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date:14-08-2012 about moderators (group owners).


New member
Nov 23, 2010
Hi was wondering
how many groupowners (moderators)
there are and who they are on the JoyofSatan Group.?

i would really appreciate that!!
Thank you groupowner(s)and moderator(s)


Hail Satan / Enki
Hi there,
I wrote a reply with why and posted it , reply not made it.

As as explained to me in another post where i asked why
some messages never make it thanks to yahoo or something
like that :-(
Was a long reply btw, also added some more (little something
about me,sort of introduction also).
I saved it in a txt file just in case it might happen.

(did not do that with other messages :-( but i did with this one :)

So leave it to this perhaps it still get's posted.
Other post i did after the reply to you made it though.
But i wait to see if it still gets posted jnstead of reposting it.
It could still be posted then there are two.

So im not avoiding the question :)


Hail Father Satan / Enki

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "En Haradren Amlug" <hecktic_shadow@... wrote:


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "emefel01" <emefel01@ wrote:

Hi was wondering
how many groupowners (moderators)
there are and who they are on the JoyofSatan Group.?

i would really appreciate that!!
Thank you groupowner(s)and moderator(s)


Hail Satan / Enki
Hi there!

Just wondering/curious actually.
allways good to know right?
or a example in case i need to ask something without
bothering the rest in the group with it.
That can happen, not just me alone perhaps?
No other reason i can assure you with that!

not someone with a hidden agenda/whatever!
With no hidden agenda i mean:
that i'm am not a xian/other crap that is snooping around.
Looking for something like they perhaps/probly do???

But i can't blame anyone if they were thinking that btw.
with that question!

i wanna be clear and am honest that's
why the perhaps long explanation.
Perhaps even unneeded!

perhaps someone else would give a reply with: Why not.
I gave this reply :)

So no bashing&ect ok? let's do that to xian' s& other crap
so to speak :)

Also english not my native language so the (my) use of sentences can be not that perfect, but working on it !

but i cant write it in dutch right?
then there would be reply's with what is this shit or something :)

Now this: a thought came to me...

I wanna share this with you all:

In my heart and soul i was asked i to share it btw :)
and perhaps it can also help someone in some way who will read this.
long read btw.......

I'm a man who thinks deeply about things.
Some one allways said to me dont think so deep....it wrong...
hmm... what do you think when someone says something like this?

but i will try to make it as eazy to read as possible.
I can go really deep if needed, this is deep enough....

Also english not my native language so bare with me please?

I dedicated myself to Father Satan a year ago btw.
Allmost a year ago. 27-08-2011 to be exact.
a verry special day for me!! this makes me truly happy inside
Cant wait!

Whatever problems i have in life, and i have
those and perhaps am in deep earthly (material) shit.
I recieved some really bad news today by post.
perhaps some people like xians would have jumped out of the
window by now but not me, that keeps coming to me.

i had the thought to close my door step on a train leave
the country to a certain place where there is no one and to end it.
I prepared this, planned it right to the last detail!
i admit that, takes courage (lack a better word) to admit to yourself i think.
But ending things is against evreything i believe in i gues.
And where would i end up? the things i build up so to say
i would break down myself?

Father Satan would be verry disapointed in me and perhaps forgive me for that but i would still stand there because i know i would have to make that up but perhaps it would be even
harder to forgive my self. perhaps that would be the making it up?

But MORE it's also so disrespecfull to
the one who gave this beatifull gift of life to you.

Something is trying to destroy me.
And the only way for them is to destroy my flesh life you know?
perhaps it thinks if we cant control your sould then we fuck up
your entire life by taking evreything away from you....
My job is about an inch to be taken away from me.
By one person in particular who is to blame for that..
I know alot of his weakneness though.....
Well 3 of his biggest ones atleast...
You never know right, can come in handy..
Justice comes to mind....

And i really dont wanna let them win.....
I fight with all i have in me.
But it aint easy it tell you that.
But with advancing one becomes stonger.

I know i can't blame evreything on something else.
Or can i? dont have an answer to that.

