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Covid Pandemic Is The Emergence Of The Jewish World Order

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Covid Pandemic Is The Emergence Of The Jewish World Order

In October of 2019 the Event 201 was run which was a simulation of a global coronavirus pandemic and the actions for such. This Event 201 was run by Bill Gates and other groups such as the World Health Organization. Bill Gates is the largest funder of the WHO the WHO [World Health Organization] was founded by the Jewish, Rockefeller Foundation. Bill Gates from reports on his own family ancestry is a cousin of the Rockefeller family. Bill Gates own father ran an important organization also run by the Rockefeller Foundation. The racial Jews keep their empires in the family. The Rockefellers are also mixed with the Rothschild's family. Which is the top level of the global Jewish cult.

If one watches the video from Event 201 that is in public domain the exercise directors stated that martial law and the shutting down of the internet to prevent freedom of press and information will be employed to combat the pandemic. Then all of a sudden the pandemic from a virus bioengineered in a lab, appears globally in our world right after Event 201. And the Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation and the WHO appear and are advising the governments of the world including America on how to handle the pandemic and its the exact blueprint of Event 201.

Now they are attempting to impose martial law under the pandemic and economic and financial collapse which the shutting down of the economy. All of this while 5G is being put up at lighting speed everywhere.

The goals are putting new laws and restrictions into society that allow greater global controls while centralising global economic control in the hands of the Jewish run world banks and corporations. Who are working to create a global one world, digital currency and economic grid. The goal is by running the nations economic systems into the ground they become dependent on global ones and the same with currencies. And the Jewish elites are in control of those.

5G which is being forced undemocratically on America by Federal Law and other nations. This despite 237 and now more EMF scientists for 41 nations lobbied the UN against 5G for its harmful effects on human beings.

The goal of 5G and the reason the Jewish owned telecom corporations and putting this 5G grid down with government force behind them is simple. The Jewish elites need 5G to build the global control grid. The "smart" technology requires 5G. The internet of all things which is required for the brain microchips companies liked Neurolink are developing needs 5G. The internet of all things and thus 5G is the connection for the coming brain chip. To have a global digital currency and surveillance grid 5G and the internet of all things are required.

In Toronto, Canada the parent company of Google that of Alphabet has planned a smart city in which the identical Orwellian system of Social Credit was to be installed. Alphabet is a global tech company run by Jewish owners, Larry Page and Sergey Brin . This brings us to Jew, Ray Kurzweil the Google executive who has stated that by 2030 all humans will be linked into the AI grid. This is the smart grid the Jewish elites are working to bring online. How does a Jewish, Silicon Valley executive know such. Silicon Valley is run by Unit 8200 the tech wing of the Israel military.

Bill Gates in an interview with Chris Anderson, openly stated that people will have to have a certificate of vaccination for Covid-19 before being allowed to travel or have any social existence. This is also stated in the news to be a "quantum tattoo" which can be digitally scanned and requires some microchip. In which at some point all your information will be downloaded into thanks to 5G and the global smart grid.

The journalist Whitney Webb stated that Israel admitted it was working with the coronavirus and technologies and that is why Israel claimed to have the vaccine for such. This is why its believed by many the Covid-19 is originally from a lab in the Israel military. The entire global smart grid is also designed as Webb has shown to be run out of Israel, the JEWISH STATE.
At this exact moment in 2020 whoever still uses excuses like "nah it is just a conspiracy theoory", from my point of view is a vegetable. After all that has happened and all that has been exposed some still are under some strange mental retardation phenomenon. Some even seem incoherent in communication...

When the Gods arrive there are two possible scenarios they may find us in:
1. We took back Earth from the enemy and started rebuilding and the Gods are proud of us. They will probably help us further with advancing.
2. We are under the Jew World order and they will save our ass hopefully... a shameful and embarassing situation for us gentiles. Maybe a few of us being aware and being into hiding at that moment.

Whichever situation we find ourselves in, the people I was talking about at the beggining should not be forgiven. Human rights violation? No! A vegetable or a reckless impulsive animal is not a human. They are the ones that make systems like communism possible.
On the daily presidential briefings President Trump has talked multiple times about how he was advised by the WHO to keep everything open and that it wasn’t a big deal. From that it was obvious that they had a hand in all this and had an agenda.

