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Cybernetic Iron Curtain in Russia

Edward Lonsa1

Nov 10, 2012
Cybernetic Iron Curtain:
rabbis from the Checks are sick of the World Wide Web, WWW, 666 the number of Satan, Truth or Freedom of a non-jew.

Russian Security Council instructed to create an "independent Internet" for the BRICS countries

The Security Council of Russia instructed the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to create their own DNS root server system in the BRICS countries. Experts say that this is possible only if you create a separate Internet in BRICS "
[my note, which will no longer include those located on non-Russian servers, the Joy of Satan, the Exposing of Christianity and the Death of Communism]

My note, BRICS (eng. BRICS - short for Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) - a group of five countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa. - Wikipedia.
Exceptionally savage Communist countries, South Africa is the epicenter of the White genocide, where Whites die on the streets in the barracks, they are driven from their jobs and are not taken to educational institutions. They are outed from any fair competition only on the basis of race, the police do not investigate and refuses to hold accountable for mass killings, rape and endless attacks on houses of White people by black communists. Popular songs include calls for violence against the Whites and the White genocide. There is now the influx of blacks lately in Moscow and St. Petersburg. They come from countries like South Africa, because these are the "friendly countries" of the BRICS. Potential killers walk along our streets.

continued quotes.
"The Security Council of Russia, at a meeting on October 26, instructed the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia to initiate, before August 1, 2018, in the framework of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), the discussion of creating for the member states the unification of their own "duplicate root server system Domain Names (DNS), independent of the control of [international organizations] ICANN, IANA and VeriSign and capable of servicing the requests of users of the listed countries in case of failures or targeted impacts. ”Information about this assignment is contained in the minutes of the Security Council meeting, signed on November 5 by Russian President Vladimir Putin. RBC has a copy of this document; one of the federal officials confirmed its authenticity.“...

"A serious threat to Russia's security is the increased ability of Western countries to conduct offensive operations in the information space and readiness for their use. The dominance of the United States and a number of European Union countries in matters of Internet governance remains, ”explains the reason for the proposal in the Security Council materials.”

My note is that an ideology is being promoted across all Russian TV channels and Jewish media, saying that the West only thinks about how to turn off the Internet of Russia (as if it is beneficial to someone from the Jewish oligarchs who own everything in Russia and are hijacking all our money abroad). This pollution of the brain is intended to do the very thing against which it is supposedly aimed - to deprive the population of Russia of the Internet. Rather, to invent a reason for such a monstrous violation of human rights. And leave the full Internet for the elite, "those permitted access" or "those able to pay."

"Internet segmentation" literally means that the government of each individual country will have absolute power over what will and will not be seen by its citizens. The theme of the role of the government and its intervention and its control is discussed by the same persons as those who discuss this "security measure", which fully exposes their true intentions. See below.

"Domain Management

The DNS (Domain Name System) is a distributed storage system on which the World Wide Web depends, as it contains all domain names and their corresponding IP addresses. After the user enters the name of the site in his browser, the DNS allows the computer to understand which IP address the required resource is on and send a request there. The DNS system is hierarchical and distributed throughout the world. It is based on 13 root DNS servers that provide access to information about all top-level domains — national domains (for example, .ru, .uk, .de), general purpose domains (.com, .org), and sponsored domains (. museum, .jobs). Most of the root servers are located in the United States, several in Europe and Japan. The root servers have a lot of “mirrors”, including in Russia, which are made so that the request from the Russian user is not sent to the DNS server to the other end of the Earth. But in any case, the “mirrors” only duplicate the information of the root servers.The entire system is managed by the international non-profit organization ICANN (Domain Names and IP Addresses Management Corporation), which was established in 1998 with the participation of the US government. The technical management of the DNS root zone is the responsibility of one of the departments of ICANN - the Internet Address Space Administration (IANA).

The corporation has been working for a long time under a contract with the US Department of Commerce and the National Information and Communication Directorate (NTIA), but on October 1, 2016, the contract expired, and administrator rights passed to Public Technical Identifiers (PTI), a subsidiary of ICANN, a nonprofit public interest registered in the state of California.
The work of the DNS root servers is supported by 12 different organizations operating under agreements with ICANN. Among them is VeriSign, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the USA (NASA), the US Department of Defense, founded by Japanese universities of the WIDE Project to manage the local domain.jp, etc.