I know i made some stupid mistakes in life.
But i also know i have learned from these mistakes.

Now the jews smell money (they control banks and shit right!)
and i dont know how you say that in english but when you can't
pay your bills they send some company after your ass!
and when at first the bill was as example $700 they those ......
turn into 800+

But you know what?
They will never get or break my Soul!

Looks like money is the only thing that can save my
earth life so to say so to say....

I can do a money ritual but i also feel more meditating
first, otherwise whats the point i would only fail.

I meditate more and more (on a healty level ofcourse).
opening myself with evreything...to advance myself
(correct word right?)

Funny thing though, not doing it so that i can do the money spell
correctly btw, It's for my soul to advance!
that is the no.1 the other thing comes later.
Does not feel that important compared to no.1
Evendo i dont have enoug hmoney to eat the rest of the month...
only 12 euro's left or so.....

Ealyr i was meditating (trance ect) i became calm.
and a warm feeling came over me (comforting)
before that i was not.
I was looking at a wall and my fist and i wanted to beat the
wall to shithereens i admit that.
I was whistled back... prob only thing i would beat was my hand
to a bloody pulp.
I learned something.........
So the wall does not have scratch did not even touch it..

after the meditating even more calmth, i looked out my balcony at the
trees which were in a different color then normal.
More i dont know like i was connected or something with it.
Cant explain it perfectly.
and dont worry came to me when i started to think down.
a strong feeling.....
Saw birds flying and all was well :)

I talked to father Satan (during the meditations) as The one & ONLY true creator, My Father, my teacher, My Guide and my best Friend. He is all those things for me.
I feel alot of Love For him!
I allways open myself completly.
And say evreything that's on my mind,
And yes with complete and full respect !
I own Him really alot.

I don't cry about many things in life...
Seeing abused animals or animals getting killed like whales as example
is one of them, it really hurt to see that.
I feel also drawn to our beatifull friends in the ocean.
Since dedicated myself.
I wrote something about that in a message i posted here i think!

And Father Satan can make my cry (of joy, happyness, and more)

these are 2 things are examples that bring tears into my eyes.

More ofcourse but these two are the ones i write down.

It's was at 1st really difficult for me (telepatic communication).
because i come out of a xian spiritual home (spiritism is called
i think) but comes down to the same as bible xians. still about jhv.
One thing is the same though, they stole it ofcourse:
Meditating, chakra's also with Spiritism.....

It's even more difficult perhaps then bible xians who wake up and
dedicate themself to Father Satan.
Spiritism dont believe in the bible also.
i allready said fuck the bible it's bullshit.
That god jhv dude is a fucking bastard.
How can something like that be love when he still sends
his death squad to earth (his angels) to kill people.
and does not know how to forgive.

I allways had trouble with that line, it is wrong to hate.
Why not? i said!

google books of Josef rulof on it to get an better view on it ok?
Then you have a clear understanding why it was so difficult.

I was according to a lot of people a psychic medium.
I wrote alot, saw awful things as a child and was used from child on.
But there was allways this pressence i knew was there...

(not gonna write that much about that now ok? otherwise
even a longer read, perhaps another time if you all are interested
in that, it's ok if you are not though :)

till i was helped and taken away from that path.
By a girl who i started to have a sexual relationshipn with.
But it was more then that.
Now i know that she helped me (or something trough her perhaps)
to walk away further and further away from the path i was on (xian path).

Also learned that there is absolutly nothing wrong with
Sex without love, stil love btw 2 body's connected.
Sharing the same feeling (you know what i mean right?)

Anway I stopped with writing, it feld like writersblock at the time.
And my mother was asking why you stopped writing?
I said i dont know mum!

Strange or maybe not btw, the closer she came to the end of her
life (died of cancer) the more scared she appeared to be.