I think trump ignoring their advice and deciding to close everything down was a huge block in the road for their plans because I think they were relying on even more massive amounts of deaths to justify their extreme control methods. Instituting martial law and shutting down the internet, etc. You can see this from their simulations showing like 65 million deaths. Which we are nowhere near.

So there is very much still hope. Closing down the everything and our quarantine has lowered the deaths exponentially and now it makes it that much more difficult to justify such extreme measures the jews have planned.

The only major problem we have now is the talks of reopening the economy. Something that will be decided soon. If it’s opened prematurely we can have a round two and who knows how that might play out. People will be even more afraid and then we just might have the conditions for them to act out their plans. This reveals the dire nature of the rtrs now. It really is up to these rtrs that will keep things in our favor. That can’t be understated.
The "end" is approaching is do or die this is the beginning of the world "Borg" state the thing about the chips has been known on JOS for a while now the Gods give us the RTRs just in the recent past things getting "hot" we keep up with the RTR......"that they may all be one in me"-Jewsus of Borg.
HP Mageson666 said:
The journalist Whitney Webb stated that Israel admitted it was working with the coronavirus and technologies and that is why Israel claimed to have the vaccine for such. This is why its believed by many the Covid-19 is originally from a lab in the Israel military. The entire global smart grid is also designed as Webb has shown to be run out of Israel, the JEWISH STATE.
Can you share the source on this? (I assume its some article). I tried to find it but couldnt.
The Daily Mail has reported the food banks are running out of food in America and millions have been lining up to them with the economic shut down. Will there be food riots soon is the question. The news is also mentioning possible riots in Europe.
Eric13 said:
On the daily presidential briefings President Trump has talked multiple times about how he was advised by the WHO to keep everything open and that it wasn’t a big deal. From that it was obvious that they had a hand in all this and had an agenda.

The same WHO who urges everyone to wear masks at all times when outdoors and keep the lockdowns in Europe? I doubt that it's true that he's been getting those pressure.
Another thing I was thinking, is the WHO and the organizations that hosted Event 201 have come out with statements denying prior knowledge to COVID-19 naturally of course, but think about it. Months prior to a new coronavirus being introduced into our society, these guys had a seminar where they created a plan of action for if there was ever a crisis where a new dangerous virus came about, and then when a new virus did come about all of their advice to most countries was to do nothing. The opposite of their preparations. And they all downplayed it. Yet months before their plans involved heavier control methods. Riiiiggght... they knew nothing about this.

How can you prepare for a crisis and then when it actually happens, you downplay it and do nothing and then claim you knew nothing about it? It’s because they wanted more people to die. They needed that for their plan.

If they were on honest sincere organization and this was just a coincidence, they would of jumped to action the moment the virus outbreak started because they would already know the potential danger. So many red flags. How can anyone buy their BS?

The great thing about the internet is now they can’t act in the shadows. Every move they make has a spotlight on it and this strategic chess game is getting rushed because of it and they’re making foolish moves. We’re playing steadily and consistently. Playing the long game and that’s why we’re set up to win. They’re not thinking anymore. Keep up rtrs my friends.
TheKingBaphomet said:
Its right to say that the communism is the NWO system they plan?

Understanding the enemy pulls shit like that to either go Socialism or Communism. Then yes you could say that. Another statement is World War with Iran/Syria and Oded Yinon Plan being pushed by shabbos and jews like Jared Kushner. In other words distract pump up the spiritual energies and return us back to 1939 against Iran/Syria/Russia/China. But then with unleashing a pandemic, a biological economic terrorist weapon. Why harm your own psychic batteries.

My best guess is "Communism as an added benefit moving us to World War".

Really what the enemy did is thanks to our rituals they believed they can pull the wool over the goyims eyes and then "Surprise shit doesn't happen" or if something happens it backfires.
Stormblood said:
The same WHO who urges everyone to wear masks at all times when outdoors and keep the lockdowns in Europe? I doubt that it's true that he's been getting those pressure.
Absolute he’s been getting those pressures. He’s personally talked about it outright on the briefings. I’ve watched them daily. The WHO is a jew Organization. Mageson just said that in his post. So why would you doubt that? They had a plan for many more people to die than have so far. This is proven with Event 201 which the WHO were apart of. Trump ignored their advice thankfully and placed travel bans. As well, has placed holds on funding for the WHO. They’re corrupt and he sees that. He said directly the WHO actually does nothing they promise.