Own root

The Russian authorities have repeatedly stressed that ICANN is de facto under the control of the United States, and tried to achieve changes in the decision-making system in ICANN. In particular, as presidential aide Igor Shchegolev said in an interview with RBC, Russia insists that the role of governments in managing the Internet should be clearly spelled out and it cannot simply be an advisory one. "

As I have already said, in another activity of those who instill in us the fear that the West is asleep and only sees the Internet in someone’s dream, it’s clear what really stands behind their plan for “internet segmentation”.

"What else did the Security Council discuss

In addition to the order to create its own root DNS system, the Security Council gave the Ministry of Communications and the FSB the task of introducing mandatory identification of users of computer games and social networks. It is assumed that game developers and owners of social networks will have to conclude contracts with telecom operators in order to identify their users with the help of a mobile phone number. "

My note. An attempt to give away to Russia free Internet has already been made in the era of Obama. But for some reason it was in the era of the “nationalist” Trump that this idea was put into practice.

"1 out of 13 Internet root DNS servers now stand in Russia
April 4, 2012 publication time: 14:47

L-Root, one of the 13 root DNS servers that ensure the operability and preservation of Internet connectivity, has been installed in Russia by Ru-Center, RIA Novosti reports. The remaining DNS servers are located in the USA, Europe and Asia.

The project was implemented together with ICANN, an Internet administration corporation. Ru-Center was able to provide a technological platform for the installation of a DNS server in Russia."

Note the 13th number of Satan. The Internet is the brainchild of his genius and the genius of the White Man, a sincere step towards total freedom of speech combined with total personal security.

I don’t mind every individual citizen of the universe owning their own free internet and independent free creation of any number of free Internets in infinite space and time, but what they want to implement into Russia without Russian people's consent and crookedly explain it with some kind of ghost in the sky (“West” and etc.), will not be the Internet, only those domains and sites that the Jewish government does approve, since the last will play in this new "internet" different role than the US government or any other government is playing on the original free Internet.
"Of course, the Russian authorities are by no means alone in their hatred of free speech. There are countries where the situation with access to the world wide web is even worse. For example, the DPRK, Turkmenistan, Turkmenistan or Kazakhstan, or the same China. However, Russia, whose so-called “parliament” is stamping one draconian law at such a furious pace, after another, then there is no doubt that if the situation does not change for the better, then our country will not only catch up with, but also surpass the most obscurant and hostile free-thinking country. In the meantime, to move, or rather to fall, there is still much. For example, to something like the infamous “Great Chinese Firewall”, a shameful phenomenon by which Chinese Communists control what citizens of this country can read and watch, improving it for about a year and setting an example for their Russian colleagues.

For example, as of February 1, 2018, the Chinese authorities, according to Bloomberg, plan to impose restrictions on the free access of users to Internet resources by prohibiting the operation of VPN services. We are talking here including about Virtual Private Network, and virtual private networks. As you know, today the regulation of the World Wide Web in China is considered the most stringent in the world. A special filtration information system on the Web has been working there since the beginning of the 2000s. The Golden Shield is a server system between providers of China and international data networks on the Internet that filters all information entering the country. Therefore, VPN-services all this time were the only tools that were available to ordinary users to go online without restrictions.

A similar initiative was adopted in Russia. At the same time, the new law, which will come into force in China from the beginning of next year, will affect only ordinary citizens. And business representatives who do business internationally will be allowed to use VPN services, provided that all connections are registered with the Ministry of Industry and Information of China. The Russian law against TOR and VPN users is still somewhat softer than Chinese, but as they say, the beginning of trouble is the beginning. "

Pay attention please, this hit strikes ORDINARY CITIZENS alone, not by oligarch jews and their corporations. Not terrorists. But the peoples of Russia and all the countries involved in this nightmare. By the origin of this Jewish scum, you can judge what ideology we are going to introduce through this cybernetic iron curtain.