I used to work in a hospital and seen alot of shit & learned alot.
and alot of xians who are about to die are scared shit.
Like holding their cross in their hand (when i took them to var
places in the hospital for examination, O.R and things like that.
So where is that faith now i allways thought at the time.

took a couple of years though dedicating myself.
i was a complete mess inside, i prayed & begged for help
at that time and nothing came. this was beginning of 2012.
Some thanks for all that writing huh?

i was feeling a pressence though, something was there with me.
I became interested all of the sudden in tattoos because i wanted
a tatoo of my starsign.
Where i got that idea from but i feld that it was important.

I went on the internet looking for some design ideas.
Did a search in google with this: Tattoo ideas starsign Aries.
I think it was in dutch also btw....
And somehow i ended up with a click or 2,3 on a certain website about Spiritual Satanism.
i clicked on a name on the left and i saw this drawing of a man with long blond/reddish hair with white
clothes, i feld something that i haven't in a long time.
But i had feld it before at certain points in my life.

I reconized the drawing (picture)
Dont even need to say who it was ofcourse.

Then i read evreything on the site and evreything about him.
After that i dedicated myself to Father Satan.

This all i never talked about this with anyone on this Earth!
spec the part about ending things!
Only with Father Satan!

And why i tell you all this?
You all here are fellow Spiritual Satanist.
That makes us Brothers and Sisters !
And knowing that gives me a much better feeling then
a blood related Brother or Sister which i have btw.
And with that you can tell i dont have a bond with them,.
Feel more connected with you all.

Thank you all for that :)
And thank you all for reading it and that i was allowed to use
some time of evreyone's life!
Hope your time i did not waste but i think i did not!

Now gonna enjoy my cup of thea.
a little late for coffee

Peace & Greetings,

Hail Father Satan/Enki

"En Haradren Amlug" <hecktic_shadow@... wrote:


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "emefel01" <emefel01@ wrote:

Hi was wondering
how many groupowners (moderators)
there are and who they are on the JoyofSatan Group.?

i would really appreciate that!!
Thank you groupowner(s)and moderator(s)


Hail Satan / Enki
Hey, haha yea long read, but I got through it.

Firstly. You can ask anything you want here. There are a lot of people on here that can answer your questions, you don't have to ask the moderators directly.

As for your money problem. There are workings you can do on the JoS website. You're way of thinking needs to change. Don't doubt yourself, it is from this doubt that the failure or workings comes from. You can do the money meditation, do workings and rituals to Satan for financial help. You have to have faith in yourself and believe that you can do it. Don't have doubt.
And trust in Satan, he looks after those dedicated to him, and cares for us all. If we can trust in him, he will help us when we need him.

It is good that you didn't go through with your plans, and for all the right reasons. And I'm sure Satan is proud that you managed to conqour those dark thoughts and feelings and come out stronger. That you learnt a new lesson.

Keep strong and keep in there. Keep up with your meditation, stay open to Satan and trust that he looks after those dedicated to him.

But Satan also rewards those who help themselves. Satanism is not about waiting for something to happen. Not about sitting around praying till everything is better. This is of the enemy, and weakness.
Be proactive about your situation. Spend your time looking for a new job, even if it is something mineal and simple, its money. Look aruond for places you could go incase you get into a situation where you have no food or no house ect. Prepare yourself for that, not by going out to nowhere and ending it. But by finding places you can go to eat, sleep, find work and build yourself back up. Make Satan proud. And don't waste the Gift He has given you.

Goodluck with it!

Hail Satan! Praise the True Gods of Old!

-En Haradren Amlug.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "emefel01" <emefel01@... wrote:

Hi there!

Just wondering/curious actually.
allways good to know right?
or a example in case i need to ask something without
bothering the rest in the group with it.
That can happen, not just me alone perhaps?
No other reason i can assure you with that!

not someone with a hidden agenda/whatever!
With no hidden agenda i mean:
that i'm am not a xian/other crap that is snooping around.
Looking for something like they perhaps/probly do???

But i can't blame anyone if they were thinking that btw.
with that question!

i wanna be clear and am honest that's
why the perhaps long explanation.
Perhaps even unneeded!

perhaps someone else would give a reply with: Why not.
I gave this reply :)

So no bashing&ect ok? let's do that to xian' s& other crap
so to speak :)

Also english not my native language so the (my) use of sentences can be not that perfect, but working on it !

but i cant write it in dutch right?
then there would be reply's with what is this shit or something :)

Now this: a thought came to me...

