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Crabwood Crop Cicle - Hoax?


New member
Dec 24, 2017
Please bear in mind that this entire event could be completely faked by someone, what I am accounting is my personal analysis of the event from a Satanist's point of view. It probably is a hoax, but for theoretical purposes, let's assume otherwise.

Alright guys, get your tinfoil hats ready.

For those unaware, the Crabwood crop circle of 2002 was one of the most advanced and detailed crop circles to have ever existed. I believe there are real crop circles out there, and there are obviously fake ones made by UFO fanatics and trolls. I remember watching a show about how they took the plant matter from crop circles and analyzed it microscopically, and the plant matter from what they believed to be real crop circles from extra terrestrials were singed, like it had been burnt, and the hoaxed ones were just bent from the wooden plank and rope used to fake them.

Here is the 2002 Crabwood crop circle

As you can see, it has the image of a grey alien on it. The circle in the corner is the message. Expert mathematicians realized the circle was able to be broken down into binary code, which then is translated into ASCII characters and it reads like this:

"Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises.
Much pain, but still time. Believe there is good out there.
We oppose deception. Conduit closing. 0x07"


The common conception is that the alien picture in the crop circle is a self portrait of the being(s) that made the circle. However, I believe it to be a portrait of the exact thing the message is trying to warn us about. "Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises." Clearly the message is referring to the big ugly fucking depiction of the human-hating, grey alien enemies (with the J*ws following suit in the same category, of course). Who are the true bearers of false gifts and broken promises in this world? The reptilian/grey/jew collective.

Purportedly, there is a hidden message within the hidden message that was harder to interpret. Apparently it translates to "EA LIVE," but I am uncertain of the legitimacy of this.

What do you guys think?
Apparently the Jewish reptilians communicate with the Jews in earth through such means or so I've heard from some people.

This was an interesting crop circle BTW,

Looks like a god cutting the head of a grey. Nice
Jack said:
Apparently the Jewish reptilians communicate with the Jews in earth through such means or so I've heard from some people.

This was an interesting crop circle BTW,

Looks like a god cutting the head of a grey. Nice

Sounds about right.

I really fucking love that depiction! It's giving me some new badass art ideas I could paint :D
There's always the chance of a Crop Circle merely being a human artist or prankster's making, but I must say that some of them are quite complex. A human would need lots of free time and skill to do something like the Crop Circles shown above. Some of our Gods are known to be impressive artists.

I don't know who could have faked the hidden messages. The Crabwood Crop Circle is definitely warning about the enemy (who bears false promises in programs such as Xianity). There's a good chance it was the work of an agent of the Gods or they themselves.
Before I read anything beyond the tinfoil hat joke - why would anyone want to 'draw' designs of things in what look like farming fields - especially when there is supposed to be a shortage of food, or animals' and insects' homes?

With the 'city in the sky' and satellites - and now drones - why, since the dawn of photo cameras and video cameras, has no-one captured such doo-dee-doo-doo happenings of actual beings, rather than just the results after? The circle looks...and I use this word only for dramatic effect, not out of my onion - eerily(!) like QR codes. Oops. Sorry. There be 666 in every bar code! Sign of the Beast! Sorry, I'll stop, lol.

This was uploaded previously on 22/06/2011.
Trump wants to create a "space force" for this "alien threat from outside this world", "the extraterrestrial threat" which is "the last card, the last card, the last card" (I think that's what it said; it wasn't very clear). Do we not have this threat here on Earth already, and hasn't it been here already for 10s of centuries?

Honestly, I would like there to be something with it, like a lot of people do (but I don't wish it very much, I just would like it), but I'm about 99% meh with it, to be honest.

I thought I had heard that phrase before - it's a "legendary message" according to cropcirclewisdom. On a somewhat on/off-topic topic, the Michelson-Morley experiment "was an attempt to detect the existence of aether, a medium permeating space that was thought to be the carrier of light waves" from Wikipaedia. I came across the name on Reddit, regarding this particular crop circle.

If aliens used Binary, then they would most certainly not have ASCII - and despite 1s and 0s being very simple/basic, then you remove all knowledge of what any form of 1s and 0s is from your memory and then make a new one from scratch - you will not make it ASCII-like. You'd come up with something else. Plus - why ASCII? Why not Greek, Aramaic, hebrew, yiddish, Arabic, Hindi, Cyrillic, Latin - or better yet Sanskrit or Enochian?! If I am not mistaken, then ASCII does not contain any Hanzi, Kanji nor Hanja characters, either, nor Hieroglyphics nor Meroitic, etc., etc., etc. scripts...

At least tell us a prophesy that is worth telling and knowing - and I don't mean next week's lottery numbers nor the impending wishful-thinking and wet-dreaming doom of "world war 3". Doomsayers, schmoomsayers. Putting things into your Mind for you to grow and nurture them, with fear and other strong emotions, to bring about the dirty jew messy-er. Speaking about "minutes to midnight" - also have a look at Doomsday Clock.