"Back in November 2017, the Security Council of the Russian Federation instructed the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to start building systems of DNS servers in the BRICS countries - that is, alternative Internet.

Work on this system continues today. At the same time, there is active cooperation with China. Apparently, the main interest is for our country the ideas of the chief engineer of the Computer Network Management and Information Security Management Center - Fan Binsin - the author of the “cyber sovereignty” concept.

Its basis is the complete control of the national state over its segment of the Internet; Deep protection of your Internet segment from any external attacks; all states should have equal rights to use Internet resources; other countries should not control root DNS directories through which access to Chinese sites is made.

It seems that Fan Binsin’s views turned out to be extremely close to Moscow, since the idea of one day being disconnected from the Internet, in the event of a complete loss of a common language with the United States, would not seem attractive to anyone.

[my note here, you see exact reason for all their fabricated "cold wars" and "losses of common language"]

The ideas of Fan Binsing led to the creation of the Golden Shield system in China, which by May 2018 blocked 8,000 sites that were deemed "undesirable." Among them were, in particular, Western social networks, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and the American TV channel HBO, one of whose humoristic programs said that China’s comparison of Winnie the Pooh with China was popular. "

And the last thing I want to say. For those morons, xians, and jew-purchased brainwashed commies, who listen to the jewish media. YES, the Internet was created by a US citizen and most of the servers were once located on the shores of his once free country. Once... Now mirrors are all over the world, and this lie that it is ruled by "any government except Russian one" is SHIT, worthy of the most diseased of brains. The problem of the Jews is that the Satanic Free Internet has not historically been created for the purpose of control, and is not technically designed for this. That is why Jews need "new technologies" that will allow it to be used as an instrument of slavery and closing the mouths of the people of the Great Prosecutor. YES, not every government has the right of "personal internet". The government of bastards, criminals, thieves, which the jews are, does not have such a right. And this is a good thing! Due to the fact that 13 Satanic servers were in the USA, we - RUSSIAN PEOPLE and all non-jewish peoples of Russia - all this time were given absolute freedom of speech and knowledge, ABSOLUTE. With total personal security given us by technological superiority which now is gone. And only when it is totally gone we will know who is on whose side.
"To evaluate freedom you have to first be deprived of it" - Samiya Shariff, Algerian author, who ran from muslim paradise of rape, beatings and burning alive.

Russian news quoted here:
https://www.rbc.ru/technology_and_media ... 83ba546acahttps://rusmonitor.com/vlasti-rf-sozdad ... chego.htmlhttps://www.kv.by/blog/users/kirilla88/ ... hem-grozithttps://hitech.newsru.com/article/04apr2012/rumovelroothttps://www.pravda.ru/news/world/1387938-internet/

[sorry here is better translation for this article from Russian forum]original https://deathofcommunism.com/forum/view ... 2851#p2851
Cybernetic Iron Curtain:
rabbis of Cheka are sick of the World Wide Web, WWW, 666 the number of Satan, Truth or Freedom of a non-jew.

Russian Security Council instructed to create an "independent Internet" for the BRICS countries

The Security Council of Russia instructed the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to create their own DNS root server system in the BRICS countries. Experts say that this is possible only if you create a separate Internet in BRICS "
[my note, which will no longer include those located on non-Russian servers, the Joy of Satan, the Exposing of Christianity and the Death of Communism]

My note, BRICS (eng. BRICS - short for Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) - a group of five countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa. - Wikipedia.
Exceptionally savage Communist countries, South Africa is the epicenter of the White genocide, where Whites die on the streets in the barracks, they are driven from their jobs and are not taken to educational institutions. They are outed from any fair competition only on the basis of race, the police do not investigate and refuses to hold accountable for mass killings, rape and endless attacks on houses of White people by black communists. Popular songs include calls for violence against the Whites and the White genocide. There a mass migration of blacks lately in Moscow and St. Petersburg. They come from countries like South Africa, because these are the "friendly countries" of the BRICS. Potential killers walk along our streets.

continued quotes.
"The Security Council of Russia, at a meeting on October 26, instructed the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia to initiate, before August 1, 2018, in the framework of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), the discussion of creating for the member states the unification of their own "duplicate root server system Domain Names (DNS), independent of the control of [international organizations] ICANN, IANA and VeriSign and capable of servicing the requests of users of the listed countries in case of failures or targeted impacts. ”Information about this assignment is contained in the minutes of the Security Council meeting, signed on November 5 by Russian President Vladimir Putin. RBC has a copy of this document; one of the federal officials confirmed its authenticity.“...