Advising to wear masks is nothing. Anybody would advise that now.

Later this week he has plans for a press conference to talk more detailed on the situation with the WHO. He’s expressed great distaste with them. That should be interesting.
HP Mageson666 said:
The Daily Mail has reported the food banks are running out of food in America and millions have been lining up to them with the economic shut down. Will there be food riots soon is the question. The news is also mentioning possible riots in Europe.
Yeah it’s true and it’s not just canned foods and long term storage items that are in low supply now.

It was just announced yesterday that one of the major meat distributors in America has closed one of their locations after 300 people tested positive with Covid-19. As well, numerous other meat suppliers have closed down across the nation. They’re stressing the severity of this. It can have a huge impact if suppliers are shutting down. If it isn’t safe to resume operations anytime soon, then this will certainly effect food supplies in the coming months, if not sooner.

Then with less produce purchases from businesses, crop prices are going down making it unsustainable for farmers. Hopefully the government economic programs will help them.

As one farmer said on the news “Empty shelves can be frightening, but empty fields and barns will be devastating.”

To me it seems highly unlikely mass openings in our country will be soon so thank you Mageson for bringing this once again to highlight. What this means is as we were advised, as people are able to, they need to stock up. Food supplies are at real danger of running dry.
Have anyone noticed the flooding of rainbows all over the place in connection to the coronavirus situation? I've noticed this A LOT on TV here where I live and I thought it was a weird thing to use in such a "crisis". But I thought it was limited to this country. But it turns out it's not...

Today I saw a video that was supposedly taken in a covid medical tent in the USA, where the curtains were entirely... raimbow coloured. And I thought it was super weird to use such colours in intensive care tents.

So I searched it up online and it turns out it's pretty much everywhere. It's being used in lots of different countries, with messages in different languages.

Anyone else seeing links between this and the Nohadine laws? I'll leave some pics bellow. There are thousands more online (just seach "coronavirus rainbow" using a browser):





you guys should have a look at bill gates' instagram page. people really know his intentions are beyond fucked up, the comments are wild.

Eric13 said:
Stormblood said:
The same WHO who urges everyone to wear masks at all times when outdoors and keep the lockdowns in Europe? I doubt that it's true that he's been getting those pressure.
Absolute he’s been getting those pressures. He’s personally talked about it outright on the briefings. I’ve watched them daily. The WHO is a jew Organization. Mageson just said that in his post. So why would you doubt that? They had a plan for many more people to die than have so far. This is proven with Event 201 which the WHO were apart of. Trump ignored their advice thankfully and placed travel bans. As well, has placed holds on funding for the WHO. They’re corrupt and he sees that. He said directly the WHO actually does nothing they promise.

Advising to wear masks is nothing. Anybody would advise that now.

Later this week he has plans for a press conference to talk more detailed on the situation with the WHO. He’s expressed great distaste with them. That should be interesting.

There's no doubt the WHO is a jewish org. The problem is they give 99% BS advice and mask is one of them. Everyone would advise them because they absolutely have no knowledge of infectious diseases, cbrn, health and so on. In particular, this is being advised by ((((them)))) because they want to create a fake sense of security. Same thing with the lockdown. Some things may seem logical but they aren't logical at all when one looks at ALL the dynamics with an open mind. The thing with the lockdown and masks is all subliminal: "do what we say and you'll be safe. Go against it and you'll be punished". If you don't get the virus they created, you get outrageously pricey fines and, in some cases, jail time. The usual "be a good xtard or you'll go to hell" meme, applied to the physical level.
ThomaSsS said:
Have anyone noticed the flooding of rainbows all over the place in connection to the coronavirus situation? I've noticed this A LOT on TV here where I live and I thought it was a weird thing to use in such a "crisis". But I thought it was limited to this country. But it turns out it's not...

Today I saw a video that was supposedly taken in a covid medical tent in the USA, where the curtains were entirely... raimbow coloured. And I thought it was super weird to use such colours in intensive care tents.

So I searched it up online and it turns out it's pretty much everywhere. It's being used in lots of different countries, with messages in different languages.

Anyone else seeing links between this and the Nohadine laws? I'll leave some pics bellow. There are thousands more online (just seach "coronavirus rainbow" using a browser):






"After the rain shines the sun" - Dutch saying
"On the end of the rainbow youll find a pot of gold" - Irish tale as far as I know. I just had to think of those quotes.
The Alchemist7 said:
Hopefully this trap won't work. In UK people are already burning 5G antennas

I never read that they were putting 5G up but theyre burning these antennas in Brabant too (part of NL).