If you were to create a new basic representation of things for language and script...I'd be interested to see what you came up with. What would make more...or actual...sense would be to sequence the first so-many Prime Numbers. Unless there is something I'm missing, then amounts are the same all over the Universe, regardless of whether we call them two, deux, zwei, tul, or hljdaebbdddd. The only problem with this, though, would be connecting the Prime Numbers into fear-mongering doom messages in a crap "prophesy" - although, it's not really a prophesy; it's just a transparent groping of your carnal, animalistic, primitive Nature from way back in the Cave Man days :eyeroll:. I saw an illustration once, I think in a programme on TV or a psychology thing, which says that we have an animal brain or portion of our minds, with the central part, physically or mentally, being the basic instincts of us... In short - rushing around on Spack Friday like a retarded lower animal without dignity and without a brain.

The Reddit page, and links on it, mention similar things which I have said.

ColbyChee5e said:
...how could somebody make that up?
It didn't happen in Nature, clever man... :eyeroll:. I agree with Bender, from Futurama at this point - "Humans...". Why come all this way to spoil some cross which we need to rest too give a critic, ain't message of no with? Why not quite it on paper or broadcast it on all frequencies to all radio and television stations, or all devices which must accept interference (FCC "rules")?...

"I really don't think they flew 90 billion light -years to come down here and" squat on some crops in a field, destroying our food and ruining the economy and destroying animals' and insects' homes. Think about this - the jew tries many things and some of it works. See how many TV series and find these are that didn't go anywhere; the jew just tries again with different actors and actresses in a different context until something works - a lot of the time there are a small number of samplers after the pilot to see the reception and if it is received well it continues on. These conspiracies about squatting down on s in fields to give a "message" are an attempt - if they get enough attention, then the jew will drag it out and milk it for all it can, to get as much out of it as possible, stealing your fear and Mind energies for leviathan.

I wonder why it's called a "rabbit hole" (other than the obvious Alice's Adventures in Wonderland reference). Is it because it's dark and you can't see, so you have to guess? Is it because, as I said earlier, it plays on and inspires the dark recesses of your (primitive, animal) Mind? Hmmm... If there is something very much true and real in it, then I'll buy a hat so I can eat it, but we'll see. Let's wait until tomorrow, then the next day, then next week, next month, next year...and see what has not happened. No paper messages, no radio and television broadcasts on all frequencies nor all devices, no nothin' (to end on an incorrect English phrase!).

Crop circles slammed as the work of 'amateurs' as their numbers plummet

Father and son crop circle-making team reveal the secrets of how they have spent the past 15 years leaving their intricate designs across the countryside

How to Make a Crop Circle

wyldcat said:
Humankind have built gigantic pyramids in the desert, huge hydroelectric power plants, huge temples all over the world that still fascinates us how they were built today, nanobots machines, extremely complex factories run by robots, great works of art, solved tons of mathematical equations to learn about the universe itself, machines that enables us to fly, put men on the moon, landed robots on other planets, mapped our entire genome, built solar panels to use the power of the Sun!

But when some dudes make a binary code message in a wheat field: IT MUST BE ALIENS! IT'S SO COMPLEX!
I think I'll leave it there. Goodnight and thanks for watching!

Coming up - a man who philosophers love to love...or love to hate; "Once you were apes, and even now, too, man is more ape than any ape", next.

FancyMancy said:
Before I read anything beyond the tinfoil hat joke - why would anyone want to 'draw' designs of things in what look like farming fields - especially when there is supposed to be a shortage of food, or animals' and insects' homes?

With the 'city in the sky' and satellites - and now drones - why, since the dawn of photo cameras and video cameras, has no-one captured such doo-dee-doo-doo happenings of actual beings, rather than just the results after? The circle looks...and I use this word only for dramatic effect, not out of my onion - eerily(!) like QR codes. Oops. Sorry. There be 666 in every bar code! Sign of the Beast! Sorry, I'll stop, lol.

This was uploaded previously on 22/06/2011.
Trump wants to create a "space force" for this "alien threat from outside this world", "the extraterrestrial threat" which is "the last card, the last card, the last card" (I think that's what it said; it wasn't very clear). Do we not have this threat here on Earth already, and hasn't it been here already for 10s of centuries?

Honestly, I would like there to be something with it, like a lot of people do (but I don't wish it very much, I just would like it), but I'm about 99% meh with it, to be honest.

I thought I had heard that phrase before - it's a "legendary message" according to cropcirclewisdom. On a somewhat on/off-topic topic, the Michelson-Morley experiment "was an attempt to detect the existence of aether, a medium permeating space that was thought to be the carrier of light waves" from Wikipaedia. I came across the name on Reddit, regarding this particular crop circle.