"A serious threat to Russia's security is the increased ability of Western countries to conduct offensive operations in the information space and readiness for their use. The dominance of the United States and a number of European Union countries in matters of Internet governance remains, ”explains the reason for the proposal in the Security Council materials.”

My note is that an ideology is being promoted across all Russian TV channels and Jewish media, saying that the West only thinks about how to turn off the Internet of Russia (as if it is beneficial to someone from the Jewish oligarchs who own everything in Russia and are hijacking all our money abroad). This pollution of the brain is intended to do the very thing against which it is supposedly aimed - to deprive the population of Russia of the Internet. Rather, to invent a reason for such a monstrous violation of human rights. And leave the full Internet for the elite, "those permitted access" or "those able to pay."

"Internet segmentation" literally means that the government of each individual country will have absolute power over what will and will not be seen by its citizens. The theme of the role of the government and its intervention and its control is discussed by the same persons as those who discuss this "security measure", which fully exposes their true intentions. See below.

"Domain Management

The DNS (Domain Name System) is a distributed storage system on which the World Wide Web depends, as it contains all domain names and their corresponding IP addresses. After the user enters the name of the site in his browser, the DNS allows the computer to understand which IP address the required resource is on and send a request there. The DNS system is hierarchical and distributed throughout the world. It is based on 13 root DNS servers that provide access to information about all top-level domains — national domains (for example, .ru, .uk, .de), general purpose domains (.com, .org), and sponsored domains (. museum, ..jobs). Most of the root servers are located in the United States, several in Europe and Japan. The root servers have a lot of “mirrors”, including in Russia, which are made so that the request from the Russian user is not sent to the DNS server to the other end of the Earth. But in any case, the “mirrors” only duplicate the information of the root servers.The entire system is managed by the international non-profit organization ICANN (Domain Names and IP Addresses Management Corporation), which was established in 1998 with the participation of the US government. The technical management of the DNS root zone is the responsibility of one of the departments of ICANN - the Internet Address Space Administration (IANA).

The corporation has been working for a long time under a contract with the US Department of Commerce and the National Information and Communication Directorate (NTIA), but on October 1, 2016, the contract expired, and administrator rights passed to Public Technical Identifiers (PTI), a subsidiary of ICANN, a nonprofit public interest registered in the state of California.
The work of the DNS root servers is supported by 12 different organizations operating under agreements with ICANN. Among them is VeriSign, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the USA (NASA), the US Department of Defense, founded by Japanese universities of the WIDE Project to manage the local domain.jp, etc.

Own root

The Russian authorities have repeatedly stressed that ICANN is de facto under the control of the United States, and tried to achieve changes in the decision-making system in ICANN. In particular, as presidential aide Igor Shchegolev said in an interview with RBC, Russia insists that the role of governments in managing the Internet should be clearly spelled out and it cannot simply be an advisory one. "

As I have already said, there is another activity of those who instill in us the fear that the only Western dream is to switch off Russian internet. This activity exposes what really stands behind their plan of “internet segmentation”.

"What else did the Security Council discuss

In addition to the order to create its own root DNS system, the Security Council gave the Ministry of Communications and the FSB the task of introducing mandatory identification of users of computer games and social networks. It is assumed that game developers and owners of social networks will have to conclude contracts with telecom operators in order to identify their users with the help of a mobile phone number. "

My note. An attempt to give away to Russia free Internet has already been made in the era of Obama. But for some reason it was in the era of the “nationalist” Trump that this idea was put into practice.

"1 out of 13 Internet root DNS servers now stand in Russia
April 4, 2012 publication time: 14:47

L-Root, one of the 13 root DNS servers that ensure the operability and preservation of Internet connectivity, has been installed in Russia by Ru-Center, RIA Novosti reports.. The remaining DNS servers are located in the USA, Europe and Asia.