Feels Nostalgic this day has finally come. We're at the precipice of the paradigm shift where humanity will eventually have to face The Jewish Question and make their mind up about the Final Solution. There is no other choice. The collapse of the ZOG of US will precipitate a power vaccum. The collapse of the US dollar as the worlds reserve currency ,and the taking away of freedom of people will mass wake up people and most possibly martial law will be declared. This is no more a covert operation, they are blatantly trying to manifest their zion plan now. Since the US economy has been completely closed, there is simply no going back now. If they stop their plan their plan collapses. As the article of HPMageson says, all of this is going to happen. What humanity's future depends upon is the consciousness transformation of the spirit of peoples that will make them resist the ZOG. If a lot of people start revolting internally the ZOG might try to self suicide (taking the planet with them) by starting a world war. All the plans of jews will obviously fail, but not before doing massive damage, which is required to take out the dross of this planet. Now i understand why we Satanists and old souls were reincarnated in this day and age. We are to influence the spiritual and witness the end of an aeon and the birth of a new one. A transformation of humanity.

America should have shut down things way sooner, couldn't have hurt us could it? So that way we could have opened up sooner. Trump gave a speech today about getting shit for shutting down when he did. He was saying he couldn't have shut down sooner because there were no cases. And when he did shut down, the media attacked him for it. If it were me, I'd say no one is allowed to visit the United States ever, period. But who the hell am I.... I don't even want people from the USA visiting my own state. Build the wall.....
Man this stupid virus is worse than a third world war. It is subtle and insidious. Good luck dealing with that.

Thanks to people like Brian Rose and David Icke (who obviously IS NOT 100% aware that the JEW is behind ALL of this), did a great job nonetheless getting the message out there.

We are reaching the climax, as the days turn by, closer and closer.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I never read that they were putting 5G up but theyre burning these antennas in Brabant too (part of NL).
I saw in the news that in UK some 20 antennas were burned and of course I saw everywhere that all is a "conspiracy theory", typical. If is happening in NL as well, is great, hopefully it will go global
I don't know how far they are going to get with the agenda. So I don't know if all of this is going to happen, however they are trying. I believe something they have done has backfired on them and they are speeding up their own demise with this.

Jack said:
As the article of HPMageson says, all of this is going to happen.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
"After the rain shines the sun" - Dutch saying
"On the end of the rainbow youll find a pot of gold" - Irish tale as far as I know. I just had to think of those quotes.
How very enlighting, lol.

There are other sayings that convey the same message, such as, "It's always darkest before the dawn." Yet no one sees sunrises as a message of hope, displayed just about everywhere.

Many of these rainbows come with messages such as "Together as a world", "We are in this world together" and so on. Simultaneously the joooos are shitting themselves over pushing for the NWO agenda on all fronts. And all you see in it is just an innocent attempt at making others feel hopeful via the enemy Noahide simbol of the rainbow? You must be either deluded or dangerously naive...
ThomaSsS said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
"After the rain shines the sun" - Dutch saying
"On the end of the rainbow youll find a pot of gold" - Irish tale as far as I know. I just had to think of those quotes.
How very enlighting, lol.

There are other sayings that convey the same message, such as, "It's always darkest before the dawn." Yet no one sees sunrises as a message of hope, displayed just about everywhere.

Many of these rainbows come with messages such as "Together as a world", "We are in this world together" and so on. Simultaneously the joooos are shitting themselves over pushing for the NWO agenda on all fronts. And all you see in it is just an innocent attempt at making others feel hopeful via the enemy Noahide simbol of the rainbow? You must be either deluded or dangerously naive...

Obviously. Spamming something everywhere. Someone is going to wonder 'wtf is up with that?'.
ThomaSsS said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
"After the rain shines the sun" - Dutch saying
"On the end of the rainbow youll find a pot of gold" - Irish tale as far as I know. I just had to think of those quotes.
How very enlighting, lol.

There are other sayings that convey the same message, such as, "It's always darkest before the dawn." Yet no one sees sunrises as a message of hope, displayed just about everywhere.