I wanna share this with you all:

In my heart and soul i was asked i to share it btw :)
and perhaps it can also help someone in some way who will read this.
long read btw.......

I'm a man who thinks deeply about things.
Some one allways said to me dont think so deep....it wrong...
hmm... what do you think when someone says something like this?

but i will try to make it as eazy to read as possible.
I can go really deep if needed, this is deep enough....

Also english not my native language so bare with me please?

I dedicated myself to Father Satan a year ago btw.
Allmost a year ago. 27-08-2011 to be exact.
a verry special day for me!! this makes me truly happy inside
Cant wait!

Whatever problems i have in life, and i have
those and perhaps am in deep earthly (material) shit.
I recieved some really bad news today by post.
perhaps some people like xians would have jumped out of the
window by now but not me, that keeps coming to me.

i had the thought to close my door step on a train leave
the country to a certain place where there is no one and to end it.
I prepared this, planned it right to the last detail!
i admit that, takes courage (lack a better word) to admit to yourself i think.
But ending things is against evreything i believe in i gues.
And where would i end up? the things i build up so to say
i would break down myself?

Father Satan would be verry disapointed in me and perhaps forgive me for that but i would still stand there because i know i would have to make that up but perhaps it would be even
harder to forgive my self. perhaps that would be the making it up?

But MORE it's also so disrespecfull to
the one who gave this beatifull gift of life to you.

Something is trying to destroy me.
And the only way for them is to destroy my flesh life you know?
perhaps it thinks if we cant control your sould then we fuck up
your entire life by taking evreything away from you....
My job is about an inch to be taken away from me.
By one person in particular who is to blame for that..
I know alot of his weakneness though.....
Well 3 of his biggest ones atleast...
You never know right, can come in handy..
Justice comes to mind....

And i really dont wanna let them win.....
I fight with all i have in me.
But it aint easy it tell you that.
But with advancing one becomes stonger.

I know i can't blame evreything on something else.
Or can i? dont have an answer to that.

I know i made some stupid mistakes in life.
But i also know i have learned from these mistakes.

Now the jews smell money (they control banks and shit right!)
and i dont know how you say that in english but when you can't
pay your bills they send some company after your ass!
and when at first the bill was as example $700 they those ......
turn into 800+

But you know what?
They will never get or break my Soul!

Looks like money is the only thing that can save my
earth life so to say so to say....

I can do a money ritual but i also feel more meditating
first, otherwise whats the point i would only fail.

I meditate more and more (on a healty level ofcourse).
opening myself with evreything...to advance myself
(correct word right?)

Funny thing though, not doing it so that i can do the money spell
correctly btw, It's for my soul to advance!
that is the no.1 the other thing comes later.
Does not feel that important compared to no.1
Evendo i dont have enoug hmoney to eat the rest of the month...
only 12 euro's left or so.....

Ealyr i was meditating (trance ect) i became calm.
and a warm feeling came over me (comforting)
before that i was not.
I was looking at a wall and my fist and i wanted to beat the
wall to shithereens i admit that.
I was whistled back... prob only thing i would beat was my hand
to a bloody pulp.
I learned something.........
So the wall does not have scratch did not even touch it..

after the meditating even more calmth, i looked out my balcony at the
trees which were in a different color then normal.
More i dont know like i was connected or something with it.
Cant explain it perfectly.
and dont worry came to me when i started to think down.
a strong feeling.....
Saw birds flying and all was well :)

I talked to father Satan (during the meditations) as The one & ONLY true creator, My Father, my teacher, My Guide and my best Friend. He is all those things for me.
I feel alot of Love For him!
I allways open myself completly.
And say evreything that's on my mind,
And yes with complete and full respect !
I own Him really alot.