The project was implemented together with ICANN, an Internet administration corporation. Ru-Center was able to provide a technological platform for the installation of a DNS server in Russia."

Note the 13th number of Satan. The Internet is the brainchild of his genius and the genius of the White Man, a sincere step towards total freedom of speech combined with total personal security.

I don’t mind every individual citizen of the universe owning their own free internet and independent free creation of any number of free Internets in infinite space and time, but what they want to implement into Russia without Russian people's consent and crookedly explain it with some kind of ghost in the sky (“West” and etc.), will not be the Internet, only those domains and sites that the Jewish government does approve, since the last will play in this new "internet" different role than the US government or any other government is playing on the original free Internet.
"Of course, the Russian authorities are by no means alone in their hatred of free speech. There are countries where the situation with access to the world wide web is even worse. For example, the DPRK, Turkmenistan, Turkmenistan or Kazakhstan, or the same China. However, Russia, whose so-called “parliament” is stamping one draconian law at such a furious pace, after another, then there is no doubt that if the situation does not change for the better, then our country will not only catch up with, but also surpass the most obscurant and hostile free-thinking country.. In the meantime, to move, or rather to fall, there is still much. For example, to something like the infamous “Great Chinese Firewall”, a shameful phenomenon by which Chinese Communists control what citizens of this country can read and watch, improving it for about a year and setting an example for their Russian colleagues.

For example, as of February 1, 2018, the Chinese authorities, according to Bloomberg, plan to impose restrictions on the free access of users to Internet resources by prohibiting the operation of VPN services. We are talking here including about Virtual Private Network, and virtual private networks. As you know, today the regulation of the World Wide Web in China is considered the most stringent in the world. A special filtration information system on the Web has been working there since the beginning of the 2000s. The Golden Shield is a server system between providers of China and international data networks on the Internet that filters all information entering the country. Therefore, VPN-services all this time were the only tools that were available to ordinary users to go online without restrictions.

A similar initiative was adopted in Russia. At the same time, the new law, which will come into force in China from the beginning of next year, will affect only ordinary citizens. And business representatives who do business internationally will be allowed to use VPN services, provided that all connections are registered with the Ministry of Industry and Information of China. The Russian law against TOR and VPN users is still somewhat softer than Chinese, but as they say, the beginning of trouble is the beginning. "

Pay attention please, this hit strikes ORDINARY CITIZENS alone, not oligarch jews and their corporations. Not terrorists. But the peoples of Russia and all the countries involved in this nightmare. By the origin of this jewish scum, you can judge what ideology we are going to introduce through this cybernetic iron curtain.

"Back in November 2017, the Security Council of the Russian Federation instructed the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to start building systems of DNS servers in the BRICS countries - that is, alternative Internet.

Work on this system continues today. At the same time, there is active cooperation with China. Apparently, the main interest is for our country the ideas of the chief engineer of the Computer Network Management and Information Security Management Center - Fan Binsin - the author of the “cyber sovereignty” concept.

Its basis is the complete control of the national state over its segment of the Internet; Deep protection of your Internet segment from any external attacks; all states should have equal rights to use Internet resources; other countries should not control root DNS directories through which access to Chinese sites is made.

It seems that Fan Binsin’s views turned out to be extremely close to Moscow, since the idea of one day being disconnected from the Internet, in the event of a complete loss of a common language with the United States, would not seem attractive to anyone.