Many of these rainbows come with messages such as "Together as a world", "We are in this world together" and so on. Simultaneously the joooos are shitting themselves over pushing for the NWO agenda on all fronts. And all you see in it is just an innocent attempt at making others feel hopeful via the enemy Noahide simbol of the rainbow? You must be either deluded or dangerously naive...

Yes I know what you saying ,brother, i've got the same ''we are one'' shit vibe from all that...those are people getting high on the jewtrix,and since it is at it's most dire, I bet the joo is pumping more spiritual filth than ever in those poor bastards brains. If you ever get the occasion you can see just how some pleople are connected to that stuff by looking at their eyes, their pupils are literally dilated most of the time.
Even Marat Safin russian former nr.1 ATP knows what's going on


“I think the microchips will no longer be in the phones, but in implants through vaccines. Everything is on the internet, I am not saying anything new,” he said in an interview on the Russian website Sports.ru through Instagram. “It is a prepared situation,” he added.

Thus, he considered that the final objective is “the implantation of chips.” “Everything was prepared. In 2015, Bill Gates said that we would have an epidemic, then a pandemic, that our next enemy was a virus, not a nuclear war. Then they carried out a simulation in the Davos Forum two weeks before the virus was known to the world. They showed how all this would go. I don’t think Bill Gates is a fortune teller, he just knew it, and everyone was getting ready, “he said.

Also, “unlikely” to avoid it. “You will not be able to fly anywhere, you will not get a visa, you cannot insure yourself. They will be able to block money. By the way, in New York the cash has already been canceled, in stores you can only pay with a card. There will be virtual money, “he concluded.

It's all in the open now, no way to hide it for the pesky parasites

The thing is with the bullshit quarantine laws everyone is affected poor and rich alike. So far there was this idea that if you had money you would be ok. But now everything you had could vanish in an instant: business, health, family no matter who you are or where you are.

And even these laws are plain stupid in my country they give huge fines for trespassing them. Like fine the elders five times their pensions for not going out between their assigned two hours interval. I mean if you are an old person it's not like you can run and get the things you need like food and drugs in a couple of hours. But no, if grandma is caught she is treated like a criminal :lol:

Basically what all of us see and understand is that the government(full of stupid people btw) can fuck you up as it pleases. And it does. Muh democracy

Also people who are sick can not get treatment nor surgeries(unless critical) because all hospitals are closed and treat only covid patients. So if you have cancer it's like hey you're a healthy one go home, don't you know cancer is not popular anymore

And who will pay for these decisions that cause people to literally die? No one.

Can you gather and protest? Nope.

But hey you can punish these filthy politicians next time when you vote. They are sooo afraid you will not give them your vote. What a load of crap...

The situation is not even critical anymore or scary, it just borders on insanity and stupidity.
Immortal said:
And even these laws are plain stupid in my country they give huge fines for trespassing them. Like fine the elders five times their pensions for not going out between their assigned two hours interval.

Lol wut?!?!

Wait they give FINES for NOT going out now? are you sure you typed that up correctly. Do you mean if they spend over two hours they get fined. How the fuck can a country fine people for not wanting to go out. That is retarded, do the right thing get fined, do the wrong thing get fined.

It's like your damned if you do, damned if you don't. WTF is up with your country and the bolsheviks that run it.

Immortal said:
...Billy Gates...

Let me tell you something about B.G.. I highly, highly doubt it's just a (((cohencidence))). I believe that Gates has assess to people who inform him of what the tribe does at a spiritual level. Remember the hierarchy rabbi, high rabbi, zadok, prophet. The amount of jews that converse with their fellow reptillian/grey anti-gods is enough to shift the world. Seeing into the future a possible future but non the less a possible future is bad enough. With that said non-the less just because they see into the future isn't as good as the Gods. Like the rabbis have said "Satan and the Demons are millions of times more powerful than their grey, reptillian, thoughtform; anti-gods." HP.Cobra has mentioned before the enemy "sees" into a future whereby they "THINK" that is how it is or their anti-gods lie to them. The future occurs and boom "WTF" it never happened or they think the "hava nagila" is good and boom bad shit hits the tribe and all of them are going "WTF" just like the greys when people mention the "lag time" in communication. They too experience a "lag time" of WTF happened to our future.

I think Bill Gates is receiving very peculiar information, short sighted. But non the less enough to induce a panic. Most people are normies and most people unfortunately do have a penchant for falling into "intelligence less than an animal".

