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Crisis of pessimism


New member
Aug 11, 2024
Amongst the general sphere of life, and more particular to the more philosophically/intellectual side of the total population, it seems we have drove ourselves into a nasty situation where no one has a good answer for Schopenhauer, and the pessimism that surrounds German Idealism. The general thought form stresses the cynical nature of men as being flesh automatons who's only prerogative is perpetuating life itself (Will) for it's own sake. It employs ancient ideas of the visible world as an illusion, or fake copy, of a noumenal world.

How is this be to be overcome? I this a philosophical framework that can only kill us, or is there an entirely other paradigm we can engage with?
I bought "The World as Will and Representation"
I hope I have a good experience.
I want to develop in myself the mind that is nihilistic but always at peace.
In fact, I think that general nihilism can be a liberation, a peace and a higher pragmatism.

Most people don't like it, they feel bad or get depressed. But for me, it's something very beautiful.
The problem is that people attribute meaning to "good", so when something is bad, they think it doesn't make sense. But that's not the truth.

Not to mention that I'm in a natural phase of nihilism and accepting the truth about all my faults. But also the observation of how the mind is programmed to act according to a pattern.
Over time I myself have felt what Schopenhauer said about the will.
The more I cleansed my soul, the clearer my mind became.
I gained a lot of self-knowledge about evil, ignorance, arrogance, pride and the desire for love, attention and well-being.
all stemming from my ego
It was only after realizing all this malice that wasn't expressed (I've always behaved decently) that I understood why people treated me badly without me ever having done anything wrong.
Only then did I start to develop my morals, ethics and correct thinking.

It's good that people don't receive anything in return for their kind acts, because that's where true compassion and kindness dwell; doing without receiving anything in return makes kindness an end, not a means.
I do it because I want to, regardless of the reasons. I want to believe that I won't be rewarded for good things, because that's the only way I'll be doing good for its own sake.
It's good that people don't receive anything in return for their kind acts, because that's where true compassion and kindness dwell; doing without receiving anything in return makes kindness an end, not a means.
I do it because I want to, regardless of the reasons. I want to believe that I won't be rewarded for good things, because that's the only way I'll be doing good for its own sake.
All this in the context of life after death.
But in general, it's only about me and my selfishness.
Everything I do is for myself and for the idealism of the icognoscenti.
I bought "The World as Will and Representation"
I hope I have a good experience.
I want to develop in myself the mind that is nihilistic but always at peace.
In fact, I think that general nihilism can be a liberation, a peace and a higher pragmatism.

Most people don't like it, they feel bad or get depressed. But for me, it's something very beautiful.
The problem is that people attribute meaning to "good", so when something is bad, they think it doesn't make sense. But that's not the truth.

Not to mention that I'm in a natural phase of nihilism and accepting the truth about all my faults. But also the observation of how the mind is programmed to act according to a pattern.

Nihilism is part of the Jewish program where one feels helpless and purposeless.

Amongst the general sphere of life, and more particular to the more philosophically/intellectual side of the total population, it seems we have drove ourselves into a nasty situation where no one has a good answer for Schopenhauer, and the pessimism that surrounds German Idealism. The general thought form stresses the cynical nature of men as being flesh automatons who's only prerogative is perpetuating life itself (Will) for it's own sake. It employs ancient ideas of the visible world as an illusion, or fake copy, of a noumenal world.

How is this be to be overcome? I this a philosophical framework that can only kill us, or is there an entirely other paradigm we can engage with?

Although I don't know much about German Idealism, but here is my answer:

The physical world exist, as one thing, which can be perceived differently by other being. For example a cat will see things differently and will have an impression that would be different form a Human. And of course, Humans to Humans, can also perceive things differently. But at the end of the day, the physical word is the same for all of us, but we perceive it differently due to our differences. Different mind, different being, different thoughts, different impressions, different soul, different consciousness...

Now there are higher dimensions that is "behind" the physical word, that which operates it, can be accessed trough our soul. These are the worlds of energy, the astral. Ultimately, the astral "decides" what is the physical world is like, and what comes next, basically the astral is the blueprint of the physical world which can be influenced. The physical world operates "moves" with energy, which is the astral.
I bought "The World as Will and Representation"
I hope I have a good experience.
I want to develop in myself the mind that is nihilistic but always at peace.
In fact, I think that general nihilism can be a liberation, a peace and a higher pragmatism.