[my note here, you see exact reason for all their fabricated "cold wars" and "losses of common language"]

The ideas of Fan Binsing led to the creation of the Golden Shield system in China, which by May 2018 blocked 8,000 sites that were deemed "undesirable." Among them were, in particular, Western social networks, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and the American TV channel HBO, one of whose humoristic programs said that China’s comparison of Winnie the Pooh with China was popular. "

And the last thing I want to say. For those morons, xians, and jew-purchased brainwashed commies, who listen to the jewish media. YES, the Internet was created by a US citizen and most of the servers were once located on the shores of his once free country. Once... Now mirrors are all over the world, and this lie that it is ruled by "any government except Russian one" is SHIT, worthy of the most diseased of brains. The problem of the Jews is that the Satanic Free Internet has not historically been created for the purpose of control, and is not technically designed for this. That is why Jews need "new technologies" that will allow it to be used as an instrument of slavery and closing the mouths of the people of the Great Prosecutor. YES, not every government has the right of "personal internet". The government of bastards, criminals, thieves, which the jews are, does not have such a right. And this is a good thing! Due to the fact that 13 Satanic servers were in the USA, we - RUSSIAN PEOPLE and all non-jewish peoples of Russia - all this time were given absolute freedom of speech and knowledge, ABSOLUTE. With total personal security given us by technological superiority which now is gone. And only when it is totally gone we will know who is on whose side.
"To evaluate freedom you have to first be deprived of it" - Samiya Shariff, Algerian author, who ran from muslim paradise of rape, beatings and burning alive.

Russian news quoted here:
https://www.rbc.ru/technology_and_media ... 83ba546acahttps://rusmonitor.com/vlasti-rf-sozdad ... chego.htmlhttps://www.kv.by/blog/users/kirilla88/ ... hem-grozithttps://hitech.newsru.com/article/04apr2012/rumovelroothttps://www.pravda.ru/news/world/1387938-internet/

суббота, 27 апреля 2019 г., 20:42:00 GMT+2, Edward Lonsa <edwardtgao8@... написал(-а):

Cybernetic Iron Curtain:
rabbis from the Checks are sick of the World Wide Web, WWW, 666 the number of Satan, Truth or Freedom of a non-jew.

Russian Security Council instructed to create an "independent Internet" for the BRICS countries

The Security Council of Russia instructed the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to create their own DNS root server system in the BRICS countries. Experts say that this is possible only if you create a separate Internet in BRICS "
[my note, which will no longer include those located on non-Russian servers, the Joy of Satan, the Exposing of Christianity and the Death of Communism]

My note, BRICS (eng. BRICS - short for Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) - a group of five countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa. - Wikipedia.
Exceptionally savage Communist countries, South Africa is the epicenter of the White genocide, where Whites die on the streets in the barracks, they are driven from their jobs and are not taken to educational institutions. They are outed from any fair competition only on the basis of race, the police do not investigate and refuses to hold accountable for mass killings, rape and endless attacks on houses of White people by black communists. Popular songs include calls for violence against the Whites and the White genocide. There is now the influx of blacks lately in Moscow and St. Petersburg. They come from countries like South Africa, because these are the "friendly countries" of the BRICS. Potential killers walk along our streets.

continued quotes.
"The Security Council of Russia, at a meeting on October 26, instructed the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia to initiate, before August 1, 2018, in the framework of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), the discussion of creating for the member states the unification of their own "duplicate root server system Domain Names (DNS), independent of the control of [international organizations] ICANN, IANA and VeriSign and capable of servicing the requests of users of the listed countries in case of failures or targeted impacts. ”Information about this assignment is contained in the minutes of the Security Council meeting, signed on November 5 by Russian President Vladimir Putin. RBC has a copy of this document; one of the federal officials confirmed its authenticity.“...

"A serious threat to Russia's security is the increased ability of Western countries to conduct offensive operations in the information space and readiness for their use. The dominance of the United States and a number of European Union countries in matters of Internet governance remains, ”explains the reason for the proposal in the Security Council materials.”

My note is that an ideology is being promoted across all Russian TV channels and Jewish media, saying that the West only thinks about how to turn off the Internet of Russia (as if it is beneficial to someone from the Jewish oligarchs who own everything in Russia and are hijacking all our money abroad). This pollution of the brain is intended to do the very thing against which it is supposedly aimed - to deprive the population of Russia of the Internet. Rather, to invent a reason for such a monstrous violation of human rights. And leave the full Internet for the elite, "those permitted access" or "those able to pay."

"Internet segmentation" literally means that the government of each individual country will have absolute power over what will and will not be seen by its citizens. The theme of the role of the government and its intervention and its control is discussed by the same persons as those who discuss this "security measure", which fully exposes their true intentions. See below.