So non-the less this isn't some coincidence. It's a targeted event to create future events. It's a simulation of probable and possible simulations. It's a test to test out tests of future tests on humanity.

Billy Gates says the future much like military people have stated is a viral war not war or nuclear war. What did military personnel said the future wars are "water wars". In other words here we have bolshevik cucks telling us that they are too lazy to fix the problem. Just band-aid like always "duct tape to the rescue". Or like the old statement of Alka-Seltzer "Alka-seltzer to the rescue".

If Gate is so assured of his viral war and his shekel activities. Why not actually do something instead of creating more problems.

Unfortunately we have a little jewish problem called "tribal warfare" and with jews you lose.

In the end it's cuck for the tribe and cuck the World to create further cucking to generate more cucks. Cuck or be cucked.

In the end as the old saying goes "it's the same old jewish swindle".
Gear88 said:
Immortal said:
And even these laws are plain stupid in my country they give huge fines for trespassing them. Like fine the elders five times their pensions for not going out between their assigned two hours interval.

Lol wut?!?!

Wait they give FINES for NOT going out now? are you sure you typed that up correctly. Do you mean if they spend over two hours they get fined. How the fuck can a country fine people for not wanting to go out. That is retarded, do the right thing get fined, do the wrong thing get fined.

It's like your damned if you do, damned if you don't. WTF is up with your country and the bolsheviks that run it.

Sorry if this came out a bit wrong and it was not that clear. They are allowed, but only two hours per day.

Those over 65 have an assigned interval between 11-13 when they are allowed to go out. If you go over this interval then bang you are fined.

But the idea is that only a couple of hours may not be enough if you are an old person and you move slowly.
If you have to do some shopping and buy some medicine and you are not very close to those places you have to use public transportation. The time to get to the station, then wait for the bus, then go to the store then the bags are heavy on your way back. Plus think to the stress it adds to you like you have to buy quickly because you are in a rush. And if you have a small pension you must go to the places where the products are cheap and look carefully at the prices. Also think most of these people are already sick so they may move even slower than a normal person does. I know many times when I was asked by grandmas to read to them the prices because they could not see due to their poor eyesight.

The government has literally thrown those people into panic mode.A country should treat its elders with respect and not impose stupid rules over them.
Did you also see this https://www.vaticannews.va/en/world...ef-says-elderly-face-lockdown-until-2021.html

She stressed that the measures are necessary to protect them and other vulnerable people against the new coronavirus, COVID-19. "I know it's difficult and that isolation is a burden," Von der Leyen was quoted as saying. But, in her words, "it is a question of life or death."

She added: "We have to remain disciplined and patient."

Until 2021 that's over half a year!!!

Poor vulnerable people, it's for your own good goyim
This time they practice with the elders, next time everybody stays in lockdown....forever

Lockdown = Prison

The audacity of this bitch and her kike masters is unbelievable :evil: :evil: :evil:
LovingSoul said:
Can you just fuck off? If you do not like what we say then just go away from here, keep saying that we are really bad and evil and fuck off. What HP Mageson said makes sense and it's logical, the even that he talks about did happen and Bill Gates and her daughter are JEWISH, you have to literally be blind to not see the connections with jews.
LovingSoul said:
That's an idea that those who don't take the time to sit down and study information at their disposal like saying, deluded people too.
LovingSoul said:

And not everything is about your mental illness and your rape fantasies.
Infact, nothing here is or will ever be about that.

So stop throwing a tantrum because people wouldn't entertain your childish thinking process.

I don't think people like you will ever amount to anything in their life or in any few next lives they might have (and I'm being optimistic by assuming a weakling like you would live another life).
Retards like you hang around the forum for a couple of days, write the dumbest shit anyone could come up with, - so dumb that even my literal shit possesses more intelligence - and then disappear to never be seen or heard of again. And you expect others to take you seriously? no one has time to deal with your inability to think for yourself.

If you're serious about getting help, then you should take what people tell you with a grain of salt, and if you receive criticism you should just suck it up instead of throwing a tantrum, especially when what you write is so retarded even you yourself feel the need to include in your post that you think you might be schizophrenic. No one here is excluded from criticism, especially not people like you.