Most people don't like it, they feel bad or get depressed. But for me, it's something very beautiful.
The problem is that people attribute meaning to "good", so when something is bad, they think it doesn't make sense. But that's not the truth.

Not to mention that I'm in a natural phase of nihilism and accepting the truth about all my faults. But also the observation of how the mind is programmed to act according to a pattern.

Why do you find nihilism so positive?

The "acceptance" phase is definitely good, from that must then come an "action" phase where these shortcomings or flaws are resolved.

I was reminded of a very interesting old sermon, take a look here.

Thread 'On Nihilism And Decadence' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/on-nihilism-and-decadence.13817/
Nihilism is part of the Jewish program where one feels helpless and purposeless.
Nihilism develops naturally in some people's minds and has spread thanks to philosophy.
Marcos Aurelio can be considered a nihilist in several of his reflections. It is interesting to note that in his diary he never mentioned reincarnation or life after death.

Man simply dies and becomes grass, all for his own diary.
Nihilism develops naturally in some people's minds and has spread thanks to philosophy.
Marcos Aurelio can be considered a nihilist in several of his reflections. It is interesting to note that in his diary he never mentioned reincarnation or life after death.

Man simply dies and becomes grass, all for his own diary.

I think what you mean is Stoicism. There might be some aspects that are common in these two mindset and philosophy, but they are very different in a lot of other ways. Stoicism is about handling you thoughts, emotions, and situations correctly, and mindfully, without letting your emotions wild.
It employs ancient ideas of the visible world as an illusion, or fake copy, of a noumenal world.

How is this be to be overcome? I this a philosophical framework that can only kill us, or is there an entirely other paradigm we can engage with?
Platonic Dualism is a mental illness and a cult. I am a strong proponent of physicalism (emergentism in particular), and HPS Maxine specifically stated þat boþ þe occult and physical sciences converge on one unified reality. Þis is þe observationally-verifiable truþ, from our own experiences and knowledge as SS. Þere are no two seperate realms of existence; þat is what abrahamics believe wiþ þeir absurd fictional “heaven”.

Technological optimism is þe only true cure for nihilism and oþer worþless products of psychological masturbation. Þe longer you stay in your head, believing you can fit reality in your head, þe more mentally ill you will become—þe terminal stage being solipsism:

David Deutsch — “The Beginning of Infinity” (pp. 212‒215) said:
…Unless a society is expecting its own future choices to be better than its present ones, it will strive to make its present policies and institutions as immutable as possible. Therefore Popper’s criterion can be met only by societies that expect their knowledge to grow – and to grow unpredictably. And, further, they are expecting that if it did grow, that would help.

This expectation is what I call optimism, and I can state it, in its most general form, thus:

The Principle of Optimism
All evils are caused by insufficient knowledge.
Optimism follows from the explicability of the physical world… If something is permitted by the laws of physics, then the only thing that can prevent it from being technologically possible is not knowing how. Optimism also assumes that none of the prohibitions imposed by the laws of physics are necessarily evils. So, for instance, the lack of the impossible knowledge of prophecy is not an insuperable obstacle to progress. Nor are insoluble mathematical problems…

That means that in the long run there are no insuperable evils, and in the short run the only insuperable evils are parochial ones. There can be no such thing as a disease for which it is impossible to discover a cure, other than certain types of brain damage – those that have dissipated the knowledge that constitutes the patient’s personality. For a sick person is a physical object, and the task of transforming this object into the same person in good health is one that no law of physics rules out. Hence there is a way of achieving such a transformation – that is to say, a cure. It is only a matter of knowing how. If we do not, for the moment, know how to eliminate a particular evil, or we know in theory but do not yet have enough time or resources (i.e. wealth), then, even so, it is universally true that either the laws of physics forbid eliminating it in a given time with the available resources or there is a way of eliminating it in the time and with those resources…

Optimism implies all the other necessary conditions for knowledge to grow, and for knowledge-creating civilizations to last, and hence for the beginning of infinity. We have, as Popper put it, a duty to be optimistic – in general, and about civilization in particular. One can argue that saving civilization will be difficult. That does not mean that there is a low probability of solving the associated problems…
Þere are no problems—created by nature or by technology—þat cannot be solved wiþ more technology, wheþer þat technology is “spiritual” or “material” in nature. Abandon dualism and the world, life, and reality start making true sense.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