"Domain Management

The DNS (Domain Name System) is a distributed storage system on which the World Wide Web depends, as it contains all domain names and their corresponding IP addresses. After the user enters the name of the site in his browser, the DNS allows the computer to understand which IP address the required resource is on and send a request there. The DNS system is hierarchical and distributed throughout the world. It is based on 13 root DNS servers that provide access to information about all top-level domains — national domains (for example, .ru, .uk, .de), general purpose domains (.com, .org), and sponsored domains (. museum, .jobs). Most of the root servers are located in the United States, several in Europe and Japan. The root servers have a lot of “mirrors”, including in Russia, which are made so that the request from the Russian user is not sent to the DNS server to the other end of the Earth. But in any case, the “mirrors” only duplicate the information of the root servers.The entire system is managed by the international non-profit organization ICANN (Domain Names and IP Addresses Management Corporation), which was established in 1998 with the participation of the US government. The technical management of the DNS root zone is the responsibility of one of the departments of ICANN - the Internet Address Space Administration (IANA).

The corporation has been working for a long time under a contract with the US Department of Commerce and the National Information and Communication Directorate (NTIA), but on October 1, 2016, the contract expired, and administrator rights passed to Public Technical Identifiers (PTI), a subsidiary of ICANN, a nonprofit public interest registered in the state of California.
The work of the DNS root servers is supported by 12 different organizations operating under agreements with ICANN. Among them is VeriSign, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the USA (NASA), the US Department of Defense, founded by Japanese universities of the WIDE Project to manage the local domain.jp, etc.

Own root

The Russian authorities have repeatedly stressed that ICANN is de facto under the control of the United States, and tried to achieve changes in the decision-making system in ICANN. In particular, as presidential aide Igor Shchegolev said in an interview with RBC, Russia insists that the role of governments in managing the Internet should be clearly spelled out and it cannot simply be an advisory one. "

As I have already said, in another activity of those who instill in us the fear that the West is asleep and only sees the Internet in someone’s dream, it’s clear what really stands behind their plan for “internet segmentation”.

"What else did the Security Council discuss

In addition to the order to create its own root DNS system, the Security Council gave the Ministry of Communications and the FSB the task of introducing mandatory identification of users of computer games and social networks. It is assumed that game developers and owners of social networks will have to conclude contracts with telecom operators in order to identify their users with the help of a mobile phone number. "

My note. An attempt to give away to Russia free Internet has already been made in the era of Obama. But for some reason it was in the era of the “nationalist” Trump that this idea was put into practice.

"1 out of 13 Internet root DNS servers now stand in Russia
April 4, 2012 publication time: 14:47

L-Root, one of the 13 root DNS servers that ensure the operability and preservation of Internet connectivity, has been installed in Russia by Ru-Center, RIA Novosti reports. The remaining DNS servers are located in the USA, Europe and Asia.

The project was implemented together with ICANN, an Internet administration corporation. Ru-Center was able to provide a technological platform for the installation of a DNS server in Russia."

Note the 13th number of Satan. The Internet is the brainchild of his genius and the genius of the White Man, a sincere step towards total freedom of speech combined with total personal security.

I don’t mind every individual citizen of the universe owning their own free internet and independent free creation of any number of free Internets in infinite space and time, but what they want to implement into Russia without Russian people's consent and crookedly explain it with some kind of ghost in the sky (“West” and etc.), will not be the Internet, only those domains and sites that the Jewish government does approve, since the last will play in this new "internet" different role than the US government or any other government is playing on the original free Internet.
"Of course, the Russian authorities are by no means alone in their hatred of free speech. There are countries where the situation with access to the world wide web is even worse. For example, the DPRK, Turkmenistan, Turkmenistan or Kazakhstan, or the same China. However, Russia, whose so-called “parliament” is stamping one draconian law at such a furious pace, after another, then there is no doubt that if the situation does not change for the better, then our country will not only catch up with, but also surpass the most obscurant and hostile free-thinking country. In the meantime, to move, or rather to fall, there is still much. For example, to something like the infamous “Great Chinese Firewall”, a shameful phenomenon by which Chinese Communists control what citizens of this country can read and watch, improving it for about a year and setting an example for their Russian colleagues.