If aliens used Binary, then they would most certainly not have ASCII - and despite 1s and 0s being very simple/basic, then you remove all knowledge of what any form of 1s and 0s is from your memory and then make a new one from scratch - you will not make it ASCII-like. You'd come up with something else. Plus - why ASCII? Why not Greek, Aramaic, hebrew, yiddish, Arabic, Hindi, Cyrillic, Latin - or better yet Sanskrit or Enochian?! If I am not mistaken, then ASCII does not contain any Hanzi, Kanji nor Hanja characters, either, nor Hieroglyphics nor Meroitic, etc., etc., etc. scripts...

At least tell us a prophesy that is worth telling and knowing - and I don't mean next week's lottery numbers nor the impending wishful-thinking and wet-dreaming doom of "world war 3". Doomsayers, schmoomsayers. Putting things into your Mind for you to grow and nurture them, with fear and other strong emotions, to bring about the dirty jew messy-er. Speaking about "minutes to midnight" - also have a look at Doomsday Clock.

If you were to create a new basic representation of things for language and script...I'd be interested to see what you came up with. What would make more...or actual...sense would be to sequence the first so-many Prime Numbers. Unless there is something I'm missing, then amounts are the same all over the Universe, regardless of whether we call them two, deux, zwei, tul, or hljdaebbdddd. The only problem with this, though, would be connecting the Prime Numbers into fear-mongering doom messages in a crap "prophesy" - although, it's not really a prophesy; it's just a transparent groping of your carnal, animalistic, primitive Nature from way back in the Cave Man days :eyeroll:. I saw an illustration once, I think in a programme on TV or a psychology thing, which says that we have an animal brain or portion of our minds, with the central part, physically or mentally, being the basic instincts of us... In short - rushing around on Spack Friday like a retarded lower animal without dignity and without a brain.

The Reddit page, and links on it, mention similar things which I have said.

ColbyChee5e said:
...how could somebody make that up?
It didn't happen in Nature, clever man... :eyeroll:. I agree with Bender, from Futurama at this point - "Humans...". Why come all this way to spoil some cross which we need to rest too give a critic, ain't message of no with? Why not quite it on paper or broadcast it on all frequencies to all radio and television stations, or all devices which must accept interference (FCC "rules")?...

"I really don't think they flew 90 billion light -years to come down here and" squat on some crops in a field, destroying our food and ruining the economy and destroying animals' and insects' homes. Think about this - the jew tries many things and some of it works. See how many TV series and find these are that didn't go anywhere; the jew just tries again with different actors and actresses in a different context until something works - a lot of the time there are a small number of samplers after the pilot to see the reception and if it is received well it continues on. These conspiracies about squatting down on s in fields to give a "message" are an attempt - if they get enough attention, then the jew will drag it out and milk it for all it can, to get as much out of it as possible, stealing your fear and Mind energies for leviathan.

I wonder why it's called a "rabbit hole" (other than the obvious Alice's Adventures in Wonderland reference). Is it because it's dark and you can't see, so you have to guess? Is it because, as I said earlier, it plays on and inspires the dark recesses of your (primitive, animal) Mind? Hmmm... If there is something very much true and real in it, then I'll buy a hat so I can eat it, but we'll see. Let's wait until tomorrow, then the next day, then next week, next month, next year...and see what has not happened. No paper messages, no radio and television broadcasts on all frequencies nor all devices, no nothin' (to end on an incorrect English phrase!).

Crop circles slammed as the work of 'amateurs' as their numbers plummet

Father and son crop circle-making team reveal the secrets of how they have spent the past 15 years leaving their intricate designs across the countryside

How to Make a Crop Circle

wyldcat said:
Humankind have built gigantic pyramids in the desert, huge hydroelectric power plants, huge temples all over the world that still fascinates us how they were built today, nanobots machines, extremely complex factories run by robots, great works of art, solved tons of mathematical equations to learn about the universe itself, machines that enables us to fly, put men on the moon, landed robots on other planets, mapped our entire genome, built solar panels to use the power of the Sun!

But when some dudes make a binary code message in a wheat field: IT MUST BE ALIENS! IT'S SO COMPLEX!
I think I'll leave it there. Goodnight and thanks for watching!

Coming up - a man who philosophers love to love...or love to hate; "Once you were apes, and even now, too, man is more ape than any ape", next.

Not all crop circles are man made. For example the giza strip is a thousands of years old alien landing strip. You can create them however its different when the aliens make it and we make it. This is a jew disinformation campaign against alien structures. They want everyone to believe everything is man made. They wanted you to believe precision laser cutting was made 10,000 years ago. Dont fall into the nihilist aethist argument
For example , this is clearly a man made creation ,

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