Now either you start reading, listening and improving your life or you go back to living in delusion.
HP Mageson666 said:
Covid Pandemic Is The Emergence Of The Jewish World Order

In October of 2019 the Event 201 was run which was a simulation of a global coronavirus pandemic and the actions for such. This Event 201 was run by Bill Gates and other groups such as the World Health Organization. Bill Gates is the largest funder of the WHO the WHO [World Health Organization] was founded by the Jewish, Rockefeller Foundation. Bill Gates from reports on his own family ancestry is a cousin of the Rockefeller family. Bill Gates own father ran an important organization also run by the Rockefeller Foundation. The racial Jews keep their empires in the family. The Rockefellers are also mixed with the Rothschild's family. Which is the top level of the global Jewish cult.

If one watches the video from Event 201 that is in public domain the exercise directors stated that martial law and the shutting down of the internet to prevent freedom of press and information will be employed to combat the pandemic. Then all of a sudden the pandemic from a virus bioengineered in a lab, appears globally in our world right after Event 201. And the Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation and the WHO appear and are advising the governments of the world including America on how to handle the pandemic and its the exact blueprint of Event 201.

Now they are attempting to impose martial law under the pandemic and economic and financial collapse which the shutting down of the economy. All of this while 5G is being put up at lighting speed everywhere.

The goals are putting new laws and restrictions into society that allow greater global controls while centralising global economic control in the hands of the Jewish run world banks and corporations. Who are working to create a global one world, digital currency and economic grid. The goal is by running the nations economic systems into the ground they become dependent on global ones and the same with currencies. And the Jewish elites are in control of those.

5G which is being forced undemocratically on America by Federal Law and other nations. This despite 237 and now more EMF scientists for 41 nations lobbied the UN against 5G for its harmful effects on human beings.

The goal of 5G and the reason the Jewish owned telecom corporations and putting this 5G grid down with government force behind them is simple. The Jewish elites need 5G to build the global control grid. The "smart" technology requires 5G. The internet of all things which is required for the brain microchips companies liked Neurolink are developing needs 5G. The internet of all things and thus 5G is the connection for the coming brain chip. To have a global digital currency and surveillance grid 5G and the internet of all things are required.

In Toronto, Canada the parent company of Google that of Alphabet has planned a smart city in which the identical Orwellian system of Social Credit was to be installed. Alphabet is a global tech company run by Jewish owners, Larry Page and Sergey Brin . This brings us to Jew, Ray Kurzweil the Google executive who has stated that by 2030 all humans will be linked into the AI grid. This is the smart grid the Jewish elites are working to bring online. How does a Jewish, Silicon Valley executive know such. Silicon Valley is run by Unit 8200 the tech wing of the Israel military.

Bill Gates in an interview with Chris Anderson, openly stated that people will have to have a certificate of vaccination for Covid-19 before being allowed to travel or have any social existence. This is also stated in the news to be a "quantum tattoo" which can be digitally scanned and requires some microchip. In which at some point all your information will be downloaded into thanks to 5G and the global smart grid.

The journalist Whitney Webb stated that Israel admitted it was working with the coronavirus and technologies and that is why Israel claimed to have the vaccine for such. This is why its believed by many the Covid-19 is originally from a lab in the Israel military. The entire global smart grid is also designed as Webb has shown to be run out of Israel, the JEWISH STATE.
So HP what do you think is going to happen next?
I dont have all the JOS files stored anywhere :(
I did save them on my cloud but forgot the password to it :p
This however is, the Jewish global elites are attempting a coup against Gentile humanity and following the Jewish races religion commands in doing such. This is because Jews have a psychopathic, alien soul.

LovingSoul said:
LovingSoul said:
Said the Rabbi to the goyim
LovingSoul said:

When the orthodox jew prays with teflon on HIS(since women can't pray with orthodox men) arms and cube on his head do you not believe they know the power they have.

Or is just an old an old carry over like circumcising male babies and sucking their dick?
LovingSoul said:
have you even read the forums and JOS website?

you can basically pinpoint all of the problems on the jews because they are what ruined the prosperous golden age of humanity. when they are no longer on this earth then we can focus on the better things in life, like finishing the workings of the soul to godhead and advancing the human race and planet.
Usthepeople666 said:
So HP what do you think is going to happen next?
I dont have all the JOS files stored anywhere :(
I did save them on my cloud but forgot the password to it :p

Just in case I have saved some essential pages on my computer. I advice you to do the same. Cloud is not yours. You rely on internet connection and the space is administered by someone else anyhow so in the end you do not have control over those files.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