For example, as of February 1, 2018, the Chinese authorities, according to Bloomberg, plan to impose restrictions on the free access of users to Internet resources by prohibiting the operation of VPN services. We are talking here including about Virtual Private Network, and virtual private networks. As you know, today the regulation of the World Wide Web in China is considered the most stringent in the world. A special filtration information system on the Web has been working there since the beginning of the 2000s. The Golden Shield is a server system between providers of China and international data networks on the Internet that filters all information entering the country. Therefore, VPN-services all this time were the only tools that were available to ordinary users to go online without restrictions.

A similar initiative was adopted in Russia. At the same time, the new law, which will come into force in China from the beginning of next year, will affect only ordinary citizens. And business representatives who do business internationally will be allowed to use VPN services, provided that all connections are registered with the Ministry of Industry and Information of China. The Russian law against TOR and VPN users is still somewhat softer than Chinese, but as they say, the beginning of trouble is the beginning. "

Pay attention please, this hit strikes ORDINARY CITIZENS alone, not by oligarch jews and their corporations. Not terrorists. But the peoples of Russia and all the countries involved in this nightmare. By the origin of this Jewish scum, you can judge what ideology we are going to introduce through this cybernetic iron curtain.

"Back in November 2017, the Security Council of the Russian Federation instructed the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to start building systems of DNS servers in the BRICS countries - that is, alternative Internet.

Work on this system continues today. At the same time, there is active cooperation with China. Apparently, the main interest is for our country the ideas of the chief engineer of the Computer Network Management and Information Security Management Center - Fan Binsin - the author of the “cyber sovereignty” concept.

Its basis is the complete control of the national state over its segment of the Internet; Deep protection of your Internet segment from any external attacks; all states should have equal rights to use Internet resources; other countries should not control root DNS directories through which access to Chinese sites is made.

It seems that Fan Binsin’s views turned out to be extremely close to Moscow, since the idea of one day being disconnected from the Internet, in the event of a complete loss of a common language with the United States, would not seem attractive to anyone.

[my note here, you see exact reason for all their fabricated "cold wars" and "losses of common language"]

The ideas of Fan Binsing led to the creation of the Golden Shield system in China, which by May 2018 blocked 8,000 sites that were deemed "undesirable." Among them were, in particular, Western social networks, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and the American TV channel HBO, one of whose humoristic programs said that China’s comparison of Winnie the Pooh with China was popular. "

And the last thing I want to say. For those morons, xians, and jew-purchased brainwashed commies, who listen to the jewish media. YES, the Internet was created by a US citizen and most of the servers were once located on the shores of his once free country. Once... Now mirrors are all over the world, and this lie that it is ruled by "any government except Russian one" is SHIT, worthy of the most diseased of brains. The problem of the Jews is that the Satanic Free Internet has not historically been created for the purpose of control, and is not technically designed for this. That is why Jews need "new technologies" that will allow it to be used as an instrument of slavery and closing the mouths of the people of the Great Prosecutor. YES, not every government has the right of "personal internet". The government of bastards, criminals, thieves, which the jews are, does not have such a right. And this is a good thing! Due to the fact that 13 Satanic servers were in the USA, we - RUSSIAN PEOPLE and all non-jewish peoples of Russia - all this time were given absolute freedom of speech and knowledge, ABSOLUTE. With total personal security given us by technological superiority which now is gone. And only when it is totally gone we will know who is on whose side.
"To evaluate freedom you have to first be deprived of it" - Samiya Shariff, Algerian author, who ran from muslim paradise of rape, beatings and burning alive.

Russian news quoted here:
https://www.rbc.ru/technology_and_media ... 83ba546acahttps://rusmonitor.com/vlasti-rf-sozdad ... chego.htmlhttps://www.kv.by/blog/users/kirilla88/ ... hem-grozithttps://hitech.newsru.com/article/04apr2012/rumovelroothttps://www.pravda.ru/news/world/1387938-internet/


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
