things recently but in similar fashion provide ZERO proof.
I don't even consider them human, some of them disgust me so much that I would use them as slave beasts.

But beyond what seems like the obvious, there is a higher spiritual understanding that tells me they can become something wonderful, but until that day I will only consider them inferior beings.
Fanboy said:
Veritá_666 said:
I don't even consider them human, some of them disgust me so much that I would use them as slave beasts.

Wants to turn people into his inferior slave beasts...

You should try being a Satanist and not a talmudic retard.

If your first thought is to enslave your enemies then you've got no dragon soul. No rainbow. Your words are as hopeless and dim as your wits and your aspirations.

What else do you really expect from an Italian still in Italy. What a quaint little place, you certainly fit right in you sound like a regular little half nigger son of Hannibal. You're practically a slave beast yourself aren't you sweetheart xD
I never said I want to enslave people, I just mean that humanity is at a level where they all seem so useless to me, and even if I had a few billion slaves, I wouldn't know what to do with them, I would most likely end up helping them, I would pity them, in some respects I am also too good.

I never said I want to enslave my enemies, frankly you suck too much, you are not even worthy of kissing my feet, I am not the type to take prisoners.

Your words are empty and meaningless in my eyes, I am 100% Satanist, I am part of Satan's family!
No one will ever be able to change that.

Besides I am white, I am not half nigger as you say, I have all the fantastic characteristics of the white race and I am the last person in the world you can call "half nigger".

As for my aspirations, I just want to unite physically with my Demoness, but to get to that your worthless vermin souls must be erased.

Stupid Jew, you managed to motivate me, very stupid and suicidal of you, were you born so stupid or did you take a special course? What have you gained by angering a warrior of Satan?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