I don't cry about many things in life...
Seeing abused animals or animals getting killed like whales as example
is one of them, it really hurt to see that.
I feel also drawn to our beatifull friends in the ocean.
Since dedicated myself.
I wrote something about that in a message i posted here i think!

And Father Satan can make my cry (of joy, happyness, and more)

these are 2 things are examples that bring tears into my eyes.

More ofcourse but these two are the ones i write down.

It's was at 1st really difficult for me (telepatic communication).
because i come out of a xian spiritual home (spiritism is called
i think) but comes down to the same as bible xians. still about jhv.
One thing is the same though, they stole it ofcourse:
Meditating, chakra's also with Spiritism.....

It's even more difficult perhaps then bible xians who wake up and
dedicate themself to Father Satan.
Spiritism dont believe in the bible also.
i allready said fuck the bible it's bullshit.
That god jhv dude is a fucking bastard.
How can something like that be love when he still sends
his death squad to earth (his angels) to kill people.
and does not know how to forgive.

I allways had trouble with that line, it is wrong to hate.
Why not? i said!

google books of Josef rulof on it to get an better view on it ok?
Then you have a clear understanding why it was so difficult.

I was according to a lot of people a psychic medium.
I wrote alot, saw awful things as a child and was used from child on.
But there was allways this pressence i knew was there...

(not gonna write that much about that now ok? otherwise
even a longer read, perhaps another time if you all are interested
in that, it's ok if you are not though :)

till i was helped and taken away from that path.
By a girl who i started to have a sexual relationshipn with.
But it was more then that.
Now i know that she helped me (or something trough her perhaps)
to walk away further and further away from the path i was on (xian path).

Also learned that there is absolutly nothing wrong with
Sex without love, stil love btw 2 body's connected.
Sharing the same feeling (you know what i mean right?)

Anway I stopped with writing, it feld like writersblock at the time.
And my mother was asking why you stopped writing?
I said i dont know mum!

Strange or maybe not btw, the closer she came to the end of her
life (died of cancer) the more scared she appeared to be.

I used to work in a hospital and seen alot of shit & learned alot.
and alot of xians who are about to die are scared shit.
Like holding their cross in their hand (when i took them to var
places in the hospital for examination, O.R and things like that.
So where is that faith now i allways thought at the time.

took a couple of years though dedicating myself.
i was a complete mess inside, i prayed & begged for help
at that time and nothing came. this was beginning of 2012.
Some thanks for all that writing huh?

i was feeling a pressence though, something was there with me.
I became interested all of the sudden in tattoos because i wanted
a tatoo of my starsign.
Where i got that idea from but i feld that it was important.

I went on the internet looking for some design ideas.
Did a search in google with this: Tattoo ideas starsign Aries.
I think it was in dutch also btw....
And somehow i ended up with a click or 2,3 on a certain website about Spiritual Satanism.
i clicked on a name on the left and i saw this drawing of a man with long blond/reddish hair with white
clothes, i feld something that i haven't in a long time.
But i had feld it before at certain points in my life.

I reconized the drawing (picture)
Dont even need to say who it was ofcourse.

Then i read evreything on the site and evreything about him.
After that i dedicated myself to Father Satan.

This all i never talked about this with anyone on this Earth!
spec the part about ending things!
Only with Father Satan!

And why i tell you all this?
You all here are fellow Spiritual Satanist.
That makes us Brothers and Sisters !
And knowing that gives me a much better feeling then
a blood related Brother or Sister which i have btw.
And with that you can tell i dont have a bond with them,.
Feel more connected with you all.

Thank you all for that :)
And thank you all for reading it and that i was allowed to use
some time of evreyone's life!
Hope your time i did not waste but i think i did not!

Now gonna enjoy my cup of thea.
a little late for coffee

Peace & Greetings,

Hail Father Satan/Enki

"En Haradren Amlug" <hecktic_shadow@ wrote:


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "emefel01" <emefel01@ wrote:

Hi was wondering
how many groupowners (moderators)
there are and who they are on the JoyofSatan Group.?

i would really appreciate that!!
Thank you groupowner(s)and moderator(s)


Hail Satan / Enki

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
